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19630467 No.19630467 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else into conspiracy/deep politics lit? finished this recently, know abt valentine’s phoenix book, any other recs

>> No.19630579

anything from peter dale scott

>> No.19630637

The only conspiracy literature I found to have a valid point were those that regurgitated historical documents. Very tedious to read. Like Eustace Mullin's The Secret of The Federal Reserve.

>> No.19630727

I just read this and, man, it freaked me out. Especially since a lot of the claims in this book, eg., Gacy's ties to bigger trafficking rings, Son of Sam's connection to the Process Church, have since been vindicated. McGowan would make these claims, like there being zero evidence to certain high profile serial killers even being in the same state when certain murders took place, or evidence showing more than one person being responsible for a crime, and I'd be in disbelief until double checking some of the sources. When was it even written, 20yrs ago? That first chapter was rough, too. What'd you think, OP?

>> No.19630850

Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties has top-tier journalistic prose and is also has great information.

>> No.19631243

Peter Scully was also working with a Mossad agent in the Philippines. I'm surprised more people don't discuss that since there's more evidence for it. Read about "Daisy's Destruction".
I already agree with its central claim that CIA and various intelligence agencies program serial killers to do horrifying transgressive acts for the purposes of being fall guys of pedophilic and Satanic networks. It's a network of pure evil, yeah.
It's even more obvious now after Pizza Gate too.
I will probably read a PDF in the near future when I am in the mood for going deeper into such blackness.

>> No.19631421

The annals of unsolved crime is pretty good

>> No.19631445

Is there an ebook of this or do I have to shell out for a physical copy?

>> No.19631451

dw guys I found it on archive.org

>> No.19631510


>> No.19633245

Behold a Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper.
Get the original and not the revised(censored) version

>> No.19633269
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People already mentioned Mullins and Cooper.

Let me add: Dark Mission, by Richard Hoagland.

Pizzagate: What Really happened and The Deep Rig are both messes of books, but have a lot of compelling stuff about pizzagate and the 2020 elections, respectively. I want to see both of those themes addressed by more competent writers.

On my conspiracy list:

The Perfectibilitists

Science and Psychic Phenomena: The Fall of the House of Skeptics

The Unseen Hand

Marx & Satan

>> No.19633753

They came up with this massive lit of borderline schizo & actual schizo lit and then only the naughty rightwing section with dangerous thinkers like hayek and rothbard gets a warning ‘to not let yourself get sucked in’. Reddit is pathetic.

>> No.19633885

Is this actually a good book? I've been thinking of reading it.

>> No.19634007
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>> No.19634161

It’s actually hilarious, it’s like they KNEW that right-wing/reactionary thought is convincing compared to the schizo shit they posted beforehand so they had to add the warning kek

>> No.19634201

at least TRUEANON ppl are open to discussion but are too far away from god to ever engage with reactionary lit in an honest manner

>> No.19634421

JFK and the Unspeakable

>> No.19634432

The craziest chapter is the JonBenet Ramsey one.

>> No.19634465

I love reading about conspiracy theories, but these are the only ones I actually believe:
>Hitler fled to Argentina
>CIA either killed JFK or allowed his assassination to happen
>CCP killed Lin Biao
>US government knew about Pearl Harbor but allowed it to happen so we'd enter WWII
>US government had zero evidence of WMD in Iraq, just wanted to overthrow Saddam
>US government knew 9/11 was going to happen, and either willfully or through incompetence allowed it to happen
>Most Hollywood actors and executives have raped/assaulted women, and quite a few target children
And here's one which I WANT to be true:
>Alien are real and they keep contact with the governments of the world

>> No.19634481
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Have you read this?

>> No.19634587

>Peter Scully was also working with a Mossad agent
not surprising at all, cops and glowies are involed in every venture like that. read about blue orchid if you could find anything in English (you probably don't, so try to use google translate):http://conspiracytheory.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=4480

>> No.19635398

I'm reading that now. Another classic conspiracy book?

>> No.19635432

I was never into conspiracy theories before coronavirus. Then this whole "pandemic" made me question the elite's altruism. Since then I started looking into 9/11, and it seems that the conspiracy theorists like my father, whom I used to laugh at, were actually right all along. The destruction of the twin towers and building 7 seems to have been caused by controlled demolition. I feel like I've stepped into a new and exciting intellectual arena with this stuff.

>> No.19635704
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It gets worse.

1. Stuff like stratospheric aerosol injection is true. I recommend watching this for example: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sVRz6OHk5CiS/

2. Most of petrochemical-based Big Pharma was initially backed by Rockefellers to make people sicker, more dependent on establishment, and vilify naturopathy:


"Western medicine relies on Big Pharma’s petroleum drugs, which the body can never ultimately assimilate. Meanwhile, it engages in biopiracy to steal Nature’s best compounds and patent them."

Stuff like green black walnut tincture, colloidal silver (in very small amounts), raw fermented sauerkraut, **intermittent fasting**, and more are more effective treats for most illnesses than antibiotics, vaccines, and so forth. I recommend watching Dr. Berg on Youtube for health advice.

There is a bigger problem with parasitical infections than viruses or bacteria in modern age too.

3. Conspiracies about fluoride calcifying parts of the brain are true. Leads to more docile population.

4. There is a transgender industrial complex. Check out the censored book written by Scott Howard.

5. 5G is killing a lot of birds and messing with their magnetoreception.

6. Pizza Gate and OP's post are true. There is a kind of Satanic, pedophiliac elite. They follow Frankist-Sabbatean philosophy and believe transgression is a gateway to God and revel in harming innocent beings.

7. There will a gradual movement from Internet of Things (IoT) to Internet of Bodies (IoB). Our bodies will become sensors that collect data updates real-time in the clouds like Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS databases. They are replacing traditional IT:


8) Kalergi plan is true. Elite want a racially ambiguous and heavily mixed population to easily control.

9) Rockefellers and other elite backed second, third, and fourth wave feminism for economic reasons:


10) Every country, every movement, every major figure is controlled opposition in modern times. The elites are influenced by Kaballah and manipulate opposites. Iran is fake opposition too. The end-goal of elite is some occult transhumanism where they become immortal androgynous macabre angels. I recommend Christopher Jon Bjerknes. This is the highest level conspiracy. Once you reach this, you realize most of history was invented and selected by Freemasons and more. Everything from our favorite literature to the way we internalize the world was infected by these people. The way we contextualize and make sense of the world was already preestablished by them. Most popular art makes very subtle references to them.

All of science, technology, and secular values were a mistake, and there is something fundamentally flawed with mankind's psyche.

>> No.19635734

>I feel like I've stepped into a new and exciting intellectual arena with this stuff.
It really isn’t.
Conspiracy theories are the mythology for the secular age. Theorists like the rich mythos of UFOs, disappearances, assassinations, experiments, shadow governments and sinister corporations because it makes the world more colorful and fantastic than how it really is. It also crafts a narrative where they occupy a special place. The rebel, the plucky truth seeker against the all-knowing, all-powerful cabal our to control the world.
Never mind that this cabal is apparently so competent it can carry out operations perfectly for years but information about it is freely available online, or how they manage to orchestrate events for decades but not a single defector ever seems to betray them, etc.
The Bielefeld conspiracy is a humorous conspiracy that poles fun at this fallacious kind of thinking.

>> No.19635744

The cabal exists and is concentrating its power in Black Rock and Vanguard:

"No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. In virtually every major company, you find these names among the top 10 institutional investors."

>> No.19635761

Furthermore, the cabal is largely composed of wealthy powerful families such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Du Pont, and a few others. Bill Gate's father or grandfather, forgot which, was connected to the Rockefellers and Spanish Flu, which may have been engineered.

The video of the Rockefellers backing feminism has frequently been deleted from Youtube.

>> No.19635776

I also recommend reading this a bit when you have free time:


It's about corporate espionage against nonprofit organizations. There's a reason all of these nonprofit organizations eventually become corrupt. It's connected to private security firms which involve CIA retirees in what is called "old-boy networks". They utilize various tactics to undermine grassroots movements such as "pilfering documents from trash bins, attempting to plant undercover operatives within groups, casing offices, collecting phone records of activists, and penetrating confidential meeting".

The elites maintain power through a complex system of subversion.

>> No.19635876

>UFOs, disappearances, assassinations, experiments, shadow governments and sinister corporations because it makes the world more colorful and fantastic than how it really is
There are some crazy conspiracy theories out there, yes. But when it comes to something like 9/11 we have really solid evidence suggesting controlled demolition. You can't throw every conspiracy theory into one basket. Besides, the official story is also a conspiracy theory suggesting that Al-Qaeda was involved in a CONSPIRACY to fly planes into the buildings. Both are conspiracy theories; we just debate over which is true.

>Never mind that this cabal is apparently so competent it can carry out operations perfectly for years but information about it is freely available online
It's much more effective to put out disinformation and control the media narrative to suggest that the conspiracy theorists are nutjobs. You yourself have fallen for this trick. Because I believe 9/11 was an inside job, you associate me with UFO truthers and the like, when the two views have nothing to do with each other. If they murdered and censored everyone who spoke about it then it would be obvious to everyone what is happening.
Besides, censorship and intimidation DOES occur. The physicist Steven Jones was fired for publishing a research paper in which he claimed that thermite explosives were likely used to bring down the towers. That's just an example.

>> No.19635925

Look up Tyrone Hayes and Syngenta controversy with the pesticide Atrazine used on maize. It caused frogs to develop deformities and also exhibit sexual deviance. It was memory holed and if you were to bring it up now, socially engineered morons like that guy would call it a conspiracy.
All of those I raised above and below him are largely valid. We live in a kind of matrix that has become far worse thanks to the failure of the secular, technological, and scientific modern world. All of science is bullshit; the tool itself is based on flawed epistemology.

>> No.19635935 [DELETED] 

>All of those I raised above...
All of those pointed I raised above...*

>> No.19635961

>All of those I raised above...
All of those points I raised above...*

>> No.19636096

Has anyone here read Operation Gladio: Unholy Alliance Between Vatican, CIA and The Mafia? If so, is it worth reading?

>> No.19636100

Sounds interesting. Jesuits are up to no good too.

>> No.19636134

Any good historical conspiracy? Prefer proven, or well research shit, not schizo ramblings.

>> No.19636152

Is foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor even really a conspiracy at this point?

>> No.19636239

Carroll Quigley
you're welcome

>> No.19636289

Pals, what if Roman Polanski hired Charlie Manson to kill Sharon Tate? Any conspiracy on this idea?

>> No.19636303

>Conspiracy theories are the mythology for the secular age
>the [x] are the [y] of [z]
Cringe line of thinking

>> No.19636355

All the "serial killers", particularly, from that period were staged - somehow McGowan mysteriously never managed to put that together with his Laurel Canyon research (Tate murders occurred in Laurel Canyon).
All mainstream conspiracy theories are alt versions put out by the same people who right the script for the nightly news.
You can glean some info, but never the complete truth.

>> No.19636384

I've got the Anglo-American Establishment in my stack

>> No.19636505

It's not going to help; it is one highly compartmentalized piece of the puzzle - as are most "conspiracies".
If you start from the stand point of 911 was a false flag, then realizing that it was a hoax, same as Sandy Hook, etc.
Popular culture was a product of military industrial complex; "serial killers" also seem to be staged for a story for the nightly news.
NASA is full of shit, moon landing a hoax.
Soviets and China using same manipulations; are they complicit?
Seem to be.
So, only question is: how far back does the hoax go?
My answer, on a global scale, would be that, at least, the first and second WW's, and all after it were staged, pre-determined, arranged.
I can find that, at least, Erich Fromm spoke publicly that the World Wars were "pre determined" and Nietzsche claimed Napoleonic wars were orchestrated.

>> No.19636513

curious to see what you consider schizo lit

>> No.19636535

Yes genuinely fantastic, guarantee it will suck you in once you get into it

>> No.19636545

While I don't entirely disagree, conspiracies actually do happen, and they can go very deep; Epstein alone is proof of this, as is the P2 scandal in Italy where a Freemasonry lodge was basically a shadow government apart from the normal gov't of Italy since it was full of wealthy and powerful people who were actually concocting political plans for the country until it was discovered by a low-level police detective.

>> No.19636547

This is the book that Tarantino mentions in that recent podcast, right? He said it was mindblowing.

>> No.19636553

Serial killers are fake; the fact that Tarantino would mention it should be a red flag.

>> No.19636568

>Serial killers are fake
Okay, now we're getting schizo.
>the fact that Tarantino would mention it should be a red flag.

>> No.19636658

>Okay, now we're getting schizo.
I'm not here asking questions.
There is nothing I need to know from you.
If you are not willing to question everything, conspiracy is probably not a hole you need to go down.
The "serial killers' particularly that are household names are ALL media hoaxes, with complicity, as always, from the feds and even local and state government.
I'm not stating an opinion here; there is plenty of evidence already linked- even if I am not in full agreement with the author linked.

>> No.19636662

Maybe some of them are fake and hoaxes but to say all serial killers are fake, with a straight face, is quite the statement.

>> No.19636718
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"Beyond the dutroux affair"

Kind of in the same lane as programmed to kill, got taken off internet archive for some reason, still on lib gen.

>> No.19636871
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really good post, can you recommend any books you enjoy on any of this stuff/

>> No.19636895

is this not common knowledge?

>> No.19636946

I don't think so. At least not from where I've moved. Maybe in conspiracy forums it's common knowledge.

>> No.19637065

This post:
This is the end-stage for a "conspiracy" theorist that has followed every blackpill that was dropped.
As with the mainstream narrative and the counter alternative "conspiracy" narrative (both from the same source), there is a choice between a left and right paradigm, the center being the proper course - which is where the alchemical transformation takes place, the synthesis.
I won't condemn you for not understanding to this point - just do not follow that anon down his extremist path of retardation.
I will leave you with a shallow warning - that I will give you no good reason to accept - but, if what that non stated was true, given what you might think the power of the elite to be at this point - you would all be dead by now.
The truth is: no jack boots kick down your door at night, you go about your daily lives in relative peace, and no vaccine mandate has born fruit to this point, beyond fear; and, it will not.

>> No.19637081

Clarification, type o
> but, if what that Anon stated was true
That is to say, use your common sense when dealing with "conspiracy" theories.

>> No.19637093

How funny would it be if you train your entire life to get into the Intelligence agencies, the one of the highest eschelons of power only to be assigned to the pedo bureau lol

>> No.19637155

As if that would ever happen. You have accepted a retarded premise and you deserve all the blackpills that come along with it. Enjoy your heart attack/ stroke for accepting retarded things.

>> No.19637168

>anon down his extremist path of retardation.
Stfu, I am not a retard.

>> No.19637177

Yes, you are.
If what you thought to be true were so, you would be dead by now.
I mean - "they" can track you rather easily, eh?
Surely, "they" wouldn't want this getting out?
But, one thing I am sure of, "they" probably are monitoring you to see how dangerous the propaganda has made you.

>> No.19637192

>you would be dead by now.
We are all dead, spiritually speaking. The mind had more numinous connexions with the sacred dimension before industrialization and modernity.
The Satanic elite take joy in our suffering, disenchantment in life, and loss of direction.
We are not just expendable to them; we are lab rats to them.

>> No.19637207

Actually, I am very sorry, and, I apologize; you are not retarded - probably, rather intelligent.
But, you have this wrong, brother; you swallowed a black pill that you shouldn't have.
Please, rethink it.
Life isn't that bad - all things considered.

>> No.19637313

imagine being this much a bootlicker lol


>> No.19637374

You have proof of nothing; either the news gives the truth or it doesn't. There is no in between.
But, you think there is; a flaw on your part.
>oops, we let this through.
Nope. You are being played both ways.
Maybe, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.19637386

I know this is /lit/ but any decent documentaries on this stuff? I would prefer somewhat legit docos like An Open Secret or The Phenomenon.

>> No.19637517

You don't need special books, per se. They show their agenda themselves all the time in full view of everybody. This is just one TV show:
Last one has occult/masonic symbolism.

>> No.19637568

>oh, look! They hid everything you need to know in Rick and Morty.
Holy fuck, bro.

>> No.19637765

Lmao the cope you midwits come up with

>> No.19637857

reddit tier cope go back

>> No.19637873
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>> No.19637880

also "Thanks for the Memories" by Brice Taylor

>> No.19637888

Why does this book cover locate the Pentagon in Delaware?

>> No.19637904


>> No.19637921
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Malachi Martin is essential for anybody interested in Vatican/Catholic shenanigans.

>> No.19638071

>free child market rothbard

>> No.19638075
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>> No.19638589

What’s not in the censored version. Everyone says this but can’t answer this question

>> No.19638601

Isn't it just the international jew?

>> No.19638614

Oh no how can I read a book without a bunch of antisimitic garbage that the author himself disowned

>> No.19638618

try libgen or a tor or i2p library

>> No.19638655

They have murdered a ton of people. Being scared of this doesnt make it not true. You realize these people actually exist right? What do you think Epstein was? Who had him killed?

There are no jack boots for us because we dont matter but you're naive if you think it's impossible that we're one day all put into camps, and I don't mean just dissident types.

There are in fact things that get you thrown in jail if you say them. I bet t you even know what they are.

>> No.19638709

>The end-goal of elite is some occult transhumanism where they become immortal androgynous macabre angels

Where can I read about this?

>> No.19638716


>> No.19638777

make sure to check out the youtube channel LOLFIELDANDLOVE funny name I know, but it's ran by this autist who has produced hundreds of hours of interviews and informative videos about serial killers, inspired by Dave McGowan

>> No.19638874

> he doesnt know that part of the power is doing it in plain site

>> No.19638882

Does it help prove or disprove his claims in the book?

>> No.19638924

in Windswept House, a satanic ritual takes place in the vatican in 1963. does any anon know if this was ever claimed by any relatively credible source before the novel came out? do you guys think he made it up, or did something really happen. the ritual is described in some detail in the novel.

>> No.19639064

Shaping the future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab
Read ze book

Has anyone read The Ultimate Evil about the son of sam cult
I have it on my reading list

>> No.19639125
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>Right Wing / Reactionary Thought
>CAVEAT: The inclusion of these titles on this list should not, in any way, be construed as an endorsement of their content or ideas. Rather, they have been included with the premise that it is important to understand, or at least be able to recognize, right wing and reactionary ideas in order to better combat them.
>Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future - Peter Thiel (reactionary, Silicon Valley)
>Writing of Ludwig von Mises (Austrian School economics, classical liberalism, libertarianism)
>Writing of Murray Rothbard

Almost all right wingers have read some lefty writers and always open to discussing them but lefties are literally scared of them. Why are lefties such cowards?

>> No.19639235

> I recommend watching Dr. Berg on Youtube for health advice.

>> No.19639251

>Let me add: Dark Mission, by Richard Hoagland.
This one is pretty neat

>> No.19639263

Most thing off of feral house are fun and very interesting reads. I own a big amount of then as well as stuff from RE search that can fall into the more apocalypse culture type stuff

>> No.19639274
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lol literal controlled opposition with zionist/ CIA ties.


>> No.19640162

But he didn't say that.

>> No.19640206

I do who to beileve now

>> No.19640207

Can anyone recommend a book or doc that isn't completely schizo?
I'm talking about something that has actually been proven to some degree, or is based on information you can actually get your hands on (ie Epstein stuff, CIA operations, etc..)

>> No.19640222

The person who wrote this clearly isn't a Christian. Christianity isn't about hating Jews. And he calls his readership "gentile readers" lmao. He should join the neo-Pagan Caesarists like Hitler and stop speaking about Christianity.

>> No.19640525

What’s the run down on that one?

>> No.19640817
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>They follow Frankist-Sabbatean philosophy and believe transgression is a gateway to God and revel in harming innocent beings.
This sounds scarily similar to this passage from Birth of Tragedy
>What does the mysterious triad of these deeds of destiny tell us? There is a primitive popular belief, especially in Persia, that a wise Magian can be born only of incest: which we have forthwith to interpret to ourselves with reference to the riddle-solving and mother-marrying Oedipus, to the effect that when the boundary of the present and future, the rigid law of individuation and, in general, the intrinsic spell of nature, are broken by prophetic and magical powers, an extraordinary counter-naturalness—as, in this case, incest—must have preceded as a cause; for how else could one force nature to surrender her secrets but by victoriously opposing her, i.e., by committing an act contrary to nature?

>> No.19640868
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Anon I'll ask you this since you seem very knowledgeable about the topic and I can't find anyone talking about it online:
Why is occult/freemasonic symbolism/worldview so common in videogames? It is clear the people who make them are in on it. What are videogames to them?

>> No.19640949

The writings of Francis E Dec Esq are mandatory /x/lit/
NTA but just like all media being owned by the lucifaruans/masons/ayyy lmao collaborators/etc. is a form of indoctrination/propaganda/programming/karmic release, with vidya being the most immersive and mentally consuming form of said media the content is dialed up to 11 to provide the strongest effect possible.

>> No.19640994

Bumping for this as well

>> No.19641030

>karmic release
What do you mean by this? qrd?

>> No.19641470

Thread theme

>> No.19641803

They warn the public of inside jobs/boogaloos/unexpected events/etc, through hidden messages and the probbably the voices in the walls too and by "warning" the people of this before hand they are absolved of negative karma as in their eyes the masses consent to their actions

>> No.19641821


>> No.19641850

stratfor psyop to engage in cybernetic currents
to display power but also to recruit

>> No.19642783

bro, putting tits into Google only gives me porn

>> No.19642806
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>> No.19642840
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suddenly the nazis don't look so bad, eh?

>> No.19642859
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OP's picrel (Programmed to Kill) is the best
Second best: >>19630850
Third Best: picrel

>> No.19642862

Programmed to Kill is not schizo-tier at all. In fact it's less schizo-tier than most serial killer documentaries out on Netflix right now

>> No.19642884

LOLFIELDANDLOVE mostly supports McGowan's works. I see him as a successor and continuation of McGowan. That's my opinion.

>> No.19642889

>Why are lefties such cowards?
They are oversocialized.

>> No.19642940
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>> No.19642972

man, this literally said nothing

>> No.19643026

no worries, my hope is that it could pursue you a different way of interpreting the conditions we are living in

>> No.19643031

*to think about

>> No.19643312

A rundown is not available because it was a contrived story from the government to be run 24/7 on the newschannels.
It's a fake fucking story; same as all stories for mass consumption- same as all murder/mysteries serial killers that get played on the main channels.
It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.19643355
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hmm not so sure about this one. Also there is no way that absolutely no weird ass shit wasn't going down during this time, this is when the finder stuff went down

>> No.19643360

is it true the book talks about cameras being hidden in dahmer's house?

>> No.19643414

What the fuck are you getting at?
The Dahmer story was a fucking fake from the get go - only meant for consumption from the dumbest of ignorant, stupid, shit, shit plebs.

>> No.19643484

>thread starts off with some genuinely good recommendations and spirals into schizo rants that lack object permanence

>> No.19643497

Thread starts off with shit and ends with you sucking the shit outta fucking turd, faggot nigger.

>> No.19643660

Watch the entirety of Neon g
Genesis Evangelion and then the End of Evangelion. This is not even slightly facetious.

>> No.19643744

Warcraft 3 bssically reveales the entire left-hand philosophy. WoW has a few nuggets here and there. But whoever made thede games has profound understanding of the supernatural, metaphysics, vampirism, occultism etc.

>> No.19644081

Where can I read more about this?

>> No.19644106

>US government had zero evidence of WMD
Depending on how you define evidence this isn't even a conspiracy. The invasion of Iraq was the diplomatic equivalent of that clip of that nigger who got shot by police because he pretended to have a gun in his coat

>> No.19644111

I can't see how anyone think Lee Harvey Oswald was anybody other than a scapegoat. Same thing with Sirhan Sirhan

>> No.19644147

unfortunately ppl such as Vincent Bugliosi has made any oswald narrative into a limited hangout. its by design so focusing on oswald too much can mislead you.

>> No.19645367

this normie is probably vaccinated

>> No.19645425

I read a couple chapters of this and it’s difficult to stomach. It’s terribly depressing.

>> No.19645476

Hitler really was the good guy, huh

>> No.19645509
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Pic related fucked me up pretty badly. Especially the chapters Enlightenment phenomena.

>> No.19645516

AHHHHHH my MKUltra trigger… must kill must kill must kill

>> No.19645530

go w christ fren

>> No.19645566
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>> No.19645580

hyperstition or predictive programming? which is the more memetic term?

>> No.19645763
File: 88 KB, 600x400, pretty buttfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, anon, here, this wholesome butterfly will sooth your triggered synapses.

>> No.19645773

>my trip MKULTRA trigger

>> No.19645786

Why are these shadowy figures always tied back to Judaism, and more specifically Kabbalism? I don’t even know what kabbalism is, and I always see it namedropped in a similar vein to this. Can someone elucidate?

>> No.19645821

Redpill me on the jesuits because my mother got me their 2022 prayer book for Christmas and I’d rather not be praying from their hymn sheet if they’re bad guys

>> No.19645864

gmatrix has something to say about this brb

>> No.19645866

They're not. Read Caroll Quigley.

>> No.19646097

>ctrl f "pynchon"
>0 results
Any Pynchon would fit the conspiracy part, some like GR even the "deep politics".
>"paranoia's the garlic in life's kitchen, right, you can never have too much."
There's also Delillo's Libra, about the JFK murder and The Illuminatus! Trilogy, haven't read the latter but it definitely isn't as well written as the formers.

>> No.19646500

Why are these le ebin dangerous conspiracy books available on Amazon? Why would they allow that?

>> No.19646542

sometimes, it's best to hide out in the open

>> No.19646578

Another theory-it's a honeypot. Anyone who buys these books gets put on higher priority watchlists as potential dissidents. Same way they would leave anarchists cookbooks in libraries-they would know to monitor anyone who checks it out.

>> No.19646582

what I wonder-are the gamerbro faggots who work at blizzard aware of these occult connections? who is creating this lore for their shitty games?

Or is it more like the lore writers are subconsciously channeling occult truths and don't realize what they're doing?

>> No.19646643

i think most of it is/or limited hangout but also think elites have to display power in order to rule so they get very esoteric so it doesnt become obvious to most but with deep insight truth can emerge

>> No.19646669

mostly no, just upper manage knows bits and pieces(to direct the flow) but everyone takes orders even at the top

>> No.19646729


>> No.19646862

At the surface level, it's just "cool". And even if you are aware of what it actually is, the chance that someone discerns some deeper meaning rather than dismiss it wholesale as merely appropriating themes for an aesthetic is miniscule. And even then, the chance that someone raises a question and isn't silenced/coerced/recruited into complicity is even lower.

>> No.19646887

This is a novel plot which must be written.

>> No.19647012

What lore? You mean the literal copycat clones of warhammer and some generic d&d dungeon setting?

>> No.19647075

Btw anon, you have the reasoning pattern of a Jewish priest on shrooms, which is ironic considering your antisemitism.

>> No.19647079
File: 212 KB, 713x1032, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone else into conspiracy/deep politics lit?
I'm a Nazi, so yes.

>oy vey goyim there was no child trafficking or ritual abuse going on nothing to see here they were all just imagining it like Elizabeth Loftus said about Ghislane Maxwell's victims when she testified on her behalf this month she gave the same expert testimony in 1974 during the McMartin Preschool trial too you know so it's all above board all very kosher

>> No.19647093

This isn't strictly 'conspiracy', although it was one of the major books to bring a lot of out-there conspiracies on Nazis, the occult and so forth, in the 1960's, but Morning Of The Magicians is a great book to read up on old WaCkY conspiracy theories like hollow earth, vril, alchemy, etc. It was a cult classic in the hippie era.

>> No.19647163
File: 39 KB, 680x635, 097F48ED-B934-457B-9B6D-82323D342782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a Nazi

>> No.19647186
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>> No.19647189

You will never copulate

>> No.19647194

>posting glowie memes

>> No.19647214
File: 209 KB, 768x600, IMG_9102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe and project commiecel

>> No.19647233

I’m white and I’m a traditionalist, kid. This doesn’t change the fact that you’re a virgin that self-identifies as a “nazi” and posts book covers by jewish historians that don’t have anything to do with the point they’re trying to make.

>> No.19647238

>I’m white
post hand

>> No.19647254

>CoC thread gets pruned
Kike jannies confirmed

>> No.19647256
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>I’m a traditionalist

>> No.19647261


>> No.19647313

>I’m white and I’m a traditionalist, kid.

>> No.19647318

How many coincidences does it take?
So he pondered.
His-grasp on the world was not yet to be taken away, but it slipped.
As sun-rays through a leafy canopy did his thoughts poured from his mind, sieved through a botched veil, unto a neophyte's mind.
Thus he pondered every night. Soon as his head lays over the pillows, so did those thoughts. Unto fruitless dreams he slept.
And dream he did!
Science was nowhere to be found, as is expected of dreams. Countless scenarios flowing between tired eyes, as if trauma and joy had a miscarriage.
That dreamy hellscape was not so different from the (perceived) reality. Reality? Who's to say the world we experience is the one we live in? Stirner can wait. More pressing matters are at hand.
Calcified brains, zombifying radio waves, ritual sacrifices. That's the world he lived in. Or is it?
Could it be simply the ramblings of a deluded mind? At times it seemed like so. No way, though. So many coincidences. They add up, after a while.
This one man, torn between two worlds, the one that willingly had fed him and the one that did it by necessity only, those were his two worlds. He lacked the clarity of purpose to shoot for either.
It didn't take long for said man to realize that it's a godless errand, one way or another. Neither are free of sin.
Reaching this realization, abruptly he cut his 2000 words essay into a 295 one. Ideas scattered to the winds, no doubt the byproduct of a machination far beyond his Will.
For all that is done under the Sun is of no worth, as is this wall-breaking post. Perpetually reaching for the stars, unachievable, yet crystallized in this soliloquy.

>> No.19647392

You're onto something

>> No.19647399

>that bald spot
subtle, i like it

>> No.19647409

good babies first conspiracys list but if you don't think 9/11 was an inside job by mossad and the U.S. government you just simply are ngmi

>> No.19647413
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Eat your words, chud

>> No.19647415


>> No.19647502

That was beautiful. Bravo.

>> No.19647572

Anglo-American Establishment or Tragedy & Hope? Doesn't he just blame it all on some old secret societies and post-WW2 Anglo groups?

>> No.19647618

not exactly conspiracy but does anyone have a link to this? all i can find is a 53mb pdf

>> No.19647660

I have dumped gallons down the throat of a cute lil jewess and I'd do it again.

No breeding though.

>> No.19647676


>> No.19647775

there's nothing deep in it. sometimes these nerdy types get really into occult, folklore, spirituality and stuff but on a surface level, usually just appropriating imagery and key words but without any deeper intention

>> No.19648228

Holy Moly.

>> No.19648243


>> No.19648251


>> No.19648971
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fuck forgot image
partners in power by roger morris

>> No.19648999

Neither; you have already correctly guessed the outcome.
Pour yourself into occult; I suggest Manly Hall, and, decide for yourself if it is evil.
I also recommend a very simple book called Symbolism Treatise by Pottenger that will reveal everything you need to know about freemasonry.
There are profound truths in it but written in a very simple manner.

>> No.19649752
File: 169 KB, 1200x600, EOMIch-XUAAkiLs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The person who wrote this clearly isn't a Christian. Christianity isn't about hating Jews.

Says who?

>> No.19649761

That's incredibly offensive. I can't believe he would dare compare a drinking shop to a synagogue. One is a community gathering place full of warmth and life, where everyone knows your name. The other is full of Jews.

>> No.19650450

I'm reading OP's picrel now and it's blowing my mind. I wonder just how true *every accusation & tidbit* is in this volume however because there are not that many sources, though based upon the several random fact-checks I've done, what I've read does seem legit so far. Maybe I don't want to believe that there are THAT many evil motherfuckers out there, or maybe it's just too much (ostensibly healthy) skepticism, but I just wonder how far these pedo rings run and if EVERY echelon of power is really doomed to host these vile, many-numbered individuals, like QAnon believers allege. It's scary. I'm in Canada and I wonder, hmm could our seemingly milquetoast PM Trudeau be a part of this despite the fact he has a nuclear family? Apparently there are a lot of nonces in child welfare, so imagining a seemingly virtuous person–or namely virtuous, like many politicians on both left and right–is actually a pedophile isn't out of the question at all. It's terrifying actually. God help us all.

>> No.19650543
File: 14 KB, 220x316, 7DCC17ED-2860-47C9-9532-EF37AB78E6C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got pic related? Pdf?

>> No.19650973

I knew about glowie and satanist connections to serial killers but damn this channel really is a redpill.

>> No.19651194

Yes and it consume most of my reading time. I should be reading the greeks, Hegel, Plotinus, Jacob Boehme, and i'm reading conspiracy books again and again. It's like this shit conspiracies, most of them being real, take me away from reading the serious stuff, even if those are only delayed.
Would the deep state just stop conspiring so i can fully go into philosophy?

>> No.19651214

>The destruction of the twin towers and building 7 seems to have been caused by controlled demolition.
Lol we know this since mid 2000s (Zeitgeist). Better late than never.

>> No.19651263

Check Elana Freeland. She really is good. Her writing style is shit though. But very informative about those subjects.

>> No.19651270

is there something that goes into what the cult/pedo crime rings that true detective was based around? some bitchute video i saw drew a few connections and mentioned something about the chicken factory being Tyson Farms and them being connected to politicians in the south or something. i cant remember but it sounded interesting.

>> No.19651294

Daily reminder that the whole pedo satanist thing is a decoy. Jews are responsible for fucking everything bad that ever happened, anywhere. I'll gladly challenge any claim to the contrary.
One of the first things you have to understand is that despite what the boomers in those cringe secret clubs think, they're not some occult all powerful society tracing back to ancient egypt, but rather, golems created during the 17th century by wealthy jews using lazy symbolism to get stupid gentiles to do their bidding.

>> No.19651301

>muh jews

>> No.19651339

The last wow expansion is quite literally gnostic. I think the writers are part of secret societies - the stories are too well crafted and subtle. Same goes for Resident evil 4. It basically explaines the secret history of the west through the story. I thinking of writing a book about the esoteric side of video games - what Jay Dyer did for film.

>> No.19651355

yet true. not trying to be glamorous here, got nothing to sell.
as I said, I'd be happy to have anyone name just ONE problem faced by manking that wasn't caused deliberately by the Jew.

>> No.19651370

Negro, nunca hubo una epidemia de Plaguas en España, tampoco hubo terroristas que secuestraron a la hija del presidente de Estados Unidos y nunca mandaron a un policía de Racoon City (ciudad ficticia) para recuperarla.

>> No.19651458
File: 116 KB, 500x566, D4D4C2A7-56A4-4544-BAA2-3CD17FFFC939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19651489

One of the few times Wikipedia stupidly leaks important info:

>> No.19651863

Retard Israel jews as well as american and european middle and upper middle social layer jews got VAXXED.
As for the free-masons, my sources indicates that they were masonic lodges, infiltrated by the jesuits, which gave free-masonry lodges. Nothing to do with little mosche, shopkeeper going to the synagogue.
Don't even start with the Rotschilds, who are not jews, but cult of Baal followers who larp as jews. Also, reminder that the caanites were mortal ennemies to the jews.
But i guess subtelty is not you strong point. MUH JEWS!!!

>> No.19652204

remember that weird Finders group?

>> No.19653239

Imagine embracing a belief that every aspect of existence is maliciously crafted to antagonize you. Seriously bleak. Go make a friend.

>> No.19653536

>Imagine embracing a belief that every aspect of existence is maliciously crafted to antagonize you.
just take a stroll and read the paper today

>> No.19654333
File: 47 KB, 700x421, kojima-productions-5ed504f9ac786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but it's still not enough info. I really should start compiling all of the freemasonic symbolism/propaganda I see in vidya.
I keep trying to go back to my good old bluepilled gaming days but I notice so so much shit it's impossible to ignore. Bastards put it fucking everywhere.

>> No.19655183

Checked out this channel, lots of intriguing content. It’s depressing as fuck though, and adds a decidedly even darker aspect to all of these supposed serial killers, as if that could be done (usually that they are diddled and fucked up as kids by handlers introduced by parents or the parents themselves). I’m watching the Dahmer one, and his dad is a fucking creep. Something not right with him. There’s a lot of schizos in the comments saying creepy shit as well.

>> No.19655696

>Rotschilds, who are ... cult of Baal followers
Cult of Baal? Wat

>> No.19655731

A Lie Too Big to Fail by Lisa Pease. It's about RFK's assassination

>> No.19655793

Definitly look into james corbett/ryan dawsons work on 911

>> No.19655895





>> No.19656093


the last part of the video contains a lot of graphic pictures and videos that are truly disturbing so be ready
