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19653078 No.19653078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>just make your own values, bro

Umm, so where exactly am I going to find these values??

>> No.19653086

Your will.

>> No.19653099

>just make your own values, bro

*dies an insane gibbering wreck with terminally degenerative syphilis from greasy forays with prostitutes*

And then nihilists be like “OMG soooo kewl”

>> No.19653107

Okay, let me go ask my will
He's not responding, what do I do now?

>> No.19653113

Do some introspection what do you want in life?

>> No.19653120

>Umm, so where exactly am I going to find these values??
Unironically this is what blows the fuck out the entirety of Nietzsche's "philosophy"

>> No.19653134

Nietzsche's perspectivism is designed so that you can't create a definitive interpretation of his work, so nobody knows what these values should be and no one will ever know. The reason why he's such a misunderstood philosopher is because there was never anything there.

>> No.19653138


Except Nietzsche never had syphilis but a brain tumor. The former is a pure fabrication of a 20th century critic to discredit him

>> No.19653141

I don't know, if there's no consequences to what I do - I won't go to hell because religion is fake and all that - and there's no objective authority to tell me what I should want, then I guess I should just throw a dart at a dartboard and want whatever it picks

>> No.19653171

Nice headcanon chud

>> No.19653176

There is no "what I should want". The only should's and oughts that exist are those which are born from your will. For example, I want to lose weight thus I SHOULD diet. Will is the root of all imperatives. So don't concern yourself with what you should want. Focus on finding out what you truly want most of all and that's what will tell you what you should do.

>> No.19653182


>> No.19653212

Why would you want to lose weight? There is no basis for anything "the will" wants, suggesting it lives in a vacuum and isn't influenced by outside forces is absurd, you'd only want to lose weight because of societal expectations which are always absurd - there is nothing objective that your will wants - instead of influence by God you're influenced by society

>> No.19653237

Unironically read Stephan molyneaux and Sam Harris

>> No.19653285
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>read this cult leader and this neocon

>> No.19653296

if by basis you mean moral justification then no ofc there isn't my contention is that will is the root of all values, oughts/shoulds, and moral justifications. Will is what does the justifying.

As to the reason why you want things this is a whole different question. It depends on your stance on the question of free will but this is unrelated to the question of ethics if your will is free or not doesn't change the fact that will is the foundation of ethics.

>> No.19653300

just make your own pronouns

>> No.19653340

>I want to do it because I do
You are not virtual, you're bound by the physical world - it's literally impossible to just want to do something because you do - there will always be a reason and that will always be connected to the real world - so rather doing it because muh god, you're doing it because muh society which will always change, you're not finding your own values just society's

>> No.19653347

so edgy bro

>> No.19653353

Who does the willing? It is you who wills.

>> No.19653395


>> No.19653405

I desire nothing but meaning, so did Nietzsche so he created the idea of the Übermensch to whom he can see as his God - but as we've seen - he just lied to himself that this man can exist as he never defined what he'd want, just that he'd be 'great' - because just like God, he's made up for man's question to meaning, yet never truly satisfies, this a curse that cannot be solved by lies - cannot be solved by anything

>> No.19653413

Just make something up LMAO
I am being serious.

>> No.19653421

Well then meaning is the value that you've created for yourself. You should try your best to find out what you mean by meaning lol. Since knowing exactly what you want will help you reach this goal of yours. There you go now you have an ethical system.

>> No.19653452
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I dug deep down and found my values happen to align perfectly with the national socialist values.

>> No.19653465

My highest aspiration in life is to form my own people. I take extremist political views in opposition to whoever is talking to me at the time, not because I give a fuck about any modern countries or ideologies, but because I want them to kill each other so I can get my chance. If I die in the process then at least I lived doing what I loved. Like that tight-rope chap.

>> No.19653479

just be yourself

>> No.19653482

You want to found a new people? LIke romulus founded the romans or jinmu founded the jap?

>> No.19653495

Universally preferable behavior
The moral landscape

These are a natural progression of Nietzsches work. They are pragmatic books which help us know how to develop new values

>> No.19653497

My will tells me that I should punch you in the gut, ya fucking nerd

>> No.19653498

Exactly my line of thought. All the greatest civilizations were born through such things. Constitutions, orthodox political platforms, doctrines ,etc it's all a load of bullshit. The priest class can rise on its own, but every great society was founded by a few basic principles. I also want to be long dead by the time my people are considered "great", because thats usually about the time they don't deserve to live because they are so pathetic and decadent.

>> No.19653510

All of these guys had divine support you know that right?

>> No.19653522
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>> No.19653526

those were people coping afterwards looking for a way to keep the plebs from rising up and trying to start their own Rome. REmember one brother killed the other to settle the score. No way in fuck those pedophile faggot homosexual child raping boy fucking Senator's wanted some big balls Legionary pissed off trooper who got a small shit farm with retarded slaves as his prize for decades of loyality to the Legion to get any funny ideas.

>> No.19653538

Lmfoa did you seriously just make that?

>> No.19653552

There are some basic principles. If there was no honor among thieves we'd have never left the cave.

>> No.19653570

What are you talking about? If Romulus had or didn't have divine support wouldn't give or take away any legitimacy from the republic since they overthrow the kingship. Look at Japan and the divine emperor or the jews and the support they got from yaweh. All of these peoples were founded by people with divine support.

>> No.19653576

Morals were enforced with the threat of violence by the strongest

>> No.19654154

Middle Way or Daoism

>> No.19654166

Yeah NEETCHEE was an edgy faggot, that’s right

>> No.19654167

He never said to arbitrarily invent your own values.

Will the retarded "interpretations" of Nietzsche ever stop?

>> No.19654193
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Find people you value and see what traits they have. Try to think what a person with these traits would do in a situation.
The very important thing is to act and not simply think.
I recommend Goethe.

>> No.19654196

You should try reading Nietzsche before posting critiques. Watching YouTube videos doesn't count.

>> No.19654199

>told to make your own values
>proceeds to ask where to find them
Once a last man, always a last man.

>> No.19654209

Lmao face it, NEETCHEE was a useless chud

>> No.19654216
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Quite based, if I may say so.

>> No.19654220

Divine support is not real. There is no proof of a higher power that interferes with human affairs.

>> No.19654242

Who keeps spawning these fucking threads? It says 23 connections, but I don't believe it's 23 different people.

>> No.19654255

In yourself bruh. Unless those values advocate for others bruh. That's slave morality bruh.