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19652274 No.19652274 [Reply] [Original]

Given that reading about society will make you depressed about it all, should you bother?

>> No.19652280


>> No.19652436

>capitalism is undefeatable and you can't even conceive of beating it, just give up
>the technological system can be defeated and it's worth trying, and it will collapse eventually anyway
Which one is it /lit/?

>> No.19652507

>lefturd trannies still shilling this midwit muh capitalism book
Only the farther left portion of the /lit/ bell curve are falling for petty materialist j*w squabblings. A true "revolution" will only come from the inner to the outer. It is no coincidence that far leftists are the most stereotypical examples of consoomer bugmen, fully endorsed and promoted by neolib globohomo. You need to change yourself first; let the jews (whether in spirit or body makes no difference) play their games, while we rectify and purify ourselves. Only then will a true outward "revolution" be possible.

>> No.19652516

yes. nobody ever writes about society to compliment it.

>> No.19652539

It's actually the other way around. Capitalism (and all human endeavor) is doomed to be become obsolete by the technological system which will replace it.

>> No.19652555

imagine thinking you've escaped the matrix with a take like this

>> No.19652573

books for this feel?

>> No.19652582

Anon, the Matrix is a silly movie about Keanu doing kung-fu against robots.

>> No.19652584

If I didn't make it clear, I think it's a bad thing and whatever comes next will be worse

>> No.19652601

The only way to replace capitalism is to create a post-scarcity hyper abundant society, which is never going to happen. Humanity will grow to the limits of the earth and then decline.

>> No.19652605

I love when leftists talk about "late stage capitalism", as if there is end in sight.

>> No.19652617

goalposts keep moving year after year

>> No.19652807
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It's true... all of it.

>> No.19652947
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There are some interesting ideas in there. Take "we have always been at war with East-Asia" as an example. Countries, just a few years after no longer prohibiting gay marriage, pretend they have always been champions of minority rights. Obama randomly lit the White House up in the colors of the rainbow after the Supreme Court decision that made gay marriage legal countrywide. But ge himself opposed it a few years earlier. Hillary claimed, during her campaign, that her whole career, she has devoted herself to minorities. This is likewise false.

>> No.19653170

>they're trying to remove the human orgasm
[Citation Needed]

>> No.19653180


"late stage capitalism" has outlasted every communist regime

>> No.19653323

>my side good people
>other side bad people
>literally all the in-group buzzwords
>purify ourselves
kekerino. You should start by purifying yourself.

>> No.19653341
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>> No.19653357
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>> No.19653449

antisemitism is weaponised midwittery

You see the chaos and complexity of an ever-changing world, and rather than seizing the bull by the horns, grappling with the facts, and striving to grasp the shifting sands of history, knowing that the grains will forever fall through your fingers, you prefer instead to cling to your moronic mythology, whereby all can be explained away through the hellish machinations of some primordial projection, and your childish mind can solve the puzzle of existence in primary colours and simple forms.

>> No.19653472

interesting take

I think it's more obvious with transgenderism -- gay liberation has been gaining ground since the 1920s, but the suddenness with which society at large has accepted that men can be women and women can be men continues to astound me.

People will say things with a straight face that until recently would have had them laughed out of the room.

>> No.19653533

I think this is something the Left has historically responded to, though -- the triumph of the consumer society over the socialist alternative, the refusal of the working class to revolt, preferring instead the aspirations of the suburbs, and the failure of the Marxist prophecy was a crisis for Leftist thinkers and philosophers who sought refuge in academia, where they developed their cultural revolution, enacted now in media and within the corporatocracy, but in a manner few would have predicted -- that is, rather than undermining capitalism from within, it has instead solidified and concretised the atomising and individualising forces of commodification and monetisation -- in short, the lie of patriarchy, of imperialism as the highest form of capitalism, of the nation-state, religion, and social class being mere epiphenomena that concealed man's economic exploitation, has been revealed, for in truth it is precisely these constructions -- faith, family, nation, even race -- that are the foundations of community, of solidarity, of all the feelings and ideals that lend themselves to resistance against the mammoth hand of mammon, and help us to aspire to something brighter than the glint of gold.

>> No.19653551

oh, they're definitely not midwits. Midwit

>> No.19653655

Humans will be seceded by the technological system, becoming like mere cells in the greater organism

>> No.19653684

I know the answer to all of this, I’m not telling you but you’ll read it in my diary desu

>> No.19653699

Is that you, Anne Frank? I thought you were toast.

>> No.19653711

Good posts, glad I've read it.