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File: 344 KB, 1080x781, Screenshot_20211227-231930_Adobe Acrobat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19640750 No.19640750 [Reply] [Original]

uhm... evolabros?

>> No.19640763

Evola bros n-no...

>> No.19640772

delete this

>> No.19640776

Yes we all know that extreme trads are just one step away from sucking cocks left and right, this isn't surprising to anyone with a brain.

>> No.19640783

Julius Evola says trans rights!!

>> No.19640796

the myth of the androginous is not a secret. Tradition is not anifags, only modern tradition

>> No.19640798
File: 103 KB, 1366x768, GAYRK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Evola-sisters are not chuds, we were born this way!

>> No.19640836

The aristocrat of the soul is a pederast. Dominating passive males is an act of power an hyperborean virility.

>> No.19641123


>> No.19641180

Topping trannies is peak masculinity.
Trannychasing gets you close to the sublime

>> No.19641191


>> No.19641296

how do you top a tranny? only one who tapped me on grindr asked for weed. I didn't have any so I was honest and said no. she said I was lame and blocked me. I can't get past messaging them.

>> No.19641300
File: 209 KB, 817x880, 483D8792-B503-47E2-B806-71677DC60862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19641332

At least post the one about trannies

>> No.19641516

Weininger said pretty much the same thing. This neither shocking nor novel

>> No.19641980


I thought this guy was supposed to be a fascist right winger?

>> No.19642027

Ironic, considering anyone who posts on this website doesn't have one (myself excluded of course).

>> No.19642061

Seems like he's just describing faggots and why they're not "unnatural" per se. No doubt cretins believe this is some "gotcha" for the le ebil nazirinos.

>> No.19642253
File: 475 KB, 1299x1206, the gay master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19643643

is a chapter from The bow and the club

>> No.19643652

>gay rx
>literally telling you to take HRT


>> No.19643656

Turns out the heroic path was a femboi's tight sphincter.

>> No.19645259

Computer, bring up homosexual domestic abuse statistics.

>> No.19645284

That income gap is just because men earn more and aren't leeches. I doubt it applies to dykes.

>> No.19645319

>exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish

>> No.19645755
File: 52 KB, 840x734, gay straight income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19645775

I don't really have a problem with gays or even with a bit of weird on the fringes of society. These things have always existed. As with everything else, what matters is whether it turns into a saturnalian farce where King Fag is sitting on a throne of AIDS and ruling over a kingdom of ass-fingering nigger twerkers.

Show me a society that is 95%+ nice white families and I'll show you a society that can handle a few drag queens for novelty. Show me a society where the drag queens are running for government and starting blood libel cults to lop off kid wieners, I'll show you a society that is going to become mildly intolerant of sex weirdos in the near future.

>> No.19646205

please take your pills

>> No.19646322


>> No.19646338
File: 328 KB, 750x400, Guy-Debord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would've guessed ?????

You're telling me the epic trads and idealist american leftoids converge????? wow!!!!!!!! it's like idealism is nothing but an ideological justification of the current material conditions!!!! its just like the people who claim to be inspired by the materialism of marx havent read anything and actually peddle post-modern which at the time was overtly opposed to materialism!!! damn!!!!

>> No.19647778

We got too cocky.

Get it?

>> No.19647791

It's because homos are preferentially selected for management positions. As misanthropes with no families or loves beyond their own perversity, they have no loyalties outside consumer capitalism. They will eagerly oppress the workers beneath them, and usually enjoy it.

>> No.19647798

>justification of the current material conditions
It's like you put work into being retarded.

>> No.19648159
