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/lit/ - Literature

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19639259 No.19639259 [Reply] [Original]

old >>19628486

>> No.19639406
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Thinking about Nazi Germany, why?

>> No.19639411
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Thinking about this

>> No.19639464
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Thinking about all the missed teenage and uni love opportunities. Maybe it wasnt meant to be after all. Why am I such a neurotic wreck? Why I couldnt be a normal person?

>> No.19639503

Today I woke up, despite a long and satisfying sleep, kinda dejected and with my recurring problem of finding really hard to concentrate. This was even worsened after reading a section of Confession of a mask. Sure, probabily the author/ his self insert protagonist had it worse than me. But I envied the fact that he managed to get a girl fall in love with him.
I don't know to relate to such thing and sometimes I suffer a lot for that, I don't know what I did wrong in my life. At least, I'm pretty hyped for my small poem that I'll ""publish"" tomorrow, it's the very first time I do something like this

>> No.19639517
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Depressed and playing ancient vidya games again

>> No.19639528

Old thread!!

Stop screwing up the OP.
How about some music https://youtu.be/HAC_pLlMtig

>> No.19639541
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Anons push that shit all the time

>> No.19639547

Bros what is going with that vaccine https://thecovidworld.com/pharmacist-shocked-to-find-that-moderna-vaccine-information-inserts-are-blank/

>> No.19639562

Go jog. Play happy excited music

>> No.19639608
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I predicted this would happen, the third world is starting to perfectly imitate and take over degenerate western "internet irony culture," except with none of the implicit humanity underlying the original.

When white Europeans created this awful shit culture, from every sitcom character being an offbeat wacky sarcastic hipster, to Jake Paul reaction video "memes that keep me up at night" post-irony crap, the implicit premise was still always "lmao acting ironic and apathetic up in this bitch," which is just an extension of the 90s grunge/gen-X societal dropout phenomenon, which is just a late version of the hippie phenomenon. All of this ALWAYS EXISTED AGAINST AN IMPLICIT BACKDROP OF NORMAL, FULLY HUMAN, EUROPEAN SOCIETY, against which it was (lamely) rebelling and on which it was supposedly providing "commentary." It has been degraded to the level of brain-fucked teenage zoomer girls reposting facebook memes, but the implicit rebellion against "square" culture was always the core. Irony requires something to be ironic against, that's what irony is.

Now ethnics are taking it over and with their characteristic lack of a normal, fully human backdrop, they are JUST empty vessels filled with the surface mannerisms, the "tone" of irony culture, with none of the content or original rationale. Not that the original was good, but at least it might have been fixed, and dumb hippies/hipsters/zoomers could theoretically be deprogrammed and turned back into normal people, because the core of normie society was still there underneath the ironic grunge critique of it.

We're finally at the end point now, billions of minorities inheriting the retarded digital content platforms created by the west, and all of the junk food California hipster metaironic meme culture that saturates it, but with no two-dimensional understanding of irony itself. The "irony" is their PRIMARY consciousness. They are repeating Jake Paul voice mannerisms and putting meme formats in their videos in the same way as they formerly went to Buddhist temples or sacrificed a chicken to their ancestors. They are a cargo cult, but instead of a cargo cult worshipping the English sailors who briefly visited their island and at least had useful tools and weapons, they're a cargo cult of CALIFORNIA YOUTUBER CULTURE.

Imagine billions of third worlders, all regurgitating youtube jump-cut self-referential stream of consciousness 1990s-2000s European pop culture mannerisms, but with not even a tacit or nominal understanding of its origins or what the "joke" is. Millions of brown and yellow people playing one giant game of slurred ESL telephone, with the leftovers of 2010s internet memes and the Californian cultural consensus of exhausted western media industries.

>> No.19639644
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>> No.19639652
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Deep. One of the groundbreaking questions in philosophy 3000 years ago.

>> No.19639679

it's fascinating though, isn't it? surreal. somewhat funny in an absurd way

>> No.19639694

just a regular day, feeling like shit

>> No.19639758
File: 183 KB, 900x1281, gemini_zodiac_sign__japanese_style__by_atit_artworks_de8g02t-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gemini is /lit/ sign

>> No.19639833
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My mind is a battlefield between two contradictory foes, or perhaps an elegant waltz between two star-crossed lovers. The Dionysian and Apollonian. Sort of like whole left-brained right-brain thing--which incidentally is an inaccurate characterization of brain function. Except one does not always dominate the other. I am as prone to strict rationalism as I am mystic reverie. The problem is that, like a tool, the rational aspect is more easily fitted into the utilitarian scheme of society and its economics. That is why it dominates. Moreover, this is why rationality is more of a prison, as it automatically allies itself with the order of society, from which it both springs and to which it yields. The irrational spirit seeks to break free of this prison. And the function of the rational facility is to order and subjugate all irrational aspects, whereas the irrational aspect's contradictory aim, should it have one, is to undo all aims, to simply be; to revolt and upset mental civilization, to turn the cognitive city into one massive saturnalia . Why must the poet and scientist be rivals?

The rational and irrational are inherently conflictive, because what the one sets up, the other seeks to dismantle. However, their interplay can be the fulcrum of a creative tension, as all creation is born of contrasts. After all, if nothing is contrasted in creation, then the action of the mind is one of copying, not invention. The mental image must contradict the sensory impression which imposes upon it. The rational faculty is to represent, to detect causality within perception. The irrational nature seeks to refute that causality and disassemble it. It does not rearrange it, as hypothetical rational speculation does. But rather, to transcend it. Irrationality therefore seeks to achieve the impossible and what is impossible is also that which is uncreated. So it seeks to create in the course of seeking the impossible. Hence the creative process is inherently irrational.

Rationality may supply materials to the irrationality. All art requires structure. And irrationality pumps much needed lifeblood into reason. As all science needs mystery. Yet neither can never fully dominate or refute the other lest some form of madness, whether it be obsessive-compulsive or manic, take over. Working in tandem, however, they are as Nietzche originally put it:

>In this state one enriches everything out of one's own fullness: whatever one sees, whatever wills is seen swelled, taut, strong, overloaded with strength. A man in this state transforms things until they mirror his power—until they are reflections of his perfection. This having to transform into perfection is—art.

>> No.19639871

Bad things can happen if the feelings aren't right. Plus there is the whole field of positive psychology.

>> No.19639908

how to learn to express the thoughts in your way?

>> No.19639913

Well, actually, bad things happen because feelings aren't right. Not because they're wrong necessarily either.

>> No.19639926
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Christmas is over. New Years will be soon as well. My NEET-streak is coming to an end. Reading for pleasure and casual erudition will once again turn to reading and briefing a seemingly never-ending pile of cases. Sort of enjoyable but mostly tedious desu senpai.

>> No.19639939

Girls are so pretty wtf

>> No.19639982

I just wish I wasn't so lonely for 2022

>> No.19640017

in what way lonely?

>> No.19640079
File: 53 KB, 622x648, 1618830520786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia needs to stop fucking around and come to cultural synthesis because it is still stuck in 19th century debates such as
- Are we Asia or Europe, should our culture emulate European or Asian culture, should our culture be something else entirely
- Is our civilisation intrinsically tied to autocracy/feudalism/oligarchy or can it exist in another state
- Is orthodox heritage degenerate or superior as compared to catholic heritage, is it our strength or is it a flaw
- What to do with the fact that orthodoxy arrived so late and we had dual faith up until like the 17th century, how do these roots of twisting orthodoxy into paganism integrate into our spirituality today, does Russia seek to become pagan, is Russia "spiritually savage"/"dionysian"
- The debate of Europe being about "intellect" and Russia being about "soul/heart", is it true and how is it relevant and what to do with it
- What to do with the fact that we don't have a real ethnicity, our ethnicity is a blend of invasions and other race mixing
- ...And all other about the real identity of Russia that thinkers and artists within our culture repeatedly discuss and explore throughout centuries without being able to come to a consensus
I feel like the bipolar suffering and feeling of "déchirure" that this culture experiences is because it can't reach a synthesis to understand what it is, I also feel like America (which I consider to be our cultural "twin" in the reverse uno card sense) is going through the same bipolar suffering but differently (more so on ethnic and political grounds). In my opinion the XXIst century (postmodernism) is an era that demands synthesis out of chaotic and emerging (relatively new) cultures like ours and until we reach it we will suffer immensely and we will keep repeating our "genetic fate" (lack of cultural identity and a pattern of self-destruction).

>> No.19640087

*And all other questions

>> No.19640107
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I've got a big dick and I am proud of it

>> No.19640141

OP is right. Those Coca-Cola ads with Santa during Christmas are the most American thing there is. The idea that hedonistic consumerism is to be celebrated as something holy, that wise and old people with long grey beards love to indulge in it, that they distribute this sugary pornography to children out of the goodness of their heart, is an exquisitely American metastasis that America has spread across the world, at gunpoint obviously because they have achieved every single thing through violence while pretending that they did so through wisdom or righteousness or some other thing. It's all fake, like Coca-Cola's corporate image. Apparently Coca-Cola funds terrorism and wars across the globe. I can't find something more fitting to the American nation. It's unbearable to people who have some taste, it rots your teeth, it makes you go fat, it turns your children retarded. The coca-cola bottle is shaped like a whorish woman apparently. The lettering is old-fashioned because America loves to pretend there is some history to back up its hedonistic nihilism. It's dark like the heart of Satan. You drink it and want more of it because it's made to be addictive. It's food that bloats your stomach yet doesn't nourish. Everything about it is a facet of America. White like its fake purity and red like the blood it spills.

>> No.19640185

I was watching some video about the Star Wars movies and George Lucas and one thing he said really struck me. He was saying how the purpose of the films was to direct them at children because "if you make your stories for kids, you'll have a dedicated fanbase for 20 years" or something along those lines. I thought about it, and outside of GoT (which is now fucking dead and irrelevant after the ending of the tv series), the fiction with a truly lasting impact on Millennials are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars. All three of them are considered "kid-targeted" films or books.

Some of the themes and elements in my own story I'm writing are very much adult-oriented and not acceptable for children (with the center plotline being about child soldiers being used to fight a nigh-unstoppable force). So I'm wondering if my story is becoming too dark, when I want it to have a positive, optimistic impact on the reader. I want to make the world a better place by teaching lessons through stories, the timeless art. And I think the better way to do this is by writing for 8-18 year olds than 18-30 year olds. Maybe I split the story up so the more adult stuff comes much later, but maybe by then I'll have the same view as Tolkien and realize that a story of betrayal and political intrigues is pointless.

>> No.19640194

How much money it make you?

>> No.19640199

a couple of grand a month

>> No.19640266
File: 220 KB, 1200x980, 81EDjNvTbuL._AC_SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"TIMELESS ART" doesn't ever give a fuck about pandering to the reader and keeping it "Live, Laugh, Love / Love Yourself Speak Yourself" lest the kids aren't offended. The unfortunate fact that there are 30 year olds out there who are unable to evolve their thinking past the mental capacity of teenagers so they love Marvel shit shouldn't matter to you as an artist let alone make you want to pander to them. This is not to mention that good stories for children must necessarily be dark to some extent in order to reveal to children the real nature of the world, and the only reason they aren't dark today is PC insanity in America. But why am I trying to talk sense into you, if you think like this your art is a lost cause.

>very much adult-oriented and not acceptable for children (with the center plotline being about child soldiers being used to fight a nigh-unstoppable force).
Omg so dark and unacceptable! Adult-oriented and not acceptable for children would be if you wrote about impalement/beheading or sexual slavery/anal rape. You have just basically pitched the plot of Neon Genesis Evangelion, which is aimed at teenagers in the age range you have mentioned (12-18 year olds love this series).

>> No.19640279

I was staying with my grandma today and ended up having a fight with her. This reminds me why I mostly avoid my family.

The argument was about how lazy I looked, because of the position of my legs. She wasn't focused on what I am or not, but in what I seemed, and this triggered memories of living with her and her concerns about what we all "seem".
The disturbing part is that she. I believe, has a self-esteem so low, or grew in such poor conditions, that all her life was pretending, even to the detriment of her family. Like Mme Bovary, she has a history of spending money on expensive clothes and jewlery, leaving barely anything for actual food. All of this because her utmost concern is what she seems, to appear wealthy in front of others. Another literary comparison is the Squire in "The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes".

Normally I don't mind it much, you do you. However, her mad conncern about appearing wealthy and refined in front of others, becomes a nuisance when it becomes a demand she pushes unto family members.

One part of me is sorry for her, because of the childhood trauma she must carry (from what she told me, her own mother told her "what you seem is what you are" when she was a child, and she has been living like that for over 90 years). The other part of me really blames her, because she's an adult, and adults can't put the blame of whatever is happening in their lives always on their childhood.

In the end, it's not surprising that she spend most of her life alone. She's not a pleasant person to be with. And while I'm willing to help in what I can, provided she needs anything, I don't want to be in her company either and be judged by the way I dress, the way I stand, the way I drink a fucking soda (this happened), the way I sit, etc.

>> No.19640283

I'm a freshman taking mathematics and philosophy in uni but idk if I should drop out and go for an English degree instead. I've always wanted to be a writer, but I was pressured by my father into choosing a STEM degree because of "muh employability". Now I don't really care anymore. The thing is I like mathematics as well, it's just that I'm afraid I'm blowing my one chance of becoming a writer. I don't recall a single writer who studied mathematics. I wish I had enough time and energy to become a master at everything.

>> No.19640435
File: 26 KB, 446x362, 077C6C23-7BED-4211-9C0D-7811AD11032D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m at the mall and it’s full of niggers. What has happened to Boston? It used to be a segregated city.

>> No.19640462

Uh oh. Time to kill yourself
Delete your post before you do, okay hun?

>> No.19640489

Are you a nigger or a nigger lover? I can’t tell which would be worse

>> No.19640538

Pale as a ghost. Just not a dumb fuck like you.

>> No.19640560

keep your mouth shut next time
you are not smarter than him, mr. anti-racist crusader

>> No.19640582

Back to plebbit

>> No.19640593

I actually am smarter than the both of you. It’s pretty obvious from this short exchange even.

Stop advertising them if you genuinely hate their existence so damn much

>> No.19640614

I don’t hate their existence, I just wish they wouldn’t crowd and overrun places

>> No.19640617

Pol9k wishes literature people would leave their new board? No. Get out.

>> No.19640645 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19640652

I'm an actor playing my own life. All I ever do and how I act towards people is what I've learned to do. Nothing is natural.
I don't even know if there's something genuine inside me or if my body is just a costume for this role. Worst thing about ethics is that the only thing we can be sure about is what entertains us, but answering the question of what's right to do is far out of reach.
I should probably write a poem about this, but don't know how.

>> No.19640675 [DELETED] 

>A gruesome drawing is his argument
Get the fuck out

>> No.19640698

Thanks, your post was really eye opening and I'll keep those things in mind.

Kinda silly I concern myself with shit being "too dark" when I've in the past ranted about The Little Mermaid's original ending being censored by Disney because having Ariel turn to foam and die isn't a "Disney ending"

>> No.19640707
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When are white people in america finally going to wash out, i want to see some blood and carnage?

>> No.19640709
File: 314 KB, 496x774, 1640639673792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired to see one of my ex-gf on a specific general thread on 4ch.

Since she takes the general as her personal blog, she's being an AW, was doxed but she keeps coming.

I'm mostly focus on reading and do stuff with friends, but I feel the need to talk with some anons in my native tongue sometimes.
So I go there, the thread is only talking about pointless stuff or it's discussions about her, her simps and some others namefags.

Now /lit/ became my primary board, at least here I find interesting conversations or pertinent topics.

>> No.19640714

Can you shut up.

>> No.19640728

meant to spell "lash out", also since when is 4chan so full of bots >>19640714 ?

>> No.19640777

In American films, when the director wants to say that a guy goes to masturbate, they make him bring liquid soap. Is that a circumcision thing? I'm doing just fine without soap with my foreskin. Or have I been doing it wrong all along?

>> No.19640801
File: 2.99 MB, 800x450, Prooh garbage.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like i am not critical enough of the books i read, and too easily impressed by them. How can i alleviate this, and become more critical of books i read?
Doesnt help that most of the books i like to read are on philosophy, history, religion, economics when my academic background is a dirty STEMfag.

>> No.19640805


>> No.19640830

>normal, fully human backdrop
Thinking that other people aren't human is the greatest sin. You will pay for it with immense inner suffering.
And yet I am curious. What makes someone "fully human"?

>> No.19640845
File: 49 KB, 850x566, E.O.-Wilson_obit_rectangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP E.O Wilson. A great mind and beautiful soul.

>> No.19640851

>92 years
lived a long and productive life

>> No.19640860

My early career has been such a disaster. I’m so unhappy with the decisions I’ve made and where I’ve ended up.

>> No.19640887
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1628049419049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheer up, anon. Just realize that its going to get worse from here on out.

>> No.19640904

>Only bots are anti violence
Go back to your board, please.

>was it covid related? He died during covid. It has to be related.

>> No.19640906

There's nothing worse than the regret of an unlived life. With each passing year my lack of basic life experience only further alienates me from most other people. I'm finishing up my last year of college and for all purposes I am emotionally still a child. Never been in a relationship, never had sex, never had friends. I just continually distract myself to try and avoid thinking about how utterly empty my life is.

>> No.19640919

I get that feel brother. I'm mostly over my mediocre teenage years, although coming back home always does make me depressed as I relive it all. In Uni I at least got laid with a girl who liked to hold my hand as we walked along the city at night, but that only lasted for less than a semester since we ultimately live too physically far apart for anything more (and desu she def wouldn't like me long term).
It's not too bad I think. My parents are happily married for decades now, and they only met when they were in their late 20s and early 30s.

>> No.19640925

I know that feel anon. You might dismiss me as being fake but I could only exist around other people by appearing as someone else. Otherwise they'd ignore me. Honestly, I've never felt a connection with people in a more spiritual sense.

>> No.19640972

im starting to think i might be an alcoholic

>> No.19640990
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If I leave a ripe and soft avocado for the night it will still be eatable tomorrow right? It won't turn bad? I haven't cut it/opened it yet

>> No.19641013

That’s really depressing.

>> No.19641026

I'm reading the Shining analysis (mostly as background to the EWS analyses which I want to read ahead of a screening (rewatch) I'll attend) at idyllopuspress.com and it's much longer than I expected and a lot of it is kind of useless information or information that doesn't have a clear meaning assigned to it or sort of dubious connections. Has anyone read through this stuff?
Also if you have any EWS/Kubrick material (besides rob ager and jeffrey scott bernstein) to recommend please do. Myself I'll tip to shiningtheshining.com, very interesting stuff.

>> No.19641027

Secondhand shops are awesome.

Got me a Wii with 4 games, like ten books, a nice duffel bag, and a lightly used photocopier/printer.


>> No.19641031

it might also get better
i dunno desu

>> No.19641037

I feel pretty much the same. No attachment to the personas, the images others have of me in their head. I'm pretty sure there is no real self underneath all the layers but maybe that's true for everyone. I dont even have a personality anymore. My sentences have been stripped down to bare monosyllabes like some kind of drooling ape-man. I want to remember what it is like to be human again

>> No.19641045
File: 52 KB, 360x450, The Mayor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a 150 dollar coupon for the Dutch equivalent of Amazon. What should i buy, lads?

>> No.19641069
File: 8 KB, 400x400, E00C364C-1861-4111-9B51-67F4E9F956CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>message hey
>no response because it’s too low effort
>message sincere, face-value question
>no response because I look like a humorless robot
>message compliment
>no response because I look like a simp
>message flirtation
>no response because I look like a horny bastard
>message humor
>no response because I look like a sexless goof
Out of a relationship. How the fuck do I get responses again? I’m attractive (not model tier obviously), and I’m happy with the matches I’ve gotten but they never respond. Might just be the season. Messaging around Christmas doesn’t warrant a lot of responses

>> No.19641087

>I want to remember what it is like to be human again
Can we really if we've never been human in the first place?

>> No.19641098

You're automatically a simp when using tinder, so just try to dehuminize yourself as much as possible for the pleasure of the roasting you're simping for

>> No.19641106

Yeah that’s what I’m trying to do, but how

>> No.19641109

I defy the whole world simply by being happy.

>> No.19641132

Tinder is cancer. You should go out and meet people

>> No.19641141

What should I name my epic poem? Every title I can think of is not epic enough

>> No.19641147

you wont find a relationship on tinder dumbass

>> No.19641209

I can't use tinder. Makes me way too horny

>> No.19641243
File: 209 KB, 982x726, joe-bagel-tinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write them poems. Worked for this guy.
It's a simple equation for tinder. The low effort involved and the volume of matches means that there is little incentive to message someone back unless they do something to stand out (if then). Meeting people in person is ideal. Can't help you on that one because I don't know how to do that and hate bars and most of the other conventional places people go rutting

>> No.19641302

>the way to a woman's heart is through 2nd grade poems
You really can't make this shit up

>> No.19641310

I am physically dying.

>> No.19641321

The problem is that Western irony culture itself is a failed experiment. It destroyed everything in society it labeled as hypocritical, but when asked what its solutions were, it shrugged its shoulders and left us with a cultural void to fill with consumerism and identity politics. American society in the 1800s was a monoculture - you integrate, or you leave. It wasn't a perfect system but it was worth keeping. What we did instead was tear it to the ground.

>> No.19641331
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>> No.19641346

I broke up with my best friend and girlfriend today. She spent 8 years of pining and high-school drama-ing convinced that I was "The One" and that made me think that if I didn't suck it up and date my best friend then I would die alone. It was only about 6 months of being official but it's hard to hurt someone you've known for 8 years even if you aren't dating. I knew it had to be done going in and I know it had to be done now, but the way she cried so hard and so shamelessly for the whole thing pushed every instinct within me to go back on it all and just "nevermind" the whole thing away. Feeling very lost rn, bros. I didn't want the responsibility of having to live the rest of my life wondering if this was the right thing to do. But it was also an untenable and impractical relationship between two people moving in very different directions in life. Just feel torn up and queasy about it.

>> No.19641349

There is so much wrong with these messages. It is already set up for first letters, but then he makes sure to let them know it is spelling their names out. What is his profile pic, he must be chadfishing.

>> No.19641351

I met a girl on a chan too, dude. Wouldn't recommend it, I like her but she had a screw loose

>> No.19641412

>play d4
>chimp flips the board and eats my face
>play e4
>chimp flips the board and eats my face
>play e3
>chimp flips the board and eats my face
>play knight f3
>chimp flips the board and eats my face
>play bishop b5
>chimp flips the board and eats my face
>chimp flips the board and eats my face
>don't castle
>chimp flips the board and eats my face

Stop showing up to the chimp enclosure to play chess.

>B-But all the good pussy is inside the chimp enclosure!
Maybe so. Does that make your face any less eaten? If you're going to go in there and get the pussy, at least go in with a gun and show the chimps who's boss. Stop taking a chess set because you learned from Hollywood movies and fairy tales from olden times that chimps want to play a nice game of chess for a fair wager of pussy.

>> No.19641418

Lol, good analogy

>> No.19641422
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Meant to reply to >>19641069

There's nothing noble about playing rigged games fairly after you know they're rigged

>> No.19641441

eggman nooooo!!!!!

>> No.19641452

I love loose girls, anon. Introduce me

>> No.19641473

Well she blocked me so that's impossible. plus she doesn't know english

>> No.19641488

Should have gone with "rural Alabamans" for the second one.
t. Pickup artist

>> No.19641490

Wtf is picrel

>> No.19641496

What is your early career? How did it turn out?
I'm about to graduate myself, so admittedly morbidly curious

>> No.19641527

R9k schizobabble

>> No.19641580

Reached new levels of horniness today. Was so desperate resolved to go to some sketchy massage parlor. Trekked all the way out there to this asian massage parlor next to some kind of Catholic and Islamic center amusingly enough.
But I ended up chickening out cause there was this young person getting into his car looking right at me. I waited around but he kept coming back, a delivery driver I think from a nearby restaurant. Eventually he asks me if Im looking for some place & I just manage to stumble out that I'm not sure. So I leave to ashamed to walk in after someone noticed me. But now I'm even more horny from anticipating the visit. I weigh my options as to whether I find a new place or come back later and hope he isn't there. I resolve to go to this other place. So I bike all the way back home & to the new place. New place turns out to be some kind of sex toy/sex ed shop; I was fooled by the name & logo (an outline of a curvy naked woman). Well now I'm ungodly horny. My coombrain isn't about to stop till it gets satisfaction. So I type "massage" into google maps find this place in another town maybe 10 or more miles away from me. All the reviews suggest it's some kind of brothel.
I bike all the way there practically leaking cum, bloodshot eyes, trudging my bike through slush and snow. At this point I can barely feel my feet from the cold & I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before cause I was so horny. I'm determined. I've spent half the day now biking in a state of horny frustration. The environment around me gets slummier and slummier--pawn shops, slum housing etc. I arrive at the place more of a hut.. Its just this tiny tin building all the curtains closed ominously. And I start to think about how embarrasing it would be if I caught something or if the regulars there laugh at me. I'm too scared to go through with it so I bike back home and finally just settle with masturbating. I should really consider castration...

>> No.19641592

My nigger you need to consider forcing a wank prior to going on one of these adventures, you're like the living embodiment of 128 progressively freakier porn tabs

>> No.19641601
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I'm on a similar boat, perhaps not the same severity. I finally have found great friends, the close ones you know you'll talk to for life and enjoy being in the company of, but I totally missed on my teenage years. No parties or fun late night memories with friends, no kiss or any sort of relationship, all my nights were spent at home doing fuck all alone. I also only lost my virginity at 21 (nearing 22) and coming from a place where all my friends lost it at 15.
I'm very scared of missing out on any experiences that are taken for granted as "formative experiences" and the like. It fills me with regret that my 18-22 years were largely uneventful, and I dread the coming years too.
I also lost out big time on the girl though, it will definitely be one of those regrets and "what ifs" I'll be carrying for life. I cope by remembering that most first relationships end in breakups or divorce anyway.

>> No.19641647

This is the only time I've done something like this. Just really wanted the feeling of being touched or held. And I was super sleep deprived so I wasn't exactly acting rationally. Honestly not sure which I would regret more--going through woth it or not.

>> No.19641662

Have any of you guys read Baudrillard here? I tried one of his books recently and it seemed very interesting but I could only understand like 1/10 of it

>> No.19641690

I’m so tired and low energy and unhappy all the time. I am just floating through life for no real reason at this point.

>> No.19641694

Whites are a broken people, they won't do a thing. If Blood and Carnage is what you want, wait for them to become a minority. Once a race with a spine like Latinos or Blacks take over, things will get interesting.

>> No.19641696

How did you make friends? How did you overcome the feeling of strangeness and fear?
I struggle because I basically don't know how to do small talk. People form groups so fast and Im just always left feeling apart. I naturally fall back into the pattern of slipping into the background. 22 is fast approaching and I genuinely don't know what I'll do if things don't turn around. I have no memories or the ones I do have are of my life slipping by because of my indecisiveness. Im considering going the full hermit route at this point because of my failure to integrate but idk if I have the strength to truly live that life & im not sure if I will regret it down the line.

>> No.19641700

Which one? Some are easier than others. The Consumer Society is going to be way easier than his earliest works or Simulacra. One of his best essays in my opinion is In the Shadow of Silent Majorities, which is a tiny booklet you can read in an hour or two.

>> No.19641729

It was Simulacra and Simulation. I feel like I sort of understand him but it's very vague. What I got from it is that symbols have become a tool to hide the fact that a signifier actually signifies nothing, and works like an illusion to convince people there exists substance in the world where there is none. Does that sound right?

>> No.19641809

I don’t know. I just regret what I’ve done and where I’ve been to this point so damn much. I have this feeling that I’ll never get where I want to go, or where I feel I need to go so in that sense, it won’t get better and there’s no reason to hold out hope.

>> No.19641871

I am neurotic. I feel sad all the time and I feel pleasure being sad. It's my modus operandi. What can I do to change that mindset? I'd put in my mind that the only way for me to be accomplished is if I publish the novel I've writing for years. It's propaganda, the drive to be part of something greater. I know it will lead to nothing. Nothing is going to change if I get published. What can I do to give up on the infantile dreams and focus on what matters? I should have studied business or coding instead of philosophy. If I continue with this cheap bohemian life I'll kill myself; and if I give it up on order to have a normal life.Id kill myself the same way. What can therapy do about it? Suicide seems like the only option and I'm afraid of not being brave enough when the time comes.

>> No.19641909

> interested in politics
> hate my country and it’s way of doing politics

>> No.19641935

It’s become glaringly obvious to me that I have no genuine vocation and I’m not meant to do anything in particular with my life. On one hand, it’s liberating. But on the other, I can’t think of anything more ultimately depressing.

>> No.19641944

Write a book about it

>> No.19641961 [DELETED] 

what are you playing? i'm debating if i want to try to squeeze in an old school rpg while i'm on break for a week. underrail lookin' comfy but i'm down to go older, i came up on dos shiz in the 90s

>> No.19641962

BRO eat it NOW. A ripe avo is a dying one!!!


anon trust me BRO! eat that avo now or it will BRUISE and go BROWN by the MORNING!!

I know about avo things anon trust me.

>> No.19641967

we get it, you're all depressed, got anything else on your minds other than self-pity?

>> No.19641995

based metaphor-anon

good post sirs

>> No.19642012


let me know if you saw my post

>> No.19642076

>Be me
>Go outside, enjoy the cold
>Realize global warming means the day is coming that it won't snow or get cold
I hate this

>> No.19642082

naked girls

>> No.19642097

Yeah I stopped blogposting in here once I realized how boring it was for others to read
Now all I try to post is interesting thoughts, but maybe I should save those for creative work

>> No.19642182

mfs really tryna gatekeep the things that are on peoples mind.

>> No.19642200

this gave me a chuckle anon

>> No.19642364

o o
o \ o / o
o o l o o
o- ○ -o
o o l o o
o / o o
/ o o \

>> No.19642398

>global warming
No such thing. Its the collision of statistical masturbation and modern worlds desire for death.

>> No.19642404

People keep telling me I should go out and meet like-minded people but I can't think of anything worse than hanging out with people who have the same interests as me. Not just the 4chan stuff (that's obvious) but other things like reading or academia (I'm a grad student) or tennis or any other extremely mundane thing I'm interested in. I had a friend try to set me up with a girl based on this and I'm sure she was very nice but I find it extremely off-putting. I'm stuck with me 24/7 as it is, I don't need any more of that. I want a normal one.

>> No.19642411

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.19642436

lol, Boston has always been full of kikes and nigwogs. WTF are you drinking?

Boston blacks are unironically the friendliest people to me in the city. All the white tech-dude-bros who work in the Peoples Republic of Cambridge or Slumberville are worse in 500 ways.

>> No.19642450

Ues Bumble or Hinge instead.

Tinder is for people with downs.

>> No.19642457

I realized today my friends actually listen to my suggestions for movies, music, TV, things to do in the city. Like I'll suggest they try a restaurant and then they actually will the very next week.

>> No.19642472

Damn that's rare
Maybe because you consider what they actually like before suggesting stuff

>> No.19642487 [DELETED] 

it's always weird when somebody comes to me like years later about some offhand comment i made saying it was insightful or something, i'm like dude was probably just plagiarizing whatever i happened to be reading or maybe it was from college lecture i saw on youtube lolll i think the first time that happened i stole an idea from long forgotten foreign policy talking head on charlie rose

>> No.19642534

Switch to Math and Stats and learn to write on the side. Just be diligent and take some creative writing electives if you can. guaranteed income and you'll have a hobby that you can enjoy

>> No.19642641

Do math and minor in English. You will not accomplish anything in life as a writer, keep it as a side occupation or hobby. Math opens way more opportunities even if it's not as fulfilling to you. Plenty of legendary writers only wrote in their free time like Kafka and even McCarthy right now

>> No.19642664

Can a man make it to age 30 without hating women?

>> No.19642674

>ask anon what he is quoting from
>says he made it up on the spot
Either he is good at writing or I have shit taste

>> No.19642704

Give me something to do today

>> No.19642782

No zoomer. This is actually happening. The timeframes are all a little iffy is all. But the world has gotten warmer and extreme weather.

>> No.19642788

Ten years from now I will think with fondness to my years of arguing about jews on /lit/.

>> No.19642790

I am sleeping very late and waking up like a zombie with droopy, veiny eyes, missing steps like a drunk, making my way to the bathroom to wash my face, unbothered to face the mirror, not out of shame for what a mess and burden i've made of my daily life but because of the deep contempt i've long since held but that has recently and abruptly developed in my innermost being like a tumor, some sort of innefable, nefarious and malignant spiritual resignation forced itself upon me. I am looking to milk its worth dry in whatever way i can. Wish me luck as i do the same for you.

>> No.19642793

The blood... the blood...

>> No.19642802

Stop listening to dumb males. I mean, nobody’s an angel. Stop being so scalding hot to ice-cold about them. They’re just people and it’s not their fault COLLECTIVELY that you haven’t gotten laid or you don’t like their books, w/e.
Hate is your emotion. You feel it, it rips away at you. This is like hitting yourself. You know how stupid that looks? Stop hating.

>> No.19642805

Not if he can still be called a man.

Shut up Butters, go shit your pants again.

>> No.19642813

>dear diary. The kibble in the food dish mocks me so…

>> No.19642818

What’ve you got to argue against that, weakling?

>> No.19642819

>I’m attractive
No you arent or you wouldnt get ignored you piece of dogshit.

>> No.19642822

I typed this sentence so I might as well Post it.

>> No.19642857

eat me

>> No.19642902

How do you dunk soda anon?
Maybe you could have some fun humoring her for her last years of life. Become your grandma’s perfect fancy boy.

>> No.19642904

What do you propose? Or is this writing only more meta-commentary on the meta-commentary?

Good post. Please explain more about how to recognize and attain this state.

At this point the uncertainty IS Russia's identity. If Russia found a cultural synthesis it would cease to be Russian. This is actually a pretty banal point but I wanted to reply because I found your post interesting.

>> No.19642950
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x800, elmal guards the stead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read Ilyin's lectures on the Wesen und Eigenart der russischen Kultur?

What do you think of the ethnic issue in particular? Do you think Russians will ever simply identify as "Eurasian" churkas, non-European? Or do you think the ordinary joe in the middle sees himself as "white?"

Do you think that vital middle class of people is simply too depressed and eaten away by dying communities and drug addiction to form the basis of a new Russia, no matter what? Or do you think it could be awakened, even if that might be difficult?

Please help Russia wake up and be friends with Europe, or part of Europe, or Europe's new heart, or head, or hand, or whatever it's destined to be. Things are getting spooky.

>> No.19642953

Aww. Don’t be mad.
>Wish me luck

>> No.19642962

It's just foreigners adapting to viral YouTube tactics to gain the system. It's not that interesting. People have always been learning dominant cultures to fit in and move up.

>> No.19642985

I have written so much erotica centered around my fetishes at this point. Most of it for my own personal consumption. I'm actually a somewhat successful writer, with numerous published short stories to my name; I'm also a published poet. But I have unfortunately tended to also put my talents to degenerate use, writing erotica based on my fetishes. It's a bad habit that I really need to break.

>> No.19643199

Hard to meet women. Most of the girls I've dated have been introduced to me by friends, now that we're out of college I don't really meet new people. Apps used to work for me but they've broken them to the point of being entirely useless. I start school again in February hopefully rona hasn't fucked up the social life there too much. What else am I meant to do in the time being? Go to bars by myself? My friends aren't the type to wingman and if anything they drag me down more than aid me in getting laid. Talking to this girl on Bumble rn but I'm not particularly attracted to her. I want pussy though so I guess I can't be picky. It's so annoying going through the whole rigmarole when we all know what I want anyway. It takes effort to me charming and attentive. It's easier with booze but you drink too much and then you can't fuck as well. It's all too annoying.

>> No.19643234

Tips for avoiding indecision? I don't mean when it comes to making life decisions, I mean day to day indecision. Every lunch break I will waste 15 minutes wandering outside each shop trying to make up my mind what to eat. Same when I go to shop for groceries, I can't make up my mind what to make for dinner or anything. I spend so much of my life hanging on the edge of things like a skittish animal scoping out what's safe and unsafe.

>> No.19643426 [DELETED] 

is it too early for a new years resolution thread? last year was a waste of time, maybe this one will suck less

>> No.19643430

Define two roles for yourself, leader and follower. As leader, define heuristics or rules you must follow. As a follower, follow your heuristics unless you encounter important new information.
Limit the leadership role to X minutes of time, as if you had assigned a job to yourself. During this time focus entirely on how to help yourself best. This has worked well for me. For example, I'll schedule 20 minutes to think about my diet for that week and then follow my own instructions exactly.

>> No.19643718

How can I salvage my career?

>> No.19643720
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What career?

>> No.19643727

I shake when I write
I also shake when I eat with quests
Who am I dining with when I write?

>> No.19643728
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I'm going coo coo bananas my nigga

>> No.19643732

I was a banker for two years and I’ve spent the last three years doing some really meaningless work that I was supposed to be temporary but hasn’t been so temporary.

>> No.19643733
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Please wipe your ass and change your shit-crusted panties, moth.

>> No.19643750

Realizing that I actually had a friend in highschool that I liked as a friend an not just the general bullshit of talking about "muh tough school work" Hopeful feeling but also sad that I think about someone who I have lost contact with

>> No.19643796

post-scarcity allows for perpetual despotism

>> No.19643818

My sleep schedule is flipped again and now I'm stuck browsing with Eurofags

>> No.19643832

It's Christmas time, people naturally tend to get depressed around it.

>> No.19643844

>not depressed
>get depressed by other people getting depressed

>> No.19643851

you must be new here

>> No.19643856

>money is fake and doesn't matter!
you you plan on directly and indirectly committing suicide once you run out of it then?

>> No.19643858

This website makes me feel like I'm losing my fucking mind and I need to leave. I hate the internet

>> No.19643863

Is there any hope for the West?

>> No.19643866
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Oh no. I plan on replacing it.

We should

No. It’s the whole thing or nothing this time.

>> No.19643883

Are there any good /lit/-tier books on the pandemic? A lot of it seems like pop psych books aimed to take advantage of the political atmosphere, but the points are by and large sound. I just don't know where to start.

Thanks bros, happy holidays

>> No.19643884


>> No.19643912

no you dont , you plan on posting on 4chan for the rest of your life in between working to get money to stay alive to post on 4chan

>> No.19643944

The Plague by Camus

>> No.19643956
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I wish.

>> No.19643957

le 1984 by le george orwell

>> No.19643979

Stop associating with topographical directions and live your life

>> No.19643981


>> No.19644182 [DELETED] 

Other people are so incomprehensible. I don't even mean this in an angsty way, I'm just looking at photos of guys I went to high school with and now - 8 years later - I see them living their lives and I think, damn, I spent 6 years with you and you are basically a stranger. I recognise you, I 'know' you, but I do not know you at all.

>> No.19644203

I grew up solidly middle class, about as 'normal' of an upbringing you can get, but life circumstances have brought me into contact with people high up in the echelons of wealth and it is just crazy how different their lives are. Specifically there's this girl I met who comes from one of the top families in a third world country, so for all intents and purposes she is essential aristocracy. Such a crazy life. Sometimes I think about if we were to get together (it would never happen, just an idle daydream) and it's funny to think that I would be too poor for her, even though I am in the top 1% of the world just by virtue of living in a western country. But it's just a different world. I've known rich people, but these are RICH people. Just a plane of existence which is completely separate from everybody else. The difference between old and new money I guess.

>> No.19644218

I've been sweating over how fucked up my sleep schedule is and the compulsion to fix it vs the knowledge that I'm absolutely going to want to drink and stay up on new years eve, making that pointless, and I guess the best thing to do is to is to wait, but that means im in for a few days of fucked up misery where its 4 am and im not tired enough to sleep and sleeping in past 3 pm, god I hate this. if there was ever a news years resolution for me, its going to be to go to bed at my bed time like a good boy. I was actually doing really good about it a few months back but my country had an election and I stayed up late and it of course devastated my mental health, and that night threw me off completely. from now on I have to find a way to just live my life and live with the misery of this world and live with sacrilegious violation and destruction of everything I hold dear in this world so I can be a functional human being and carve out a real life for myself while the world burns, because right now it feels though I already might as well be dead.

>> No.19644222

>Just a plane of existence which is completely separate from everybody else.
How so?

>> No.19644223

I'm gonna start bringing a small book or a kindle wherever I go now. Sitting not being able to do jack shit while my car gets fixed by the mechanic has been mind numbingly boring. Even browsing 4chan and other social media got stale.

>> No.19644238

Constant holidays to any part of the world you can imagine - even during covid. Working meaningless jobs at big companies where there's no pressure to be any good at it. They own every high end consumer product as soon as it comes out. This relentless projected optimism.

I'm not envious of any of it, I'm perfectly content with my life and I don't think that living that kind of lifestyle would make me any happier, but it is just a completely different way of living.

>> No.19644243


>> No.19644269

I've grown up similarly to you it seems. Solidly, middle class, parents had no financial troubles but were certainly not lavish spenders either. Moved abroad at the age of 11 and went to an international school which introduced me to the same people you're writing about, kids of ambassadors, bankers, hedge fund managers, etc. Because international school kids move around so much and there aren't many of the schools, everyone sort of knows each other or at least has a short degree of connection to everyone else. Somehow it's become "normal" for me to hang out with the daughter of a Belarussian billionaire, the son of the founder and director of one of Russia's largest banks, and for some reason Otto Von Bismarck's great great grandaughter? I've become so desensitized to this level of wealth but also am acutely aware that because of my upbrining ill always have some sort of inferiority complex money wise if i keep on hanging out with these sorts.

>> No.19644278

well, as someone whos grown up solidly lower class, parents often having to live paycheque to paycheque in a crumbling shack that should probably be condemned, the idea that you are in a position to be exposed to these people is in its self amazing to me and certainly reminds me of my inferior position

>> No.19644291

The world aint fair. Growing up petit bourgeois I used to think those with power were stupid but not evil. Once I rose up the ranks a little and got closer to those with power I realised they are stupid AND evil.

>> No.19644394

i miss my ex
not in a romantic or sexual sense she's just a good friend and we haven't spoken much lately

>> No.19644396

at the very least even I count my blessings for at least being poor in a 1st world country, thank god. this crumbling shack with a weak foundation and leaky roof and holes in the floor is basically paradise

>> No.19644406

>Once I rose up the ranks a little and got closer to those with power I realised they are stupid AND evil.
Funny. I had the opposite reaction. They are neither stupid nor evil. Just normal humans, who may be a little sheltered but still have good intentions.

>> No.19644411

Dregs of the Day. Just read it after getting it for christmas, it was great.

>> No.19644416

People without power are also stupid and evil.

>> No.19644419

I feel that way about most of the rich women I know, they are stupid but kind hearted and live off daddy's money happily and maybe even feel a little guilty about it. Most of the rich men I know are absolutely vitriolic cunts who take pleasure in belittling the poor and feel absolutely no remorse in screwing them over. In fact, they see screwing them over as a right they've supposedly earned by virtue of having money.

>> No.19644426

You should rise higher, you'll realize that they're mostly indifferent individuals who happenstance to be around someone with an extreme drive. Sycophants increases the chance of meeting such an individual, but its a world that keeps itself afloat, where the older the money the less cutthroat it can be.
Becoming part is more a case of knowing the right places to meet these people than hard work, as is the case in everything really.

>> No.19644433

This is true, which is I believe in the theory of permanent revolution.

>> No.19644442

And then you meet the people above THOSE guys. They really vibrate to a different frequency. In fact, they are nothing but vibrations - waves of heat and energy who permeate the fabric of all being. They are simultaneously a part of all and separate from it. They are that which All is made. They are an endless breathing out.

>> No.19644443

>tfw Faith No More are pretty good actually

>> No.19644460

I live in a place that thanks to weather patterns and mountainous geography used to be really cold despite not being that far north. 4 months of snow and -20C was normal. These days snow never lasts for more than a few days and we rarely have negative temperatures for longer stretches. I hate it.

>> No.19644466
File: 24 KB, 319x450, aa8c6c7d935a5b1c9d89f904bd50eec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

things are going way better than i could ever hope. i have a play, people willing to stage and finance it, a thing which might become a novella, a bf who loves me dearly and enough books to read until the next year (incl. the Tractatus, which might make me busy for at least a month)
i hope every anon here gets to feel this happiness as the year ends and the next one creeps in

>> No.19644492

Woke up late today. Can't believe it's the end of the year. Fuck.

>> No.19644497

what did you get up to this year anon?

>> No.19644500

Sometimes I want to whinge and cry about covid fucking up two years of my 20s, but then I think about how my great grandfather was fighting on the Western Front at my age and that that was only 100 years ago and I get a bit of perspective.

>> No.19644570
File: 375 KB, 1280x959, timeoftroubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you read Ilyin's lectures on the Wesen und Eigenart der russischen Kultur?
No, is there somewhere I read them in Russian or English?

>What do you think of the ethnic issue in particular? Do you think Russians will ever simply identify as "Eurasian" churkas, non-European? Or do you think the ordinary joe in the middle sees himself as "white?"
Imo the solution lies in us identifying as Eurasia. We are the biggest country in the world and our territory is bigger than Europe's, the size of a continent. There is no reason for us not to identify as a separate entity altogether.
On the subject of white/nonwhite - I do not think there is such a strong white/nonwhite dichotomy in Europe, especially Eastern, and Russians cannot identify with being "white" in the American sense (i.e identifying with "other whites"). We do not feel historically united to Western European "whites" and have always been seen as savages or exotic foreigners by them, we do not share a common cultural egregore nor ethnic background with them. On what basis should we identify with them?
Not to mention that whatever Russian "ethnicity" is, it is technically a mix of European and Asian ethnicities.

>Do you think that vital middle class of people is simply too depressed and eaten away by dying communities and drug addiction to form the basis of a new Russia, no matter what? Or do you think it could be awakened, even if that might be difficult?
I do not think that it is necessarily a problem because if you look at this country's history, all the major changes and upheavals have always been initiated by a very small group of people. That is potentially both good and bad and has historically been for the better and for the worse.
The intellectual elite is capable of ideological movement but the "simple people" here cannot do anything but follow whatever is happening in a chaotic manner without understanding it. So if there must be societal change it will not come from what we consider to be the "masses", it will come from a tight circle of people who are capable of positing an ideological vector.
But this is so hard to predict and even harder to execute well. I do not know what will happen when our current president dies. I am almost convinced that it will be another "cмyтa".

>Please help Russia wake up and be friends with Europe, or part of Europe, or Europe's new heart, or head, or hand, or whatever it's destined to be.
In my view Russia should be friends with Europe, because looking at our history we have always been stronger with Europe on our side. France especially is a great old friend of ours. I don't think we should be part of Europe. I hope things work out utopically and Russia becomes be the next civilisational leader of cultural spring.

What do you think we can do as people to help this culture flourish and preserve it from being forgotten, wiped away and destroyed like it always has been? What can we do on an individual level?

>> No.19644577

yes, thank you for the contribution spinoza

>> No.19644581

Somewhere I can read them * быcтpoфикc.
Fuck I keep making dumb typos.

>> No.19644607

You don't need an English degree to be a good writer. Look at McCarthy, Kesey, and Hemingway as examples.

>> No.19644608

Do Western Russians feel culturally linked with Eastern Russians, or Russians along the Caucasus? I have always wondered about this

>> No.19644655

hell ya, faith no more is good af been listening to them a lot lately for some reason

>> No.19644686
File: 855 KB, 2880x2239, 2880px-Territorial_Expansion_of_Russia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and no. I think the common soviet history culturally linked everyone here forcibly. To illustrate what I mean, whether you're in Irkutsk or in Vladivostok or in Moscow or in Murmansk, it's the shame shitty Khrushchyovka architecture and statues of Lenin. USSR was also really pushing for multiculturalism. At the same time it's complex and doesn't just depend on the east/west factor. There is also south/north. Europe/Siberia/Far East. A person from St. Petersburg will feel very different from a Moscovite though both are "Western Russians", the two capitals do not share the same subcultural life or wordvdiew at all. Can one speak of ethnic separation? Sure, there are ethnic differences in between regions of Russia, however due to mass deportations - Siberia has always been used for imprisonment and exile, ever since tsarist times - there are so many ethnic Russians all over Asia today that it's not like "this area = this ethnicity". Despite Yakutsk being mostly Yakut, of course, but I just mean ethnic diversity isn't shocking. Some areas of Russia are more historically recent but Russia wasn't unified until the 16th century anyway, we are a historically recent nation. Now, the areas that could actually be considered culturally separate from Russia are islamic areas (like Chechnya).

>> No.19644737
File: 996 KB, 280x210, 1501421035578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop taking a chess set because you learned from Hollywood movies and fairy tales from olden times that chimps want to play a nice game of chess for a fair wager of pussy.

>> No.19644780

I'm looking forward to travelling but as usual I cant shake the guilt of pretending to be interesting or doing it for the sake of others.

>> No.19644812

Lower class but access to rich people through school here. Most of my rich bros grew up basically latchkey kids, so there's a weird mix of spoiled bastard (generally the slightly poorer or less titled ones, like the middle class angst the other anons feel but with having nice toys as their compensating mechanism along with being Karens) and really kind but lonely. I knew a guy who thought I was amazing because I explained to him what the washing machine in his fully staffed house was for. He saw his parents like once a year and was afraid to talk to staff about anything. He was friends with me because he knew there was a lot of basic shit like how to ride a bus or pay a bill without a lawyer that he just wasn't going to get. He was smart, don't get me wrong, but for the majority of things lower and middle class people do in their everyday life he was practically 4 years old when I met him at 14. There's a reason a lot of them wind up fucked up by 14, and I suspect a lot of the drug addicts were taking drugs not just because they were lonely but also because their parents might show up if there was a medical emergency/rehab. Some were fine, but I think one of the reasons old school tie bonds are so strong is that those kids have almost no one else in general.

>> No.19644875
File: 262 KB, 700x957, 18C0D98E-7F3A-4890-A516-0791F6E941E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difference is developing and maintaining a solid understanding of advanced maths takes up way more mental space and energy than doing some random office job, you will have maths running in the back of your mind constantly as opposed to if you were doing some menial paperwork where you could have artistic thoughts ruminating in the back of your mind. I struggle with the same conflict as that guy and looked for examples of artists with maths/physics backgrounds and they’re not very common and the ones that do exist are not very expressive in their art. For example Brian May, when you hear his guitar playing it’s clear he is technically skilled but he just plays these very mathematical uncreative patterns, you don’t feel raw emotion like you do with the great guitarists like Gimour, Clapton, Hendrix etc. Pic related is a somewhat famous mathematician/painter, he does some cool stuff but it’s all very geometrical and again does not express much raw emotion, and this is the best painter with a maths background i could find
Also check out the art of Richard Feynman, one of the all time greatest scientists, under the name Ofey, pic related

>> No.19644888

Oops, pic related if Feynman, the previously mentioned mathematicians work is the link i posted

>> No.19644978

I'll tell you what lads, was up in da club with some mates last night and this one gyal started moving mad on me once the shy fx came on. She got dragged away by her friends after a while, and I know that there was really nothing meant by it, but considering I'm maybe the stiffest of God's creations walking the earth right now, that's probably going to be the peak of my clubbing career.

>> No.19644988
File: 35 KB, 600x865, 1537639530079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a training course over the summer
>pay 3k for intensive studies
>pass course with flying colours
>spend a few months searching for job in the field
>finally find one and send off resume
>they get back to me and say the accreditation isn't the one they normally accept
>send me a link to the course for the program they accept
>Reject my application

I am becoming a terrorist

>> No.19645043

What kind of scam is this.

>> No.19645057

psychedelic therapy

>> No.19645077

>with the center plotline being about child soldiers being used to fight a nigh-unstoppable force
the other anon already said this much more elaborately, but this is perfectly well suited for a children's story.

>> No.19645086

Thanks for the knowledge. So Russians view Chechnya as an entirely separate culture?

>> No.19645095

>USSR was also really pushing for multiculturalism
why would someone just lie on /lit/

>> No.19645119

>pay jerkoffs for random meaningless certificate
>ask company to gibs money because of random meaningless certificate
>”lolno r u retarded?”
>genuinely surprised and angry
jesus fucking christ anon
what did your course even consist of? memorizing pseudoscientific ramblings of some new age spiritual guru?

>> No.19645122

I guess his avocado is fucked

>> No.19645145

Nope, it was designated and medically accredited by my countries Health Govt. For psyche-assisted psychotherapy. The certificate I hold is valid and medically backed, meanwhile the 2nd one that this company wants me to get ISNT backed by any medical field of any sort.

The course I did was not new age mumbo jumbo, it was very in-depth into the use/mis-use of substances for a variety of mental distresses, or other instances wherein these substances can be utilized, coupled with ethically issues etc.

>> No.19645148

it's called /lit/ not /write/

need writers to fuck off

>> No.19645199

Speedrunning is the most succinct expression of the postmodern condition

>> No.19645209
File: 866 KB, 540x756, drujba-narodov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not multiculturalism in the "we must maintain diversity of ethnic traditions" sense, I thought that was obvious. But this is in the sense of "we all come together as part of the Soviet Union in order to build communism, where our original ethnicity or region we're from does not matter, we are all workers, all equal". Pic related.
This is what they were pushing for with projects like BДHХ and other such propaganda.

>> No.19645245

I haven't conducted a sociological study but I definitely think it's harder for a Western Russian to find a common language with a Chechen than someone from, say, Siberia or the Far East. The difference between Russian culture (that evolved out of Orthodoxy and then had no state religion during the USSR) and the culture surrounding Islam is too great.

>> No.19645279

Like this post it was pretty much ignorated lmao.
It took 25 days of work....

>> No.19645285

yeah the wannabe writers are so fucking lame even worse than the philosophy guys

>> No.19645316

My country has govt backed gender studies pseudoscience, medically backed transgender surgery, etc. You sound like a state worshipping tankie, learn to think critically and then learn a valuable skill that’s actually worth paying you to do

>> No.19645324

>Oh no i never create anything i just spend my whole life consooming
Are you american?

>> No.19645337

i have better ways of creating value than self-publish bad stories on amazon

>> No.19645341

>I don't know what I did wrong in my life
If you’re too dumb to even understand your own problems i would be amazed if you could write anything interesting

>> No.19645344

I hate Arcane. It's for children. The bar for art and entertainment is so low.

>> No.19645348

thanks for showing that you don't know what you're really talking about

>> No.19645434

Oooooo finally someone gave me attentions

>> No.19645447

I really hope Bill Gates or China or someone does geoengineering and fast. We need to salvage this while we still can.

>> No.19645456

What the fuck is wrong with jannies jesus fucking christ. Meanwhile just look at the threads that are allowed to stay up

>> No.19645458

what happened?

>> No.19645465 [DELETED] 

that thread with the guy bitching about npcs was comfy but it there's no way it wasn't going to get zapped. on the other hand why is there a thread about some small time e-celeb who lives in a hut in the woods? he read a book once?

>> No.19645481

This. It seems awfully lot like /lit/ is slowly being turned to the kind of pity party board which /r9k/ used to be until it metastasized into the cancerous cess-pool that it is currently. Stop it you mutterfickers!

>> No.19645493

This probably wont help at all, because honestly I do not know how I really did it, but I'll rewind my experiences and share what I can.
For starters, one has to be proactive. This sounds like a "duh no shit faggot" take, but in my case I was always a passive receptor because I had been in the same school class with the same people since we were 3, so I always had them around and I never actually had to actively pursue those social contacts. When I got thrust into Uni, I quickly realized after my first semester that this was not working out at all and that I needed to get outside ASAP and start breaking the ice myself. I went to the hobby clubs that interested me and decided that fuck it, I'll be the weirdo and start conversations.
Began with small talk at first of course; ask their name, where they're from, their field of study, etc. Eventually I'd stumble on some commonality or shared interest and could branch off a conversation from there. After returning to the clubs a few times, I'd feel comfortable asking for their WhatsApp (Americans dont use it I think, but it's just SMS basically). This is also where I figured I need to be the one to organize events or invite people over. I figured I might as well ask anyone if they wanna go to lunch together, eventually someone accepts and we can continue conversations there. Ideally multiple people accept and we go as a group, this is very helpful as they can converse with each other and you dont have to actually lead or carry any conversation, but you are still included by virtue of being at the table with them and having been the one who brought the group together.
I know this really doesn't clarify HOW exactly to "do smalltalk" or really start a proper convo. Frankly, I dont know how I did it either, something just clicks sometimes and you eventually manage to have discussions with people that can go on for hours on end. In my case, my first true friend in Uni was a whackass Russian who was wearing flip flops in a blizzard, I asked him if he has cold and he said nah, then we hit it off from there by discussing mutual interests (both play similar games, we were in the same class together, we were both foreign students, etc.).

>> No.19645494

okay, i'll stop, it's just that haven't written a blogpost in a long time, and this seemed like the place to do it, but essentially, you're right

>> No.19645507

Naked women.
Also really thinking about how the future can either be really lit or absolutely terrible.

>> No.19645524

I grew up with the Brazilian upper class. Same situation here. I'm solid Middle-Class, no real financial woes and very comfortable upbringing, but God damn these people made me feel poor. It's so bizarre to exist with them and be aware of how utterly disconnected they are from the rest.

>> No.19645532

I definitely envy the holidays part. My dream in life is to be rich enough so that if I ever have kids, I can pay for them to go on a grand tour across the world. I'd love to visit all the sites where great writes, philosophers, leaders, etc. Lived and toiled.

>> No.19645534
File: 60 KB, 500x334, 0C089056-0DBA-4398-B6BC-94483E5604F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up with huldras on my mind

>> No.19645544

I thought they were lowkey evil as well, but eventually I realized it's worse than that, they're just like us. Many recognize the injustices of the world, and that is why they're scared of losing what they have, so they just maintain the comfortable status quo because that's what most people would do.

>> No.19645606

Naked boys
Naked girls (male)

>> No.19645625

Waldun's a human being. More like an AI designed to give the appearance of a writer but with absolutely nothing of substance to back it up, just a facade. Actually no, he's worse than that, an AI would somehow after being exposed to a certain amount of litterature AT LEAST grasp a certain mastery of the structure without the understanding, but Waldun lacks both. In some ways, his strange smug looks he gives whenever he presents us yet another one of his defecations makes me suspect that beyond the masochistic in nature satisfaction he gets from humiliating himself there is something else that lingers, like a sense that he's somehow getting back at the men of culture who possess the talent he doesn't by making a public mockery of something he'll never grasp.

>> No.19645635
File: 6 KB, 250x186, 1596944481902s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good comeback to ''you're ugly as hell''? I usually just go with ''i know. so what?''. It's really lame but i don't have anything better to retort with.

>> No.19645639

"It makes me feel bad when you say things like that."

>> No.19645666

I realize this is a pretty reddit thought but Buddhist cosmology is basically just a MMORPG

karma --> xp points
reincarnation --> leveling up (or down) / respawning
Form Realm (Rūpadhātu) --> Zone leveled areas
Samsara ---> gameplay progression loop
Devas ---> NPCs / Zone bosses
Mara --> Endgame boss
Nirvana ---> logging out of the game

>> No.19645672

Delete that embarrassing shit retard, you still have time.

>> No.19645674

"You're ugly as hell on the inside for saying that to someone."

>> No.19645681

Look, I admitted it was a reddit thought. But you must admit it's a great analogy.

>> No.19645692

do german men mog german women this hard still? Jesus.

>> No.19645719

Thanks man, i was trying to look like you today. I'm glad i got it right

>> No.19645981

If you’re not ugly just say
>I don’t think so
If you are then theres nothing you can do, they’re just giving accurate critisism, only thing you can say is
>Yes it’s too bad
Beauty is a crucial domain in life that you simply cannot outwit, at most you can try to compensate

>> No.19646010

How do we solve the Janny Question?

>> No.19646044

Everyone in every sort of social sphere i frequent is so god damn stupid including this board. I quit my stemfag uni major because it was so soul crushingly unfulfilling but i’m realizing virtually no one outside of stem is capable of logical reasoning, realistically going back is my only oppertunity to have intelligent conversations

>> No.19646052

Same here, I miss talking to autistic chinamen about basic bitch joe rogan reddit tier "what if we colonized mars dude elon musk is going to revolutionize bidets with AI dude" topics, it was the closest I ever got to union with the divine intellect

>> No.19646066

>I quit my stemfag uni major
Yikes filtered. You're just an angry egomaniac with no future now.

>> No.19646069

You both aren't that intelligent otherwise you would be amongst elite circles raping children and advancing the transhumanist agenda

>> No.19646078

You can be intelligent and have principles too or not be attracted by the Anglo-Judeo order. But those anons are young and dumb anyway.

>> No.19646089

Every genuinely smart person is affiliated in some way whether financially or socially with these elite pedophiles - they're everywhere.

>> No.19646091

That's false but I guess you're not intelligent enough to undersand

>> No.19646096
File: 94 KB, 452x363, 1640654937679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's false but I guess you're not intelligent enough to undersand

>> No.19646103

“Fully human” = not born in India

>> No.19646105

Sorry but that's the truth. Reclusive geniuses existed throughout history, and that's just one example. If you can't understand something so simple, you're unintelligent.

>> No.19646113

strange life. experiencing what it is like to be insane but this time without the insanity. it's like I'm going through all the parts of my psychosis from 8 years ago- which I haven't really reflected upon much- only this time sane. It's excellent. I'm becoming whole, I think. But there's a Lot of just laying in bed in pain.

>> No.19646120

If you have writing talent you should write about it, especially if you can write poetry. It sounds like an interesting experience.

>> No.19646122

Not anymore retard, you can't conduct effective experiments on your own as Newton did, it's not the 18th century anymore chud.

>> No.19646129

I get you

>> No.19646134

Would advice what >>19642534 says. I also did Math and I’m 28 now. I program 2-3 hours a day, earn a lot of money and read/write the rest of the day. I’m not anglo btw, but an English degree sounds pointless unless you are rich already.

>> No.19646139

in music I think the aim should be teenage girls. look at the beatles.

>> No.19646140
File: 49 KB, 498x206, Screenshot 2021-12-28 at 18.55.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this the alliteration chapter

>> No.19646143

"like youre the one to talk"
"takes one to know one"
"your mother was a whore and your father a pig fucker"
"kill yourself"

>> No.19646147
File: 88 KB, 1200x900, Grichka-death-Bogdanoff-twin-‘dies-of-Covid-19-aged-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the Bogdanoff twins just died.

>> No.19646153

The Beatles are more complex. If they hadn't evolved after 1965, they'd be like Bieber and One Direction: dead.

>> No.19646156

I saw a Donkey for sale once in Tilburg for exactly 150 euro. Get it, please.

>> No.19646164

i cant afford a donkey, ive only got an appartment

>> No.19646171
File: 94 KB, 800x1036, Antonio Salieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day we will all be forgotten. This is very sad.

>> No.19646180

>he believes the official story
lmao, if only you knew

>> No.19646182

no one forgot homer

>> No.19646184

>This is very sad.

>> No.19646186 [DELETED] 

let me guess heart attack from an undiagnosed heart condition totally unrelated to the booster

>> No.19646190

ah fair enough

>> No.19646194

he never existed

>> No.19646198


>> No.19646203

it might come out in a song at some point, but it always turns to try-hardy shit whenever I... try hard.

>> No.19646213

Sad to hear that you can’t get the dunkey dutchbro. Is it for marketplaats?

>> No.19646218
File: 27 KB, 800x500, vince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing crueler than beauty. it's over.

>> No.19646220

no, bol.com

>> No.19646223

t. cs major from third rate university
It’s not too late, i can just read up and go back

>> No.19646229

>enjoy the cold
it is really nice, isn't it. I love december.

>> No.19646233

GAN is compromised and the all seeing eye will eventually see

>> No.19646237

I mean one tihng could be asking yourself how you end up in a position where people tell you you're ugly all the time. if it's women you're hitting on, you're gonna have to be a lot funnier than this. you should not end up in this situation. if they take you to this situation then you are hitting on shitty women imo. fuck do I know, but really man, what is this.

>> No.19646260

thanks anon
>my first true friend in Uni was a whackass Russian who was wearing flip flops in a blizzard

>> No.19646271
File: 40 KB, 720x695, 1635079693729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19646279

>Maybe you could have some fun humoring her for her last years of life. Become your grandma’s perfect fancy boy.
fucking kek

>> No.19646301

>the sun is gonna explode
I remember this freaked my sister out to the point of some debilitation as a child.
I also remember now going to some natural sciences cinema thing in 4th grade, and understanding the movie to say (must have been "misunderstanding") that all potable water was gonna run out in 30 years or so, and standing around with my class after the movie freaking the fuck out silently, doing the math- I'm gonna slowly parch up at 40. We all are. And thinking "Holy shit did none of the other kids hear this? They're talking about pokemon and shit". And being a real man about it, and not telling anyone so as not to cause a panic.

>> No.19646318


>> No.19646327

>when you finally, after 30 years, just realize and accept that your parents are and were always just awful. it's not their fault, probably, but holy shit are they just fucking unreliable pieces of shit. pathetic fucking children. lord knows if you'll be better, but when you actually accept that they are at best barely even redeemable bottom of the barrel scum.
I knew a long time ago, I just don't think I could afford to admit it.

>> No.19646358

t. guy who spent 3k and who knows how much time on a certificate to get rejected for 5 figure jobs

>> No.19646368

Woman moment.

>> No.19646422

Rausch is the highest state Man can achieve.

>> No.19646452
File: 43 KB, 720x737, 98AD7931-25B4-4102-AFCA-1A68DF7D7B1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread

>> No.19646525

Based Lillian Gish poster.

>> No.19646813

Depends of how often I have to humor her.

I don't mind it from time to time. If she insist too much, it does get on my nerves and I prefer to take distance.

>> No.19646851
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Zizek once said that "the ultimate melancholic experience is the loss of desire itself" and I see now what he meant by that.
After 10 years of regularly COOMING to online porn, the buzz has finally worn off. I no longer derive any pleasure from witnessing beautiful fat tittied hoes getting pounded and having their hot wet holes destroyed by huge throbbing cocks that I wish were mine.
What was once a life affirming past time has now become a sad and vapid habit. I don't even enjoy doing it anymore, there's just this little nagging voice in my head telling me "maybe this time it'll be good".
But it lies, I haven't enjoyed cranking my hog for months now. All it brings me is a crushing sense of shame and nostalgia for a lost time when COOMING meant something to me.

>> No.19646852

Excuse me?

>> No.19646866
File: 49 KB, 1024x954, 1017E6F8-EB9B-4B8C-874E-18F7B523DED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump limit

New thread

>> No.19646972

Stop trying to remake the thread before it 404s


>> No.19646976
File: 202 KB, 1080x810, ECC12D57-06E6-4C97-B015-F8519741EBD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Janny is having a bit of fun at our expense. Someone else try it.
I don’t know what he has against this cat.
Gonna ban me for posting adult content now?

>> No.19646984

holy shit the jannies are really being bullies today

>> No.19646985

We have ALWAYS made a thread once it’s at bump limit, you tard.
404 yourself.

>> No.19647007

How dare you reply to me you schizo

>> No.19647024

there's no point in posting in a thread that will reach bump limit and never be read anymore you RETARD

>> No.19647216
File: 180 KB, 598x320, confusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engineers for DoorDash are forced to deliver food once a month to "develop empathy" and "learn about the myriad frustrations of delivery workers"
Is this a common occurrence in America? What the fuck?

>> No.19647228

so based.
company heads should be forced to wageslave every once in a while

>> No.19647234

Unironically based.

>> No.19647236

t. disgruntled McDonalds worker slave moralist

>> No.19647252

i dont work

>> No.19647325
File: 226 KB, 1422x1626, so true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, I'm really glad my company is forcing me to deliver food after working 10 years straight at a 9-5 job just to afford my college degree, this is so heckin' based and wholesome!!!

>> No.19647390

>after working 10 years straight at 9-5 job
Be realistic.
Also it's once a month, which is nothing, and I don't think switching from bein ga sedentary faggot all the time at your work working at a desk to riding a bike (rarely) or driving a car to move a bit is that bad. The argument about developing empathy is legitimate enough, it's a good reminder that people aren't just a number behind a screen, and they don't abuse, once a month is fucking nothing as I said.

>> No.19647408

everyone deserves to wage slave once in a while.

>> No.19647529

Dumb niggas itt

>> No.19647535

You a dumb a faggot I finna kill yo ass and mug yo mom's.

>> No.19647570

>but i’m realizing virtually no one outside of stem is capable of logical reasoning
t. bugman

>> No.19647643

Midwit cope

>> No.19647647


I’m not saying people shouldn’t work, but to slave is not necessary for anyone but the slaver’s ego. A worthless lazy piece of shit makes you slave.

>> No.19647656

>failed STEMnigger
>calling anyone a midwit
Not him but you're worthless.

>> No.19647687

Man shut up, you're an unironic tranny past your prime years, you don't have anything worthwhile to say so don't pretend you do.

>> No.19647794

new thread


>> No.19647817

if wageslavery exists then everyone deserves to wageslave equally