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/lit/ - Literature

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19668154 No.19668154 [Reply] [Original]

Post some books you're reading. These are some I got myself for Christmas.

>> No.19668168

I’m not ready to reveal my power level yet. I’ve only started to get seriously into reading. I know I’ll get made fun of.

>> No.19668290

>Post some books you're reading.
Are you reading all four at once?

>> No.19668300

First lesson you need to learn is not to care about the opinions of pseuds on the internet.

>> No.19668318

Already read most the bottom one on PDF but wanted a physical copy since it’s a lot of info, and started top and third from top.

>> No.19668319

>Tryhard detected

>> No.19668326

I'm curious, which books did you start with?
And good luck, I hope you enjoy it!

>> No.19668340

I made a thread about it and most anons gave the book a lot of shit (which I can understand to a degree) but the book that got me back into reading was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Then I read 1984.
Currently, I’m reading Crime and Punishment, and after that I’m gonna read Blood Meridian, Kangaroo by Yuz Aleshkovsky, One Hundred Years of Solitude, and Confessions of a Mask in that order.
Thank you.

>> No.19668342
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I'm re-reading The Lord of the Rings, and I started The Eastern Front by Leon Degrelle tonight (which is quite good). The other two volumes are my Kindle and my notebook. Not quite pictured, those all are sitting on a big stack of Calvin & Hobbes comics as well as some books on West Coast First Nations, which have a pretty much permanent residency on my desk because they're huge books which won't fit in my bookshelves.
I hope you're having a good News Year, all.

>> No.19668568

People will always hate, especially on here. Your book selection sounds pretty good and diverse, I really wouldn't worry about it! Crime and Punishment is pretty good (Dostoyevski in general is just great), and One Hundred Years of Solitude is one of my all time favourites. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

>> No.19668580


Show-and-tell belongs on Facebook. Stop making posts about yourself.

>> No.19669446

There's stack threads all the time, what are you on about?

>> No.19669461

same retarded spacing, same post

>> No.19669466
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>> No.19669794

have you read any of Cassanova? If so, how is it?

>> No.19669816

You are not a fag anon. You might be a heterosexual if not then at least bisexual. I know this just from picrel. Share with us what you've learned so far from picrel books? Share with us about why you bought them. Share with us why you became a philosopher. What did women do to you?

>> No.19669835

I’ve learned that it’s generally agreed that the soundness of some forms of the cosmological argument rely on the truth only one principle (Principle of Sufficient Reason) and theism has become a much more tenable position in philosophy departments in the last 60 years.

>> No.19669848

A little long, even if abridged, but he’s still one of the most interesting and charismatic men to ever live. I would check it out.

>> No.19669895

Are you working on your own great magnum opus?

>> No.19669901

No lol. Analytic philosophy is very autistic and typically if you do do any work, its on one tiny sliver of a problem. Only the really smart people write big books tackling the entirety of a broad issue.

>> No.19669914

I love you no homo tho. Why'd you become an analytic philosophy reader? What led you onto this path?

>> No.19669936

I pirate books I only buy second hands or trade in old books, am I a bad person?

>> No.19669950

Took like four or five courses in college and maintained a friendship with one of my professors. We still go out for drinks two or three times a month and talk bullshit and philosophy.

>> No.19669955

Brothers brothers brothers, first we must ask what is good? Then what makes a person good? Then this thief and bad person will have her answer.

>> No.19669987

You seem like such a notgay and notunlikeable person especially to have befriended your phil prof. I envy you anon. I really do. You seem smart and courteous and kind. If you were a hot girl I'd be your friend if i wasnt autistic and unable to communicate and be in the presence of people irl. God bless you and your future beautiful wife and kids and great career and nice house and friendly dog. I will now return to my lair to work on my system of magic grounded on the principles of transcendental idealism.

>> No.19669993

That's a Lotta words, looks like its time to dilate.

>> No.19670010
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Lotta reminds me of Yotta and Yotta reminds me of Marisol.

>> No.19670023
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>> No.19670029

Discuss the seven pillars of wisdom? What is bout?

>> No.19670037

Oh lawd have mercy

>> No.19670039

Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.19670050
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Current stack, very exciting

>> No.19670058

Ugly huge ballon tier protuberances

>> No.19670066

You are a homosexual

>> No.19670076

You're anonymous and everyone here is a retard, just poast

>> No.19670086 [DELETED] 

Tell me more about Pruss. I wouldn't have thought that Phil-Theism would be tenable right now. I assume he makes an epistemological case (Münchhausen Trilemma)?

>> No.19670129
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2022 stack

>> No.19670155
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There's a lot of shitty books on medieval philosophy when the best were written before the 2000s. Good on you for going back to the basics and classics. I suggest Boswell for you, he trained one of my mentors:


I want to read the Magic Mountain this year again.

>> No.19670158

Hi, this is a bit of a longshot, but I had those same 2 Pruss books open in another tab because I was interested in them! I like your taste, and I'm sort of teetering on the religiosity of the subject material myself. I was wondering if, when I start reading them, you'd be interested in discussing them with me? This sounds catfishy but I'm not pulling any gay or tranny tricks. I'm on my period and plan on doing quite a bit of reading in the coming days. A conversation partner for once would be nice.

My discord is Cunégonde#6557

>> No.19670237
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Here's my Christmas stack, but I forgot to include two books in the pic
In search of enemies: a Cia story
The ancient city

And yes, I'm obviously a centrist

>> No.19670275
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My loved ones demonstrated good taste this year.

>> No.19670316

The spy who loved me is the worst bond book. I hope that isn’t your first Ian Fleming.

>> No.19670680
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>> No.19671576


People shit in the street often, doesn't mean we should embrace it. Show and tell posts aren't interesting.

>> No.19671834

Love the last book good stack brother

>> No.19672768
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>> No.19672783
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I'm so proud of myself lmao check out my light sabers

>> No.19672788

Woman moment right here

>> No.19673825


>> No.19674002
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Today I went to six Bookoff, 20% everything and I used my points. All these books for 4527 yen, it's a decent deal

>> No.19674058


>> No.19674431

Those bottom four is kino

>> No.19674707
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Xmas stack. Just finished Lolita and Brave new world, both very enjoyable books. I did however find Lolita a bit hard to read due to english not being my first language.

>> No.19674800

Based Jim Rugg

>> No.19674819

why not read the translations in your native language instead of in english?

>> No.19674841

Get your shit together. You're reading English literature in Swedish, but German and spanish literature in English? English translations are subpar to swedish translations from German and Russian at least. Read English lit in English and everything else in swedish.

>> No.19674844

I had to read Gilson for college, hes bretty good

>> No.19675003

You are both correct, "unfortunately" they were all gifts. I'll keep this in mind for when I purchase more books though!

I'm also thinking of getting storms of steel in german and use the english version to help understand the german one better. My german is far from perfect but it shouldn't be that much of a problem, could be a good way to better my german.

>> No.19675435

I'm not sure if it's worth getting a german copy of storm of steel, i read the swedish translation and the language isn't anything i'd put any emphasis on

>> No.19675627

oh hey i read blood meridian and then started on crime and punishment right after. the two are pretty different but i liked c&p more myself, feels like a funner read. blood meridian had some cool psychedelic-like moments too. lol on here these are entry-level books but if you ask normies about them they look at you like you're some kinda demented freak for not spending 8 hours on tiktok per day.

>> No.19675642

being gay is better than being attracted to narcissistic, vain and misshapen amorphous *emoids. the male form is objectively more beautiful. also all the good authors are male and women are stupid, so kys.

>> No.19675755
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Send me recs for my next book

>> No.19675769

Hey show me the front cover of Lolita.

>> No.19676152

how is DeLillo?

>> No.19676390
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I see, then i'll stick to the english version. Thanks
Here you go

>> No.19676394

not him but nice carpet anon

>> No.19677043

Brothers Karamazov and The Fisherman, very nice

Death of a Salesman is great!

>> No.19677223

I love the HR note at the bottom of ur stack brother

>> No.19677348

No idea how good Ferdydurke would be in translation, but it's one of my absolute favourites so I hope you enjoy it

>> No.19677805
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Top and bottom are gifts

>> No.19678231
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not necessarily my shortlist for what I'm reading next, just my haul either from christmas, or from gift card/gift money lol

>> No.19678422

Mhh foot

>> No.19678576

what do you think your book collection says about you, /lit/?

>> No.19678588

it is a product of your interests lol, your interests are a feature of your personality, your personality is shaped by your genetics

>> No.19678606

You haven't read a single one of these books.

>> No.19678622

>hasn't read foucault
thank god, that's a good thing

>> No.19679692

i wanna kiss you

>> No.19680235

same. I watched the English movie and some of the lines were pure kino, so if the translator did a decent job it could be good. Like always, a lot is going to get lost but I feel like overall this is a decently translatable novel.

>> No.19680284

I was about to cum but then I realized you are probably fat, and also a man.

>> No.19680829
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2022 starting stack

>> No.19680865

I haven’t read all of Casanova, or Goodbye Columbus. I dropped Naked Lunch after 50 pages. Other than that, read em all
Guy or girl? Fuck, it really doesn’t make any difference

>> No.19680877

How's Miller? I've been thinkig about picking up Tropic of Cancer after reading Orwell's essay on it but after seeing it discussed in a few other threads I get the feeling it's one of those books from the interwar period that was revolutionary for being so vulgar/sexual and isn't all that special today.

>> No.19680908

I love Miller and Tropic of Cancer. Very unique and one of my favorites. Some parts are beautiful poetic passages about the human condition, the struggle to escape materialism and gain spirituality; some parts had me laughing out loud as the plot parts of the book remind me if the Seinfeld cast were perverts. The dialogue reminds me of American Pyscho. The smut parts are overblown and tend to be funny. Who can’t help but laugh as Miller describes going into the bathroom at dancehall with a girl, but he’s too hot and eager so he can’t get it in, so he ends up just dancing in the shitter with her and cumming on her dress which she gets sore as hell about. Or Miller’s friend Carl who can’t stop stop fucking young teen girls, but he always gets away with it because the parents are impressed with his literature knowledge when they go to collect their daughter. It is a non linear book that switches between surreal stream of consciousness passages, funny plots and dialogue concerning starving horny people in Paris, profound sections about finding yourself spiritually in the zeitgeist that American culture has brought, and much more. It is impossible to define the book. Just read it. I’ve reread it 3 times this year. Also Miller’s essays and nonfiction are amazing too. It’s a sin he doesn’t get more recognition here.

>> No.19680953

Thanks anon, that has thoroughly convinced me.

>> No.19680961
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Had fun at the local bookstore.

>> No.19680971

>local bookstore.

>> No.19680974


>> No.19680986

It's a 3rd world port city anon,books are cheap but so is quality of life

>> No.19681010 [DELETED] 
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Got these in the last week. Reading Nietzsche right now.

>> No.19681061 [DELETED] 
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this is my permanent stack, meaning I'm always reading it and rereading it and only reading other stacks secondarily. do any other fellas have /permastacks/ around here?

>> No.19681080 [DELETED] 
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this is my permanent stack, meaning I'm always reading and rereading it and only reading other stacks secondarily. do any other fellas have /permastacks/ around here?

>> No.19681088 [DELETED] 

im gonna get this picture so right this isn't over

>> No.19681094
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>> No.19681099

Coping provincial dolts.

>> No.19681106

Yes, I do anon, also Shakespeare, diary of Franz Kafka, anything by Bernhard, poems by TS Eliot, Larkin and Trakl.

>> No.19681305

shut up retard

>> No.19681315

Basically all of Miguel Serranos works and Blood Meridian are my perm stack

>> No.19681330

favorite writer desu

>> No.19681383
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combo of some stuff I found at local bookstore and online pickups

>> No.19681594

Just got a kindle so I don’t have a physical stack but these are the books I’m reading currently.

> Awakening of the Heart by Thich Nhat Hanh
> Atheism by Alexandre Kojève
> Deleuze: A Guide for the Perplexed by Claire Colebrook
> Acts of Worship by Yukio Mishima

>> No.19681597

>got a kindle
worth it?

>> No.19681683

Yeah it’s awesome. I live at a monastery with no income so the kindle was a gift and it’s quite convenient seeing as I can’t really afford to buy as many books as I read per month and the monastic library isn’t always the best option. Now I just pirate books and read them at any pace I want.

>> No.19681804

>I live at a monastery
holy based, how'd you end up there?

>> No.19681966

I’m training to become a Zen monk. My uncle is a practitioner and when I was going through suffering as a younger teenager (I am 19) he introduced me to this lineage. Now it’s my deepest aspiration to become a Bhikshu in this community. Actually, today is the day I turn in my letter to the community declaring my intentions, and they will have a Sanghakarman in the next few weeks to decide if I can move to the next stage of training.

>> No.19682053

Very interesting, I hope all goes well for you? Out of interest, what country are you in?

>> No.19682094

Thanks :) I do not think I have ever been happier or closer to peace.

I’m in the United States but I’m from Vietnam.

>> No.19682108

Good for you anon, I hope you maintain an eye for outreach and at least share your experiences and inspiration with people as you go along the path. Whenever someone on this or a similar path posts here I feel like it at least plants seeds in the minds of a hundred lurkers that it's still possible.

>> No.19682157


>> No.19682161

Hubba bubba -- awooga!

>> No.19682172
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I told my gf to make a stack so we could post ours together.

>> No.19682193


>> No.19682594

Thanks anon. It’s always possible. All you need is one breath in and one breath out, one smile, one prayer, anything. Just take a moment to appreciate your body, your senses, the world around you, the people who have helped you — dead or alive, present or absent.

>> No.19682600

Very wholesome. Very good.

>> No.19682896

>the psychopath inside
>Dorian gray
>Wittgenstein (richfag who literally murdered a child)

>> No.19683256

Out of curiosity, how many books do you guys tend to have going at once?
How often do you start stuff and just not finish it as well?

>> No.19683389

>pierced nipples
>cross necklace


>> No.19683508
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lol this faggot actually reads

>> No.19683542

Fuck Sankara, honestly. Even if you're a leftist. He liquidated unions and installed panoptic snitching committees, and every leftist sucks his dick because muh vaccines as if every county health department in a capitalist nation doesn't do the same thing

>> No.19683607
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I typically read 4+ books at the same time. No point in grueling though a book when it gets indubitably dull. Best to keep momentum and switch to a different book.