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File: 211 KB, 907x1360, The Eastern Front by Leon Degrelle book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19672784 No.19672784 [Reply] [Original]

Just started picrel. What should I expect?

>> No.19672825


>> No.19672844

Sard wonder soap washes whiter than white. Fuck your mother Nazi LARPer.

>> No.19672856

Please don't be retarded in my thread. I'm not a Nazi apologist.

>> No.19672865

fax mentis, incendium gloria cultum
memo bis punitor delicatum

>> No.19672870

There's something very cringe about Nazoids who refuse to 'own' the Holocaust

>> No.19672880

sorry about these types. i personally never read it, but i bet it could be interesting.

>> No.19672882

the soviets would have beaten the nazis even without lend-lease

>> No.19672887

>Eastern Front
Now that the dust has truly settled, why did they do it? It was the most retarded military decision of all time.

>> No.19672925

It is interesting. It really is moreso about Degrelle's personal story, but it is interesting knowing how these men who chose to serve National Socialist Germany rationalized defending what both they and as an extension Germany did to many millions of people (many of whom were genocided). The Germans may have been genocidal and brutal but so were the Soviets, who were probably going to attack Germany anyways – and the real story of WWII was the war between Germany and the USSR. Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, all those otherwise big players were only secondary to the fight between two imperialistic and murderous totalitarian powers. There's a lot of idealism in the book, but it is a fun romp too.

>> No.19672971

Would one have been totalitarian and engaged in imperialism if the other had not?

>> No.19673002

I think so. Each of them grew up to power pretty independently.

>> No.19673047

I bet Germany didn't see it that way. They probably saw Russia as a nation that expanded 11 time zones and other nations in Europe were gathering resources far from their home who were constantly suppressing them long before the unification of Germany.

>> No.19673112

I don't understand. Sorry.

>> No.19673119 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19673136

Sure buddy.

>> No.19673142

Germany didn't start the fire. That doesn't make their actions justifiable. Just makes them no different than any other nation fighting for survival on this rock. Hard times my man, and until you've been faced on the brink of survival, you should probably just shut the fuck up and not use judgemental terms.

>> No.19673147

You sound like a psycho, buddy.

>> No.19673149 [DELETED] 
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Commies lost.

>> No.19673212

You sound like someone that like blaming white men for doing the things that you're to much of a coward to do yourself.

>> No.19673223
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You don't make sense. Not sure if you're ESL or what.

>> No.19673230

Communism lost.

>> No.19673245

How did you not understand what I said at the beginning? Germany's unification is relatively recent and it as well as their expansionism was out of response to their neighbors actions. In order for them to survive, they had to do what others did. If you don't get that, your worse than ESL, you're retarded and should go eat another fruit by foot.

>> No.19673260

Sure. It's an enthralling story, however I am glad Germany was crushed as it was. Russia will have its day too and so will China.

>> No.19673337
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No, they won WWII

>> No.19673343

Not a story, at no point did I choose sides.

>> No.19673352

You sound old. Time for bed, grampa.

>> No.19673377
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>> No.19673391

Pure ideology.

>> No.19673408

blitzing thru europe was gg ez so they thought they could do the same to russia? perhaps poland/benelux/france was just a trial run for barbarossa. and to their credit they did get pretty damn close to moscow, but not near enough. any operation after typhoon is a cope though

>> No.19675062

Sounding old is better than being an idiot that doesn't understand that the side he supports is the same as his supposed enemy. You're not capable of sitting at the table discussing how civilizations should be ran sweetheart.

>> No.19675140

>60% of the soviet planes over Moscow up till 1942 were american made.

>> No.19676866

Is it worth reading?

>> No.19676911

You may find this interesting, just read about this guy's memoirs the other day and it mentions the "gray" nature of German war aims and geopolitical strategy.

It also mentions Buchanan's book on WW2 being an "unnecessary war." I also read Quigley's gigantic Tragedy and Hope recently, and it's impossible not to see the German geopolitical situation through a realpolitik lens after you read that. There was going to be a showdown between the "Atlanticist" bloc (the Anglo-American establishment, NATO, etc.) and the "Eurasian" bloc (Russia, the USSR) over the European space no matter what, and it was alway an open question whether Europe constituted a natural appendage of either of those two blocs, or it own independent bloc.

The Nazis were just the form taken by the self-assertion of Europe, and everything about the way they came to be has the characteristics of the formation of a "bloc" like the other two, including naked imperialism and plenty of realpolitik.

Certain things may have seemed startling, like France being stuck between a potential Central European bloc and the existing Anglo-American bloc and deciding to become a total willing vassal of the latter, but in hindsight even this was probably inevitable.

>> No.19676987


It was the goal the entire time. The Soviet Union was the real existential threat that had to be eliminated. The Western front was just a way to get the resources needed for the striking east.

>> No.19677000

What part? Fighting to keep the USSR from genociding a bunch of shit-tier Slavs? The theory was that they could use them as a buffer when the Asiatic Hordes marched out again. The Nazis at the time were of the opinion that Communism was a tool for the Jews to rally the general detritus of the Orient and use it as a cudgel against Europe. Essentially, they saw it as the forces of Jewish finance trying to recreate the Hunnic and Mongol invasions. They were completely right, as basically every memoir at the time from every side attests. Christian Maziere detailed an incident where literal Mongol horsemen from the steppe rode into the Ukraine on horseback, and were then armed with guns bought with money donated to the USSR from Jewish bankers. At one point, one of the Mongols, armed with an anti-armor machine gun, is confronted with a coocoo clock; when it coocoos in his face, he yelled out "AGH! THE DEVIL!", and let loose on it, missing the clock but hitting several tents full of Communist forces. A Jewish Commissar then had to explain how clockwork worked to keep the Mongols from leaving.

As for fighting the USSR, I mean... the USSR had literally just said that they were going to invade Germany, and then take over Europe. That was literally "the worst fucking thing that could possibly happen" according to the Nazi ideology. That was THE THING that the Nazis got into power to stop. What should they have done? Just let the USSR invade Europe and take over?

>> No.19677009

I don't doubt that, but is that documented?

>> No.19677041

Literally every scrap of paper, speech, and internally communique from the USSR at the time comes down to
>invade Europe, eradicate the Germans, don't stop marching West until Moscow gets to tell everyone from the Atlantic to the Pacific how much bread they're allowed to eat

>> No.19677079

>As for fighting the USSR, I mean... the USSR had literally just said that they were going to invade Germany, and then take over Europe.
It's also not a conspiracy theory or "alternative history" point at all that eastern European countries had large Jewish emigrant populations who had arrived within the last generation or so from Russia, almost all secular, almost all middle class, who then took over the local nascent bourgeoisie and became effectively THE bourgeoisie of their respective new countries, dominating urban life, trades, and especially the intelligentsia and academia (remember, in these countries the entire "academic world" and "intelligentsia" could be a few thousand people from old noble families trying to "modernise" themselves and their countries), and THEN, being foreign-identifying, internationalist-identifying Jews in a small "backward" country they had nothing in common with and where they never assimilated and often didn't even speak the local language, they began partaking in the "modern" trend of agitating for a revolution - while the brand new revolutionary USSR was still rampaging on the other side of a thin border, and loudly proclaiming itself to respect no borders, to be basically the end of the world, to have a right to massacre and steamroll any population that resists its crusade.

Imagine all that is going on, and you already have this unassimilated, recently arrived Jewish "minority" that statistically owns all the important newspapers/journals and is vastly overrepresented in the capital city and in what few universities your country has. All of this, and then the USSR kicks off what must have looked like the Apocalypse itself just across the border.

And then, while you're literally assembling with your local farmer friends to make plans for a guerrilla war if the apocalyptic horde crosses the river or tiny forest separating the two of you (like Codreanu did as a teenager), you notice that ALL the Jewish-owned media is publishing fluff pieces on the Communists and talking about "throwing open the gates," and the Jewish student associations begin seizing buildings in the small capital and hoisting the red flag over them.

Does that mean that all Jews are evil or should be killed, no. But it wasn't going to end well, no matter what.

>> No.19677098

Yeah, and I should have been more clear. I meant Germany's stratagem in gathering resources in the west to be able to have a chance in the east. It makes since to me, I just haven't ever looked into any of the military planning of WW2.

>> No.19677141

Oh, I apologize. I know that the Nazis wanted to get oil from wherever they could, including Europe if need be. I know that there were also an incredibly large number of attempts to create a "European Bloc" against Communism and Jewish Finance, so maybe that's what Anon meant. I also know that many of the Berlin Bigwigs were of the opinion that OF COURSE if they managed to punt out the Jewish influence then the rest of Europe would OBVIOUSLY see the truth of the German cause (with Scandinavia, the Baltic, and the Balkans ultimately showing that while yes, in theory this was true, in practice agreeing with some fundamental points of the Nazi ideology doesn't actually mean that they're going to just volunteer en masse to go die in Russia or let Berlin dictate their countries for them).

>> No.19677172

The SS was actually on the verge of becoming an international warrior aristocracy, it was even slipping beyond the grasp of what more conservative SS leaders wanted it to be (just a German elite force). Evola saw the potential of the SS to basically be the initiatic warrior-priesthood that binds a new European Order together.

There were elements in the countries occupied-by-slash-collaborating-with the Axis powers that supported such a synthesis. Some Eastern European countries still have problems with old veterans and their families commemorating the "war of liberation" (WW2) and openly praising the SS.

>> No.19677612

he was based
a man of real honor and justice
trannies and commies seethe

>> No.19677625

It's amazing how most of the problems of the modern world, particulary bolshevism, can be reduced, outside of the obvious group evolution, to sexual competition.
Communists are so salty that they can't sexually compete with fascist and nazis that they created a whole world zeigeist in order to make themselves more sexually appealing, and even they fail at that.
Nobility, aristocracy, fascism and national socialism will be sexually selected and in group selected again in a long enough timeline.

>> No.19677632

When you read real history and no jewish propaganda you see that the SS was unironically really good.

The modern world woldn't have the human traffick, drug cartels and all sort of degeneracy problems would the SS had won the war.

>> No.19677633
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A remarkably nuanced take. Most people are autistic commies or autistic nazis, makes you wonder how both regimes would view the squabbling retards that still quip at each other over dick girls.

>> No.19677782

>doubt that
You are a fucking retard. What did you think appeasement was about? The USSR was the biggest threat to the UK. Hitler and Mussolini were a buffer against communist movements. France was subverted by "socialists". USSR was trying to take over the world. World wide communist revolution, hello?

>> No.19677814

Is there a piece of paper outlining the strategy? A Schlieffen Plan of sorts. Something that I can see with my eyes that a German general made outlining how they were going to achieve victory. If you don't know, no big deal. It's ok not to know everything tough guy.

>> No.19679018

Nonwhite larping as a white man.

>> No.19679055

Hey buddy, I'm pretty sure the place I live is better off than some supposed alternate history where Germany, Japan, Russia, or some combination of those have taken over the world. You sound like a real cretin if you seriously think we would be more free if the totalitarian powers won the war. Yes Hitler and Stalin were just as bad as each other, and yes I acknowledge there is no perfectly just war – the bombing and destruction of Dresden for example. However, you would simply be naive to be so cynical to believe there is no difference. You sound like a piece of cake.

>> No.19679083

Because those that won haven't been killing people since the war ended.

>> No.19679129

Yes, they have. History may be written by the victors but all the victors have blood on their hands, and likewise the march of history constantly sheds blood as states and partisan groups have used violence as a tool to gain power, as they always have. WWII was like a conflagration of violence, a major war among all the wars in the annals of history. People will be reading about WWII hundreds of years from now without the feeling of dissociation like with other conflicts from the distant past; it will still feel visceral and real. Sometimes I wish I was alive back then but then I realize the place and time we're at in history–right now, is rather comfortable. Tomorrow is not assured, however today is. I think we'd be a lot worse off if the 20th century turned out any differently.

>> No.19679705

>USSR had literally just said that they were going to invade Germany, and then take over Europe

>> No.19679742

The best reply you've given so far.

>> No.19679809
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>> No.19679817
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>I think we'd be a lot worse off if the 20th century turned out any differently.

>> No.19680006

>Fighting to keep the USSR from genociding a bunch of shit-tier Slavs. The theory was that they could use them as a buffer when the Asiatic Hordes marched out again

The fuck? Are you seriosuly saying that the Nazis and their pupets invaded the USSR to stop the Soviet government from genociding Slavs(even though there's 0 evidence Slavs were being genocided by the Soviet authorities)?

The Nazis literally viewed Slavs as subhumans and wanted to partially genocide them and turn the remaning ones into slaves.

>Essentially, they saw it as the forces of Jewish finance trying to recreate the Hunnic and Mongol invasions. They were completely right, as basically every memoir at the time from every side attest.

Complete insanity. Name 1 such memoir that wasn't written by a Nazi/Nazi sympathiser.

>Christian Maziere detailed an incident where literal Mongol horsemen from the steppe rode...At one point, one of the Mongols, armed with an anti-armor machine gun, is confronted with a coocoo clock

Hold up, let's check Christian Maziere's Wikipedia page. Oh wow, turns out the guy was a member of the Waffen SS. That's a really credible source you got there bro.

>the USSR had literally just said that they were going to invade Germany, and then take over Europe

When did the USSR "literally say that they were going to invade Germany, and then take over Europe"?

>> No.19680303

The REAL Tintin

>> No.19680929
File: 761 KB, 1920x1235, Operation Uranus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one knows.
Just like Hitler's apparently nonsensical declaration of war against the us, these are facts that got buried (or burned?) togheter with him.

Even Adam Tooze argues that it is necessary to know Hitler's profoundly radical ideology before judging any of his geopolitical actions: even then all justifications are nothing more than interperetations and can't be verified.

My own two cents is that the Nazis were actually expecting to easily beat the soviets. a thought that can't have been based in ideology. This is proven by how contemporary governements reacted (see Military History Visualized's yt video on the matter).

tl;dr The Nazis saw the Soviets as subhumans but faced a tenacious opponent instead.

>> No.19680950

reddit spacing
didn't read

>> No.19680981
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you lost

>> No.19680987

The Kindly Ones, by Jonathan Littel

>> No.19681704
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>> No.19681739
File: 297 KB, 1280x1920, F42113DF-6F90-4389-BD1E-2AF84DB023E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look! I haf pic of skinny kid who likes the Soviet Union! Hahaha that invalidates the Soviets victory against the nazi war machine! Nyaaaa

No tankie, but you’re pathetic with this post. Just stop.

>> No.19682192

A belgian spergs coping and seething over losing the war and not getting an "indipendent" Wallonia (meaning of course subservient to Germany and constantly sucking nazi-cock).

>> No.19682208
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i love fascism so much bros


>> No.19682214

Butters, every post you have ever made is more pathetic than the most pathetic of /pol/tard posts. There is nothing more pathetic than an attention whore

>> No.19682221

apparently hitler saw how badly the recently purged soviet forces handled the war in finland and thought he could just "kick in the door" and have the "whole rotten structure come crashing down". the initial plans to have it all done by mid 41 were interrupted by having to help italy in the balkans, which pushed the date back to june. you know the rest

>> No.19682233

You can't ignore a source because it could be biased; that's just fucking ridiculous

>> No.19682254

give her a break, attention s literally all she has because of her poor life choices

>> No.19682262

The drug cocktail Hitler was on made him think he could take on the world.

>> No.19683101

The Soviets sent many men into battle who were completely unprepared and without training though. The biggest reason they won was because of the sheer numbers of men Stalin was willing to sacrifice. So alleging they were mostly skinny kids isn't far off at all.

>> No.19683200

Wasn't their "deep battle" doctrine effective against the blitzkrieg? Uneducated and drunk feel free to shit on me if I'm being completely retarded.

>> No.19683314

they were running out of oil, and the USSR appeared at its weakest. the Soviets could have only gotten stronger the longer they delayed it

>> No.19683404
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>the soviets would have beaten the nazis even without lend-lease
It's possible but no body knows for sure either way. The allies helped the USSR a lot with infrastructure equipment like trucks. Don't forget the USSR was not very strong at the start of WW2, Stalin "stabilized it" by killing all the internationalists in the party (read j*ws) but was an insane man himself.
Lend lease without question saved a few million lives but the Nazi scum here on 4chan use it as a coping mechanism.
To the Nazi scum, you love socialism like the bolsheviks love it, except yours is a different shade of shit. Replace proletariat with german, replace bourgeois with subhuman race and you get national socialism. Same totalitarian, state controlled, horror state, state run economy, inhuman, monstrous and evil. The worst ideas of European civilization (funny how so many of those ideas come out of germany and england).
Anyway, lend lease helped a lot but who knows what would have been.

>> No.19683673

I'm not familiar with that term "deep battle." I'm assuming you mean something like "long war"?
Anyways, I don't know exactly what was going on in Stalin's head from 1941-1945, but I think he was probably eyeing taking over most of Western Europe up until Germany invaded. After Germany had invaded and been pushed back was probably when Stalin made the decision to keep moving forwards into Poland as well as take over Germany; however, it is true Stalin had made an agreement with the Allies to split Germany and Berlin as well as Europe, so it was partially Russia wanting all of Europe afterwards that started the Cold War.
I'm pretty high actually dude. I can't believe I wrote all that just now.
Germany needed those resources for sure, yes.
You make sense, anon.

>> No.19683941

>Are you seriosuly saying that the Nazis and their pupets invaded the USSR to stop the Soviet government from genociding Slavs
Well, yeah? That's literally what they did. The fact that they might have planned on wiping themselves out later isn't really relevant. It's part of why the Holodomor happened. Again, you can read literally any source on the time on this, even the Commies admit this.

I'm not going to bother responding to, let alone reading, the rest of your post. You don't know what you're talking about and are merely being performative.

>> No.19684082

>Wasn't their "deep battle" doctrine effective against the blitzkrieg?
Yes and no. Deep Battle amounts to sending waves of military force at a given battle space and eradicating the entire space. Blitzkrieg is about using precision strikes of overwhelming force to take out a series of pre-determined targets.

Deep Battle is thus not about, say, destroying a bunch of factories in a city, but rather destroying the factors, raping the women, murdering the children, gathering up all of the firearms in the city, salting the fields, etc. It's about total destruction at every level. This was, ideologically, very appealing to the USSR's intelligentsia as it tied in with their anger at the rest of Europe for not erupting into Communist revolution, and it particularly appealed to the Jews involved, who saw it as a punishment upon Germany for kicking out Jewish finance. Europe needed a total Year Zero reset. You obviously can't do Blitzkrieg if you're subjected to this.

The problem being that Deep Battle actually requires directors because, as the anon upthread was talking about, you can't actually just unleash a self-sufficient self-directing Mongol Horde on Europe in the name of Communism. You need industrial centers, agricultural systems, supply routes, etc.

As we saw, the Germans directly countered Deep Battle by arming the battle space against the USSR, and then going for the various centers of direction of the Deep Battle. So, the real question is if you can grind down the Blitzkrieg before it manages to cut down the last director. The Eastern Front was lost because the Western Front was, so, we don't really know how this would have worked out. But, there is simply no amount of US aid that would have made up for Stalin getting hanged and Moscow getting taken over.

>> No.19684855

Could someone actually answer the OP, please?

>> No.19684885
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>Nazi apologist
what is there to apologise for?

>> No.19685042

Suffering is bad ok?

>> No.19685057
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i know fren
suffering bad
hurt real bad

>> No.19685100

Why was the western front lost do you think?

>> No.19685256

after a certain point, didn’t the soviets know about every major german offensive plan ahead of time thanks to allied intelligence and could therefore dab on the nazis epic style? add lend lease and unlimited manpower to that and it’s clear that stalin was playing with cheat codes

>> No.19685278

I prefer his other autobiography. Eastern Front was boring for me, since I don't like these types of war memoires.

>> No.19685378

there was an oil crisis in Germany in 1938-1939
the whole point was to get the Caucasus oil before the Russians

>> No.19685413
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this is burger cope
ussr sacrificed the most to btfo the nazcucks and fought the hardest. the anglo is just trying to make himself the protagonist as usual

>> No.19685435

multiple things can be true at the same time anon

>> No.19685439

the western front had barely started before the eastern front came to a crawl and eventual lost with stalingrad and kursk. these events were in 43, before the italian campaign had even begun

>> No.19685521

if you're going to be a commie at least be a tankie, not one of these female-worshipping beta faggots.

>> No.19685568

Interesting take, makes sense to me

>> No.19685582

>stalingrad and kursk
>implying the germans stood a chance at knocking the soviets out after their panzers got stuck in the mud in late '41

>> No.19685584

i don't think most communists are as obsessed as amerishart streamerbro "leftists" about idpol and shit so i'm gonna be fine
your post wasn't really true though. at most, stalin and the ussr were playing with some buffs. the bot they were playing against was kinda retarded but it was still an impressive victory considering how many problems they were dealing with

>> No.19685587

no i explicitly said it had come to a crawl before 43

>> No.19685607
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>Occidental Observer
I'm not a White, but it's kinda neat that White nationalists have all these interesting websites where they host their articles. It's genuinely "alt-media" in a way that no other large ideology has. The left has their media but it's hosted on establishment platforms. It's sad White nationalists are being cracked down on so hard that they can't exist in the mainstream, but these quaint White nationalist scenes are very endearing. Who would have thought that stuff like this would start to flourish again on the internet today, in an age where everyone's addicted to these advanced social media platforms, and when text seems so quaint and dated compared to, say, a youtube video?
Another example of this is that White nationalists seem to have an increasingly active self-publishing scene. One of them I followed on twitter (they got banned recently but they make new accounts to ban evade and pop up again and again). Like real individuals setting up publishing houses in Europe and America - not reliant on Amazon. Good luck to these people.

>> No.19685674

I'm white but I'm not German.

>> No.19685856

>you can read literally any source on the time on this, even the Commies admit this

Name 1 "commie" source where the idea of genociding slavs is mentioned

>> No.19685875

They did genocide Slavs you retard. That's the evidence you need.

>> No.19685907
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>They did genocide Slavs you retard. That's the evidence you need.

>> No.19686511
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How was pic related possible then?

>> No.19687746

A true look into the red menace.

>> No.19688057

Kill first or wait for the Soviets to get strong to the point they steamroll all of Europe, which was eventually what happened
Do you people not realize that an internationalist ideology like the USSR and US would never leave Europe alone and look at a map for once

If you want to read up on then Icebreaker and Stalin's War by McMeekin

>> No.19688140
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That's some nice positivity, I feel the same way about this whole era. Things are getting interesting again in a way I think we had all come to assume was only for "historical times." I guess the end of history wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

I've been following even seemingly minor events with this in mind, like the recent drama over Gab and Gettr. When Twitter was banning Trump, I was waiting to see which way the culture war winds would blow. I figured either a bunch of dominos would fall, and the internet would become a completely curated hugspace for neurotic liberals within 5~ years through successive "anti-hate" legislation, or something like Gab would emerge and carve out a genuine "negative space" for free speech that the establishment then couldn't control, which would cause the media to focus on it in a kind of Girardian frenzy, which would cause an escalation of tensions and eventual larger conflicts.

Instead, everything kind of fizzled out, and I was disappointed. But I just found out that Gab is steadily growing, and that white nationalists are freely commingling there with a small but growing minority of paleoconservative and ex-neocon, dissident republican types. Imagine being able to say that in 2015, or 2010. More and more people are slipping beyond the control mechanisms of the soporific mainstream, and while this may seem small from an absolute standpoint, it's always a fitful minority like this, the people motivated to keep remaking twitter accounts out of spite and to run unprofitable publishing houses and so on, that really leads to change. And change is exponential, so Gab's 100k active users could be millions next year, especially now that Gab is a plausible "hard point" of anti-system energy. If some crisis causes more splitting in the mainstream, people now have places to go, the energy is being channeled and can link up.

If world history is beginning again and the end of history is really over, we have incredible responsibility to live up to it and shake off our own end of history attitudes and perspectives. We'll have to learn how to be serious and how to make zero-sum decisions again. I guess this is how people felt in the 1920s-1930s.

>> No.19688250

What does a woman know of a man's battles?

>> No.19688530

i wish the soviets broke through to the french border. what stalin did was the smart decision at the time, but i could be living a different reality right now

>> No.19688550

>we are le freeze peach absolutists! come to us retarded burgers!
>but uuhhh no porn though porn is icky

>> No.19688595

>I'm not a Nazi apologist.
Then what are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.19688607
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1639312012116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck? Are you seriosuly saying that the Nazis and their pupets invaded the USSR to stop the Soviet government from genociding Slavs(even though there's 0 evidence Slavs were being genocided by the Soviet authorities)?

You need to actual read books, and not get all your info from leftypol bunkercuck

>> No.19688614

>all those farmers, dissidents, unkrazyians, and starving people died of natural causes.

>> No.19688667

you do realize that famines are a thing in underdeveloped third world backwaters that have recently gone through or are going through war right? the ussr, for the first 30 years of its existence, had no right to function very well. it still managed to rise the living standards of the people who lived in it to an unimaginable degree.
as for the dissidents, they faced political repression, like in any state at the time and even today. this isn't a unique evil of the ussr

>> No.19688696

> it still managed to rise the living standards of the people who lived in it to an unimaginable degree.


>> No.19688699

The developments that raised those living standards were already underway under men like Stolypin. Even if you think the crumbling, liberalizing monarchy wouldn't have modernized after the war (cf. Red Vienna), even if you think a total revolution and was justified and they should have signed Brest-Litovsk, letting the empire crumble into chaotic fragments and civil war, why not choose the Mensheviks over the Bolsheviks? Why do you specifically want a Judeo-Bolshevik radical minority that despises native Russianness and all native European and Christian peoples and wants to impose a rationalist religion of communism on them from above?

>> No.19688706

stopped reading past there tbqh
>t. burger

>> No.19688723
File: 67 KB, 2300x98, 1640564956348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communist and soviets are the laughing stock of the world. Russia could have been a wealthy country, but because of the bolsheviks, it's now a crime ridden shithole.

>> No.19688724

Nobody cares what you read or don't read. A hundred lurkers just saw you be a coward tranny who can't respond to an argument. In 10 years, all those lurkers will be making extremely good Paradox game alternative history mods, where the Nazis have cool portraits aged with FaceApp and the events have cool custom music that plays. Where will you be then? Serving coffee at a "co-op" and making me wonder whether I want your tranny hands with painted fingernails touching my cup? That's exactly where you'll be. Keep the change, tranny.

>> No.19688743

>glowpedia article
burgerbro... you did enough....
>natcels cope
>leftyCHADS work
sounds about right

>> No.19688750

What do you think of trannies? Refusing to answer is admitting you are one.

>> No.19688764
File: 246 KB, 1031x1338, 1623509839659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think of trannies mostly. when i do, it's in a neutral light
>inb4 ur le tranny boogeyman

>> No.19688775

Correct, thank you for admitting you are le tranny boogeyMAN.

>> No.19688796

leftypol sure are getting desperate with these shitty raids

>> No.19689146

Lazar Kaganovich.

>> No.19689662


>> No.19689675
File: 382 KB, 2544x4000, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19689774
File: 99 KB, 645x770, 1640359715199-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck does this one mean?

>> No.19689786

>vgh, had the based communists triumphed, we would be kings
Literally the same as some /pol/ack fantasizing about his life had the Nazis won

>> No.19689849

No they wouldn't have. Why do people always leave out the biggest reason the Axis lost to the Soviet?: The Axis were fighting on multiple fronts, whereas the Soviets didn't have to. As an example, keep in mind it was the Royal Navy that was keeping supply lines in the Arctic Ocean to Arkhangelsk open. For a more numbers based example, by June 6, 1944, 58 out of 300 German Divisions were stationed on the Western Front. The Western Allies won the war. Period.

>> No.19690576
File: 177 KB, 627x1025, Panzer Commander by Hans Von Luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just here for the Nazi officer autobiographies. Gimme.

>> No.19690597
File: 62 KB, 1024x398, lp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post hands

>> No.19691510

More on tanker memoirs would be nice.

>> No.19691611
File: 92 KB, 880x1360, Wiking by Henk Kistemaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is quite good, about a Dutch SS 5th division soldier who spent half the war in a Panzer IV.

>> No.19691632
File: 331 KB, 1100x715, chateau-bouillon-belgique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing about the book ... keep it up /lit/.
As for me, I haven't read the book so all I will say is that Léon Degrelle comes from a beautiful city.

>> No.19691698

>whereas the Soviets didn't have to.
thanks japan

>> No.19691735

I know this for sure, if either the Nazis totally won or the Soviets totally won we wouldn't be in this Covid bullshit right now because there'd be no China as it is, no CIA as it is, no Phizer, no Jeff Bezos and Amazon as it is. The world would literally be better off.

>> No.19692096

Can anyone post Storm of Steel, the original translation from 1929? Im unable to find anything but (((penguin)))

>> No.19692100
File: 84 KB, 907x1360, In Storms of Steel-In Stahlgewittern by Ernst Jünger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OG translation is from 1921/2021 though

>> No.19692111

who cares lol

>> No.19692122

hate to break it to ya bud, but a bunch of nazis and feds consorting on twitter: honeypot edition is not going to lead to some repeat machubernahme in the near future

>> No.19692133

to be fair, they did have their hands full

>> No.19692510

I can't find it for life of it. Can't use amazon since im balkan poorfag and their shipping prices are insane, i'll figure something out.