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19707025 No.19707025 [Reply] [Original]

Is picrel true? Asking for my friend

>> No.19707036 [DELETED] 

dez nuts

>> No.19707052

I put all my right wing lit on the book shelf of my living room so it's the first thing bitches see when they come to my apartment. It's never stopped me from getting laid.

>> No.19707056

No woman should be in your apartment unless you’re married to her, fucking whoremonger

>> No.19707076

how many times are you brain dead retards going to repeat this loop

>> No.19707078

What books do you mean by right wing books?

>> No.19707083 [DELETED] 
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>>19707078 >>19707076
/lit/ - Literature
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Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:54:29 No.19707025▶>>19707036 >>19707052 >>19707056
Is picrel true? Asking for my friend
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:56:26 No.19707036▶
>>19707025 (OP)
dez nuts
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:58:23 No.19707052▶>>19707078
>>19707025 (OP)
I put all my right wing lit on the book shelf of my living room so it's the first thing bitches see when they come to my apartment. It's never stopped me from getting laid.
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:59:17 No.19707056▶
>>19707025 (OP)
No woman should be in your apartment unless you’re married to her, fucking whoremonger
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:02:37 No.19707076▶
how many times are you brain dead retards going to repeat this loop
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:03:01 No.19707078▶
What books do you mean by right wing books?

>> No.19707093

Cringe, made by someone with low self-esteem. Toxic if you have low self-esteem and try to improve, you know like saying you have a small cock.
Some people shouldn't have right to use internet

>> No.19707196

Nice job,faggot

>> No.19707215

Chris Browning isn’t right wing by any stretch. I guess she’s a fucking clean Wehrmacht apologist. Nazi cunts fuck off.

>> No.19707222 [DELETED] 
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/lit/ - Literature
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File: 1641581600701.jpg (95 KB, 1080x1080)
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Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:54:29 No.19707025▶>>19707036 >>19707052 >>19707056 >>19707083
Is picrel true? Asking for my friend
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:56:26 No.19707036▶>>19707083
>>19707025 (OP)
dez nuts
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:58:23 No.19707052▶>>19707078 >>19707083
>>19707025 (OP)
I put all my right wing lit on the book shelf of my living room so it's the first thing bitches see when they come to my apartment. It's never stopped me from getting laid.
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:59:17 No.19707056▶>>19707083
>>19707025 (OP)
No woman should be in your apartment unless you’re married to her, fucking whoremonger
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:02:37 No.19707076▶>>19707083
how many times are you brain dead retards going to repeat this loop
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:03:01 No.19707078▶>>19707083 >>19707215
What books do you mean by right wing books?
-1-=-=; 01/08/22(Sat)11:03:56 No.19707083▶>>19707196
File: ---------.png (59 KB, 330x434)
59 KB
>>19707078 >>19707076
>>19707036 (You)
/lit/ - Literature
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File: 1641581600701.jpg (95 KB, 1080x1080)
95 KB
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:54:29 No.19707025▶>>19707036 (You) >>19707052 >>19707056
Is picrel true? Asking for my friend
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:56:26 No.19707036▶
>>19707025 (OP) (OP)
dez nuts
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:58:23 No.19707052▶>>19707078
>>19707025 (OP) (OP)
I put all my right wing lit on the book shelf of my living room so it's the first thing bitches see when they come to my apartment. It's never stopped me from getting laid.
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)10:59:17 No.19707056▶
>>19707025 (OP) (OP)
No woman should be in your apartment unless you’re married to her, fucking whoremonger
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:02:37 No.19707076▶
how many times are you brain dead retards going to repeat this loop
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:03:01 No.19707078▶
What books do you mean by right wing books?
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:05:27 No.19707093▶
Cringe, made by s
>>19707083 (You)
Nice job,faggot
Anonymous 01/08/22(Sat)11:24:34 No.19707215▶
Chris Browning isn’t right wing by any stretch. I guess she’s a fucking clean Wehrmacht apologist. Nazi cunts fuck off.

>> No.19707233

fuck off cunt