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File: 216 KB, 1200x1200, u8sjd3uns3981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19671992 No.19671992 [Reply] [Original]

J.K. Rowling writing Harry Potter at a café in Scotland (1998)

>> No.19671996

She looks unhappy

>> No.19672000

Dressed pretty nice for a dole grifter

>> No.19672001

I always forget that Rowling is a natural redhead. Do you reckon she based the Weasleys partly on her own family?

>> No.19672003

What a slag.

>> No.19672005

iirc didn't she start writing the book just after leaving/at the end of a horrendously abusive relationship?

>> No.19672010

LOL there's no way she wrote Harry Potter.

>> No.19672079

Me on the left

>> No.19672093

Did we ever hear the details about why Ron got Hermione?

>> No.19672397

That's a pretty professional photo for a nobody to have snapped candidly of them.

>> No.19672404

Yeah its such high-caliber writing

>> No.19672416

Why not? It's a children's book, and not a particularly great one at that, those aren't difficult to write, and she lucked out with it being a hit.

>> No.19672419


>I'll have a free cup of water.
>Then I'll occupy a whole table for 4 hours in your obviously busy café.

I'm sure they loved her at that establishment.

>> No.19672468

She was overt about basing Ginny on herself, and has said that Ginny ends up marrying Harry due to a self-insert fantasy she now considers a bit unfortunate (Hermione would have been more narratively appropriate, she feels).

I reacted to this too; is it a press photo for the first or second book, perhaps?

They do now! The main café where she wrote has made literal millions off the connection.

>> No.19672475
File: 76 KB, 503x574, 70AE600A-927F-48FF-A546-0C3B205FFF99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s he reading?

>> No.19672504

>They do now! The main café where she wrote has made literal millions off the connection.
Fuck, I don't know why but I love shit like that. Just imagine the tension between this bum whore and this fine establishment. She isn't buying anything and she's taking up space--the people running the place hate here. Now imagine she becomes rich--that bum who we all hated, is now making us more bank than we thought was possible, and just because she sat her fat ass in here once while writing her shit book. The climax is just so satisfying. I don't know why.

>> No.19672528

it's called a newspaper zoom zoom

>> No.19672540

What I don't get, is why don't people go to the library if they aren't going to be paying for drinks? I personally can't sit at a cafe taking up space even when it's not busy. And the noise.

>> No.19672547
File: 652 KB, 1279x2530, Fortune's Wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why.
I think it's because it illustrates the vagaries of fortune, and how much our apparently moral judgments are just rooted in somebody being successful. Everyone wants to be on the winner's team, but only after he's won. The turnabout illustrates something about human nature and the human condition.

>> No.19672553


I always thought it was just a really lame attempt to get laid.

>> No.19672554

I always thought J.K Rowling was a man

>> No.19672559

It really could be a form of peacocking.

>> No.19672569

The Times? The Sunday Times?
Maybe it is The Guardian. But they use a different font

>> No.19672574

she based harry's mother on her mother iirc

>> No.19672582

Some judicious googling later:
>In this photo from July 1998, JK Rowling is working on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in a cafe. Photograph: Murdo Macleod/The Guardian

So yeah, it's a press still for book #2. Before she became a kabillionaire, and maybe even before the bidding war for the US rights to book #1 which catapulted her to her initial fame?

>> No.19672587

It's the Scotsman, you imbecile, it says so right there on the masthead.

>> No.19672601
File: 115 KB, 500x625, Luna-Lovegood-luna-lovegood-40594342-500-625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does my girl Luna get no love?

>> No.19672608

>harry potter was written by a ginger high off buckfast
no fucking way

>> No.19672614

luna based, but she's a bit... on the nose. like a D&D character from the manual. also she has a bond girl's name.

>> No.19672622

You just don't get it man.

>> No.19672625

Everyone who's born into the wizarding world has a fucking Bond-tier name.

>Severus Snape
>Ron Weasley
>Minerva McGonagall
>Draco Malfoy

I could go on and on. Every single wizarding character has a wack-ass name, it's part of the convention of the story. The only people with even slightly normal names are people who come from the muggle world like Harry and Hermione.

>> No.19672629

I could almost make out “The” and “man” and had no idea of the paper. No need for the hostility, Scotsman

>> No.19672631

Because she's a deliberate parody of an astrology-worshipping teen wacko.

>> No.19672637

>No need for the hostility, Scotsman
I see you're new here, namefag.

>> No.19672642

It's well crafted compared to the competition which was lukewarm graded readers and YA that shit itself by the second book. She got lucky but TPTB were scrambling for something to make into a global sensation using new media tactics and it had to be something like HP that had some proof of quality and more books in the pipe.

That would be after the scholastic bid but before the haircut and media training. I only know this because I spent a long time trying to dig up anything shady and figure out if her success was organic and 97 to 99 is where everything pops off

>> No.19672646

>That would be after the scholastic bid but before the haircut and media training.
Solid, thanks.

>> No.19672715

I'm not sure if it's before the WB deal or not, 98 is the year you saw her whole author narrative and the creation myths come into use and a media persona develop.

>> No.19672728

What were your conclusions? Was JKR organically successful?

>> No.19672737
File: 573 KB, 1024x1024, d805a1467aa63a4b88539a4e81c5f8ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but she's also RIGHT about things in the end, and she's one of a handful of people willing to believe Harry about Voldemort.

Also they share a really cute moment at the end of Order of the Phoenix that should have gone somewhere.

But no, gotta push Ginny because all the cast has to be related to each other at the end.

>> No.19672738

It certainly is palpable that book 2 is where she started to develop a setting with consistent rules. Book 1 contradicts her later worldbuilding in a ton of ways that she ended up having to patch with exceptions since she couldn't retcon them, so it's obvious that (contrary to her own later claims) she hadn't worked any of that out yet when writing the first one, and just went for flavor.

>> No.19672770
File: 1.15 MB, 2316x3000, 13b095b14b2003b5a74a97ef59c4bfe9 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always been brilliant and very fashionable

>> No.19672773

Probably in the same period as this, she mentions the movie deal being in negotiations and it's all probably book 2 media.

It's hazy but I think azkaban would have been a runaway success even without the massive push by scholastic and the pending movies. Everything before the weeks leading up to the first film's release is organic, but someone doctored her whole narrative (or she did it herself) and that's what got the media attention around the time of the US wave. It just wasn't ever going to be a breakthrough global success until everything else came together. The movie could have been irredeemable shit and it would have ended there.

>> No.19672778

I thought for a moment that Harry and Luna would get together as well.

>> No.19672780

A newspaper.

>> No.19672794

>me throwing Harry Potter in the trash as a 9 year old because it was a shit boring book.

>> No.19672797

>also she has a bond girl's name.
Harry Potter And The Man With The Golden Gun

>> No.19672802

ok jelly

>> No.19672813

why is it hard to believe? the writing is trash meant for kids, i'm sure some woman could write it

>> No.19672819

before people got all their (((news))) from websites like CNN, people used to have to read a newspaper to know what was happening in the world

>> No.19672840

I actually met J.K Rowling in person once by pure chance. She acts weird in public because she’s afraid people will recognise and harass her.

>> No.19672862

One of the many reasons that stops me from writing something that I would share with the world. It of course isn't as major of a factor as being an idiot that isn't very articulate.

>> No.19672897

>Yes but she's also RIGHT about things in the end
It's been way too long since i've read HP to comment but this could be in and of itself a joke.

>> No.19672932

Book 1 sometimes feels like a different series, I think the trajectory and tone needed drastic changes once later events were a more immediate concern and whatever was planned got a rewrite. I think in an interview she brings up why in an oblique way, some of it was sheer oversight, some of it a small but immense change after book 1 was out.

>> No.19672943

She had a team after book one helping her complete the series for sure.

>> No.19672972

>People on welfare should be in rags
Maybe if you live in a shithole country

>> No.19672973

whatever cosmetic procedure she had on her eyes worked really well

>> No.19672976

bare minimum to survive is what you should get. beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.19672986

The purpose of welfare is actually to stop that from happening, not to keep you from starving after you've sold all of your possessions.

>> No.19672991

but she didn't try to change her predicament by contributing in a meaningful way by getting a job. she was a perfectly healthy human.

>> No.19672995

Welfare is meant to prevent revolution and and a wholesale transition to socialism

>> No.19672996

IMO the key change was just the certainty of getting to write those sequels. The first book was clearly written with the *possibility* of a series in mind, but since at the time she wrote it there were no certainties, she was just a single mom on the dole with a dream, she focused on giving the story a sense of magic and wonder, a very different job from constructing a scaffolding that can take the weight of a seven-book series.

>> No.19672999

>J.K. Rowling didn't try to change her predicament

>> No.19673005

Lazy biatch got nothing done, that's why she's a panhandling granny now

>> No.19673011

Ok whatever you say, Jeff Bezos

>> No.19673016

i don't see how she changed anything in her life. she still is siphoning resources from people that create tangible goods that keep humans alive.

>> No.19673017

Can someone edit the gay blowjob into the background?

>> No.19673020

he doesn't create anything meaningful either and relies on your and my taxes and is creating social decay

>> No.19673025

I can't help having a fetish for fiery redheads; I think it's genetic. I find their worn panties to be particularly spicy.

>> No.19673030
File: 23 KB, 951x1200, Pol_Pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like everyone needs to get a menial, low-paying, back-breaking job, or risk being called a lazy fuck. It's sad. Personally, I'm lazy and proud.

>> No.19673037


>> No.19673060

Yeah, instead just be an adult child and sit in a cafe exploiting a system in hopes of becoming famous for distracting the masses from all of the suffering in the world.

>> No.19673066

>I actually met J.K Rowling in person once by pure chance. She acts weird in public because she’s afraid people will recognise and harass her.
Tell us more.
I wanna hear the details.
Where did it take place?

>> No.19673076

>Cause I love false idols

>> No.19673080

Haha thanks for the research. I know next to nothing of her as a writer, but being an amateur photographer myself I know that's not a candid photo amongst friends.

>> No.19673081 [DELETED] 

Yeah Harry should have married Hermione leaving Ginny free to marry Ron.

>> No.19673083
File: 90 KB, 728x1024, 1628193781198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19673084

>but being an amateur photographer myself I know that's not a candid photo amongst friends.
How can I get better at taking pictures of myself?
Any noob tips?

>> No.19673089

That's one of many paths. There's nothing wrong with it. We're supposed to live in a meritocracy aren't we? And a society wouldn't truly be free if there was no opportunity to truly live easily, whether on welfare or with lots of money. If it's legal and attainable, why not? Are you saying it should be illegal to NOT work a shitty job like Walmart or McDonald's, that if you're not breaking your back you're a lazy reprobate? You need to give your head a shake. There are other, more important jobs out there too you know, hard enough that the people who do them are paid well, because they spend all their time in front of a computer and whatnot.

>> No.19673091

There's probably a board for that.

>> No.19673098

that's a true blue boomer reading "The Scotsman"

>> No.19673100

>There's probably a board for that.

>> No.19673101

So don't look at the starving children is what you're saying. That's the world you want to live in, one where we make the best at distracting us billionaires. That's a great system of merit right there I tell you what. Sounds like peace.

>> No.19673108

There are no starving children in the West, you homo. When's the last time you read in the news that a child had starved to death not from deliberate parental brutality or the like but from mere deprivation? People think going hungry for a day or two equates to starvation now, that's how far off we are from actually starving. Anon is right, there's no inherent value in work, it's just a painful necessity, and if someone can get by without working or by doing pleasant, diverting work, so much the better for them. Envy alone is the basis for criticizing this.

>> No.19673117

It's about to turn midnight here, another 20k children starved to death. Yay for freedom!

>> No.19673122

Does she and you not believe in distributing resources to where they are most needed?

>> No.19673125

Yep, people aren't starving either in Mexico fortunately.

>> No.19673128

I suspect she does considering she's one of the biggest philanthropists in the UK

>> No.19673137

If J.K. had not written her shitty book then the children wouldn't be starving.
We CAN'T have any kind of entertainment whatsoever until we reach Utopia. Do you get it?

>> No.19673153

But you just said that the UK or the West doesn't have starving children. So her resources that were once our resources are not being directed to where they are most needed.

>> No.19673155

>Best selling novelists should be forced to do menial labor instead of what they are actually skilled at and the market would eventually pay them for
You are extremely shortsighted

>> No.19673156

There's more books for you to consume that you couldn't read in 20 life times. Don't give excuses for you not wanting to look at the horrors that plague society still to this day.

>> No.19673161

If she was the best selling novelist, why was she on welfare?

>> No.19673164

Get off /lit/ and start fixing society right now you troglodytic hypocrite

>> No.19673168

I'm sorry, do you know me? I thought this was an anonymous board. How could you possibly know what I do to save my children?

>> No.19673171

She hadn't written the novels yet you blockhead

>> No.19673173

So why didn't she get a job then when she was healthy and not be a blight to society.

>> No.19673174

>ok, here's ALL my money, the starving kids in Africa can have it now
>now I'm starving and those greedy little bastards OWE ME!!!
Do you see how humouring victimhood is ironic? Sure charity and serving the oppressed is great and virtuous, but the best thing you could do for someone is help them be self-reliant, either that or teach them how to be comfortable living on little; even better to develop a western society where you're allowed to live on a basic universal income if you choose to live an unremarkable life. That's where most western countries are now and it's rather good!

>> No.19673180

She was doing a job, writing the novels

>> No.19673183

Can't speak for Rowling, but I think she's some kind of soft-left, or she was until they all decided to shit on her for being able to accurately identify a man. For my part, though, I absolutely don't believe in you or any of your ilk being allowed to decide where resources are most needed, let alone your having access to anybody else's resources to distribute at all. You've made an absolutely shit job of it every other time you tried, and all your theories are still retarded (e.g.: you apparently believe there are children starving, a histrionic nonsense), so I see no reason to ever get back on that merry-go-round.

>> No.19673184

Yeah, pick yourself up by your bootstraps if you're a 5 year old child in Africa starving to death, but if you're a white woman that might distract me from society crumbling, take this welfare check.

>> No.19673185

He's marking down how many times a character stretched their legs.

>> No.19673186

Any action you take that does not directly result in the betterment of society is unconscionable. Even by replying to my post you have the blood of innocents on your hands. Every keystroke is a death sentence. You are a murderer

>> No.19673190

Stay in school.
It's a fact that 3 times as many children starved to death than all humans that died from covid.

>> No.19673194

Those countries are poor because of internal corruption. Western countries give poor countries money all the time and they stay poor and corruption is why, and it's legitimately not my responsibility to fix it, nor is it yours unless you happen to live in Somalia or Nigeria or wherever. Get a grip man.

>> No.19673196

I'm trying to take you out of the cave so as to help me save humans.

>> No.19673200 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19673203

You say that, while probably also complaining about them coming to your home looking for safety.

>> No.19673207
File: 915 KB, 245x285, ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds.

>> No.19673210

>Stay in school.
I did, using public funds too!

>> No.19673227

Look another, not my problem/bot response.
Makes sense. Public schools don't educate/teach people how to learn and think for themselves which makes all of your responses have meaning now.

>> No.19673238

>if you don't get a job the second you're born and work back-breaking labour for those even worse-off until you die at age 25 you're a lazy, worthless fuck who deserves nothing.
Literally schizo-tier.

>> No.19673239

>Makes sense. Public schools don't educate/teach people how to learn and think for themselves which makes all of your responses have meaning now.
Countries with strong public programs are way better in a wide array of metrics while more stingy countries, like the USA are slipping further and further down those same metrics while allowing a small handful of super elites to soak up all the economic gains. If you are from a poorly run country like the USA, I understand your position, but if you have experienced a well run country with proper public programs, it's no contest.

>> No.19673242

Correct, they should be fixing their own countries instead of leaving. It *is* their responsibility, and they're choosing to make things worse via brain drain instead of taking that responsibility.

>> No.19673247

It's incredible how passionately Americans defend their third world living standards

>> No.19673249

>It's a fact that 3 times as many children starved to death than all humans that died from covid.
And? That doesn't mean you have the slightest competence to distribute others' funds. I don't think you could put a single bread roll in the hands of a starving child if you had the money to distribute.

>> No.19673253

We should just look at the floor and work the land. We don't have enough bread yet, bro. And in our time of leisure... (which time?)
We should be working all our awaken hours, and when we sleep we should dream we're in a labor camp breaking rocks!
This is being perfect and moral.
The World still doesn't have enough 'campesinos'. Every single person gotta be one of these, in order to survive.
The problem of misery is NOT a problem of distribution whatsoever.
We still don't produce enough food to feed all the living people (and some of the dead),

>> No.19673254

It is amazing how far the USA has fallen, to the point where Communist China literally passed them in economic output. Americans are just pure seethe at this point.

>> No.19673265

It's their own fault, they created wokism out of nothing to trip themselves up and bought it wholesale.

I think it could've been avoided if they'd deported the blacks to Liberia after the war, but unfortunately Lincoln got shot (that was literally his plan, look it up).

>> No.19673281

she isn't a super elite?
why is china investing in africa?
european countries import 3 times as much as americans per capita and rely on american armed forces to secure those resources all over the planet and your countries wouldn't be developed as they are if america didn't flood you with cash and rebuild your shitholes almost a hundred years ago in order to win an economic ideological cold war and you haven't paid us back yet for that let alone pay for the services of us keeping food on your plates all so you can do drugs and dance at the discotech. that's why our living standards are abysmal. stay in school europoors.

>> No.19673282
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 5ifpds4f5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a bunkertranny thread

>> No.19673283

wokism is communist. it's china taking advantage of capitalism so as to destroy us from within without firing a shot.

>> No.19673291

I'm Australian dumbass

>> No.19673294

then stop defending someone that believes in distribution of resources to where they are most needed if this is what you believe.

>> No.19673296

Amazing how America does all that for other countries and not their own. So selfless.

>> No.19673297

You mean New China

>> No.19673301

enjoy communism

>> No.19673307

Amazing how incels will simp for an old infertile woman.

>> No.19673318

Wokism is capitalism, specifically neoliberalism.

>> No.19673320

>thread starts out well, jovial banter, exchange of some interesting ideas, friendly discussion of tits
>some retard appears to shill his communist beliefs, crashing the thread with no survivors except JK Rowling who is in fact still immensely rich
>jannies do nothing
It's the last part that's really tiresome, I guess.

>> No.19673332

so china hasn't embraced bits of capitalism to take over the world. what's next, they're not being imperialist.
it's her beliefs. she's the one that believes in distribution of resources where they are needed. and everyone is defending her. i'm not a communist. i'm just pointing out how stupid you people are for giving money and power to people that are undesirable all so you can have your precious new shiny object to distract you.

>> No.19673348

Ok, so in your eyes, nobody should be paid for effort put into art, only the creation of goods? Sounds like a sad world.

>> No.19673367

>she isn't a super elite?
Yes, and she is actually taxed accordingly, unlike in the USA with individuals like Bezos and Musk who can borrow against their stocks rather than sell the stocks and thus pretend they don't have income

>> No.19673370

Good hair. Kind soul.
Based TERF. Bless her.

>> No.19673374

>woman manages to look better as an old lady than when she was young

>> No.19673376

Of course they're not being imperialist.

>> No.19673394

Money will do that for you. Wouldn't surprise me at all if she had a ton of very high-quality, very discreet cosmetic surgery. She doesn't overtly seem the type, but at the same time, that's a splendid defensive tactic.

>> No.19673401
File: 416 KB, 1200x803, vienna-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is unfortunate that cafes have become commercial spaces like that. They used to be a spot where you could just bum around having one or two drinks a day.

>> No.19673405

It’s called makeup

>> No.19673432

She looks amazing, her breasts look amazing, everything about her looks amazing

>> No.19673508

She was working as a teacher you dumb NEET

>> No.19673517

haven't read a single post itt but and i can't believe i'd ever say this i'd rather fuck jk rowling than emma watson. i think this is what they call maturity. on my part i mean. perhaps growing older will not be so frightening as i imagined.

>> No.19673519

It's an early draft of Harry Potter and the Two Genders.

>> No.19673537

Not him but everybody who enables or partakes in escapism should truly be hacked to death in the street with machetes

>> No.19673546

Why not both?

>> No.19673605

Emma Watson is grossly overrated and not really even above Bongland average. She was specifically made famous by playing a prissy, homely bookworm and she was well cast for that role. At least Rowling has red hair.

>> No.19673627
File: 196 KB, 1280x1920, j.k.-rowling-fantastic-beasts-the-crimes-of-grindelwald-premiere-in-london-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she's Red Sonja in the underbrush too, makes her seem that much hotter.

>> No.19674033

I think that's the same café which burnt down last year but they managed to save the table in which she used to write, possibly the one in that picture.

>> No.19674042

Scottish peasant phenotype

>> No.19674045

Its mental most people thought she was from Scotland just because she went to Edinburgh University

>> No.19674047

Its called the Scotsman
If you try to read you can actually see that

>> No.19674063

Most holes are

>> No.19674070
File: 296 KB, 1195x1200, jk rowling if only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the face of someone who would get an entire generation obsessed with her books, only to be eaten alive by the type of beliefs she expressed gone mad with extremist loons

>> No.19674071

Fuck off, slut. Show your tits or gtfo

>> No.19674096

Bill weasley in the back right

>> No.19674127

investing in public resources in the US is a total waste. Look how much money is poured into shitty schools and other nigger infested systems/places, and it's all for naught. It's not an issue of economics, they don't value intelligence or education. Look at how the few blacks who try to learn or educate themselves are treated-they get insulted, sometimes physically attacked, told they're acting white and that they think they're too good for their shithole hood. They take pride in having shit grammar and talking like idiots, and whites simp and make excuses every step of the way for them

It's not the money, look at schools in places like appalachia and the deep south-the poorest places in the country, people live in abject poverty but their schools aren't as bad as inner city shitholes that are money sinks. Trying to compare largely ethnically homogenous societies to places like the US doesn't work, not to mention the boatload of other conflicting issues

Call us third world all you want, if you take the statistics of White America it's on par with any other top first world nation

>> No.19674277


>> No.19674403

also her hair cut

>> No.19674408

Get off this website, go get a good job and a pretty girlfriend and a few hobbies

>> No.19674421

Most based woman alive

>> No.19674435

>he said, shitposting on the internet

>> No.19674444

She had a good editor and circle of proofreaders. The second book is still pretty rough.

I think the scope and degree of editorial oversight changed with success. At one point it was a children's book and became YA with Azkaban, in addition to becoming a sprawling work with more mechanical complexity. I think in a way the spectacle of book 1 was a necessary conceit to draw young readers in and create the world and you're right that it wouldn't have been able to handle the weight of the series. At least not the series as written.

I get the sense from interviews that at some point she had written herself into a corner with the school structure and wanted a travelogue that made use of the world and more characters, that the series initially had that trajectory. I think originally the magic had a less rigid structure and the mysterious higher order magic that drives the metaphysics behind the plot wouldn't have been as limited to two old farts merely talking about it. Instead, books 4, 5 and 6 fell victim to the conceits of the damn school year structure and the necessary suspension of disbelief that an underage, unsupervised teenage Jesus shouldn't be out and about and all we got were a few outings and prophetic dreams. That she didn't do this is to her credit, as that's why countless series before have gone off the rails and up their own ass.

>> No.19674506 [DELETED] 


>> No.19674602

Damn she didn't age that much
She already looked nearing 50 during the late 90s.

Hope she stays the same until she hits 80s or something. BTFOing trannies and shitposting on twitter

>> No.19674670
File: 382 KB, 1320x2063, ye1on5qyvb4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's looking much better than Houellebecq, that's for sure!

>> No.19674701

She was an overworked toddler mom before and got a good stylist after the first big check cleared. >>19674670

Diet, lifestyle, and a haircut go a long way towards making you look young and alive.

>> No.19674721

So she just got a photo taken of her when she was writing before success? Why would anyone do that?

>> No.19674959

She drinks wine all day and trolls people, she won't age well.

>> No.19674963

keep defending your false idol, it might help you get into heaven

>> No.19675030
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In a scarce society with suffering where people are drawn into creating art cause in the system of today we reward people more for distracting us from a problem, than if they created something that eliminated the problem? Yes. All this does is not only perpetuate the problem, but it causes it to grow. And I'm tired. Help me clean up this mess. People are needless dying. And you don't want to look.

>> No.19675091

She’s purchasing resources will her bajillion dollars. She’s actually a prime example of why welfare exists

>> No.19675116

Why are you on /lit/ if you feel like authors contribute nothing but bread and circuses and should all get real jobs?

>> No.19675161

Those billion dollars came from us. She didn't make a tangible good to help society. We did. And we were rewarded for it, and then we lifted her up for not making tangible goods that help society. She's still not lifting herself up by her bootstraps. And relies on strong men to do the job.
Because I'm trying to lead you out of the cave and look at the light and end your addiction. And end suffering. And live life. And be happy. But it's probably all for naught. You want to be a tranny. You want to transcend into the virtual world.

>> No.19675195

A better question is what 90s politician is on the front cover. Looks like a mix of gordon brown and osborne

>> No.19675216

She really is a bundle of nerves in this video. Crazy of fame and money changes people. Good for her honestly

>> No.19675228

>tangible goods to help society
A book is pretty tangible and I think it helped me a lot as a kid but that doesn’t really matter. Art matters, it has a value within society. I don’t want to be a drone dressed in grey breaking my back working towards a utopia that is unachievable, I just wanna be a normal man with a normal job who has a normal life. Communism doesn’t work, anon, it never has and never will. Endless labor is not the key to happiness.

>> No.19675236

You can't eat books hunny.

>> No.19675249

Peculiar, didn't a communist social policy allow her to sit on her ass all day?

>> No.19675250

To me it looked like Cameron, but '98 is way too early for him to get a front-page on the Scotsman.

>> No.19675267

Welfare isn’t communism. Mixed economies are the only ones proven to work in the modern world and healthy social programs are key to their success

>> No.19675286

But those programs end at an imaginary line. The truth is, you don't fully believe what you say. Or else you would put your money where your mouth is and help end the suffering in the world.

>> No.19675299

If you think communism isn't good, why are you letting China occupy Africa?

>> No.19675342

I think the belief that she is somehow manufactured or an actor comes from this point, where she quickly reoriented herself as a professional writer and crafted a public figure. I think the demands of the job, as it was still just a job, made her act the part for what was to come. She went from a spazzy nerd writing longhand in cafes because that's what spazzy nerds think is cool, (back) to a career image.

>> No.19675346

Why are you? Why are any of us? What the fuck am I supposed to do

>> No.19675367

Not that guy, but China is barely communist.

>> No.19675372

What do you mean they end at an imaginary line? They end at a tangible line that I feel should probably be higher given how shit wages are right now. I don’t think that we have anything close to a perfect system now, but I also don’t believe in idealist or totalitarian systems

>> No.19675385

Looks a bit like Fred West.

>> No.19675440

Chinese hands typed this.
Then why is that tangible line blurred in Chinese eyes and they are investing heavily in Africa and elsewhere, using trickery to own other's resources. Are you scared to be called a racist? Has all of the rhetoric about European imperialism in the past make you gun shy and you just want to advert your eyes and not do the right thing? If you care about justifying a wrong of the past, the time is now. Stop China from enslaving Africa.

>> No.19675452

She wanted to be Hermoine but was actually Ginny

>> No.19675503

You wake up as her. You have one year. What would you do?

>> No.19675520

Stop getting drunk and trolling trannies all day which only serves to get attention to sell more children's novels and try to enlighten people about the faults in our stars.

>> No.19675531

flick my bean

>> No.19675540

Transfer all my wealth to my (male) bank account or other accounts accessible to future me but not her. Erase the trail.

I won't even really be fucking her over that badly since she'll still be able to collect future royalty and merch payments, as well as keeping all her real estate, all of which I'd be caught if I tried to steal.

>> No.19675547

Cunt,but she makes trannies seethe,so based

>> No.19675559
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>> No.19675561

That's not difficult to do, especially when you have lots of eyes on you. So not much of an achievement. If she is a true Christian, she wouldn't stoop to such levels for marketing. She would try to spread the gospel. And save us. But she's a false idol.

>> No.19675562

this. I would fuck the living shit out of her

>> No.19675564

Find young men who remind me of myself and have dirty nasty sex with all of them. Also completely drain her massive bank accounts on frivolous expenses

>> No.19675591

Don't forget to film it for blackmail purposes later.

>> No.19675595

That makes you gay.

>> No.19675596

My mom always reminds me that everything Rowling wrote was a cope for her mental illness and the psychs just told her to write her delusions, and those delusions turned into a multi million-dollar book series.

Kind of an underrated fantasy author given her circumstances.

>> No.19675600

Dude I don’t fucking care about China or Africa. We were talking about welfare and how you think that authors contribute nothing to society in spite of the fact that you shitpost in a forum built to discuss literature

>> No.19675603
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I entered this thread in order to defend JK Rowling's decision to take public benefits while writing. I still believe there was no moral dilemma in her particular case, because she had a defined goal in her writing and other reasons for taking the benefits, but now I would prefer to ignore the ethical questions involved in distributing public resources, and revise my position to say that JK Rowling deserves public funds for being an attractive woman.

I want her so badly. I want to give her everything. The frigid indifference of her icy glare tickles my senses like an invisible whisper. I want to burn myself alive, because through the ashes and grisly puddles of melting fat left behind, some aspect of my essence might dissolve into the air and float away into the wind and some random chance may carry me to her lungs, where I can experience the incomparable privilege of sustaining her respiration. Perhaps my essence will find her on an eve of intense passion, as she grinds and rides upon the stiff rod of some besotted fool as he struggles to restrain his climax. Perhaps I will ride into her mouth on one staggered halting whimper, and escape on a scream of deep, intense passion as her cheeks glow an intense red and the sweat begins to run cold upon her quivering thighs. Maybe one day, I will be the hot breath of JK Rowling's orgasm. In the meantime, I want to give her all of your money.

>> No.19675604

I watched the HBO special and all I got out of it was a reminder that they think so lowly of American children that "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" had to have the name changed and it's really fucking embarrassing, and Daniel Radcliffe lost his virginity to Helena Bonham-Carter and I'm jealous as fuck.

>> No.19675605

That's...an interesting interpretation.

>> No.19675619

Publishing is a vile world, but only because of the stark realities it faces. You can say it was a shitty idea in hindsight but that spoiler text has distracted me and I know what I'm watching later.

>> No.19675623

imagine paying to write in a cafe. A cup of coffee lasts 1 hour at best and costs at cheapest $2. I can write 500 words an hour. If a book has 100k words in it, that is 200 hours at $2 an hour, or $400--half a week's paycheck at an average job (after tax), or 2% of your annual income.

>> No.19675628

It's a normie shtick to show how "artsy" she is

>> No.19675638
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>You can say it was a shitty idea in hindsight but that spoiler text has distracted me and I know what I'm watching later.

he made a written love confession to her wishing he was born 10 years earlier and talks about how he had a massive crush on her when he met her on set

>> No.19675640


>> No.19675641
File: 307 KB, 1080x1349, 1641104529397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is the message he left her that she read during the special.

>> No.19675655
File: 8 KB, 310x163, Disturbed Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.19675662


>> No.19675677

Just finished stroking off. I hate JK Rowling. I hate welfare. Women are cattle and they should be branded and herded. Harry Potter is for faggots.

>> No.19675699

Use her fame and wealth to shill for my (male) self as an upcoming writer and get myself published.

>> No.19675703


>> No.19675724
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>> No.19675730

You two should be herded into a ranch to garden and made to take communal showers. Keep you off the internet, that’s for sure.

>> No.19675731

She's a career writer.
Harry Potter didn't exist yet.
Nobody knew who she was or what she did, she barely made any money, and had no real options for other careers without going back to school.
As far as she knew, Harry Potter might get published and maybe just do well enough to let her survive for another week, and then it's right back to writing novel after novel after novel just hoping that one of them gets noticed.
The life of a writer is depressing, unless you just happen to be one of the handful who actually find fame for their works while they're still alive.
Most famous authors never get noticed for their works until long after they've died.

>> No.19675734

Welp, time to see if I can stack an hbo trial with a hulu trial and do some serious binging for a week. I'm going to be so disgusted with myself by the end of this.

>> No.19675754

/ss/ is patrician

>> No.19675761

>Most famous authors never get noticed for their works until long after they've died.
tha'ts a blessing in disguise anon. even if you die unpublished, broke, unrecognized, mocked, and unknown, you can die clutching the copium that someday after you are dead a literary critic in [ivy league school] finds your manuscript and propels you to post humous literary sainthood and your books will be side by side with [your favorite writer]. That is the gift afforded to all of us.

>> No.19675766

>Most famous authors never get noticed for their works until long after they've died.
Name a single one who did. I guarantee you're just quoting some idiot's blog about John Kennedy Toole or something.

>> No.19675792

>Le Heckin garderino!! Le Hecking communal showerino! I'm a big tough girl!!

>> No.19675804
File: 1.47 MB, 1680x1056, e4e30449-8d86-47c4-a5da-6e902f54af41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a hot fox, always has been. You go girl!

>> No.19675810

Would you prefer I wish you to suicide pact? You fragile little things tough talk all day everyday

>> No.19675816

>You fragile little things tough talk all day everyday

>> No.19675831

Success breeds jealousy, and damn am I jealous of people like her and George Lucas. I was reading somewhere that George Lucas had said something along the lines of, "Of course this stuff is for children. If you get them while they're kids, you'll have fans for 20 years and beyond!" And seeing the last effects on Millennials with Star Wars and Harry Potter political analogies, I'd like to have that kind of positive influence on a generation, as much of a "pie in the sky" dream that is.

>> No.19675874

she said in a interview that her friend told her that ron should get with hermione for some reason. she actually regrets it now

>> No.19675902 [DELETED] 

Oh, uh, I totally meant everyone but you.
Your works will definitely get recognized within your own lifetime, and you will definitely reap the rewards of your efforts, right after they get published.
Yes, you will definitely break the mold.
(Okay, nobody mention Kafka, Plath, Larrson, Thoreau. Dickinson, Lovecraft, Poe, Keats, Keegan, Melville, or any of the others who died before they got recognized. It'd break his heart and make him want to give up writing.)

>> No.19675908

>wishing to be famous even if it's perhaps after you die.
That is why you will fail.

>> No.19675909

Oh, uh, I totally meant everyone but you.
Your works will definitely get recognized within your own lifetime, and you will definitely reap the rewards of your efforts, right after they get published.
Yes, you will definitely break the mold.
(Okay, nobody mention Kafka, Plath, Larrson, Thoreau. Dickinson, Lovecraft, Poe, Keats, Melville, or any of the others who died before they got recognized. It'd break his heart and make him want to give up writing.)

>> No.19675914

And THIS is why art suffers

>> No.19675919

You need to discovery for yourself what it is you're supposed to do to save us.

>> No.19675929

You should care. They're knocking on your front door. You would know this, if you looked out the window from time to time.

>> No.19675932

This says more about you, who thinks Harry Pottah is actually exceptional in anything other than sales numbers

>> No.19675968

I completely agree. You should write or paint not for fame or fortune, but because you need to communicate something that is near and dear to your heart. And those things breed suffering into the world.

>> No.19676031

is this copy pasta?

>> No.19676271

Yes, that's what I was alluding to, you have poorly run public programs which do waste money whereas actual first world countries have effective programs which produce measurable results.

>> No.19676284
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If only the christcucks would admit their favorite book is pure fiction too

>> No.19676314

considering how shit it is, i don't think anyone else could write it

>> No.19676315

How do you measure them? Who measures them? Could they have an agenda?

>> No.19676318

nazi terf bitch

>> No.19676330
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>> No.19676369

>mocking religion

>> No.19676377
File: 16 KB, 322x234, 133832073971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a random picture of JK Rowling has 240+ replies

>> No.19676380

I'd love to measure the pair of thems.

>> No.19676399

The milk's dry bruh.

>> No.19676439

>JK Rowling deserves public funds for being an attractive woman.
mindset of the average city dweller. And you wonder how feminism could become a thing? I believe people like you gave the jews the idea.

>> No.19676440

I’m reading the HP books for the first time at age 25. Thoroughly enjoying them, just finished goblet of fire

>> No.19676444

Hah, based Hindu.

>> No.19676453

Gawddd I love her

>> No.19676491 [DELETED] 
File: 2.76 MB, 1749x2380, jk-rowling-cleavage-celebrity-beautiful-posing-hot-babe-bra-10 (1) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always been utterly open and real

>> No.19676505

Looks like Tucker Carlson.

>> No.19676509
File: 2.76 MB, 1749x2380, jk-rowling-cleavage-celebrity-beautiful-posing-hot-babe-bra-10 (1) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always been utterly open about her political views: a pleasantly commendable stance in today's neo-puritanical times.

>> No.19676536

Holy shit,I can't believe you're actually saying that. She's a boring normie "le orange man bad" blairite,what are you getting so hooked up about?

>> No.19676760


>> No.19676847
File: 785 KB, 1650x2548, jk-rowling-cleavage-celebrity-beautiful-posing-hot-babe-bra-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even care. She's gorgeous. Something about her just triggers this deep and overwhelming urge to make her happy. I want to boil myself down into vapor in the hopes that I may one day be the water that courses through her veins to remove whatever impurities she may have accumulated from cellular decay, to be wicked away as sweat when she saw fit. I would unironically do anything this woman told me to do. I would kiss a dude for her amusement. I would stick my dick in a festering open wound if she said it was a good idea.

Just look at her. So vibrant yet so at ease with herself. A living image of fertility, despite most likely being totally unable to bear any further children. Maybe she can't get pregnant again, but who cares? She's already raised three kids, and they all look happy and satisfied with themselves, too. Motherhood really is such an amazing thing to do, when you think about it. Like, a dude wastes his seed and its just a quick mess to clean up. But when a woman loses her eggs, it's a bloody, painful process. Fucks with her hormones, almost as if she is sensing the loss of her potential. Yeah obviously periods aren't pleasant to have or to hear about, but there is something poetic about the blood and pain and suffering involved.

Think of the joy she inspires in children. Like, even if she hadn't written Harry Potter. Even if she hadn't created a thriving, happy family. Can you imagine any kid looking at her and feeling anything other than safe and at peace in a world where everything is correct and right?

>> No.19676897

She's married.

>> No.19676905

That's great! Hope he makes her happy.

>> No.19676929
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She's been the milk of so many dreams of so many ages and sexes: she embodies the ancient fertility deity vibe in an outwardly bourgeois but ultimately quite generous and unhypocritical form.

>> No.19676939

So stop trying to mow another man's lawn

>> No.19676943
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>anons post interesting theories on Rowling and her series are relegated
>some other anons rant about capitalism for six million replies
>another wants to jizz all over her tits
Never change /lit/

>> No.19676992

What if I told, they're all the same dude.

>> No.19677010

Except they're not, but it would be very David Foster Wallacian if they were.

>> No.19677078
File: 11 KB, 181x278, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rowling is the single biggest success story of Blairism

We need to go back

>> No.19677107

>What if I told,
Go on

>> No.19677140

>Communism doesn’t work, anon
>US overtaken by Communist China as wealthiest country and continues to be buck broken by Xi every passing day
Yes, burger, sure it doesn't.

>> No.19677151
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JK Rowling is no patch of turf for any random stranger to fondle and grope for his own satisfcation. No one understands that better than me. When I see her, I see a mother, an author, and a shrewd businesswoman who still retains her sense of humility and public duty. She obviously works hard to maintain her appearance, and I believe those efforts should be applauded and celebrated. She's just great. Why can't you see that?

>> No.19677159

This is accurate.

As an aside, it's weird how Americans take a kind of pride in poverty and undereducation and people dying of fentanyl overdoses in a ditch. Like, "At least we ain't no wimps that need handouts in the form of adequately funded social programs."

I agree. Really, I think the series retained a fair degree of comfiness through the fourth book. After that it was degraded by the establishment of a sprawling system of lore, "mature" content (i.e., swear words, characters dying at random and lame Nazi allegories), and its status as the central text of a consumerist pseudo-religion. The series would have benefited if it had grown in popularity only after it was published in its entirety.

>> No.19677165

I talked from multiple perspectives in the shitfest last night. I like her work, and support her. But I was also the lead in talking about welfare and being an asshat saying she should have gotten a job. I've never said anything from the point of view of a coomer though.

>> No.19677176

She hit a few tripwires regarding transgender politics. Surely you're aware of that. Regarding "le orange man bad," Trump is a retard. You can't blame people for thinking you're a retard if you're a retard.

>> No.19677179

I don't even pity you, you are a miserable culture-less shell of a human being.

>> No.19677181

I don't disagree. It's that most here when talking about such matters, that's not their view.

>> No.19677190

Euro/US imperialism:
>here's a loan 'help' you develop with all sorts of predatory strings attached. When you inevitably cannot pay it back, we will be taking your assets at bargain basement prices.
Chinese 'imperialism':
>We will build you infrastructure, and in return we ask that if choose to sell assets we are given first priority

>> No.19677198

Someone is either ignorant or has a bias

>> No.19677199
File: 1.12 MB, 1991x3000, joanne-kathleen-rowling-166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the incarnation of milfic deliciousness with an indisputable pair, I mean power of intellect to boot.

>> No.19677201

Didn't she say that wizards used to relieve themselves on the floor? She seems to be writing about details of the books and other... things, which have been frowned upon, after the books have been published, probably as a sort of publicity stunt or who knows?

I was a fan by the Harry Potter series myself when I was younger, but it wasn't as good as some of the other book series I read. Hermione should have been with Harry!

>> No.19677213

I'm not a coomer. People who masturbate habitually blind themselves to the beauty of the world. But I also legit don't think its a failure of society that someone can take a month or two off from work to finish a creative project without starving to death. And I think Harry Potter was a nice series that deserved the success it got. Rowling does seem like a nice woman and she has used her fame and wealth to raise a family and give back to the community. I think it would be cool to watch her have sex.

>> No.19677219

>Hermione should have been with Harry!
That just never felt right to me. Not that Ron and Hermione would realistically work out, but Harry and Hermione are one of the only platonic male-female relationships in media that I actually believe. They really do feel like brother and sister.
Also, it's stated explicitly that Harry just can't talk to Hermione sometimes, when Ron leaves in the last book, the two of them don't even speak to each other half the time. Harry and Ginny made the most sense. Harry basically needed Ron but a girl.

>> No.19677224

Well put non-coomer!

>> No.19677235

not an argument

>> No.19677245

>Didn't she say that wizards used to relieve themselves on the floor?
I think that was just her getting fucking tired of annoying-ass fans who don't have much to say to her besides "I wish Hogwarts was real" so she just had to be like "Oh you want me to keep talking about Hogwarts? Fun fact: Dumbledore is a cock-sucking pants shitter"

>> No.19677255

She said "Hogwarts didn't install plumbing until the 16th Century. Before that, students would relieve themselves where they stood and simply vanish the evidence."
But in the books, they don't learn Vanishing spells until 5th year, so younger students basically had to walk up to Prefects and ask them to please Vanish their poopy.

>> No.19677281

Nah, the younger ones probably just threw it out the window onto some fortunate peasant's head below.

>> No.19677285

Maybe cause I don't feel like getting back into that mindset tonight. It's Sunday evening, let me rest. And you know damn well you're not looking to enter an argument in good faith. You're upset that I trolled you for hours on this thread, well tough titty. Maybe next time don't be such a faggot.

>> No.19677319
File: 970 KB, 1452x727, RIDDIKULUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting to make a decent amount of money just repeating the same blithe observations about 20 Harry Potter characters

>> No.19677324

That's what I'm talking about. She understands marketing and writing, she's seen legions of retards go combing through her work for clues they can use to "add depth" to a children's story. There's a reason everyone knows what it is being referred to when people say "read another book." I mean seriously compare the two younger pictures of her to the dead-eyed woman she appears as today. That is the face of someone who has been asked a lot of questions that don't have answers, relating to things that don't exist, based on something she probably had to suck a penis to get paid for. I think her bizarre twitter retconning rampage was supposed to be the equivalent of Miley Cyrus twerking on Robin Thicke:
>I was done with that shit ten fucking years ago and now you are going to be done asking for more of it. Oh? My magical world of body-changing potions inspired you to be an annoying asshole about gender identity on social media? Well, guess what?

>> No.19677334

I wrote My Diary Desu in a Denny's Bathroom Stall. Nigger.

>> No.19677371
File: 214 KB, 753x824, FCu3ZnyUcAAItKv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her run away from the creepy coomer ogling her. Men will never change!

>> No.19677380
File: 18 KB, 200x178, fowl bachelor frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter how long I do nofap/noporn, I can never be aroused by a woman older than 30

>> No.19677443

>Believing in religion

>> No.19677452

I'm doing just fine, thanks for the concern though :)

>> No.19677546

I think all that was bound to still happen but given more time and less pressure, the overall tone and presentation may have ended up different. Whether it would have stayed fantastic or gone even more technical with the lore is the question. I'd prefer the timeline where she had the time to make more short story collections, I feel like her ability to set a scene and populate a living world with dickensian characters and cool crap would have been better served there.

>> No.19677552
File: 209 KB, 1080x1350, 92dc0ca586472a2ace9532b5c6e51d3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Ginny is supposed to be hot in the books, right? Her actress isn't very attractive but in the books themselves I always got the impression that Ginny was a sexy little redheaded minx.

>> No.19677560

I just entered this thread bro. I get that though - Sunday night is not for arguing online. Fortunately for me, it's 11am on Monday.

>> No.19677616

Fuck the commies in this thread telling you otherwise.

>> No.19677629
File: 896 KB, 1000x1813, 422_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't be around without the Commies, they saved your genealogical skin during WWII!

>> No.19677630

The commune is the end of the state and it’s doll. Stop being so American.

>> No.19677781

Get a job.

>> No.19677784

I am going to kill myself in some spectacularly painful fashion. It is my goal to assimilate myself into JK Rowling's biological processes. This has absolutely nothing to do with masturbation.

>> No.19677796

Just keep going for another twenty years and you'll find that magic.

>> No.19677820

>paying 2 normalfag's annual salary a week to go in the ocean
does she know the ocean is free?

>> No.19677826 [DELETED] 

What does this even mean? "Biological processes." Dude, she's not gonna poop you out, it's not like they're gonna fertilize her arugula with your ashes.

>> No.19677908
File: 1.43 MB, 360x238, 1613965505401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redhead or blonde depending on your preference
>big tits
>nice face
>got me into reading as a kid
she's literally the perfect woman

>> No.19677936


She looks like a vastly more attractive version of my ex-wife.

>> No.19677950


>> No.19677978


>> No.19677989


>> No.19678054

Public holiday here bro

>> No.19678074
File: 151 KB, 1213x460, Screen Shot 2022-01-02 at 8.28.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be ashamed, even Feske has read harry potter

>> No.19678080

Of course, she was in Scotland

>> No.19678084
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The fact she exudes so much vivacious sultriness is surely a sign of an inner generosity of spirit.

>> No.19678089

or dark magic

>> No.19678135

It's those tits full of money that do it.

>> No.19678153

This, except you forgot another important item: >she is redpilled on the Troonish question

>> No.19678202

Best thread we've had in weeks

>> No.19678210

glad to be of service.

>> No.19678224
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She's like Roma: she's nourished so many with her creative brilliance

>> No.19678244

She's not retarded and comes from a middle class family. That's normal

>> No.19678278

I hope they fucked.

>> No.19678475

Is there fanfic?

>> No.19679059

you would, rug muncher.

>> No.19679497
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