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19685818 No.19685818 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19686411

This entire millennia is just an episode of mass psychosis. I just wish humanity would hurry up and realize they are currently at a low stage of existence and need to start directing their evolution

>> No.19686429

she claims society is just a fever dream

>> No.19686599

it'll get even worse before getting any better, gen Alpha will probably be the tipping point for restoration
who is she?

>> No.19686615

the sonic youth,
the youth forgotten by the mother

>> No.19686635
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>I just wish my particular utopia be realized
You are part of the mass psychosis.

>> No.19686654

I’ve read ted and he is retarded. Trying to prevent human extinction by destroying any long term solution, just delaying it until the earth becomes uninhabitable due to natural causes instead. It’s too late to go back so the only way out is to work with the natural evolutionary principle rather than against it

>> No.19686732

>t. another retard in denial by his most recent diagnosis

>> No.19686809

What are you even saying? That the goal of humanity? To prolong its existance for as long as possible, into the billions of years? That's not his point. Kaczynski would rather manking exist for 100.000 years living free, than one billion years enslaved.

>> No.19686839

Human extinction is currently impossible, nuke half the world and humans just go back to being hunter gathers but now with fire arms they looted from the ruins of civilization

>> No.19687005

No, I'm very well self-aware of it.

My diagnosis is sex and porn addiction, and the DSM-5 refuses to acknowledge that for globohomo propaganda. Calling it 'hypersexuality', what the fuck is that.

Hurting many people seeking professional treatment, restricting many therapists' work.

>> No.19687150

I mean I agree with you that the cause was most likely something external like zeitgeist propaganda, but a therapist is not there to change the global landscape, he´s there to try to solve the problem at an individual level. If a therapist argues whether your hypersexuality is an inherent fault in your personality or not, then he´s a bad therapist. It doesn´t really matter whether its your fault or not, it matters that its a problem and must be fixed. If your therapist argues beyond that then change therapists

>> No.19687205
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>So what will these distant descendants think of their ancestors? They will find much in common with our distant hunting ancestors, who also continued for ages at near subsistence level in a vast fragmented world with slow growth amid rare slow contact with strange distant cultures. While those ancestors were quite ignorant about their world, and immersed in a vast wild nature instead of a vast space of people, their behavior was still pretty well adapted to the world they lived in. While they suffered many misconceptions, those illusions rarely made them much worse off; their behavior was usually adaptive.

>When our distant descendants think about our era, however, differences will loom larger. Yes they will see that we were more like them in knowing more things, and in having less contact with a wild nature. But our brief period of very rapid growth and discovery and our globally integrated economy and culture will be quite foreign to them. Yet even these differences will pale relative to one huge difference: our lives are far more dominated by consequential delusions: wildly false beliefs and non-adaptive values that matter. While our descendants may explore delusion-dominated virtual realities, they will well understand that such things cannot be real, and don’t much influence history. In contrast, we live in the brief but important “dreamtime” when delusions drove history. Our descendants will remember our era as the one where the human capacity to sincerely believe crazy non-adaptive things, and act on those beliefs, was dialed to the max.

>> No.19688246

>It doesn´t really matter whether its your fault or not
it absolutely does, addictions don't just manifest from nothing.

>> No.19688309

It all went downhill the moment homosexuality stopped being considered a mental illness.

>> No.19688324

Human extinction will be from biological interference, not munitions. It's also very possible within a few generations.

>> No.19688331

Psychiatrists are generally corrupt pieces of shit. Fucking clowns.

>> No.19688336

Given the number of anti-vaxxers and covid deniers there are, I think humans are most likely to go extinct from a pandemic that is more severe than covid but treated the same way.

>> No.19688374
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>tfw currently applying to medschools to become a psychiatrist
generally yes, good medicine stopped being taught around 25 years ago. if your psychiatrist isn't over 60, they're probably shit.

>> No.19688406

I don't know what to say to you m80, enjoy being a tool of the Corporate State.

>> No.19688423

you're a moron for needing permission from a psychiatrist to label your problem. addiction is a response to chronic stress, so playing retarded mind-tricks is not actually solving your problem

>> No.19688477
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Have been thinking about this study constructed to optically inflate results on borderline personality disorder outcomes in order to prevent changes to BPD diagnosis.

> Functional remission, defined as a Global Assessment of Functioning score greater than 70 sustained for 2 months. Graph: 20% of bpd meet standard after 10 years.

> Across follow-up, 66% of subjects with BPD had at least 1 year when their GAF score was at least 10 points better than at intake. Of those who improved 10 points or more, the mean (SE) improvement was 12.21 (0.54) points and the mean (SE) number of years of sustained improvement was 2.00 (0.05) years.

> Our hypothesis that the number of BPD criteria present at each assessment would inversely predict subsequent GAF scores was confirmed

2 years of 10% improvement…basically nothing. And no improvement in GAF implies same number of criteria.

>This instrument rates each personality disorder criterion on a scale of 0 (absent or clinically insignificant), 1 (present but of uncertain clinical significance), or 2 (present and clinically significant)

> Remission was defined as meeting 2 or fewer criteria for BPD

>Relapse for BPD was defined as returning to 5 or more criteria (the DSM-IV threshold) for 2 or more months after having remitted

> The 10-year course of BPD is characterized by high rates of remission, low rates of relapse, and severe and persistent impairment in social functioning

> Eighty-five percent of patients with BPD remitted. Twelve percent of patients with BPD relapsed. All BPD criteria declined at similar rates. Social function scores showed severe impairment with only modest albeit statistically significant improvement; patients with BPD remained persistently more dysfunctional than the other 2 groups.

> most mental health care professionals avoid or actively dislike patients with BPD…This context helps frame the significance of this study

If you have all 5 criteria all the time but sub clinical (level 1), you’re not relapsing. If you have 4 criteria at all times at a clinical level (level 2) but your fifth criteria is subclinical (1) then you’re not relapsing. 5 criteria clinical for 1 month every other month, not relapse.

>an alcoholic relapse is defined as 5+ drinks a day for 2 month straight.

There’s a movement by a certain group of activists to throw out the BPD diagnosis because of its stigmatization and replace it with complex ptsd. It reframes their illness as trauma victims rather than female psychopaths. DSM being driven by mentally ill activists.

>> No.19688609

Pretty much. Pseudoscientific bullshit that creates self reinforcing mental loops that has people believe that temporary abnormal states are both "just how it is", and that they're powerless against them without mind altering chemicals.

>> No.19688737
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>> No.19689308

>addiction is a response to chronic stress, so playing retarded mind-tricks is not actually solving your problem
Do you have a source for this claim?

>> No.19690536


Blaming academia for people being dumb/awful. Hmm...Wonder where you stand politically?

>> No.19690562

t. victim of Mormon mind control tactics

Addictions are habits that stop you from being able to function properly. Go to school? Go to work? Keep up hygiene and feeding yourself? Congrats, jerking it isn't an addiction even if you do it a lot.

>> No.19690589

Sounds like some Lacan shit desu

>> No.19690610

maybe make a vaccine that actually grants immunization lol. lazy fucking kike doctors

>> No.19690658

>simulacra for its own sake

>> No.19690671

OMG I know!

Just Look Up!!

edit: wow, I never expected this to get the attention it got! Please remember to stay positive and thank you all for the love and good vibes. We need it in these dark times.

>> No.19690693

>You are part of the mass psychosis
>posts a book detailing plans for a mass revolution against technological society

>> No.19690723

Jerking off too much does get in the way of life. I stopped fapping for a while and I immediately felt better about myself more motivated and confident. I felt good and I felt an almost full on psychological change. But I still winded up succumbing to it afterwards and am back on my old ways. Sounds like an addiction to me.

>> No.19692049

>Human extinction is currently impossible
Human extinction is an inevitability. Embrace it.

>> No.19692090 [DELETED] 
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This dude gets it. The addictive power of porn is that it's so accessible and thereby makes neurochemical self harm so incomparably easy to achieve via something as ubiquitous as a screen and internet connection. Sometimes the trauma of self harm can devolve into its own vicious cycle of addiction precisely because of its hypnotic meta-aspect: meta phenomena are by their very nature, combining the strangeness, if not impossibility, of extreme simplicity and extreme complexity, the causes of the unconscious mind's radical doubting of itself and, by extension, the world and all those around it and thereby causing the psyche to fall back on the trauma as its only bedrock of security in an otherwise terrifying and mortifyingly unpredictable world and condition of self awareness (which is not the same as self knowledge, but rather, in any case, the latter's maladaptive pursuit, which is the pursuit of ghosts, as the self is ineluctably always changing).

>> No.19692098

at some point I wanted to read it unironically
now I want to read it for the keks

>> No.19692105

>My psychiatrist won't agree with the random schizo dribble I read on 4chan, clearly this is a conspiracy.

>> No.19692110 [DELETED] 


This dude gets it. The addictive power of porn is that it's so accessible and thereby makes neurochemical self harm so incomparably easy to achieve via something as ubiquitous as a screen and internet connection. Sometimes the trauma of self harm can devolve into its own vicious cycle of addiction precisely because of its hypnotic meta-aspect. Such meta phenomena are by their very nature (combining the strangeness, if not impossibility, of extreme simplicity and extreme complexity) often the most precipitous, disorienting, and thus devastating of causes of the unconscious mind's radical doubting of itself and, by extension, the world and all those around it. Thereby causing such an affected psyche to fall back on the originary trauma itself as its only bedrock of "security" in an otherwise now terrifying and mortifyingly unpredictable world and state of self perception (which is not the same as self knowledge/awareness, but rather, in any case, the latter's maladaptive pursuit, which is the pursuit of ghosts, as the self is ineluctably always changing).

>> No.19692118
File: 520 KB, 725x430, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude gets it. The addictive power of porn is that it's so accessible and thereby makes neurochemical self harm so incomparably easy to achieve via something as ubiquitous as a screen and internet connection. Sometimes the trauma of self harm can devolve into its own vicious cycle of addiction precisely because of its hypnotic meta-aspect. Such meta phenomena are by their very nature (combining the strangeness, if not impossibility, of extreme simplicity and extreme complexity) often the most precipitous, disorienting, and thus devastating of causes of the unconscious mind's radical doubting of itself and, by extension, the world and all those around it. Thereby causing such an affected psyche to fall back on the originary trauma itself as its only bedrock of "security" in an otherwise now terrifying and mortifyingly unpredictable world and state of self perception (which is not the same as self knowledge/awareness, but rather, in any case, the latter's maladaptive pursuit, which is the pursuit of ghosts, as the self is ineluctably always changing).

>> No.19692132
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Every time I read philosophy or think about the way things are or how they should be it always come back to this. This bitter fucking pill. Writings from 100+ years ago were helpful in navigating a world where humans were at least somewhat grounded in reality but are now horribly outdated and give only precursor insight into the modern psyche. Some texts are useful in establishing a foundation for insight, but things are so fucking insane that the only way to figure them out is to stare directly into the mouth of the mad beast itself.
Fuck you Baudrillard and fuck you, too, Spengler.

>> No.19692165

I hate how overdiagnosis is lessening the focus on real mental illness. But honestly, normalfags will never understand mental illness anyway and conflate it with ennui and existentialist navel-gazing every time. The real tragedy is all those healthy people getting pushed onto drugs they don't need and having their chemistry ruined.

>> No.19692166

Good luck finding one who isn't a drone. Universities have become degree factories and as a consequence they train minds like machines. Never mind the fact that 80% of the people at university these days really don't fucking belong there in the first place. Add on top of that the hubris of the degree holding puppet and you have a useless twit with an ego and a position of status to defend. In the 80's it was revenge of the nerds, now we have revenge of the mediocre.
You will not find those who see the system for what it is in a psychiatrist's office (unless of course, they're the patient, in which case the roles have been reversed which is a fantastic little microcosm of our absurd little existence) . They are either riding out the storm in a basement or are locked in a loony bin for daring to defy the beast.

>> No.19692356

Porn is a serious issue and the ease of its accessibility will be the downfall of modern men. I’m not a Christian or even a neo-con but this video is a great one, just ignore his political ramblings the content is good and every man should know this https://youtu.be/Vtp31feyTfM
I do agree though that porn addiction can be a very ego driven Thing

>> No.19692422

So the world was only good for a specific period of the 19th and 20th centuries, which mostly consisted of two horrific global-scale conflicts?

>> No.19692543
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>you don't love americ
>you don't love jesus
>you are not epic
>we are epic

>> No.19693766
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>> No.19693786

You might like Saving Normal by Allen Frances. He was an editor on DSM IV and regrets it.

>> No.19693857

>porn addiction can be a very ego driven Thing
Id surely?