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/lit/ - Literature

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1972160 No.1972160 [Reply] [Original]

JD Salinger
Orson Scott Card
Isaac Asimov
Margaret Atwood
Richard Yates
Jonathan Franzen
David Foster Wallace
Mario Vargas Llosa
Roberto Bolano
Haruki Makumari
Kazuo Ishirugo
Isabel Allende

All good and great authors. I don't know how to feel about this, though. I OFTEN feel I read the same people too much, but I get nervous when reading new novelists. Many of them I don't like, and never read again.

Who comprises your main core of reading? Or do you prefer to read lots of different writers?What do you think of my own core?

>> No.1972165

I'm on a Murakami-spree right now. I tend to read one or two authors at a time, finish their work, then move on to whoever interests me next.

>> No.1972169

Stephanie Meyer, 100%.

>> No.1972176


I have come to the end of my Murakami reading, since I've finished all his English books. :( Thankfully though, 1Q84 will be out in October, and they'll be another book in a couple of years.

>> No.1972188

>his English books

>> No.1972194

Always wondered how bad your taste in literature really was, thanks for putting it in one thread for me.

Hopefully this will be your last thread as well.

>> No.1972201


You hate every single one of the 12 writers, Anonymous? Haters gonna hate. You didn't even follow up with justification for it.

>> No.1972206


try harry crews

>> No.1972217

>JD Salinger
>Haruki Makumari
>no Faulkner
Confirmed for shit taste.

>> No.1972221

>Who comprises your main core of reading?

Old dead russians, the occassional dead german, beats, bet and friends, pynchon, dfw, been meaning to get some more pomo, but there's still a lot of dead people waiting to be read.

>What do you think of my own core?

It's ok, except for Atwood, Asimov and Card. I don't like sci-fi. Or Atwood. And Zorro is fucking shit. If you get "nervous" when reading some new novelist go take some fucking xanax.

>> No.1972222


>Haruki Makumari

Confirmed for illiterate faggot.

>> No.1972227

I like to read at least one book (usually the most praised one) from as many authors as I can.

>> No.1972228


quads... how about some hemingway?

>> No.1972249


Haha. Sunhawk is such an inept poser.

>> No.1972260

that's some shit taste there op. one of the worst lists I've seen on here

>> No.1972293

>JD Salinger
>Orson Scott Card
>David Foster Wallace
>Kazuo Ishirugo
>Good authors

>> No.1972297

Obligatory thread all about Sunhawk?

Obligatory thread all about Sunhawk.

>> No.1972298


You forgot Allende and Muracummy on that list.

>> No.1972299

Thomas Pynchon
Cormac McCarthy
Philip K. Dick
Franz Kafka
James Joyce
Robert Anton Wilson


>> No.1972318

This. Allende is awful. I cringed.

>> No.1972463

I read a lot of different writers. Out of what I've read so far this year, the most I've read by any one author was three books, and that was only for three authors - Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kenji Miyazawa, and Muriel Spark. Though I think I'm going to be reading a good deal more Robert Walser, Mikhail Bulgakov, and Bohumil Hrabal soon, so. I'd say I still spread out my reading a lot.

>> No.1972494

>JD Salinger
Good author.
>Orson Scott Card
Shitty pedophile kids books, not literature really.
>Isaac Asimov
Meh, not a sci-fi lovers, but when I do, I don't read him. Also, barely literature.
>Margaret Atwood
Mediocre writer who happens to be a woman.
>Richard Yates
Not a bad author to read, but so many others who are so much better.
>Jonathan Franzen
Oh dear. This isn't good.
>David Foster Wallace
Meh. No reason to read him.
>Mario Vargas Llosa
Okay, I guess so.
>Roberto Bolano
Not worth reading.
>Haruki Makumari
>Kazuo Ishirugo
Pretty unremarkable writer.
>Isabel Allende
Not worth reading at all.

All good or great authors? The only one who could even be considered great is Salinger. Also, you only reading shit written in the last 60 years. Pretty sad reading Sunhawk. You also manage to not read the best authors of the last 60 years, no surprise though. I forgot though DFW > Pynchon.. right Sunhawk? You are ridiculous, I suspect you are a troll even.

>> No.1972503

These posts make me wanna live again

>> No.1972504

This list of authors only makes sense when you know that OP is a haughty, gay, white male in his 20's.

>> No.1972509

I used to watch movies this way. Don't worry, you'll grow out of it someday.

However I now have a set of subjects I read

>> No.1972540

Robert Penn Warren
Mark Twain
...oh god theyre all Southern

>> No.1972552

You need to get over your fear of new authors. Or stop posting here, either way's good.

>> No.1972557

sunhawk i grant you permission to keep drilling into the minor works of all your faves so long as you produce dfw/franzen slash fic or femdom fanfic of allende digging up bolano's corpse and pegging it until it falls apart as revenge on him for being the us american literary elite boys club's trendy favorite chilean writer

>> No.1972559

If you like Vargas Llosa and Allende, have you tried Gabriel García Márquez? The former thought so highly of One Hundred Years of Solitude he wrote an entire thesis on it; the latter's 'House of the Spirits' is pretty much a feminocentric rewriting of it.

And if you've tried García Márquez and don't like him but do like Allende, not even your appreciation of Bolaño redeems you in my eyes.

>> No.1972569


THis thread sux, only one picture

>> No.1972579

Sunhawk has the literary taste of an insufferable, immature 39-year-old American single white guy who's trying to impress an intelligent 22-year-old Latina but if memory serves he's a schmucky Englishman in his late twenties. Someone write a novel about him!

>> No.1972597

Check out Tennessee Williams, Flannery O'Connor, Katherine Anne Porter, Thomas Wolfe..