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/lit/ - Literature

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19714796 No.19714796 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how almost everyone in normal society is addicted to some vice to function in life whether it be drugs, alcohol, porn, sex, gambling, social media etc and life without it would collapse for them

>> No.19714801

Explain how any of these are vice.

>> No.19714802

Requiem for a Dream toys with that. Infinite Jest if you are a plot fag.

>> No.19714810

>Infinite Jest if you are a plot fag.
Nah, even if you are not a plot fag. I was just making a limp stab at plot fags who reduce the book to everyone is an addict, which is just plot points that support theme. Theme is also relevant to your interests, more about the why and all that.

>> No.19714812

I hope you understand the irony of asking this in a highly addictive friend simulator for incels.

>> No.19714831

Is that all this place is to you? Don't you see the reality of true anon frenship?

>> No.19714834

I know it used to be one for me but I've stopped being addicted to it and now I'm almost entirely if not entirely free from all vices and feel alone in this world beyond the remaining monks. And not just physical things people are filled with anger, envy, lust, greed. I know it's mans nature but everyone I've ever seen has these problems.

>> No.19714838

Explain to me how these are bad and what the alternative is. Absolute abstinence is a vice in my view.

>> No.19714842

I could explain why each of this are bad or you could just look at the people around you. You will see these people are not truly happy. All of this is just a cope for them to hide from something.

>> No.19714847

I do value this place and the guys here, but self-awareness is essential: there's a reason why we ended up here, and why we can't just leave right now (or next year).

>> No.19714851

Pride, ego are vices. Guess you're not the only one after all.

>> No.19714853

Ok, Infinite Jest seems the book for you. Assuming you are OP, pretty much spot on to what you are getting to.

>> No.19714856

>Absolute abstinence is a vice in my view.

If anything, it allows me access to my preferred vices. I can't really read philosophy or speed around in my car if I'm shitcanned.

>> No.19714871

I have neither of those. I don't have to lie to you or myself.

>> No.19714875

I honestly don't know anything about that book but didn't that guy do a bunch of drugs and then kill himself? Seems not qualified to talk to about this topic

>> No.19714877

> I'm almost entirely if not entirely free from all vices and feel alone in this world

You're presenting yourself as some exceptional, and exceptionally pure being. You're perhaps even clinically delusional if you think you know the motivations and habits of everyone on earth while also knowing you're unlike almost all of them except... what monks are you talking about? You have a hugely inflated sense of what you know, you're own uniqueness, your own purity and your own honesty with yourself. It's... What's a word for something that's both comic and sad?

The book you really need is one called Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by Ttungpa.

>> No.19714880

No it's very possible there are plenty of people like me I just haven't met yet I'm just guessing it holds up based on the thousands of people I've met in my life. You know how statistics work and and all that.

>> No.19714881

He used drugs in his younger days was sober for a good while by the time he wrote Infinite Jest. He killed himself after a long battle with severe unipolar depression. Infinite Jest is literally the book you are describing.

>> No.19714883

>if you think you know the motivations and habits of everyone on earth
You can talk to people you know? You ever tried

>> No.19714884

>I don't have to lie to... myself.

Yes you do. You're just another 'addict' (a cheesey fucking universal to stake your soul on btw) otherwise. Just another coping member of the herd on the way to the abattoir in the sky. I doubt you could accept that.

>> No.19714886

Ok thanks. Will read it.

>> No.19714890

Being an insufferable self aggrandising faggot who thinks everyone is beneath him is a worse vice than any of the other vices you listed. At least they can quit with will power.

>> No.19714891

This reads like a huge cope. I'm not a betting man but I'd bet you just can't cope with the fact that you have some vice that guides your life and you believe everyone has to be a degenerate like you to live life.

>> No.19714893


>> No.19714896

I never said anyone was beneath me. I understand it's mans nature and it's normal. I'm just lucky that I broke through.

> At least they can quit with will power.
This doesn't seem to be true. This is why the Self-help industry is one of the biggest yet we see no decline in obesity, alcoholism, drug use , social media use, etc. Willpower is almost non-existence as a whole and when someone does have it it's seen as superpower.

>> No.19714898

This conversation doesn't matter. You're the most active poster in this thread, so very few people will see it before it vanishes, and my opinion hardly matters, but there is an almost transcendent fatuousness to everything you say that seems like it will transcend this brief moment in internet time.

>> No.19714899

Did you respond to the wrong person?

>> No.19714907

Calm down there, Buddha boy. Rage, like pride (still trying to read minds I see) is actually worse than a vice, they're mortal sins.

>> No.19714913

No, it was to you, op.

>> No.19714915

I can't remember a time I've been angry in my life. It's a running joke in my family

>> No.19714938

In the realm of hungry ghosts. just extend the focus of the book. it applies to everyone

>> No.19714940

There is a time for everything.

>> No.19714942

I look around me and I see people are pretty happy with their little vices. The unhappiest are the ones that are constantly self-optimizing, trying to reach some abstract goal of purity.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

>> No.19714950

Why is self help so big then? Why are so many people trying to stop? If anyone was happy no one would need self help

>> No.19714959

I am not sure your statement contradicts my statement. The person that is happy with their 9-5 and their 1-2 beers at the end of the evening is not going to seek out self-help books or abstinence.

>> No.19714969
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You think I think of you people as friends

>> No.19714970

μηδὲν ἄγαν

Embrace Mediterranean lifestyle.

>> No.19714972

I wouldn't consider one or two beers much of a vice. No where in the thread did I say you have to be abstinent from everything to be happy. If alcoholics only drank one or two beers we would be much better off as a society.

>> No.19715091


>> No.19715168

I personally come here, and have been coming here for years, because there's more authenticity on 4chan than any other public forum. Unless you're part of a highly autistic car owners club forum or something, 4chan is where people aren't afraid to speak their minds. Sure there are shitposts but someone actively trying to help you out is doing so for nothing but the aid they could give. They're not fishing for upvotes on Reddit, they're not speaking over you so they get approval on social media, they're just here. It's very nice.

>> No.19715182

>All of this is just a cope for them to hide from something.
Everything everyone does is to cope with inevitable death

>> No.19715266

This is true but there is surely something worthwhile in being able to acknowledge this instead of living the lie

>> No.19715282

I'm sure everyone is aware of it on at least some level. What is there to do? Find your cope in accordance with your bringing up and your mindset and live it.

>> No.19715294

For me it's finding true happiness and fulfillment which is what most people seem to be searching for and when they can't find it is when they succumb to the vices. For lots of them like you said they already know it and it's in those moments when they become aware again is when they try to do everything they can to forget instead of actually trying to come to peace with it

>> No.19715583 [DELETED] 
File: 461 KB, 1899x1042, levousprospiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only similarity between dishevelled vicious, and sheltered virtuous, individuals is that they are both fearful: the former is afraid of the responsibility of being possessed of faith, whilst the latter is afraid of acting on faith.

The combative virtuous individual perpetually remains on the verge of vice, and on the edge of error, knowing darkness without touching abyss, integrally mobilizing the devices available to him; with optimism, through prospiration, via arteriogenesis, always finding the narrow way, traversing life without the need for any crutches.

>> No.19715591
File: 461 KB, 1899x1042, levousprospiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only similarity between dishevelled vicious, and sheltered virtuous, individuals is that they are both fearful: the former is afraid of the responsibility of being possessed of faith, whilst the latter is afraid of acting on faith.

The combative virtuous individual perpetually remains on the verge of vice, and on the edge of error, knowing darkness without touching abyss, integrally mobilizing the devices available to him; with optimism, through prospiration, via arteriogenesis, always connected to the narrow way, traversing life without the need for any crutches.

>> No.19716230

get lost non fren, beat it

>> No.19716259

Please be aware that by looking on 4chan for authenticity you are increasingly compartmentalizing authenticity to 4chan. You must absolutely not let anonymous culture to take over. This is a real danger, anon, I warn you.

>> No.19716262

>Everything everyone does is to cope with inevitable death
Explain how small children that don't know about death are coping with it. Oh wait, you can't

Circular logic bullshit

>> No.19716319

>You must absolutely not let anonymous culture to take over. This is a real danger, anon, I warn you.

What happens if it does?

>> No.19717983

naked lunch

>> No.19719318

I feel like this is bad logic. Some people are genuinely fine with dying, and they do things out of sincere enjoyment. Just because you need to cope with death yourself doesn't mean every single person on the planet does.

>> No.19719583
File: 296 KB, 1060x1600, fear and loathing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail

>> No.19720712

What's the alternative? Letting the unhinged demagogues of Twitter, Twitch or YouTube influencers to poison my thinking? At least there are some real people here.

>> No.19720975

Ok, but where do I go as a future 30+ anon? Where are "culture bubbles" for adults (academia excluded for multiple reasons)? I am ready to be the retarded one in a room with elderly folks, but I don't see a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, none, zero. Not in a Murican space nor in a local one. Boards is the closest I can get to a decent conversation that is not related to my work.
As far as I see, there is three ways for humans:
1. Start a hustle aka family. Obtain some kids, suffer, get kids traumatised by some mundane thing like sneezing too loudly, have no time for anything, be a failure.
2. Loose oneself to the job aka be a turbo autist about it, also be a childless failure.
3. Cling to the current children culture until children throw you out, also be a childless barista failure.
Funny thing is that options 1 and 2 do not include any advanced cultural circles or bubbles with them, unless it's about work.

>> No.19721061

We are required to adapt to an increasingly inhuman society and what you are looking for has largely already been dissolved or is in the process of dissolving. Many people used to find the culture bubbles you are looking for through their local churches, temples, synagogues or by joining fraternities such as the Elks Lodge, Rotary Club, Freemasonry, etc., but membership is declining nearly across the board (at least here in the US). People are becoming more isolated and lonely as we get further away from the Dunbar's number tribal societies humans have inhabited for most of their existence.

>> No.19721069

This is a place to discuss things with others because that can be enlightening on certain subjects. I have never blogposted and I will never think of anyone on here as my friend. If I wanted "friends" I would go outside and hang out with disgusting obese retards and ebonic speaking wiggers.

>> No.19722584

> /lit/ forum enjoyer
> loose instead of lose

>> No.19722588

self destruction is not inherently immoral

>> No.19722636

You’re probably projecting onto them what you deny in yourself. You feel superior or enlightened. This will hinder you from forming relationships. But you have to think about what made you get to this point.

>> No.19722642

Missing emotions isn’t something to be proud of. There has to be a reason they aren’t there

>> No.19722650


>> No.19722776

I like to have sex with barely attractive women as practice for more attractive women and I pretend I'm banging the attractive women when banging the attractive women..
Books for this FEEL?

>> No.19722785

Plot twist the women think the same of other men and thus neither of you escape orgy porgy hell

>> No.19722802

Stuck in traffic shitting your pants?

>> No.19722820

There's a difference between enjoying something and being addicted to it.

>> No.19722897

I've always had a porn addiction that drains my desire to pursue actual women for sex - not entirely, but enough so that I don't have the extra pull that most people seem to have that drives them to do all the requisite effort. Sometimes I'll get a break, say, go on vacation for a week and I'll feel that drive come alive. Then I'll go out to try to capitalize on it and the fun begins. I'll throw my hands up once I've had enough, reminded of how awful it is to scratch and claw for a crumb of female affection, and in the rare event of obtaining it, how pointless it is without feelings. I return to my old ways, feeling like an incel weirdo because I just want to fall for someone and begin a monogamous relationship which now makes one a boy scout, apparently. Back to the addiction to cope; maybe I'll move to Omaha.

>> No.19723030

Brave New World my dude

>> No.19723044

He already listed social media which is what 4ch is

>> No.19723073
File: 36 KB, 328x500, Industrial Society And Its Future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrial Society And Its Future

>Consider the hypothetical case of a man who can have anything he wants just by wishing for it. Such a man has power, but he will develop serious psychological problems. At first he will have a lot of fun, but by and by he will become acutely bored and demoralized. Eventually he may become clinically depressed. History shows that leisured aristocracies tend to become decadent. This is not true of fighting aristocracies that have to struggle to maintain their power. But leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic and demoralized, even though they have power. This shows that power is not enough. One must have goals toward which to exercise one’s power.

>> No.19723568

Technological Slavery

>> No.19723662

Infinite jest

>> No.19723700

Infinity Jest

>> No.19723815

twelve steps & twelve traditions by bill wilson

>> No.19723856
File: 27 KB, 348x500, sadly, porn by the last psychiatrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this book but it's exhausting to read (fucking endnotes) and it's extremely blackpilling. Also make sure you've re-read Oedipus before you start.

>> No.19725253

what's blackpilling about it?

>> No.19725292

hello i'm vaguely using 'human nature' to support my argument

>> No.19725439

This slaps hard senpai

>> No.19725777

Retard? Google the word 'vice'