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File: 71 KB, 1200x1200, SherlockHolmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19649855 No.19649855 [Reply] [Original]

> Cold
> Callous
> Analytical
> Obsessive
> Quirky
> Asexual
> Generally Hates Women
> Has rituals (e.g. scratching his fiddle dissonantly for hours)
> Addicted to drugs
I know autism wasn't discovered yet but it honestly feels like Doyle went out of his way to write an Autistic character.
What's up with that?

>> No.19649856

Have you read the books?

>> No.19649863
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Most authors don't "code" characters because if a character is well written it does not need to be so. Coding is for cowards who are too scared to make a definitive statement or take a stance on something.

>> No.19649962

>Coding is for cowards who are too scared to make a definitive statement or take a stance on something.
I don't care, I'll continue Jew-coding the antagonists throughout my work and you can't stop me.

>> No.19650013
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Denial of truth entraps the soul

>> No.19650608

> Cold
He isn't remotely cold. He has normal human emotions and is if anything a warm and caring person, rather than the opposite. He has a great friendship with Watson. Yes, Conan Doyle describes him as a "cold, rationalist" whenever he remembers to. But he doesn't write him that way at all.

> Callous
See above.

> Analytical
Sure, he's analytical. But not autistically so. He's no more analytical than a doctor or engineer or lawyer or any other intelligent man in his field of endeavour.

> Obsessive
Not really. He's very focused and driven. He'll do what's necessary to get the job done. But once the job's done he'll move on. The key to an obsessive is that he can't let something alone, even when there's no point pursuing it. Holmes isn't like that at all.

> Quirky
Mildly quirky. Nothing extreme.

> Asexual
He's not written as an asexual character at all; just a character who has completely sublimated his sexuality into another endeavour. There's a difference.

> Generally Hates Women
He doesn't hate women at all. Yes, ACD says in Scandal In Bohemia that he "scarcely spoke of the softer passions without a sneer" or something, but that's just another example of ACD saying one thing but doing another. Holmes is kind and considerate to women. There's not the slightest evidence he hates them. Look at his behaviour in The Speckled Band, The Veiled Lodger, etc.

> Has rituals (e.g. scratching his fiddle dissonantly for hours)
That's not exactly a ritual. A ritual is performed exactly the same way every time, like Raphael Nadal's insane ritual every time he serves the ball. Holmes' violin-scraping is more of a habit. And lots of people do things like that. It's a minor quirk, sure.

> Addicted to drugs
No. He just gets bored very easily and turned to drugs to escape this. But he resisted becoming what you would call a "drug addict".

If you read the books you'll find the same pattern throughout: Conan Doyle says one thing about Holmes but then writes him a completely different way. And the way he writes him is much warmer and more humane and more appealing.

>> No.19651398

Idk i thought he was annoying so i was happy that he fucked off for half the book in The Hounds of Baskerville

>> No.19651665

>just a character who has completely sublimated his sexuality into another endeavour. There's a difference.
Yeah! he FUCKS crime! get it right, OP

>> No.19651678

I have not. And it's something that I will remedy.

>> No.19652368

OP here, this >>19651678 faggot isn't me btw; yeah, I've read the books, wot uv it?

>> No.19652870

>t. never read any Sherlock Holmes story and just copypasted from wikipedia

never change lit

>> No.19653108

OP here, these >>19651678 >>19652368 faggots are not me btw; yeah, I've never read the books, gibberish?

>> No.19653461


>> No.19653529

> Generally Hates Women
This is ASPD not ASD; common misdiagnosis since no one wants to tell a parent that their child is neurological trash that should be executed at their nearest convenience.

>> No.19654619

No, they seem boring

>> No.19654770

Stop this autism worship shit. Autism is a disability. Theyre awkward social retards with zero charisma. Think Mark Zuckerberg. Having a thorough, systematic mentality doesn't automatically make someone autistic.

>> No.19654987

The short stories can get a tad repetitive and predictable, but they're generally entertaining enough.
The long ones I liked a lot, Doyle is great when he's writing some extensive backstory to the crimes. Although I thought Hound Of The Basquervilles was a bit overrated for being the most famous one. Study In Scarlet and Valley Of Fear were fantastic, kino depictions of frontier America.

>> No.19654996

Hound isn't overrated it's just something of a genre switch. It's almost Lovecraftian in the macarbe gothic horror