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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 211 KB, 970x1600, horcynus orca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19651067 No.19651067 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you Italy, FUCK YOU!
I've been learning Italian for three years just to read this and I can't! FUCK YOU!
Fuck this finneganswake shit

>> No.19651096
File: 11 KB, 200x308, 9788804584452_0_424_0_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek! Maybe this will be more your speed brainlet

>> No.19651179

>Oltre che per la sua massiccia mole, la caratteristica pregnante di Horcynus Orca è l'invenzione linguistica, l'originale creazione di un vocabolario sovraccarico di significati in cui si intrecciano, inestricabili, almeno tre livelli: l'italiano colto e letterario, la parlata popolare dei pescatori siciliani, infine una gran quantità di termini originali, ideati dall'autore. L'assenza voluta di un qualunque glossario o di note a piè di pagina fanno della lettura di Horcynus Orca un'impresa ardua, per nulla facilitata dall'incessante tendenza dell'autore alla digressione e al flusso di coscienza.
Maybe you'll want to read other quality texts which, however, use more standard Italian and tackle that book later.

>> No.19651226

I've read Pavese, Calvino, Buzzati and a bit of D'Annunzio, what do you recommend?

>> No.19651248

Nta but if you want to tackle D'arrigo you'll need something more daring than that
Try Manganelli and then Gadda

>> No.19651590

What’s this one about?

>> No.19652138

Fuck if I know

>> No.19652345
File: 627 KB, 736x1314, Italian literature chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up "Italian literature" images
>one of the first pictures is this /lit/ chart
I think one could definitely make a better and richer chart though.

>> No.19652490

I've given a quick glance at the incipit, as a native speaker it's not too difficult but it's not trivial either.
Try Umberto Eco's "Il nome della rosa", it might get you used to a wider vocabulary, but conversely the style is fairly straightforward.

>> No.19652576
File: 1.76 MB, 1326x4668, 1527685294797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19652650

>for three years
you're like a babby

read more

>> No.19652675

Now that's much better already.

>> No.19652815
File: 3.14 MB, 3264x4164, 1606434392072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19652851

I already knew about this, it's the "Exit-level chart". But what I had in mind was something akin to the "Start with the Greeks" chart, especially for those who want to learn the language (lo dico per gli altri, quindi).

>> No.19652878
File: 623 KB, 1963x1000, 1617118425901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the meme trilogy?

>> No.19652888

The difficult part is not in the incipit... The more you read, the harder it becomes.

>> No.19652897

Most based chart I've seen in a while

>> No.19653143

>exit level
io certamente spero voi ragazzi non facciate questo

>> No.19653356

Well, certainly not for beginners.
Non l'ho fatta io, ma ricordo che il nome originale del file fosse quello.

>> No.19653553

I don't think it's necessarily to be interpreted as an exit-level chart; Q is a top-tier novel regardless of the shitty path they took after it.
I mean, there's a reason if they changed their name from Luther Blissett to Wu Ming. Two entirely different universes.

>> No.19653577
File: 199 KB, 445x477, 1629433234356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q is a top-tier novel

>> No.19653581

I can't read most of the titles in this. Needs more jpg.

>> No.19653585

Rafael Sabatini wrote in English, not in Italian.

>> No.19653593

Look to the right faggot

>> No.19653611
File: 3.99 MB, 1287x2100, Italian-Renaissance-Literature-small2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19653850

Anglo hands made that list
>fucking Salgari
Come on

>> No.19653911

>>fucking Salgari
He had a hard life.

>> No.19653916


>> No.19654621

Read it before posting your opinion.

>> No.19655687


>> No.19655704

I did. It is just Umberto eco without his wild erudition. Pulpy and completely worthless
>what if we did name of the rose but instead of a play on detective stories we did a spy story? Brilliant ain't it?
Even the setting is uninspired. Instead of talking about a time period they were knowledgeable and passionate about and shedding some light on often overlooked part of history they just took a bakunin essay wholesale and dropped their shitty characters in it because communism or something
It baffles me that someone would defend such garbage

>> No.19655720

>what if we did name of the rose but instead of a play on detective stories we did a spy story? Brilliant ain't it?
You make it sound very appealing.Thanks for the rec.

>> No.19655914

And that's how they managed to keep the gig up for over two decades. By having the same appeal of a ken Follett novel for those who feel a little too literate to read ken Follett (and who are leftists)

>> No.19656052

Hey anon , I've been reading Italian for 4 years now and to this day i tend punch every third sentence into google translate, if only to make sure i 'got it'.

First of all your choice is hard. It's not say Arbasino, but it's no ones idea of a beginners book. for starters i recommend Leonardo Sciascia (Gli zii di Sicilia is great) and though Italy doesn't have a Hemingway like figure, Sillabari by Goffredo Parise, has something of that simple minimalist style that you need.

Also read dialogue's, they tend to be simpler and context dependent, and while there is no pure dialogue novel i can think of, Moravia has more of it then the usual fair.

>> No.19656895

Where do I start with Manganelli?

>> No.19657056

Try dall'inferno

>> No.19657398

The description sounds cool as fuck, thanks

>> No.19659008


>> No.19659069
File: 15 KB, 307x500, 419XFOpNABL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright since we're bumping allow me to still a grossly underrated author
The world machine and flies of capital are also brilliant, but this mogs most Italian literature I've read

>> No.19659085
File: 179 KB, 414x642, 978843397602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Centuria? Also is it worth reading in translation?

>> No.19659284
File: 689 KB, 1800x1350, mountain bluebird 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also is it worth reading in translation?
Yes, if it is a romance language

>> No.19659358

>Flies of Capital
I remember reading the intro (parodying Alcman's nocturnal) for Literature class in HS.

>> No.19659506

I'm gonna be honest, it is actually my least favorite of his I have read, mostly because I think I felt it was the furthest away from what I believe to be his strengths. Memoriale, la macchina mondiale, and corporale were fascinating exploration of the minds being disintegrated by paranoia and alienation, great exercises in style as much as compelling character studies, whereas le mosche del capitale, while plenty original, felt too much like a bitter satire of the economic and intellectual environment of the 80s

>> No.19659829

You should have learned German to read it in the German translation. But then again I don’t believe Mussolini e il Fascista has been translated into German yet so who knows

>> No.19660884

>You should have learned German to read it in the German translation
That's retarded

>> No.19662174

>Not reading proust in the superior Russian or Musil in English
Who's retarded here

>> No.19662810

lmao why even bother with this boring tryhard fiction shit. just read Bordiga or something