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/lit/ - Literature

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19676157 No.19676157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are young people obsessed with, philosophies, ideologies, and religions instead of just bettering themselves and enjoying life?

>> No.19676167

You are a gay retard

>> No.19676169

You do realize philosophy ideology and religion can be used in bettering yourself, right retard?
Do you even read books or are you just an animeposting tard?

>> No.19676171

Because you dk how to better yourself retard. That's why you deleted another post of you asking for help deciding it.

>> No.19676176

I like how we're all on the same page

Literally fuck off retard

>> No.19676179

Because the world is crumbling around them, any avenues of social mobilities are shut off, and they live in a system actively trying to harm them for profit?
>just live ur life brooo
You act as if people live in a vacuum and the interests of society are separate from the interests of the individual.

>> No.19676184

Because finding the true philosophy, ideology, religion, and beliefs is a great part "bettering" yourself, and you need to have that covered first to know how to live a good life.

>> No.19676191

preach brother

>> No.19676195

This is the first post I’ve made here about this

>> No.19676197

>why are young people
I assume you’re taking of dogmatic obsession with a rigid outlook itself which supersedes a simple embodiment of principles. This isn’t a recent phenomenon, nor is it uniquely something young people do. Young people are often naive so obviously this can manifest as an obsession/interest with incorporating an ideology itself into one’s identity rather than purely pursuing its values, but this phenomenon also happens with all ages. Also classic narrow view of what “philosophy” can mean. A position against all dogmas or philosophies is, itself, a philosophy.

>> No.19676199

Possibly. But for most people they become vapid hobbies or psychic prisons.

>> No.19676203

Those are just tools. Most fail because there are no role models. No leadership.

>> No.19676211

How tf have you lived such a sheltered easy life that you haven't immediately been tortured for not knowing this if you profess to be of any certain age? You've had absolutely zero existential crises? People could throw you out in the middle of a forest and you would just die?
The question is why aren't you experiencing your fair share of crises or why does everybody else have to hold you, the manchild, up? Delete this post too you dumb bitch.

>> No.19676212

Your the retard. This board is called literature yet all you do is battle philosophers like Pokémon cards and talk about ideologies like fashion accessories.

>> No.19676215

Fuck off retard

>> No.19676222

What is literary theory you dumb bitch? You like pomo literature like american psycho or modernist classics like ulysses? You like literary realism? Why? These are all philosophical endeavors. You have no life experience so you can only interpret it like that. Why are you on this board? Go to reddit.

>> No.19676239

Imagine reading a philosophical insight and not seeing how any could apply to your life outside some "philosophical battle" (which is not seen on this site, just regular 4chan shilling). I would call that person an NPC. They seem like the kind of person which would get all of humanity skinned alive because they're "scared" or morally against themselves feeling inferior by seeing a word that puzzles them. You are a failure of a human op

>> No.19676246

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.19676255
File: 46 KB, 1080x986, 21F2BD03-9862-43B3-ADBE-CBBA44758974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I’ve really struck a nerve.
> Psychic prisons to my right, to my left, up and down, in the past, present and future. The systems constant programing of the masses through news, television, pornography, education, medicine and food. it’s constant intimidation and destabilization of its opponents through psyops, controlled oppositions, well poisoning… the opponents propping up of warped copies of dead ideologies and warped copies of dying faiths… political and spiritual authoritarianism, forcing people to focus on high and mighty ideas they can’t have or see instead of never getting them to first look at improving themselves before improving their world… thus confusing and intimidating them into hopelessness. The promise of a better tomorrow and the programming by both the system and the rebels that they can not find some peace of mind now… that they must wait… but it never comes and they die with a wasted life. All these things are not even wholly the product of psyop, but merely the product of human ignorance.

It’s time to push away the clouds.

>> No.19676256
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>Why are young people obsessed with, philosophies, ideologies, and religions instead of just bettering themselves and enjoying life?
>bettering themselves
>bettering themselves
>bettering themselves
I dunno OP I mean this sounds like a very difficult question that has absolutely no obvious answer

>> No.19676281

What do you suspect?

>> No.19676283

What is improving yourself retard? Don't answer as that's philosophy.

>don't study things, just improooov yourself
What does that sound like dumbass? Is that a philosophy? Don't hit your big head on the way out dumbass. Best you can do is own being a retard.

>> No.19676289

Listing philosophy was a mistake. By philosophy I many more ideas like “traditionalism” and such which’s re discussed here. But yes you are right it is to make them feel like they have an identity more so than believing in it.

>> No.19676299

Do not focus on doctrine or rhetoric. Focus on pure knowledge. What is more valuable than a manifesto to gain insight into truth, is a historical account.

>> No.19676301

Not that the other posters in this thread havent said pretty much everything about you post thats retarded, I can give you some other insight.

One reason for this phenomena, outside of the obvious, may be a feeling of needing to feel part of something greater than yourself. This feeling is something that modern young folks severely lack, as religion and nationalism has all but faded from the modern world. Philosophies and ideologies provide another sense of belonging, as you (generally) share a few values and morals with others identifying as the same ideologi/philosophical school. This however, is only a retreat, as sharing thoughts with people online isnt nearly enough, as you actually need physical contact with people in order to TRUELY bond with them. In other words, religion/nationalism needs to make a comeback or there needs to be some sort of system in place that provides the sense of unity and sense of belonging that youth nowadays lack.

Also OP, you are fucking gay fucking retard.

>> No.19676302

Because they’re profoundly dissatisfied with themselves and their own lives and inwardly, unconsciously, they feel that something has gone terribly wrong in their nations and cultures.

>> No.19676304

Delete your post dumbass, you fucked up

>> No.19676306

Such anger

>> No.19676313

I don’t have to do anything you tell me. Just as you have no reason to listen to me… and we both have no reason to listen to nothing else outside our reach.

>> No.19676323

>Because they’re profoundly dissatisfied with themselves and their own lives and inwardly, unconsciously,
This seems very true