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19709550 No.19709550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you read this articles on the coming wave of sex negativity?
> Narayan and his close male friends are all around the same age. They’re all elite guys working in tech and finance — and all either dating to marry, or already married. In what amounts to an informal 21st-century marriage brokerage, they and the wives of already-married members of their friend group collude to track down potential partners. But they’re picky — and Narayan is blunt about the criteria. It’s not just about being educated, ambitious or pretty. ‘Guys who say they don’t care about their wife’s sexual history are straight-up lying,’ he tells me. All the men in his group, he says, would strongly prefer their future wives to be virgins on marriage. Some categorically rule out women who aren’t: ‘No hymen, no diamond’.

>Charlotte and Narayan are not the uptight fundamentalists or ugly, embittered feminists of stereotype: they’re members of the Ivy-educated jeunesse dorée. They’re pushing back against a culture of sexual freedom they see as toxic not just to individual wellbeing, but even to the long-term health of American society. They’re the forefront of what ‘Default Friend’, a Bay Area writer on sex and relationships, terms ‘the coming wave of sex-negativity’.
>fuck off jannie, articles are literature

>> No.19709553

Have sex, incel

>> No.19709565

I want to take Abby's rosy cheeks between my hands and nibble on the bridge of her nose

>> No.19709577

This post is so inorganic, the psyop board needs to work on their untransparency.

>> No.19709578

it's fine to expect virginity if you yourself are a virgin
if you fucked sluts, you deserve one for a wife

>> No.19709580

sex negativity is just repression of sexual urges. This will lead to sexual fetishes, and underground sex clubs. Of course this is a pendulum swinging, so after the sex negativity there will be an explosion of sex positivity from the prudes

>> No.19709581

There's no such thing as a male virgin

>> No.19709585

>it's fine to expect virginity if you yourself are a virgin
Maybe, but it's also naive and cucked because what you get instead is a used up slut lying about her double digit bodyount (like the average church girl)

>> No.19709599

Sex negativity is the natural state of humanity. Sex positivity is naive in the sense that ignores that half of sexuality is pure suffering (jealousy, envy, shame), having a sexuality without this elements is unrealistic and undesirable since it means having a mutilated sexuality

>> No.19709605
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>sex negativity
Idiotic neologism but I'd be very happy if we were indeed becoming more sex negative. I think that kind of environment is just better.
I doubt it though. Where are they even getting this info from? it's ridiculous.

>> No.19709606

lol did someone drop you on christianity when you were a child?

>> No.19709609

>yeah man I'm pounding new pussy every night!
>why is every available woman a slut?!
>why can't I find a pure innocent virgin?!

>> No.19709610

Why do you think that repressing prejudice and human feelings as jealousy is better than repressing lust?

>> No.19709611

the sex negativity is unnatural and a by product of abrahamic religions, Nietzsche already eviscerated your kind

"It was Christianity, with its heartfelt resentment against life, that first made something unclean of sexuality: it threw filth on the origin, on the essential fact of our life."

>> No.19709614

The implication is that you aren't getting a pure tradwife either way, unless you're willing to settle for a pig.

>> No.19709617

That’s dumb, even hunter gatherers are against premarital sex. Nietzsche wasn’t an anthropologist you dumb fuck, also he died as a virgin

>> No.19709635

You need to literally brainwash a man from early childhood and destroy his self-esteem and testosterone completely in order to remove the disgust he naturally feels for sluts. Everyone is disgusted by unchaste women, even those who fuck them. Unchaste, not some thot with a 3 digit body count. And even when men will be completely removed, because that's what will happen eventually to please the globohomo, the truth behind this disgust will stay forever. We were already completely pozzed with the idea that it's ok to marry a non virgin. That alone grinds against such a basic instinct in one's mind. Not morality, but instinct, humans are supposed to stay together to raise their high maintenance offspring, getting together with a whore means asking for disaster, which it does since 70% marriages now fail and are left with single parents raising mentally ill kids. The natural way is that you get together when you're like 15, marry right away, have kids and spend your life together instead of fucking strangers from 13 to 35 and only then vaguely think about settling down with a retard who'll take you in. Simps should be shamed.

>> No.19709641

>it's fine to expect virginity if you yourself are a virgin

>> No.19709642

Have sex, incel

>> No.19709662

>articles are literature
No they aren't: have sex, incel.

>> No.19709666

>Nietzsche already eviscerated your kind
died a sterile incel

nobody gives a shit what sterile incels think about sex except other coping sterile incels. you seething faggots aren't even in the game

>> No.19709668
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Just marry young, while still in college or something. Besides, I think a lot of "trad" people wouldn't mind marrying a widow or something, someone with one or two former partners, it's just that everyone is encouraged to be a nymphomaniac these days and it's obviously mental and anti-family.

>> No.19709674

This is like the old meme that Romans engaged in mad orgies all the time.. In reality they were fairly conservative e.g. one Roman divorced his wife because she was seen in public without a veil. Priestesses in Rome weren't allowed to marry.

>> No.19709675

My problem with "sexual freedom" is how much of it just smacks of social engineering. People always try to centre the discussion on individual rights, but I don't really give a shit about that. It is the puppet mastery that frames this whole push for uninhibited appetite that creeps me out, not the particular instantiation of it. I don't get upset or unsettled if a woman isn't 'chaste', women are whores I accepted that years ago and am beyond caring, it is the culture that produces these sentiments to coax you to view sex as just another avenue of endless consumption, usually with some bullshit about finding yourself like dumb yuppie flying to India in the 60s.

And don't get me wrong, the sex negativity movement, to the extent it exists, will not be organic and ultimately just used as part of a dialectic to synthesise the next strain of social control, because clearly , on my fronts than then just sexuality, the rhetoric of liberal democratic progressivism feels inadequate to account for the mounting criticism level against it from all sides and requires patching.

>> No.19709679
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>coming wave of sex negativity?
Fuck I wish. Fact of the matter is, even casual sex has become boring for the retard normies that love it so much. That's why everyone nowadays has some solid 10 fetishes on top of the acceptance of schizo labels such as "pansexual" or "non-binary". Just engaging in casual sex has been boring since the times Focault was around, so he needed a whole arm up his ass as if he were Kermit the Frog. Just being gay or even bi doesn't quite cut it anymore. Both casual sex and homosexuality have become perfectly acceptable in the scope of the overton-window so what else is there? Engage in further degeneracy until you can feel something, and pretend as if you are the edgy wet dream of rebellion you had as a teen looking up to the sexual revolution of the 60s.

People are naturally disgusted by sluts and rampant sexual behavior because it is something that comes written in your very DNA, your innermost instincts, your synaptic survival responses. A woman that is having rampant sex is risking not only pregnancy for which she will have no father for providence, but also risking STDs, as the one being penetrated during sex runs much more risk of getting it than the penetrating partner. That is a woman with no sense of self-preservation, who places satisfaction above long-term thinking, and men AND women alike are repulsed by that. What a surprise that early sexual behavior in teenagers is correlated to mental illness and criminal behavior, and that the bigger the number of sexual partners in a woman the higher her chance of divorce Because casual rampant sex is NOT normal.

>muh syphilic whoremonger who couldn't get a willing woman to touch his pee-pee
Nietzsche is a mental weakling whose opinions are based on emotional responses towards the meanies of the world trying to control the edgy angry german man. like a teenager, "Christianity resents life" is the most emotionally reactive, little pissy take possible. Take a good look on the levels of colon cancer, super gonorrhea and uncontrollable AIDS in societies with rampant sex and tell me about that.

Infinitely based

>> No.19709683

Good luck finding a decent looking virgin in college. Either stick to your highschool sweetheart you deflowered when she was 15, or pick up a college uggo who had zero dicks available to her. Realistically, those are the options.

>> No.19709684

That's a nice wall of text right here, christcuck. The truth is ultimately Christianity ends up with modern west. Islam is the answer. But then, you globohomo demons won't let Islamic countries be and had to, just had to destroy us either way.

>> No.19709692

He died from the sex-positive disease of syphilis (contracted from prostitutes) or something actually. He was unironically a--forgive the incel lingo--"beta-male orbiter" and besides that, he was in general a sexual loser who hated women. He was not an incel, just incel-y.

>> No.19709698
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>lol u a christcuck
>cheerleads for sharia law


>> No.19709701

Funny how Christians too become like lefties and mock someone using words like incels and use leftist mindset. There are too few genuine Christians here and the majority are late millennials and zoomers who are shellshocked and unhinged so they wear a new face, that of a Christian.

>> No.19709704

>stick to your highschool sweetheart

I wish I did every single day

>> No.19709707

I knew multiple. The problem is getting them to be with you though. They have high standards or some qualification they need fulfilled but haven't yet.

>> No.19709709

Are you okay, anon? It's Saturday. You should be prepared for idolatry today. Talk to your local pedophile father or trans whatever for accepting me into your lands. After all vatican spends a lot on immigrants from Catholic America and us from middle east who feign to be Christians.

>> No.19709712

It's as if people from the future believed we all live like Espstein.

>> No.19709720

>funny how christians do this mean thing
>you should be ASHAMED of yourselves wahhh
This coming from faggots throwing nietzche around as an authority on sexuality, when we call out the obvious contradiction of a sterile resentful incel with no kids trying to judge Christian morality and sexuality, you hide behind SJW shame tactics in the most womanly fashion.

Christianity is hyper-natalist, Nietzchean larpers are not going to reproduce

>> No.19709725

Kek, of course you did. Because woman would never lie about her sexual history...

>> No.19709727

>muh pedos
>muh trannies
>cheerleads for Islam, with child fucking, child marrying, man-boy love, rampant polygamy, people divorcing willy-nilly, goat-fucking, basically being a cuck who has to say you support demented radical psychos and keep your head down not to upset them
>larping as moslem

Kek, fatass white kid willing to go full Ahmed because of the mean trannies, wouldn't take a week of pressure before branching to the next system of authoritarian schizos like a desperate monkey

>> No.19709732

islam is the biggest LARP on earth and was likely invented by the vatican

the west is bringing muslims in because they need more slaves and consoomers. All muslims will be fully westernized with their women twerking at the club wearing a towel of their heads and attending mosque later that week

>> No.19709746

It's not impossible dude but, of course, it depends mainly on where you live, not everywhere is the same.

>> No.19709750

Maybe they'll be westernised but they'll still live in your head rent free and they will be poweful that you lot will live cowering in fear that you might offend them. Your people literally put jesus (pbuh) in piss and you lot impotently shrieked. This bullshit we don't accept.

>> No.19709754

Extremely idealized picture of human reality. For most of human history there was no differentiation between sex and rape as far as the girl/woman was concerned. Marriage was proprietorship for the male, and women, at best, were simply brainwashed into accepting this fate: because nature conspired for women to be at the physically exceedingly unequal mercy of men. Everything proceeds from this primitive state of intersexual domination. The second stage is when agricultural civilization domesticates man in the formal arts of governance and war and begins to churn a consistently beautiful genetic strain of women through the seraglios and harems of those first Eastern civilizations, from which the principal biologico-artistic models of female beauty descend to this day. Wherever there has been civilization there female beauty has been biologically confected and disseminated. Female beauty itself, through its curation and dissemination, is fundamentally a product of the patriarchy, from which and against which it is now seeking total autonomy. Women as a creation of man is now seeking to de-create that very man in the dissolvent soup of post patriarchal sexual "Otherness:" in preparation for sexual posthumanism outright. A sexuality where the body has been crucified by the pornografied mind, or abandoned outright as a heap, a skin, to be shed like a bad boyfriend--a world where one of few abominations is fidelity to something other than the ethos of ever-transformative infidelity otherwise known as capitalist creative destruction, including the capitalist creative destruction of the human tout court in the posthuman Metaverse project.

>> No.19709757

I live in one of the most catholic countries in Europe and socialized extensively in my teens. One of the things I've learnt is that once Jesus forgives you during confession, it's like it never happened ;)

>> No.19709764
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My high school sweetheart was 6 years older than me, I never had a chance at a normal life. I still miss her sometimes. I was still just a boy and she was an actual, beautiful woman.

>> No.19709765

Projection is strong here. It's not me who is literally crypto-lefty. After all, modern leftism is an inversion of your faith. The weak (blacks, gay, trans) are inheriting the earth lmao.

>> No.19709773

>>sex negatively is the natural state if humanity
No the fuck it is not. Humans are animals, and animals fuck. A lot. And they don’t give a shit about any context to it either.

>> No.19709775

>they'll still live in your head rent free
lmao what is this 2003? nobody cares about muslims except boomers
>live cowering in fear that you might offend them
i literally teach primarily muslims for my job. their families are typical neo-lib degenerates
>jesus in piss
who? spooks making agitation propaganda? the funny thing about foreigners is they don't understand that literally everything in the west (especially america) is a psyop designed specifically to trigger you and nothing else. they take everything at face value like they're still at home
>this bullshit we don't accept
hitting levels of LARP never thought possible

>> No.19709781
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>this is what purityfags actually believe

>> No.19709784

>Humans are animals, and animals fuck.
You know that many animals are monogamous, right?

>> No.19709787

Do you know in what humans are different to animals? Our babies are fucking retarded. We need pair bonding to nurture babies, and pair bonding is in conflict with casual sex, you couldn’t have a complex social structure and pair bonding if everybody is fucking everybody, this doesn’t mean people are monogamous, what it means is that we evolve strategies to defend ourselves from unfaithful, promiscuos partners, such as sex negativity. Promiscuous behavior is anti social

>> No.19709793

So you've never heard of Bonobos, the animal most closely related to humans?

>> No.19709797

it's useless, you're probably talking to a commie who believes in communal upbringing (ideally, the State raises your kids).

>> No.19709799

What do you believe cuck? Let me guess
Women like casual sex just as men, she had to cae many partners that’s what makes her good at sex, you have to be insecure to care about body count, sex isn’t important just love, you have to be sexist to care about your partners past

>> No.19709803

Are there any bonobos other than you in this thread?

>> No.19709808

We are very different yo bonobos. Men in bonobos society never invest in children, that’s not the case with humans, besides that there are anatomical differences between bonobos and humans, bonobos have large testicles, according to a promiscuous species, humans do not. Also, bonobos are closer to chimpanzees, why aren’t them similar? Oh I forgot, they’re different species

>> No.19709816

>(like the average church girl)
Hardcore projection. I know at least 3 church women that are such uptight virgins they may never have sex.
Some LARPer isn't going to attract these types. He needs to ingratiate himself to their community (church).

>> No.19709817

>t. brainwashed since childhood

>> No.19709818

An utter unaware take considering that throughout history the most privileged men have been hypergamous and society has developed to the point where the other half of adult humanity can freely do the same, yet this simple basic equality drives countless numbers of infantile hypocritical men mad.

>> No.19709823

See >>19709757

>> No.19709826
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>Men in bonobos society

>> No.19709830

>if you're not like me you're a KEK!!!
>also I listed some counterarguments, that's the same as refuting them right?
This is pathetic.
Try and be near actual 3D women for a while lmao, their average mindset is far more nauseating than any body count could ever be.

>nooo you can't disagree!!!
>I am right, everyone clearly sees it!!!
>you must have been brainwashed!!!
More self-centered than a basic bitch, lol.

>> No.19709834

Nietzsche died childless and insane.
He is worshiped by worthless faggots like you who cope with the fact that he was also a worthless dog, saying "he was only prophesying the ubermensch" or "he was only pretending to be retarded." You adore Nietzsche for his "eviscerations" when you'll never apply the same vapid psychological acuity to your idol. That he was a wastrel living off the unearned empathy of government handouts or his family, or that he had to leave the army because he hurt himself, or that the main thing you'll bolster your idol with is his eminence: His influence among empty-skulled academics, and his popularity. An appeal to masses.
Nietzsche thought he destroyed metaphysics when he came up with the outright cope of Eternal Recurrence. His philosophy is litterer ed with these copes for nihilism.

>> No.19709835
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So fucking what if casual sex is and has always been boring. Casual sex is a means to an end. It’s functionally the same as masturbation but also relieves the desire for intimacy not just physical release. People are not naturally disgusted by sluts, there is no goddamn way that natural selection would allow a species to evolve whose fucking dna forces them to be disgusted by the idea of their own species’ reproduction. Any species in which that was the case would just die, also, if people’s disgust with sex was so inherent that it’s “your innermost instincts” and your “synaptic survival responses”, it would never fucking happen on this large of a scale when there’s functionally no benefit. You’re confusing correlation with causation when it comes to associating mental illness and crime with rampant sexuality; sex doesn’t cause those things, people in those situations just have more casual sex for exactly the same reasons that people in those situations are far more prone to drug use: it’s a way to avoid thinking about the problems in their life for a few hours, and it’s a hit of dopamine that’s otherwise hard for them to come by. I would call you an idiot for thinking that being the one being penetrated presents a significantly higher risk to getting an std, because yeah it’s a little higher but if you have unprotected sex with someone with an std, male or female you’re probably going to get that std gender doesn’t change that, but unfortunately I can’t call you that because mods will ban me bc they hate me. And people don’t even die from stds anymore, really. Half of them are curable and even the ones that aren’t can be suppressed with drugs, so the idea that having a lot of sex goes against self preservation is nonsense. Really your whole idea that people inherently have a problem with those that have a lot of sex is so flawed all I have to do to disprove it is to give the true statement that I’m a human who doesn’t value or engage in casual sex, and I don’t give a shit if the women I date did before they got with me (you know, obviously provided they fully leave all that behind once they get in an actual relationship)

>> No.19709837

>Try and be near actual 3D women for a while lmao, their average mindset is far more nauseating than any body count could ever be

>> No.19709840

Well that absolutely and deductively proves everything.

>> No.19709843

Christ is King

>> No.19709845

Just like those 3 prudes you happen to know completely refute my experience with countless church sluts riding casual dick before tricking some virgin tradcuck into marriage.

>> No.19709846

Dumb faggot, men are not repulsed by sluts, they would never dare them but would fuck them almost always. If you think about what this means it’s obvious that men would use every opportunity to reproduce but would never invest in sluts that you can’t be sure if the children is yours. Why you speak so confident about things you don’t understand?

>> No.19709850


>> No.19709851

King of what? The Jews?

>> No.19709863

We don’t actually need pair bonding to nurture babies. Traditionally the woman would do basically all of the work of childcare until the kid was able to fend for themself at age 12 give or take, a number which has only been pushed back in the last couple hundred years. In some societies the man would actively go out and collect resources to provide for his mate but it’s even more common for men to simply provide resources for an entire community of women or their own multiple wives. Pair bonding demonstrably isn’t necessary, therefore there’s no conflict with having multiple sex partners, therefore there’s no reason for people to evolve a natural dislike for it, that’s just a cultural thing and a relatively recent one at that.

>> No.19709865

I don’t give a shit if the women I date did before they got with me (you know, obviously provided they fully leave all that behind once they get in an actual relationship)
Man, I can’t believe this, sorry, but is the truth. You want me to believe that you don’t care about the women you love being penetrated by men that didn’t respect her and the only reason she allowed for being penetrated was the physical attractiveness of that guy? Doy you really want me to believe that you don’t care about the sweaty bodies of all men over you loved one? Her instinctive desire for being inseminated to all those men, and you having to invest emotional and economic resources in her, kek, what a cuck

>> No.19709868

I care about sweaty naked heaving men shooting hot ropes of thick semen too, anon. DM me if you wanna talk about it some more.

>> No.19709870
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>brainwash a man from early childhood
>natural disgust
False premise, you just aswell need to teach a human to feel jealousy and patriarchal possessiveness to make them fit into agricultural and subsequent societal forms.
>t. cucked by the (((neolithic globohomo)))

>> No.19709873

>elite guys
What makes them elite?

>> No.19709879

They all top ranked league players.

>> No.19709880

>I care about sweaty naked heaving men shooting hot ropes of thick semen too, anon.
Over your girl, don’t forget

>> No.19709881

Again, correct.

>> No.19709882

>Traditionally the woman would do basically all of the work of childcare
because she had a man who covered everything else

>> No.19709886

Understandable. The cream of the sexual crop must go to the e-athletes, after all.

>> No.19709888

Most monogamous animals are birds, and even they usually aren’t truly monogamous, they just mate for several years at a time (although some examples do exist of birds that mate for life). Humans are mammals, and monogamy is EXCEEDINGLY rare in mammals. Specifically our closest relatives are primates, most of whom including bonobos, snow monkeys, chimpanzees, and gorillas, are well known to form tribes in which males will have sex all the females that they can, and many of which are documented as consistently engaging in orgies, often not even for the purpose of reproduction. Even looking back at human history, the concept of true monogamy is a relatively recent development. People’ve been having wives for millennia, but multiple wives were usually an accepted thing, concubines were an accepted thing, many cultures like the greeks and mongols just didn’t see cheating as something bad, I mean look for 10 minutes at almost any ancient culture and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

>> No.19709890

>monogamy is EXCEEDINGLY rare in mammals
Yet 1/4 of primate species are monogamic, which is a very high incidence as far as mammal orders are concerned.

>> No.19709892

Yeah that’s exactly what I was saying

>> No.19709895

That’s not true, you can name some societies where fathers are relatively unimportant (mossuos, aches) but they are never not present, even in these societies pair bonding and pair bonding related behaviors such as jealousy are present. Even in societies where women provide most of the calories in the diet the mating is male based since in these economies polygyny is very prevalent.

>> No.19709896

If you can't handle the banality of what you are describing then there is, no insult intended, treatment for that.

>> No.19709899

>One young woman posts on Reddit’s relationships board about how her boyfriend can only reach climax by watching ‘blueberry porn’, a niche subgenre inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, in which women turn purple and become grotesquely inflated.


>> No.19709902
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>ew gross my perv bf be like this
>meanwhile her, on another sub

>> No.19709903

well if the tech and finance guys are doing it its gotta be good

>> No.19709904

>Traditionally the woman would do basically all of the work of childcare
You have no evidence of this, for such a generalizing statement. Traditionally in what culture? What times?
>Pair bonding demonstrably isn’t necessary,
Why? In fact,
>Children who grow up in fatherless homes have a greater risk of major challenges in life than those who grow up with a father at home.
Any stats will tell you single mother homes is one of the worst risk factors for any child. "lack of pair bonding" is another way to say single mother. Or: broken homes, divorced parents.

>> No.19709911

Yeah, because I’m not insecure. They have an instinctive desire to be inseminated and penetrated, and once they’re with me that desire will be satisfied, by me, and if it isn’t then we’ll break up and I’ll no longer have to care about her. Her doing something like that and then choosing to stay with me proves that I’m better than all those guys before, so why would I get insecure about them?

>> No.19709914

Wtf, Dobson managed to snag a gf?

>> No.19709917

Dogs eat shit. Primates violently kill each other and throw feces.
Ergo: let's all eat shit, kill each other, and throw feces.
Retarded argument.
>Even looking back at human history, the concept of true monogamy is a relatively recent development.
Sumerians had monogamous marriage. Even polygamous societies had monogamous marriages for most people.
There is zero evidence of such habits among prehistoric humans, because what we have our bones. It's impossible to discern marriage customs or social ritual from bones and to prove it.
You are a bullshitter.

>> No.19709921

Or it means that you were the only dumb enough to date a roastie

>> No.19709923

Yes. That’s not an argument.

>> No.19709932

In non-tribal, non socialistic societies is where the problems you enumerate start. The diversity of human societies prior to Western capitalist hegemony was truly astounding

>> No.19709936

>choosing to stay with me proves that I’m better than all those guys before
Jesus, kill yourself nigger, don't tell me on top of being a natural born cuckold you believe these teenagery copes. Let me put this under simple terms because this isn't worth my time: She's a hoe with a hungry pussy and wants to be filled by every other man she comes across, the only thing that ties her down is wanting a provider to leech on and the conflicting instinct for companionship starting to ring.

>> No.19709943

the biggest negative factor in single parent households is financial, not social. poor people have worse outcomes and single mothers are more often poor. the social science stuff about father figures is secondary to the fact of money
this also ignores the fact that, by and large, the father is the guy who bails on the woman in these situations

>> No.19709945

>sex negativity
>"no hymen, no diamond"
That's not "sex negativity" that's "slut negativity." Imagine calling someone who avoids eating junk food for their personal health as being "food negative."

>> No.19709947

Read Freud.

>> No.19709948

>the anon writing >>19709911 replies to the wrong post
>the incels immediately notice his post anyways and reply to it, proving that they're obsessively f5-ing the thread
Rookie mistake, now go back to your discord and whine some more about how the world doesn't just hand you a trad qt 3.14

>> No.19709956

What books?

>> No.19709960

>I don't keep arguing with the guy I'm having an argument with, I like to play coy like an effeminate faggot and pretend like I didn't see their posts because I never matured past being a mental 15 year old girl.

>> No.19709961

Serious question, you don’t really feel anything thinking about that? In the case that you don’t feel anything, what do think about it?

>> No.19709963

I have watched so much porn that I literally have to have sex like a porn star to get off. And by that I mean I need to take my dick out of the pussy and beat off to cum because my dick is so numb now.

>> No.19709968
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TFW a gosu is your oneitis' new bf
>S-sorry I always 6-pool, I like to finish early...
>What do you mean with "additional pylons"?
>You have herpes?! AAAAAA PLAYGU
>*unzips* Battlecruiser Operational!
>(after sex) Job finished!

>> No.19709974

Kek, same. Loose slimy pussy barely does anything to me anymore, sex is just an ego boost.

>> No.19709978

For evidence, I mean, what do you want me to start listing off specific examples of cheating not being considered bad, or documented instances of multiple wives, multiple husbands, or concubines? Because I can. On an individual level, figures like jacob from the book of genesis, achilles, odysseus, any of the fucking huns really, gilgamesh, any given muslim ruler, mansa musa to pick a random specific example. And you know, the cultures that any of those people came from, greeks, romans, anywhere in the middle east or africa, jews, mongols, mesopotamians, babylonians, etc. and the idea of taking an inability to prove polygamy in prehistoric humans as evidence that they probably weren’t polygamous is laughable, because as I said humans have animal instinct, and our closest animal relatives are all polygamous. In a situation with no evidence, occams razer dictates that the simplest solution i.e. that we did what the other members of our genus all did is the most logical conclusion. Also, humans also violently kill each other. Obviously we have laws and social customs to reign in some of our more animalistic behaviors, but those laws and traditions are not an inherently instinctual thing to humanity. Sex is.

>> No.19709980

You feel something because you're into NTR.
>>19709865 is cuck-flavoured wank material: normal people read it, recognize it as something written by a weirdo, shrug, and go on with their day.

>> No.19709982

>be me
>watched hardcore porn since age 8
>25 years old now, still watch porn daily
>has had zero effect on my sexual desires and I remain John Normie on that regard
Anyone who has their sexual preferences affected by the porn they watch is a fucking mongoloid.

>> No.19709983

Young women of pre-Columbian tribes across the Americas not infrequently engaged in bestiality with small dogs for sexual release. In fact, there's a wealth of evidence for routine non-procreative sexuality throughout the world in ancient tribal societies, and here you are talking about non-procreative sex among women with other *humans* as though this was a super modern *failing*, when non-procreative sex in women with an array of partners is well documented throughout the world's ancient tribal societies.

>> No.19709988

Trips of truth

But there's one big thing to say, the polygamy is always polygyny, never polynadry

I would love to have multiple wives because I can inseminate all of them but woman can have a lot of guys and only be pregnant with semen from one of them

That's why polygamy for men is normal and for women abnormal

>> No.19709993 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19709994

>Akwaliwa recalled that her first marriage had been to Kunai, who was now charitably, but discreetly (so as not to arouse gossip), helping to support her in widowhood. Because Falipa’w (Kunai’s senior wife) and one or two of the other cowives did not like her, the original union soon dissolved, and Akwaliwa took up with Asao as his second wife. Not long afterward, the first wife died. The two lived monogamously for three or four years before Asao casually asked what she would think of his taking another wife. Akwaliwa, angry and jealous at the question and still bruised by the troubles she had had as a cowife, refused to hear of it. Asao quickly dropped the subject. Afterward, however, touched that Asao so clearly respected her feelings, Akwaliwa inwardly relented. Accordingly, when Asao next raised the question—saying gently that she would have someone to help her in the gardens and grooves, someone to keep her company during his frequent prolonged absences—Akwaliwa gave her consent. A second wife joined the household soon afterward. After some initial difficulty, which Asao skillfully resolved, the two women got along very well together, and in due course a third was smoothly added to the household. “We all lived very happily together,” said Akwaliwa.

>This illustrates some of the complexities of polygynous marriage: female labor as a motivating factor, jealousy and conflict between co-wives, and even the initial preference for monogamous marriage, although this does seem to be an example of a successful and largely voluntary polygynous marriage. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that the Arapesh also practiced bride price, arranged marriages by kin, and had a ‘men’s cult,’ which dominated society and exerted strong control over the women, so we should not assume these outcomes were entirely due to choice.

>Conflict between co-wives is relatively common across polygynous societies. As a consequence, co-wives do not always reside in the same household, and instead each mother and her children may require their own home. In his 1949 work Social Structure, anthropologist George Murdock writes:

The polygynous family creates problems of personal adjustments which do not arise under monogamy, notably disputes arising from sexual jealousy and over the distribution of economic tasks in the feminine sphere of activity. A number of cultural solutions are apparent in the data. We have already noted the frequency with which co-wives are assigned to separate dwellings. Another common solution is to give one wife, usually the one first married, a superior social status and to delegate to her a general supervisory authority over the feminine tasks of the household.

>> No.19709997

No one is talking about sexual desires and preferences except you.

>> No.19709999

These things are non-divorceable.

>> No.19710009

Cope. You jumped the gun trying to bait with our overly defensive post, now you have to back peddle.

Nerve damage/desensitization isn't a kink or a preference like you are framing it. My preference would be that I don't have it and that I could just fuck normally.

>> No.19710010
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>Sex negativity is the natural state of humanity.
I'm not sure about that. Certainly marriage is the custom of almost all human society, and virginity and chastity is almost always important within marriage, but at the same time, marriage might exactly imply Victorian standards of sexual morality. For example, greek pederasty which has nothing to do with marriage or, as in some cultures, cuckoldry in specific context (IIRC some South African tribe practices this as a form of hospitality from the husband). Sexual negativity is probably more properly called, the marker of civilisation than the natural state of savage man.

>> No.19710011
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>thinking men and women are the same

>> No.19710013

>no one has pointed out that sex negativity is an old feminist concept

>> No.19710019


>> No.19710023

This dude gets it

>> No.19710026

You are telling me that your dick became accustomed to a hand rather than the wet hole it was made by mother nature's design for it to go into, and you think that is an entirely physical process because of "muh nerve damage".

Well, that is entirely your prerogative, go for it.

>> No.19710027

>No hymen, no diamond
are these guys 'elite tech guys' from india by any chance

>> No.19710030

what youre assuming is a physical problem is a psychological problem

>> No.19710031

Pointless contribution. Sex positivity is also embraced by some schools of feminism (including all of the relevant and popular ones) and has been popular within feminism for a very long time (see the history of anti-marriage and pro-contraceptive thought within feminism) whereas sex-negativity is more or less a marginal position in feminism; and besides, sex negativity was very popular before feminism ever really existed. So really, who gives a shit?

>> No.19710032

Woke-oids are the biggest anti-sex moralfags in the world these days. They cancel people for making fictional legal adult consenting incest porn. I don't get it.

>> No.19710033

Clearly you know nothing about human physiology or psychology.

>> No.19710035

Narayan is an Indian name.. Yes, i am a pajeet myself.

>> No.19710040

If they've got the money, nothing wrong with them asking for the freshest honey.

>> No.19710043

Damn, I tough that nigga was Jewish, Naraya sounds alike Netanyahu

>> No.19710044


That's called opacity

>> No.19710053

The solution is to opress and publicly humiliate men even harder.

>> No.19710058

This. 80/20 fucking is too man-enabling, only the top 10% should get pussy privileges.

>> No.19710110

Will not happen in general. Once the rabbit is out of the hat, it's extraordinarily difficult to put back in. There may be closed circles who become sex-negative, but society at large isn't going to tighten social strictures in any lasting way.

>> No.19710130

>For most of human history there was no differentiation between sex and rape as far as the girl/woman was concerned.
>Marriage was proprietorship for the male, and women, at best, were simply brainwashed into accepting this fate: because nature conspired for women to be at the physically exceedingly unequal mercy of men
This is just utter bullshit. Women have always married up and men marry down. It's always been this way. Women have always been protected by other men (simps). Your idea that women were mindless sex toys is just laughable, really. You really believe fathers would give their daughters, a family member and a high value resource, to some coomer rapist just because lol lmao xD?

>> No.19710135

I definitely think it was way easier before the internet. Don't know what it is about the web, but it kind of changed everything.

>> No.19710149

>Women have always married up and men marry down.
Generally perhaps, but it wasn't uncommon for men to marry widows or something for money. It was usually the father's job to make sure the daughter didn't marry down but if there was a title or something that might be worth not getting as much money.

>> No.19710152

Not that guy btw, I pretty much agree with you.

>> No.19710167

Does everything need to be spelled out: what is being described is a result of constant raids and war. Until very recently this formed the basis, for example, of Papau New Guinean society.

>> No.19710168

>it wasn't uncommon for men to marry widows or something for money.
Say tha number, nigger

>> No.19710190

People still drown girls at birth in India and China. This is how valuable women are outside of our sexist, sexist society

>> No.19710191

It isn't rape. Women go for the stronger branch. If your tribe loses a war then women will just move to the winning tribe. This is also why all nationalist movements are 99% incel men and the remaining 1% are women who either don't actually care or what attention.

Also this idea that there were constant raids shadow legends everywhere is also laughable. How do you think humans didn't go extinct if people were constantly raiding and murdering others?

>> No.19710192

>incels are now faking disability and blaming it on women via porn
The only nerve damage you have is the one going on between your ears, faggotron.

>> No.19710194

No, it happened though.

>> No.19710199

>This is also why all nationalist movements are 99% incel men and the remaining 1% are women who either don't actually care or what attention
Kek, absolutely true

>> No.19710209

Why do you think the Aztecs were so hated? Because they militarily dominated other groups and enslaved their women. This is just common knowledge.

>> No.19710210

In movies and novels, those are fiction works of art, this nigga feels like a historían because he watched barry Lyndon.

>> No.19710216

>high maintenance children
>life consists of raids shadow legends and rape
Im not buying it no matter what you say

Im not sure whether you are aware or not but there is lots of history before societies. We didn't just start existing in a basedciety

>> No.19710240

It's not happening at all. The left routinely pushes opposing narratives to confirm its own:
>Our society is unbearably sex-negative
>We want our society to be even MORE degenerate
It really works the same as ads. I unironically think that the majority of the discourse of modern society can be understood much better by studying marketing rather than philosophy or what have you. This one time for a job training I went through this marketing course and it was mind-blowing. But you don't need to study marketing to see how obvious this is when you make a comparison with actual ads and the discourse of the pseudocommie internet mafia. You invent a problem that never existed, or you created yourself with previous bullshit:
>Ugh! Don't you just hate it when your $200 wireless earpods fall from your ears?
and you offer the thing that nobody needed to begin with,
>Get these handy wires that you can use to hold your wireless earpods together! Only $50!
So now that society is starting to suffer the overbearing bullshit of trannies and pederasts and fifth-wave feminists, they invent the issue of "radical alt-rights" being hateful so that they can push for EVEN MORE of the shit that nobody can suffer anymore. If you oppose this push, you can be grouped with the ever-present crazy wackos and dismissed.
This works for everything, and it doesn't matter that it can be done both ways because - just like in marketing - it's resources that determine exposure, not the effectiveness of the argument. This is a very sad thing but it's indeed true that making a good argument against or in favor of something isn't nearly as effective as just repeating a thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Even if you are blatantly lying, you can just hammer things in people's heads by brute force. This is extremely scary and worrysome but it's just a fact of humanity, because we're not perfect thinking machine and much of our thought is shaped by familiarity and other habituating factors. If you show men kissing on TV and people cheering over and over and over and over and over and over, and every person who disagrees is an ugly fat retarded surrounded by shit and flies, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, and over, and over and over and over again, and over and over again, and you show that to small children, and you show that to their parents, and you make so that all the people whose brain is the softest have plenty of room to confirm that it is indeed true that gay people are normal, in fact better, and they have something to teach us about sex that isn't just that buggery gives you AIDS, eventually everyone will think this way. It doesn't matter if you rationalize it, 99.9% of people will just break. This is the reality-shaping power of mass media. Until mass media it was impossible to reshape reality this way. You could set up a scene in the past, sure, but it was always, obviously a theatre.

>> No.19710245

You are straight up retarded. A lot of the time it literally made more sense for a widow to remarry than stay a widow, but at the same time they couldn't always be exactly picky (for obvious reasons). It's not just some random literary trope, faggot.

>> No.19710246

I married a woman who had sexual past.
It disgusts me to this day and it always will. She's sorry for it and she wishes she never had it but that's how sluts think in 21st century. Does that stop me from pounding her and having kids with her? No. Would I have been better off looking for idealised virgin? No. Even the virgins can cuck you at any time. Fucking wish she was a virgin and at least I would have peace from the thoughts of her being pounded by some dudes but what the fuck can I expect from women these days? Having lived with a woman for 7 years before I met this one taught me one thing: never expect anything good from them.
I was once in a short relationship with an american girl who was straight up unapologetic tinder turbo whore and ngl, I couldn't even get my dick up for her. She told me I can cum inside her because she's on a coil. If you're a sensitive guy I'd recommend you stay away from women with sexual past and stay virgins forever. If you're not sensitive then go for it. I had to grow a backbone but I don't think I'll ever "not care" about it.

>> No.19710261

How many? if it's one dude it's probably better not to think about it. If it's more...I'm guessing it's way to late anyway and you should have thought about that early on.

>> No.19710266

>Having lived with a woman for 7 years before I met this one taught me one thing: never expect anything good from them
Yup. 4 year long relationship was a brutal blackpilling experience, and having several female flatmates afterwards only confirmed the worst. Filthy sluts.

>> No.19710273

Say the numbers, nigger. You literally don’t know what you are talking about, you just say what you imagine if happen based on works of fiction. Dumb nigger

>> No.19710277

I'm sorry that you married a cumdumpster, anon. I would never bear the thought that my wife sucked so many different dicks of different people. I genuinely can't stand the idea that my girl had someone else's penis in her mouth at any time, you know? I can bear the thought of vaginal sex because that's that a vagina is for after all, but when I happen at some point in the relationship to think about my sweet girl giving a blowjob to someone, sucking his cock, a cock that isn't mine, that isn't even similar to mine, and th guy is maybe pushing her head down or fucking her face, I just lose any sentiment I might have for the girl. She just becomes a filthy cocksucker. I look at her and I feel betrayed. All the words that come from her lips are stained with someone else's semen. I think it was the trauma of living through the 37 dicks scene in first person that made me this way. I could probably be with a woman who isn't a virgin but I can't be with a woman who sucked someone's cock (other than mine. I love receiving blowjobs).

>> No.19710286

2 long term and 1 night stand. She wishes she never told me this. I said I wish you wished it never happened. She knows what I think of her though and each time she played the "I'm special" card it leads to putting her in her place. She loves me to no end because she knows I would not blink an eye if she left me.
Yes. Fucking incels think they have it hard lol

>> No.19710289

>Jannies, even if this thread didn’t happen to be literature related, leave it be, it offers some valuable sociology information

>> No.19710292

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality.
Beyond the Pleasure Principle
The Ego and Id
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
The Interpretation of Dreams.
Totem and Taboo (you can skip but it's relevant to this discussion)

This is still missing some. You kind of need to read all of Freud's major works since his ideas constantly evolved throughout his career.

>> No.19710293

3 guys isn’t a past, faggot. How old are you? You’re fortunate to have a bitch with only 3 dicks in her history

>> No.19710294

Funnily enough this makes me cling to Christ our Lord like nothing else because this world is fucking filth and we make it so. I try to live with my head in heaven while my body is submerged in this sewer.

>> No.19710297

Can you resume what his ideas are?

>> No.19710298

Doesnt make it any easier brother. At which number it becomes past? 5 6 20?

>> No.19710306

I can understand it doesn’t make it easier, but you need to know the number of most girls is higher, you should forgive and love your wife, she’s a good girl. How many girl have you fucked?

>> No.19710307

This board is near occasion for Christians, not sure why you are using this site lol

>> No.19710311
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> give me the statistics on rich widow hypogamy or else it literally never happened
Kill yourself.

>> No.19710313

>you should forgive and love your wife
I do despite everything provide for her and love her. There are certain moments in marriage when everything becomes sort of a mishmash of everything that has been talked about/experienced, when fights and arguments break out over nothing and then it slams you like a wet towel over your face, this slut is ripping me to shreds over a spilled glass of water or whatever. That's when it is the hardest.
I fucked 1 girl before her and had some proper intimacy with another but no penetration.

>> No.19710318

Disney boi

>> No.19710322

Luck brother, I hope the best for you. Just one question, where are your from?

>> No.19710324
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Wrong. They wrote a out them in the Quran.

>> No.19710330

Sounds like you want a slave, not a wife, since you obviously wouldn't expect a woman to make such demands of you. The best relationships are not dependent on unequal expectations, but rather on a genuine meeting of minds. Any chimp can procreate, dominate, intimidate, but advance intellectually with, one might even say within, another mind is a notably rare achievement because it requires equals, not prisoners, not brainwashed followers, but humans are animals and as such domination, intimidation, the threat of violence, conspire against awareness of one's own nature and by extension that of others.

>> No.19710332

>2 long term and 1 night stand
If it's really that, you're in a better spot than most other people. I wouldn't be this mad about this assuming there are no 37 dicks she's withold, and although I'm not racist, none of the people involved were black.

>> No.19710333

thanks brother

>> No.19710338
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>> No.19710346

Not him, but love is not rational, real love is instinctive, animal. You don’t really think in the speciations or think in the consequences, it just happen. Everyone wants to be the only one of their love one there’s no feeling that can compite to that. It has nothing to do with se or power, any women could feel like that and it would be legitimate.

>> No.19710349

Spoken like someone who hasn't ever been with a woman, they all want to be dominated.

>> No.19710357

>but advance intellectually with, one might even say within, another mind is a notably rare achievement because it requires equals, not prisoners, not brainwashed followers, but humans are animals and as such domination, intimidation, the threat of violence, conspire against awareness of one's own nature and by extension that of others.
you talk very highly of something, I'm pretty sure, you've not experienced yourself.
please tell me how would you "advance intellectually" while you're being smacked in your face by your beloved wife over a minor disagreement? how would you behave when a person you love abuses you emotionally? I agree there are situations for growth in every moment but married life mostly consists of things are are detached from what you are describing and it literally boils down to domination, intimidation and straight up violence sometimes. I've talked about it a while back on another thread and some anon just said "lol just find someone else bro".

>> No.19710371

what is it about Nietzsche that brings out the retards on this board? post anything from his works and there’s instant kvetching

>> No.19710372

>At which number it becomes past? 5 6 20
My rule is when the number squared doesn't break two digits. So more than 3 partners (any sexual act counts as 1, you don't get 0,2 for handjobs or other nonsense) is a promiscuous past IMO, assuming said number isn't equal or greater than her age halved of course, rounded down. So 3 partners at 20 years old is my upper limit.

>> No.19710392

>My rule is when the number squared doesn't break two digits
this made me chuckle, thanks bro

>> No.19710540

sublime bait