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/lit/ - Literature

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19721215 No.19721215[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19721219

Neither, just a fact of life. Sad people aren't necessarily intelligent, but intelligent people are nearly always sad.

>> No.19721231

"midwit" isn't a real word and brain size has no link to intelligence

>> No.19721279

Knowledge is power
But ignorance is bliss

>> No.19721335

midwit cope. wisdom =/= knowledge

>> No.19721347

It's true
What it leaves out is that you can break through the sorrow and negativity with effort. It is not easy. This is why so many who get into philosophy get depressed and hung up on nihilism - they are either afraid or ignorant of what lies ahead.
Knowledge is power
With great power comes great responsibility

>> No.19721399

Assassins Creed 1 was the only good one in terms of exploring interesting themes

>> No.19721408

Most midwit post in this thread.

>> No.19721430

The verse does not collapse the distinction, brainlet.

>> No.19721449
File: 389 KB, 1258x1600, G.K.-Chesterton-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental retard take, and quite honestly the very description of midwit, that being only marginally above average in intelligence, not intelligent enough to get a decent grasp of reality and not fall prey to some schizo philosophies created by neurotic paranoiacs and manic depressives. Anyone with an objective, Aristotelian metaphysical perception of reality understands that the facts of life just are, some positive and some negative in relation to your emotional responses, but neither category greatly out-numbering the other if not for easily identifiable underlying issues. Any perception of reality as being "muh suffering" and intelligence as being "muh curse" are just midwit takes on the perception of the world, clouded by emotionality and incapable of a simple objective view of things.

Picrel, Pynchon, Vonnegut, Mark Twain, CS Lewis, Tolkien, William Blake, Yeats, John Milton, Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, Ezra Pound, Robert Frost, Joseph Heller, Oscar Wilde, James Joyce all had a lust for life and true joie de vivre to spare, and despite your own particular tastes and disagreements, are all considered legendary masters of literature.

>> No.19721466


>> No.19721469

Damn this bait thread is really attracting the dumbest anons. Truly like a moth to a flame.

>> No.19721477

Seethe anon, your unhappiness is not representative of intelligence, but of the small penis god saw fit to give you.

>> No.19721480

>didn't name Kierkegaard
The fuck?

>> No.19721481

B-but anon the greeks said a small penis gives you higher intelligence

>> No.19721482

I have neither knowledge nor wisdom and am still miserable.

>> No.19721484

Pretty sure the rest of Ecclesiastes addresses this?

>> No.19721492

We haven't read it. We're reacting to the picture and calling each other midwits.

>> No.19721500

The last chapter looks so out of place, and for some reason refers the Ecclesiastes as if the writer isn't him anymore. The chapter before it says all lessons or knowledge you learned are pointless, but then the last chapter says that knowledge is pointless unless it's knowledge about God, like summarizing the whole book and putting the guy's own interpretation of the previous writer (the Ecclesiastes).

>> No.19721513
File: 174 KB, 640x424, eminently.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now aware that the quote in OP is from the Bible (Book of Qohelet; attributed to King Solomon, the wise one) and that every single one of the people you list were aware of it and probably agreed to it. Talk about a self-own.

>> No.19721532

I think he's baiting or maybe that poster is (You).

>> No.19721544

Existential dread is not caused by intelligence but by cowardice. Your supposed understanding of the world doesn't make you miserable, your lack of character does.

>> No.19721894

of course not, the distinction remains but then why does the verse not use the same word twice, instead it uses two different words as if they were interchangeable, as if they meant the same. cheap pilpul from desert religions, as would be expected