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/lit/ - Literature

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19712120 No.19712120 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, mostly a lurker here but I tend to be pretty active on other boards (/fit/ and /x/ mainly). So I've been writing this book for the bulk of 2021, and I'll have the first draft done by the end of this month. I intend to start trying to market when the second draft is complete, but I kind of have a dilemma.

So the book I've written is a Grimdark Medieval Fantasy type beat, lots of fun stuff and lots of inspiration from death metal. However, after this one I only really have one other fantasy type story I want to write, and the rest are all Westerns and Horror. How would you go about marketing this book? Because the bulk of the audience I'm shooting for is 14 - mid 20's age adult men, but Westerns tend to appeal to a much older demographic and Horror tends to do better when marketed towards women. People who read Fantasy don't usually want to read Westerns, and vice versa. So what can I do to set myself up so that when I write in a different genre next time around, old readers stay interested or at least keep tabs on me waiting for me to do something they like, without turning off the new wave of readers that will likely be drawn in?

Also, any marketing tips for self publishers in general?

>> No.19712341

You should publish a bullet in the market of your brains you dumb schizo

>> No.19712596

Great job on the book idea OP! I can't tell you how stoked we all are that you chose to bless us with the privilege of doing your marketing research. For you see, Christopher Poole (Moot Emeritus), founded the 4chan literature discussion board entirely for the purpose of one day helping you with your book. For many long years now we have toiled in obscurity, practicing the arcane and esoteric art of memetics and formulating a plan of action that would allow us to make your writing dreams a reality. Like lambs in a dark forest, we have been braying for just such a shepherd as yourself to shear our tender fleece. How kind of you to answer our frantic call for your unwritten genius! Not even sure why you're wasting time with self-publishing, you must obviously be sitting on some solid gold if you're already planning strategies for reader retention.

>> No.19712679

Shouldn't be a problem. At least as far as the western/medieval split. For the horror ones, you might want to differentiate (like Ian Banks Vs Ian M Banks) but plenty of western writers turn to horror too without losing a male market.
The other option is to differentiate the Western ones, and aim at the grimdark female audience by emphasising horses.

>> No.19712691


>> No.19712721
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Even schizos produce more than you

OP, do not listen to the detractors. YOU CAN DO IT.

>> No.19712725

whatever you do, do not take advice from here. quality nonwithstanding, everyone here is spiteful, jealous, or a combination of the two, and totally unhelpful. best of luck anon

>> No.19712730

Ignore these faggot retards, OP, they're lazy dipshits incapable of putting any of their "transcendental genius" down on the page to begin with and should be discarded to the useless heap of trash that their posts belong to.

As for marketing, as someone who reached the top 400 on Amazon's book market in the genre I published my work in, it's literally all in the title and the cover, along with the summary. A good pen name can also help. How would I go about marketing a grimdark medieval fantasy type? I would pick a cover that makes it stand out amongst all the other schlock you see everywhere, preferably something more minimalist but with a dark edge to it. The name should be the market you're trying to appeal to, so over-the-top and blunt if it's more pulpy, or more formal and innocuous if it's more serious.

>> No.19713039
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Grimdark horses you say? Picrel
But in reality thanks for the advice. Most of the westerns I have outlined kind of bleed over into horror even if that's not the main focal point.
Appreciate the advice, that was pretty much going to be my tactic. I planned on getting an artist who does Black Metal album art to do the book cover, since those are the types I think will most be interested in it. Didn't really think about taking up a pen name, but that's a good idea.

>> No.19713042

Hey, Jason. Anything new to report on your end?

>> No.19713051

The only way to market self-published work is to either shill it hard and hope that people like it or to already have an online following. The only reason to go traditional publishing is that they can move units. Also, don't listen to the shitkickers guy.

>> No.19713071 [DELETED] 

Long live the schizos

>> No.19713075
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Long live the schizos

>> No.19713101
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Tell me picrel won't sell your book in any of the three genres to grimdark horsegirls / grimdark male fantasists. Just add old timey flowers / dripping blood font / saloon sign etc., and you're done.

>> No.19713156

OP do you have any advice for writing? I'm directing and acting in my own pornographic film to lose my virginity but I need help with a script. I don't really want something cliche like a plumber or something fucking a milf. I need something that provokes intrigue. Like a grimdark type thing

>> No.19713488 [DELETED] 


>> No.19713497

Great photo!

Damn right.

>> No.19713669

Live stream it to /lit/ and I'll donate 100%

>> No.19713763
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Like anyone sees your example as inspiration

begone, trash

>> No.19713955

8 years ago I had been battling a cocaine addiction. It fueled the constant cycle of partying that resulted in this vortex of hedonism, writing the book helped me escape from it, but it still took 3 years.

You can call me trash all you want, I never claimed to be an esteemed member of society anyways. Having lived through a lifestyle that mirrored a porn film, I could feel the strong manipulative forces at work over my own brain. The entire scene I had built up with the right friend groups, being socially fluid, understanding how to navigate different strata of people. It was all inspired by some of the drug trips I had on mushrooms and DMT. Once I had a glimpse of the raw fabric of reality breaking before my eyes, I began to try and see the hidden connections and world behind socializing. The result of this was, that for an uncouth, unstable, mentally troubled barbarian, I was quite the ladies' man. The long story short is, there really is a formula for getting along with women, and definitely one to attract them. It is unique to every guy, but work with what you got, self-express, and be genuine, even if the real you is truly shit. That realness is what makes you attractive. (We sometimes call it being based.)

If you're on 4chan, how are you expecting the people here to be upstanding citizens? If I were traditionally published and you dug up this dirt on me, the Twitter world would give me a ton of shit and I'd get a nasty phone call from my publisher, I'm sure.

You are acting like a social jannie, trying to shame me on the website built for outcasts.

>> No.19714113
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Dear Diary

I fucked diseased single moms and indigenous alcoholic teens from dating sites while doing cocaine a lot. I am now a deadbeat dad with no resume, no education and no future because I am too sexy and special for that. I have no friends as I am too sexy and special for that. I have no achievements and live in the past because I am too sexy and special for the present.
Your past isn't magical. It's not even that special. Tons of people wasted the opportunities of their youth to become middle aged losers that can't keep the lights on.
Nobody cares about your story. It isn't unique. Lots of us had fun in our 20s and 30s but managed to grow into capable adults.
Stop trying to brag about what a failure you are. You haven't accomplished anything noteworthy. Coming to 4chan in the misguided hope that someone will be impressed that you fucked broken women with your infected dick has failed and will continue to fail.

You have no friends in IRL, you have none here either. Stop posting.

>> No.19714171

Buy 4chan ads like Call of the Crocodile and turn yourself into a meme

>> No.19714179
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> Call of the Crocodile

Don't answer! He needs a ride to the airport

>> No.19714197

The fact that you are seething so incredibly hard is sad to me. I mean, I celebrate every day that I'm still alive, despite all the challenges. It is fun for me to be unvaccinated and to not wear the mask. It gives me a sense of purpose, to both be a writer and to resist submission to the ever-tightening system.

You seem to throw these insults and every kitchen sink you can at me to try and degrade me, or insult me, but those just wash off me like water off a duck's back. Yes, I have had a strange path and to most, it would seem like a fireworks show that is now over. A brief period of wild exploration and self-expression, a rise and a fall. The show ain't over yet my friend, I'm just reloading!

I'll be the first to admit, yes, my shit is all fucked up right now. However, the bright side is, it is never boring.

>> No.19714199
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>I'm a writer! I'm important! I'm not just some loser with a broken van!

You are revolting

>> No.19714229
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Oh look, a racist, anti vaxx retard who doesn't pay tax, collects CERB and thinks he is smarter than the rest of us.
You survive because other people work and pay taxes. You are literally too worthless to exist independently.

>> No.19714237
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>he thinks muh work and muh taxes are something to be proud of
It requires more intellect to properly fabricate a disability with all of the supporting legal documentation, than to merely work like a dumb sow.

>> No.19714250


Being a middle-aged man with zero to offer society is God's way of telling you to find a rope, a stool and a sturdy beam

>> No.19714256

I lived through a long period of heightened serendipity, I enjoyed the journey thoroughly.

You seem to enjoy targeting me, does it make you feel better to pick on someone who is financially poor but rich in the soul?

You know, not only is my van broken, but my Turbo 5 speed LeBaron is fucked too! I hit a big puddle in Kelowna and soaked the ECU. Took the entire ignition system apart and prodded around with a multimeter and, yep, the ECU isn't grounding the coil to fire the spark.

By this time tomorrow, I'll be enjoying a Papa John's 6 cheese pizza with pepperoni, sitting on the couch with my baby's momma, my kid, and a big smile on my face.

And guess what? I am still never, ever taking the vaccine. :)

>> No.19714274

Oh boy anon, you think a society that demands you mask up and take endless toxic injections is something you want to be in support of?

Got to support the people brave enough to stand up and fight against the corporate takeover of western society.

>> No.19714277

>By this time tomorrow, I'll be enjoying a Papa John's 6 cheese pizza with pepperoni, sitting on the couch with my baby's momma, my kid, and a big smile on my face.

Your "baby momma" is letting you crash on her couch since you, a middle aged man, had his internet cut off and she sees you as the charity case you are.
If you think she has completely forgiven you for abandoning her and your newborn daughter by running off to ladysmith, then you don't know women nearly as well as you pretend to.

>> No.19714284


>toxic injections
I don't take medical advice from people who never got past elementary school

>> No.19714292

Okay wow. Worthless? I've written two books, one of which predicted the world of dating as it stands now. The reason I was able to write that book is because I actually went out and lived my story. I didn't just go online to look for other people to drag down. If a camera man would have followed me, he would have thought he was on the set of a porno. So many chicks that after a while I started to get bored. I had truly explored the limits of my sexuality. The only thing left to start exploring other people's sexuality. That's when I invented Sally Lou, the classiest gal in all of Vancouver. She likes to dress up in slinky cocktail dresses and spend hours getting her makeup ready in the mirror. She used to cruise the bars looking for a man who really knows how to pound but ever since covid started she's had a lot more luck. Typical woman, she has a whole collection of elegant face masks, which really make her a hit with the fellas, which is weird because they hide her smile, her best feature. Well, second best feature. You see, she's also a writer and she always leaves the guys a smile and a copy of her romantic comedy novel: Dicklickers.

>> No.19714296

So every middle aged man?

>> No.19714307
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This is gold. i love it when your mask slips

>> No.19714334

Yes I am incredibly blessed. Being my age and being so stubborn about NEVER taking the serpent's spit syringe, if she wasn't such a living saint, I would be straight fucked!

My gratitude for her is endless and I will do everything I can to continue to work on my writing career. Once I get my van fixed, there are cash jobs I can do off the Okanagan Cash Jobs page on Facebook. Lots of moving companies that need guys for a quick buck around moving time. Good thing my old, twisted back is still somewhat limber!

Anon, I can count on you to keep me humble! I mean, humble-ish, I am still going to be a loud mouth sumbitch even when I can't even afford my own packets to talk shit with, hahaha! Thank God for her wifi!