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/lit/ - Literature

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19663914 No.19663914 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to be an exclusive member of /lit/ in 2021 (soon to be ‘22)?

This board is essentially a stomping ground for geniuses, bohemians and philosophers, we are at the absolute apex of the modern literary epoch, we are the Joyces, the Shakespeares and the Nietzsches of our day! So tell me, how does it feel to be apart of this elite stratum?

>> No.19663917

Please stop posting pictures of this unfunny, psychotic failure of a man.

>> No.19663921

i'm leaving at midnight

>> No.19663929

Man up Hasan

>> No.19663949

Wow so fucking funny, he’s challenging a guy to a boxing fight. This guy is a psychotic fraud who needs to be sent to a mental health facility for a year and then made to apologize to every single one of his young, impressionable fans

>> No.19663958

This is an overreaction to an eceleb, sam hyde has no actual impact on your life apart from you choosing to think about him

>> No.19663959

me too
see you in a few days

>> No.19663967

i made it a couple of months last time desu

>> No.19663975
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>> No.19663988

you can do it anon, good luck

>> No.19663993

What actual argument is their against psychopathy apart from
>muh fee fees

>> No.19664015

The worst part about this board is that people unironically steal from it and try to start weird online movements. Twitter users are actually believing our shit posts from 3 years ago as true things.

>> No.19664040

is /lit/ the19th century vienna coffee houses of today?

>> No.19664050

This place used to be unreasonably philosophy focused (as in the boring kind of philosophy). What happened? Did they graduate?

>> No.19664062

It's full of brainlets. Any sort of worthwhile content is extremely rare. We need better.

>> No.19664069

There are only 3 paths for the/lit/ philosopher

1. Become a transgender theorycel
2. Become a schizophrenic hovering around the borders ofr gnosticism and pessimism
3. Become a Christfag obsessed with theology

There are a tiny minority who also just become scholar types who like posting about all the secondary literature about various philosophers.

>> No.19664076
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>rejecting the trichotomy

>> No.19664180

>actually seething over sam hyde

>> No.19664197

I’m going down path number 2... any recs for me?

>> No.19664208

He looks like a savage, nasty beast. No wonder the arab sissyboy is so afraid, sam would ravage his boypucci simply to assert dominance before taking a foul gorillanigga dump all over his pretty twink face. At which point ethan klein would be summoned to come clean it up and secretly get off on it.

>> No.19664224

I'm just a fiction reading midwit, but I really enjoy the threads on here and maybe I can even learn something. Keep on keeping on /lit/.

>> No.19664241

How’s the school break treating ya, champ?

>> No.19664242

I will be the best writer of my generation.

>> No.19664243

/sci/ is the smart board, /lit/ is just a hobby.

>> No.19664278
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I'm hanging on by a thread guys, but we will never give up.

Globohomo can pour all its resources into funding breadtuber propagandists, black women will be chosen as the writers to win all the writing awards in Canada, non-stop fake musicians repeatedly dominate the charts, all visual fine arts are stagnant street scenes and masturbatory nature vistas and our media is nothing but sniveling neoliberal women and onion cuck mask and vaccine loving white simps.

We will never give up. The globohomo system can only obfuscate the organic culture for so long before the entire facade crumbles.

>> No.19664295

> sky is blue
> but is it tho?

>> No.19664315

start with em, end with em

>> No.19664334

i sincerely hope that in 2022 you join your dignity in the grave you stupid shilling faggot

>> No.19664349

3. Here. I met a scholar further along the path of experience and he has 4 kids and a beautiful wife. It seems that path 3 can still lead to a semi normal life.

>> No.19664360

I do not fit any of your ridiculous parameters.

>> No.19664368

I took 3. I definitely think Christ posting will increase.

>> No.19664371
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Alex you really have to get over me fucking your ex girlfriend

>> No.19664380

What sort of philosophyfag are you then

>> No.19664385

Yeah you're a clear 1. "I don't fit your BOXES" is peak trannie-theorycel core. I'd even make a "steal this look" and it'd just be Bataille, vibrating butt plugs, and some LSD from the darkweb

>> No.19664408


>> No.19664416

Kill yourself redditor.

>> No.19664430

Pop culture was always trash, this will only help more people recognise this.

If you are the type of person who reads that image and thinks "YAY!! THIS IS AWESOME" you are quite literally a subhuman npc who deserves to be oppressed and would be better off for it.

>> No.19664436


>> No.19664437

me too, anon, me too
they say you're here forever but I think we're stronger than that, I will miss you guys though

>> No.19664463

You fucking idiot, I'm a straight white male writer who is anti-fucking-vaxx, I'm completely and totally marginalized in this bullshit society. I literally belong to no group, have no tribe, and I'm completely excluded from participating in this shit.

>> No.19664479

There needs to be more esoteric Buddhism posting.

Hermeticism and spiritual alchemy seems to be relatable content to Tibetan Buddhism

>> No.19664514

I think you misinterpreted my post, my comments weren't directed at any particular individual.

>> No.19664532

It is very similar, but truly esoteric, not for the commoners.

>> No.19664539

Yeah we need category 4 actually for people into esoteric/trad/whatever. The eastern religion guys are mostly this type

>> No.19664550

My apologies, I have a short fucking fuse, it is fucking NYE and I cannot even go for a single drink anywhere in fucking BULLSHIT Canada. I HATE this fucking place so much.

>> No.19664590

I am in the same situation fellow leaf, just detach yourself from these pointless emotions and focus on inward, spiritual and personal growth so we can have the strength to live on our own outside of this stupid system.

>> No.19664608

Let's go!

>> No.19664692

It is extremely difficult, I am a total extrovert and I have had a really great social life nearly my entire life. Shit started turning sour with all the bullshit propaganda starting in 2010ish and ramped up in 2015. After 2019 and COVID now everything is so completely fucked about this shit society that I cannot fucking stand what this place has become. Canada is a conformist's dream while artists like myself are completely neutered and isolated from the public. I am barely surviving here in a world tailored for the comfort of land-owning fucking boomers.

I pray every single day for Canada to fucking burn to the ground so the rebuild can begin. Goddamn this place. GODDAMN this shit place.

>> No.19664760

I moved everything to /his/ and put an emphasis on theology

>> No.19664762

I spend all day on this board. All day, almost every single day. I work about 4 hours a day and then come home to my writing projects and /lit/. Once a week I visit my brother. I would not recommend this lifestyle to anyone else. It has brought me no joy. I used to read two novels a week, and I would fill the spaces in between with short stories and films and songs and poetry. I have read two new novels this year. The thought of reading anything makes me sick. Life bores me. Time haunts me, forwards and backwards. A strong emotional attachment to fiction, no matter how deep or insightful that fiction might be, is borderline superstitious and I realize now that it is something I should have grown out of a long time ago.

I hate books. I hate philosophy. I hate fiction and stories and theme and symbolism and characters and everything they represent. They represent a desire to simplify and ignore a world which is complex and which does not tolerate ignorance. There is a bitter rotting hatred lodged deep in my soul. I envy the animals for their freedom. I envy the suicides for their courage. I despise all which makes me happy, for it is that which tethers me to this world.

So I guess I'm going to go find a job and try and start a family again. I'm really going to lean into this time. The last fucking thing I want to do is blow my brains out and leave behind some magnum opus that some insecure teenager is going to read and think "holy shit this guy was pretty clever, I should be like him" and then 15 years later he wakes up and finally understands why someone would want to punch a mirror. It has been said that hell is nothing more than the absence of God. Well, literature was my God, and in my infinite hubris I ripped it apart, thinking I could make a better Him. And now I am staring at a dozen constituent components that may never be reassembled into the beautiful thing which once brought me so much comfort and joy and wonder in this miserable bitch of a life. My hands are soaked in God's blood. If I have a son, I am going to force him to play sports and bang cheerleaders and get drunk and crash his enormous stupid car right into a telephone pole and fling himself 60 yards through the air to leave his headless corpse dangling from the branches of a random tree. You want to be immortalized? That's the fucking ticket, right there. Nobody who sees that shit will ever pass up an opportunity to mention it. If you want to immerse yourself in a fictional world of heroes and villains, then go enlist in the Marine Corp or study journalism. Blegh. Blegh. BLEGH. BLEEEGHHHH

>> No.19664785

be safe and remember I love you

>> No.19664792

Transgender theorycels are a major reason e-communism blew up over the last five years.

I feel like it's dying down in part because these groups immediately implode with drama and the members are self- destructive.

Better treatment for autism, better treatment for BPD mothers, and average white kids realizing 60k debt for a philosophy degree = the death of internet communism

>> No.19664822

You fucking morons, I’m a normal person that has an interest in literature. I do not study philosophy, I study law, as it is more practical and I can actually make some money out of it. I’m not a “gooner zoomer trannycel groyper” or whatever the fuck it is you deranged idiots are going on about.

>> No.19664824

Fiction is beautiful anon, no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19664882

It actually isn't that hard to "meditate effectively" (especially when you've already tried microdosing psychedelics and integrated afterwards with an empathetic trip sitter after with conversation) to the point of other people noticing a personality or pathology change and for you to take that momentum and noticing flaws in yourself if you start with simple goals like not having fun or pleasure at the expense of others or enjoying lolcows.

But, like people going down conspiracy theory rabbit holes and going crazy from "taking too much acid", I think christboos have a point with their fear of opening their minds "to evil".

I want more guidance literature outside of the Tripitaka to gleam more perspectives and be scientifically minded regarding my mental health improvement journey.

>> No.19664892

Yes! Don't ever try to write any. Don't ever try to understand it. You will blind yourself to its beauty.

>> No.19664908

You seem confused. Forget all conclusions and start from scratch.

>> No.19664926

I cannot possibly get in your head anon, but you seem to have quite a conscious one. As much as I hate when someone gives me any advise, I hope this one will be treated with a bit more leniency for my recognizing the absurdity of giving advise: I'd say just write the shit out of your conscious thought process and spit in your monitor once you finish. I think reading Bukowski fixes what is this shit that you have. I'd say his poetry does wonders.

>> No.19664928

Redpilled. Time for you to take the transcendence/spirituality pill

>> No.19664932

Ah shit >>19664926 is meant for >>19664762

>> No.19664950

How old are you? So you had a life before this eh? I effectively lost my social life in the last 2 years of university. I'm introverted so the quarantine didn't change too much, however at this point even I am thinking it would be nice to go out and talk to people, holiday season all on my own is lame. However I must detach myself from my humid nature.

>> No.19664965

I just clear my mind and remain like that for as long as possible. Even ignoring spiritual reality it is good for improving focus/general control over your mind.

>> No.19665035

That's the first part I was referring to. Where you will start changing and people will comment that they're surprised that you've changed. In that you'll start to be less defensive (of your own well-being) in arguments and conflicts. Realizing that getting struck in a fight is mostly harmless especially if it's just words and thoughts. You'll start minimizing hateful self-talk and ruminating on the past and future.

But at the same time, I want to make sure I am going in as optimal as possible a direction I can be aimed towards. And explore metaphysics of dream yoga and spiritual alchemy to see if I can safely pick up the pace on the progress.

>> No.19665065

These type of theorycels thrive on Instagram where “meme culture” is much more prevalent. There are literal leagues of Foucault-D&G-Marx-Baudrillard posting Ancoms and LGBT “theorygram” accounts. As you said, they normally implode when a bunch of admins get an anarchist underdog “renegade” mentality coupled with a philosophy-backed superiority complex which causes ego trips a plenty, OR they realize that all the ridiculous radical praxis they preach about (shit like shoplifting from business, public defamation, anarchy in general) is undermined by their incessant usage of the internet and the “reterritorialization” (to use some lingo) of all their socio-political libido into a single digital space which renders their efforts near-pointless. This usually results in a feedback loop of name-calling and petty drama since each accuses the other of disingenuous LARPing. A high (but not too high) IQ and rampant Wikipedia-skimming pseudery exacerbates all of this.

>> No.19665073

As I was discussing with the other anon(s) about, meditation and reading about dharma/ethics is pretty exciting.

I started with breath yoga which induces hypocapnic hypoxia (by hyperventilating for 10 minutes to make my blood alkaline and holding my breath for 3min30sec to undo it). It temporarily starves your brain of oxygen flow and starts shutting down your default mode network.

Basically, psychedelics in slow motion. Increases brain plasticity and helps you depersonalize and stop defending yourself, which is an evolutionarily beneficial mechanism in a purely toxic environment where everyone is "out to get you" but is a toxic mechanism in a loving or neutral environment.

>> No.19665083

Then you're not a /lit/ philosopher type and I dont know why youre even posting. You just sound angry and unpleasant

>> No.19665109

he does sound angry, doesn't he? sounds like law isn't all that fun nor being practical and chasing money (which doesn't exist )

>> No.19665124

Catch you on the flip side

>> No.19665145

I can make you know god with a headlock

>> No.19665147
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Yes I had an insane life that most people would not even believe, I'm 43

Now I am extremely poor but at least my creativity flows. The lockdown and not being able to hit the pub is killing my soul and I have never been in more pain psychologically. I feel loved by my family but being unable to banter with tipsy like-minded folk at the bar is like having a giant weight pressed on me when I sit on my couch. Going to the pub is a human safari, and every day you go it is serendipitous, you never know who might wander in and sit to buy a pint. Nursing your ear at the bar, your feet up on the kick pipe, the people around you telling you the wildest shit. How many times did I hear people recant crazy stories of their day? The stimulation to my mind as a writer wasn't necessary for me to write, but it was SO important to keep the waters chummed so my shark felt inclined to hunt. Without the bar tp put any blood in the water, my shark don't swim!

It is so painful to be unable to go to the bar, I am robbed of my favourite source of serendipitous experience.

>> No.19665157

Damn, ur old. Well at least you had a life. Don't you have any friends you can meet up with?

>> No.19665160

What's wrong with being angry and unpleasant, nigga?

>> No.19665169

lmao'd at that comma, nigga

>> No.19665196

Dude imagine being this gay

>> No.19665209

No, I moved to the Okanagan and I don't know anyone here, my waifu is in Vancouver with my kid for the holidays, it would be SO nice to go to a bar and have a few drinks. Every time I go to a bar in a small town I end up meeting the most interesting people. Also great for networking because I've got jobs from it. I even met the mother of my child through my local bar 6 years ago.

Not allowing me to go to the bar in Canada is yet another aspect of cultural genocide against gen x white bros like me. So much of what I've known growing up has been completely erased, so many cultural institutions eroded away slowly. The "globohomo" or whatever you want to call it has effectively killed the way of life of just 1 generation ago, the fact that people are even complying this long has me extremely blackpilled.

It is unthinkable to me that life in 2021 Canada is this conformist and this inorganic, but it is.

>> No.19665212

I'm not even allowed inside anywhere without a fucking cuck muzzle and I can't even go into a bar, fuck you!

>> No.19665216

Fuck it /lit/, time to start drinking!

>> No.19665249

/sci/fags can't even do math
>muh darwinism
>muh corona
literally not even real science

>> No.19665255

You're a nigger.

>> No.19665260

Happy New Year Butterfly!

>> No.19665347

Woah buddy I don’t swing like that. Totally fine you do though no judgment. Just not for me

>> No.19665363

I can't even go into a bar. This makes me so angry and so fucking pissed off I can barely contain my rage.

>> No.19665369

you guys know that being cooped up all day reading obscure philosophers will never make you happy? It’ll just make you even more of an insufferable midwit. I bet there’s some autistic retard playing pokemon or anime shooting games or some shit with an entry level job who has a higher iq than all of you.

>> No.19665381

>I bet there’s some autistic retard playing pokemon or anime shooting games or some shit with an entry level job who has a higher iq than all of you.
yeah that was once me, now i'm a misunderstood genius neet

>> No.19665386

Sure. Probably if you end my life. But it'd probably be some malevolent scary deity because of the aggression.

>> No.19665499

Haha. Hey man contain yourself. Nobody wants you to explode all over the place.

>> No.19665542

It might seem ridiculous, but the ban from the pub makes me feel extremely negative. I am feeling intense despair over this fucking complete bullshit that I'm not allowed in a fucking bar or pub. Holy fuck I want to strange diaper faced boomers and stomp their heads into the snow and make strawberry boomer frosties.

>> No.19665764
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>/sci/ is the smart board
post-covid /sci/ has become a containment zone for retards. if trends continue it will soon be a faster board than /lit/

>> No.19665841

You mispelt nadir. (The only way is up, baby, for you and me now)

>> No.19666363

Most people here don't even fucking read and most of the ones who do are most likely looking for answers for their school work, then there's the "I only read the classic fags" they're insufferable, and the rest usually just have shitty taste. There has only been a handful of times I've seen posters who actually read decent shit. There is only a small handful of books that almost everyone here that's read them(or pretended to read) can all agree was good literature. It seems like a lot of people on this board are just getting into reading because I've tried to talk about some pretty well known authors and nobody knew who they were, but on the upside I got a few anons here to check out some good books which they probably wouldn't have heard about otherwise.

>> No.19666367

IQ is jewish pseudoscience

>> No.19666370

You're a nigger.

>> No.19666384

What do you consider "decent shit"

>> No.19666495

more like perverts
eh, only occasionally
>we are the joyces,
we are socially awkward
we are probably gay
>and nietzsches of our day
we are chronic masturbators

>> No.19666505

must be bait or a redditor

>> No.19666508

>we are chronic masturbators
this is where I draw the line and call you out as being a faggot.

>> No.19666595

Jerking off is for niggers and trannies

>> No.19666739

kek, he told that dyke

>> No.19666759

it's nigger sir, a soft r is considered offensive to pocs and lateenks.

>> No.19666843

i hear you bro.
sure sometimes reading, music, art etc are truly meaningful, then the realisation comes that its all fabrication, from the neurological level upwards.
even enjoying "nihilistic" art seems disappointing, subject to the same normalfag consoomerist rules as the rest of it.
there is no way to "escape" only to ride through.
if being on /lit/ is "engaging" so what thats great. you could be playing vidya no difference. or kicking a ball around.
once redpilled you must work hard to maintain your own integrity, not to slip into nihilism, or hedonism, or plain despair.
there is nowhere to go, no 'thing' to do.
just ride the illusion of time. the illusion of "self".
good luck. stay strong.

>> No.19666851

I don't know, I'm probably leaving. I'm still in uni and I have to study some stuff.

>> No.19666953
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>> No.19667216

This is pretty well-written. Too bad you have already given up.

>> No.19667464


>> No.19667676

see you tomorrow bro

>> No.19667690
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>2. Become a schizophrenic hovering around the borders ofr gnosticism and pessimism
I need not yearn to enter the halls of eternity, for I am the gate

>> No.19667695

Shiddy. A constant reminder that everyone but me has bad taste!

>> No.19667708

You know, I think I accidentally did this to myself from chronic marathon masturbation and smoking.
Life's funny like that.

>> No.19668390

switching to /his/ for 22

>> No.19669842

Imagine having just one (1) funny moment for your entire "comedic" career

>> No.19669939

I posted this and I have to admit I didn't really find anything else from him that I found particularly funny. But his delivery and performance here works so well that I don't think it can just be accidental.

>> No.19669958

Was 2 and now 3. This is amusingly accurate.

>> No.19670012

rent free

>> No.19671236

KEK, beautiful post, couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.19671254

it's funny for the first 10 minutes but then you just start looking at how much time is left after that

>> No.19671261

>>I hate books. I hate philosophy. I hate fiction and stories and theme and symbolism and characters and everything they represent. They represent a desire to simplify and ignore a world which is complex and which does not tolerate ignorance.
holy self-refutation batman, way to simplify and ignore a vast complex of networks like "philosophy" or even fucking broader "books." Get over yourself retard. Your like the fucking narrator of notes from underground (not a good thing)

>> No.19671397


>> No.19671529

It's kind of on and off with him. Ignore the shit life advice stuff and he's fun again.

>> No.19671531

when did this board get so fucking gay
strongly consider suicide

>> No.19671538

>psychotic fraud
Lol tell me what he stole from you and spell it out clearly

>> No.19671581

The underground man would say the world PROMOTES ignorance though. Small detail but I'm tired of gaynons getting this wrong

>> No.19671708


Imagine being 45 and trying to get a job and start a family AGAIN
