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1971723 No.1971723 [Reply] [Original]

I hate the sounds my father makes when he chews his food, it makes me feel real angry as if I want to burst. I thought about it and I think it is similar to Ivan Pavolov's experiment where a dog is trained to relate the sound of a bell to food, but in my case the sound of my father chewing his food is related to anger. It also brings to my mind the way the sound of chalk screeching on a blackboard brings about a negative feeling.

So I do have two questions for you:
1. How do you think me relating the chewing sound to anger? How is the sound of chalk is usually related to a negative feeling?
2. How can one liberate himself from a conditioned reaction?

>> No.1971724

did you write this while intoxicated

>> No.1971725


>> No.1971729

1. How do you think me relating the chewing sound to anger? How is the sound of chalk is usually related to a negative feeling?

>> No.1971737

I see. Let's assume I am :-)

>> No.1971746

>1. How do you think me relating the chewing sound to anger?

Likes and dislikes can be axiomatic to people, maybe it's not behaviorally learned.

>2. How can one liberate himself from a conditioned reaction?

By counter-conditioning, or not giving a fuck.