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19661899 No.19661899 [Reply] [Original]

Some of the greatest men in philosophy, literature, poetry, or art in general are free-masons; and considering the proclivity of Masons to introduce into their works, signs, or rather, references to their Masonry, I can't help but wonder just how much Masonic symbolism pervades the Western Canon unnoticed by we profane...
Surely references, meanings, symbols, etc. lay embedded in works like Voltaire's Candide, Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, Goethe's Faust, or the poetry of Robert Burns―but the question is: where and what are they?
What do you think /lit/?

>> No.19661917
File: 437 KB, 1036x640, KENNY LIX C II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of the greatest men in philosophy, literature, poetry, or art in general are free-masons...


>... we profane...



>> No.19661932

I'm a freemason and it's actually hilarious how much FM symbolism is out there. The schizos are unironically correct.

>> No.19661958

But why? And why is it everywhere? What purpose does it serve?

>> No.19661974

AFAIK it's basically a massive inside joke. It has no real meaning besides playfully winking at other FMs. If you want to understand the actual meaning of Freemasonry you have to join, even if you read the rites they won't make sense unless you participate in them.

>> No.19661978 [DELETED] 

poop container

>> No.19662043

>it's basically a massive inside joke. It has no real meaning besides playfully winking at other FMs.


>> No.19662063


>> No.19662079

fucking schizos. will you just please take your medication just for a single day? like, literally all of you? i am so sick of hearing about this shit. it is so retarded. also, i am not a freemason.

>> No.19662080

Goethe? Fichte? Lessing? Schiller? Burns? Burke? Voltaire? Rousseau? Kipling? Twain? Doyle? Samuel Johnson?

>> No.19662116

>Goethe? Fichte? Lessing? Schiller? Burns? Burke? Voltaire? Rousseau? Kipling? Twain? Doyle? Samuel Johnson?


>> No.19662119

Maybe a more interesting question (to me) is how much power they, in fact, still have nowadays?
Do they still "rule" the world?

>> No.19662122

I was able to learn a lot by reading some of their books on Google Book Previews.

Basically, they are big antinomianists influenced by Frankist-Sabbateans, Egyptology, the Kaballah. They believe that in order to cultivate true excellence, one must integrate or balance good and evil and then finally transcend it. This requires transgressive rituals and more. The checkered black and white floor symbolizes their idea about they must balance society's wholesome and unwholesome characteristics rather than tipping to one side of the scale. They believe struggle will eventually lead to transcending the common morality of the masses and thus becoming masters over them, and likewise, they argue their 'soul' so-to-speak cannot be corrupted via transgressive actions, hence they see value in adopting sadistic rituals from time to time.
Modern Freemasons seem to also be interested in merging the occult with transhumanist ideals. They are basically left-hand practitioners.
Crowley's views aren't that different from theirs, but I think where Crowley differs is in his lack of care for "guiding society" so-to-speak. Keep in mind, Crowley was deep into Freemasonry also.

>> No.19662130

not all of us a schizophrenic

>> No.19662131

I joined as a poorfag nobody and I had a top diplomat and an extremely prominent local businessman in the same lodge with me.

>> No.19662135

Swift, Fielding, Joyce, Sterne, Pope, all of them were without doubt Freemasons. Each of them have mason iconography in their literature if you know what to look for. P. Sure Melville was one too after reading Pierre. Doubtless there were many more in the canon. speaking of canon, Bloom was definitely one of those bastards as well.

>> No.19662148

In short Masons, believe in becoming guiding hands of civilization, and they believe the best way to do this is via transgressive rituals that help them to transcend the common morality of the masses. They see themselves in the position to manipulate the balance of dichotomies by which they live; in a sense, they are the original social engineers but of a more antinomian type.

>> No.19662152

Oh, and Pynchon, of course.

>> No.19662157

yeah, fuck your stupid gnostic club. big whoop. i shit on thee, kissers of satan's arse. bark your toe on the corner of all couches. FIE

>> No.19662162

I'm not a Mason. I don't like them either. You should also look into the Frankist-Sabbateans and the Kaballah to get where their sickness comes from.

>> No.19662176
File: 49 KB, 670x510, morse05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these not "Some of the greatest men in philosophy, literature, poetry, or art"?
> https://youtu.be/okFlNAl7HQQ

>> No.19662183

I just couldn't believe my man Joyce turned out to be one of the fuckers.

>> No.19662200

>I joined as a poorfag nobody
But why?
Don't you have to be a prominent figure too? What do you do?

A friend received an invitation some days ago. He's getting wealthy pretty fast, it seems.
But If he join the Masonry it WON'T be the cause of his sucess (I think); you know what I mean?
The Masonry is the cause or the effect? That's what I ask myself these days.

And what can you do, in fact, in order to help each other? (I'm naive, kek)

I don't wanna be in the same place as powerful people just to feel good about myself, you know?

>> No.19662201
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> Noooooooooooooo, not my heckin' fart sniffing potato pervert!!!!!!!! He's too /lit/ (tm) to be a masonic chud!!!
> He's not supposed to belong to that ancient cluberino!!! He's a heckin' good boy!

>> No.19662239

hey man, you shup. i'll have you know some people still have things that are important to them. just because you're a cynical douchebag without talent doesn't mean i am

>> No.19662240

>hence they see value in adopting sadistic rituals from time to time.
Alright, you have my attention.

>> No.19662246
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>we profane
Yikes. Worship Jahbulon somewhere else

>> No.19662255

i got a subtle invite from a neitzschefag a while back, these gnostics are often definitely naive larpers, but the sharks are unbelievably sharky. i'm pretty sure 4chan has been completely compromised by them, they run interference on this and other boards, and their activity has ramped up significantly in the last 2 years. they're searching for someone, i think. someone specific.

>> No.19662267

No not really. You just need to know who to ask. I haven't gotten any significant benefits besides hanging out occasionally, but you can if you push it.

>> No.19662286

>P. Sure Melville was one too after reading Pierre.
I doubt. Prove it, you bastard.

>> No.19662289

At this instant, the surplice-like napkin dropped from the clergyman's bosom, showing a minute but exquisitely cut cameo brooch, representing the allegorical union of the serpent and dove. It had been the gift of an appreciative friend, and was sometimes worn on secular occasions like the present.

"I agree with you, sir"—said Pierre, bowing. "I fully agree with you. And now, madam, let us talk of something else."

>> No.19662299

Pierre made a masonic sort of mysterious motion to the excellent Dates, who in automaton obedience thereto, brought from a certain agreeable little side-stand, a very prominent-looking cold pasty; which, on careful inspection with the knife, proved to be the embossed savory nest of a few uncommonly tender pigeons of Pierre's own shooting.

guy was a fuckin mason.

>> No.19662320

kipling was one too.
There was Rundle, Station Master,
An' Beazeley of the Rail,
An' 'Ackman, Commissariat,
An' Donkin' o' the Jail;
An' Blake, Conductor-Sergeant,
Our Master twice was 'e,
With im that kept the Europe-shop,
Old Framjee Edu1jee.

Outside - " Sergeant! Sir! Salute! Salaam!
Inside - 'Brother," an' it doesn't do no 'arm.
We met upon the Level an' we parted on the Square,
An' I was junior Deacon in my Mother-Lodge out there!

We'd Bola Nath, Accountant,
An' Saul the Aden Jew,
An' Din Mohammed, draughtsman
Of the Survey Office too;
There was Babu Chuckerbutty,
An' Amir Singh the Sikh,
An' Castro from the fittin'-sheds,
The Roman Catholick!

We 'adn't good regalia,
An' our Lodge was old an' bare,
But we knew the Ancient Landmarks,
An' we kep' 'em to a hair;
An' lookin' on it backwards
It often strikes me thus,
There ain't such things as infidels,
Excep', per'aps, it's us.

For monthly, after Labour,
We'd all sit down and smoke
(We dursn't give no banquets,
Lest a Brother's caste were broke),
An' man on man got talkin'
Religion an' the rest,
An' every man comparin'
Of the God 'e knew the best.

So man on man got talkin',
An' not a Brother stirred
Till mornin' waked the parrots
An' that dam' brain-fever-bird.
We'd say 'twas 'ighly curious,
An' we'd all ride 'ome to bed,
With Mo'ammed, God, an' Shiva
Changin' pickets in our 'ead.

Full oft on Guv'ment service
This rovin' foot 'ath pressed,
An' bore fraternal greetin's
To the Lodges east an' west,
Accordin' as commanded.
From Kohat to Singapore,
But I wish that I might see them
In my Mother-Lodge once more!

I wish that I might see them,
My Brethren black an' brown,
With the trichies smellin' pleasant
An' the hog-darn passin' down;
An' the old khansamah snorin'
On the bottle-khana floor,
Like a Master in good standing
With my Mother-Lodge once more.

Outside - Sergeant! Sir! Salute! Salaam!'
Inside- Brother," an' it doesn't do no 'arm.
We met upon the Level an' we parted on the Square,
An' I was Junior Deacon in my Mother-Lodge out there!

also dickens, obviously Pickwick Papers is a massive ode to the lodge. nothing else could describe it, though he claimed not to be one. possibly he was telling the truth. possibly. i doubt it, though.

>> No.19662363

>they're searching for someone, i think. someone specific.
What do you mean?
What's their goal?

>> No.19662383

>i got a subtle invite
Define 'subtle'.
Now I'm curious.

>> No.19662393

Everything they do should be symbolic in a nature so everything can help them further along in the initiatory levels (of actual spirituality and knowledge rather than a rank of mere profane power).

>> No.19662401

it was subtle, he told me to come visit him and he'd "show me around" after we had been discussing freemasons and gnosticism in general. he also showed me a product from this site, which had an interesting sola busca deck in it https://scarletimprint.com/ which suggested he might have been of another persuasion, but I see all the gnostics as the same beast but with a different head. in any case, there are a lot of signs and symbols, there are the illuminati too, which nowadays call themselves luminaries, tom hanks and oprah are one, for example. the entire film The China Hustle is a definite huge red glowing illuminati film. one of the guys even calls himself a luminary and alludes to others in the act. again, all still simply gnostics of a different flavor. in any case, the invite was subtle, he didn't pressure me, but made it clear that were we to engage in contact further, he would do his best to corrupt me, and had invited me to see a local lodge he had "toured".

>> No.19662433

I never thought about masons as gnostics. What you're on about?

Don't they believe in a "Universal Architect"?

>> No.19662469

>rather than a rank of mere profane power
I wouldn't be surprised if I discovered that a good number of the people who join their ranks nowadays is only interested in pursuing temporal power.

>> No.19662473
File: 44 KB, 320x442, 320px-Europe_a_Prophecy,_copy_D,_object_1_(Bentley_1,_Erdman_i,_Keynes_i)_British_Museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id est the demiurge. William Blake was one of them as well. check out the compass.
cmon now. in any case, they're all gnostics to me. worshipers of knowledge before god. they believe that they can build him, when he is the alpha and omega, not they. they, in their mad hubris, think they are the builders of god, and their power fantasy extends to a grand scale mythology that seeks to usurp, or at the least subvert god. they claim to believe, (the freemasons at least) in all of them, all gods, they take a pantheistic approach publicly and they ensnare by suggesting that each has an equal footing when swearing fealty to their oaths. overall it's all the same shit over and over again, gnostic faggotry. as a Lollard, I submit to you that they are all the heads of a single beast, it's all evil. there may be some light in their precepts, some wisdom, but they are broken bastards without god to guide them.
i'm aware i sound as crazy as any of them seem, probably more insane. I don't give a fuck. maybe i am crazy. I'm just pretty upset that all my favorite authors were part of this fucking JOKE, and that likely, if i were to have ever wished to enter the canon myself, it was through fealty to their code. I thank god that I saw the light well before i fell into this snare, this desire to enter into the canon, to immortalize myself on the material plane rather than the heavenly one, the one of spirit.

yeah, basically they worship knowledge before they worship god. they might claim otherwise, but this is the case. "no other gods before me". what do you think that suggests? that there is a genuine competition in the hearts of man, and many are misguided, truly misguided. i have been occasionally insane enough to wish to do harm to the masons, but i have since come to realize that it is not my duty, nor my right to take any of their lives, that this damned country, and many others are their property, and in the end, i will be quite glad to leave it all behind, along with nefarious logic, and all the other symbols rattling around in my head, fed me since i was born, from the wrinkled pap of satan.

>> No.19662505

>this damned country, and many others are their property
But do you think this is still the case, even today?
It seems like a too open "conspiracy", you know?
Is the direction of history such a "plain" matter?

>> No.19662511

you drooling retards, now even pulling Blake into this, fuck all you dumbass brainlets with your bullshit "theories"

>> No.19662518
File: 73 KB, 744x495, VATICAN-USA_PELOSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it is the case even today.
here's nancy pelosi's RECENT (october) visit with the pope. check out the handshake.
even if these people aren't "in control", the mechanism of america and europe still operates by these signs, any subversion goes through them at the highest level, so, suggesting say china controls the west these days, they're still using puppets who use these systems to move and control.
besides, you suggest that an open conspiracy in a world where it's fairly commonplace, even milquetoast to be a theorist, would have any bearing on the veracity on the conspiracy itself.
why bother being skeptical when these people are so blatant about it?

>> No.19662519

prove your talent or don't bring it up

>> No.19662523

>they worship knowledge before they worship god
not the anon you're responding to, but this is interesting to hear. i've heard the masons called gnostics and i've heard them called jews, but i've always seen gnostics and jews as being on the opposite ends on understanding the truth of christ. perhaps that's due to my own ignorance of the nuances of those groups.
one thing that's always puzzled me when it comes to the satanic elite is the knowledge of their own demise. i understand the temptation and the fall to sin all too well, but to knowingly dedicate yourself to evil, and knowing the spiritual consequences of such actions never made sense to me. but if they don't view it that way, then to them, they aren't satanists, but gods.
i remember watching a video of someone talking about the satanic elite. i never finished it for a few reasons, but i remember him saying that they view atheists and christians as the greatest fools. i understood why they saw atheists that way without any explanation, but i never got why they see christians as being great fools. i think i do now, or at least i'm starting to understand more

>> No.19662547

>t. never read the marriage of heaven and hell
for fuck's sake, anon, the fucker writes 33 right away! LOOK AT THE FUCKING COMPASS YOU DOLT.
nou. i prefer not to toss my pearls before swine, tyvm.
I've lately come to believe they seek to act as a mechanism to hasten the end times, popularly called accelerationism these days. they know god exists but still choose evil because they likely believe they were born to act as evil agents in this world, or simply don't have the patience or will to resist their desires for hedonism. in the end, there are probably a panoply of reasons for why these people are doing what they're doing. that video was very interesting, i know the one, i believe it was satan that "saved him" as he was hurtling towards the brick wall in his car with the child prostitute. I saw "him" fall like lightning a few weeks before that video was released, and it suggested to me that it was time to gird my loins for shit to start happening. most of this i keep to myself, but it's the holidays, my will is weak, i'm nearing an ascetic phase, and i'll probably not be using the net much if at all quite soon.
as to why they do it, i wouldn't worry too much about the motivations of evildoers save what will help you avoid their corruptions.

>> No.19662647

Older Masonry doesn't seem quite so bad. They were naive enlightenment LARPers, sure. Undoubtedly heretical by Roman Catholic standards. Modern Masonry is mostly a good goy club riddled with glowniggers (although, occultism and espionage have a long history together). And the top ranks are clearly Kabbalistic gnostics who have done little to oppose the clown world nonsense we see today. Essentially, corrupt light bearers.

>> No.19662764

You fucking retard. God IS knowledge. God IS Truth. God is the Word and the Light and the Life that emanates. To know the Truth is to be closer with God. Can't believe such drivel could be written from so little understanding.

>> No.19662836

>God IS knowledge. God IS Truth. God is the Word and the Light and the Life that emanates. To know the Truth is to be closer with God
not the anon you're responding to, but what i think he's referring to are individuals who pride themselves on their own knowledge rather than the objective truth. christ is truth, but if you appropriate christ with your own worldview, you dilute truth. as christ is truth, so truth is christ. and if you appropriate truth with your own worldview, you dilute christ

>> No.19662862

If that's the case, then he is not criticising gnosticism rather its subversion.

>> No.19662963

but gnosticism is the subversion of christianity

>> No.19663294

Schizo thread

>> No.19663317

There were some very subtle hints at freemasonry in War & Peace

>> No.19663410

that is very interesting actually, "choosing evil because they are the born to be evil agents". I had an acid trip with this as a theme. Basically "The Egg" story about humanity collectively becoming a god. Sure everyone talks about god being all loving light but what kind of a god would it be if it didn't know of every imaginable evil and darkness. In the trip I realized the concept of good and evil to the ultimate god doesn't exist, the god is infinite and infinity. In The Egg story we need both the evil and good to become the god. I would like to learn more about these things in non-shizo way, where could I get started?

>> No.19663997

It's probably just due to conditioning in this society. The imagery of that trip is Masonic, but keep in mind, there is subliminal propaganda in much of literature, entertainments, advertisements, and more. It could leaves subconscious mental impressions in the psyche. I don't think your experience meant anything.

>> No.19663998
File: 1.75 MB, 1244x1705, God_the_Geometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

note the compass, note the splotch that looks suspiciously like a mandelbrot. these people wish only to serve themselves by building their faux god. I have seen the beast they build, a vast massive hairy monstrosity, an enormous tower, which man or things that were once men seek to climb, to raise themselves above all other men, and as i felt myself pinched and thrown from this fur, i saw its true face, an enormous beastman, whose body is this tower, whereupon man squirms as a flea, and with an old cackling crowned face he waits at the top to throw down all who seek to usurp him.
>t. gnostic faggot who didn't learn his lesson from the fall
this is you: HURR DURR god don't want me to eat the fruit of knowledge for its divine powers will make me as though i were a god, and to think as one, thus corrupting inevitably my fleshy body which is meant only to be the temple of the holy spirit and the soul which he hath bequeathed unto me! WHOOPS. dun et it! LOOOOOL. oh shit, god's pissed. i wonder why! guess i better start worshiping knowledge to get him to forgive me! surely that'll work!

boy howdy, and I'M the retard? such a shame.
you know you can't take knowledge with you, right? when you die, you fucking die IRL, and all that you KNOW is stripped from you, haven't you seen a man die? does he know himself, who he is? his children's faces, his own? to think that god will not rip from you the stolen fruit, despite your attempting to digest it and squirrel it away, utter hubris.
it's in the fuckin name, you dumbass.
here's a very simple definition ripped straight from the net. first fuckin definition, now!
a prominent heretical movement of the 2nd-century Christian Church, partly of pre-Christian origin. Gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity, the demiurge, and that Christ was an emissary of the remote supreme divine being, esoteric knowledge (gnosis) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit.

Placing knowledge thus before Christ, before god. I don't know how much more clear it can be for anyone not to be this way, or to embrace these people in any sense. I guess you must yourself be one, coping to the max. I tell you though you have taken the oath, which christ himself explicitly suggested you avoid ever taking in any context, that you can still come back, you can still renounce foul satan and worship god alone, god who is not knowledge or logic or reason or anything by which you can separate or divide or calculate. god is god. and not the word "god", THE god.
>inb4 but he said he was the word
he said he was Logos, not the word. the reason himself, not to be worshipped as the reason, but god alone, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. to try to rationalize god for anyone is to demean him, for they are self evident.
hey man, don't look at me, i guess check out the bible, listen to your heart and stuff, i donno.

>> No.19664028

also, the beast, once i had been launched from him, a creature, i cannot but help to think it was some angel, forced me from its perimeter, looked in my face with the face of a man shifting into a lion, shifting into an eagle and to one other beast i cannot remember. with a spear in tow, he guarded the perimeter, and refused my entry.
do not get caught in the hubris of man, i warn all of you who will, and can still listen, i am not a prophet, nor do i hold "esoteric knowledge", i am in the same boat as you, a man scraping through mortal destitution for the "answer". good luck to you all in finding god in your hearts. i cannot think that i will save any man but myself, and if i can manage that i will not spite it.

>> No.19664048

>William Blake was one of them as well. check out the compass.
I'm not Blakehead, but I'm pretty sure he didn't think of Urizen as a good guy.

>> No.19664059

i understand it meant nothing im an atheist >>19663410

>> No.19664073
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>> No.19664088

why does he care if i dont believe in him, i only hurt myself with that

>> No.19664099

describe the hurt

>> No.19664154

looking for meaning in meaningless world, handling the hypocrisy from the "believers" on daily basis, dwelling deeper into atheist morality

>> No.19664292

>I don't give a fuck. maybe i am crazy. I'm just pretty upset that all my favorite authors were part of this fucking JOKE
Ironically, this rabbit hole leads fairly quickly to a gnostic-esque rejection of created works, as I'm sure you could follow that trail to identify almost every artist in any field who has ever achieved prominence.

>> No.19664343

then we share some hurt, but i do not think of god as more of it. i don't know that god isn't a salve to that very hurt. even the hypocrisy, the shape of the wicked does not trouble me. i will tell you one thing, the more you give to god, the less you have to be trampled by other men.
sadly, yes. i have in the past been greatly alienated from art, but there still remains a morsel of joy in that i do not need to idolize or worship these artifacts of man, i can observe them, enjoy them, even, but not let them creep into who i am, or pervert my heart or mind. i can and have the strength to keep them at arm's distance. this does not however, dissipate entirely my anger at the deceiver. but what is forgiveness if not for things that it is uncomfortable to forgive? if it were so simple as a ruffled blanket, it would be nothing o smooth it, would it?

>> No.19664353

You’re something special. Thanks for that.

>> No.19664415

Child prostitute?

>> No.19664464

>atheist morality
There's none.
Check out my bro Dosto.

>> No.19664472

>Child prostitute?
I bet he's an anglo and she was actually sixteen.

>> No.19664540

Maybe so!

>> No.19664551

just a guess,
he describes being saved by god at the last second before his car and himself are destroyed. i believe he was not the only one in the car besides his driver. whether it was a child prostitute or whatever, who knows really.

>> No.19664742

Asimov was a freemason. Nightfall and foundation were "true" (ish) stories about humanity being wiped out ever so many years and a "foundation" of people (the masons) keeping our true history secret and to themselves.

>> No.19664830

>Asimov was a freemason.
I thought he was atheist.

>> No.19664847

Shittiest poster on the board.

>> No.19665985

All masons are.

>> No.19667961

Masonic art is kino :)