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19673732 No.19673732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT dumbest english idioms
I'll start
>tongue in cheek

>> No.19673736

>jump the shark
who was jumping it and why

>> No.19673739

The Fonz jumped the shark in Happy Days.

>> No.19673746

shit hit the fan?

>> No.19673748
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>grain of salt

>> No.19673830

>two in the ass is worth six in the park

>> No.19673836

It's a doggy dog world

>> No.19673880

I've always really hated that one. The world isn't for dogs, it's for people.

>> No.19673883

Parts of it is for dogs though.

>> No.19673886

It's "dog-eat-dog world" retards. As in the dogs eat eachother

>> No.19673888

Hardy-har faggot, now stop dicking around; the phrase is "it's a *dog-eat-dog* world".

>> No.19673892

Dogs don't eat eachother though, what sense does that make?

>> No.19673895

I don't really see why that would be the case. Dogs don't eat each other unless they're like really, really hungry.

>> No.19673897

Wrong time no see

>> No.19673899

They will if *push comes to shove*

>> No.19673902

You got "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra" 'ed

>> No.19673904

Dogs don't eat worlds either. So it's pretty fucking stupid when you think about it.

>> No.19673905

waiting in the wings

>> No.19673906

Oh I love that one, the guy at my Chinese restaurant says that every time I see him. Cool guy.

>> No.19673909

both a push, and a shove are a pretty strong message. Man, you guys are dumb.

>> No.19673916

Wings as in the out of sight sides of a theatre's stage. Pretty clear idiom with some basic context.

>> No.19673922

Bob's your uncle

>> No.19673925

It basically means (literally): When some force comes to act upon one's body...
hence the metaphorical meaning: When the conditions are so that one is pressured into doing something...

>> No.19673926

Let's go Brandon!

>> No.19673928

"come hell or high water".
that phrase, "hell or high water",I get the "high water" part. I totally get it, 'cause maybe a flood could happen or something, but what the fuck does the "come hell" part mean?! Who thinks hell can just move around!? What a stupid fucking phrase! It seriously pisses me off! You think Hell's gonna grow arms and legs and crawl out of the ground, huh?! Fuck no, you dumb shit! Hell stays right underground where it belongs!!

>> No.19673932

well why wouldn't you shove the cocksucker right from the beginning, if it works so good? Why bother pushing at all?

>> No.19673933

...then it becomes a doggy dog world.

>> No.19673938


When i was addicted to pcp I used to think hell was following me around. It was basically like that movie Jacob's Ladder and there was these diseased demons and aliens and shit that would pop up and fuck with me.

So it's a really good metaphysical saying, i'd say.

>> No.19673940

When food is scarce dogs will eat other dogs. The saying means that need is in great supply.
It means, are you up to the challenge.
Figurative use of Hell, shit really sucks.

>> No.19673946

It's increasingly a beaver eat beaver world out there, especially in my *neck of the woods*

>> No.19673948
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>it's an autistic retards think they're being funny by doubling down on being autistic retards thread

>> No.19673954


I don't think that one is going to catch on.

>> No.19673957

That's a really odd turn of phrase.

>> No.19673958

It is more of a truism than an idiom.

>> No.19673963

Is that a longina in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

>> No.19673964

> Come hell
Easy, everything turns to hell or you go to hell, that's how hell comes.

>> No.19673966

I don't like that one either.

>> No.19674000

all english idioms are amazing

>> No.19674006

>no spring chicken

I never got it. Like, i always picture a chicken walking around with those cartoon spring shoes. fuck outta here with that dumb shit.

>> No.19674163
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>any which way

>> No.19674169

It's more of a comment really

>> No.19674172

>You never know!
I do sometimes though.

>> No.19674178

>have your cake and eat it too
This takes the cake (lole) for the dumbest idiom in all of english.

>> No.19674192

>Never say never!

>> No.19674198

Not really, 'knowing' is impossible

>> No.19674214

he says knowingly...

>> No.19674216


>> No.19674224

>You’ve made your bed, now lie in it
It’s so obvious it makes me angry. Of course someone has the intention of sleeping in their bed once they made it. Why would you need to tell someone that?

>(X) is like having your cake and eating it too
What else do you DO with a cake? Why would someone give you a slice only to NOT expect you to eat it? Stupid.

>Pot calling the kettle black
Neither pots nor kettles are always black. Yes this is nit-picky, but it drives me mad.

>Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
Who the fuck is getting gifts from horses? I can only imagine this originated from maybe giving packages on horseback, but its not the horse giving it, is it? It’s also not applicable at all today and sounds stupid

>> No.19674226

Pots are also not known for calling kettles black. There isn't a single documented case of that happening.

>> No.19674238

A gift horse as in a gifted horse. The walking man should not complain about free transportation. Looking in a horses mouth to check its teeth is a way to check its health and see how it has been treated.

>> No.19674242

Coitus interrupt us

>> No.19674253

I must be mentally healthy because I don't mind any of the idioms complained about ITT.

>> No.19674254

>but loose

>> No.19674259


>> No.19674260

in my experience it is only Americans who have a problem understanding this idiom

>> No.19674261

Should say, all you anons who can not understand these idioms, you have poor reading skills. These are not difficult to reason out.

>> No.19674264

>no means no

I hear this all the time from women. Tautology much?

>> No.19674268

If you eat the cake you no longer have a cake.

>> No.19674273

kek i wonder why

>> No.19674275


Well it’s supposed to be “eat your cake and have it too.””

>> No.19674379

>you do you
What else am I supposed to fucking do?

>> No.19674389

I'm doing your mom, for instance.

>> No.19674398

>it is what it is
Pointless tautology

>> No.19674400

the actual expression is 'you do ewe'
it's about fucking sheep

>> No.19674407

I don't know why people say this. The order in which you say the two statements doesn't matter, it's not phrased chronologically. If the phrase were 'eat your cake and THEN have it too', you would be correct.

>> No.19674413

Tell that to communists and other utopians

>> No.19674428

Therefore you are my mom??? holy shit mom hi!!! how are you? what's for lunch today?

>> No.19674445

I haven't seen a thread this bad since Moby Dick was a minnow

>> No.19674453

You're not going to be doing many other people, anon. That much is clear.

I fucking hate, hate, hate "kicking the bucket". How the fuck can it mean dying? I did, in a moment of rage, once kick a bucket. My foot didn't even hurt.

>> No.19674457

Was the bucket empty?
Also what do you think about "giving up the ghost"?

>> No.19674459

A turd in the hand is worth two in the tush

>> No.19674461

Said de Sade

>> No.19674466

You mean cliches?

I try to avoid them, they're generic and they don't add anything

>> No.19674471

Because when you hang yourself, you tie the noose around your neck and stand on top of a bucket. Then when you kick the bucket, you die.

>> No.19674478

The bucket was leaking, and I felt like kicking something, so I kicked the empty son of a bitch down the lawn.
With "giving up the ghost" at least there's some kind of connection with the disappearance of consciousness (or the soul, if you believe in that). A bucket is simply a bucket.

>> No.19674484


>> No.19674511

Great reference. I was explaining that episode to my mom the other day.
I heard a guy say this the other day and got pissed. It's so fucking retarded. I only hear "edgy" zoomers and millennials use this one.
It's a great idiom, and the version popularized by Uncle Ted makes the most sense.

>> No.19674518
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This thread is autistic. Instead, post your favorite idioms.

>Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
>Not my horse, not my saddle.
>Spill the beans.
>Get your goat.
>The big cheese.
>Spring chicken.

>> No.19674522

>Niggers tongue my anus
I don't know why someone would say such a thing and frankly I find it to be offensive towards my sensibilities.

>> No.19674527

>Pot calling the kettle black
Neither pots nor kettles are always black. Yes this is nit-picky, but it drives me mad.
Think of it this way, it's like a nigger calling another nigger a nigger.

>> No.19674533

Longinus was the name of Caligula's assassin.

>> No.19674537

Fuck you and every mall santa that looks like you!

>> No.19674575
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>>Spill the beans
Fucking why? Why not just eat them.

>> No.19675262

>T. Kaczynski

>> No.19675278

Imagine being this person. Everyday must be surprising.