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19679379 No.19679379 [Reply] [Original]

i broke the heart of my soulmate today. there is now only, if any feeling at all, hatred between us. i said things to her that i wouldn't say to my worst enemy. she was my water. when i had her fullness in the palm of my hands everything was on earth as it was in heaven. i dared throughout our time together in eden to spread my fingers while asking her to lay more comfortably in my embrace. she slipped through. like water, and like water she was, she slipped forever with no mind for how i once held her. the glitter of her auburn hair is still charred in my memory while i have trouble recalling her voice. why can i imagine her gaze yet her voice still absent? maybe when lost in the eyes of a soulmate it is far too arduous to make out anything other than the draw of cupid's bow.

one feels a different type of pain when fated to a world doomed by oneself.
what do i care, i was for her and she was mine.

>> No.19679394


>> No.19679814

romantic love is a wicked sugar high, and the crash is ten times worse.
But its not our souls that mate, that's only our bodies. So, take a breath and realize this: love (and its loss) is only interesting insofar as it serves ones character. So let it. and don't fashion a ball of clay into a masterpiece in your head. you do disservice to both.

>> No.19680411
File: 78 KB, 900x900, AKedOLTp9T33ktRdokgR-CneF4oIfwjZLGiB_Xul-cI=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell this to her, not us.

>> No.19680475


No such thing. Cope.

>> No.19680484

I remember when heartbreak made write stuff like this. You can't be older than 21. It both gets better and gets worse. I still dream about her. Only in death will we know peace, or by the grace of God.

>> No.19681192

Read die Lieder des jungen Werther if you haven't. Also tell us not what she meant to you but what you did to break apart

>> No.19681217

When it comes to the fortress of the mind there are two rules for its preservation. When threatened by the external, close the gates. When threatened by the internal, close the gates. That is all. Because you have failed to eliminate desire and joy you have succumbed to grief and injury.

>> No.19681230

>if any feeling at all, hatred between us. i said things to her that i wouldn't say to my worst enemy.
What did you say to her?

>> No.19681248
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Have sex, unironically.

I dwelt on my first heartbreak after failed long-term relationship for far too long and never quite recovered because of it. Turned down several girls openly offering themselves to me, thinking "I'm not ready yet"... and here I am, volcel for nearly a decade. It's both blessing and curse, while I'm immune to vaginal temptations and subsequent ruin, I don't think I could even have sex now if I wanted to.

tl;dr - if you want to continue dating, fuck a bitch asap

>> No.19681664

i woke up and had cigarreet now i'm over her, false alarm

>> No.19681693

Die Leiden, du dummer Hurensohn

>> No.19681725

>But its not our souls that mate
Read Phaedrus

>> No.19682883

YWNBAW (You Never Be A Writer)

>> No.19682928

u kno theres otha fish in the sea brotha, god bless

>> No.19683814

How old are you?

>> No.19683973


>> No.19683987

I hate to big-brother you on this one, kid, but posting this kind of jumbled up, cliched prose isn't it. Take this kind of thing to Discord or R*ddit. They'll pity you there.

>> No.19684005


when you're older you're gonna laugh at this