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File: 346 KB, 1080x1603, 1641608396914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19708480 No.19708480 [Reply] [Original]

Any book pursuing the same line of argument?

>> No.19708508

>real wealth
>ooga booga another wooman shit out a human

>> No.19708533

Oh fuck, this fag procreated? Yikes...
Well, I just I pray to Óðinn that these children at least grow up to become healthy human beings and try not to think to much about how much of a fag their dad is.

>> No.19708557
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>> No.19708560

Do you know how much you can sell a blonde white child for?

Real wealth.

>> No.19708569
File: 381 KB, 828x1209, 4F7D3D1F-B8DA-451A-A285-5A3A5DFD19AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normie Twitter found Varg.
The responses are exactly as I hoped for, hahahahah.

>> No.19708572
File: 32 KB, 735x533, 5193d2c59498d59c14f3f10797f5b1a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raising inbred children on pagan myths is real wealth

>> No.19708585

Shit up, degenerate.


>> No.19708606
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1641517010607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait.. you subhuman niggers are telling me he's racist? AND HOMOPHOBIC?

>> No.19708650

which one of the kids you guys think will be the first one to rebel against him and take the BBC?

>> No.19708656

all the girls will be the harem of some 15 inch cock black man

>> No.19708685
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Every. Single Time. I wonder why

>> No.19708687
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>> No.19708725

nowadays he says that true europeans are chubby and that skinny physique is for africans. I wonder if that's to cope with the fact that his wife and son got fat

>> No.19708804

>YWN live off French gibsmedat programs in the countryside, smash your waifu all day, and shitpost on twitter during your refractory period

>> No.19708816

*lives off royalties while enjoying freedom due to libtard penal system*

>> No.19708826

fjord smoth family

>> No.19708835

Ugly subhumans

>> No.19709311

Half of the kids look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.19709323

I really like Varg.

>> No.19709334

Based. Fuck 1980s commiefornia conservatives.
Bodybuilding 'kulchur' is peak consoomerism.

>> No.19709383

He also burned down churches.

>> No.19709389

Most european countries don't even have that many fat people compared to the Americas. Italians, who boost what is reputed as the best cuisine in the world barely have fat people in mainland Italy, and somehow Scandinavians with the worst cuisine imaginable other than English somehow manage to get fat. Now THAT's degenerate.

>buying goods and using services in an economy so you can pursue your interests and your fellow man can make a living, I'M GOING INSAAAAAAAAANE

cope harder, broke bitch

>> No.19709397
File: 3.94 MB, 600x452, faggott.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My wealth in life is found entirely abstract and immaterial values
>but I based my whole life on being a rebel and rejecting the values of the society around me, burning churches and being a real bad boy
>but now I'm a pagan larper retard because that is what is real edgy in contemporary days

Mental teenagery stretched all the way into the late 40s. Don't let it happen to you.

>> No.19709401

Varg's entire post-incarceration life can be summarized with
>muh forebears

>> No.19709417
File: 432 KB, 1280x536, YWNBAW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the importance of family being reduced to the tribalist, monkey-brained internet politics of emotionally reactive mentally ill retards on the internet who want to shit out ten children just because they vaguely believe this goes against the grain of the system

>> No.19709421

Why is this Norsemen larper posting photos of his kids online for hundreds of millions of men to rub their dongs to?

>> No.19709602

Almost everything about Varg is some sort of cope. Autism is a white trait because his wife's autistic. Brown hair/eyes are white traits because his kids have them. Whites built all of civilization until Varg decided civilization bad, whereupon civilization became the work of shitskins.

>> No.19709631

really depends if you consider Meds white or not.

>> No.19709633

>he has literally killed someone
ESL here but I'm pretty sure that's bad grammar. It should be "he literally killed someone", right?

>> No.19709638

either one would be acceptable.

>> No.19709639

Idk, that seems like an extremely common theme
Read A Christmas Carol

>> No.19709640

A lot of recessed jaws here. Fat kid looks kinda based tho, like he would be really in to Slipknot and skateboarding.

>> No.19709643


>> No.19709646

>A lot of recessed jaws here.
they're children, you autist.

>> No.19709648

No, although using perfect in this case gives it a paricular slant. It ties the fact he killed someone to the present moment. The speaker wants to point out he is a murderer.

>> No.19709649

Which of these creatures are male and female? Why didn't your sperm produce a pack of NVRDIC ODYNS, Varg? Whats up with chubby Young Chris Chan over there?

>> No.19709661

It'd be nigh impossible for your ESLcel brain to understand the undertones added to the sentence by employing the present perfect tense. By creating emphasis on the verb 'has' our attention is brought to the present, ever-pervading nature of his crime, underlining the fact that closure isn't achieved through repentance, and sins continue to define this man's life.

>> No.19709663


Varg is a hateful person, but on this he is correct.

>> No.19709667

Holy has based

>> No.19709678

Eat shit, christcuck.

>> No.19709685

Reminder that this person derives his worldview from a novel that is explicitly Catholic. His ethical pronouncements are largely 'Abrahamic', as he would say. All I'll say is that the ring is destroyed on March 25.
Nature worship is demon worship. Larpagans need not respond to me, your obsession with modern rabbinical Judaism means nothing to me, an adherent of the true Universal and Catholic faith.

>> No.19709686

Why do niggers (and I mean niggers as a mental state, nor racially) of this world always place so much value on procreating? Is it because in absence of anything good, beautiful, or truly new to say, do, invent, they numbly turn to the simplicity of replicating their unimpressive genes in hopes of off-loading their failures on the next generation? No great man in history ever fretted over his lineage because they new that their impact on the planet would outlive any gestated sperm. The less impressive a man is the more likely he is to start squirting his mediocrity everywhere.

>> No.19709689

Without Judaism, and Jewish God and his stories, jewish prophets, policies. Catholicism is just European kvetching and pagan sprinkling.

>> No.19709700

It won't be us eating shit, I can tell you that right now.

>> No.19709703
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well wealth is important to a degree but he is mostly right

otherwise based

>> No.19709708

Based thanks professor this is exactly right

>> No.19709711

My real wealth is how much cum I have in my boi pussy

>> No.19709713

Because low IQ niggers (and I mean that racially) will overtake the world least white people procreate in great numbers
> No great man in history ever fretted over his lineage because they new that their impact on the planet would outlive any gestated sperm.
Pretty much every scientist, philosopher, statesman etc. prior to the 20th century had a sizable family

>> No.19709715

The Old Testament is Christian, it is only since the Second World War that we have started to refer to the Ancient Hebrews as Jewish. I do not subscribe to your modern Darwinian understanding of race. I am a Celt, and it has long been known that we are descended from the middle east. We are the true descendents of those ancient Hebrews and I will hear no more of your modernism, thank you very much.
I'd advise you spend a little time reading before you decide to let the internet determine the direction of your little deracinated zoomer brain.

>> No.19709717

Denial is unhealthy, Idolater. Your prophet sits in piss in some art museum and you try to cope by telling me 'NO U'?

>> No.19709723

Oh, God. I wish your druid ancestors could see this. Heck, i know Persians who were true Aryans back then pretend to be Sayyeed (Mohammed's tribe {pbuh}). Celts are literally Pajeet-tier savages. But its anglo genes that keep them descending into complete anarchy.

>> No.19709728

It has a potency that requires constant undermining, no one cares about whatever hippy new-age shit your demented lonely ass 'worships'.

>> No.19709730

I'd like to make a contribution.

>> No.19709734

didn't he cut all contact with his daughter from previous marriage?

>> No.19709736

>Euronymous was interested in totalitarian communist states such as the Soviet Union under Stalin and Romania under Ceaușescu. He collected Eastern Bloc memorabilia, and in the '80s, he was a member of the Norwegian communist youth group Rød Ungdom, which was Marxist–Leninist at the time.

learned something new today

>> No.19709737

Honest answers only: would you rather be a billionaire but die childless
be a trailer trash with fat wife raising 8 mongoloids innawoods while e-begging to make ends meet?

>> No.19709739
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>> No.19709742

Oh, you people would know about undermining. Your jesuits and prots and elites have undermined all nations just as well. Look at Middle east. Heck, you morons tried to convert Palestinian, Assyrian christians. While your leaders decimated them Arab christians. A Christian genocide gifted by Christian countries.

>> No.19709745

Because when whites procreate it is in addition to civilisation and advancement of the world and human race, when others procreate (niggers, jews, non whites) they only destroy civilisation and bring chaos and destruction

>> No.19709751

i want to be a millionaire with a thicc wife raising 2 children near lush forest, while working as a nuclear power plant technician

>> No.19709752

Only that the world "literally" calls attention to the next word, as in to emphasize the fact he killed someone, and homos will use that same sentence structure for every fucking thing imaginable, so its hardly some clever sentence construction happening there for that precise context. It is just the reductionist, simplistic, rudimentary failed experiment that we understand as the english language and its awkward structures, working as intended.

>> No.19709755
File: 302 KB, 329x550, Colin Farrell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My descendents saved the inhabitants of those isles from demon worship. It is Christ who prevents us all from descending into anarchy.
Are you unfamiliar with the notion that the 'black irish' descend from Phoenicia.
Of course you don't, you're an ignorant who gets your worldview from fantasy games and the show Vikings.
Reminder that THE English Genius is produced from the West Midlands (which is the most celtic part of England). Shakespeare was a Celt.

>> No.19709759
File: 127 KB, 1024x1000, French Pepe (possibly has AIDS, very intellectual).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My descendents saved

>> No.19709760

>we wuz kangz
>no we wuz
>nay we wuz
you guys are silly, grow up

>> No.19709767

Schizo /pol/tard rambling. Read books, I beg you. Never reply to me again.

>> No.19709769

cool pepe, mind if i save it?

>> No.19709772

What is your point? That children don't inherit traits from their parents? Are you some sort of communist retard? The mother clearly passed on her weak lower third to some of her offspring.

>> No.19709774

save it carefully, I think it has HIV.

>> No.19709776

I am a Celt (Hebrew).
I never once said that I was descended from kings, I merely affirmed the once popular notion that the black Irish are semitic (you probably don't even know what semitic means).
You need to grow, ignorant child, likely an American child of fat evangelical retards who shit their pants at the mention of Harry Potter.

>> No.19709782

>I am a Celt (Hebrew).
The point is your DESCENDANTS are in the FUTURE.

>> No.19709802

He's black and Irish, cut him some slack.

>> No.19709815

Ok, i won't.

>> No.19709827

rare hurn

>> No.19709876

what child looks anything like themselves when they're older? Their skulls are barely even formed yet.

>> No.19709905

It's perfectly fine to use the present perfect case in this tense. It makes the action feel more "generic" is all.

>> No.19710004

if that's true wealth then what is he converting it to when he posts it on social media and why? the act of exhibiting your family online is clearly some kind of trading away - why would he need to do it if he already possesses the highest wealth? to be exhibited like this can only be detrimental to his children so isn't he tacitly admitting he values celebrity more than family?

>> No.19710054

You are obsessed about the sexuality of little kids. You are a pedophile.

>> No.19710059

homer you forgot about maggie

>> No.19710065

You are absolutely correct. Even if one's not a Christian, i would think them dumb as a brick if they followed this guy for anything else than lulz.

>> No.19710077

Hello Chang :)

>> No.19710079

Man I'm sure these white kids with a convict father would fare amazingly in upcoming globohomo dystopia. Their lives surely won't be destroyed in the worst ways imaginable.

>> No.19710089


>> No.19710105

Typical lefty/yewish talking point against southern burger Whites applied here. There's really self-hatred and race hatred in those people.

>> No.19710111

he might be a crazy snowmonkey living in a hut but hes kinda right

>> No.19710117

>projecting yourself on to ‘hundreds of millions’ of men so you don’t feel bad about being a pedo

>> No.19710120

Southerners really are inbred though, just like Jews or Pakistanis. Don't think Varg is though.

>> No.19710139

>Reminder that this person derives his worldview from a novel that is explicitly Catholic.

>> No.19710141

Finnbro, I've missed you.

>> No.19710150

I'm not him I'm just being a jerk.

>> No.19710364

You aren't impressive for knowing Tolkein's norse inspirations. Every Tolkein scholar would act as if you'd stated that water had the chemical symbol h20. Tolkein wrote at length about his belief that all myths were fragments of the one true myth, and explicitly wrote a tale about the overcoming of the incomplete pagan worldview.

>> No.19710397

>cold outside
>stay inside getting drunk
>eat broth mixed with sour cream
>crash your car into the bakery larping as a rallyist in your volvo
>sauna to detox the vodka
>daughter gets raped by a wild pack of somalis

Scandilyfe sounds peak comfy

>> No.19710399

anyone know what the best translation of the golden ass is?
walsh looks ok

>> No.19710402

Autism is a superpower.

>> No.19710417

it's true but it's also cope to say it

somethings are so good they dont need to be advocated for and when you try to advocate for them you make them seem weaker (in other words you argument is too strenuous)

>> No.19710435

explain : writing an article title "10 good reasons why you should piss when you need to piss"

no one needs to make that argument and even arguing it implies the counter argument for not pissing when it would never have come up if you hadn't attempted the argument in the first place

you're strength is drawing attention to your weakness

>> No.19710452

Some of the girls have terrible looking hair
Does this bitch even take care of them?

>> No.19710557

They don't use petroleum derived shampoo and conditioner because something something placenta something something bears. They do, however, bathe every day because something something Vikings bathed every day something something body fat is literally Vril.

Because despite playing an idiot on social media he isn't dumb. He knows that his family's income is dependent upon him being ZANY and WHACKY on the internet. He has to do this e-celeb bullshit in order to get people to keep buying his music. So he says something whacky and gets one of the three groups upset
and suddenly everyone talks about him for a week and he gets another royalty check in the mail.

>> No.19710581

It’s grammatically acceptable but quite clumsy.

>> No.19710603

Free Masons BTFOd by transorbital lobotomy

>> No.19710654

Mutt's Law

Mentally ill

>> No.19711048


>> No.19711105

yet here you are talking about him, with a near-autistic knowledge. stay hating nigger lol its all your good for.

>> No.19711111

Retard striked again.

>> No.19711146
File: 1.08 MB, 600x935, 62d7toc6udn51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Family picture in the back of your pickup.
I don't know who this fag is, don't tell me, I don't fucking care, but if this is the timeline the SJW homoglobo NWO are taking us away, please go right the fuck ahead.

>> No.19711159

Looks comfy I dunno what your problem is.

>> No.19711181
File: 299 KB, 828x761, 905EFEBA-8D6D-430B-BE79-E92EA4DDEAB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you faggots be adults and fair minded for once. All these ridiculous takes make you look stupid.

>> No.19711196
File: 69 KB, 640x786, 72606918a93e2e4739a5bcadae64afdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly never had a family who cared enough about you to instill in you a sense of sophistication and aesthetics. A proper man raises his boys to always display himself properly, in a way that inspires both strength and confidence. In the same way, he insures that his daughters are always displayed as elegant and visually pleasing. He cares about the appearance of his wife, and would never let her be taken in picture looking like such a fucking pig.
If you can't recognize this, you were raised by subhumans, regardless of whatever madness about race or ancestry you cooked up.

>> No.19711210

Most /pol/acks had trashy upbringings, no surprise.

>> No.19711213
File: 2.85 MB, 498x322, lisasmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 38.
>fair minded
If I could spit on you I would.

>> No.19711216

Gottfried Freder Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery

>> No.19711237


>> No.19711325

Why do people post a photo of Colin Farrell to "prove" Irish people are swarthy? They're not particularly when compared with other Western European nations. The biggest eye/hair combo is blue/brown. Type in "Irish actors" and look at their hair/eye colour/complexion. You can cherry pick Med looking people from any northern euro country.

>> No.19711345

That sounds like such utter projection, lol. I’m not that person but he clearly does have an agenda of living within his means and off the grid and that seems to work for him and his family, this nit picking about pick up trucks and abuse generalizations over a single picture is retarded because he clearly does love his family and is willing to shill his books on top of getting welfare from a system he hates, it’s a win for him even if I think his anti-civilization views are stupid. I know he home schools his kids that must obey strict guidelines from the French government in which they have to come over and check this educational progress, so any abuse is or ill practice would have alerted the authorities. All of this maintains discipline and extra care in order to teach your kids the way that suits your tastes, which is a minimalist multi-generational family. so far I haven’t heard anything back from this living, I guess it just repulses urbanites or some shit.

>> No.19711501

wholesome af pic

>> No.19711534
File: 29 KB, 625x300, 1614258921375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varg is right that if you want to have an ideology or some kind of system of beliefs then you should live according to them and do something in the real world. Most poltards will say save da west and then continue posting frogs and arguing with twitter screencaps. Varg actually believes in something and makes sacrifices. Can't say that about people arguing against him itt

>> No.19711557

>Stonetosser missing the point again.

>> No.19711570

This post gives off massive gay energy

>> No.19711581

>I am not going to tell you what the point is
Wow... I am shunned by your superior intellect

>> No.19711582

You might be right, but the grammatical awkwardness in the construction "he has literally killed someone" puts more emphasis on the word literally, so it is read more as " he has *literally* killed someone"

>> No.19711607

Crapitalism s represented in the first and second panel desu

>> No.19711623

Don't worry he's not a capitalist

>> No.19711627

Stonetoss is a socialist? Not from what I’ve gathered.

>> No.19711652

I also would like to have a large family someday but has he thought about the future of those children? It's extremely hard to find a virtuous woman to marry these days but things are getting worse. I can't help but worry about what my future children would have to go through to find good spouses.

>> No.19711733

Those girls will be riding African cock before turning 18.

>> No.19711748


>> No.19711811

You are a retarded gorilla nigger.

>> No.19712465

seethe, atheist

>> No.19712474

nigger seethe based white man seethe based tranny nigger kike nigger seethe based

>> No.19712481


>> No.19712502

nigger seethe based white brown seethe based tranny nigger kike nigger seethe based shitskin degenerate nigger seethe cringe based degenerate seethe cringe

>> No.19712529

Autism is undeniably a white trait and is based

>> No.19712566

Steve Jobs' biography.

>> No.19712569

Want to guess what makes spending time with your family and in nature a lot fucking easier you massive hipster?

>> No.19712575


>> No.19712941
File: 157 KB, 909x1024, 03F4CF13-9433-499F-AF79-8320B9F7EEA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no bro don’t think about your economic position
>having a wife and kids is totally a substitute for class power
>look at this, my daughter is learning to walk!
>that makes up for the fact that I wage for a majority of my waking hours
>no, I don’t want the planet my daughter inherits to be covered in smog and oil spills
>yes, I see that companies are doing that, and CEOs run companies
>what do you mean “if you owned stock you could vote out the CEOs and replace them with men who honored the earth?”
>I’m too fucking brain-dead to realize that in a society where you vote with your dollar, often literally, having more dollars means having more control over society
>I’ll just let the executives continue fucking the planet
>as long as my toddlers love me, everything will be alright
bluepilled as fuck

>> No.19712983

Tbf he's not bluepilled he's just severely mentally ill.

>> No.19713013

Reminder that slide threads like this are part of the takeover.

>> No.19713022

Unbelievably based.

>> No.19713028

The second option and it's not even close.