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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1021 KB, 2436x3306, tomine-love-life-story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19651769 No.19651769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ read magazines?

>> No.19651777

This is a great cover when you don’t take it how they expect you to take it

>> No.19651786 [DELETED] 

This is empowering. Women chose this lifestyle over being surrounded by a wife that loves them and a husband who would do anything to provide for them. Slay queeeeeeeeenie!

>> No.19651787

Just like the Cat Person story itself. It became viral because "omg literally me", but it only makes sense if interpreted as "contemporary women are soulless demons".

>> No.19651794

damn, bitch. you live like this?

>> No.19651803

The New Yorker
Mother Jones
The Nation
Philosophy Now!
New Philosopher

I also like but am not subscribed to:
The Atlantic
The Economist
Foreign Affairs
Poets & Writers
Writer's Digest

>> No.19651809

This is empowering. Women chose this lifestyle over being surrounded by children that love her and a husband who would do anything to provide for them. Slay queeeeeeeeenie!

(I hope you overdose on alcohol and SSRIs, bitch)

>> No.19651824

In reality, she'll have a hedonistic blast until 31, then find some simp to have a kid with.

>> No.19651830

I wouldn’t take that from Cat Person as much as a condemnation of contemporary sexual practices. But yes, that’s still not the authors intention I don’t think, at least not consciously

>> No.19651850

I actually do read the New Yorker. It is pretty good if you ignore the fiction and scaffolding. The only important stuff are the 3-4 non-fiction articles. Do not have much time to read more in a week any way.

>> No.19651852

I read WIRED
Is that a Magazine?

>> No.19651860

You’re on 4chan but you don’t have time to read more than three or four articles a week

>> No.19651867
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>> No.19651869


I couldn't come up with a gayer list of shitty rags if I tried. Thanks, anon — I knew of most of them, but now I can also avoid the remaining ones.

On the topic of actually good magazines, though, the only ones I've found good enough to warrant subscriptions have been the TLS and Sezession (German).

>> No.19651879


4chan is way more entertaining than some crappy "thought pieces" by ingtellekchuals.

>> No.19651881

It’s truly not, just more addicting

>> No.19651885

4chan is entertaining, toxic and original all rolled into one potent mixture. I would say it’s a net detriment. The less time I spend here the less miserable I am and more productive.

>> No.19651892

>implying I only read those 3-4 articles per week
There are also books and journals to split reading time for.
I am on 4chan because its the holidays. I like browsing it during those idle times.

>> No.19651989

Basically this.

>> No.19652005

I am currently subscribed to:
>American Affairs
>Claremont Review of Books
>Milk Street
>Bon Apetit

In the past, I have been subscribed to:
>Paris Review
>Oxford American
>New Yorker

I read online articles from an untold number of other magazines/publications.

>> No.19652110
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>> No.19652180

The Spectator, because I like to spectate

>> No.19652188

>New Yorker
>Over a year old
Coastal elites trying to trick us again...

>> No.19652211

Based hotep goofy.

>> No.19652232

>The Economist

only physical is worth reading but I got tired of pilfering through globo-propa for a few tidbits of real reporting.

avoid economist.com like the real plague

>> No.19652249

New Atlantis, Hedgehog Review, Lapham's Quarterly, and The Atlantic

>> No.19652282


>> No.19652302
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>> No.19652517
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Yeah, I don't know if this is supposed to be a positive show of women or not. It's some sort of caricature that looks a bit like Anita Sarkeesian meets AOC but there's so many details that turn it negative.
>apartment is an absolute pigsty, dirty clothes piled on top of bed, old Chinese food probably tuck to the table at this point, Cheetos bag in the corner
>masks and gloves scattered around, probably fears going outside despite getting every shot that comes available
>TINY apartment, yet has TWO cats, both living in miserable conditions, apartment probably smells like cat piss or worse
>mid-morning cocktail indicates she's probably a raging alcoholic in denial
>multiple pill bottles, probably anti-depressants and God knows what else

>> No.19652607

I subscribe to the new yorker on my own. the fiction is definitely hit or miss, and they lay the woman/POC pandering on thick sometimes, but overall their standards are very high. It consistently entertains me. For christmas I got subs to the paris review and the new york review. what i've read of the paris review is pretty damn good, but the nyr has been very, very weak.

>> No.19652906

just First Things

>> No.19653287
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I just got my first copy of Carve Magazine. Haven't read it yet, though.

>> No.19653373

I read quite a few online journals and literary mags, including:

Bull Fiction
Hobart Pulp
Necessary Fiction
Nervous Breakdown
Pithead Chapel

>> No.19653403

Same here. Also since it's a pretty dense magazine I don't like the time commitment to read entire issues.

>> No.19653409

>the only ones I've found good enough to warrant subscriptions have been the TLS

>First thing I see on their website is a long read by a proponent of critical race theory.

>> No.19653436

they still make those?

>> No.19653614

I feel like I have seen that apartment a thousand times.

Anyone else ever been surprised at how women won't even clean up when they have company over? No shame. They really can't function without a moral authority providing structure for their lives.

>> No.19653627
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>M-Men do it too!!!!
Men don't celebrate it delusionally on the cover of the New Yorker and have the whole world rush to their defense when people laugh at them about it. Hope you learned something today.

>> No.19653640
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>> No.19653649
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>> No.19653710


>> No.19653717

Except for the hideous artstyle those are fairly reasonable stances.

>> No.19653738
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it's great when pseuds just out themselves by projecting the same shit onto each piece of media they consume

>> No.19653740

They’re all coping

>> No.19653746

The funniest shit I've seen all day lmao

>> No.19653749

She is probably a Mexican, those get married and pop out babies when they are like 20. Does not seem like a fulfilling lifestyle to me either.

>> No.19653782

They're cope.

>> No.19653800

That's literally me

>> No.19653818

Why do I visualize her wearing a diaper under those shorts?

>> No.19653834

She is of eastern european descent, draws herself brown because Americans tend to hate their own race.

>> No.19653840

>Does /lit/ read

>> No.19653860

it really is, this isn't some statement pretending like 4chan is great but I can't imagine there is any scenario where reading the new yorker is a better experience then being on 4chan

>> No.19653875
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>> No.19653891

>Does not seem like a fulfilling lifestyle to me either.

I dunno, those big Mexican families usually seem pretty happy to me. There's a reason the men can work 12 hours picking berries and not complain about it, they have something worthwhile to come home to. The women usually have mothers and other family members they can lean on for help around the home. I think multi-generation households are the solution for a lot of modern family-related issues.

>> No.19653895

All of her illustrations can be summed up with "I just want to consume and have no obligations".

>> No.19653905

That is because you have an ADD-riddled zoomer brain.

>> No.19653941

why being a messy bitch is sold as something cool, like a way of life?

>> No.19653962
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Imagine saying this on /lit/ of all boards

>> No.19653973


Yeah they push left-wing nonsense like every other mainstream magazine, but there is plenty of good content if you look past that. And it's usually easy to do so with the TLS. Unlike others, like the LRB, which was just awful in every way.

>> No.19653985

women literally don't understand consequences because it's not their bio-social role to care about them, so it's actually very cruel to let them live like this. it's like overfeeding a pet, of course the pet is going to eat itself fat and die, it doesn't have any instincts to eat sensibly, all its instincts are to gorge itself.

that's a woman, but with "fun."

i used to think women were like stupid or delusional men, and that they knew about things like the wall, or about how they can't remain a carefree slut for 20 years because nobody wants a "fun sexy slut!" who is over 25, except to treat as a disposable pump-and-dump object, which isn't what they imagine when they say they want that lifestyle. but they aren't dumb or deluded, they aren't even in denial, they really do not know how limited and privileged their pre-wall time is. i still can't believe this even as i say it, but women think the wall is like 45.

you would think they'd see 33 year old women and think, she's not happy, she looks like shit, the wall can't be 45. but no, they simply don't think about it at all.

>> No.19654010

Are you guys larping or just retarded? do you actually read the New Yorker and any other retarded mainstream magazines over going on 4chan? Im not talking about reading actual book.

>> No.19654013
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Sure I do. There are some worthwhile papers out there, just gotta look hard enough. The collapse journal by urbanomics is pretty cool.

>> No.19654047


Probably both. I'd actually rather read manga or something than read that excrement, and I fucking hate weeb shit. It's mental junk food and also boring af. On 4chan I can enjoy funny, interesting, and transgressive content. None of that is true for shit-tier magazines like the New Yorker. No, none of the pieces are more thoughtful than your average three-plus-paragraph /lit/ schizo rambling.

>> No.19654079

Women that know better were taught by their parents or programmed in some other way.

>> No.19654101
File: 90 KB, 620x874, musso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes read Counter-Currents and skim for interesting articles on cultural or philosophical topics, like this one recently

Plus using American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com/)), Occidental Observer (https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/)), unz (https://www.unz.com/)) and things as news aggregators.

I hadn't heard of this, thanks anon.

Some nice right-wing journals are Sezession and Junge Freiheit:

And in French it's still worth reading

>> No.19654114

>you will live in a cramped studio apartment
>you will be dependent on fast food and amazon deliveries
>you will use anti-depressants to help you cope

>> No.19654116

The January issue of The Atlantic was excellent. The Anne Applebaum article on modern-age strongmen was well-written. I will probably leaf through them when I go through local bookstore from now on. I also read the New Yorker now-and-then.

>> No.19654143


Bookmarked some of those, thanks for the tips. According to the editorial of the latest Sezession, however, it seems that Weißmann (who co-founded Sezession) wrote a pozzed vaccine piece for Junge Freiheit recently. And what I have seen in terms of content there hasn't been impressive enough to warrant supporting them financially.

>> No.19654185

>multiple pill bottles, probably anti-depressants and God knows what else
benzos, definitely benzos

>> No.19654207

Foreign Affairs is good as long as you know it's about as liberally biased (In the Clintonian definition of the word) as any magazine that has ever existed, but then based on your subscriptions that is not a negative for you. You should get Esquire.

>> No.19654224

How is American Affairs?

>> No.19654226

I've found that The Economist is wavering between their commitment to classical liberalism and woke faggotry. It feels like there's a schism within the company.

>> No.19654235

Yes, public intoxication is a virtue.

>> No.19654247


Why is that whore holding the wine glass like that, doesn't she know that wine glasses are designed with a stem in order to prevent body heat transfer to the beverage. I bet it tastes just like the cat piss that her carpets are soaked in.

>> No.19654249

Yeah, it's strange. Their daily "Espresso" run down is about the only thing of value I get from them anymore. Probably will not renew next year.

>> No.19654282

I'm not liberal, but I don't mind reading classical liberal writings even if I don't agree with what they're saying. It's the new progressives who are both grotesque and insufferable. I stopped subscribing to The Economist about a year and a half ago.

>> No.19654604

yeah, the long form essays are usually quality, even if i'm not interested in the subject.

the only magazine i've been subscribed to my entire adult life is the economist.

>> No.19655085

she's on a zoom call you retards. it's probably just a piece on the pandemic, working from home and how the shape of the world is effecting peoples home lives. I.E basic hygiene and cleanliness.

>> No.19655092

imagine being this delusional. Go outside.

>> No.19655097

You're not aware that everybody is aware of that? That's what's funny about the whole situation. The intent of the artist is dwarfed and superseded by how neatly the picture gives a plausible portrait of modern women, epitomizing them.

>> No.19655102

>scrolling through a thread you already know you don't like, just so you can reply "Omg. Get a life" to every single post you disapprove of
Twitter tourist.

>> No.19655113
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you're looking at it too deeply, it's a simple image conveying a simple message. Take your meds.

>> No.19655135
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>> No.19655164

ever see a chart on the demand for
marriage counselling and divorce lawyers.
Pretty sure you described a cartoon version
of the institution.

>> No.19655175

So true

>> No.19655196

>she's on a zoom call you retards
shes on a 'date' you clown

>> No.19655200

...That's what I said. It's a simple image with a simple message, which is why it's funny that it inadvertently lends itself to other interpretations.

Are you retarded?

>> No.19655201

What part of the pandemic requires you to leave your trash everywhere in the apartment like a rat den? Shouldn't the pandemic free up time to clean the place?

>> No.19655218

>the upright posture and room partition, feigning elegance and distracting from the mess of a home
>the unshaven legs
>using phone out of sight
>legs crossed indicating comfort in living like a pig while playing masquerade

>> No.19655250

not surprised most of /lit/ is within the midwit range. the message of the cover is clear.

>> No.19655257

>I'll keep posting my retarded point, then play the "I was only pretending to be retarded" card!
Epic troll, but it's a lot less effort in the long run to just develop some reading comprehension and avoid these situations in the future.

>> No.19655264
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>not surprised most of /lit/ is within the midwit range. the message of the cover is clear.

>> No.19655372


>> No.19655386

Her eyes look dead.

>> No.19655403
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It's basically just a bougie version of this.

>> No.19655427

It's decent. Between 30% and 60% of each issue is kind of standard right/pseudo-populist perspectives about some issue of international affairs, but the remainder is usually somewhat interesting and worth reading. The latest issue had an interesting article about the CIA and 'wokeness' and how the two go back at least through the 1960s. In each issue there are two or three good essays, which is a decent enough batting average for me.

>> No.19655435

Well yes it's true the CIA is wokeness, but so is the New Yorker.

>> No.19655527

Nothing wrong with any of these besides the look.

>> No.19655596

why the Van Halen logo tho?

>> No.19655998

She is Hungarian and lives in Amsterdam it seems. It looks like she is doing just fine, no cope.

I do not see any reason to get upset about these comics unless you are some strange form of traditionalist that requires men and women to be married by 20.

>> No.19656000

She's saying it's fine to be unmarried without children and a loose woman at 31+. She also clearly has plastic surgery and lives an unhealthy, dissolute lifestyle. She is a warning that hedonism isn't without consequences.

>> No.19656005

>do you actually read the New Yorker and any other retarded mainstream magazines over going on 4chan?
Yes. New Yorker actually covers a diverse set of interesting topics. /lit/ is largely just depressed teenagers and sophomore English/Philosophy students, who think they have uncovered the truth. The only value is the entertaining contrarianism, which is a breath of fresh air compared to the homogeneity of modern media.

>> No.19656014

I preferred it when we were having this conversation about Light Novels.

>> No.19656019

>She's saying it's fine to be unmarried without children and a loose woman at 31+
Yes?. Many people get married and have kids in their late to mid 30s. This is fairly common.
>She also clearly has plastic surgery and lives an unhealthy, dissolute lifestyl
How do you know?

>> No.19656058

Anon, you're in a thread in which people are sperging about some magazine cover in exactly the same predictable way they sperged about it a year ago. 4chan is extremely unoriginal.

>> No.19656062

Something being common does not mean it is healthy, normal, or good. Women only beginning to think about having children and starting a family in their 30s is bad in a lot of ways, not least of all the drastically increased rate of miscarriage and weird shit like autism.

>How do you know?
She's a mid-thirties slut in denial about being unhappy. Half of her life revolves around taking selfies trying to look as youthful and perfect as possible, in between posting "YOU GO GIRL! EMBRACE YOUR FLAWS!" self-owns about how she has a flabby stretchmark-covered body she hates. Even in her best selfies you can tell she's a resident of Bog City.

>> No.19656064

You realize she's supposed to be portrayed in a negative way right?

>> No.19656102

>The Anne Applebaum article on modern-age strongmen
Gimme a summary of it

>> No.19656151

I wouldn't expect the New Yorker to be that straightforward, especially with the culture being what it is. Also if we look at examples like >>19653649 it is entirely possible that it is supposed to be positive. Certainly they didn't INTEND to have the "women are dishonest whores an secretly complete slobs" message.

>> No.19656693

>Certainly they didn't INTEND to have the "women are dishonest whores an secretly complete slobs" message
not in your exact words, but it's obvious the message is "everyone is barely keeping it together but still carefully presenting a calm and collected face to the public/social media" which is not far off from what you said, and absolutely the case with modern young women.

anyways, the fact that this cover is still generating this much conversation a year after being published, and on fucking 4chan of all places, is proof that it captured SOMETHING of the zeitgeist. i think we can all agree that the art has been extremely successful in that regard, even if your interpretation is a bit less kind than the artist may have intended.

anyway, i love the new yorkers covers. I recently resubscribed after nearly a decade and there is just something special about how the art is always in tune with the seasons and shit, when you get it out of the mail box. i'm a sucker for that kind of stuff

>> No.19656701

check their warp speed and brazilification articles from over the summer, they do great work!

>> No.19656706

KEK a middle age alcoholic mulatto living in dirt, single, consuming, muh cats, muh amazon, muh mask, muh modern narcissistic depressed useless cunts

>> No.19656709

Nice, Lapham's is a strong recc

>> No.19656717

monthly review
mint press
unlimited hangout
UNZ(only because of pepe)
whole earth catalog (to go back in time)

>> No.19656727
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>> No.19656730
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>> No.19656731

>anyway, i love the new yorkers covers. I recently resubscribed after nearly a decade and there is just something special about how the art is always in tune with the seasons and shit, when you get it out of the mail box. i'm a sucker for that kind of stuff
Playboy apparently had similarly creative covers before their decline.

>> No.19656736
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>> No.19656741
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>> No.19656747
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The end

>> No.19656751

these are fucking amazing


>> No.19656754

>which is not far off from what you said,
It's very far. The 4chan interpretion is a critique of modern feminism while the New Yorker interpretation is a critique of capitalism. The two can't be further apart, but you're a mentally stunted tranny, so it's hard for you to understand.

>> No.19656760

That's pretty funny.

>> No.19656794

>implying modern feminism and capitalism aren't inextricably connected.
it seems you are the retard friend

>> No.19656800
File: 100 KB, 1080x1110, g2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're my retard freind too

>> No.19656809

The Wall Street Journal and The Spectator.

>> No.19656812

They're not. Modern feminism is anti-capitalist, and capitalism has existed before feminism. They're opposite forces and you can have one without the other. You're very dumb.

>> No.19656822

I mean who really cares what they intended? Mort de l'auteur and all that.

>> No.19656848


>> No.19656853

i'm constantly reminded that most people here are like 15 years old. I don't know why I even bother. there's a statue for this now. it's called "fearless girl". capitalism and modern feminism are completely intertwined, second wave feminism is almost entirely a capitalist plot to devalue labor.

>> No.19656864

I laughed!

>> No.19656891

When you're a brainwashed lefty, everything around you is a "capitalist plot".

>> No.19656908

i'm not a lefty. you are braindead and unable to think about anything if not through the lens of culture wars bullshit. our modern forms of capitalism and feminism are completely reliant on each other, constantly reinforcing each other. capitalism was always going to see women as a pool of untapped production, and feminism was always going to see capitalism as a tool for increased "emancipation"

>> No.19656941

I can understand clutter but I could never understand having trash on the floor. Like I'll sometimes forget to bring my cups downstairs and I'll feel like a slob when I do, but actually trash is gross.

>> No.19656947
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>When you're a brainwashed lefty, everything around you is a "capitalist plot".

>> No.19656955

>modern forms of capitalism
You mean not capitalism? Bailing out big corps with public money is not capitalism and neither is the government destroying all small/medium businesses in a scamdemic. Importing criminals is also not capitalism. Like I said, you have zero understanding of the world around you.

>> No.19656981
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>> No.19656987

capitalism was always going to see women as a pool of untapped potential. capitalism cannot resist any resource, whether it is mineral, vegetable, animal, or person. it always follows its own logic to its conclusion. feminism was always going to see capitalism as a means to further emancipation, through getting an independent income, gaining corporate power, and orienting goods and services to the interests of women.

if you can't understand this, you would be better suited to discussing issues on facebook where you can complain about the scamdemic and other government interventions you don't agree with and are completely irrelevant to the discussion of feminism and capitalism. i'm sure there are plenty of braindead boomers there that would gladly partake in such a discussion.

>> No.19656996

>disregads all the anti-capitalist measures as facebook boomerisms
>THEREFORE it is capitalism
Like I said, braindead lefties who hate reality.

>> No.19657020

what do those anti capitalist measures have to do with feminism? feminists came up with the scamdemic and shut down your small business? what the fuck are you even trying to argue you dolt.

>> No.19657043

You brought up "modern forms of capitalism" not me. What the fuck does it mean? Are you retarded?
> feminists came up with the scamdemic and shut down your small business?
Correct. It was an emotional anti-capitalist measure because "modern form of capitalism" is not capitalism. You can't understand this for a simple reason: you see capitalism in everything even when it's the opposite. That's why feminism (what the fuck untappeed potential lmao) is capitalism, we live through "moder forms of capitalism", and everything is capitalism is to you. You're metally ill.

>> No.19657096

>dead-eyed, alone with nothing but alcohol
I hope she realises the truth soon and fixes herself.

>> No.19657126

Would you consider them a conspiracy theorist?

>> No.19657129

Why would you clean the apartment if you're not going to have people over? With the exception of molded food that actually poses a health risk, cleaning is entirely a virtue signal.

>> No.19657149

>Hiding my depression by talking about it publicly
What did she mean by this?

>> No.19657319
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>cleaning is entirely a virtue signal

>> No.19657345 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 1158x1487, 783A75DA-7E9C-4576-8786-9D4F64712A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melanin enriched individuals permanently BTFO by Aryan Stürmtrooper of the SS Hunyadi Division

>> No.19657354
File: 350 KB, 1158x1487, EA501FE9-85B1-4F7F-B9DF-1D2A1B02578F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melanin enriched individuals permanently BTFO by Aryan Stürmtrooper Lainey Molnar of the SS Hunyadi Division

>> No.19657362

>blockchain privatizing DNA
when capital sees life life itself as the untapped potential

>> No.19657393

There's literally no reason to waste time and energy moving objects around from one configuration to another unless you're using your apartment as a display piece. You cannot refute this. And no, inventing pointless make-work for yourself to pretend to combat depression is not an argument.

>> No.19657399

If this isn’t bait you’re a disgusting filthy freak, go wallow outside in a field with the other animals

>> No.19657407

when did this kind of mindset evolve and why? I feel like in the last 5 years the whole thing changed in a direction which is absolutely pathetic. The way LGBT trannies, and the mindest that you are your own boss were pushed in the last couple of years show us that the end is near.

>> No.19657426

You'd rather use your apparently valuable and finite energy up on scrolling through the /lit/ catalog instead?

>> No.19657429

kek, every time

>> No.19657434

>when did this kind of mindset evolve
After women's lib
>and why?
Girls just wanna have fun.

>> No.19657479 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1818x242, Screenshot 2021-12-30 at 15.00.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek why was this deleted? Are tranny jannies perma triggered?

>> No.19657482
File: 125 KB, 1080x1350, 1633803993613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19657501

Go outside

>> No.19657504

Oh noooo, my objects are in the wrong place!!! A heckin pupper might eat a plastic bag!!!!
I'd rather use my energy to do work that pays money and use my downtime on things that I find enjoyable, yes. Moving objects around like an ant is not enjoyable, profitable, or useful in any capacity.

>> No.19657573

Post bedroom

>> No.19657619

north american review
saturday evening post

>> No.19657644
File: 1.93 MB, 1536x2040, PXL_20211230_153402824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19657665

What is all that crap on plastic bottles on your bedside table, anon?

>> No.19657720

>almost 10 dollars for a magazine
>a book costs the same
Yeah, no, fuck yellow papers

>> No.19657782

Just various vitamins and supplements. There's a multivitamin, melatonin, D, zinc, St. John's Wort, ashwagandha, and tongkat ali.
I don't take most of them though, the bottles are pretty old.

>> No.19657790

Post pics of your animals

>> No.19657819
File: 1.21 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190601_163157~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guinea pigs, here's my mom and my sister holding them (they don't live with me, just came to visit)

>> No.19657822

have you never subscribed to a magazine lol? you don't pay the cover price. I recently got a 6 month subscription to the new yorker for $5 on amazon, but the deal is dead now. discount mags has good deals regularly. I believe new yorker is at $70 for a year there right now.

>> No.19657823
File: 1.67 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190601_162745~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're big fellows

>> No.19657826


Damn, pretty cute

>> No.19657829

Nice plant anon, what is that type of plant called?

>> No.19657831

holy shit pick up the hay

>> No.19657835

Cute sister

>> No.19657860
File: 2.18 MB, 1512x2016, 1640880679315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a potato that sprouted on top of my fridge so I put it in dirt to see what would happen.

I actually do sweep this relatively frequently but they love kicking it out. I think they think it's funny.


>> No.19657872
File: 2.00 MB, 1536x2040, PXL_20211129_060702055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually growing new potatoes as well. I don't know how long to let them hang out before harvesting and I don't want to kill the whole plant so I might just leave them.

>> No.19657905

Your room isn’t even THAT messy, you’re totally LARPing about not cleaning your place.

Cute pigs.

>> No.19657930
File: 3.31 MB, 3072x4080, 1640881710187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hang out in there much so it doesn't get that messy. The other rooms are worse

>> No.19657940

Is this a crypto-ad for Cheetos and amazon?

>> No.19657941
File: 3.26 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20211230_162631401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19657995

Are these kind of boots a redflag in a woman? A woman I know wears them

>> No.19658008

Your shit isn’t even messy bro and that’s clearly a vacuum cleaner too. The image you purported to me initially was much worse than this, I expected a proper depraved NEETdungeon.

>> No.19658033

also that guy is a redhead, not a blondie

>> No.19658044

Well, I still don't waste time cleaning or tidying except for what could cause a health hazard like mold and rats. I don't throw trash and food directly on the floor but I haven't used that vacuum in over a year. Women would definitely think my apartment was disgusting if they came here.

>> No.19658070

People say this like the thots leave as winners from this deal. They will live as unhappy soulless leeches with their beta provider that will only make her hate him. Awful way to live out your life even if you did have fun in your 20s

>> No.19658100

I’ve done the whole hard drinking, partying and fucking period and it never gave me any sense of fulfilment. I just felt like shit both mentally and physically from being out of it so often, it’s like there was no anchor in my life. Everything was empty. Every conversation had under the influence was empty and banal. Every sexual connection under the influence was empty and banal (except for shrooms, that was cash). How do people, and specifically women, get so much enjoyment out of it?

>> No.19658190

I reject the premise that the woman on the left isn't or can't be happy.

>> No.19658219

It needs a lot more room I think. You could just get a trough and grow shit loads. They like when you pile up soil around the stems over the tubers too

>> No.19658226

>How do people, and specifically women, get so much enjoyment out of it?
they don't. they vast majority of people are not living the lifestyle you describe. vocal minorities on social media have completely warped your perception of how the median young woman spends her time. they are mostly just sitting around watching netflix and browsing social media. they largely want the same things in life as you, yet media consumption, especially social media, is alienating you from each other and driving you farther and farther apart. sad.

>> No.19658244

For them chasing pleasure is more far more preferable than being alone with one's thought or taking on any responsibility. I bet they feel the emptiness too but see it as a good cope to avoid these aforementioned things. Women are like children and want to play carelessly when they have the chance. Before when women weren't memed into being masculine the urge to nurture a child was stronger than having fun, but feminism, SSRIs and birth control are destabilising this instinct

>> No.19658246

To each their own.
I personally do find organizing, cleaning, and getting rid of garbage to be enjoyable.

>> No.19658275


>> No.19658300

I don't think that was the intended meaning anon. She's just saying happiness is sufficient.

>> No.19658340

Your room must fucking stink
>all those vitamins
Do absolutely nothing for your health unless per the suggestion of a medical professional, which I doubt is the case here. Reminder that vitamins are not FDA regulated and don't necessarily fulfill the purposes detailed on their labels

>> No.19658542

Clearly only a mentally ill subhuman who takes all those pills would think having a modicum of self-respect is weird. I'm glad you'll never have children.

>> No.19658557

i'm incredibly disgusted at what you did to that poor hurricane lantern

>> No.19658586

Cat Person would have been much better without end where the guy calls her a "bitch".

>> No.19658603

Oh, it was a "whore". Whatevs.

>> No.19658639

Modern-age strongmen (Putin, Lukashenko, Xi and Maduro) have basically formed a splinter group of world power for themselves. They really dont give much of a care about how the world perceives or sanctions them because they essentially just prop one another up with money, military support and internal security forces when needed. They all benefit massively from this. For them, it's less about running their respective countries, and more about ensuring the players in this group dont get kicked out of their positions of power. I believe she also said that a lot of this is happening because of the West's retreat (US mostly) from world politics and a turn toward their own domestic issues (COVID, Identity politics, Political Correctness, etc.). She doesnt really give any prediction or foresight about where this may all lead in the future. I think that was the only part of the article that was lacking desu.

>> No.19658673

I agree with all this.

>> No.19658683

There’s no way wine is better than Pepsi!!

>> No.19658691

They don’t complain about the 80 hour weeks because otherwise they’d have to be at home with their millions of children and perpetually angry wives

>> No.19659321


>> No.19659417
