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19634779 No.19634779 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone actually read this shit?
Is it the ultimate pseud book or a informative read?

>> No.19634796

a few of the rules are good but overall most of it is just bullshit. jbp is an addict and a failure, massive hypocrite

>> No.19634811

'how can you conquer the world without first washing your penis' - asks Dr.Peterson

>> No.19634837

It's not ground-breaking or genius tier, but it's not as bad as people here claim it is. Most of them haven't read it.

>> No.19634842

What is the American obsession with self-help garbage? Neck yourself.

>> No.19634852

A great book if you're an american or a cuckold from america.

>> No.19634864

It's poorly written and shows a very poor grasp of life.

>> No.19634870

>individualism can be your conscious
Not at all man. It's why this looks so shallow because it can't point back towards fundamental things. You *are* the fundamental thing.

>> No.19634925

I haven't bothered to read it but I listened to him presenting the 12 rules in a talk while on public transport. It's decent advice. Though I don't think he is the most qualified person to give life advice. Still if you are lazy, sloppy, or you feel like you are not really the upright man you could be then you will benefit from it.

>> No.19634962

>does not clean his room
im the same way and i recognize it as creative destruction

>> No.19634966

There's a pretty good bit about lobsters which everyone should read.

I only read a few sections.

>> No.19635014

I enjoyed it for the most part and the research and his interpretation of it is sound. I don't think it's a viable holistic theory but most all the parts are solid.

>> No.19635025

Its a fine read (or listen, audio version was good but he got very emotional at times). Nothing groundbreaking, just a guru with some insight, might be new to you or not but i kind of like his reasoning through it. That said i probably didnt adopt any rule except consciously standing tall and shoulders back, if that even was a rule i cant recall its been a while.

>> No.19635031

snakeoil for the lost manchildren of the internet.

>> No.19635040

I did find maps of meaning more entertaining and in depth but 12 rules is an excellent summation of many of the same points in a more salient manner.

Lobsters man. Cybernetic feedback loops involving deep systems are fukken powerful.

>> No.19635879

It's a self-help book. Might work for some people, but probably won't if you're fairly smart.

>> No.19635959

It's the same message you have already heard if you are from the West. It's the "only ever blame yourself for everything in life and be stoic"
Obviously it didn't work for him. His daughter is a mess. He is a mess. His country is a mess. That's what you get for "Just lift weights, do self improvement and be stoic, bro!"

>> No.19635984

If it was an accurate book, all 12 Rules would be "Don't listen to the Jews."

>> No.19636013

>jbp is an addict and a failure, massive hypocrite
While I agree, I always find it funny when communists use this against Peterson, as if Marx wasn't a massive failure as a man too.

>> No.19636041

I read it, it's not bad. Nothing world changing or anything but I liked the way he presented his points. I think everyone can find some value in it but how much depends on where you are in life. It is mainly adressed towards people who are completely lost and need someone to tell them straight what they should do and why to get their shit in order.
Also he writes the way he speaks so if you liked his talks on youtube you will probably enjoy this

>> No.19636130

It's good for a lot of men (and likely women) without a strong, positive, male role-model in their lives.
That said, the proof is sort of in the pudding. JP is/was a drug-addicted depressive. Following his own rules almost got him RIP'd.

>> No.19636137

It's disappointing in comparison to JBP's pre-insanity YouTube videos. The illustrations are nice, though.

>> No.19637493

Read it yourself, and form your own opinion.
I am not a JBP fanatic, and I liked it. 2nd book is greatly inferior.
Maps of Meaning is still a good book.

>> No.19637664
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Vox Day has a good takedown of that book. See pic related.

>> No.19637671

I skimmed through it but if someone follows all 12 rules their life would certainly improve, by almost any measure.

>> No.19637672

Quick summary, 12 Rules is Luciferianism/Occultism packaged into a self-help format, which has the secondary effect of neutralizing young men from participating in nationalism and Chrisitan religion.

>> No.19638385

Marx wasn't a self-help guru

>> No.19638419

bought it for 3£, has some good advice but he tends to ramble
nothing groundbreaking but doesn't deserve the vitriol

>> No.19638504

You're probably better off reading gravity's rainbow

>> No.19639321

>His daughter is a mess
what's going on with her?

>> No.19639377


>> No.19640041

>is an addict and a failure, massive hypocrite
he wasn't addict intentionally. His woman had a cancer + the stress of all the cultural battle against him + his daughter was ill too, and a psychatris told him to take benzos to calm anxiety, then he tried to quit them when it gave him a secundary effect reaction

>> No.19640129


A decent book with good advice and interesting rambles about psychology. People mocking him personally are just stupid and have not read the book.

>> No.19640336

it's self help. what the fuck do you expect?

>> No.19640389
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it redpilled me on stopping to consume so much jbp content and read books i actually enjoy.

t. stopped like 3 rules in and now use it as a monitor stand (pic rel)

>> No.19640590

2021 ends in a few days, /lit/

I was thinking of maybe ending the year with a self growth, self-help book

What is that one book you think I should read before 2022 starts? It could be anything, bonus if it smth like getting moar intelligent or smth along the lines of it idk

>> No.19640613
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actually tells you what habits are and how you can make things easier for yourself. Used it as a reference while doing research for increasing product usage

>> No.19640636

thanks yuor da best

>> No.19640694
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just started reading it, wtf is this?

>> No.19641162

At one point she left her husband and child to go fuck around in Romania

>> No.19641187
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>> No.19641196
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>> No.19641549

L. Ron Hubbard would kick the shit out of Peterson