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File: 31 KB, 486x361, 28ef8da39da6d42d6b56fc3109fe097b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19684138 No.19684138 [Reply] [Original]

Did Wagner invent the modern human?

>> No.19684150

> Did [artist] invent humans?

>> No.19684156

I’m pretty sure I was a human before I learned about wagner

>> No.19684158

If he did, then he is a poor inventor. Everything modern is ugly.

>> No.19684174
File: 426 KB, 1200x1537, 1200px-Shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shakespeare invented the Human actually.

>> No.19684182

The Greeks did it first.

>> No.19684202

It appears that OP has become enthralled with yet another great figure from the past (a figure whose life he will temporarily attempt to espouse, before failing miserably). The excitement causes his inefficient neural pathways to suddenly become overburdened, and jump to grand conclusions concerning his beloved [great figure]. Of course, there is no input from his critical thinking abilities (which are non-existent), which has resulted in OP proceeding to make a fool of himself, for the amusement of his fellow 4chan-dwelling troglodytes.

>> No.19684338

No the Neanderthals

>> No.19684339

You have experienced this first hand huh? I know I have, short of making my infatuations public

>> No.19684362

The Greeks invented Western Civilization and Europeans made it the prominent type of Culture around the world. All societes have been Westernized to a degree, so you're right.

>> No.19684370


>> No.19684403

incorrect. Until Hamlet, there was no such thing as metacognition

>> No.19684407

Nope, just observed it in idiots such as yourself ;)

>> No.19684488
File: 4 KB, 250x170, 1626640245268s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Until Hamlet, there was no such thing as metacognition

>> No.19684499

lol wagnerfag has been spamming every day for a year.

>> No.19684703

This guy is honestly worse than butters and that is saying something

>> No.19684737
File: 758 KB, 800x626, Screenshot_20220104-061239~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop ruining my Potato's Cave experience!

>> No.19684754

Tripfags have the amazing skill of being able to talk a lot without saying anything

>> No.19684803

Nah, OP pretty much sticks to Wagner and he has been at for quite some time. You have to admire his perseverance, he bounces right back after making a fool of himself time and time again. People really should lurk before posting and doubly so for trip fags.

>> No.19684810

Don't ever write anon, goddamn. You're not built for it.

>> No.19684821
File: 104 KB, 410x494, Alexander Stoddart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet, after having said all this about Modernism, I consider myself a Modernist – but in the context of a vast application of the term extending miles beyond the pokey wee official area to which usually it is confined. For in truth there are really two kinds of Modernism to be uncovered in the space of the last two and a half centuries, and it is to the first and largest of these that I belong and to which, in my small way, I contribute. This is the Modernism that was born in neo-classicism and has, as its great central titan, the mighty Richard Wagner.
- Alexander Stoddart

>> No.19685565

There is nothing aesthetically, philosophically or technically neoclassical about Wagner.

>> No.19686160
File: 193 KB, 877x709, 1641264991573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Invent this.

>> No.19686162

Gesamtkunstwerk is the very definition of neoclassical.

>> No.19687843
File: 991 KB, 500x250, superiorlaughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seething! I can't get enough of it!

>> No.19687865

He invented the Super Human (himself).

>> No.19687885

>if one wishes to understand national socialism, he must first know Wagner
-Adolpho Hitler
Heard that yesterday in the rise and fall of the third reich audiobook. It's good.

>> No.19688746

Wagner literally says jews invented modernism because they couldn't into German high culture

>> No.19689058

who invented the invent the modern human meme, bloom?

>> No.19689822

Yeah, in The Invention of the Human.

>> No.19689850
File: 160 KB, 1250x703, 94803491032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19689853

Yeah this is the most jewpilled argument imaginable. Harold Bloom saying that Shakespeare caused the expansion of human consciousness and not Christ is tantamount to this OP. Modern man is the imitator of Christ.

>> No.19690256

If he wasn't a tripfag you'd call him based.

>> No.19690349

that’s because any based post which you need to watermark because you’re so proud of it is no longer based.

>> No.19690379


>> No.19690380

No, unfortunately the modern human was invented by Steve Jobs… accidentally..

And to think his only reward was getting ligma of the throat..

>> No.19691053
File: 181 KB, 503x728, AKG110151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then about Wagner, who appeared to me in a new, more meaningful light for our age. I thought I spotted the error of Baudelaire, who possessed an authentic relationship to the ancient, eternal verities. Thoughts about the mighty mind of the dramatist who breathes artificial breath into past ages and dead cultures so that they move like corpses we can quote. A sorcerer of the highest order who conjures with real blood at the gates of the underworld.

>Things assume colors that make it hard for even the sharpest eye to distinguish truth from illusion. The actor steps into reality, becomes a historical person, achieves triumphs, garners laurels as green as real ones. What good does it do to contradict or debate with him? He has arrived because his time has come. In this alone lies his guilt, which runs deeper than any guilt based on individual action. Art as a hothouse of past ages—it is like a promenade through winter gardens or salons where palm trees bloom. It is hard to take issue with this, for the terrors of destruction are so great, so horrifying, that the will to rescue a single shade is all too understandable. Nietzsche presents a contrast that stands and falls in wintery tempests. These are the exemplars that our youth, like Heracles, beheld at the crossroads.

>The case of Nietzsche contra Wagner reminds me of those little toy houses we used to have with their different figures that would emerge depending on the weather conditions. One little figure would stand outside and forecast the weather, prophetically correct but out of step with the moment. The other showed the prevailing climate conditions, whether or not signs of a downturn could be sensed. For that reason, this figure waits in safety, away from the bright light. And yet they both were attached to one and the same little strip of wood fashioned by the carver of the little weather house.

>> No.19691253
File: 673 KB, 901x903, joker jones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell is steve jobs?

>> No.19691316

Merchant gang.

>> No.19692646
