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19666682 No.19666682 [Reply] [Original]

Asking for a friend.
Books on self reliance and personal growth?

>> No.19666686
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>> No.19666689

Anything Schopenhauer

>> No.19666690
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>> No.19666695
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Wish your friend the best of fortune on my behalf.

>> No.19666696
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Be sure to avoid Schopenhauer

>> No.19666708

why tho

>> No.19666769
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>> No.19666786
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>> No.19666800
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>> No.19666848

Just get an adderall prescription.

>> No.19666925

If you have time to volunteer on a routine to assist people who are elderly or disabled to or just help out people you know it might just instill productive habits, meet new people, etc. just an idea i had, i hope it helps.

>> No.19667023

>about jews

>> No.19667100
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This one is great. Otherwise psychology books are often more helpful than self help, if you know what you need to look for

>> No.19667226

i appreciate this thread, post more pls

>> No.19667243
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>> No.19667440


>> No.19667539

I have read the first 3 chapters and feel like I have comprehended the whole idea of the book. Is it even worth reading the rest? It is horribly dull

>> No.19667559

12 Rules For Life cannot be stressed enough. The ideas are extremely good but unfortunately disguised by a lot superfluous text. How To Win Friends and Influence People if you are extremely fucked up and have completely messed up values that makes you antisocial in some aspects, and need to be reminded of the virtues of having respect for others

>> No.19667565

>why tho
Because she's a woman.

>> No.19667570

Quick rundown?

>> No.19667577

Consistency of hard work, and the compounding of it is primarily what produces great results. I feel as if I have already learned that well enough from Charlie Munger (whom I suggest you study), and therefore feel as if there is no purpose with reading this, except for insights on how to structure my pursuits.

>> No.19667606

Also forgot why the book is named Atomic Habits. Every little habit we have, every little automatiized action we take aids us with achieving our true goals, therefore these can be manipulated to give us better conditions for, for instance, learning. If your diet consists of Doritos Nacho Cheese and you have an irregular circadian rhythm, you will be less able to perform your goals. These things all add up and have to work together so you can do or achieve what you desire. This of course also applies to your objective quality of life. There are also quite a few little nuggets of wisdom seemingly spread out evenly, such as: If you work hard and fail, you have not your work ethic to blame, but your systems, as in how you structure your efforts. But you can also argue that this is a bunch of nonsense.

Honestly, I think I might be convincing myself to give it another shot. Although I still retain that it is dull. There is no beauty in the writing besides its simplicity

>> No.19667655
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Emerson's Self Reliance. French publisher Allia could not opt for a more explicit cover.

>> No.19668128
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It's dull but speed read it and take notes. Currently doing this spread and loving it. I listened to Deepwork as an audiobook and I'm gonna reread it for notes.

It's pretty motivational especially with the new year coming in. Feels like I can tackle anything now with some slow but good learning set up here.

>> No.19668130
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>> No.19668144
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Based trio

>> No.19668158

Feeling good by David Burns. Even if you're not depressed, journaling your thoughts and feelings is really important. After a while you start to notice patterns and you come to realize how automatic and unconscious a lot of maladaptive behaviour and thinking patterns really are which makes it easier to change them. Also start running. Running everyday is the fastest way to start feeling good.

>> No.19668213
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Easy one

>> No.19668787

It would take a little long to describe the content, but this is a good summary:

>> No.19669139

Genuine question for people who read stuff like this.
Will I really be missing out if I listen to one of those "Flashbooks" summaries of them instead?
Every time I read one of these books, each chapter revolves around a single idea that could be accurately easily summarised in a paragraph.
The rest of the chapter is simply anecdotes and recounts of research that spuriously back ups the central point that I'm not going to follow up on anyway.
I feel as if I'd be better off with an overally summary and just going back to the book if I don't get how to implement an idea.

>> No.19669169

Spinoza's Ethics

>> No.19669514

If you feel it works for you to just get summeries then I would say go to the end of the chapters and just read the wrap ups as most of these books are laid out exactly as you say.

However I decided to dive full in this time because Deepwork and Atomic Habits I've seen plenty of Youtube videos before however it never really stuck with me. The examples are are kind of helpful to compare it to your own life and I mostly took notes so I could isolate and find ways to utilize the concepts in real life.

>> No.19669542
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>> No.19669630
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Try "Peaceful mind".

Naturally it will not help you as being in therapy, but provides a set of practices commonly given as "homework" for people treated with CBT. Going through the exercises the book suggest, even if they may seem silly, I believe can suggest what a person really wishes to improve and how.

>Will I really be missing out if I listen to one of those "Flashbooks" summaries of them instead?
I'm going to say yes, unless you listen to the summary several times, and maybe take notes. Content of any kind is not immediately learn, and incorporated it one's own life. Learning is a process of drilling ideas into your mind.
Most books of any kind have a few core ideas, but they support it from different point of views, different examples. If the language is not empty, the lenghty exposition using different approaches makes it more likely you will remember it and use it.
Listening to it, like listening to any audiobook, is more like skimming. It's a form of contemplation, but I doubt much will be retained in your memory.

Be sure that the self-help book has an actual plan of action, something that you need to do. Most don't, and sell the illusion of progress and growth, like a drug.
An "idea" doesn't help. You need a book that gives you work to do.