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19645358 No.19645358 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite Bible character ?

>> No.19645383

Slave Girl. I want one of my own.

>> No.19645401

Jesus, who is God himself and who died for our sins on the Cross
JW deny this

>> No.19645414

Peter the Rock, and Paul

>> No.19645426
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>Jesus, who is God himself

“My Father is greater than I [Jesus].”—John 14:28.

“I [Jesus] ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God.”—John 20:17.

“To us there is but one God, the Father.”—1 Corinthians 8:6.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”—1 Peter 1:3.

“These things saith the Amen [Jesus], . . . the beginning of the creation of God.”—Revelation 3:14.

>and who died for our sins on the Cross

the Bible does not describe the instrument of Jesus’ death, so no one can know its shape with absolute certainty. Still, the Bible provides evidence that Jesus died, not on a cross, but on an upright stake.

The Bible generally uses the Greek word stau·rosʹ when referring to the instrument of Jesus’ execution. (Matthew 27:40; John 19:17) Although translations often render this word “cross,” many scholars agree that its basic meaning is actually “upright stake.” * According to A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament, stau·rosʹ “never means two pieces of wood joining each other at any angle.”

The Bible also uses the Greek word xyʹlon as a synonym for stau·rosʹ. (Acts 5:30; 1 Peter 2:24) This word means “wood,” “timber,” “stake,” or “tree.” The Companion Bible thus concludes: “There is nothing in the Greek of the N[ew] T[estament] even to imply two pieces of timber.”



>> No.19645478


>> No.19645505

Most but not all roman crucifixions where on a stake. Though it is pretty obvious he was on a t or cross since he carried something to the hill which in other Roman accounts is the horizontal member

>> No.19645517

JWs are probably the most retarded out of all christians, if they are christians in the first place. Overlapping generations has to be the most retarded religious concept ever to be produced in order to reconcile a failed prophecy.

>> No.19645526
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In classical Greek, stau·rosʹ denotes the same thing that it does in the common Greek of the Christian Scriptures—primarily an upright stake or pole with no crossbar. Interestingly, John Denham Parsons wrote in the book The Non-Christian Cross: “There is not a single sentence in any of the numerous writings forming the New Testament, which, in the original Greek, bears even indirect evidence to the effect that the stauros used in the case of Jesus was other than an ordinary stauros; much less to the effect that it consisted, not of one piece of timber, but of two pieces nailed together in the form of a cross.”

The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible states, with reference to stau·rosʹ: “Literally an upright stake, pale, or pole . . . As an instrument of execution, the cross was a stake sunk vertically in the ground. Often, but by no means always, a horizontal piece was attached to the vertical portion.” Another reference work says: “The Greek word for cross, stau·rosʹ, properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or piece of paling, on which anything might be hung, or which might be used in impaling [fencing in] a piece of ground. . . . Even amongst the Romans the crux (from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole, and this always remained the more prominent part.”—The Imperial Bible Dictionary.

In the book The Cross and Crucifixion, by Hermann Fulda, it is said: “Jesus died on a simple death-stake: In support of this there speak (a) the then customary usage of this means of execution in the Orient, (b) indirectly the history itself of Jesus’ sufferings and (c) many expressions of the early church fathers.” Fulda also points out that some of the oldest illustrations of Jesus impaled depict him on a simple pole.

The Christian apostle Paul says: “Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: ‘Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake.’” (Gal. 3:13) His quotation was from Deuteronomy, which mentions placing the corpse of an executed person on a “stake,” then adds: “His dead body should not stay all night on the stake; but you should by all means bury him on that day, because something accursed of God is the one hung up; and you must not defile your soil.”—Deut. 21:22, 23.

>> No.19645528

The one with the wettest pussy

>> No.19645538
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why are you mean to me :(

I don't recall insulting your faith

>> No.19645539

Lmao why is the black guy just called eunuch

>> No.19645553

Unless you read scripture holistically you won't interpret it properly. Trinitarian theology as developed by the councils of the Church perfectly accounts for all those quotes you've pulled out.

>> No.19645563
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>> No.19645569
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“The impression could arise that the Trinitarian dogma is in the last analysis a late 4th-century invention. In a sense, this is true . . . The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299.

“The Council of Nicaea met on May 20, 325 [C.E.]. Constantine himself presided, actively guiding the discussions, and personally proposed . . . the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, ‘of one substance with the Father.’ . . . Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination.”—Encyclopædia Britannica (1970), Volume 6, page 386.

“The Christian Bible, including the New Testament, has no trinitarian statements or speculations concerning a trinitary deity.”—Encyclopædia Britannica.

“The doctrine of the trinity . . . is not a product of the earliest Christian period, and we do not find it carefully expressed before the end of the second century.”—Library of Early Christianity—Gods and the One God.

“In order to articulate the dogma of the Trinity, the [Catholic] Church had to develop her own terminology with the help of certain notions of philosophical origin.”—Catechism of the Catholic Church.


>> No.19645603

It is true that Jesus never said the exact words, “I am God.” He did, however, make the claim to be God in many different ways, and those who heard Him knew exactly what He was saying. For example, in John 10:30, Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” The Jews who heard Him make that statement knew well that He was claiming to be God, as witnessed by their reaction: “His Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him” (John 10:31). When He asked them why they were attempting to stone Him, they said, “For blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God” (John 10:33). Stoning was the penalty for blasphemy (Leviticus 24:16), and the Jews plainly accused Jesus of claiming to be God.

Jesus made another statement claiming to be God when He said, “Very truly I tell you, . . . before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58). The Jews, upon hearing Him, clearly understood that He was claiming preexistence and, more than that, to be Yahweh, the great “I AM” of Exodus 3:14. On this occasion, too, they tried to stone Him for blasphemy.

The Gospel of John begins with a statement of Jesus’ deity: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1, emphasis added). In verse 14, John identifies the Word: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John is affirming that the Word (Jesus) is God, and He left heaven to come to earth in the form of a man to live with men and display the glory of God the Father.

The disciples of Jesus distinctly heard Him declare His deity. After Jesus’ resurrection, Thomas the doubting disciple finally understood Jesus’ deity, declaring Him to be “my Lord and my God” (John 20:28). If Jesus were not Lord and God, He would have corrected Thomas, but He did not; Thomas spoke the truth. After seeing Jesus walking on the water, His disciples worshipped Him (Matthew 14:33). When He appeared to them after the resurrection, they fell at His feet and worshipped Him (Matthew 28:9). The disciples were well aware of the Mosaic Law’s penalty for blasphemy, yet they worshipped Him as God, and Jesus accepted their worship. Jesus never rebuked people for worshipping Him, accepting their worship as good and proper.

Jesus’ deity is recognized throughout the New Testament. Paul eagerly awaited “the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13) and encouraged us to do the same. Both Paul and John declared that Jesus created the universe (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16–17), yet Genesis 1:1 clearly says that God created the heavens and the earth. This can only mean that Jesus is God. Even God the Father referred to Jesus as God: “About the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever’” (Hebrews 1:8, quoting Psalm 45:6).

>> No.19645611

Did Jesus say He was God? Yes, in many ways, including applying the names and attributes of God to Himself. He made it clear that He was God incarnate, proving it by His words, by His miracles, and finally by His resurrection from the dead. Although they doubted at first, those who were finally convinced of His deity understood why He had to die on the cross. If He were a mere man, His death would have been only sufficient to pay for His own sins, but because He was God in the flesh, His sacrifice was infinite and holy and able to pay for all the sins of the world.

>> No.19645621

Your mere existence is an insult

>> No.19645646
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>John 10:30

Let us take a look at the context.

In verse 25, Jesus stated that he did works in the name of his Father. From verses 27 to 29, he talked about symbolic sheep whom his Father had given him.

Both statements by Jesus would have made little sense to his listeners if he and his Father were one and the same person.

Instead, Jesus said, in effect, ‘My Father and I are so close-knit that no one can take away the sheep from me, just as no one can take them away from my Father.’

It is much like a son saying to his father’s enemy, ‘If you attack my father, you attack me.’ No one would conclude that this son and his father were the same person.

But all could perceive the strong bond of unity between them.

Jesus and his Father, Jehovah God, are also “one” in the sense that they are in complete agreement as to intentions, standards, and values.

In contrast with Satan the Devil and the first human couple, Adam and Eve, Jesus never wanted to become independent of God.

“The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing,” Jesus explained. “For whatever things that One does, these things the Son also does in like manner.”—John 5:19; 14:10; 17:8.

This strong bond of unity, however, does not make God and his Son, Jesus, indistinguishable from each other.

They are two individuals.

Each one has his own distinct personality.

Jesus has his own feelings, thoughts, experiences, and free will. Nevertheless, he chose to submit his will to that of his Father.

According to Luke 22:42, Jesus said: “Let, not my will, but yours take place.” These words would have been meaningless if his will could not differ from his Father’s.

If Jesus and his Father were really one person, why did Jesus pray to God and humbly admit to not knowing things that only his Father knew?—Matthew 24:36.

>> No.19645657

>They are two individuals.

>Each one has his own distinct personality.

>Jesus has his own feelings, thoughts, experiences, and free will

You are so close to understanding the trinity but you refuse since that would mean that your society would excommunicate you. Id say that there is still a chance to find salvation if you reject your doomsday cult


>> No.19645658
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>John 10:31
>John 10:33
>Leviticus 24:16

Jesus’ opposers accused him of making himself equal to God. (John 5:18; 10:30-33) However, Jesus never claimed to be on the same level as Almighty God. He said: “The Father is greater than I am.”—John 14:28.

Jesus’ early followers did not view him as being equal to Almighty God. For example, the apostle Paul wrote that after Jesus was resurrected, God “exalted him [Jesus] to a superior position.” Obviously, Paul did not believe that Jesus was Almighty God. Otherwise, how could God exalt Jesus to a superior position? —Philippians 2:9.

>John 8:58

here the expression is quite different from the one used at Exodus 3:14. Jesus did not use it as a name or title but simply as a means of explaining his prehuman existence. Thus, according to the the most accurate translations, the more correct rendering of John 8:58 is: “Before Abraham came into existence, I have been.”

>> No.19645668
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>John 1:1

While many Bible translators render the verse "the word was God", others see the need to render it differently.

In the original-language text, the two occurrences of “God” (Greek, the·osʹ) at John 1:1 are grammatically different. In the first occurrence, the word “God” is preceded by the Greek definite article, while the article does not appear before the second occurrence.

Many scholars note that the absence of the definite article before the second the·osʹ is significant. For example, The Translator’s New Testament says regarding this absence of the article: “In effect it gives an adjectival quality to the second use of Theos (God) so that the phrase means ‘The Word was divine.’” (The Translator’s New Testament, page 451.)

Other scholars and Bible translations point to this same distinction:

“In the beginning the Word existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was divine.”—The Bible—An American Translation, 1935, by J.M.P. Smith and E. J. Goodspeed.

“The Logos existed in the very beginning, the Logos was with God, the Logos was divine.”—The Bible—Containing the Old and New Testaments, 1950, by James Moffatt.

“The Word was in the beginning, and the word was with God, and the word was a god.”—The New Testament in an Improved Version, 1808, edited by Thomas Belsham, based on a New Testament translation by William Newcome.

“In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. So the Word was divine.”—The Authentic New Testament, 1958, by Hugh J. Schonfield.

>> No.19645670

This. Fuck God, Allah, and Yahweh.

>> No.19645678

back to /his/

>> No.19645713

JeSUS ( among us game)

>> No.19645724
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>John 20:28

by saying “my God,” Thomas was obviously acknowledging Jesus as God’s Spokesman and Representative, even as others addressed an angelic messenger as though he were Jehovah.—Compare Genesis 18:1-5, 22-33; 31:11-13; 32:24-30; Judges 2:1-5; 6:11-15; 13:20-22.

>Matthew 14:33
>Matthew 28:9

They didn't wordhip him, they did obeisance to him, or bowed down to him/paid him homage.

These people recognized Jesus as God’s representative. They rendered obeisance to him, not as to a god or a deity, but as to “God’s Son.”

People mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures also bowed down when meeting prophets, kings, or other representatives of God. (1Sa 25:23, 24; 2Sa 14:4-7; 1Ki 1:16; 2Ki 4:36, 37)

>Titus 2:13

"King James Bible
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ"

"Douay-Rheims Bible
Looking for the blessed hope and coming of the glory of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ,"

"Aramaic Bible in Plain English
While we look for the blessed hope and the revelation of the glory of The Great God and Our Lifegiver, Yeshua The Messiah,"

Why did you modify the text ?

this text clearly differentiates between him and Christ Jesus, the one through whom God provides salvation.

>John 1:3; Colossians 1:16–17

God used “his beloved Son” (Col 1:13) in creating the things “in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible.” This would include the millions of other spirit sons in Jehovah God’s heavenly family, as well as the physical universe. (Ge 1:1; Da 7:9, 10; Joh 1:3; Re 5:11) Jesus was Jehovah’s firstborn Son and the only one created directly by God. (Heb 1:6; see study notes on Joh 1:14 and Col 1:15.) Logically, it was to this firstborn Son that Jehovah said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.”—Ge 1:26.

When asked who made the Eiffel Tower, what would you say ? You'd say Gustave Eiffel. But it was actually the builders who made it ! That's because they were following the plans of the architect. Hence, Jesus may have been the one who created us directly, but God is still the auhhor of our life because Jesus was following the architect's directions.

>> No.19645744
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>Hebrews 1:8

Well of course, Jesus is the one who rules over God's Kingdom. Then after the Millennium he will hand it over to his Father (1 Corinthians 15:24). Which is yet another proof that Jesus and God are distinct !

Ask yourself: Why would the Bible only “imply” its most important teaching—who God is? The Bible is clear on other basic teachings; why not on this, the most important one? Would not the Creator of the universe author a book that was clear on his being a Trinity if that were the case?

The reason the Bible does not clearly teach the Trinity doctrine is simple: It is not a Bible teaching. Had God been a Trinity, he would surely have made it clear so that Jesus and his disciples could have taught it to others. And that vital information would have been included in God’s inspired Word. It would not have been left to imperfect men to struggle with centuries later.

>Ad hominem

Many such cases !

>> No.19645813
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Samson, obviously

>> No.19645833

Samson was based as fuck.
Reach heaven through violence.

>> No.19645859

cute slave girl

>> No.19645880

Checked, if you cannot find heaven through other means, you may find it atop a pile of vanquished foes

>> No.19645938

Rahab. Prostitution is the most honest way to make a living.

>> No.19645950

>why are you mean to me :(
Because in order to truly believe in such an idiotic concept (overlapping generations) you have to either be a complete moron or decide to shut down your brain selectively. In both cases, you deserve to be mocked.

>> No.19645988

based same

>> No.19646023

He is identified only as an "Ethiopian eunuch" in the Bible, and you're a godless heathen with poor cultural literacy not to know that. See Acts 8 for more.

>> No.19646090

I cannot trust jws on anything because their translation of the Bible is untrustworthy and is the one they use to "study" with
Exodus 3:14
>And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. - KJV
>God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” - NIV
>God said to Moses, “ I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘ I AM has sent me to you.’' - ESV
>And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’' - NASB

There are of course others that say the same. Meanwhile NWT
>So God said to Moses: “I Will Become What I Choose* to Become.” And he added: “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘I Will Become has sent me to you.’'

This of course thus affects Jesus later on stating "Before Abraham was, I am" in John 8:58, again used by various translations while the NWT says
>Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been.”
Clearly the intent is to garble Jesus' statement of being God come in the flesh
A similar thing is of course done with the addition of a in John 1:1.

But of course putting all of this bad and misleading translating aside and witnesses obsession with the trinity, stake vs cross, Jesus being Michael, devil only came to earth in 1914, etc is them saying Jesus was not resurrected physically. He "dissolved" and returned in spirit

Strange considering Thomas himself in John 20 touches Jesus' body and the wounds because he won't believe Jesus is alive.

But hey in the New system you might own the guy's house who slammed his door in your face

>> No.19646101

My favorite Bible character is Jael who fed warm milk to Sisera then when he fell asleep she pounded a tent stake through his skull

>> No.19646245
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I disagree.

In Hebrew, the name Jehovah comes from a verb that means “to become,” and a number of scholars feel that it reflects the causative form of that Hebrew verb.

Thus, the understanding of the New World Bible Translation Committee is that God’s name means “He Causes to Become.”

Scholars hold varying views, so we cannot be dogmatic about this meaning. However, this definition well fits Jehovah’s role as the Creator of all things and the Fulfiller of his purpose. He not only caused the physical universe and intelligent beings to exist, but as events unfold, he continues to cause his will and purpose to be realized.

Therefore, the meaning of the name Jehovah is not limited to the related verb found at Exodus 3:14, which reads: “I Will Become What I Choose to Become” or, “I Will Prove to Be What I Will Prove to Be.”

In the strictest sense, those words do not fully define God’s name. Rather, they reveal an aspect of God’s personality, showing that he becomes what is needed in each circumstance to fulfill his purpose.

So while the name Jehovah may include this idea, it is not limited to what he himself chooses to become. It also includes what he causes to happen with regard to his creation and the accomplishment of his purpose.

>> No.19646256
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As for John 8:58, the opposing Jews wanted to stone Jesus for claiming that he had “seen Abraham,” although, as they said, Jesus was “not yet 50 years old.” (Joh 8:57)

Jesus’ response was to tell them about his prehuman existence as a mighty spirit creature in heaven before Abraham was born.

Some claim that this verse identifies Jesus with God. They argue that the Greek expression used here, e·goʹ ei·miʹ (rendered “I am” in some Bibles), is an allusion to the Septuagint rendering of Ex 3:14 and that both verses should be rendered the same way. (See Joh 4:26.)

In this context, however, the action expressed by the Greek verb ei·miʹ started “before Abraham came into existence” and was still in progress. It is therefore properly translated “I have been” rather than “I am,” and a number of ancient and modern translations use wording similar to “I have been.”

In fact, at Joh 14:9, the same form of the Greek verb ei·miʹ is used to render Jesus’ words: “Even after I have been with you men for such a long time, Philip, have you not come to know me?” Most translations use a similar wording, showing that depending on context there is no valid grammatical objection to rendering ei·miʹ as “have been.” (Other examples of rendering a present tense Greek verb using a present perfect tense verb are found at Lu 2:48; 13:7; 15:29; Joh 15:27; Ac 15:21; 2Co 12:19; 1Jo 3:8.)

Also, Jesus’ reasoning recorded at Joh 8:54, 55 shows that he was not trying to portray himself as being the same person as his Father.

>> No.19646261
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>Strange considering Thomas himself in John 20 touches Jesus' body and the wounds because he won't believe Jesus is alive.

The Bible says that Jesus “was put to death in the flesh but made alive [resurrected] in the spirit.”—1 Peter 3:18; Acts 13:34; 1 Corinthians 15:45; 2 Corinthians 5:16.

Jesus’ own words showed that he would not be resurrected with his flesh-and-blood body. He said that he would give his “flesh in behalf of the life of the world,” as a ransom for mankind. (John 6:51; Matthew 20:28) If he had taken back his flesh when he was resurrected, he would have canceled that ransom sacrifice. This could not have happened, though, for the Bible says that he sacrificed his flesh and blood “once for all time.”—Hebrews 9:11, 12.

Spirit creatures can take on human form. For example, angels who did this in the past even ate and drank with humans. (Genesis 18:1-8; 19:1-3) However, they still were spirit creatures and could leave the physical realm.—Judges 13:15-21.

After his resurrection, Jesus also assumed human form temporarily, just as angels had previously done. As a spirit creature, though, he was able to appear and disappear suddenly. (Luke 24:31; John 20:19, 26) The fleshly bodies that he materialized were not identical from one appearance to the next. Thus, even Jesus’ close friends recognized him only by what he said or did.—Luke 24:30, 31, 35; John 20:14-16; 21:6, 7.

When Jesus appeared to the apostle Thomas, he took on a body with wound marks. He did this to bolster Thomas’ faith, since Thomas doubted that Jesus had been raised up.—John 20:24-29.

Hope I answered all your questions !

>> No.19646281

>he has some txt file of random bible quotes for arguing with people on 4channel

>> No.19646302
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But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect.
— 1 Peter 3:15

>> No.19646304

off topic

>> No.19646372

>The Bible says that Jesus “was put to death in the flesh but made alive [resurrected] in the spirit.”
Indeed, just as we all are born dead in the flesh but made alive, (1st Corinthians 15:22)
>For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

>Jesus’ own words showed that he would not be resurrected with his flesh-and-blood body
>If he had taken back his flesh when he was resurrected, he would have canceled that ransom sacrifice. This could not have happened, though, for the Bible says that he sacrificed his flesh and blood “once for all time.”
This is incorrect. But I should not be surprised as the very purpose of your publishing company is to produce very bad bibles.
>Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
>But he spake of the temple of his body.
To that end
>know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
Hmm weird
Seems like Jesus staes he will raise up his own body and even Paul says the body is a temple
Scripture seems to go against what you say
>Spirit creatures can take on human form. For example, angels who did this in the past even ate and drank with humans
Jesus is very much a man. Paul acknowledges this
>For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead
See, Jesus sacrifices himself as a man. But he raises his physical body up to show death is defeated. He has provided the way for man to have eternal life. Death holds no power because he has left the tomb.

>> No.19646385

I'll join your cult if you give me a wife and a job

>> No.19646420

I don't think they'll pay you unless you become one of the dudes in New York that run the publishing house.

>> No.19646470

It would be funny though if he was fixed to a crux with no patibulum, and carried a crux but not a patibulum to the base of the hill in contradiction to roman accounts of this punishment. Then again the examples one digs up are just as common in plays as they are in histories so maybe it is all dramatics.
humorous example
>quid mihi fiet postea?credo hercle adueniens nomen mutabit mihi facietque extemplo Crucisalum me ex Chrysalo.
more mundane
>Patibulum ferat per urbem, deinde affigaturFootnote27 cruci.

>> No.19646471

this ?

fine >>19645426
hire me there as a code monkey & get me a cute loyal wife
and I'll become your version of mujahideen

>> No.19646482
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Are you confusing me with a mormon or something ?

>> No.19646512

why ?
mormon can find me a wife but you you can't ?

>> No.19646523

If your cult can't provide members with wives, or establish a monastic society where no one has or desires one, what are you offering exactly? Where's the reward mechanism in your larping?

>> No.19646570
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The 40th Psalm is applied to him by the inspired writer of the book of Hebrews, who represents Jesus as saying, when he came “into the world” as God’s Messiah: “Sacrifice and offering you did not want, but you prepared a body for me.” (Heb 10:5)

Jesus himself said: “For a fact, the bread that I shall give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world.” (Joh 6:51) It follows that Christ could not take his body back again in the resurrection, thereby taking back the sacrifice offered to God for mankind.

The apostle Paul wrote: “Even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, certainly we now know him so no more.”—2 Corinthians 5:16.

The Bible is very clear when it says: “Christ died once for all time concerning sins . . . , he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.” (1 Peter 3:18) Humans with flesh-and-blood bodies cannot live in heaven.

Of the resurrection to heavenly life, the Bible says: “It is sown a physical body, it is raised up a spiritual body. . . . flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s kingdom.” (1 Corinthians 15:44-50) Only spirit persons with spiritual bodies can live in heaven.

>> No.19646579

Nah it's this one

I think you have to prove you're good enough to go to their school before you can work there.

>> No.19646603

So how do you answer the fact that C.T. Russel predicted that believers would be translated to heaven by 1878? He is the father of your movement after all.


See page 124

>> No.19646604

>Jehovah’s Witnesses have translated Bible-based publications into more than 90 sign languages. Why so much effort?
do they forget that deaf people can read ?

>> No.19646617

>so you're saying your cult will find me a wife?
No, I'm saying that when you're done with being indoctrinated, you'll be convinced you don't need one.

>> No.19646622






Pretty based

>> No.19646637

The cathars tried this and went extinct. There's also some branch of puritans in New England with like 10 people left. Good luck!

>> No.19646659
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I don't mind that you hate me. After all Jesus said

“All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.”—2 TIM. 3:12.


“Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens.”—Matthew 5:11, 12.

Know that I love you anyway because Jesus said to love everybody :)

>> No.19646681
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>So how do you answer the fact that C.T. Russel predicted that believers would be translated to heaven by 1878?

We have always used the Bible as the sole authority for our beliefs, so we have adjusted our beliefs as our understanding of the Scriptures has been clarified.

We do not try to hide these changes in our understanding of the Bible. In fact, we record and publish them:


Such changes are in harmony with the Bible principle stated at Proverbs 4:18: “The path of the righteous is like the bright morning light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.” Just as the rising sun reveals details of a landscape gradually, God grants an understanding of divine truth progressively, in his due time. (1 Peter 1:10-12) As the Bible foretold, he has accelerated this process during “the time of the end.”—Daniel 12:4.

These adjustments in our understanding should neither surprise nor disturb us. Ancient worshippers of God also had mistaken ideas and expectations and needed to adjust their viewpoint.

Moses offered himself as a deliverer for the nation of Israel 40 years ahead of God’s timetable.—Acts 7:23-25, 30, 35.

The apostles failed to understand the prophecy that foretold the Messiah’s death and resurrection.—Isaiah 53:8-12; Matthew 16:21-23.

Some early Christians had wrong ideas about the timing of “the day of Jehovah.”—2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2.

God later corrected their misunderstandings, and we pray that he will continue doing the same for us.—James 1:5.

>He is the father of your movement after all.

No he is not, Jesus is.

>> No.19646690
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>It follows that Christ could not take his body back
No. It doesn't. I understand that your publishing house has books that say otherwise but please again see
>Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
He says he will raise his body up. Not merely his spirit. I'm waiting for where you show in the Bible Jesus says he only raises his spirit not his body

But again I must look beyond this along with the concept of the trinity as shown in Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 28:19, John 1:1, 1 John 5:8, and various other verses as well because the publishing house pumped out a new magazine that corrects some of the mistakes from the old one (including the cross) because new light has finally appeared

BTW please give the anon asking here a job and a wife. Maybe then your publishing house would do some good besides selling bad books
>For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

>> No.19646692

In general no they cannot


>> No.19646774
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>Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

Jesus was given another body, not one made with hands like the temple in Jerusalem, but a spirit body made by his Father (Ac 2:24; 1Pe 3:18).

>Isaiah 9:6

The Hebrew expression rendered “Mighty God” is not limited to Jehovah contrary to the expression “God Almighty.” (Genesis 17:1)

there is a difference between being mighty and being almighty, with no superior.

>Matthew 28:19

If I say my dad and I took the car to go fishing, does that mean that the car, me and ly dad are the same person just because it's in the same sentence ?

>John 1:1

Debunked: >>19645668

>1 John 5:8

What about it

>and various other verses

Which ones

>BTW please give the anon asking here a job and a wife.

Maybe he should ask a mormon

>Maybe then your publishing house would do some good besides selling bad books

All our publications are free

>For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

In the Scriptures, the word “god” can mean “mighty one” or “strong one.” (Exodus 12:12; Psalm 8:5; 2 Corinthians 4:4)

Before Jesus came to earth, he was “a god,” “existing in God’s form.” After his resurrection, he returned to an even higher position in the heavens. (John 1:1; Philippians 2:6-11)

Further, the designation “god” carries an additional implication. Judges in Israel were called “gods”—once by Jesus himself. (Psalm 82:6; John 10:35)

Jesus is Jehovah’s appointed Judge, “destined to judge the living and the dead.” (2 Timothy 4:1; John 5:30)

Clearly, he is well named Mighty God.

>> No.19646787

>We have always used the Bible as the sole authority for our beliefs, so we have adjusted our beliefs as our understanding of the Scriptures has been clarified.
So why believe any of your prophets if they'll be wrong like everyone else?

>> No.19646806
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We don't have any prophets though, not one jw has ever claimed to be one

There's no need for any new prophet because God has given his complete word the Bible

>> No.19646842

>Jesus was
Not according to he himself again, he raised said temple in 3 days
>the Hebrew expression actually means
As if you are hebrew
>If I say my dad and I took the car to go fishing, does that mean that the car, me and ly dad are the same person just because it's in the same sentence ?
Clearly baptism is not the same as using a car but I guess that should be pushed aside. Watch tower addendum 3453 says so

>Debunked because my publishing house says so
>a god
Even though every other English translation says God not a god.
But again I must look beyond it. The book publishers got it right, after making another correction through "new light"

>Maybe he should ask a mormon
Why? you all seem to have work and women available and a desire for warm bodies

>> No.19646847

As if that Amazonian needs to be told he's going to hell by some schizophrenic fleeing from his own urban hellscape

>> No.19646865

>As if that Amazonian needs to be told he's going to hell
The publishing house does not write about hell, merely destruction of non publishers

>> No.19646879

I don't hate you
give me a wife and I'll embrace your believe

>> No.19646893
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>Not according to he himself again, he raised said temple in 3 days

Spiritual body

My reasoning is based on all the verses I quoted

>Clearly baptism is not the same as using a car but I guess that should be pushed aside. Watch tower addendum 3453 says so

I literally have no idea whta you are talking about half the time my friend

>Even though every other English translation says God not a god.

I showed you other translations : >>19645668

The lack of article in the original greek would literally be rendered "a god", in the sense of divine. It is an attribute of Jesus.

Contrary to the first mention of God in John 1:1 where it is preceded by the definite article.

Moreover, the oldest complete Coptic codices of the Gospels available today date from the 11th or the 12th century C.E., but copies of single Bible books, or portions of them, date back to as early as the fourth and fifth centuries C.E.

The value of the Coptic translations, particularly the early ones, is that they were based on Greek texts that predate many existing Greek manuscripts.

The Coptic translations shed light on the ancient texts from which they were translated.

Coptic translations render Joh 1:1 in a way that indicates that Jesus, who is referred to as “a god,” is not the same person as Almighty God.

See the screenshot I took from wikipedia

>> No.19646911
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What verse says that christians give wives to people ?

There is no place of torture named hell in the Bible.

Some Bible translations use the word “hell” for the Hebrew word “Sheol” and the matching Greek word “Hades,” both of which refer to the common grave of mankind. (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:27) Many people believe in a fiery hell, as shown in the religious artwork accompanying this article. However, the Bible teaches otherwise.

Those in hell are unconscious and so cannot feel pain. “There is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol.”—Ecclesiastes 9:10.

Good people go to hell. The faithful men Jacob and Job expected to go there.—Genesis 37:35; Job 14:13.

Death, not torment in a fiery hell, is the penalty for sin. “He who has died has been acquitted from his sin.”—Romans 6:7.

Eternal torment would violate God’s justice. (Deuteronomy 32:4) When the first man, Adam, sinned, God told him that his punishment would simply be to pass out of existence: “Dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19) God would have been lying if he were actually sending Adam to a fiery hell.

God does not even contemplate eternal torment. The idea that he would punish people in hellfire is contrary to the Bible’s teaching that “God is love.”—1 John 4:8; Jeremiah 7:31.

Watch: https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/ebtv/is-hell-real/

The idea of hell comes from different pagan civilizations such as those of Greece, India, Egypt and Mesopotamia

>> No.19646933

Again I cannot trust you nor your reasoning due to the various issues I have mentioned. When every other major Bible translation disagrees with yours you've messed up big time.

>> No.19646935

>merely destruction of non publishers
oh good I was worried there were consequen—hey wait a second!
ah there you are... so if he doesn't join your cult, he'll just... die? yes i am sure he was aware of death, what he was unaware of would be your world-denying escape fantasy where he has to give up his entire culture in order to be promised an afterlife

>> No.19646962
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>Again I cannot trust you nor your reasoning due to the various issues I have mentioned

Which ones ?

>When every other major Bible translation disagrees with yours you've messed up big time.

The evidence speaks for itself.

The statement “the Word was with God” indicates that two separate persons are discussed in the verse.

It is not possible for the Word to be “with God” and at the same time be God Almighty.

The context also confirms that the Word is not Almighty God.

John 1:18 states that “no man has seen God at any time.” However, people did see the Word, Jesus, for John 1:14 states that “the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory.”

Have you read the Bible ?

>> No.19646965

>There is no place of torture named hell in the Bible.
>what is 2nd Peter 2:4
>what is revelation 20:15
>And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

>> No.19646974
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I was expecting someone to bring that up so I thank you for this.

The five Bible verses that mention “the lake of fire” show it to be a symbol rather than a literal lake. (Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8)

The following are cast into the lake of fire:

The Devil. (Revelation 20:10) As a spirit creature, the Devil cannot be harmed by literal fire.—Exodus 3:2; Judges 13:20.

Death. (Revelation 20:14) This is not a literal entity but represents a state of inactivity, the absence of life. (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Death cannot literally be burned.

“The wild beast” and “the false prophet.” (Revelation 19:20) Since these are symbols, doesn’t it seem reasonable to conclude that the lake they are thrown into is also a symbol?—Revelation 13:11, 12; 16:13.

The Bible says that the lake of fire “means the second death.” (Revelation 20:14; 21:8)

The first kind of death mentioned in the Bible resulted from Adam’s sin. This death can be reversed by resurrection and will eventually be eliminated by God.—1 Corinthians 15:21, 22, 26.

The lake of fire represents a different, or second, kind of death.

Although it too represents a state of total inactivity, it is different in that the Bible says nothing about a resurrection from the second death.

For example, the Bible says that Jesus has “the keys of hell and of death,” showing that he has the authority to release people from the death brought by Adam’s sin. (Revelation 1:18; 20:13, King James Version) However, neither Jesus nor anyone else has a key to the lake of fire.

That symbolic lake represents eternal punishment in the form of permanent destruction.—2 Thessalonians 1:9.

>> No.19646978

>Have you read the Bible ?
I find it hard to believe Abrahamism has turned the corner on aniconism, religious imperialism, etc. Are you going to be allowing Pachamama in the tropics like the Catholics do?

>> No.19646995
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I don't understand, I am french

>> No.19646996

Having prepared quote sheets does not make you a better debater, it makes you a parody of the chinese room thought experiment. And as others have noted there are philological issues with your translations as well, so you don't even appear to read Chinese well at all

>> No.19647000

>french convert to amerimutt religion
how horrible

>> No.19647003

>I was expecting someone to bring that up so I thank you for this.
Well yeah, witnesses like to misinterpret things. It's why their Bible translation is treated as a joke by non publishers

>> No.19647005

Kys christcuck

>> No.19647010
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You are free to believe what you want to believe.

I believe that all the evidence given shows that God doesn't torture people in fire forever. What kind of monster would do that ?

Certainly not my God, the God of LOVE (1 John 4:8)

>And as others have noted there are philological issues with your translations as well,

Which ones

>> No.19647021

>Certainly not my God, the God of LOVE
You mean the god that you believe is going to wipe out 99.8% of the world at armageddon?

>> No.19647023

Hmmm... so there's no punishment, the reward is something made up, the person who doles out the reward is made up, and the Amazonian already has a life regulating culture and is not in need of your priesthood. What's the point in bothering him?

>> No.19647028
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Jesus isn't American

>witnesses like to misinterpret things

Do you have an example please

>> No.19647032

Is that what JW believe? Lol, imagine misreading the mosaic butthurt over Roman rule and ressentiment fueled revenge apocalypse fantasy so poorly that you think it's about you

>> No.19647038
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What does Romans 10:13-15 say ?
And also 2 Peter 3:9 ?

I think you can trust the Bible is true

>> No.19647046
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>> No.19647050

>I think you can trust the Bible is true
what a juvenile unfounded opinion to voice on 4channel

>> No.19647057

Don't christers believe god literally made the world from nothing? How is that better than materialism? I'd rather be made of something than nothing

>> No.19647063
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Why ?

I guess he created the earth out of gas and dust particules

I am not an expert

>> No.19647109

Because I don't care what "you" believe. On an anonymous forum you are nobody to me, certainly not a source of reflexive authority, not even close. Here you are a blank mask with no face underneath. Anything you say has to be substantiated in some way, not just "i believe." As far as I'm concerned, Yahweh is your waifu, so your opinion is reflective of that

>> No.19647133
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If I gave you a brochure discussing the subject would you read it ? I'm sure you will find it interesting

>> No.19647140
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This does not count toward your missionary good boy points. Go get taken hostage somewhere like Haiti if you are so serious about saving the world

>> No.19647149

Hold on buddy
>former slaves rule egypt
>the egyptians get their revenge
>this is bad when the egyptians do it but good when the israelites do it
What a beautiful lesson! And you think you are not an Egyptian?

>> No.19647159
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Do you not want to consider the possibility that God exists ?

Egyptians were treated well during Hebrew rule

>> No.19647169
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post the originals oppo

>> No.19647183
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I did not draw this. Stop posting the larper's lewd imitations or else I'm leaving the thread

>> No.19647207

If you are identifying the Hebrews with the Hyksos they are either a. an invading and subjugating people or b. collaborators with those invaders in exploiting the Egyptians. So why should I prefer one to the other three thousand years later? I don't suppose you'll start celebrating Hannukah next to commemorate victory over the Macedonians?

>> No.19647217


Jesus was impaled from the ass up with a wooden stake? Damn, truly he suffered

>> No.19647237

why is James dressed so modernly? looks like an NYC author

>> No.19647271

F. Gardner with falsies. Why?

>> No.19647284
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The hyksos account of Mentho is a distorted misinterpretation on what happened during Joseph's rule and the Exodus.

The true historical record was written by Moses in the Bible !

>I don't suppose you'll start celebrating Hannukah next to commemorate victory over the Macedonians?

No because this festival commemorates the rededication of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem yet the Bible says that Jesus became High Priest of a “greater and more perfect tent [or, temple] not made with hands, that is, not of this creation.” (Hebrews 9:11)

For Christians that spiritual temple replaced the physical temple in Jerusalem

sorry I didn't mean to

>> No.19647320

Why would the bible, a notoriously anti-Egyptian religious text, be a reliable source? Why does it matter if Moses wrote it or not? He would have been the most anti-Egyptian of them all.

>> No.19647338

you're STILL here?

>> No.19647360

>true christians share their smallpox

>> No.19647361

Anon if you are the one drawing these >>19645569 please add like a 1-2 px of overflow, scaling, or some other parameter to the bucket fill so you don't get these ugly edge lines. If you find this edge effect desirable, then please enable anti-alias or smooth that area so that it doesn't look so jagged.
On a side note, I think Zipporah in >>19645358 looks very attractive. Perhaps too attractive, anon! Do not draw things that lead other Christians into lustful thoughts, about married Biblical characters to boot!

>> No.19647371

The bears ofc.

>> No.19647372

I don't hate you, anon. God bless you. May you and everyone in this thread be happy on Earth and forever after.

>> No.19647374
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Based Zipporah poster. Seems like JWfag might be on to something

>> No.19647380

>coveting a drawfag's icon of Moses's waifu on a Shinto anime board
Anon, you have to accept some people might be irrevocable.

>> No.19647382

Pontius Pilate

>> No.19647402
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Okay, thanks for the advice friend

God bless you too !

>> No.19647412

>offered his daughters to the mob of faggots when they wanted to rape the male angel
>didn’t even turn back when God glassed Sodom and Gomorrah and rekt all the fags and his wife
>got drunk and fucked his own daughters

He was based and red-pilled about faggots and femoids alike

>> No.19647430

Why have middle eastern and white people always feared the BBC?

>> No.19647431

...I haven't been a Christian for long. I trust- well, hope that God will have the patience to accept my weakness of spirit and relentless sinning until I will finally become a decent man, because deep down I really mean to. I feel extremely ashamed of constantly trying God's patience and doubly ashamed that I cannot stop lusting, but that Zipporah was drawn with a devilish hand.

>> No.19647439

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

It tells you clearly that the Word is God, and that All things were made through the Word. Thus, Jesus can't be a creation of the father, because it says right there "and without him [the word, which we stated before] was not any thing made that was made."

>> No.19647444

Also I recall that John the Baptist did precisely acknowledge him as God... As did the father himself at the moment of his baptism

>> No.19647448

Source for all these cartoons?

>> No.19647453

JWs coping at the John 1:1 translation will for ever be funny af

>> No.19647455

(just in case you're taking me seriously, I'm just kidding on the devilish part)

>> No.19647464



>> No.19647480
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This scripture reveals details about Jesus Christ’s life before he came to earth as a human. (John 1:14-17) In verse 14, “the Word” (or “the Logos,” Greek, ho loʹgos) is used as a title.

The title “the Word” apparently describes Jesus’ role in communicating God’s commands and instructions to others. Jesus continued to make known God’s word during his ministry on earth and after he returned to heaven.—John 7:16; Revelation 1:1.

“The beginning” refers to the time when God began his creative work and produced the Word. Thereafter, the Word was used by God in the creation of all other things. (John 1:2, 3)

The Bible states that Jesus is “the firstborn of all creation” and that “by means of him all other things were created.”—Colossians 1:15, 16.

The phrase “the Word was a god” describes the divine or godlike nature that Jesus possessed before he came to earth. He can be described in this way because of his role as God’s Spokesman and his unique position as the firstborn Son of God through whom God created all other things.

Jesus is the son of God, not God

>> No.19647496

>This scripture reveals details about Jesus Christ’s life before he came to earth as a human. (John 1:14-17) In verse 14, “the Word” (or “the Logos,” Greek, ho loʹgos) is used as a title.
>The title “the Word” apparently describes Jesus’ role in communicating God’s commands and instructions to others. Jesus continued to make known God’s word during his ministry on earth and after he returned to heaven.—John 7:16; Revelation 1:1.
>“The beginning” refers to the time when God began his creative work and produced the Word. Thereafter, the Word was used by God in the creation of all other things. (John 1:2, 3)
>The Bible states that Jesus is “the firstborn of all creation” and that “by means of him all other things were created.”—Colossians 1:15, 16.
>The phrase “the Word was a god” describes the divine or godlike nature that Jesus possessed before he came to earth. He can be described in this way because of his role as God’s Spokesman and his unique position as the firstborn Son of God through whom God created all other things.
cope, wrong

>> No.19647514

As someone who lived through abuse at the hands of a JW, I sure do love seeing these threads. I am reminded of the pure insanity that I saw in my mother's eyes as she used the same methods to justify her torture that crippled my early life. There is no sign of God or humanity in your machine-like compartmentalized and contradictory responses. I've never seen people study something so intently, and gleam absolutely nothing from it. There is nobody to answer for the suffering and stripping away of humanity that this cult causes. In fact you don't have many answers at all that don't equal to: "suffer now, it'll be fixed after you die." Don't quote your garbage at me. Give me a real answer from your own perception of life.

>> No.19647536

>Jehovah's Witnesses
>Origin 1870s

and those are the ones who try to explain the bible to you kek

>> No.19647555

JW's base their translations on false egyptian manuscripts. Byzantine text shows the real version which is In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

>> No.19647593


>> No.19647672


Cope more heretic
Jesus is God, you can try and twist the words but just like Saint Thomas you will beg for his forgiveness
Also your drawings suck and give of a cult propaganda vibe

>> No.19647682

>give of a cult propaganda vibe
that's probably because it's what they are

>> No.19647689

“Fpbp” means “first post, best post”. That is not the first post

You people aren’t even from 4chan

>> No.19647731

it was the first good post so bye felicia

>> No.19647841

>that drawing of the popr
Ironic since the governing body is basically just several popes

>> No.19647862

Its spbp really >>19645401

>> No.19647868

"Pagan philosophers" corrupted the Bible, but Im sure that the people that claim the end of the world happened multiple times already are saying the truth

>> No.19648189

That's against the Bible. (Proverbs 26) You might not be one of the Bible based Christians but expect to get called up on it if you are. In some circles it's best to just take the L on being serious instead of pointing out the joke.

>> No.19648222

JW came out of Miller's idea the end of the millennium was coming and Jesus would obviously be back. Originally, JWs had picked up the (then obsolete) idea from Miller (who predicted an earlier date) and changed the time line.
But here's the freaky thing. JWs started saying that the end of the world would come in 1914. Which is when the war between nations would set off the whole tribulations thing which would lead to the rapture and the restoration of the dead etc etc. So when 1914 rolled around and shit kicked off, JWs were like, SEE! We are the last generation on earth!
They now say they meant something different by generation but it probably only lasted this long because they got a lot of people convinced 1914 was not going to be a good year for world peace according to prophecy.

All these ideas come out of a form of biblical inerrancy. Miller's date was wrong according to people who put the date later because he used the date of founding a temple instead of its destruction, but they all agree working out when Jerusalem counted as fallen and therefore when Christ returns is simply a case of adding the right biblical dates. They all get different answers, but they all claim the source is clear.

>> No.19648304

Bible "characters". Repent.

>> No.19648835

Sauce on the comics? They're cute

>> No.19648933


The dream is to have more than one attractive woman at home. Busting INSIDE of 2 different baginas every single day man. Insane

>> No.19648940


Some Jehovah's Witness sex cult wrangler. Pussy is pussy. Nobody gives af about what gay nerd scholars have to say about the name of God. My dick is God. Respect

>> No.19648960

OP won't give you one. He'll continue to act as though they're perfect and right and shill his pictures and claim they aren't a cult.

My wife used to be one. I never was and she ain't no more. She used to wake up crying at night cause she heard a bang or had a nightmare and thought jehovah was coming to kill her. And then theres the fear of losing family due to disfellowship
Their group is sickening

>> No.19648998


The bottom panel folks suffer from vice no matter if they are given moral teachings. Indulgence and restraint in relation to a vice are both mere appearances of the underlying fucked mind and self

>> No.19649015


fuck I didn't notice it was JW cult shit. Regardless my point is true. Christianity is all about rabble wrangling with some fun subtext and philosophical elements for those of us who were just born human. We don't need to be taught to be human, we were just born that way it's fucked up lmao

>> No.19649068

Christ is the Alpha and Omega, and before Abraham was, He AM.

>> No.19649161

Uh oh, heretic detected

>> No.19650674

your bible autism should stop

>> No.19650684

for once I agree with wimminz. we should destroy the church. destroy the world, commit suicide

>> No.19650709

I understand, anon, and I appreciate the concern, but the very act of being on 4chan is far worse than a joke (that I found the drawing sexy because JW anon had drawn it intentionally too hot, and not because I'm a degenerate) in respect to the Bible. This place is a den of wickedness, and it celebrates every vice one can have far more often than it extols someone's virtue. I try to ask for forgiveness for all the time I've spent on idle chatter.

>> No.19650954
File: 289 KB, 1181x1764, Leopold_Schmutzler_-_Tanz_der_Salomé_(1907).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheres the party at?

>> No.19650999

This kind of body decoration drives me nuts and I also like Jewish women. What does this say about myself? Do I have Jewish blood?

>> No.19651036

Bruh, she just instigated the murder of John the Baptist.

Nice trips tho.

>> No.19651051

I didn't pay attention to the head...
>The story of her dance before Herod with the head of John the Baptist on a silver platter led medieval Christian artists to depict her as the personification of the lascivious woman, a temptress who lures men away from salvation.
Touché. Thank you very much Leopold Schmutzler.

>> No.19652233

anon i will pay you to draw that jew slave girl

>> No.19652425

>Satan offers money to draw the Jew slave girl
not the JWanon but this is the story of my life

>> No.19652438

Eunuch, he's just like me

>> No.19652747


>> No.19652764
File: 16 KB, 736x552, f649eef9bebb437f1f533523305c14af--pantera-band-name-tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19654015

Matthew, hands down.

>> No.19654074

Because of The Chosen portrayal?

>> No.19654204

Jesus Christ, Theotokos, Adam, Eve, Abraham, King David, Daniel, Paul, John.

>> No.19654248

No such person in the Bible, Babylonian pagan.

>> No.19654254

Because of the Sermon on the Mount.

>> No.19654352

Jesus, Paul, Peter, Thomas, Daniel and Joseph

>> No.19654375

>not Christotokos
Mary did not give birth to JHWH but to HIS earthly Son/body, stop propagating pagan influences in Christianity

>> No.19655290


Sorry for being a faggot but that James I just how I like my men