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19710725 No.19710725 [Reply] [Original]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This is the commencement of a thread series where we will go through the entire Quran إن شاء الله تعالى and go over its meanings in depth.

See background here



Ibn Kathir in his introduction to his tafsir states, “[W]hether one is an Arab or a non-Arab, black or red, human or Jinn, whoever this Qur’an is conveyed to, it is a warning for them all.” He then says scholars are charged with keeping and conveying the meaning of Quran and to ensure it doesn’t get distort rot neither twist it to suit their ends as rabbis do with Torah.

In interpretation of Quran the first resource is the Quran itself. This helps determine usage and many other things, because the Quran is nonlinear offer reverses have a reciprocal explanation of each other. A scholar of serious standing must have the whole Quran memorized. The next source of exegesis is the Sunnah given in authentic hadiths. For this it’s also important a scholar have thousands memorized and it helps if he can grade them and give their chains as well. The next source is the opinion of those who directly knew the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in interpretation. Then early scholars after them. For Arabic usage outside these sources using poetry contemporary or prior to Quran is a big source for linguistic experts, and back in the day spending time with very isolated Bedouin tribes was as well. It is not permissible to speculate on the meaning, you either have to have learned it or have the expertise to give it. Speculation leads to making the religion subjective

>Introduction to Al-Fatiha

Fatiha comes from an Arabic word meaning to open what was unlocked. Fatha is used in Quran to mean conquest. Fatha is also the term for an unlettered vowel notation that sounds like a short a, describing the opening of the mouth. The h in this word is ح meaning it’s pronounced like blowing on your glasses. It’s called Fatiha because it opens the Quran and prayers. It’s also called in authentic Hadiths, Umm al-Kitab, the mother of the book. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم says it is the best chapters in Quran although scholars differed over if that meant it should be recited a lot, Imam Malik disliked that. It is confirmed as a halal ruqiyyah in Hadiths, meaning a charm. Because of this Hanafis allow charms with Quran or the like written on them, but Hanbalis dislike that practice (charms are normally considered lessor shirk—shirk which isn’t apostasy but a big no no).

I would go into a lot more depth but I know I can’t demand extremes. Next thread إن شاء الله we will go into the meaning of the very first very verse including the Arabic nuance

>> No.19710829

Why do you rats never mention the retarded Muhammad "biographies" that are a lynchpin of your Brainworms legal system?
Also, all hadith are bullshit
You can easily make every narrator unreliable since they have all had anachronistic horseshit stuck to their name

>> No.19710865

Could you elaborate? I suggest you take a look at the secular work The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence: Meccan Fiqh Before the Classical Schools if you are skeptical that Hadiths have any historical validity as sources

Rest assured I will be using seerah, the Life of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم , as a major element in exegesis. I might also like to a lot of resources on it if this gains traction or I get enough asking for a discord

>> No.19710887
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>ywn be born afghani
why even live

>> No.19710920

You know
I expected to you to cite someone like Jonathan Brown
I respect that you did not
Motzki still ignores all scholarship that came before in order to write fanfic
He never solves the perminal toothbrush problem in all hadith literature
Leaving that aside, why read hadith directly when they're only used apologetics and counterapologetics rather than the tafsirs which actual jurists actually use almost exclusively

>> No.19710925

I don’t like Jonathan Brown at all because he’s a very liberal “Muslim” trying to pozz the religion

Have you actually read Motzki, or are you making assumptions? His conclusions are different based on newly available evidence

>> No.19710939

You win
I'll attend your classes to see if my conspiracy theories are correct
What's your background though?
Also, do you affirm kalam?
Like, not the sophistries, the actual philosophical system

>> No.19710977

I don’t affirm either. I do have a background in philosophy and will bring in it up throughout this series to explain things with western terms and concepts, and I actually had some fierce arguments with my teacher but my personal position is Ahlul Hadith because I consider it the closest to the actual beliefs of the Sahaba

>> No.19711001

I commend the effort but you seem to be conflating the vowel fatha (فتحة) with the noun faatiha (فاتحة). The latter is the name of the surah which translates to "the opening", meaning the opening of the Qur'an. Granted, they come from the same root verb ف ت ح but they are different words. It is also worth noting the names of the surahs are not a part of the revelations. The council under uthman which was compliling the Qur'an chose the names arbitrarily. On a different note, why are those hypocrite taliban sitting on European chairs in a room completely decorated with old European aesthetics? Are they going to swap their Qur'ans with European Bibles too?

>> No.19711013

allah gay

>> No.19711014

I guess that's understandable
I never understood how kalamists could affirm their system while at the same time claiming to follow the Koran
I was thinking more in terms of
Are you trained in Koranic Arabic and the like?

>> No.19711021

Why would anyone prosthelytize here? What a waste of effort.

>> No.19711051

I didn’t conflate them, you can see they’re different words in the OP if you look again. I introduced the harakah here because I’m going to bring up declensions in the first verse and it’s á propos to introduce fatha for that reason. And the etymology for fatha is opening

The names of the surahs are multiple, Suratat Tawba is also called Bara’. The most common original practice was referring to them by their opening lines. Fatiha as a title was used by the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and so were many other terms as you will find in any tafsir. Similarly we call the Prophet Rasool, Muhammad, Nabi. Ahmad, Habibullah, shafeeullah and many other names. Uthman رضي الله عنه neither invented nor standardized the titles we use today

The building was used by the prior government and this is shortly after the takeover and interior decorating was probably considered less of a priority than keeping law and order

>> No.19711070

I have some learning in Quranic Arabic, I can understand about 80% of it and will be employing tafsirs such as Tabari Al-Jalalain which go into detail about the Arabic usage and grammar. I’ve only been a Muslim for a couple of years but الحمدلله it’s been rewarding.

>> No.19711096

Tabari and* al-Jalalain, the latter is particularly concerned with grammar. Tabari is too but also uses a lot of Hadiths and other commentary, his is the longest and most in depth, the tafsir of al-Jalalain by contrast is known for brevity. I’ll also be using Ibn Kathir, Qurtubi, Sa’di and Qutb

>> No.19711098

>I introduced the harakah here because I’m going to bring up declensions in the first verse and it’s á propos to introduce fatha for that reason.
That is fair. The original post brought it up without explaining the relevance so it seemed like conflating it.
>Uthman رضي الله عنه neither invented nor standardized the titles we use today
That is not correct. He (or rather the council under him) standardized the names that are written above each surah, even though as you said some surahs have more than one name. E.g. Al-Fatiha is also called al-Hamd but you never see the latter name written in the Uthmanic compilation.
>interior decorating was probably considered less of a priority than keeping law and order
Is that why they took pictures to propagate through the internet?

>> No.19711119

Surah Tawba was referred to for most of history as Surah Bara. The names used by Uthman didn’t exactly standardize anything because scholars continued to use multiple names. True standardization was mostly a proud ice of the printing press

Soldiers generally do that after a victory

>> No.19711140

My point stands that the names chosen for the compilation are arbitrarily chosen. Sometimes the word was used in a hadith, but often times you just see them choosing a unique word used in the surah that they liked as the name.
>Soldiers generally do that after a victory
Soldiers take pictures of themselves to post on the internet?

>> No.19711208

>the perminal toothbrush problem
Could you elaborate?

>> No.19711364

You seem awfully salty about the crusaders losing

I don’t know what that refers to but Joseph Schacht was the one who basically single-handed my discredited Hadiths in the eyes of western academics. His thesis was they were fabricated to answer legal questions and his original research was extremely difficult to refute until older documentation surfaced showing that Hadiths were not fabricated generations later but actually had an established tradition right from the start with it possible to authentically date teem Motzki is the one who published a lot of research on this

>> No.19711426

>You seem awfully salty about the crusaders losing
Lol I am a Muslim. I don't care about crusaders.

>> No.19711473
File: 154 KB, 1321x1280, quran_tells_browncels_to_gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muslims are actually forbidden to go on 4chan and similar places in the quran itself. this is why, of course, if ISIS had caught any of these retards posting on 4chan from their caliphate they'd take their heads off without a doubt. ISIS is of course what real islam looks like when you actually take it seriously.

I'm not against secular study of islamic texts though. as long as we're all clear islam is fake and gay.

>> No.19711498

Yet you have nothing but harsh words for the mujahideen that gave so many years and blood to expel them

>> No.19711509

This is a blue board, how is it worse than twitter (which ISIS is rampant on)? And since when did ISIS use beheading for a tazir? They use it as a hadd and on non Muslims, not on Muslims for tazir

>> No.19711577

blue board does not mean islam friendly. if that's your interpretation of what blue board means then you're truly clueless.

I don't know anything about twitter, I don't use twitter, but on 4chan you will never have a thread about any religion without it being mocked and derided, so it is clearly against islam to be on here.

an incident of isis beheading a syrian teenager with a muslim name for listening to pop music was widely reported.

>> No.19711646

Talking to the enemies of Islam isn’t prohibited, all the prophets did

Yeah it was widely reported they killed babies for having downs (later confirmed as made up). You are a boomer if you believe these boomer Facebook things offhanded without actually looking. IS has actual sites with their fatwas and rulings

>> No.19711656

yeah all the negative reports about isis were made up. how dare anyone refer to anything other than official isis sources.
why don't you leave europe and go and join them then? they still have a few places. clearly you're convinced they wouldn't get in the way of your 4chan posting anyway.

>> No.19711680

My friend, you have to learn how to think critically. I’m not an ISIS lover, they have a major issue with declaring other Muslims apostates without proper justification, this makes it impossible to get along with them. That doesn’t mean people don’t spread random rumors. The Nazis killed innocent people but one Jew recounted how they curved a gun barrel and made Jews shoot it through a wall not knowing it curved back on them on the other side and would shoot them in the head. Are you saying if I say this is made up then I’m literally Hitl0r?

>> No.19711703
File: 399 KB, 600x476, pig_muhammad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you traveled to isis territory and openly posted on 4chan, it's basically inconceivable that any harm would come to you. that is so out of line with everything else we know about them, and about their past behavior.
so of course posting on islam is perfectly compatible with devout islam.

>> No.19711753

so much salt. so what if isis kills children? you don't seem empathetic or interested in the lives of the poor syrian children. why do you even care then retarded white fagit? "muh isis is reel islam and u muzlimz go bek to syria so we cun bomb u mor" like stfu and go back to comforting your little daughter that i just raped you cunt yes isis is real islam and we will enforce its rulings in europe we will rape all your women as concubines and we willbehead the men. cope seethe cope cope seethe

>> No.19711763

>to ensure it doesn’t get distort rot neither twist it to suit their ends
I felt like I had a stroke when I tried to read this

>> No.19711853

Why the fuck would you read a glorified notebook that's 99% gibberish?
>Quran إن شاء الله تعالى and go over its meanings in depth
Let me save you some time.
The quran is absolutely meaningless and beyond contradiction.

>> No.19711855

Thanks for your effort anon. I was interested in Islam for quite some time and this could be a nice way to learn about it.

>> No.19711861

What would you say to muhamads top dudes, one being a cannibal, the other being mass murderers of civilians and child rapists?
The nazis were comparatively tame to the kind of insane shit the muslims did throughout islamic history.

>> No.19711922
File: 209 KB, 600x715, browncel_chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>islam will take over europe and I will finally get white pussy and stop being a browncel!

>> No.19711945


I’m not sure what you mean. There’s no authentic hadith about cannibalism and the Sahaba didn’t mass murder civilians (whatever that means exactly in a society without standing armies) except for a tribe of Jews where all the adult men were out to death for conspiracy against the Muslims and attacking them from behind during an alliance. Khalid Ibn Waleed رضي الله عنه did get a little bloodthirsty sometimes but he was pretty strongly rebuked for it and was ultimately fired

>> No.19712172

>There’s no authentic hadith
Islamic apologetics in a nutshell.
The history and brutality of islam doesn't even need a reply.

>> No.19712242

Aren’t you projecting? It was the crusaders who literally engaged in cannibalism, not us

>> No.19712264

Did the Crusaders fuck a 9 year old, then took a swig of camel piss and went to fuck their adopted son's wife, then abolished adoption to save face too?

>> No.19712335

Child marriage was plenty common then

Using urine in Medici is still done today, mare urine is used commonly as an ingredient in western medication, no one drank it as a beverage

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم brokered the marriage with his adopted son with a woman of h oh h standing who didn’t want to marry him because he was a former slave. He had already divorced multiple times and she and him did not get along at all. She was forty when he divorced her and then the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم married her after being instructed to. The abolition of adoption means abolishing giving another child your paternity, not abolishing raising them, adopting an orphan is considered a deed comparable to jihad. But preserving authentic paternity is considered required thus using the name Ibn Muhammad was no longer allowed for him and in fact in this revelation Allah also said the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has no sons among the Muslims which meant there was to be no familial dynasty of his power, and indeed he would have no sons who survived childhood

>> No.19712344

In medicine *

>> No.19712350

Of high* standing, she was actually nobility but very assertive and vocal