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/lit/ - Literature

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19714164 No.19714164 [Reply] [Original]

>spend months/years slaving over a manuscript
>finally query agents who look like picrel
>1% chance they will ask for a full manuscript
>.01% chance they will shop the manuscript to publishers
>even if publishers accept, you're looking at a $5-10k advance
>publishers won't help you market your book, you pretty much have to do all the work yourself
>you get a tiny cut of royalties, assuming you're lucky enough to make any
>unless your book is a strong success, you're unlikely to sell subsequent books
>even if your book IS a success, unless it's wildly successful you will have to repeat your success every year or face getting the publisher's cold shoulder

Has traditional publishing ever been in worse shape? You can always go the indie route, but unless you spend thousands on advertising the algorithm will totally ignore you. You have to compete with stay-at-home moms slinging vanity projects with massive advertising budgets courtesy of their henpecked husbands' income.

>> No.19714230

>not ingratiating yourself with your local writing community

Your problem isn't that you are a white male, it is that you are a loner with zero connections to the industry you apparently want to excel in.

>> No.19714245

Oh, I almost forgot:

>spend years building up connections
>they have zero net influence on your long-term career at best and cancel you out of envy at worst

>> No.19714259

Sweet summer child...

>> No.19714576

The gatekeeping would he acceptable if they actually marketed the book.

>> No.19714592
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this is why i gave up on writing and became a gamedev. i can write whatever the hell i want and i have a guaranteed large readerbase that isn't gatekept by blue-hairs. plus, the games are the future of media and they need to be brought to a higher literary standard.

>> No.19714676

This is true, but it's a matter of time before bluehairs find a way to gatekeep game development. There are a lot of bluehairs, man. A lot of them.

>> No.19714718

Uh, Gamergate? Where were you in 2014?

>> No.19714728

Bluehairs control big studios, sure, but they still don't have much control over indie game publishing. You can make decent money off a good indie game containing little to no bluehair bait.

>> No.19714791

1) Outrun them
2) Figure out how to put them in a box

>> No.19715254

>even if publishers accept, you're looking at a $5-10k advance
this is a realistic scenario. an average positive outcome. it's hardly worth the trouble.

>> No.19715269

There's a great blog showing that self-pubbed novels literally average out to a higher dollar per hour of time invested than tradpubbed novels today. The only read to tradpub is cred (worthless outside of literary circles, as normies don't even know the difference between top-tier and bottom-tier publishers) and the 1-in-100000 shot of a breakout hit. The entire publishing industry is literally a con.

>> No.19715270

only reason*

>> No.19715308

I worked in the self-publishing business for years and saw a lot of people have great experiences. You will be surprised how much maintaining autonomy and control over your work leads to a sense of fulfillment regardless of whatever attention it does or doesn’t get. People with unrealistic traditional publishing goals who wanted to query agents almost always ended up disappointed

If you really want to traditionally publish, the best ways are to either 1. Get public attention some other way (a popular Twitter account, a public speaking schedule, etc) or 2. Join the industry yourself (the Columbia and NYU publishing courses are both good inroads and if it doesn’t pan out you’re only out like 5 grand or something)

Getting an MFA can also be a decent option as long as you don’t go into debt, almost no one reads the books outside the MFA community but you can join a self sufficient little artistic world and everyone I’ve met in those spaces is super nice. Don’t go if you hate “bluehairs” though because they 100% run and dominate these spaces. Lots of great public ones in cool college towns across America where you can get funding (Madison, Gainesville). Don’t bother with the fancy ones like Columbia and Brown, it is nearly impossible to get in and even if you do you’re just spending $100k on a degree with very minimal financial prospects

If you’re not that serious and don’t want to take these steps, just self publish. Find people online whose writing you think is cool and ingratiate yourself. Hang out on writers boards. I guarantee you will have more fun and feel better about yourself as a writer than mass mailing out queries and synopses to agents on the first page of google who receive dozens of such queries per day

Listen to my truth, I am wise

>> No.19715336

The fact that you have to spam social media to even sell books these days shows that literature is well and truly dead as a cultural art form. If writers have to sink that low, it's as dead as dead gets. Like, pottery levels of dead.

>> No.19715352

That’s the business man, I guarantee Kim Kardashian can go get a massive advance tomorrow for any book she wants. The top selling books are always stuff like Michelle Obama, famous people who can sell books on their own name. Publishing is a business just like selling meat and eggs and these companies aren’t stupid

>> No.19715353

This. I'd rather remain a bitter unknown loser than debase myself with some sociopathic shilling and brown-nosing. Submitting to literary competitions (real name, no social media presence) is all I'm willing to do.

>> No.19715356

how do people like this make money?

>> No.19715379

Midlisters make most of their money teaching writing courses and selling self-pubbed how-to-write books on Amazon. I'm not joking. Everyone else (aside from star authors like GRRM etc, who are 0.1% of the industry) has to work a second job.

>> No.19715392

Social media sociopaths will assrape you anyway with trumped-up witch hunts as soon as you start to break out. Friends become bloodthirsty enemies when they find out there's a bidding war for your book. Your best bet is to keep your head down.

>> No.19715398


Unironically, your best bet is to start your career at a publishing house in your early twenties and build up enough connections to make it. Got an older relative who did that, and was publishing twenty years into her career with surprising success. Her books are shitty nostalgia-bait for elderly Londoners who were born in the 1950s.

>> No.19715410

>surprising sucess

Let's hear some numbers. People obsessed with tradpubhave a bonkers idea of what constitutes success in both publishing and life.

>> No.19715413


>> No.19715438

There are a lot of odd stories of now famous authors who used to sell from door to door, out of their car truck, in university circles, and advertise in cheap newspapers and other sketchy publications. A lot of giants self-pubbed or paid a whole edition to get their dust-collectors into bookshops. every generation has to shill and stoop lower than being a celeb writer who only leaves his house for the red carpet.

>> No.19715976

This sounds 100x more dignified than social media shilling.

>> No.19716231

>he thought op wanted solutions instead of just whining
Oh anon...

>> No.19716624

Walt Whitman paid for the first editions of Leaves of Grass to be printed. He wrote anonymous reviews lauding his work. Shilling is not the mark of a lesser writer, and in any era it was necessary to gain a modicum of attention. No work can exist in a vacuum, and truth be told, you need to put yourself out there a bit. I see many people (people who no doubt dream of being published one day) bemoan shilling and romanticize some ideal of the unknown, unpublished, and unread author, writing for writing's sake. And while this might be good for a little afternoon hobby, if you want your work to have any sort of impact on the world, people need to see it. It does not destroy dignity, nor is it thankless.

>> No.19716643

>>spend years building up connections

How are you going to do that when you have panic attack at the thought of going outside? The rest is defeatist fanfiction to justify never trying.

>> No.19716649

What kinds of books do you want to write anon? What are your goals? Ideally, what would success look like to you?

Traditional publishing is definitely rough right now, I agree.

>> No.19716793

This is how it's been for centuries anon.

>> No.19717030

>put heart and soul into writing
>get passed by dozens of agents
>look at what they actually do publish
>it's all bipoc and YA schlock
actually though it's all so tiresome

>> No.19717043

instead of being a nepotist she could have worked on her skills and wrote better books. we have a dearth of worthwhile books published, everyone wants to shit out a quick log and get asspats for how clever they are. there are no more virtuosos.
i hate blue haired agents as much as anyone but i dont think it would be impossible to get published, you just have to work four times as hard as anyone else. and the bar is pretty low, everyone in modernity is retarded and has ADHD. i think it is possible.

>> No.19718150

>Don’t go if you hate “bluehairs” though because they 100% run and dominate these spaces
How are they so powerful, bros? Is it the hair dye?

>> No.19718173

They are, unironically, 4chan's autistic female counterpart. Once you realize they're nothing but a bunch of oversocialized autists, you gain a great deal of power over them.

>> No.19718202
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Guys, go look at the Instagram of the author for "The Maid" and check out how much effort Penguin Books is putting into her as a first time author.

Here's the thing... if you are on 4Chan, you are already enough of an outcast that you will never be selected for mainstream publication. Unless you are EXTREMELY good at hiding your power level. To become mainstream is to serve something about globohomo that needs your voice. If you come from a place like this, chances are, you are not useful to the social engineers. Just look into the info leaking out about breadtube and the money behind them. So much of our culture is astroturfed for control over people's minds.

If you really want to be a writer, you have to be prepared for a very difficult battle. You are competing with huge companies with near unlimited funding and they have teams of marketers given priority on every platform.

If you want to make money, get into marketing a product or feeling that people seek out.

>> No.19718364

Sadly true. Even when globohomo doesn't make money, the people pushing this garbage have so much money to burn it doesn't matter. The major publishers could hemorrhage cash for decades and the parent companies will just redistribute wealth to them from their other enterprises. TPTB can literally dominate the media space for eternity just by maintaining monopoly control over all market bottlenecks.

>> No.19718464

Just writing globohomo isn't enough these days. If you're a dude, publishers are very wary of you. Women want women writers and women make up most of the modern readership. You can dab on them by being trans and writing about a trans woman killing cis women and harvesting their DNA (one of the most popular writers on Twitter did just this) but that's a poor substitute to being the next Fitzgerald.

>> No.19718607

We have to accept that we are outcasts and start by printing our own books and struggling to survive.

If you write and try and do the whole tradpub thing with a day job, you're never going to get tradpubbed. It simply cannot happen under the current cultural climate.

>> No.19718665

It's doable. There has been a very successful non-globo indie comics scene, but it's honestly a miracle they were able to pull it off. Bluehairs in major comics publishers would call retailers to dissuade them from stocking said indie scene's comics, so they had to rely on Patreon and word-of-mouth. Your margins of error are razor-thin if you step outside the globo ambit. A single Twitter suspension, or an algorithmic demotion on Amazon of sufficient magnitude, can detail your efforts overnight.

>> No.19719533

Who would have thought that childless menopause would destroy the publishing industry?

>> No.19719641
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We don't even support one of our own, Frank Gardner. Until /lit/ starts buying /lit/ books and really lifting each other up, the entire female-dominated tradpub industry will be the only thing people know. We have so much opportunity to enrich each other by buying each other's work and promoting it, but instead we hate on each other and complain that the globohomo uplifts books for childless catwomen.

/lit/ could be an underground writer's guild, we could be helping each other, sharing with each other methods to make more money, buying each others' work and giving it genuine critique, uplifting each other as fellow outcasts.

Unfortunately, I think most of us are programmed to subconsciously tear each other down. I, too, even have felt it. I really want to build a cheap quarterly book of short stories written by /lit/, something like a 300-400 page book where accepted submissions get a chapter each following a certain theme. I'm still fucked up and poor so I can't commit to anything, need to make some quick cash to get back in the saddle. Really think we could work together and make cultural waves if we just decided to.

>> No.19719653

>Unless you are EXTREMELY good at hiding your power level.
Yes, I am.
t. right wing extremist hiding in plain sight in one of the most liberal cities in the country

>> No.19719688

Yes, there's a lot of talent here. Could we crowdfund money to pay authors? Even a penny a word would be nice.

>> No.19719695

How does it feel knowing your work suffers because you're not honest in it?

>> No.19719799

My mom enjoys my writing and that's good enough for me f.a.m.

>> No.19719837

my work is low key nationalist. good work doesn't beat you in the face with ideology, it sneaks it in the backdoor and before you realize it the entire cathedral built around you is on an ideological foundation you couldn't previously conceive but now cannot part yourself from.

>> No.19719860

Fair enough. Straussianism is pretty kino.

>> No.19720151

I think a lot of people have similar thoughts, but until the meat and bones are laid out, it's all just daydreams.

I probably will buy a book or two from /lit/ authors for the novelty if nothing else, but I'm still reading what I bought months ago.

>> No.19720166

Theoretically you could put together a Patreon and the monthly reward would be that issue of the /lit/ anthology, but the bugaboo is who's going to handle the money and why are they being trusted with the money. This is the problem with being anonymous, it makes finances even more treacherous than they already are on the internet.

Perhaps someone with experience in crowdfunding will see this and weigh in.

>> No.19720334
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This is from art-adjacent writer Dean Kissick in SPIKE art mag recently. Referring to picrel.

>“We need more writers like you”, Dean says to me gregariously, after I say I’ve just moved here to study journalism at NYU. He tells me of the vibrant literary scene downtown, a crop of alt-lit descendants fond of Twitter and critical theory who have largely eluded the Ivy League bobbleheads uptown, who think of social media as a baby tiger best left alone. There are few success stories: Honor Levy landed a short story in the New Yorker; Sean Thor Conroe signed onto ICM and sold a novel to Little, Brown for a reported $200,000.
>A certain Sam Pink is pretty pissed about this. Says Sean ripped off his style, Dean tells me. “It’s been a good summer for literary controversy”, he adds. I heard a journalist at the Intercept recently say that all journalism is gossip journalism, which, from him, can span from secret documents about Russian cyberattacks to a blog post alleging that if somebody from the scene sells a $200,000 book deal, he can no longer call himself “indie”.

>> No.19720377

There are "indie" publishers such as Apocalypse Party, which get promoted by writers of note such as Dennis Cooper, and have a "stable" of writers who conform to a particular style and content but I think it is very much a networking situation.
Also Schism Press who pub'd Yaeger's novel Amygdalatropolis (which uses 4chan style threads as narrative format).
Likewise some online journals such as xraylitmag which are of a similar "existential woe" type storytelling.
The Ben Lerners, Tao Lins, Gabe Habashs break through and then have enormous pressure to keep following up or be marketed for their "indie" cred.
I used to work as an art curator and published in art mags and art museum mags and catalogues because of professional "expertise". I'm now no longer in that world, but the same applies for academics of different humanities for whatever is fashionable ("audio arts", certain types of philosophy: see Urbanomic publishers).
For aspiring anons it is very hard. As anon said, if you are on 4chan you are already an "outcast" (that is: autist: high power level).

>> No.19720406

That book looks horrible. I feel bad for Sam Pink, not only for being ripped off but for having to have his work associated with that ridiculous thing forever.

>> No.19720620

>bitch and fucking whine about minor, easily solvable issues
fuck you

>> No.19720657

I can smell your literary greenness friend. You have a tough climb ahead.

>> No.19720671


>> No.19721184

Undoubtedly. But there are harder and more unpleasant things in the world than getting published I imagine.

>> No.19721190

My nigga what is you doing, you're supposed to write low effort e-books and sell them on amazon after getting a certain fanbase from Youtube/Twitter/Whatever. Worthless ass retard. There are some retarded high school drop out druggie faggots making 6 figures selling some retarded e-book online about whatever and you're here being a nigger.

>> No.19721253

The fuck? Why would you put that kind of effort into garbage? If you're that much of a money-desperatr hack, just plagiarize/machine-translate books in other languages.

>> No.19721281

They do that too, partially. It's like 20% their own weird retarded thoughts, 80% bullshit they stole from social media or other books. Yet they make just 10 times more than published authors who spend decades studying the classics. Cope and seethe faggot.

>> No.19721402

Just looked it up. Seems the typical mass-market quirky liberal type who is here and gone in under a year. I often wonder about these people: can they truly be happy? They don't seem like the type of people who suffer from self-loathing, disgust, even some kind of manageable mental illness, yet they are writing novels which are described as dark, complex etc. I wish writers weren't so personable; I can only think of maybe a small handful of contemporary novelists who aren't social media types who suck up to the liberal establishment and perform a fluoride grin in their frequently-posted photographs. I would much prefer to read things from alienated types, even if they are controversial or offputting in some sense. The tyranny of niceness has led to a culture of neighbour-pleasing superficiality and subsequently hollowed out literary expression.

>> No.19721417

>Unless you are EXTREMELY good at hiding your power level
Sociopathic chads win again.

>> No.19721440

I hadn't heard of this novel, but the whole background to it seems hilarious:

>"A couple of months later, a fiction writer and artist named Sam Pink published a blog post claiming Conroe had intentionally stolen his prose style, using it to gain entry into a prestigious writing program and then to secure a hefty advance for his book. As evidence, Pink provided a series of emails in which he said Conroe alternately thanked him for deeply influencing his work and apologized for what might feel like an adoption of his voice — attempts to secure an endorsement Pink says he rejected. “I can’t stress enough how conniving he is with his thinking and planning,” Pink wrote. “The man really is a weasel mastermind, in the art of snatching the crumb.” He accused Conroe’s publisher of “riding Gian’s ghost.” Conroe, who thanks Pink for “lighting the way” in Fuccboi’s acknowledgments, later tells me that Pink is a “cited influence” and that he had considered him a friend. (When I reached out to Pink to discuss these claims, he told me only to get a real job. Then he posted a screenshot of our email thread to his Instagram and Twitter.)"


>> No.19721472

Let’s take it one step further. The only reason a person is writing for others is that they want “cred”. The acclaim, the potential for awards, the knowledge that about fifty gatekeeping entities saw your product and determined each time that it was one of the greatest things they’d seen that year. Why else are any of us writing? If you write for fun then this entire discussion has no bearing for you. If you write for money then by god you’re too stupid to make it regardless. There are many better ways to churn out a meager secondary income. If you think you’re monetizing a talent by selling your writing realize that you probably have six areas you’re significantly less talented in that can turn a significantly greater dollar. Realize it’s likely that no path for publishing is going to result in you producing a sum of money you feel bothered to even withdraw. Why are you writing? What stirs you about this pursuit as opposed to manning a pressure wash on the weekends or going to wine and paint? If you haven’t concluded that you’re doing this because you see a genuine if delusional path to greatness, to immortality via accomplishment, then I’ll have to determine that you are the listless product of this standing water culture and go about my day. But if you are that person who is at this because they wish to be called great at something, then self publishing is never going to come close. You’ll make no money, just like maybe you’ll make no money tradpubbing. And on top of that not a soul will care, because hitting print on Amazon isn’t jerking any tears. It doesn’t inspire any awe. You’ve done something that earned nothing .
Self publishers ought to just upload their manuscript on Royal road, at least then someone might read it.
Those who settle for the absolute nadir of achievement in their field don’t deserve to breath the air of those who strive.

>> No.19721772

True genius cannot function under the restraints of social niceties of any given time.

>> No.19721809

You are living everything you just said on here. lit does help and show methods to being a better/more well rounded reader/writer. And anonymously published works have come out of here, even a few weird collaborative projects. And I would never want to change the criticism that comes from here, tear down everything until the best stands. And I have seen just that happen in these very threads. What I see everyone here alluding to is the allure of the truly great. That rare and piercing literature that stays within a person. But that is a very rare thing, regardless of the circumstance.

>> No.19722329

Think of how many great writers look at the market today and just think fuck it

>> No.19722400

How to make money in gamedev? Steam?

>> No.19722447

>You have to compete with stay-at-home moms slinging vanity projects with massive advertising budgets courtesy of their henpecked husbands' income.

you said it man, totally agree. this is what i hate about women in creative fields in general. they can on the whole afford to make literal period art, like dipping their "biography" in a bucket of their period blood and think nothing of making income because their middle manager husband crawls around on all fours funding her insipid egotistical ways.

>> No.19722454

>Download RPG maker
>Learn to make your own sprites
>Whip up a short JRPG where SJWs and Game Journalists are the bad guys
>Kotaku runs a piece about it
>The fat free speech Youtubers come to your defence
>People buy your game as a matter of principle

>> No.19722697

I want to make a /lit/ game
Basically just Borges or Pynchon in game form
Lots of big words and literary references
Who would buy it?
Lmao based

>> No.19723479
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Seems like an Ethereum process could be developed. But why? Just self publish maybe anons will but it maybe they won't. Are you just writing to be famous?

I only write for my children, grandchildren, maybe generations after. Maybe they will care. Maybe not. But why should I care about any more of the world?

>> No.19723504

>simps actually

>> No.19723968

It is a terrible business model. Wife is a great writer. Wrote her first book. Submitted to agents. Waited months to hear anything. Finally got a legitimate agent with a lot of sales to represent her. Agent submits to first round of publishers. Wait several months for rejections. Submit to more publishers. Wait several more months to get some "near miss" rejections and other stock rejections. Spend a couple months retooling book. Wait for agent to resubmit to publishers who asked to see it again. Inevitably they will reject it again. If someone ever does agree to publish it, then she'll get some tiny advance and wait a year or two for it to hit the shelves and not sell. Good thing she can freelance for real money.

>> No.19724012

god forbid you only had a few years to live or something.
how china can get out a physical product to production in mere months and it takes the west 10 years to print a text file i cant fathom.

if these are paid professionals, everyone in industry, let them earn their pay by doing their fucking job in a reasonable timeframe. if it took me months to do a task i'd be fired.

>> No.19724053

Beautifully stated.

>> No.19724069

Except the only people who've withstood the test of time are literally just those who did it for money. Melodramatic "hacks" like Dickens, Lovecraft, etc. No one cares about Bellow anymore, or Updike, or Mailer, whereas everyone still reads Isaac "I write at typing speed" Asimov. Moneychads always win.

>> No.19724090

It literally takes the U.S. longer to name a bridge today than it did to build one 50 years ago. The entire culture is sick and evil and needs rebirth.

>> No.19724093

That's just offensive. The audacity of publishers fucking astounds.

>> No.19724113

>Except the only people who've withstood the test of time
>Dickens, Lovecraft, etc
>barely 100 years

>> No.19724139

Dickens is well over a century, goof

>> No.19724141


>> No.19724149

Eh, this is a bad simplification. There are many bestsellers no one gives a shit about anyone, and many artists who people still read. It's not a rule that because you do it for money you'll be remembered.

>> No.19724181

To what do you refer? >>19723504

>> No.19724183

just take the self publishing pill and stop relying on dead ass publishers that suck cock anyway

>> No.19724239 [DELETED] 

Have you even read Lovecraft's letters ? He wrote what he wrote because no one else did appeal his sense of aesthetics.
He barely did for money, aside from his ghost writings and copy works (from the magician houdini and others).

>> No.19724328

this feel when

>> No.19724383

unless you are a polynesian lesbian, those big publishing names were never going to market you book anyway, even if they did publish you.
The greatest flaw of /lit/ is that people on here are too catty and all too bitter to realise that you need to create a healthy "scene" in order for people to become attracted to your books. People on here are anti-social towards their own kind and not these retards that it will never work until some change happens.

>> No.19724406

I like the idea of people with talent being able to make some money with that talent. The idea of a /lit/ publication getting funding tickles me.

>> No.19724433

/lit/'s publications are a move in that direction, but TPTB will do everything they can to prevent chan culture from becoming mainstream. This scene, should it grow, will be absolutely raped by big tech.

>> No.19724467

the problem is that a lot of the great posters on here left around 2016 when the entiriety of the place became submerged in bogus american politic shitposting.
I want people like the Eggplant authour etc to "make it", as do any other /lit/ fren, but the problem is either that; 4chan is too attached to constant barrages of negativty and autistic gangstalking to make anything good happen but there is no other place on the internet besides a couple of small pockets here and there that aren't completely pozzed out the ass.

>> No.19724728

Ideally you get se crypto bros that enjoy literature to financially support chan establishments, if you don't rely on kike money they can't do anything to you

>> No.19724743

this, there just isn't a patron associated near /lit/, no one like Peter Thiel or George Harrison who will fund some editions in these circles. I get the feeling that big publishers just browbeat with big money, there's just no "counter"

>> No.19724816

I doubt you're improving the literary landscape of games. Not a single game is well-written, and you aren't about to break the mold

>> No.19724836

this. vidya gaymes are for undeveloped manchildren to waste their lives away on.

>> No.19724880

You know there have to be a few /biz/illiinares with crossover to /lit/. Maybe one wants to invest their money in some ignored talent. Should setup a submission site and see what they get. Not like your 1/5 n i g g e r by word count is getting published anywhere else might as well submit it.

>> No.19724881

There are more creative and interesting stories in videogames than any movie or TV show today. They're a step below literature but not totally bereft of substance these days, as the medium and audience is slowly maturing.

>> No.19724918

Yes and blatantly no, there are half a dozen bleep bloop shitters with some soul in the writing, like Deus Ex,
however, the audience for gayming is without a doubt the most infantile of any across the board akin to morbid obesity and genuinely a lost cause. Also to your point, it's not a great achievement when TV shows today are barely literate.

>> No.19724927

I'd say you're being a little disingenuous to both videogames and television/film, but I'm not interested in debating about it. Anyone sufficiently interested can find works of quality and genuine vision in either medium. It's only stating the obvious to say that literature offers more in general, due to the sheer volume of material produced across time.

>> No.19724964

>There are more creative and interesting stories in videogames than any movie or TV show today.
that's like saying wendy's isn't as bad as mcdonalds.

>> No.19724965

I commissioned a beta reader on fiverr. One of my main characters was a badass action girl who saved the day, and the story featured several relationships where the women were smarter than the men. She still shit on me for writing sexist characters and wrote several annotations indicating what annoyed her as a female reader. You can't win with some people.

>> No.19724987

anon I want to believe you're right but beyond the point of the GFC in 07 most people just want you to "keep playing", "keep paying in", this goes for movies, games, even newspapers. It's a chronic condition of the ages, no one produces anything at the top that people can "buy" to smell the roses.

>> No.19724989

>faggot who contributes to the pozz flood by bending the knee realizes his virtue signalling won't save him
I am unflinchingly misogynist in my books. and i'm a biological woman so they can't do shit about it, either.
imagine paying money to a grifter so she can "educate" you on muh feminism. simp. cvck. loser. white knight. beta.
you're pathetic.

>> No.19724997

She had hundreds of 5 star reviews, all of which said she was amazing, so it was totally unexpected. And I only wrote it because I wanted the fantasy of hooking up with a cute, spunky tsundere girl.

>> No.19725089

DNE, delusional coomer.

>> No.19725118

For what it's worth, I sent her a multi-paragraph rant about she made me feel like shit. I wanted to call her a huge bitch but I didn't. She blocked me after.

>> No.19725132

you PAID for that
you PAID money for that

>> No.19725137

>women editors and agents
even my sister told me to stay away from them

>> No.19725140

Well I didn't expect all that to happen. She had hundreds of five star reviews and was one of the cheapest people on the site.

>> No.19725261

Maybe she thinks she's being paid to be annoyed at something.

You could be better off not hiring beta readers and find them som other way. there should be plenty of writing groups out there for ya

>> No.19725283

>was one of the cheapest people on the site.
you got what you fucking deserve. a narcissistic cunt is only one step above a pajeet.

>> No.19725445

Since you legally own the review she gave having paid for it and since she blocked you anyway, you should share with us some (anonymized) excerpts of what she wrote about you.

>> No.19726289

>the audience for gayming is without a doubt the most infantile of any across the board akin to morbid obesity and genuinely a lost cause.
and the majority audience of readers (chicklit, romance, status quo biographies, cheap thrillers, etc) isn't equally as infantile? the majority of any medium will always be casual investors that consume accessible works. there will always be a rough list of 'good works' respected by an 'upper level' of consumers. just as readers have blooms canon, 'higher brow' gamers have their own informal canon. of course comparing both purely on basis of literary merit is absurd as most games do not pride themselves on literary merit first and foremost but there are bound to be some with decent overall writing.
this applies to books as well. take a look at any bookstore. sturgeons law.

>> No.19726318

luckily the internet happened. I am not saying that makes publishing easier, but you can reach literally EVERYONE if you manage to pierce through the sheer avalanche of information.

fifty shades of grey literally started as smutty tumblr fanfic

>> No.19726449

Was undecided about buying it earlier but you've convinced me otherwise. The Kindle edition is pretty cheap, I'll get it. Fuck bluehairs and their gatekeeping.

>> No.19726557

>like Deus Ex
it's the equivalent of a shitty pulp novel you would catch your dad reading one time then proceeding to let it catch after he had his fill of this silly bogus tale.

>> No.19726565
File: 20 KB, 388x327, paulie laugh at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'higher brow' gamers

>> No.19726996

>The literature equivalent of burnt nft art
No thanx

>> No.19727007

It’s nigh findom

>> No.19727235

I think we know at this point what they're lookin' for, so, if you haven't written it, why bother?

>> No.19728011

women aren't known for negotiating in good faith, you gave her ilk everything they asked for and still the world is telling her to be in constant complain mode - of course she is going to critique it for not being progressive enough no matter what, where have you been since current year?

>> No.19728123

How are people this naive?

>> No.19728205

You're just a lazy defeatist.

>> No.19728323

the insurmountable problem is that they care more for WHO is writing rather than WHAT is written. write anything you like no matter how it panders to them, the message is clear that unless you're a queer homosexual brown dragqueen who volunteers in feminist marches and have a tattoo of biden and fauci on your arm, they dont want anything to do with you.

>> No.19728365


The mainstream seeks to erase any and all straight white men from the arts

>> No.19728392

I'm not a defeatist, just heard what they've said

>> No.19728393

>Jonny Appleseed is a novel about a two-spirit Indigiqueer young man who has left the reserve and becomes a cybersex worker in the city to make ends meet. But he must reckon with his past when he returns home to attend his stepfather's funeral.
what the fuck am i reading lmao

>> No.19728404

are canadians really that fascinated with injuns?

>> No.19728418

that could be a 4chan shitpost honestly. i want to say it's peak clown world but i don't want to tempt the demiurge to further beclown us.
truly we live in a new dark ages where nothing of beauty can see the light of day without the matron of the household drowning the beautiful infant in the bathtub in favor of the abortive monster she's built out of ground meat and kraft cheez becoming the family scion.

>> No.19728437

I think this is all permanent btw. I don't think it's just a bump in the road as I've heard some older people suggest. Twitter world is here to stay.

>> No.19728459

bullshit. the wokesters will soon be stopped.
arrested, you might say.
cardiac arrest.
sudden and final cardiac arrest, courtesy of science juice. rejoice, for salvation from wokesterism is at hand and already scheduled for delivery! God is Good.

imagine being able to read good literature again. imagine having meritocracy again. imagine sanity.

>> No.19728494
File: 3.08 MB, 640x360, 1641458119041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A human can write around 3 hours per day in meaningfull content. After that the well runs dry, as confirmed by several successfull writers and their daily schedules.
Writing is a fullfilling sidebusiness. Write for your pleasure and maybe get a few thousand $ every few years as a premium on having fun.
What would you do in the other 19 hours per day anyway?

>> No.19728500

>What would you do in the other 19 hours per day anyway?
why, complain about contemporary publishing on 4chan's literature board, of course!

>> No.19728504

We failed at reaching the scale of attempted genocide conducted by the united states, so now we have to live with them instead

>> No.19728540

i've written for 14 hours before and was productive for most of them. cope harder

>> No.19728580

nothing is permanent

>> No.19728589

Im sorry to say you cannot will yourself a new reality, and the vax juice will not cause tremendous dieoffs. and don't call me a liberal faggot just because I don't believe your dream will come true, because i wish it would

>> No.19728594

he's clearly not serious

>> No.19728599

Where the fuck is my sauce for those massive mammaries? You expect me to cum to but a single gif?????

>> No.19728604

Dunno why you think that as it is an immensely popular belief among certain groups of people especially those who frequent this site

>> No.19728610

speak for yourself
they'll die over time. myocarditis has a 50% mortality rate within 5 years of onset. i am a patient man. and hell, they've taken 4 doses in the past year. maybe we can get them to take 8 doses in 2022. each dose doubles the risk of myocarditis. do the math.

what i am saying is, this holocaust actually is real this time. someone is doing the holocausting.

>> No.19728623

How about you are helpful instead of just being a faggot assuming OP is a shut in.

>> No.19728790

>A human can write around 3 hours per day in meaningfull content. After that the well runs dry, as confirmed by several successfull writers and their daily schedules.
I can confirm this (notwithstanding the spelling errors). As for what I do with the other hours in my day, they are mine alone and not for you to say.

>> No.19728874


>> No.19728879

My takeaway from the schedules thread was six hours, not three.

>> No.19728883

T. Non-passing trans troglodyte

>> No.19728933

i've never met a person with dyed hair who wasn't insane.

>> No.19728997

I can name at least 10 games that have better dialogues than Plato's Republic.

The fact that the human brain is a growing phenomenon results in good ideas being gathered more and more easily. Stop being a gatekeeping fucktard just because you don't have the mental maturity to experience a different medium from your paper pieces.

>> No.19729003
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This, only 1 in every 30 heads with dyed hair look good. The others are just a highlight on their mental disorder status.

>> No.19729067

when was the last time you took a shower?

>> No.19729082

IQ somewhere in the 70-80 range

>> No.19729146

Fuck, man, all those books sound awful. You couldn't pay me read any of that shit.

>> No.19729149

Injuns are fascinated with themselves. Liberals will give them asspats. Everyone else either doesn't care or acknowledges how shit these stories are quietly among the likeminded.

>> No.19729316


>> No.19729344

Maybe you should try getting a job.

>> No.19729487
File: 75 KB, 345x339, 1596580667796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 years ago, just after gifting your mother with the semen that gave birth to you

>> No.19729727

I feel bad for them. Imagine being warriors for the thousands of years only to be reduced to grovelling serfs of the liberal establishment. Brutal.

>> No.19730177

>Canadian best seller
If you knew how little that's worth, you wouldn't feel envy, you would feel pity.

>> No.19730484


>> No.19730555

based femanon.

>> No.19730597
File: 1.18 MB, 276x232, geroge-lucas-red.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw resisting making a simp reply to the biological woman
>tfw still giving the bitch attention just by posting this