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19672052 No.19672052 [Reply] [Original]

Does he really deserve all the praise he gets?

>> No.19672060

Each person on the Earth earns the exact amount of praise they deserve.

>> No.19672064

Yes. If he wrote his books 100 years ago there would not be so many pseuds on this board calling him "reddit" or whatever. The only thing that stops people from outright naming him as one of the greatest of all time is that it's weird to give that title to a contemporary because it usually takes decades to centuries for everyone to agree that someone is good. Joyce is probably the most recent person to have been GOATED.

>> No.19672094


You don't believe in pseuds or decry petty cunning and opportunism? I'm entering that mode of thinking myself lately. Although normies are for the most part stuck in the illusion world of "the type of person they are" believing themselves owed certain treatment or whatever

>> No.19672099

No, I certainly believe in them, but being a huckster is a hustle too.

>> No.19672110

why people get so offended by McCarthy here? its because he's well known? its like seething when Metallica or Megadeth are posted in a Metal forum. Of course they will be posted a lot.

>> No.19672141

euros coping with irrelevancy

>> No.19672248

Why do you even think like this? Who gives a shit what artist is over-praised, or a GOAT? This is embarassing. You sound like 12 year old coons discussing who's the best basketball player. Have some dignity, then, perhaps, your ruminations on taste will be worth something.

>> No.19672327

He earned it desu. He is polarizing only to a minority on web forums.

>> No.19672594


Well, back when people had more "amour propre" there was a sense that being a huckster was inherently back. That there's something about pride, self respect, dignity, etc that is important to insist upon in life. But ofc I'm on a different page now and am fully support of negro street scammers, the ball in the cup trick, pyramid schemes, high finance crime, etc just to get ahead. I was mistaken and it cost me dearly

>> No.19672644

Sometimes yes. Everything up through the Border Trilogy is really good, with highlights being BM, Suttree, and The Crossing.

>> No.19672651

The praise he gets in general, yes. The praise he gets here, no.

>> No.19672743

He's valued more outside than here. You can't praise him here even a little without some fag getting offended.

>> No.19672800

>t. missed the point
But you did demonstrate the point wonderfully.

>> No.19672804

No, he's grossly overrated and traffics in romanticized racism

>> No.19672816


>> No.19672837

I got the point. You didn't get mine.

>> No.19672906

What was my point?

>> No.19672921

That he is overrated here.
My point was: you are one of the those getting offended, ofc you think that way.

>> No.19672946

>That he is overrated here.
As I said, you missed the point. As you correctly pointed out he is more valued outside of /lit/, but outside /lit/ there is room views other than he is the greatest thing ever.
>My point was: you are one of the those getting offended, ofc you think that way.
You already proved my point, no need to beat a dead horse.

>> No.19672975

>but outside /lit/ there is room views other than he is the greatest thing ever.
Again with the fantasy. You are proving my point if anything. Even a little praise for him is viewed by some as some incredible blasphemy and is morphed into these completely unfounded claims. I have never seen anyone claim he is the greatest thing ever and I am one of his biggest fans on this board. But you guys can't be reasoned with. I see some newfags running around trying to force the delusion that BM is somehow not seen as a contender for the GAN, the academically dominant opinion on the book, and it is viable only on /lit/ where nobody bothers with sources. Nowhere but on /lit/ there is as much dissent against CM, what outside are you talking about? I never missed your point.

>> No.19672988

I acknowledge that he was more valued outside of /lit/, and also said the view outside of /lit/ was accurate, which would strongly suggest my view of McCarthy is fairly high, and yet you sperg out. As I said, the horse is dead, and now it is a pulpy mess.

>> No.19673000

Don't run around
>but outside /lit/ there is room [for] views other than he is the greatest thing ever.
It's obvious what you are implying here and it has nothing to do with the reality of this board. Explain this.

>> No.19673014

As a detractor and somone that dislikes his works entirely, he get's a little less praise than he deserves. If people didn't suck the dick of BM so much and viewed more of his other works as great then it would be just, but as it stands, BM is regarded as his masterpiece.

>> No.19673077

I'm not. The second you say anything remotely negative or even vaguely imply it, the response is the same. I never said his fans on /lit/ claim he was the greatest, did not even imply it, that statement clearly refers to the views of people other than his fans on /lit/. If you offer anything other than praise you get the same response you are showing now and you got accused of being some vague anon that always is causing trouble or of a certain type, there is no discussion. You take a self appointed position of authority and make no attempt to understand any opposing view.

>> No.19673135

>I never said his fans on /lit/ claim he was the greatest, did not even imply it, that statement clearly refers to the views of people other than his fans on /lit/
Why would they (not his fans) think he is the greatest thing ever? Makes no sense.
>You take a self appointed position of authority and make no attempt to understand any opposing view.
Where is the opposing view? That's the exact problem with dissent. All you get is vague statements and general insults, nothing else. That's why they get labelled with a certain set of people. They make no efforts of any kind, why must they be entertained? When have you seen a real critique of his work that wasn't either outright dishonest or non-specific? Or completely dumb statements like "no uh it can't be. Just trust me!". There atleast has to be a defined opposing view for it to be agreeable, or you just want people to nod their heads at fags calling him shit with no reason whatsoever.

>> No.19673258

>just let me move these goalposts
The ironic thing is that if I am who/what you made me out to be then I succeeded and you took the bait.

>> No.19673268

>discuss something
>le moving goalposts
Quit flailing.

>> No.19673424

if he wrote his books 100 years ago no one would care about him

>> No.19673430

every mccarthy thread has that one autist white knighting him when other people say anything remotely bad about him kek

>> No.19673449

>other people
You and your bed buddy you mean?

>> No.19673455

i sleep alone because im a lone wolf and war never changes and the worlds a tough place and the roads not gonna walk itself *spits* *rides on*

>> No.19673460

He writes edgy books for manchildren replete with le heckin ultraviolence and le surrealistic oddball prose. He is the champion of midwits everywhere. So of course he’s popular here.

>> No.19673464

You must be really pricked to keep going on 7 months later. Sane people might have read him atleast.

>> No.19673473

alright so if im your boogeyman what about the other people in this thread dumping on beanboy?

>> No.19673484

>other people
One autist above and your bed buddy who just arrived. iirc few of you have been recognized pretty decently. You are only fanning your delusions there are new ones.

>> No.19673489

its okay pardner im just happy you can accept there are multiple of us now. couple months back you chimped out and tried to claim we were samefagging. ill let the guys in the discord know youve woken up.

>> No.19673493


>> No.19673497

>tried to claim we were samefagging.
Unlike your ape squad, we are many.
>there are multiple of us now.
It was visible from the start. Your posting manner and complaints (without even the reading the books btw) aren't that difficult to recognize.
At least you are willing to admit your mental illness now, so that's a start.

>> No.19673504

save the expecto patronum we are a legion shit m8 much like mccarthy it really isn't as cool as it sounds

>> No.19673509

What the fuck is that? Stop reading YA garbage and maybe you will cure some of your mental illness.

>> No.19673523

Keep ur troon magik to urself.

>> No.19673568
File: 191 KB, 1500x1434, 71LWfgq1hDL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use pic related for relief. I have been teeling you for weeks.

How are the abused housewives of every Cmc threads holding up? Your appetite for getting clowned is legendary *tips fedora*. I already see the "muh mccarthyfag" and possibly the canuck with the false university thesis(lol). Maybe the proustfag is here too.

>> No.19673770

Euro here, like mccarthy but both pynchon and wallace are more interesting than him for both style and structure, also his notion of muh metaphysical evil and total incapacity of writing half of humanity (females) are making his novels age quite badly.

>> No.19673841

rent free

>> No.19673879

>muh metaphysical evil
He is quite literally against both metaphysics and metaphysical anything. He spent the entirety of The Crossing beating it into the reader.

>> No.19673930

your my favorite schizo

>> No.19674031

His books aren't even that violent. Even blood meridian isn't particularly violent as far as books go, certainly nothing the average normie who's read ASOIF would be that shocked by.

>> No.19674053
File: 212 KB, 1000x1182, 20645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Crossing - masterpiece. Suttree - masterpiece. He deserves all the praise he gets.

>> No.19675916 [DELETED] 

They should call him Basedmac McCarthy because his books are pure Reddit.

>> No.19675923

They should call him Soimac McCarthy because his books are pure Reddit.

>> No.19676743

I don't understand why /lit/ is so obsessed with this guy

>> No.19677547
File: 140 KB, 1200x1200, 2755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been to /lit/ in 3 years.
>Still daily Cormac Threads
>People still talking about Infinite Jest and Thomas Pyncon


>> No.19677592

On the contrary, euros overpay their rent. They are silly silly