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/lit/ - Literature

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19720628 No.19720628 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that you feel gave you a genuine advantage over others for having read it?

>> No.19720636

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

>> No.19720640

Book? No. Being an early sex-haver is what gave me the most significant advantage: even before turning 20 I already knew that women are dishonest whores.

>> No.19720643

Paul's Epistle to the Church in Ephesus

>> No.19720650

Yes, Anon's Annotated Posts (with a new introduction by Anon for the 5th ed.) by Anon

>> No.19720669
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>> No.19720677
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Love this one too

>> No.19720705
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This book improved my life immensely.

>> No.19720722

The prince.

>> No.19720795

my diary desu

>> No.19721109

Unironically "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie

>> No.19721160

Stirner by showing me how to enjoy life.

>> No.19721169

Unironically, the protocols of the elders of zion.

>> No.19721209

Nonviolent Communication. I don't use it all the time or anything (I did at the beginning) but it basically clarified how to hear people. All my 20 years of life I had been talking to people but never actually hearing them, or not remotely as clearly as I did after just briefly reading that book. It sounds dumb but it really did feel like wow how was I existing prior to this.

>> No.19721276


>> No.19721277

We're genuinely gonna have to kill you.

>> No.19721566

Cosmic Consciousness by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke

>> No.19722051

What's the gist of it?

>> No.19722702

The Will to Power

>> No.19722740

read the book.

>> No.19722756

New Testament and Imperium

>> No.19722761

not if you're not a pretentious fuckwit

>> No.19722779
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