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File: 105 KB, 810x1200, Chernobyl_Miniserie_de_TV-183665235-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19707865 No.19707865 [Reply] [Original]

I just watches HBO's Chernobyl. fucking amazing story.

Which books would you recommend in order to know Russia's history as a whole? I have been captivated.

>> No.19707890

A History of Russia by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky is good for an overview
Russia's war by Richard Overy is a good book on ww2
Russia Against Napoleon by Dominic Lieven is a good book about the later stages of the napoleonic wars
Robert K Massie's Russian biographies are great, he has a book on Peter, Catherine and Nicholas/Alexandra
History of the Russian Revolution by Leon Trotsky and Ten Days That Shook the World by John Reed are interesting books on the russian revolution
All very readable books

>> No.19707896

This series is literally based on a book, you retard.

>> No.19707935


>> No.19707981

Russia and the Russians: A History - Hosking

>> No.19708026
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How is he going to learn Russian history as a whole by reading about Chernobyl

>> No.19708045
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>I just came back from the /lit/ reactor room
>there is no /lit/ core anymore
>the core has exploded
>it's just christcucks and trannies

>> No.19708052

Voices from Chernobyl

>> No.19708054
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>> No.19708055

After finishing this show, I felt reasonably certain that I could operate a nuclear reactor.

>> No.19708068
File: 77 KB, 1200x1200, Khrushchev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very simply

>> No.19708080

I fucking cannot stand it at all that all nuclear power plants do is boil water. The history of humanity is nothing but boiling water.
In the future there will be new ways to boil water and that's it. Fuck it.

>> No.19708096

Boil your face in acid nigger

>> No.19708107

It's very efficient.

>> No.19708112


>> No.19708116

The first chapter of Prisoners of Geography.

>> No.19708127

>The history of humanity is nothing but boiling water.

Please note his enormous club's position.
And that it is spiked like a cat's club.

>> No.19708964

Contemporary Russia by Bressler

>> No.19708990

Just read school book about Russian history

>> No.19709020

Seinfeld, the Sopranos and Chernobyl. Quite literally the only things to ever be shown on TV worth watching.

>> No.19709317


>> No.19709349

Serious answer: Read Ronald Suny's work on 20th century Russia. If you want the most relevant work as to how Russia got to Chernobyl's circumstances in the first place, read 'The Soviet Experiment'

>> No.19709502

The book is westoid trash. The show is great thanks to great acting.

>> No.19709872


The acting is literally the shittiest part of the show.

>> No.19709877
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>lies about the "Bridge of Death"

>> No.19709981

Twin peaks? The wire? Mad Men?

>> No.19709991

>I just watches HBO's Chernobyl

I don't care if you ask for book recs, just get to the point; I don't want to hear your life's story

>> No.19710047

>mentioning a tv show is a life story
You must have a properly boring life

>> No.19710099

Makes turbine go brrrrrr

>> No.19710217

About chernobyl
Voices from Chernobyl - Sveltana Alexievitch

>> No.19710221

Solzhenitsyn - Two Hundred Years Together

>> No.19710226

The history of the universe is boiling things, whether it be protons, helium or other compounds. Accept it nigger. We're here to boil things until they boil over.

>> No.19710254

Travin D., Gel’man V. and Marganiya O. The Russian Path: Ideas, Interests, Institutions, Illusions.

>> No.19710260

Fellow /lit/ /tv/ crossovers: Chernobyl or Season 1 The Terror

It's closer than you think (depending on your conscious perspective)

>> No.19710263

>Fellow /lit/ /tv/ crossovers
Dumb thing I said, ignore

>> No.19710285

but how many roentgen?

>> No.19710290

swap Chernobyl for Mad Men and this is correct

>> No.19710374

Succession, Mad Men, Deadwood, Rome, and of course the greatest series ever created, oddly enough a spin-off, Better Call Saul.

>> No.19711085

I watched most HBO shows (30+), both long and short, and Chernobyl isn't even in my top 10.

>> No.19711117
File: 81 KB, 286x475, 575801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best country in the world as far as everyone is concerned. Will remain long after the USA is gone.

>> No.19711619
File: 352 KB, 1288x1600, HkmiAJeukYH7OdffZ53S8gVu9ojPoZ_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fellow /lit/ /tv/ crossovers

pic related

>> No.19712525

Enjoyed this and the New Russians. Reading how hard it was for him to make/keep soviet friends was fascinating.

>> No.19712671

be wary of russian decay porn (like chernobyl) which trades in tired western cliches about tartar despotism and slavic backwardness