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File: 29 KB, 261x382, A_Night_In_Terror_Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19698053 No.19698053 [Reply] [Original]

>two kids visit London
>go to castle and get le haunted
>travel back to medieval times because of "magic stones" lmfao
>meets wizard who tells them they're heirs to the throne
>defeats le evil guy together with wizard
>they go out for fucking McDonald's at the end

How was I ever scared of these fucking books

>> No.19698154

I can smell this book

>> No.19698156

The one that alway scared me was the slimy purple shit at camp gabagool

>> No.19698195
File: 2.64 MB, 2014x2969, The-Horror-at-Camp-Jellyjam-goosebumps-40726801-2014-2969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The cover to that book was even more terrifying

>> No.19698206
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To be a kid in the 90s at a Scholastic book fair....the golden era full of actually decent children's lit and people gave a shit about reading....

>> No.19698210

that's because you're not talking about the haunted mask. now that was fucking scary

>> No.19698224

Goosebumps books were like 15 percent kino and the other 90 percent was totally whacky goofy cheese....but it was still awesome. It didn't take itself too seriously and it didn't have to.

>> No.19698228

Show-wise, Are You Afraid of the Dark was better than Goosebumps

>> No.19698243
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But Goosebumps has the GOOSE in it

>> No.19698252
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>> No.19698264

Scariest goosebumps books:
>the night of the living dummy
>the haunted mask
>don't go to sleep
>the cuckoo clock of doom
>one day at Horrorland

>> No.19698269

>fucking hell
>the reason why I have this fetish

>> No.19698275
File: 66 KB, 262x400, 1627639948738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nightmare room was pretty great too, and the covers were sometimes legitimately terrifying. this is still the scariest cover I've ever seen.

>> No.19698277
File: 92 KB, 1300x1300, 7-Night-of-the-Living-Dummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was this one. I could not even stay in the same room as the book with the cover facing downwards.

>> No.19698290

Based and chadpilled. I thought I was the only one that did that as a kid. :')

Can we all agree the book covers were the creepiest part?

>> No.19698292

Did you actually get a tickle fetish from goosebumps? That’s cute :3

>> No.19698300

>Can we all agree the book covers were the creepiest part?

Definitely. The funniest part is that I remember Slappy as a sympathetic goofball of a villain if anything.

>> No.19698310

These books always did the thing where they would psyche you out. "Oh that's not a ghost, that's just Grandma with a sheet on her head." Except every chapter would end that way to the point where it got annoying. It wasn't even a clever literary device the first time.

>> No.19698314

I remember reading a story about wheat

>> No.19698650

>the night of the living dummy
Man this was a let down. The dummy wasnt even real until the later part of the book. Thats not even the antagonist of the book.

>> No.19698868
File: 884 KB, 1198x1767, The_Curse_of_Camp_Cold_Lake_(Cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, this one was easily the scariest cover. they had this on display in my library and had to look the other way every time i walked past

>> No.19698921

In hindsight, the most genius part is the colors used on the cover. Always different, so even the spines looked unique.

You could immediately spot the new one on the shelf at Mediaplay, and that ‘gotta catch ‘em all’ obsessive kid mindset just took over. Give me three ninja turtle figures and I’ll be happy…number them #5, #13, and #51 and i may soon ask mom for approximately 48 more… (was not a rick/spoiled kid, never actually got ‘em…but never hurts to try)

>I can smell this book
You are so fucking right…

>> No.19699362

damn i loved goosebumps. I only read a few of the ones where you make choices but those were pretty cool. The one that comes to mind is the amusement park. Dont get in the coffin ride.

>> No.19699409

I can too

>> No.19699423

>‘gotta catch ‘em all’ obsessive kid mindset
shit, yeah. it took me fucking forever to shake it off, and it still sneaks up on me from time to time

>> No.19699431

This shit got me into reading. I used to hate books because all the children's books we had would have a cover illustration of some kid about to fall off a cliff, and then the whole book would just be the guy learning about the nest habits of eagles and remarking how least that was and how important education is. Then I check out Goosebumps Go eat worms, flip to the end, and the dude dies. That's how I knew I could trust this guy to deliver the goods

>> No.19699433

>don't go to sleep
Frick, this was the first one I ever read.
Loved it and read many more. I remember I had to ask the same kid multiple times to show me where these books were in the school library cause I was too dumb to remember

I think this series started my love of horror. Started watching slasher movies not too long after

>> No.19699443

I remember reading the first one. Finished it before my family and I went on some trip

Second one I distinctly remember reading during the spring/summer and going to the park. That was a good day.

>> No.19699456

I distinctly remember the hotel one.
Don't take the sleeping pills and don't trust the lady with the red dress that calls

>> No.19699457
File: 160 KB, 720x1064, Stay_Out_of_the_Basement_%28Cover%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Goosebumps book I read and still the one that scared me the most.

>> No.19699464

I remember the first act to every Goosebumps story taking waaaaaay too fucking long. Every chapter ends on a cliffhanger, so the first ten chapters or so are just false alarms with nothing exciting happening. Like with Say Cheese and Die I don't know how many chapters it took for them to actually steal the fucking camera, but even once they had it the story kept cockteasing me with something interesting but never actually happening. Or with Night of the Living Dummy, it takes forever before Slappy actually does something.

>> No.19699472
File: 2.68 MB, 1527x2290, cvr9780671519995_9780671519995_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah kids books could be disappointing if you didn't pick the right one.
This one was actually pretty good. Kids family has a home Invasion happen. Him and his step brother have to escape and get help. Seems like a barn or shed gets blown up.
I distinctly remember the kids holding a pocket knife over their fire and cutting blisters off their feet though. Hard-core

>> No.19699484

Never read this one. Was never in any of the book orders I did from scholastic

>> No.19699489

This was the first book series I really got into but I forgot most of them save a few details, like the amusement park one with the retarded twist where the 2 boys are robots or something. But I was quite spooked by the mirror one where it literally sucked the kids into a different dimension and they thought they might not be able to escape.

>> No.19699497

>Or with Night of the Living Dummy, it takes forever before Slappy actually does something.
Tbf it's a different dummy for most of the book that's bad

>> No.19699500

Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano

>> No.19699503

>But I was quite spooked by the mirror one where it literally sucked the kids into a different dimension and they thought they might not be able to escape.
Is that the one where the kids friend gets replaced by some entity from the mirror amd he goes in after him?

>> No.19699536

Thanks anon I just had a heart attack, I hope you're happy.

>> No.19699564
File: 35 KB, 314x500, F50C8E72-C17E-41FC-A52F-205E9BA2ED67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling that we’d never be blessed with pic related without Goosebumps

>> No.19699575
File: 124 KB, 677x999, R(31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It worth re reading these when youre older? I wanna pick these up again but I'm certain my good memories will be wiped away and the trash that I couldn't see as an 8 year old revealed.
But I feel I have unfinished business. Never finished pic related cause my friend took it after I checked it out from the library and didn't have time to read it before I got it back. Also never read say cheese and die

>> No.19699779

>It worth re reading these when youre older?
not unless you're still on a 4th grade reading level

>> No.19699796

Only for nostalgia. Maybe if you remember a specific one you enjoyed and want to revisit. They aren't exactly strongly themed.

>> No.19699877

Let's say I don't but I'm willing to go full retard

>> No.19699898

That's what I figured. Ah well I still got a box full of them from when I was a kid. Maybe I can offer em to my kids if I have any assuming my wife doesn't try to get me to get rid of them between now an then

>> No.19699903
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>> No.19699918

Imagine the smell

>> No.19699935

I think so

>> No.19699937

Blessed... or cursed?

>> No.19699952

El Americano del Ogro...

>> No.19699967

One I'm thinking of was one of the series 2000 books. Arm reaching out of a mirror
I just remember the imposter friend being a douche to him

>> No.19699974

same lel

>> No.19699976

These were cool as a kid. They even do them anymore?

>> No.19699985

This cover (the background not the weird dude) makes me miss being a kid outside right before a storm. Best time to play

>> No.19699991

Not him but i read Call of the Arcade. Honestly really good. Felt like a goosebumps story. Just really edgy. Have not read CotC yet

>> No.19699993

Based. He seems a nice, inoffensive guy in all the interviews I've seen him in.

Can't hate on the guy who got me into reading and horror. For that, goofy as it sounds, he's a hero of mine.

>> No.19700011

I get it. He is for me too. Don't think I'd read as much today if not for goosebumps

>> No.19700458
File: 57 KB, 321x475, 51CKYX4GBKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy I started a discussion about these books :) People seem interested in the Goosebumps illustrator so here's his website: https://jacobusstudios.com

Pic related is a book he wrote.
He is based and he really captured in his art how it feels to be scared as a kid

>> No.19700497
File: 108 KB, 412x600, 600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ones were my favorites

>> No.19700502

Both. It’s a fun read

>> No.19700515

Are these newer? Don't remember seeing these as a kid

>> No.19700545

They were newer
It was an actual SERIES with a storyline for each book which was totally based and I got immersed in it as an 11 year old

>> No.19700546

Books would be nothing without his art. It's whay sold me as a kid

>> No.19700553

>It was an actual SERIES with a storyline for each book which was totally based and I got immersed in it as an 11 year old
Can I get a qrd on the overall series story?

>> No.19700579
File: 421 KB, 827x1200, goosebumps-shocker-on-shock-street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid bitch librarian told me I was too young to read this. I think my Mum bought it for me in the end. Haven't liked librarians since.

>> No.19700622

Mine made us sit down and was running through some of the books the school library had. One she showed was how to kill a monster
I asked if I could get it. She acted offended and told me no I'd have to wait for it to be on the shelf. Naturally someone else got to rent it before I did

Side point but she had large stuffed animals sitting on the floor but kids weren't allowed to mess with them. She was special

>> No.19700646

I didn't read the whole series but I'll try.

Horrorland is a horror-themed amusement park where all the monsters are actually real and they lure in unaware tourists.

All the old main characters from the Goosebumps books get summoned to Horrorland, where Slappy the Dummy and all the monsters from the books are planning a big plot to take over the world or get revenge or something idk. And the kids have to team up and stop them.

I only read three books but I think I read every Fear File. The Fear File on the back was my favorite part.
>Only a few pages long and not included in the page count, each book's Fear File contains fictional maps, brochures, menus, etc. pertaining to the section of the theme park featured in that book, along with a hand-drawn map of the area. Each book also includes a fictional advertisement to its featured park area on the front page of each book.
>le based

My favorite things as a kid ever were crossovers, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and world-building, and this book series just hit all the bases for me.

>> No.19700664
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>>19700497 this one and pic related were my favorites

>> No.19700672

I reread this recently and it blew my mind to notice that Sam is actually in it. It’s easy to overlook because you don’t know who he really is in this book but he appears briefly toward the end.
I like the little nods all the Horror’s Call books have like this.

>> No.19700676

Librarians are evil.

>> No.19700710

Beast from the East

>> No.19700718

I don't know why but this one really fucking unnerved me as a kid.

>> No.19700751

Yes, I vaguely remember something unnerving about it. The fact that it follows them home or something? Been too long.
If I was going to reread one right now, it would be How I Learned to Fly. That had a different feel than most of them, I want to know why.

>> No.19700774

Monster Blood 3 gave me a fetish

>> No.19700904

I thought the main character never dies in a GB book.

>> No.19700950

Its that they spend the entire "game" trying to escape whilst playing by the monsters' silly rules, only to end up starting ANOTHER game because the monsters think they're actually better at the game than they say.

>tl;dr lost and trapped in a game they're going to inevitably lose and get killed in

>> No.19701043

For the most part no. The pic there is of a give yourself goosebumps book (choose your own adventure). You lose, you die
That said mc did die in some of the books. Go eat worms a butterfly is getting ready to stab the kid at the end
In Wolfskin he gets eaten

>> No.19701047

Never read this one

>> No.19701056

Sounds cool. Goosebumps really clicked with me as a kid I guess cause the kids in the book are misfits and everyone has been that kid at least once I think

>> No.19701085

I still have some of these in a box somewhere

>> No.19701350


>> No.19702008

What fetish anon

>> No.19702070

Nice math.

>> No.19702076
File: 117 KB, 1064x710, 8778CD3B-3244-452D-A87D-8A94E20F8CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did Are You Afraid of the Dark

>> No.19702087

Other kids books I remember liking:
>The Time Warp Trio
>Everworld (also Applegate)
>Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher

>> No.19702098

my librarian ordered books specifically for me. she was a sweet lady.

>> No.19702110

I swear there was one where a kid gets covered in hair from a bottle of expired sun tanning lotion, but I can't find it now. I remember I didn't finish it because the opening scene involved the kid and his friends coming across the suntan lotion, and when they put it on, something really fucked up happened to the other kids. Like their skin started to slough off or they boiled alive or something.

>> No.19702155

Does anyone here know where I can find that one CYO Goosebumps book where the kid goes to a boarding school where the teachers brainwash the students?

>> No.19702207

My Harriest Adventure. They grow fur all over their body and turn into dogs. I hated that one.

>> No.19702213

*10 percent kino and 90 percent cheese

>> No.19702272

>If I was going to reread one right now, it would be How I Learned to Fly. That had a different feel than most of them, I want to know why.
That one was based. The kid learned fame wasn't everything and chose to be with the latina qt instead.

>> No.19702323
File: 500 KB, 341x500, gooseybumps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read a shit ton of goosebumps and the only two that scared me were the dummy and this do it yourself book that had a civil war soldier

>> No.19702391

Getting real heavy Halloween as a kid nostalgia here

>> No.19702617

I'm not sure but I think that might be the time travel one, I know I had it.

>> No.19702632

No, it was very heavy on the brainwashing with subliminal messages everywhere in the school like in the movie They Live.

>> No.19702690
File: 71 KB, 257x360, GYGB-032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea the covers were scary as a kid, the sleep master was scary one. It was a annoying to read the choose your own ending versions.

>> No.19702753

Same here, it's pure kino

>> No.19703189

That's the better one as far as I remember. The mad scientist one is also decent, and the summer camp.

>> No.19703208

>being scared of books
I read Goosebumps for the whyboners, can't relate.
That CYOA one about the science lab where some of the endings have the MCs turn into dogs and then lose their senses of self was very elucidating.

>> No.19703248
File: 59 KB, 312x450, 1325218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed Goosebumps as a kid, but this mother fucker kept me from having a good night sleep for a week!

>> No.19703435
File: 881 KB, 1556x2288, treehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was a mistake going in the Treehouse

>> No.19703447

Holy shit they fucking shrunk Rich Piana! FOUR SCOOPS

>> No.19704356

This and dead house was really scary and felt more serious than the other books.

>> No.19704367

They are dogs turned into human. The serum they were given just wore off.

>> No.19704369

My parents would never buy any of these for me :(

>> No.19704413


>> No.19704968

Never read that one. I remember the arcade one. At the very beginning you could choose a space game with your friends or a winter adventure one by yourself. You get sucked in either way. I actually won the friend one, but not the winter one with the snow queen

Hardest one was the museum one. Got trapped in the mirror maze with the walking skinless anatomy thing

>> No.19704973

>kept me from having a good night sleep for a week!
As a kid or an adult? Haven't had a book scare me yet

>> No.19704986

I remember in 2nd grade the teachers asidstant was reading us (the class) the one where they get teleported to the ice age after swimming. Iirc the word cromagnon was in there

She asked a couple kids how they'd pronounce it and ignored me so I kept my hand raised till she called on me then I said how i thought it should be pronounced (which I'm fairly certain was incorrect). Lady gave me the death glare and ignored me. And that's how I became an il/lit/erate

>> No.19704991

Goosebumps never really scared me as a kid beyond just being creepy and mysterious which I found interesting
>what is happening
>why is it happening
>how is this kid going to get out of this
And then sometimes a good ending sometimes a really annoying twist outta nowhere

>> No.19705020

Was this one just discount nightmare on elm street

>> No.19705027

Goose is cast as The Wolfman.

>> No.19705035

Ah, the good times. I still have some compilations of all his blogspots as epubs and i read them every year.

>> No.19705210

So these are like Goosebumps for NEETs right

>> No.19705235


>> No.19705378
File: 976 KB, 1043x1506, DCECF126-0364-4F2E-8BBF-46D46C3D79FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real 5th grade niggas saw Goosebumps on stage and got an exclusive copy of the book

>> No.19705404

>tfw grew up in early 00s after goosebumps hype started to die down so didn't even get a chance to see this.
Sadness. What was it about

>> No.19705454


I don’t remember a single thing and lost my copy of the book.

>> No.19705659

Guess we are both sol

>> No.19705737

I kind of want to reread these

>> No.19705837

The Horror at Chiller House was the first of the Horrorland series that I read, and probably the strongest too. I can still remember much of the mental imagery that formed during the three times I read it. Touched upon a variety of somewhat relatively complex themes (tough childhood, betrayal, depression, sadism) and the story was actually extremely impressive for a Goosebumps book.
This combined with the lore given at the back hooked me to Horrorland. I did read a few other books of the series but none came close to this beauty.
I am in my parents' house right now and will find this book and read it once more. Should take only an hour. I expect to notice things that I couldn't as a kid. Thanks for reminding me of this book anon.

>> No.19705861

If he cut the cussing, Gardner could probably make it into children’s books.

>> No.19706235

I do too buy I know if I do they'll probably be ruined for me. So I'm listening to some podcast talk about them

>> No.19706368

This was a good book.
The story is scary too, especially the ending implications.
There are two Goosbumps books involving the mirror dimension and kids potentially getting trapped there: Lets Get Invisible and Ghost in Mirror(not sure if this is the right name but it was a Goosebumps 2000 books).

The Goosebumps 2000 book went in depth about the dimension too.

My Best Friend Is Invisible was actually about aliens.
Never liked this one.
Goosebumps Horrorland wasn't the first time Stine did storylines, he did it with the old Fear Street books too.
A few got bad ends, Fear Street is where characters died. You could survive one book and die or suffer a fate worse than death in another.
A lot of the Choose Your Own Adventure books should've been actual stories.

Curse of the Creeping Coffins was more like a detective CYOA than horror. I thought it was one of the better ones.
By the end of that story arc, you wind up feeling bad for Johnathan Chiller.

>> No.19706402

>Fear Street
Are these more likely to be worth reading now? They were made for teens not kids right?

>> No.19706441

Maybe. Fear Street was made for teens but it was very hit or miss.

Ghosts of Fear Street was made for kids, but had more consistent quality.

>> No.19706525

>Ghosts of Fear Street was made for kids, but had more consistent quality.
Those were closer to goosebumps weren't they?

>> No.19706560

>reviews from 06
I feel, old

>> No.19706594
File: 213 KB, 1080x1080, fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you afraid of the dark
so weird
when did kids tv channels stop producing horror/paranormal shows?

>> No.19706668

Yeah, I feel like they were better than Goosebumps on average, but the series was short lived(only 22-26 books).

Nightmare Room(books and TV show)was short lived too, never got a chance to build an identity.
Mid 2000s, when So Weird ended.

>> No.19706693

do i have a terrible memory or were shows like So Weird and Are You Afraid of the Dark actually good?

>> No.19706735

Are You Afraid of the Dark was good. I believe it got a reboot at some point.

I didn't follow So Weird that much, not sure of its actual quality.

>> No.19706796

>Rupert Holmes
The Pina colada guy?

>> No.19706846

spooky mystery:

check out early life

>> No.19706964

They’re too edgelord tier for that to happen. There’s this one part in Call of the Arcade where something Lovecraftian happens and it says something like how the character was so horrified by what he saw that it would be better for his doctor to have ripped his eyes out at birth so that the character would never have grown up to see what he saw.
That’s not an insult to Gardner btw. I’ve only read Call of the Arcade but I honestly liked it a lot. If the rest of them are that good then it’s probably the closest attempt I can think of for a Goosebumps style series for adults. I could give less of a shit if it’s edgy or not.

>> No.19706976


>> No.19706988

>when did kids tv channels stop producing horror/paranormal shows?
When TV stopped being fun and kids shows had to shoehorn messages into them

>> No.19707002

Stine admitted his early teen horror was marketed more at more at girls then unisex. I have some his Fear Street and Point Horror books and they're a capsule of a particular time.

>> No.19707080

i genuinely didn't realize a lot of the main characters were girls when i first read them

>> No.19707152
File: 548 KB, 409x1022, danschneider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his name again?

>> No.19707636

>Stine admitted his early teen horror was marketed more at more at girls then unisex.
Ah hence the baby sitter/cheer leader vibe

>> No.19707655

>I have some his Fear Street and Point Horror books and they're a capsule of a particular time.
That's why I'm going to read them. My older sisters used to have those around and I never read a single one, I was into Goosebumps.

>> No.19707711
File: 66 KB, 850x400, 1122654710-quote-i-have-a-cheat-sheet-for-each-one-of-my-characters-about-their-personality-the-way-they-look-etc-r-l-stine-178795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never has writer's block


>> No.19707718
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>> No.19707803
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this cover scared me the most. along with Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.

>> No.19708118

>befriend a giant dog tongue
That book had some crazy endings. I loved it.

>> No.19708145

I still genuinely try not to think about that one. A buddy of mine lent it to me to read and it scared the everliving daylights out of me. I never read another Goosebumps story for fear that it would be like that one

>> No.19708261

>"What I try is I make sure the kids know that these books are fantasies. I keep the real world out. I don't do real serious subjects, I don't even have divorced parents....I wouldn't do child abuse or drugs....I wouldn't do anything in the real world. They have to know that these are just fantasies and that they're not really happening." - R.L.

I'm not gonna lie, it's nice to read a book where the only things you have to worry about are werewolves and vampires. It's a nice escape and I appreciate he kept it so clean.

>> No.19708320

I was never scared by them, just liked that they were a tad edgy compared to tame shit the school gave us to read.

>> No.19708413

The Cover of Egg Monsters from Mars scared me when I was little. My brother kept a stack of Goosebumps book sitting right next to the door to our room when you walk in (we shared a bunk bed). I dreaded walking into our room, but I was too afraid to tell him else he would've called me a pussy. I was in first grade at the time.

>> No.19708532

They are dying. They still did them up until corona and then everything went to shit. Now they don't want to send inventory out and some parents are scared to send their kids with money. Sales were flagging a little bit anyway and corona gave the final push for them to scale back operations. A lot of schools are doing them online now.

Shit, elementary school libraries in general are shit shows now. Kids can't pick up books and read them before checking them out. Can't touch anything. Shit show. Every school district is different, obviously, but these are the common guidelines.

Be ready for another generation of retards and robots even worse than what you see out there right now. Kids today will never feel the magic of browsing books that you did. I know, I know, I'm a boomer, whatever.

Source is my mom has been an elementary school librarian for about twenty years. She'll be retiring in the next few years and then that library is fucked. She is one of the last few that care about kids READING instead of caring about WHAT they're reading.

>> No.19708541

This book is over $300 on abebooks and amazon lol. Fucking crazy. I was going to buy it if it was less than $20.

>> No.19708765

Anyone who has the balls to literally pull off the “it was all just a fictional story lmao” in their fictional story series in what I believe was The Blob Who Ate Everything has my respect

>> No.19708862

is that dustin hoffman?

>> No.19709044

I remember the book fair used to happen around report card/conference week so my dumbass never to fully enjoy them because I was a terrible student.

>> No.19709111

That's actually nice. Explains why they're so comfy honestly

>> No.19709996
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Even back then YA was girl-centric. He just knew the market.
>baby sitter/cheer leader vibe
Get tropes that are super underused these days, IMO
>That's why I'm going to read them.
As a UK bro, original Fear Street can be a pain to find on eBay. Point Horrors not so bad.
He plots heavily. Spends a week plotting everything so he can just move forward. He's pretty open about his methods. >>19708261
He arguably has a harder task than any horror writer because there's zero strong violence or death. Trying to write a horror without using the two biggest tropes seems impossible.

>> No.19710104

I remember poring through the catalogues they gave us a week before and getting hyped, then meticulously portioning out the allowance my mother gave me to buy the books I wanted the most. Some kino books I got from back then were Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday collection and Tunnels. I was always jealous of the kids who could afford to buy the books and the toys, like those slime things. My mother would have a fit if I didn't buy books at the book far, and besides, they had some good stuff. Boy those were the days.

>> No.19710115

faggy nostalgia cuck thread.

>> No.19710138

Yeah I remember reading one of the CYOA books my teacher had on the shelf, the Cave of Time, and stumbling my way onto a bad ending where you go back to the newly formed Earth and die of suffocation. It was actually terrifying; that got me really interested in the more life or death ones, and shortly after, Fantasy in general (also probably thanks to Deltora Quest, which coincidentally sparked a weird set of kinks a lot later thanks to the mask troupe in Shadowgate).

>> No.19710153

This one was so fucking bonkers. Wasn't it about 2 kids who joined a camp that was run by a cult that worshiped some giant jelly-like creature?

>> No.19710160

Yeah the artwork in those got me real spooked as a kid. Especially the one with the wolf girl. Terrifying.

>> No.19710172

Respect. Stine seems actually decent. Hard to find absolute professional and relatively compassionate people like him today.

>> No.19710183

:( Nobody reads anymore. (Well, in my shithole of a country, few did. But cellphone revolution and internet have ensured that only researchers and students will engage with books. Unless it's YA or flavour of the weak BS. Books are doomed. That's why i have a kindle. I just can't find known classic books here, let alone obscure ones. I know i should be buying physical books but i am poorfag and the other reason. You too should hoard pdf/djvu copies of all you read.

>> No.19710185

That's really sad. I'll never forget the feeling of going in to the library as a kid and discovering all sorts of new stories, factbooks, seeing stuff I didn't want to read, or maybe wanted to read... Yes, as weird as it might sound, the smell of the carpet, the books, the shiny library covers and their numerical tags, the odds and ends on shelves, like random stuffed animals or posters, or art. And the old computer labs in them where you'd discover a whole new strange world of the internet. It was a time and place, but it'll be sad to see a generation that doesn't even get to feel the magic of wandering those shelves.

>> No.19710235

This is such a shame. Saying that, none of my friends who encourage their kids to read have ever mentioned a library.

Its a parental responsibility to get your kids into reading and to use their imagination. I've just had a son, and aside from my sizeable Stine collection, I've been slowly accumulating based kids lit. I read a lot, I hope that passes onto my lad.

>> No.19710367

camp jellyjam is a fucking masterpiece
>Only the best get to be king jellyjams slaves

>> No.19710368

Based. I can't know if you're a good parent, but reading this gives me hope. Good luck anon and may the New Year bring you and your family health and prosperity.

>> No.19710861

>random stuffed animals
My elementary school had a taxidermy owl in a display case. It was actually really cool to look at

>> No.19710880

My parents would always let me order from the catalog
Was awesome when my books finally came into school but kids would wanna borrow my books and I'd always write my name in the front to be sure I got it back

>> No.19711308

Yeah I've got my old goosebumps still. Hoping I can give some to my kids to read

>> No.19711641

I hope this year also finds you happy and healthy, anon :)

>> No.19712194
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I'd much rather have to deal with supernatural horrors but have an idyllic family, than have divorced parents and deal with a wigger brother, another brother in prison, and a tranny cousin.

>> No.19712444

There was one where some kids go to a summer camp and a monster literally eats them. No waking up and it was all a dream, no going to McDonalds at the end, just a bunch of kids being killed and eaten by a monster in the woods. That one was pretty spooky.

>> No.19712463

Does anyone have the joke picture of someone imitating R. L. Stein's writing and it's just simple quotes with bad tags and someone "pissing their stupid pants in fear"

>> No.19713211

Never read that one. There were definitely some where the main character died though

>> No.19713608

Is that the one where it was all just a prank and all the kids and camp counselors were in on it?

>> No.19714588
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Others have already said something similar but the covers have a very special meaning for me. They're like a portal into the late nineties / early 2000s when I first got into reading. The way the skies and houses in them look makes me more nostalgic for childhood than anything else. I don't know how to describe it but the covers capture a very particular time and feeling.

Same thing as Litebrites and some 90s kid shows. Or when your baby-sitter would take you and your siblings to blockbuster to pick out a movie. Or when your teacher would roll in a boxy television to watch some science special and then shut off the lights as you and your best friends all gathered on the carpet. Or those Scholastic book fairs where you would peruse the shelves for an hour and then buy the edgiest looking thing with the twenty bucks your parents gave you. Or when you'd see a satellite in the dusk and imagine it was a spaceship, and the world felt infinite. Okay faggy trip down memory-lane over.

>> No.19714596
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This book also does the same thing for me. Very innocent but adventurous atmosphere.

>> No.19715123

Its a shame that cover art has got progressively worse and low effort (save the independent horror lit scene) and that the art isn't reflective of the time. Ive got some old books from various decades and the art/covers are very indicative of that time..if that makes sense? You can just tell when an edition is from the 70s.

>> No.19716042
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There are reasons for it. Editorial styles don't become immediately dated and covers that are unremarkable don't dissuade a potential reader.

>> No.19716064

I remember this being in the library
Never read it but it's cover was cool
Wish I had. Reminds of the faculty

>> No.19716074

>when you'd see a satellite in the dusk and imagine it was a spaceship, and the world felt infinite
Know this feel. I know I legit thought as a kid
>I can be president, an astronaut, and a super bowl winning athlete and that's just to start
How little we know about life as kids. I suppose that is why life seems so full of promise then and we can't wait to be older.

Cover art for these does it for me too. Reminds me of the freedom of being a kid. Able to go outside and literally do anything

>> No.19716800


You're not alone. These old covers captured a very unique feeling and time for sure.

I've been blessed with kids that love to read so I was able to relive these experiences through them. It's an amazing thing to watch a young kid walk through the shelves in a library trying to decide on which book to pick as if it was the most important decision they'll ever make. We only go to the library once a week so if they pick the wrong book, they're stuck with it for a whole 7 days! That's forever to a six year old!

If you have kids or nephews or nieces or whatever please take them to libraries and give them the same experiences that we had as kids.

>> No.19716819
File: 176 KB, 1280x713, Goosebumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my old books that I found at my parents' house. I really like the choose your own adventure set of books.

>> No.19717196

>I've been blessed with kids that love to read so I was able to relive these experiences through them.
Based. Keep the torch alight

>> No.19717952

>We only go to the library once a week so if they pick the wrong book, they're stuck with it for a whole 7 days! That's forever to a six year old!
Hope I can do this with my kids

>> No.19718579

As a child, of course.

>> No.19719272

Ah alright. Never read the thing

>> No.19719341

The mask one scared the shit out of me as a kid
I think the basic premise honestly is pretty fucking terrifying, a mask that you can't take off and gradually begins to control you. That's fucked

>> No.19719383

Yeah it's the best one but its freaky. Symbol of love is a neat fix for it too
I remember reading it in the car at night and grabbing a little each time we passed a street light

>> No.19719413

>you are now aware the cuckoo clock of doom is a commentary on women from an incel pov

>> No.19720206

I'm really enjoying his writing.

On Night of the Living Dummy:
>Back at home, Mr. Powell tells Kris her doll is going back to the pawnshop to live peacefully amongst the personal belongings of drug addicts.

On The Haunted Mask II
>With his plan set, he goes home to try on the mask, in hopes of scaring his friend Chuck. However, as soon as he slides the old man mask over his head, it melds to his skin and suddenly he feels tired, like an old man, and starts cackling, like an old man, and has very specific ideas on race relations, like an old man.

>> No.19720213


>> No.19720271

Feel that way about these and Animorphs as well. Scholastic did a fantastic job with the covers. I tend to think it's not all nostalgia, they are really pretty.

>> No.19720315

>Fear Street can be a pain to find
My library has online copies of around 10 of them, if I want more after that I'll hunt around for a complete ebook set.

>> No.19720369
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I was born in the US but moved to my parent's home country when I was young, then came back at age 8 and couldn't speak English at all. In 3rd grade I read Goosebumps books just about every single day with the aid of a dictionary, sometimes I would finish multiple books per day. By 5th grade I was fluent and surpassed the other kids in literature/language arts class.
Thank you, R.L. Stine for not letting me be a retard.