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/lit/ - Literature

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19641325 No.19641325 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a writer? Or atleast striving to become one?
No lame excuses

>> No.19641338

I'm studying math right now but I might do some writing; I'm kicking a few ideas around in my head :)

>> No.19641344

Im legitimately too stupid i feel like :/

>> No.19641347

I need a steady job first. Im going for accounting. It seems piss easy and wont drain me everyday
America is fucked, its all about money to live here. there's no generational inheritances that allow the luxury of free time. that's only for the 1%
even Pynchon had to go through the drudgery of the military to get access to an education so he could write.

>> No.19641354

Need to make sure I can craft something with detail, not just “this happened, and then this happened, and then he said this”.

>> No.19641356

it's impossible
i'll never be as good as the greats

>> No.19641368

you should write so you can appreciate the greats even more. Try writing a poem, then read it and see how disastrous it is, then read a poem by one of the greats. it really puts into perspective the beauty of poetry

>> No.19641370

I published something on Amazon KDP recently, and am working on a collection of short stories.
It’s a far cry from a real career as a writer, and it’s not a replacement for the traditional route, but I enjoy it and maybe someday someone will really be affected by something I wrote and it’ll be worth it? or more likely it will just be something dumb and fun I did for a few years.

>> No.19641373

I kind of am, in the sense that I've written some essays and short stories - but there's virtually zero money in it, you have to devote so much of your time to a "day job" that everything else becomes secondary. Proletarianization is a helluva drug.

>> No.19641378

good luck

>> No.19641386

find something that doesnt involve staring at a computer

>> No.19641389

I don't want to inflict my neuroses on others. I'll sacrifice everything to make sure I'm solidly grounded, see if I have something to say that is of benefit, then I'll be a writer if it's my calling.

>> No.19641394

are you working towards it

>> No.19641398

I’m a failed historian not a failed writer.

>> No.19641399


>> No.19641409

great. how is the published one going? getting readers?

>> No.19641420

computer screens drain more energy than other work

>> No.19641432

ground is solidified in the process

>> No.19641435

I finally am. It’s hard to see past the barrier of something you wrote to know objectively if it’s too simple or not. But I’m starting to outline a few ideas and just simply writing in my journal as a sort of exercise for myself. I know I can get there, it’s just all about how serious I am about the discipline. Wouldn’t hurt to expand my vocabulary as well.

>> No.19641449

Thanks anon, I really appreciate it :^)

>> No.19641462

I’ve been offering pdf copies to people on /lit/ if they email me, and a few actually have read it and offered me some opinions/feedback/questions
It’s the best feeling in the world. I won’t make any money off sales, and it took me about a year of effort to write, but it’s really worth it when someone actually takes the time to read your words. would recommend

>> No.19641469

how do i get a copy?

>> No.19641476

hmu: nesmer.ogden@gmail.com

>> No.19641479

I am a writer. I read the Twilight and 50 Shades series and decided there's good money in terrible writing. I am churning and burning page after page of hot liquid garbage. I just need to put a female sounding name on it before I submit. Look for me on the shelves soon.

- Samantha Vaginaburg

>> No.19641486

I have no ideas about things to write and no desire to write anything. I am also unable to focus long enough to write anything.

>> No.19641499

all fixable

>> No.19641500

I’m working at it. I majored in creative writing in college (fiction), that was last year. I’m 23 now. I got some really great feedback from my profs there, so I’m confident that if I keep at it I can make something of myself. It’s really just a combination of talent and discipline

>> No.19641515

If you mean professionally, writing fiction in a way that isn't casual ruins reading fiction. Even writing casually can make reading worse. And while I like writing, reading's better

>> No.19641524

Writing is a dead, decrepit art. It is vile enough that I engage in cultural necrophilia by reading dead white men centuries gone, it would be downright morbid to breed more corpses by writing myself. I have nothing of value to say and mankind's ear isn't perceptive enough to listen. It's a dialogue between a mute and deaf ones

>> No.19641537

>muh dead white men

>> No.19641632

>I'm going for accounting. It seems piss easy
Public accounting is actually insanely stressful. It'll feel like your boss gets off to you working way past 5 and on the weekends. Feel free to go that route if you want free time to be nothing but a distant memory.

>> No.19641642

i make music and that takes too much time. also realized that the ideas i have are better suited to visual mediums, since thats how i concieve of them, though its hard to actualize a narrative as impressionistic as it is in your head. if the idea starts with language, its usually a poem for me. i also wrote some despite what i said and only like 2/15 stories

quick pitch?

>> No.19641651

A few years of public accounting is a good way to transition into a 40hr job for a private company with more autonomy of scheduling

>> No.19641697

an art critic takes a job interviewing a murderer/artist on a secret island, but gets stuck in a bacchinalic blood ritual commune and has to escape; intertwining storyline is a guy who became a loner from being a liveleak-watching type weirdo makes his own hallucinogens and drifts throughout Southeast Asia and becomes a terrorist mycologists slave.
It’s weird and corny at points but it’s short and it’s more about boredom and art being a death drive and depression and shit.

>> No.19641707

I am better at drawing

>> No.19641726

I’m actually a fairly popular child erotica writer. Most of my work goes to a certain website under a paid (subscription fee) section. I get around 300 unique views a week these days, but some of my top rated stories have hundreds of thousands of total views.

>> No.19641828

whats a good remote job with an emphasis on mathematics?

>> No.19641931

A fairly popular what???

>> No.19642026

>It seems piss easy and wont drain me everyday
>wont drain me everyday
t. working accountant

>> No.19642028

Sex stories

>> No.19642038

I shall be a published writer within 3 years. I'm working on my magnum opus right now. Not even memeing.

>> No.19642053

Lecturer in Mathematics (Australian system: Level B).

You'll need a doctorate and to have blown 15 people and 5 solo paper equivalents.

>> No.19642134

I lack the verbal IQ, to be honest.

>> No.19642273

Literature is an obsolete medium.

>> No.19642366

>you should write so you can appreciate the greats even more. Try writing a poem, then read it and see how disastrous it is, then read a poem by one of the greats. it really puts into perspective the beauty of poetry

>> No.19642471

I've been trying to think about something to write about but literally come up with nothing. I think about it all day at work and just come up blank.

>> No.19642530

I don't need to even bother trying to write one when I already know how jumbled and chaotic my inner voice is. It makes me wonder whether their poems just flow out onto paper organically, without requiring much contrivance (which is different to practice), or whether they spend a long time arranging and rearranging segments of words to get the desired outcome.

>> No.19642545

When I tried what I produced was very bad. Like a long blank wall with occasionally searing graffiti on it. Unreadable.

>> No.19642554

yes, but >>>>>sf

>> No.19642588

There is nothing new under the sun

>> No.19642601

Because I'm already an acclaimed filmmaker and I make more money doing this.

>> No.19642622

I made a living as a romance writer for a couple years then wrote a fantasy book and signed with an indie publisher for a trilogy. I got by but none of it was at all what I really wanted to write and it wasn't fulfilling. Now I write short fiction that no one reads, but it's satisfying because I want to write it for the writing itself. I'm also halfway done a highly stylized romance novella (think Wuthering Heights prose but obviously worse) that I enjoy a lot and will publish through a pen name. It's harder to find time to write now that I have more responsibilities, so when I do it has to be meaningful. I think I'll always write and develop my skill, for personal satisfaction.

>> No.19642729

writing is gay

>> No.19642744
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I had to shovel so much snow doing cash jobs in the last 2 days, fucked my back and laying on my couch now.
>still short on rent
Everything has been super fucked up but pushing forward into 2022 to release my ebook

>> No.19642786

in college a girl once introduced herself as writing romance/erotica novellas for a living. was that you?

>> No.19642791


>> No.19642794

can i please lick your ass hole while you spread your asscheeks and sit down harder so my tongue goes up inside your asshle

>> No.19642795

oh fuck lmao hey whattup its dat boi
no seriously, was it you? there can't be more than 10 people in the country who do that for a living.

>> No.19642800

sorry i made two posts, i thought the first one didn't send haha

>> No.19642809

post tongue

>> No.19642820
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I’m absorbed in regret that I didn’t dedicate myself at 13 to become the ultimate writer by reading 2 hours a day, removing environmental toxins and mass media poison from my body, and clearing my mind through meditation and philosophy. I calculated that I would have finished every book I’m interested in, most major masterpieces, and a good overview of all the non fiction categories that interest me, and likely be at genius level by age 25 (my current). I’m also in my prime creativity now and would be in the best spot to produce a masterpiece. But I failed to have the discipline or foresight to do it. I could try now but my mind was already polluted and is being set in stone so nothing I make will ever be as good as what my potential was and it eats me inside.

>> No.19642892
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>Im legitimately too stupid i feel like :/
Me too fren me too

>> No.19643012

I want to write at least 2 books in my lifetime. One is nonfiction, a wide-reaching diagnosis of the modern world where I specifically talk about the prevalence of decadence and how it defines the 21st century. The other is a fiction book narrated by zoomer characters that starts out as a humorous high school book but becomes more about their existential dread and anxiety in the social media era as it goes on. I have large portions of both already written. It’s kind of cringy that I want to be a writer in my free time in the future but it’s really what I’ve always wanted.

>> No.19643049

Im genuinely not creative

>> No.19643112

Just finished the rough draft of a novelette. My third long-form project completed this year.

Cephalopology: A Discourse On Submerged Consciousness. Revised Σth Edition.
A man is kidnapped by a tribe of octopi who wish to study the flatskins for signs of sentience, in the hopes that they can help the octopi escape the rising temperatures of the ocean. The efforts of the human to escape, and of the octopi to understand his bizarre behavior, lead to escalating conflict with threatens to extinguish two flickering lights of civilization, both clinging to life on a planet devastated by climate change.

Mostly just a fun cute adventure story.

>> No.19643114

all of this is bullshit and proves you right.

>> No.19643142

fuck it lets go right now, better than posting in this dump

>> No.19643459
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I write per genial motion, and post per congenial impulse, the latter usually as a last resort, when there is nothing better to do; the letter is not my only, nor my final, domain.

Per one's genius, the voice revolverts the frequencies of the image, the text, and the sound, entelechially converting the dimensions of their layers into art, and/or into science, thus traversing the entire spectrum of the rainbowave.

>> No.19643489

I don't feel like it

>> No.19643522

Woah me too. There is a lot of overlap between mathematics and high-brow literature, with structures and symbols that have depth.

>> No.19643782
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Cinematographically speaking, what are your thoughts on the axial cut?

>> No.19643804

I don't have any decent ideas and I feel like my execution is lacking.
Best I can do is oneshot fanfics for small fandoms or short stories for my friends.
I much prefer being the consoomer.

>> No.19643807

I can only come up with something good and fresh when I'm half asleep and that's about 20 min a day

>> No.19643812

Personally, Anon, I cannot wait for your How Libs and Jews Ruined My Hecking West book, that sounds like a fresh, hot take sentiment hasn't been expressed a billion times already.

>> No.19643836

Fuck, you're telling me this NOW?

>> No.19643865

Stay salty, Moishe. Maybe the mohel won't charge you for that metzitzah b'peh blowjob.

>> No.19643873

If I tried to compile a list of reasons to write I'd end up with a blank page.
I see literature as a dialogue. The writer speaks to the future, and the readers respond to the past. A dialogue across time and space, the continuity of human discourse. Thing is, I love the past, love talking to it, but I care not for the future. Even if I had the Greatest Book Ever stored in my mind (I don't trust me), I couldn't possibly give it to Ovid to enjoy, I could only give it to the future peoples, and these cunts deserve nothing. Nor would they care in the first place given how microscopic and ever-shrinking the medium has become. If one wants to enter arena of battle for Humanity's Soul, choosing literary form is akin to wielding a toothpick as a weapon of choice.

>> No.19643889

Anon I beg you take your meds. I'm not jewish. Nobody on 4chan is jewish, jewish people do not browse this website. They don't send glowing CIA operatives to mess with your memes. Stop charging these windmills. Toilet niggers aren't real either nobody is after your poop. 4chan is a backwater website that nobody pays attention too, absolutely nothing said or done here affects the planet.

>> No.19643896
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It doesn't interest me and even if it did I've yet to find anything original or interesting to write about.

>> No.19643942

Well said. I have an idea for "the end of literature", but who would read it? I couldn't understand it if I wasn't the author. An associated question is of the worth of texts like Finnegan's Wake? Are glass bead games the future of the written form or just a fad?

>> No.19643960

OK, field agent. I'll take a couple of ibuprofen tablets later on, then get back to analyzing the data you sent me.

>> No.19644044

I am. I would share my work but I don't want it to get stolen or for me to get recognized and swatted. I'm semi-infamous where I'm from.

>> No.19644055

>muh cant buy le tendies by writing meh smut
>passed over genius who has to work like everyone else

fool. you don't want to write.

>> No.19644056

glad to hear that anon

>> No.19644059

holy based

>> No.19644070

Anon, the mire you are in may seem inescapable from your view at the bottom, but Christ descended and took human flesh to save us from the desolation like that which you are experiencing. Ask for help.

>> No.19644076

You can still do it anon. Others started much later.

>> No.19644080

>nobody is after your poop
stopped reading here

>> No.19644093

>the future is sooo like scaryy
>le too spooked by the diminishing return of human culture so just gives up, further accelerating said decline

>choosing literary form is akin to wielding a toothpick as a weapon of choice
Pseud and cringe. What the fuck else is there, anon? Don't say film anon.

>> No.19644165

I think books are a dead medium, so I’d have to write for shows/movies, but I’m too autistic to be able to write normal human dialogue.

>> No.19644285

>Why aren't you a writer?
I've been procrastinating or putting it off for the past few years, but yesterday I finally decided to put pen to paper and write. I'm going to try and slowly ease myself into it, beginning with aphorisms and short stories.
I have been a NEET living with my parents for the past 6 months after finishing my bachelor this summer. Didn't write a single word. I think I require some kind of structure to my daily life so that i don't descend into the depressive state that I am in right now. Have a research job lined up from January which should do just that

>> No.19644311

That’s not what my perspective is at all, I am writing as a South East Asian Muslim, I couldn’t care less about the West dying

>> No.19644464

Because I’m too busy fucking sluts and doin rails of coke off my phone while my stock app is open my bastard.

>> No.19645210
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I want to be a renaissance man of sorts. I want to make some games, make some movies, write some books, write some songs, take some pictures, draw some pictures. Maybe do some stand up comedy. I want to do everything.
I'm writing a lot in my journal to see what sticks out in my head. Mostly figuring out how I want to write. I got plenty of ideas in my head, but I want to practice writing reality and work on my prose before I sit down and try to write a good story.

>> No.19645808

Because I don't want to be a writer lole.

>> No.19645836

My perspective isn't that interesting, I don't really have much to say, and I lack the will to try hard enough.

>> No.19645867

Trying to find coherence in schizo journal writings. Ongoing process alongside outside distractions and school.

>> No.19646352

This is my plan too, well was my plan, trust me it isn't worth it, I realize now I should have specialized. Being a jack of all trades is cool but I'm not good enough at anything to be a pro. And when you realize no one is gonna pay you decent money for good drawings/music/RPGmaker games you have to go for more practical skills.

>> No.19646580

imagine striving XDDDDDDDD

>> No.19646713

Because literature is a dead medium. I can still enjoy its already produced works but I definitely will not waste my time producing some myself.

>> No.19646730

Based low-life anon.

>> No.19646921

>Why aren't you a writer? Or atleast striving to become one?
I've got bigger problems. I've got the mind for it, but my family life has always been anything but stable, and I have to and have had to deal with the fallout from that instead. My life is more likely going to help inspire a work of fiction than produce one. All the same to me, to be quite honest with you.

>> No.19646931

I keep making excuses like "I need to read more first" or "I need more life experience"

>> No.19646946

I think it's too vulnerable of an artform for my liking. With drawing, the messages can be less obvious than the messages inside literature (this is situational of course, but I find it's easier to make my expressions less obvious and therefore I make myself less vulnerable to people I share with).

>> No.19646951


>> No.19646963

If you're writing in order to become "one of the greats" then you really shouldn't be writing in the first place. Writing is an art form, not egoic masturbation.

>> No.19647014

I'm studying, maybe when I feel like I'm ready to take a side project, I tried a few times to write and while the process is enjoyable in itself, I'm doubtful I can write something entertaining without a very precise idea of where I'm going.

>> No.19647314

Same, and you're right, but you also need to start writing. It's gonna be garbage and you'll look back at it feeling ashamed but it's necessary for progress the same way living or learning is. You probably know that already.

>> No.19647419

I am a writer. Published.

>> No.19647497

trad or self?

>> No.19647541

Because I can't into story ideas

>> No.19647554
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I actually am a writer. I'm a poet, too. I've been writing in some form or fashion since I was a kid. It really took off in middle school when I started writing fanfiction on message boards. I progressed from there into original fiction, and in the last few years I've also progressed into writing poetry again after a long way away, including narrative poetry.

I've gotten several poems and short stories published, but I'm hardly a household name. I'm currently working on a very big story told in a mixture of prose and verse. If I do it right it will be a major work of literature. The first book is finished and I'm searching for an agent or a small press, though I've given some thought to self-publishing. I'm actively editing the second book right now.

I am in graduate school, so I make some of my living off of student loans. My family is also relatively wealthy. The upshot of this is that I don't have to hold a steady job, and so I've got a lot of free time to write. More than write, my mind is free to wander and to have ideas, which I've found has been vital to the progression of the story and the building of characters.

>> No.19647557

It's all transitive, you probably were that undeserving cunt to the authors of the past yet they didn't whine about some future faggot. Your turn now, get writing.

>> No.19647625

I'm tired

>> No.19647636
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>> No.19647648
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I honestly wish you luck, man. I see a lot of your threads in here and I sympathize a lot with your situation. Honestly feel that you should write more and try to publish it more. More books = more sales. Anyway, I haven't read your book yet, but one day I'll buy it.
Best of luck and godspeed, fren.

>> No.19647651

No one in /lit/ writes.

>> No.19647657

Seek Help Jason.

>> No.19647709

Bang chicks incel.

>> No.19647753

I’m trying, but right now it’s looking like it could go either way. I fought my way out of the slush to get my short stories placed in some of the better lit mags in the US, and through that was able to get an agent to represent my short story collection. The initial plan was to sell it to publishers as a two book deal, because publishers aren’t all that keen on literary short story collections, and I busted my ass getting a robust outline and first chapter ready, only for my agent to tell me he had reservations about a man writing from a woman’s perspective, and said he just wanted to proceed with the short story collection. So he sent that out to a pretty strong list of publishing houses, but that was 3 months ago and so far about half of them have passed and I’m starting to feel very bummed about the prospects of it getting picked up. Which wouldn’t be so bad if this whole process hadn’t made it difficult for me to start working on anything new.

>> No.19647770

I am but it takes me a while to formulate where my story is going and if my writing is trying too hard.

>> No.19647835

>or whether they spend a long time arranging and rearranging segments of words to get the desired outcome.
ding ding

>> No.19648322
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It took a long time to get here, but I'm almost ready to show other anons the entire process. Maybe I can sell a "kit" to get started with writing?

I feel like most people who want to write have a hard time seeing an end goal. My method of writing, editing, printing, chopping and binding- it works! Perhaps I'm just too mentally ill myself to get the entire system to produce a sellable end product, and my completely marginalized, nobody-ass cannot sell a book due to complete social isolation both online and offline, however, I bet there are another anons who do have clear mental faculties and busy social lives, perhaps even very large followings, and those anons could use my system from beginning to end to print out and sell their own books for the approximate cost of $1 per print.

Certainly, in a world of nearly 8 billion people, there have to be a handful of people who could use my system to start and finish their first book.

>> No.19648374

Got nothing to say

>> No.19648447
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I'm doing that too. I'm going to school for software development but I just want to explore a lot of creative work in my life.

>> No.19648473

Then you'll burnt out unless you're on meth. It took me years to truly master creative skills. Young people always try to master everything thinking it will give them a broader understanding of it all, but it's not like that at all. You focus on one thing and by reaching complete mastery of that one thing you get a sense of how the universe works, thus giving you both a greater understanding of it all and the ability to learn other skills way faster, because you're just repeating what you already did in a sense.

>> No.19648529
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I'm not looking to attain mastery in everything I'm looking for things to do between working and sleeping. I'll "master" my career but for everything else I'm fine with being an amateur. I want to have some skills in those things, but I by no means intend on becoming some hyper skilled multimedia guy. I, at least, want to get good enough to be able to pass off my vision and communicate effectively with people who are more talented than I who I'm commissioning for work, contribute as needed (so as to not feel like a bum watching other people do stuff for me) and to know that I'm not getting conned.
Maybe renaissance man is the wrong phrase. I just want to be good enough at things so I can say, with complete honesty, that I'm better than average.

>> No.19648601

The amount of essays i have to do for uni drains my will to write independently. Sometimes I write anyway but it never gets far.

>> No.19649164

I feel the exact same way. And then also, why even be a writer and what makes me so special? Why not just get some regular job, instead of chasing this writer dream? Maybe it is something out of adolescence I never grew out of.

>> No.19649211 [DELETED] 

I get motivated to write three chapters, but after reading it I get sad noticing all I did instead of writing a story was spew my schizophrenic autistic maddening mania on paper instead of actually writing a coherent story. I may get back to writing again. One thing is for certain though, I don't want anyone to see dysfunctionality on paper once I edit it I want them to see a story. I still am depressed after getting responses that my story of a boy failing math was a biography. That pissed me off a lot. I can just imagine people having that same response to my more violent stories and less happy ones so I took a break from it. More importantly the main reason why I took a break from it was because people kept on seeing my work as a reflection of me instead of an actual fucking story. I get it, we live in a scary world and we got to prepare for when those things happen, but for fucks sake have some fucking levity.

>> No.19649256

I don't feel like doing it at the moment. The stigma I deal with as a writer with what I write as a reflection of me feels too much, so I'm taking a break.

>> No.19649345

I feel I haven't lived enough yet. That I need experiences worth drawing from. Now and then I copy scraps of thought into lined paper notepads, but a great narrative eludes me.

>> No.19649482

I don't feel like having my ego destroyed. I've never really shared my thoughts with anyone, so if I were to put the pen to paper, I know that I will be criticized mercilessly and my world view will be shattered.

>> No.19649490

I'm not good enough to do justice to transcribing the story and worldbuilding ideas from my head onto a page. Any kind of acceptable prose seem like a long way off - both in time and effort. I honestly feel like my ideas would be far better off in someone else's hands.

>> No.19649520

It's because they spent a lot of time practicing, dude. Study up, learn the techniques and keep practicing. That goes for any art form, you'll improve way quicker than you'd expect, especially with consistency.

Might sound boomerish but it's real. The more you put into studying and mastering something, the better you get and the better chance you have at creating something amazing.

>> No.19649549

The only stuff I want to write about if femdom murder porn.

>> No.19649602

I don't have anything to say

>> No.19649612


>> No.19649646

I might. But I already have problems when I write of getting nervous or my own personality weaknesses and quirks appearing in the characters if I try expressing myself. It’ll take me at least another 10 years to finish enough masterpieces to feel like I’m ready and by then my personality will be even more set in stone.

>> No.19651198

i write really good 4chan posts, does that count?

>> No.19651555

I am a decent writer but genuinely feel that I have nothing to say. If I did, I would try.

>> No.19651663

I write more than you, faggot

>> No.19651771
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Ever notice the most hatred on /lit/ goes towards straight white male authors who actually write?

>> No.19651940

>have some vague ideas for a new story
>try to write book
>get writers block™
>stop writing until i get new ideas
>have some vague ideas for new story
>try to write book
>get writers block™
>stop writing until i get new ideas
>have some vague ideas for a new story...
i have like 7 different stories that i havent completed yet. had focused on just 1 i would have finished something by now.

>> No.19651954
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who says I'm not?

>> No.19651961

I'm trying but poetry is so fucking hard and nobody will ever care about my prose

>> No.19652496

quantity doesn't matter if you write like shit ;)

>> No.19652518

The Shitkickers BTFOs anything you write, friend

>> No.19653100
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>> No.19653201

I plan on starting soon while doing my postgraduate in Japan. I am aiming to write LN and hopefully an studio will adapt it into anime (Kyoani preferably).

I also want to make the illustrations myself so I need to practice drawing too.

I got a lot of ideas for the plot but all of them feel like pilot ideas, nothing concrete yet. I will still publish them and see how it goes.

>> No.19653208

Yeah I'll start doing that when you gangstalking figs leave me alone

>> No.19653280

Honestly I don't enjoy the process of writing that much and I have other creative pursuits

>> No.19653417

I studied something unrelated

>> No.19653567

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.19653578

cope, your writing is still shit

>> No.19653713

How would you know nigger faggot you haven't even read my fucking book

kill yourself kike

>> No.19655096
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I am working on it
I write regularly
I don't make excuses
But it will take some time to finish

>> No.19655106

I'm going to make music, write, and be a painter

>> No.19655123

Good luck anon, I believe in you :)

>> No.19655142
File: 78 KB, 472x600, williamblakelge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poets sometimes spend years on a poem. Robert Frost reportedly spent 4 years on a 4 line poem because he couldn't find an ending line that fit with the first three.
Pic related is a rough draft of William Blake's The Tyger
a lot of work goes into poems.

>> No.19655226

I'm a full time musician (and music student) so I haven't got much free time (I've burnt out before by sacrificing sleep time for more studying due to my monomaniac relation to music). Discovering literature has made me healthier, since, it being an art I haven't appreciated as a youngster nor have practiced before, I can't master it, meaning it will be a hobby I can't have delusions of grandeur with.

Problem is, reading has made think literature is a higher medium than music (what I've studied my whole life).
Still I plan to write more once I finish uni and get a low time-consuming job.

>> No.19655287

Thank you

>> No.19655406

Your welcome anon, keep coming back and updating everyone with your progress towards your goals!

>> No.19655444

I thought when I got a steady job, I could finally stop working toward getting a good steady job and pursue my creative goals...
I learned I literally gotta just DO IT

>> No.19655449

That mindset is why you’ll never be one of the greats.

>> No.19655466

No ideas, really.

>> No.19655884

I would say music and literature are the sovereign heads of art, if it is even meaningful or of use to make such a distinction. What one lacks the other contains.