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19712136 No.19712136 [Reply] [Original]

I got a lot of books and want to start with this one because it looks so appealing.

>> No.19712149

then fucking read it and do not let this board spoil it for you.

>> No.19712153
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>Bill Gates review

>> No.19712162

I got it as a gift too and it is a very engaging read. Finished it in less than a week.

>> No.19712173

I read it, he made me want to devour it.

>> No.19712506

This is a subversive jewish book preparing you for a world where free will, soul, god, and any kind of spirituality is completely erased, and humans are governed by machines, seen as obsolete. Basically a transhumanist preparatory work for the public consciousness. Israel actually prints these for free and they distribute them through various organizations in the west. My coworker is a jew, and her husband got a bandwagon of these books, and they tried to distribute them here at work. Really develish those little fiends.

>> No.19712546

Keeps adding his own bias and takes which hamper it, but overall its a good digest. Stay away from the 2nd book Homo Deus, as its just mostly all the shitty parts of the first, Crappy opinions and presumptions.

>> No.19712696

the bible of contemporary neoliberals

>> No.19712742

>book written by a jewish gay
>recommended by bill gates
>he asks /pol/ for an opinion
get a load of this dood

>> No.19713780

It sounds like you're new to reading so it'll be good and you'll like it.
If you're looking for a nuanced intelligent breakdown there are countless online. Overall it's not that great because Harari does not manage to make many novel statements, and the few he does are often poorly argued and borderline nonsense. Take for example the biggest point he argues for in the book: that agriculture was a mistake and civilization makes people sadder; we would be happier going back to hunter-gatherer lifestyles where food was inconsistent, death lay around any corner, and all we did was search for food and then relax for want of anything else in life worth pursing.

>The bibliography is beyond meagre. Don't get me wrong, I like a little informed speculation as much as anyone. Take for example the claim that houses, their advent, "became the psychological hallmark of a much more self-centered creature." (p. 99) I, for one, would be delighted to know how one can discern the psychology of someone who lived more than 9,000 years ago. The apparently relevant note cited is "2 Robert B. Marks, The Origins of the Modern World: A Global and Ecological Narrative". But when one looks up Mr. Marks' book one sees that it pertains only to the 15th to the 21st centuries CE.

>> No.19713803
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Meds. Now.

>> No.19713854

His opinion was totally coherent, you are just retarded

>> No.19713911

haha you've completely discredited him with two words

>> No.19713971

>the bible of contemporary neoliberals
I agree. It's a good book for somebody who wants to introduce in some subjects but it's subversive and full of spiritual death philosophy.

This guy basically says ideas aren't real, but wait a minute, if that is true then why I should bother to read unreal things?

>> No.19713985

my biggest gripe is how presumptuous it is. if you really want to get into the philosophical underpinnings of biology, he's not going to help you understand the debate. he basically asserts natural selection is an optimization process without any real justification. then he goes on to slander religions. honestly, name dropping Harari in an intellectual conversation is an automatic filter.

>> No.19714929

I literally read this book immediately when it was released and I was like 10 or 11 years old, and I found everything written in it utterly trivial and extremely obvious. Like, if you paid even a tiny bit of attention in history class you already know everything thats written in the book. The only thing he "adds" to history/anthropology 101 are some meme-terms like referring to ideology, states, religions, and basically any social construct as "fictions" and talking about how having a shared social reality helps people cooperate, but it's very elementary and not that insightful I think.

>> No.19715210

my redditor therapist recommended me this book

>> No.19715249

>full of spiritual death philosophy.
Why so? Which ideas?

>> No.19715253

This is a super stupid book. Classic case of “what’s true isn’t new and what’s new isn’t true.” Don’t read it

There’s lots of anthropological and historical stuff which is easily accessible in a million other sources, textbooks for AP classes or on Wikipedia, combined with total garbage assertions and pseudo profound “insights” that Harari throws out as though they are facts equally trusted to the anthropology stuff

A pop science book I like way more and would actually recommend is Daniel Kahneman’s “thinking fast and slow”

>> No.19715262


I am reading E. Michael Jones' review of it in Logos Rising. Seems like complete soulless trash. All social constructs are fictions to serve a shared social reality, but what about the share social reality, isn't that merely a fiction if isn't composed of atoms. Brainlet stuff

>> No.19715951

it's not a deep book, but holy shit you missed all (2) the relevant points

>> No.19715971

My main gripes

>Acts like Israeli/Palestine conflict isn't real conflict or worth mentioning as direct border conflict
>Drinks the stuart-mill cool-aid that 'ooga booga coin was invented because ox not equal 2 chicken!'

The first section is great, slowly devolves into conjecture from there.

>> No.19715977

What are you talking about? The book tries to be neutral about it, but you can tell it's leaning towards the idea that transhumanism is possibly a bad thing than a good thing, since till this day we still haven't found out how to control it. He just says it's inevitable at some point in the future. This is obvious if you read his Homo Deus book.

>> No.19716014
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In an interview he says with a hateful countenance that things like free will, soul, God etc. have to disappear in the west.

Here's the interview watch his expression after he says "it's over". You can just see the hateful glee in his jewish face:

Here the author is invited to speak in Davos at the World Economic Forum by his fellow tribesman Claus Schwab, he talks about how corporations and governments can implement digital dictatorships:

He is not European. He is jewish.

>> No.19716096

Apart from you reading into his jewishness what exactly is your disagreement here? I watched the first video and a little of the second and he is arguing against techno slavery and data centralization

>> No.19716150

>recommended by Bill Gates
>the Epstein island visiting billionaire
>the billionaire who lies about his past, pretending to have been born poor but was actually born into the equivalent of royalty
>the spyware installing billionaire
>the billionaire who abuses/abused his coworkers
>private jet flying, mansion owning, meat eating "SAVE THE PLANET" guy
>the globalism supporting, anti-union billionaire
>the medical malpracticing billionaire
>the billionaire who is friends with Fauci who is also a corrupt piece of shit
>the african guinea-pigging billionaire
>being a billionaire in the first place requiring ruthless sociopathic behavior
Anything recommended by that living scum of a human being probably doesn't have good intentions, just saying. He's basically an IRL James Bond villain LARPing as a hero to the public. No matter how much redditors love to suck his dick to "heckin' own the flat earther anti science MAGA chuds!"

>> No.19716213

He is promoting it global jewish dictatorship. These people have to be trialed and executed.

>> No.19716958

I read it on a plane ride from America to Europe. I wish the plane crashed everytime he expressed his own opinions. This guy is a literal NPC

>> No.19716975

Does he talk about niggers?

>> No.19716998

its good as an audiobook on a long carride. dont read if you are already into history, if you arent you will enjoy it since it reiterates that in a very very surface level

>> No.19717627

>Your brain on /pol/

>> No.19717831

And those are?

>> No.19717911

what prompted it?

>> No.19717949

can you expand on this? It seems to be another guns, germs,and steel type book which hasn't yet gotten long-form takedowns

>> No.19717963

You can't be serious here. If you are, then the anon that replied to you first was right. Please consider seeing a psychiatrist.

>> No.19718167

Not gonna lie: it's a huge turnoff for me when someone butchers the English language for the sake of political correctness. Now, I know his editor is likely the person responsible for the choice of the word "humankind" rather than "mankind", but that doesn't make it better. And yes, I am judging the book by its cover; suck it.

>> No.19718184

It's a cool thesis if somewhat inaccurate and oversimplifying but the section on banking during imperialism to today was incredibly interesting as well as the humanism section and I still think it is worth a read.

>> No.19718208

He doesn't account for the brothinkers like Joe Rogan who go full primitivist and embrace hunting as a lifestyle. There will always be those who don't live digitally and engage with the atavistic.

>> No.19718735

Completely serious. Let's get rid of the zionists. Who doesnt want that?

>> No.19718743

>I know his editor is likely the person responsible for the choice of the word
Yeah Harari is just a innocent Jew oppressed by his editor. Better than judging by the cover is judging by the author's name.

>> No.19718756

>Please consider seeing a psychiatrist.
Pathologizing normal reactions is Jewish behavior. Consider seeing a pastor.

>> No.19718784

>Human rights are only tacit social agreements
>Hobbes was wrong
>All men are not created equal
Stop memeing this regressive nonsense book kthx

>> No.19719121
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>> No.19719138

>and future of our species
Sorry Gates we both know we are not the same species, you so more than I

>> No.19719280

This book is very red pilled.
It shows we have been domesticated by others in power manipulating us to keep us in control since 10k years ago.

Am i wrong?

>> No.19719314

The ideas that God is dead and never existed, happiness is not a state of being but just chermicals in your brain, sense of justice isn't real, ethics are relative and that nothing is real except science and materialism, those ideas aren't liberating in my opinion

>> No.19719365

You want liberation from what, you faggot?
Youre just scared of the truth. We are still the same animals roaming around caves 10k years ago, we just believe we arent.
Of course only science (technology) and materialism (wealth, status) matter

>> No.19719464

>atoms..... le formed
How do fedoras actually believe this stuff?

>> No.19719635
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Exchange it for this asap

>> No.19720076

you want to avoid anything promoted by msm

>> No.19720565
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>my auntie gave this book to me for christmas 2019
>open it and there's a $50 note inside
>"teehee the $50 is the actual christmas present, we're just lending you the book since it seemed something you'd be interested in teehee"
>why the fuck would you give it to me on christmas then bitch
>"ah ok thanks"
>fast forward two years, i never read it
>"hey anon, have you still got that book we lent you for christmas"
>this is after i moved to another country and back
>"sorry it got lost in the move, but i'm happy to buy another one"
>"no that's ok anon, just look for it"
>90% of my books are in a mountain of boxes, i look but no dice
>she starts regularly harrassing me for the book
>keep telling her i'm happy to go to the bookstore right this second and get her a copy but she keeps refusing me
>eventually just says "we bought another one, it's ok"
fuck my aunty and fuck that book, it's probably not even that good anyway
read pic related instead for a cool time