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File: 63 KB, 630x1200, MV5BN2UwOTdiMDgtYTZkYi00MjQ1LTkyODctMzk1Mjk4NTFhNGFhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_UY1200_CR146,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19718126 No.19718126 [Reply] [Original]

Marx has likened the Hindu weaver to a spider, and this comparison expresses his scorn for manual labor, just as he attributed a certain dullness and stupidity to the life of the peasants whose work, at the time, was predominantly done by hand. But is the factory weaver any less a spider? Judged by its basic assumptions, Marxism is a modified Spinozism, and it suffers from the errors of Spinoza's system. The notion that manual labor is monotonous and that this so-called tedious monotony is eliminated by technical progress – this notion is false. The opposite is true. Nor does the heavy, dirty work that man has to do grow less, for there is no decrease in the number of rubbish piles and sewers in the world. Manual labor does not at all decrease with the advance of the machine; rather it increases and, so far as it is in the service of the machine, it changes in its nature.

>> No.19718642


Tell me you haven't read Capital without telling me you haven't read Capital.

>> No.19718666

>Marxism is a modified Spinozism
Please elaborate

>> No.19718701

This is literally what Marx argued himself, have you even read any of his works or did you just find a quote of him online and decided to make this post?

>> No.19718958
File: 66 KB, 600x800, signal-2022-01-04-10-17-29-000 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marxism is a modified Spinozism, and it suffers from the errors of Spinoza's system

>> No.19719123

Marx's theory of surplus value is a discovery of genuine scientific importance. His enduring value lies in his abilities as a scientist of the capitalist system. But for that you actually need to read him and engage with his ideas, as you would a Darwin. Psychologically and anthropologically there is no denying that class conflict is a massive and determining factor in capitalist society.

>> No.19719297

don care, I see uncle Ted, I click on the thread. simple as.

>> No.19719414

HAHAHA this fucking nigger commented on spinoza? I hate this retarded pseud even more now. Only intelligent thing here is his correct assertion that marxism and spinozism are closely linked.

>> No.19719419

rhetorical logos is brain rot do math

>> No.19719423

>>Marx's theory of surplus value is a discovery of genuine scientific importance.
ask me how I know you're still in high school

>> No.19719426

don't fall for it it's literally just "(((marx))) and (((spinoza)))" bad

>> No.19719431

based. no economist has ever been able to adequately refute his analysis. they've all had to slither over to subjective theory of value to justify the same market analyses
let me guess. marx bad because soviet union?

>> No.19719500

Exactly, most of modern economics is an obfuscation, not refutation, of this basic principle.

>> No.19719547

tragic transparent samefag

>> No.19721156

This is objectively wrong. The smart bet at this stage is that Ted is pushed as an op to distract from and take the place of coherent, non retarded anti-capitalist ideas.

Marx doesn't think industrialisation reduces the amount of manual labour society performs under capitalism That is a big part of why he wants it to end.

It objectively does increase the yield of an equivalent amount of labour. That's the point of it. That's why it was adopted.

>> No.19722088
File: 21 KB, 400x359, AVT_Encyclopedie-des-nuisances_9608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a quote by Kaczynski, a quick google search shows that it's from "Juenger Friedrich Georg -The_Failure_of_Technology "

Kaczynski cannot be "pushed as an op" to distract from coherent anticapitalist ideas because 1. The destruction of industrial society is fundamentally deleterious to capital
2. it is in fact the latest, most coherent iteration of political materialism as vindicated by the *actual* radical & autonomous revolutionary forces in the world whose works converge towards anti-industrialism.
3. Marx is a genius, quite systematic and rigorous; yet, the latest developments in the realm of materialism have invalidated an important portion of his works. It is not a matter of whether or not you dislike Kaczynski, or any other radical materialist, but a matter of aligning one's self to the current developments of materialism.