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19718911 No.19718911 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that scared, disturbed, or outright shocked you?

Most blatant for me was reading 120 Days of Sodom when I was 15 and being forever shocked at the extent of depravity the human mind can conjure. Insane still that there were worse parts planned in it later that never got finished.

>> No.19719004
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1984; Dostoevsky's Demons.

>> No.19719017
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>> No.19719046

>Category: featherweight

>> No.19719100
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Flowers in the Attic. I read it for the first time in middle school and it deeply shocked me and for a year I was afraid my mother would force me and my brother to live in that attic with ever going outside. The incest part did not bother me thatg much even if I did found cringe the autor made Cathy reciprocate her brother's feelings in the sequel. But then I shipped her with Paul or Bart so who am I to judge???

>> No.19719115

For those who didn’t watch 120 days, it was poopoo in the basins.

>> No.19719167

The Outer Dark

>> No.19719180
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>> No.19719196

Weininger's SEX AND CHARACTER disturbed me but I'm getting over it.

>> No.19719312

Flowers for Algernon fucked me up, especially because I read and finished it while pooping.

>> No.19719331

You're such a liar, it's obvious they're getting ready to make oatmeal.

>> No.19719346

People here say Hogg is disturbing or something. Never read it.

>> No.19720317
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Childhood's End disturbed me in a way I have difficulty articulating.
Good book though.

>> No.19720331
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After Virtue

>> No.19720336

I don’t think I’ve ever cried and defecated simultaneously before

>> No.19720341

Talk all the shit you want about fatfuck. The Red Wedding was the most shocking chapter of a book I've read. It made me stand up and hop around and curse out loud.

>> No.19720354

You truly haven't lived yet.

>> No.19720359

That was my pick.

>> No.19720394

Pasolini had chocolate mixed with marmalade for those scenes. The reactions were real.

>> No.19721541

Naked Lunch - Burroughs

>> No.19721542

Story of the Eye

>> No.19721715

is it that bad? just bought it but havent touched it yet

>> No.19721725

Lets play with the adams

>> No.19721726

All tender is flesh
A little life

>> No.19721731

The Necrophiliac is genuinely quite shocking. It's also beautifully written. But the content is horrific. The descriptions of the putrefaction of the bodies, the smells and sounds, the sex acts performed on the bodies and how the bodies change to his touch over time, such as when he has a little boy whose anus is too tight for him but suddenly opens up after a few weeks of him rotting inside so that he can be penetrated with little belches and black bile spilling from his holes. Twin chidlren, old hairy gypsies, men ... the detail is grotesque.

I seem to remember a scene from American Psycho too near the end of the book involving a corpse and some rats that has stayed in my mind hazily for many years ...

Oh, and The Painted Bird, which is just misery after misery. The scene of the peasant woman who is fucking everyone until someone shoves a bottle up her vagina and then kicks it was very powerfully disgusting.

>> No.19721778
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The trilogy hit me hard.

>> No.19721905
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Some parts of this book read like a Spanish American Psycho

>> No.19721917
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Mirabeau's Torture Garden

>> No.19722037

based enjoyment enjoyer

>> No.19722339

I read Call of the Arcade. Liked it alot desu. Cant speak for crocodile

>> No.19722386
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The Skin by Curzio Malaparte

>> No.19722398

my crush doesn't

>> No.19722456

And this is why you shouldn't read edgy shit when you're fifteen and still in diapers
De Sade is satire. It is funny, once you're a grown up and know what he's satirizing

You passing a homeless person and pretending not to notice them because you can't wait to get home to jack off, play vidya, pretend to read books, and shitpost about being 'disturbed' is reality, and you don't even notice that 'hell' is everywhere around you because you do fuck all

>> No.19722476

couldn't agree more

>> No.19722594

Dziady Part III

>> No.19723176
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I went down that path just a couple of months ago. I read Sodom and wanted to read more of this kind of literature and looked for suggestions, but most weren't all that shocking as I thought.

Gone to see the river man (Kristopher Triana):
I didn't find it really disturbing. Yes, some topics were kinda iffy. It was more kinda depressing and an interesting sight to see the author dismantling the main character more and more with every chapter so you gradually lose all respect.

Sour Candy (Kealan Patrick Burke)
I don't know what people find disturbing about it. It's more like some Black Mirror episode. Not necessarily a bad one, but not really shocking.

Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke (Eric LaRocca)
Also not really that disturbing if you already realised what social interaction on the internet can do not just to easily susceptible people.

Tender is the flesh (Agustina Bazterrica)
Now we are talking! Again really depressing in it's bleakness but also quite interesting and entertaining to see what could happen if unthinkable things would get normalized in society. Some people read it as some pro-veganism statement, but I don't really get it, at no point I questioned my consumption habits.

Dead Inside (Chandler Morrison)
Again one of the few suggestions I actually liked. I don't want to spoil it. But it's nice reading what could happen when two really fucked up persons hook up. From all the inner monologs I got some Dexter vibes.

There are still quite a few of the previous mentioned suggestions on my list, but I just hadn't the time to read it all yet.
FantasticLand (Mike Bockoven)
The Conspiracy against the Human Race (Thomas Ligotti)
The Troop (Nick Cutter)

But I still found Sodom the most disturbing book I ever read. I expected some raunchy stuff like Lady Chatterly but what I got was "A Serbian Film" dialed to 11. Just those short notes for the unfinished last parts are even worse than the "softer" finished text of the first quarter of the book. It's just an endless barrage of degradation, torture, rape, creative murder mostly aimed against minors.

>> No.19723610

I read it in middle school too but instead of scaring me, it made me depressed

>> No.19723676

This was a very good book.

>> No.19725411
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>Blood Meridian
>The Road

>> No.19725523

Are you posting the soijack for yourself? Nobody posted them in the thread 'cept you.

>> No.19725558

My novel, if I ever get around to finishing it. It'll be a lot like Marquis de Sade except with the members of one direction and posted on wattpad.com

>> No.19725599 [DELETED] 

The most disturbing part of this book were the chapter names.

>> No.19725613

seems like this is a very subjective topic/ thread.
go through dennis cooper's booklists for a certain variety of existential horror. have picked up some good titles from there
> https://denniscooperblog.com/mine-for-yours-my-favorite-fiction-poetry-non-fiction-film-art-and-internet-of-2020/

>> No.19725635

This one for me as well. People say Blood Meridian was the most violent but nothing can compare to that one for me.

>> No.19725643

Bad Girls With Perfect Faces was a little disturbing because it was written so emotionally. It's teen girl retardation though.

>> No.19725715

Desu Outer Dark is not very violent, but it is disturbing in just the right manner which is accounted by McCarthy's style I guess.
the end of chapter 1 when Culla is careering through the woods and sees the crying baby in a lightning flash is the kind of shit I am taking about.

>> No.19726361

Brings to mind a hentai I once read (one of countless bizarre ones out there no doubt) about a fetishist who specialized in a very particular niche fetish. He'd respond to online ads by female infantilists who had a very particular request. Namely, they were to greet him at their homes in soiled/wet nappies. He'd then follow the girl to her bedroom, at which point she'd get into her bed and be administered a light to moderate dose of *** drug and zonk out. After which, using a static portable camera the girl had set up for him beforehand, he'd record her cleaning, changing, and re-diapering while she slept. He'd stay with them until the drug wore off and then leave. It wasn't that graphic considering the subject, but ever since I've been left wondering if that's even a real fetish to speak of, and if so, if there's something about it that reflects an underlying particularly Japanese psychology?

>> No.19726380

No it’s great.

>> No.19726396

Having just read it there's nothing that compares to the violence of Blood Meridian except for one noteworthy slaying at the end that everyone will know of what i mean.

>> No.19726398

Slow Death. True story about the toy box killer(s)