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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 1280x720, anno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19683431 No.19683431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

More talented than any of the american postmodernists

>> No.19683441

the only person in current day who can write anything resembling good literature is some anime man

>> No.19683448
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, Evangelion fax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva is literally just weeb GR

>> No.19683478

He didn't write Eva. If you research its genesis you'll see how much of an collaborative process it really was.

>> No.19683520

>makes one amazing series and movie
>proceeds to make mediocrity for the next 25 years

>> No.19683522

kare kano and cutie honey are great

>> No.19683538

>Digibro opinions
No. No they're not.

>> No.19683545

whats digibro mean

>> No.19683550

Uhhh thats digi-nee to you chud

>> No.19683566

kek anus

>> No.19683571

Evangelion is literally just "You have to cope with being lonely because the inherent separation between the Ego and external is better than marxism"

>> No.19683578

Anything is better than marxism.

>> No.19683581

The ancient Roman word for old lady is anus

>> No.19683605

Never said I disagreed with the sentiment

>> No.19683606


>> No.19683618

Yeah because true Marxism doesn't exist

>> No.19683711

i thought the 3rd and 4th rebuilds were really good sue me. The first two rebuilds were boring as shit except the parts that were done differently than the original which were enjoyable. The arc of shinji growing closer with his mother clone thinking he can live the fantasy this time and then having a third impact be the punishment for his escapism was effective storytelling for me. And the 4th rebuild was a great artistic representation of overcoming depression through growing self confidence and redeveloping a connection with nature and the associated feeling of relief. The second half could've gone less hard on the End Eva 2.0 cgi Evangelion Imaginary shit but i also enjoyed that sequence all the same, the cgi is aesthetically beautifully in the rebuilds for the most part.

>> No.19683722

Every theme in NGE is just recycled from psychology, pomo, 19th century existentialism and the occasional religion/myth creatively applied in an anime format.

He has no poetic or philosophical originality.

>> No.19683735

The components are old. The combination of Mechas, Jung and Camus is highly original.

>> No.19683742

so many poetic scenes in Eva desu

>> No.19683753

>The combination of Mechas, Jung and Camus is highly original.
This is gay. Camus is already gay but this is worse.

Maybe, but they're not thematically original.

>> No.19683761

Filtered. Kare Kano is better.

>> No.19683833

>muh originality

>> No.19683980

You are literally retarded if you think evangelion is art. Like I don’t care if you enjoy it but don’t be dishonest, don’t pretend it’s anything more than a sexual fantasy for incels to self insert into. The ONLY appeal of evangelion is the female characters and the fact that the main character is easily relatable to complete fucking losers… the plot is relegated entirely nonsensical, incoherent, uninteresting, uneventful, indecipherable, and totally unmemorable, and the so called “symbolism” is literally meaningless and only there to look cool according to the author himself. It complete baffles me that you people have managed to convince yourselves it’s actual art… I view it as a kind of mass loneliness and unattainable cuteness induced psychosis

>> No.19683994

Everything's done under the sun

>> No.19683998

in a sense youre correct, but its still great art.

>> No.19684001

Not for true poets.

>> No.19684006

I enjoyed it, it's not completely unintelligible, but you're that it's certainly not art, let alone great art as the anon above me says.

>> No.19684008

Also a few of miyazakis film would stand up as genuinely good novellas

>> No.19684014

That's because they already ripped off novel cliches and fairy tales.

>> No.19684039


>> No.19684376

No, he's not. I watched his shitty anime. He's worse than even the minor American postmodernists.

>> No.19684383


>> No.19684433

There is nothing new under the sun, dipshit

>> No.19684494

Kys midwit. You throw out profound quotes without any knowledge of their meaning, or their origin.

>> No.19684607

Shin Godzilla was kino though.

>> No.19684620

also gun buster and Nadia. In some ways superior to Eva in my opinion

>> No.19684621

More than most people manage in a lifetime.

>> No.19684638

The fuck does this shit mean?

>> No.19684641

Ah, that movie about a bunch of japanese salarymen watching Godzilla walking in a straight line through Japan.

>> No.19684652

Japanese people literally can't write.

>> No.19684660

what happened to digi? last i heard he came out as trans and deleted all of his videos for some reason.

>> No.19684678

>plot is relegated entirely nonsensical, incoherent, uninteresting, uneventful, indecipherable, and totally unmemorable
I disagree with all of these descriptions. The combination of art, scene, and layout direction results in unfiltered kino, scene after scene, episode after episode.
Much of it is meaningless, but much of it is not. In any case, the show is not great to me because of its supposed symbolism, but rather because of what I mentioned above. I also appreciate the ambitious thematic structure; namely, trying to represent various psychological phenomena through the characters, and seeing them interact and develop. Not to mention the unmatched visual aesthetics, including typographical aesthetics https://fontsinuse.com/uses/28760/neon-genesis-evangelion
>actual art
What is "actual art"? EVA is certainly art. Is only the very best art considered "actual art"? Taking that to its logical conclusion, only *one* thing can be art.

>> No.19684684

I know you're trying to act smart by being reductive but you should try to enjoy things for what it is.

>> No.19684688
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>> No.19684700

Shut up weeb faggot. Eva is nothing compared to the most simple books on life and death.

>> No.19684709

Thanks for the insult. I appreciate the feedback.
I'll do me. You do you.
Have a nice day.

>> No.19684724

Freudian ideas

>> No.19685298

He is a midwit and is not even in the top 100 of currently working directors. He is anime Nolan. American POMO writers BTFO this weeb fraud.

>> No.19685682

Not that guy btw, but sorry to say, you are the midwit in this thread.

>> No.19685690
File: 998 KB, 869x489, my final message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can compare?

>> No.19685693

No, you are the midwit who believes himself smart. Go jerk off to how profound Japanese cartoons are.

>> No.19685764

Evacucks are mentally ill incels, fuck off back to your containment board >>>/a/

>> No.19685778
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I don't care if it makes me a midwit, a pleb, a pseud or whatever else, but Evangelion + EoE made me feel things I struggle to put into words and that nothing else since managed to elicit. Eva is truly special for me.

>> No.19686369

Isn't Eva just based on a bunch of good Western stuff (lit and philosophy) like most good Japanese media.

>> No.19686376

Manchild. This is the lesson you have to learn, to have standards beyond your own infantilization.

Can you not admit a soft spot for it, without also forcing yourself to believe it's a great work of art or of any historical importance?

>> No.19686388

What happened to this board? I've seen people complain about the circlejerk around houellebecq, mishima, postmodernist lit, ect but surely that's better than fucking anime, religious larping and constant pop culture and political threads.
If any of this were actually fun it would be OK but every time I come on here I have to look through a whole catalogue of the same boring garbage to get one good thread if I'm lucky.

>> No.19686392

Can you read a post without adding claims that weren't there?

>> No.19686404

Did you reply to the wrong post or are you so retarded that you extrapolated all these things I never said from two straightforward sentences?

>> No.19686414

Politics gave people an easier way of feeling superior than being or pretending to be patrician.

>> No.19686431

wrong. the writing was mostly him, its just that the directing was more of a collective thing

>> No.19686522

The last good thread I remember was a Bronte sisters one, I don't even like the Brontes that much compared to other writers for god's sake, but was a thread where it felt like people had actually read the books and wanted to have a sincere discussion without constant crabby bitching about troons or reddit or whatever, so, of course, this thread died before it reached its bump limit.

>> No.19687043

He is an idiot who doesn't understand visual language at all.

>> No.19687304

anime weebsite :)

>> No.19687333


>> No.19688890


>> No.19689043

Stewart Lee has let himself go.

>> No.19689810
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>> No.19690139
File: 1.36 MB, 1692x3000, 22b53721b7611ff824480fc4773640be (2) (2) (1) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anno is the zack snyder of animes I cant believe anyone takes this shit seriously

>> No.19690154

oh lord......

>> No.19690203

God I hate freud one of the most retarded philosophers since ayn rand. dude literally based all of his ideas from wanting to boink his mother.

>> No.19690207

True. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that Evangelion is mindlessly indulgent trash with its hyper-sexualized barely pubescent girls that act as the protagonists alongside the estranged effeminate young male
If someone put a gun to your temple, they'd still miss the grey matter.

>> No.19690208
File: 150 KB, 498x750, GainaStance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunbuster is his masterpiece btw

>> No.19690234
File: 211 KB, 1365x768, Screenshot 2022-01-04 2.44.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first show with boob physics

>> No.19690504

pretty common response if you haven't read him

>> No.19690605

this explains why shinji ends up with a character whos only traits are her breats

>> No.19690664

where would you suggest I start?

>> No.19690703
File: 91 KB, 640x318, metamergence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean: "one of his masterpieces".

>> No.19690736

Lmao, look at all these niggers arguing about a Chinese cartoon


>> No.19690963

Civilization and its Discontents it's a short essay where he talks about most of his ideas briefly, and works well as an introduction. Then you can read stuff like Three Essays About Theory of Sex, Interpretation of Dreams, or The Ego and The Id.

>> No.19691988

Anime, like television and theater, is collaborative so no surprises there.

>> No.19692192

I cried at the 4th Rebuild ending, it was so comfy and sincere. The plot and aesthetics were not even close to the art that is EoE, but it ended the story well and with a moralistic bend. Could have been a big more superficially deep to be even better.

>> No.19692218

>filtered by anime

>> No.19692315

Filtered hard lol

>> No.19693626 [DELETED] 

Based. These faggots will denigrate YA but screech when there precious japanese animation is insulted.

>> No.19693673

Based. These faggots will denigrate YA but screech when their precious japanese animation is insulted

>> No.19693679

EoE is better than anything Kubrick or Tarkovsky ever made

>> No.19693771

You need to be older than 13 to post here.

>> No.19693781
File: 207 KB, 949x1148, 691507395.0.x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filtered. Read Jung

>> No.19693800

If you can't understand the value the EoE has, both aesthetically and thematically, you are most like the teenager here, or just a retard.
People screaming DAE ANIME BAD are most likely morons cause they think great ideas can only come from books they don't understand

>> No.19693819
File: 235 KB, 960x1351, third impact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19693842
File: 1.83 MB, 2100x2100, virgin mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19693880

hello pseud containment thread

>> No.19693892
File: 41 KB, 692x1000, 2801f9bdf264b143e3994b28e38caa9357179e36r1-692-1000v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crucified Lilith as the mother of humanity
Lilith is the jewish image of Ishtar (venus), the queen of heaven, the precursor of both Jesus Christ and Lucifer (the morning star)
The sacrificial lamb at the apocalypse has seven eyes

>> No.19693901
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>> No.19693905
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>> No.19693912
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>> No.19693918
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>> No.19693988

you sound like a snyderfag lol

>> No.19693994

EoE is about finding forgiveness for our sins (Jesus) and Unity Consciousness (Divine Salvation-Gnosis-Nirvana) through the feminine (Divine Mother), solving the Whore(Asuka)-Madonna(Rei) complex

>> No.19694007
File: 39 KB, 640x400, 01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no no I don't write, I conceive.

>> No.19694020

>Ultraman with a slap of paint for excitable ''le historically accurate angel'' crowd

>> No.19694033
File: 4 KB, 233x217, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19694042

Rebuilds are garbage.

>> No.19694056

cant wait for Shin Ultraman

>> No.19694073

It is literally a deconstruction of the show and person you described.

>> No.19694084

Did you copy and paste this from r/movies?
Why are people like this who clearly hate books and dont/can't read on the literature board.

>> No.19694088

>he reads

>> No.19694107

OK the 1st post could probably have been bait but this one just sounds like pre adolescent screeching.

>> No.19694127

seems to me that it just indulges in the aycytype and refused to say anything of any legit substance. ie ultimate cope of the last two episodes.

>> No.19694186 [DELETED] 

Love how every evangelion find 1st answer to why the show is great is to spaff out a load of stuff about symbolism they don't understand and philosophy they will never read that they probably copied word for word from a video essay they watched on youtube.
The show is good and deeper/more interesting than most anime but you the fags who worship this stuff are usually incapable of engaging in any media that's all of the things that they say Eva is.

>> No.19694199

>>19693819 #
>>19693842 #
>>19693842 #
>>19693892 #
>>19693901 #
>>19693905 #
>>19693912 #
>>19693918 #
Love how every evangelion fans find 1st answer to why the show is great is to spaff out a load of stuff about symbolism they don't understand and philosophy they will never read that they probably copied word for word from a video essay they watched on youtube.
The show is good and deeper/more interesting than most anime but you the fags who worship this stuff are usually incapable of engaging in any media that's all of the things that they say Eva is.

>> No.19694310

you are not special because you read

>> No.19694322

Grape Robberies

>> No.19694344

said on /lit/ LEL
also thinking zack snyder makes books is an autistic cherry on top

>> No.19694351

What is the value?

>> No.19694358

holy fuck I was actually right lmao

>> No.19694401

OK I don't nessicarily disagree but why are extolling the virtue of anime while basically implying that you don't read on on the fucking book forum?
Isn't /a/ one of the biggest boards on this site, why don't you go and circlejerk about le deep symbolism in evangelion on there instead of wasting yours and our time?

>> No.19694413

I read a lot and I don't watch anime anymore. That's just your interpretation. I read an hour a day or more. I love books.

I just find the pretentiousness around books annoying. And that's coming from a guy who mostly reads classics.

>> No.19694452

your on a board made for people that read why act so surprised when you find people who read?

so you refuse to read the original books the ideas you are interested in are best expressed.

>> No.19694525

Excellent discussion

>> No.19694532


>> No.19694543

Discuss this
Evangelion is feminist psychosexual gnosticism

>> No.19694577
File: 2.56 MB, 300x424, terry-a-davis-terry-davis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evangelion is feminist psychosexual gnosticism
word salad schizophrenia

>> No.19694601

Yes. You have to engage in schizo-like thought processes to understand gnosticism, alchemy or psychology
So? Have you anything to contribute, or got filtered?

>> No.19694616

I read those books. I probably read more than you.
The fact that you make those assumptions just proves you're compensating for something. Again, you are not some 180iq God just because you read books.

>> No.19694640

all of this assumes a lack a humility

>> No.19694647
File: 100 KB, 685x855, Sigmund-Freud-psicoanalisis-teorias-biografia-y-obras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider that schizophrenic symbolism is almost the same thing as poetic lenguage. Lateral, non linear creative metaphors. Jesus is a lamb, a fish and a lion. Sadness is blue... etc.
Jung talked about stream of consciousness (called it active imagination). So feel free to contribute what you have in mind.

>> No.19694655
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>> No.19694700
File: 44 KB, 356x400, Rebis_Theoria_Philosophiae_Hermeticae_1617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. One of the central points the third impact is the disolution of boundaries between people. Shinji reaches godhood during third impact, and is shown fused with Misato, Asuka and Rei. Also there's a shot of Rei clones with Shinji's face.
That's similar with the alchemical Rebis, a being that reaches divine power by fusing the male and the female spirit.

>The Rebis (from the Latin res bina, meaning dual or double matter) is the end product of the alchemical magnum opus or great work.
>After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the male and female head within a single body.

>> No.19694742

>Shinji reaches godhood during third impact,
this is becoming all too silly

>> No.19694757

Did you even see the movie or I'm getting trolled?

>> No.19694758
File: 43 KB, 486x541, Evanbuckleyon_by_Triple_Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot this oops

>> No.19694777

na im aware that's what anus was trying to get across with the 2nd half of the film but saying he becomes god is a bit much given that lilith still has enough agency to deny his dad of that "godhood"

>> No.19694798
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fucking waste of trips

>> No.19694898
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The level of discussion in this thread is even worse than /a/. Shame on you lit

In psychoanalytic literature, a Madonna–whore complex is the inability to maintain sexual arousal within a committed, loving relationship.[1] First identified by Sigmund Freud, under the rubric of psychic impotence,[2] this psychological complex is said to develop in men who see women as either saintly Madonnas or debased prostitutes. Men with this complex desire a sexual partner who has been degraded (the whore) while they cannot desire the respected partner (the Madonna).[3] Freud wrote: "Where such men love they have no desire and where they desire they cannot love."[4] Clinical psychologist Uwe Hartmann, writing in 2009, stated that the complex "is still highly prevalent in today's patients".[3]

>Evangelion cures inceldom

>> No.19694926

>the plot is relegated entirely nonsensical, incoherent, uninteresting, uneventful, indecipherable, and
This just tells me you were filtered.

>> No.19695291

Anime is always subjected to the harshest possible standards of originality and quality. Western fiction doesn't get this treatment because don't expect too much from it.

It's an anime, not a cartoon.

>> No.19695526
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madoka Rebellion is the best movie ever made you turbopleb

>> No.19695627

proof that reading doesn't make you smart nor able to appreciate aesthetics.

>> No.19695637

who was filtered?
also theres plenty of proof of that here when people try to discuss literature, let alone other art

>> No.19695670

based and true. what else but horrible taste can you expect from grown men who watch cartoons after all?

>> No.19695680

Anime and cartoons are not the same thing.

>> No.19695695
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>> No.19695705

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.19695783

this feels so alien I hate it

>> No.19695793

why do people simp for her? she is even a 4/10

>> No.19695812

now that one is actually pretentious trash
EoE is kino and thematically rich. Madoka is pretentious garbage

>> No.19695825

>anything I have even the slightest problem with is always garbage with zero redeeming qualities

>> No.19695831
File: 65 KB, 942x721, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, how are cartoons/animations, that are intentionally aimed at adults, is bad taste?

>> No.19695853

It says "similar." And yes, they are "similar." They are both animation.

>> No.19695902

The whole show is very directly about human connections against fear, alienation, and escapism. This includes the facile imitation of women and relationships in the genre the show is clearly self-aware of. I bet the masturbation scene went way over your head.

>> No.19695938
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This thread i swear. Pic related.

>> No.19695946

Yes, and "animation" is a synonym for cartoon if you look it up. Anime was originally called Japanimation (Japanese animation), therefore it's cartoons.

>> No.19695958

what does the masturbation scene mean to you just out of curiosity and how does the show present these morals you think exist within the show
>The whole show is very directly about human connections against fear, alienation, and escapism

>> No.19695961

Animation is not and cannot be a synonym for cartoon, since a cartoon is a type of animation. A 3D animation of, say, a steam engine would not be a cartoon. Neither is anime.

>> No.19696168

Just Google this freak, ofc his disgusting brony ass became a trannoid

>> No.19696283
File: 645 KB, 1356x904, f3984ac7fc4ce9f1206f6de1d1682dc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but at least hes more interesting then that giggacuck guy
(also the fucker wants to BE a loli lel) i swear all lolcows are wild ass philosophical freaks of nature

>> No.19696292

oops meant phycological

>> No.19696307
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>> No.19696331

100% this.

>> No.19696366

Except NGE is a fucking cartoon splashing surface-level interpretations of different esoteric beliefs and myths together and not genuinely profound like gnosticism, alchemy or 'psychology' (seems like you're still on babby's first Jung). If you'd read any of those texts at all you would see you're not just allowing yourself to overlay a schizo meaning, but have a definite meaning in themselves like anything that isn't just a gay aesthetic later rationalised.

>> No.19696381

NGE is an anime, not a cartoon.

>> No.19696387


>> No.19696420

death of the author

>> No.19696422

>schizophrenic symbolism is almost the same thing as poetic lenguage.
No, it's not at all you moron. Jesus being a lamb or anything else means something, it has depth, while going on with your own little interpretations about Lilith in NGE is the ramblings of a teenager who thinks he knows more than he does.

See, all your use or mention of alchemy is the most stereotypical possible, everyone's heard of the fusing of the masculine and feminine. It's just taking some aesthetics from alchemy and fusing it with Bergman's Persona, giving a very stereotypical "le breaking down of individual consciousness" montage. It's not philosophically original, it just exists for the show. It's used in the same way as the ideas in Kubrick's 2001. By themselves non-profound cliches, only there to make the movie entertaining. But I could just as easily go on about how the space baby represents the ubermensch blah blah and sure they connect on a very overt and shallow level, but it just shows I have no understanding of whatever philosophy I'm layering over the movie. It's philosophy for the circus.

>> No.19696437
File: 64 KB, 1200x630, Goethe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Certainly, in art and poetry, the personality of the artist is all in all, though certain weak critics and connoisseurs of our day will not acknowledge this, and treat a grand personality as an accessory of little importance to a work. But, really, in order to feel and admire a grand personality, a man must himself be somewhat.

>> No.19696542

Shinji pleads to a lifeless Asuka in his emotional crisis then masturbates over her body in the same fashion otaku's grossly depend upon and sexualize their moe husks of women (literally Asuka herself included). A conscious Asuka later rejects Shinji's pleading, calling it pathetic and disgusting. At the very end when Shinji rejects instrumentality, reconciles reality and decides to face the painful consequences of authentic human connections, which involve Asuka's ambiguous response. Rei's entire character is in the same boat as Asuka's objectification. She is a disposable doll to realize Gendo's emotional fulfillment until she gains personal will.
>how does the show present these morals you think exist within the show
That should all be extremely obvious throughout the entire series.

>> No.19696558

>otaku bad
>moe bad
NGE is a complete waste of time.

>> No.19696647

It's more
>face reality with all it's insecurity and pain to have meaningful relationships
While critiquing the antithetical audience and subculture it's surrounded in.

>> No.19696653

Based roastie
For once I agree with you

>> No.19696664

Relationships aren't available or of interest to everyone.

>> No.19696682

Lmao this
Fuck off fucking weebs

>> No.19696690

Spot on

>> No.19696733

Okay. Not the case for people in general though. And sometimes people isolating themselves use warped surrogates (i.e. otaku).

>> No.19696802

People in general are not otaku.

>> No.19696824

Name your favourite film

>> No.19696839


>> No.19696893
File: 21 KB, 460x276, Mass Production Eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, a purely visual film by the nazis, the kings of symbolic depth (sarcasm)
Even some shots look like Evangelion

>> No.19696902
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>That should all be extremely obvious throughout the entire series.
From where I'm standing the whole show seems to indulge in monster of the week hijinks rather then any clear philosophical narrative. After watching it 3 or 4 times it bothers me when potentially sincere character moments are undermined by sleazy ass fan service. I think the most telling part for me was when shinji saves rei from getting blasted by the pyramid angel thing, they seem to have a nice heart to heart moment after he burns his hands in an attempt to save her from the cockpit (his father did this in the episode before interestingly enough). Either way any potential character growth that might come from this is robbed away because she isn't anywhere to be seen for another 3-4 episodes because he decides to introduce a whole new character. Although the interesting thing is that anno tries his damned hardest to develop their ‘relationship’ in a mirrored moment in the rebuilds and frankly it only proves how terrible of a writer he is. Trying to make it romantic between shinji and his god momma was and is a fucking stupid idea. Anyways my point is that evangelion is a big fat oxymoronic mess. Go read pun pun or berserk if you want something consistent and coherent.

>> No.19696906

This is some stupid cope

>> No.19696907

millennium actress

>> No.19696934

There's nothing to cope for
I just find it funny that you whine about surface level symbolism and your favourite film is a visual documentary slideshow

>> No.19696943

>by the nazis,
It's by Leni Riefenstahl you fucking pleb.

>the kings of symbolic depth (sarcasm)
Implying my favourite film has to be overly symbolic because we're talking about NGE?????

>> No.19696948
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Evengelion is easier to understand through a Kabbalistic lens, rather than alchemic or gnostic. After all there's much more reference to the Jewish tradition than anything else in the anime.

For example, the entire Human Instrumentality project is a retreat into the world of Yesod (9th Sephirah) which is the area of the subconscious, dreams, and essential shapes of things before they enter the dense physical world of Malkuth (10th Sephirah)

What Shinji quite literally learns is that to live a true, whole and actualized life, he cannot retreat into his dreams (Yesod) but embrace fully the world of Malkuth, and all of it's friction and consequences, since by that way he grows stronger and evolves.

This is perfectly in accordance with Kabbalistic doctrine, and why it's said (in the Jewish tradition) only those past the age of 40, ideally, should take up the study, as by then they have acquired enough life experience and things-at-stake to keep themselves grounded in reality, and not lose themselves as they delve into other worlds.

This is not to say Anno put this all in consciously, but very often it happen with artists that their intuition and life experience served them well.

>> No.19696966

Is comparing Evangelion to Gravity's Rainbow some kind of meme? The two have nothing in common aside from Katje being kind of similar to Rei. Thematically, they're polar opposites.
I'd dismiss this as just another shitpost, but I keep hearing it.

>> No.19696968

Weebs exposing their complete inadequacy in art history once again.

>> No.19696969
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>> No.19696975

>potentially sincere character moments are undermined by sleazy ass fan service
Like what? I think the show's relatively light on fan-service and for the most part it serves a purpose.
>she isn't anywhere to be seen for another 3-4 episodes
I don't really see the problem with this. They both demonstrated moments which set them up for later actions int he series.
I don't factor in rebuilds. They're unnecessary shit.
Obviously not what I'm saying.

>> No.19696998

Nazis lost genius

>> No.19696999

I agree actually

>> No.19697003

Wow, a person who's actually read a book in their life.

It's pathetic the way people approach something as basic bitch as Evangelion, a series which literally tells you the main thesis outright, which is to be less of a loser, as something genuinely life affirming. What the fuck are these people like?

>> No.19697007


>> No.19697015

But since people in general aren't otaku, they don't need to hear Anno's lecturing. And the otaku aren't going to think "oh I guess I'll just go out and get a girlfriend."

>> No.19697035
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To me Instrumentality is actually the Ain Soph Aur, or the Infinite Emptyness before creation.
Notice that in the beginning of this secuence there is absolutely nothing except the mind of god (shinji in this case)
Also, the two sides of the three of life are represented as the two pillars of the High Priestess in the tarot. The Black one is the female spirit, the white one is the male spirit.
It can be argued that Eva is the attempt to reconcile the male and the female through Shinji and Asuka, with Rei acting as the middle pillar like a catalyst. This is for me a representation of the alchemical magnus opus.
It also doesn't make scense for it to reach only to Yesod, when the whole tree is shown during third impact (actually upside down, subverted like a satanic cross)

The first tree sephira (wich are below by being upside down) are also called the supernals, and deal with the so called "archetypal world" (wich immediately connects with Jung). Binah and Chokmah are often tought as the divine feminine and divine masculine, respectively, for wich Shinji and Asuka act as placeholders here.

>> No.19697049
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Sorry for the typos I'm drunk

>> No.19697057

>It also doesn't make scense for it to reach only to Yesod, when the whole tree is shown during third impact (actually upside down, subverted like a satanic cross)
My take comes from my practical experience, that ever-shifting, chaotic and dreamlike state where everything is present at once (as shown during Instrumentality) is characteristic of Yesod, and is the "soft home" of daydreamers and escapists, like our hero Shinji.

>when the whole tree is shown during third impact (actually upside down, subverted like a satanic cross)
Ironically, you can say that's a product of SEELE's faulty ideas concerning man's future and evolution,;and where else do false prophets and deluded idealists come from but a haphazard bathing in Yesod? They thought they were reaching for God, but only involuted themselves further in their own subjective fantasies. This is just me musing.

>> No.19697073

>Like what? I think the show's relatively light on fan-service and for the most part it serves a purpose.
>>for the most part it serves a purpose.

>> No.19697076
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>> No.19697080
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Actually makes sense. The upside down tree makes one think it is a fucked up version of the real thing, like satanism is a fucked up version of christianity.
So yeah, the Instrumentality would be a kind of "false heaven". Very nice anon

>> No.19697081

Go back to your comment >>19696664
People in general want or need human relations. In the end you can say it's about all the pain of human relationships (or lack thereof) and but an affirmation of relations and life regardless in the face of it. The otaku critique of the series just ties together that theme with the mileau it's in.

>> No.19697091

>I don't really see the problem with this. They both demonstrated moments which set them up for later actions int he series.
the only later actions being in the retcon movie made a year or two after the show

>> No.19697097

Lmao clueless

>> No.19697126

Yes. For real I don't get complaints on this front. You mean a few inconsequential ass shots?
no. And Rei having an inkling of humanity that showed the growth and potential of human autonomy would come into play when she sacrificed herself somewhere mid-series.

>> No.19697158

Anon's just a puritanical nutjob

>> No.19697162

Based as fuck

>> No.19697169

>And Rei having an inkling of humanity that showed the growth and potential of human autonomy would come into play when she sacrificed herself somewhere mid-series.
She sacrifices herself on episode 22 in a 26 episode show and shingay saves her in episode 5.

>> No.19697238
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Weird question but you seem to know something about the kabbalah
What you think should have happened hypothetically for Shinji to get past Yesod and actually reach to Keter? Was it even possible?
Third Impact supposedly was carried out using the Dead Sea Scrolls (an alien/divine artifact) as a route map for the purpose of human apotheosis, so I guess it was in the original plans for it to be successful, but Gendo/Seele fucked up...
I don't even know if the question makes any sense

>> No.19697247

You are completely wrong you stupid faggot.

>> No.19697275
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rude. but how lol

>> No.19697333
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Here's something
>The Middle Pillar, as represented in contemporary Hermetic Kabbalistic theory, consists of three Sephiroth: Kether, Tiphereth, and Yesod. Astrologically these Sephiroth correspond to the Eternal, the Sun (Sol), and the Moon (Luna). Experientially these are stable levels of awareness that all minds can abide in. The Eternal represents Nondual Awareness: Source Consciousness. The Sun represents Solar Consciousness, the Thelemic idea of Higher Self that transcends the baser egoistic attachments and mechanistic reactions of the personality. Which brings us to the Moon: Lunar Consciousness; this is the stage that exemplifies the awareness of most of humanity where the id and more scattered emotions, desires, and attachments of self tend to run the show.

>The major goal of magical practice in the Sephirah of Yesod is to stabilize and then transcend Lunar Consciousness. But realize eliminating it is not the goal as such a lens of self is needed to express Spirit through the physical layer and conversely, as though a Veil, through which the physical imparts lessons and experiences unto Spirit. Thus transcendence is a workable and identifiable goal, but elimination is a dangerous delusion that, when sought, will do more harm than good. This is because one's identity as a physical being is a part of the entirety of the Universe and hence eschewing any part of it (including the Lunar) is essentially eschewing oneself (see The Vision of Sorrow for more elucidation upon this realization). Realization and acceptance of the fact that everything is a part of our Awareness and our Awareness is a part of everything is necessary to cross the Abyss and to reclaim the gnosis of Nondual Awareness.

>> No.19697351
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I fucking hate this board

>> No.19697384
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>The Qlippothic aspects of this Sephirah are interesting. As the liminal Point right upon which physical manifestation waxes or wanes and as the Veil through Spirit must pass into physicality, Yesod is a womb of its own in a way: much akin to the birth canal. It often has its chakra-related correspondence in the genitals around the Core Center which is attributed qualities that define it as an anchor for our sense of sexuality and as vital formative region for creative expression. This is very important to understand as how the Lunar lens is structured accounts for how we both perceive physicality and express the intents of the higher Sephiroth into manifestation upon the physical as well as how such physical expressions feed back into Spirit and determine realignment of Purpose, of Intent. An alignment between Solar Will ("Tiphereth" as "Beauty") and the Lunar results in a manifestation upon the physical that reflects the aspirations of the Spirit and blossoms into something beautiful and balanced, but...

>If there is a perversion of this sense of beauty; a misalignment between True Will – Solar Consciousness — and the Lunar Personality, then what blossoms from Yesod will not be from a deeper thread of spiritual Intent but rather from a mere shell of that fecundative creativity: a Qlippoth. Gomaliel is translated as "The Obscene Ones" and this perversion of True Will, through a fogged lens of personality, but a structure of self-equilibrium nonetheless, that does not reflect the Light of True Will appropriately, creates a creature of mere habit, a creative abberation. This is the core concept underlying the Qlippoth of Yesod. There a few good examples of this I can think of. Obviously a personality that is not in alignment with the truer and more meaningful callings of Self is existing, but is solely doing that and nothing more. It is not structured in alignment with Will and hence is in the state of this Qlippoth. Another, more lurid and specific, example of this could be the personality that always seeks to follow the sexual urge but can never find satiety; it is always lusting for stronger stimuli and for more shattering climaxes. Indeed, orgasmic climax can bring the Mind within striking distance of Nondual Awareness and is the most powerful creative force in the Universe in its own right. But a personality that constantly and aimlessly uses this energy without appreciation for what this energy can stoke and without the knowledge of what drives that hunger at a deeper level, can cast the psyche into this Qlippoth.

>> No.19697400


So what I get from this is that for Instrumentality to be successful, Shiji would have had to get over himself by shedding his ego, accept reality as it is without escaping, and stop being a coomer.
Makes sense
The question is, did he failed to do that?

>> No.19697412

We really need to take the /film/ approach and start bullying /a/ tourists

>> No.19697417
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I'm rewatching NGE + EoE for the fourth time. The first half of the show is kinda weak but shit gets intense in the second half. Now all the dialogues, references and the general plot make sense to me but I wouldn't be surprised If someone watching the show for the first time gets lost because honestly it barely offers the clues to build the global plot and you have to read by yourself.

Nevertheless NGE does a great job at portraying that feeling of alienation and loneliness that human condition entails. It explores very well the mind, flaws and fears of the character like very few shows do. The aesthetics of the show are great too.

EoE is masterpiece to me and my favorite movie of all time. The atmosphere of impending doom and brutality in the first half of the movie is unmatched while Shinji being absolutely broken has to muster courage somehow to face all that shit. The scene at the elevator where Misato dies and Shinji is left alone, the battle between asuka and the eva series, Shinji finding eva 02 dismembered, all that scenes are so good. The world around you is horrible, you are broken but you have to grow balls and do something, that spoke to me in a personal level.

The conclusion of the show has some "Schopenhauerian-Nietzschean" vibe. There is only one being but we are all doomed to unitary existence, loneliness and conflict while we live. However Shinji accepts that existance instead of returning to the universal being.

>> No.19697420

>The conclusion of the show has some "Schopenhauerian-Nietzschean" vibe.
You haven't read either, kill yourself weeb

>> No.19697435

Not him but it makes sense.
Returning to the womb in instrumentality is basically conforming and dissolving, thus it's slave morality
Living in constant conflict with others and oneself is pure will to power

>> No.19697436

Kill yourself weeb

>> No.19697438

/a/ website, baka

>> No.19697441

>"Schopenhauerian-Nietzschean" vibe

>> No.19697444

You mean jew

>> No.19697448

>What is dialectics

>> No.19697465
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Go back to your containment shithole now

>> No.19697472

yes, what is it anon? go on and elaborate your misused buzzwords

>> No.19697473

Schopenhauerian in the sense of what the instrumentality project is, Nietzschean in the sense of the decision Shinji takes.

>> No.19697481

The creative conflict between supposed opposites

>> No.19697484

braindead regurgitated yt bullshit

>> No.19697489

Not an argument

>> No.19697491

/a/ niggers trying to be /lit/ is embarrassing

>> No.19697492

I hate anime and weebs so god damn much, pick up a fucking book or a decent film and realize how shallow your shitty medium is already

>> No.19697498

god i fucking hate stupid ass vidya essay analsis bullshit

>> No.19697499
File: 49 KB, 960x540, ErUZmhhVEAAe48F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are trying too hard

>> No.19697503

>it's so Nietzschean bro
>no no it's Hegelian
>no man it's Kierkegaardian
This is how every /a/ thread on /lit/ ends up.
Too dumb for books, too pretentious for anime, such is the curse of the /a/ tourists.

>> No.19697511

Not even a Hegelian model, that's Fichte's work.
Again, keep outting yourself as the pseud you are, dumb weeb.

>> No.19697515

Dumb dumb weeb, go back to watching your cartoon about underage girls and crying faggots

>> No.19697524

Cool. Get rid of Hegel, nobody was talking about him. It's still dialectics (hint: a fucking conversation). Don't be an obtuse tryhard

>> No.19697529

Gay Roleplay

>> No.19697545

and don't be an insufferable faggot, if you want to discuss anime you have entire boards dedicated just for that.
there is only one literature board, stop shitting it up.

>> No.19697549

Understandable have a great day

>> No.19697593

tops it off with a gay ass zoomer reddit meme fuck him

>> No.19697604

zoomer meme
reddit meme

>> No.19697607

meant for u loser

>> No.19697695

>Civilization and its Discontents
unironically THIS

>> No.19697696
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>> No.19697707

You will never write anything worth reading

>> No.19697719

I wish I was so aryan. Alas, I'm a nigger

>> No.19697727
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>> No.19697758
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I would be pretty bummed too

>> No.19697766

love him or hate him you gotta admit that's pretty based