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/lit/ - Literature

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19632306 No.19632306 [Reply] [Original]

Anéantir is on libgen, both pdf and epub.

>> No.19632316

no its not. its noteven out til next year. brainlet

>> No.19632332

OK, my bad.

>> No.19632353

Thanks, man. How many time would take me to know how to read french?

>> No.19632354


>> No.19632357

Don’t read French, can someone tell me what it’s about/if it’s kino a

>> No.19632359

Another book by my favorite author. What could it be about this time? Perhaps a person in their middle ages dealing with depression and nihilism in the backdrop of Western society dying?

>> No.19632372

kek I love how some books just magically "leak" in digital format even though the journalists were given physical copies only. Totally not a publisher trick to get people talking.

>> No.19632441

Michel is absolutely pissed about this odious leak for sure.

>> No.19632493

If you can't read French, I rec downloading the pdf and having google translate it. Won't be the same but it's what we've got for now.

>> No.19632509

I feel bad for this guy, he's going to have a really bad reincarnation due to the karmic seeds he's sown in this life.

>> No.19632513

He mentions Uncle Ted
> In 1996, the Church of Euthanasia, one of the most provocative movements of deep ecology - they like to proclaim that the four pillars of their movement are suicide, abortion, cannibalism and sodomy - launched the Unabomber for President campaign in the American elections; without consulting him, of course, but it shows that he has long retained a certain aura, rather like Charles Manson. It's not impossible either that he had an underground influence in France. His text has had two translations into French, whereas it has had none in most other languages; and these are not exactly marginal publishers. A persistent legend has it that a young French ethnobiologist joined Kaczynski, just before his arrest, in his Montana cabin. I tracked down this ethnobiologist; she is the author of extensive work on cow vocalizations, but does not seem to have had any connection with Kaczynski; still, the rumor had been circulating in alternative fanzines.

>> No.19632517

>female protagonist (mother?)
>references to early 2000s pop culture
is he re-making Pynchon's Bleeding Edge??

>> No.19632522

>there are are no French words for weekend, t-shirt, and parking
lmao what a meme language

>> No.19632550

I can feel the prinde and sense of superiority in your post. Repent, or you'll be the one with a shit rebirth

>> No.19632755

Longer than it will take for Annihilation to be translated.

>> No.19632775

Nah, he's easily a better writer than me. He just needed to fix himself up as a person. It'll be himself who pays for his sins.

>> No.19632780

I've read the first chapter via DeepL. It's seems thematically somewhat interesting, but in terms of literary technique it just looked too conventional and boring for my taste.

>> No.19632862

Is it gonna be another six months until the translated version? ffs

>> No.19632920


>> No.19632924
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The last page seems kino.

>> No.19632955

At least the first paragraph is written in verse, nothing an automatic translator can render.

>> No.19632969

> >there are are no French words for weekend, t-shirt, and parking
> lmao what a meme language
Fin de semaine, chandail, parc à voitures.

>> No.19632981

parc à voitures ou stationnement?

>> No.19632985

there are no english words for anything, it's all just mangled french and german

>> No.19633070

>there are are no English words for coup d'état, fiancé, and silhouette

>> No.19633086

what a creative post

>> No.19633091

How easy is it to read French if I'm fluent in Spanish already?

>> No.19633136

Read it, review it and spoil it.

>> No.19633156

This is the DeepL translation of the opening:

>Some Mondays at the very end of November, or the beginning of December, especially when you are single, you feel like you are on death row. The summer vacations are long forgotten, the new year is still far away; the proximity of nothingness is unusual. On Monday, November 23, Bastien Doutremont decided to go to work by metro. As he got off at the Porte de Clichy station, he found himself in front of the inscription that several of his colleagues had told him about the previous days. It was a little after ten in the morning; the platform was deserted. Since he was a teenager, he had been interested in the graffiti of the Paris metro. He often took pictures of them, with his outdated iPhone - we must have been at generation 23, he had stopped at 11. He classified his pictures by stations and lines, many folders on his computer were dedicated to it. It was a hobby, if you like, but he preferred the softer but more brutal expression of hobby. One of his favorite pieces of graffiti was this inscription, in leaning and precise letters, which he had discovered in the middle of a long white cou- loir at the Place d'Italie station, and which energetically proclaimed: "Time will not pass!" The posters of the "Poésie RATP" operation, with their display of soft nonsense that had for a time submerged the whole of the Parisian stations, to the point of spreading by capillary action in certain trains, had aroused in the users a number of angry, off-center reactions. At the Victor Hugo station, he said: "I claim the honorary title of King of Israel. I cannot do otherwise. At Voltaire station, the graffiti was more brutal and anguished: "Definitive message to all telepaths, to all Stéphane who wanted to disrupt my life: it's NO!"

>> No.19633157
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>> No.19633166

>coup d'état
> silhouette
> fiancé

>> No.19633341
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>> No.19633412
File: 93 KB, 1080x713, 20211226_152047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the reference.

>> No.19633522

Can somebody translate this?

>> No.19633564
File: 376 KB, 1024x676, 1640529470148.translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used https://translate.yandex.com/ocr
Auchan is the name of a grocery store

>> No.19633734

Kek, thanks

>> No.19633778


>> No.19633998

Is it good?

>> No.19634004
File: 243 KB, 819x1024, 1638292587919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ has pdf upload posting, why doesn't /lit/?

>> No.19634031

>no english

don't care

>> No.19634052

I just ctrl +f kaczynski. There are 10 returns for kaczynski wtf hahahahahahahahahahaha

>Kaczynski, c’est autre chose : il est beaucoup plus rigou-reux, plus structuré dans sa pensée, il ferait plutôt penser à Marx, si vous voulez.

mais mdrrrrr c'est quoi ça?

>> No.19634059

There is absolutely NO WAY Houellebecq doesn't post here. he admitted to browing /lit/ on his twitter a few years ago but he's still here.

>> No.19634089

>Zerzan a vraiment des points communs avec Rousseau : intelligence moyenne, mais une vraie musicalité dans les phrases ; c’est un mélange qui peut s’avérer extrêmement dangereux.

>Kaczynski, c’est autre chose : il est beaucoup plus rigou-reux, plus structuré dans sa pensée, il ferait plutôt penser à Marx, si vous voulez.


>> No.19634097

On s'en bat les couilles ftg

>> No.19634117

plot twist: you are houellebecq

>> No.19634132

>>Zerzan a vraiment des points communs avec Rousseau : intelligence moyenne, mais une vraie musicalité dans les phrases ; c’est un mélange qui peut s’avérer extrêmement dangereux.
Houellebecq has neither the intelligence nor the musicality in his prose.

>> No.19634139

hahahahahaha retourne lire houellebecq t'as l'air d'être aussi frustré que l'audience qu'il vise

>> No.19634159

It's not used in France.

>> No.19634175

It's worse than you think -- speakers of this under-evolved ape language are so insecure about the introduction of English loanwords that they have a committee of geriatric xenophobes appointed to make up artificial words to replace foreign ones. The words you mention are exceptions.

>> No.19634180

>committee of geriatric xenophobes appointed to make up artificial words to replace foreign ones.
Sounds based. God bless these guys.

>> No.19634206

shut up faggots
I hate french just because I can't learn it, but it's far better than this potato merchant language
the language you (you) speak

>> No.19634217

>He doesnt know about semainefini, chemise du T, and prendreplace

>> No.19634258

>because I can't learn it
Literally why. Just learn it.

>> No.19634267

You and I know this board would break copyright

>> No.19634316

Knowing Spanish and English French is not that difficult. You will need a dictionary, though.

>> No.19634320

I'm retarded anon
there's no hope for some people

>> No.19634359

>> silhouette

>> No.19634405


I've read Whatever and Elementary Particles and none of this shit is true

>> No.19634406

Why do frogs love using English words? It sounds vulgar and disgusting. You're speaking French and suddenly you hear some faggot saying "parking." It's the most disgusting, revolting thing I had the displeasure of hearing. It just doesn't fit.

>> No.19634608

r/rance ?

>> No.19635310

it should

>> No.19635520

where did he admit it?

>> No.19635670

/lit/ in a nutshell. Violently anti-intellectual.

Reminder: you're not into literature if you can only read one language.

>> No.19635728

This. Monolinguals are sub-human

>> No.19635851

How the fuck are there people who can't speak American, English, and Scottish, at the very least?

>> No.19636257


>> No.19636307

Don't be silly, those are English words.

>> No.19636314

>Cup day-tuh, fian-say
English was a mistake.

>> No.19636514

do you also recommend dieting and exercising for fat people anon?

>> No.19636746

no one in this thread is talking about what the book is even about what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.19636762

very few of us read franzoesisch

>> No.19638058


>> No.19638187

I don't speak Frogger, any translation ?

>> No.19638261

Use google translate

>> No.19638282

>Violently anti-intellectual
If only. Intellectuals certainly deserve violence.

>> No.19638630
File: 244 KB, 2048x1972, 20211220_114642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even officially available in French, asshole.
>pic unrelated yet very relevant

>> No.19638929

It is on the internet, faggot!

>> No.19639095

The somewhat archaic English word for fiancé is ‘betrothed’

>> No.19639316

read the first couple sections, looks like it's about cybercrime/deepfakes. strange videos appearing on government websites.
kind of a mystery element to it (who's doing this? how are they doing it?) but hard to tell whether that will run through the whole book or not. writing style unremarkable but decent, as usual, but the story could be something different from Houellebecq's other stuff.