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19630511 No.19630511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the /lit/ response to this? Is there even a way of countering it? How is this possible??

>> No.19630517
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>> No.19630521

Well-Guy is right and the comic is made by someone coping/seething/dilating over their own inability to take care of themself and thus they need to rely on the System to survive. Society can only be restructured, in the sense the peasant would want, through abandonment to become an external force for change.

>> No.19630523

I believe this is a meme which communists use to respond to people online who accuse them of hypocrisy because they are rich.
So, the only people who would need to "counter this" would be those who have accuse such communists of hypocrisy.
I'm not one of those people, but if I had to argue I would say that the exact opposite is true. The communist is not the poor serf; he is the rich asshole. The characters should swap lines.

>> No.19630527

I guess the response would be that you can participate in society in a manner relatively more or less consistent with your ideals. This is usually used in the context of communists who are not merely participating in society as everyone has to but engaging in rampant consumerism. It has always been a kind of dumb argument either way.

>> No.19630530

>The communist is not the poor serf; he is the rich asshole.

>> No.19630531

>improving workers' conditions somewhat is "communism"
absolute state

>> No.19630537

It doesn't really require a counterargument. It's a non sequitur.

>> No.19630538

The peasant literally worked less than we did.

>> No.19630539

Explain how it's absolutely necessary for someone who complains about capitalism to own an iphone or collect funko pops? It's a strawman because nobody is saying that you need to completely disconnect from the system to criticize it but the least you can do is not be a huge consumerist pig while you shit on the economic system that provides you with all that useless shit you buy.

>> No.19630542

Countering the image? Or the man in the well? How can you counter a caricature?

>> No.19630544

Because rich communists who complain about society all the time have the power to "improve society somewhat", yet they don't. The poor serf could rightly respond "and yet you partake in society!", thereby pointing out his hypocrisy.

>> No.19630557

I didn't say anything about communism, schizo

>> No.19630578
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>> No.19630580

The thing is that capitalism perpetuates itself because it coerces the exploited into participating.
It’s a Leonine contract, the system gives you the “freedom” to choose between participating and thereby consolidating it or starving. No one is going to choose death over life so it’s not really a choice now is it?

>> No.19630597


>> No.19630599

The choice is between spending your extra money on meme stuff or putting it towards the cause you believe in.

>> No.19630601

>Nooo you don't understand I need to eat McDonalds and collect Funko Pops because Capitalism forces me to! I have no choice!

>> No.19630607

b-but we are free!!

>> No.19630609

What if Jeff Bezos posted this image to his critics?

>> No.19630612

>muh wacky straw man

>> No.19630615

Would unironically be based.

>> No.19630618

Its stupid to care about this.

>> No.19630620

It's funny how most of the relevant words of higher discourse are of Latin origin. Anglo-Saxons were literally niggers until the French civilized them.

>> No.19630622

It's not a strawman because the argument literally is if you think capitalism is an unjust system you shouldn't participate in it in so far as it is possible. Nobody is saying you shouldn't have a job, or you shouldn't buy food, but if you're an avowed communist and spend your money on consumerist trinkets you are not living according to your stated principles and are a hypocrite. Period. >>19630578 quite succinctly sums up the point.

>> No.19630624

Midwits can screech all they like, but if you want to persuade people politically -- politics being the ART of the possible, not some rigorous abstraction -- then you'd better stop dismissing your own failings as 'whataboutism' and 'tu quoque' and build yourself a reputation as a credible person with consistent principles.
I'm not referring to the specifics of that stupid comic when I say this.

>> No.19630626

Not the anon you are replying to, but I think the point he was making is that there is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism, even if you subscribe to principles that would prevent purchases from McDonald's or purchases of Funko Pops.

>> No.19630627

The Normans were barely French at all and that's just a relic of the apartheid they imposed.

>> No.19630628

Jeff Bezos is just participating in society. Same as Elon Musk. You can't fault them.

>> No.19630630

The progressive left has made leaps and bounds influencing people over the past 30 years and it's definitely not because they're people with integrity and consistent principles.

>> No.19630635

But you can still spend your money trying to help the workers or whatever, or you can buy pointless stuff, or in extreme cases mansions and other luxury class stuff.

I don't really care about this argument because a person can be a lazy hypocrite and their political ideas could still have merit. The two are separate issues honestly, making this a kind of ad hom argument about lazy people larping rather than communism per se.

>> No.19630638

>f you're an avowed communist and spend your money on consumerist trinkets you are not living according to your stated principles and are a hypocrite
Yes, but this is the straw man. You caricaturize your opponent and then attack the caricature you have created. You don't know he's a consumerist yet you picture him like that. If you live in a capitalist society, you cannot escape it. You either play ball or you starve to death. There is no choice. And playing ball doesn't necessarily mean you must become a consumerist.

>> No.19630644

>tfw socially right wing but economically left wing
What am I?? Where do I belong? Am I a... national socialist?

>> No.19630645
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The response is history. Peasant uprisings have occurred quite often and ushered in many a new age when the old one had run its course so to speak. On the subject of Communism it is what you might call a modern idea of an old practice. As such it is a perversion of sorts that is not to be trusted at face value. When something that arises naturally and without lasting form is made to have lasting form and be sustained unnaturally by a coalition of forces as the ideas of Communism have it becomes instilled in the power structures that, ironically in this case, it sought to dismantle.

>> No.19630646

Sure, there are small things you can do to limit the harm you do to the environment/other people because of capitalism. The reason why the comic is so funny is because it's used by literal millionares (hasan piker) to defer from their own beliefs and values that they don't really follow. Plus countless middle class college-educated kids that larp as commies on twitter.
me but backwards

>> No.19630647

Feel free to point me to a socialist/communist who actually lives frugally and donates his money to other people/causes. They're definitely not the majority and every screeching socialist online talking about "improving society somewhat" is a champagne socialist anyway.

>> No.19630649

This. People who try to unironically use this meme usually do so by claiming that something like riding in private jet is an unavoidable aspect of “living in society”

>> No.19630650

If you're a millionaire you can have a huge impact on the lives of multiple other people by using your money

>> No.19630651
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>Where do I belong?
With Rome

>> No.19630656

Yeah exactly, I'm not defending any of those guys. They're assholes. But to expect the working class to just give their money away because of their ideals is stupid. They don't make a lot of money in the first place

>> No.19630657

To make this actually /lit/: the Hobbesian response would be to say that if the sovereign guarantees your safety and natural rights then you have no cause to rebel against him, and if he truly violated those rights then you would never willingly participate in the aspects of society which you do think violate said natural rights.

>> No.19630659

Couldn't give two shits about modern commies lmao I won't even try to defend them. Was just pointing out that other thing.

>> No.19630674
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>me but backwards
So you're socially left wing (pro-trannies, pro-niggers) but economically right (pro-corporations, pro-capital)? Are you pic related?

>> No.19630677


>> No.19630681
File: 868 KB, 750x544, 20210613_215012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody wants to "improve" anything except to make things more advantageous to themselves and people who try to tell you otherwise are ideologues.

>> No.19630686

Not so black and white though, Hobbes was a bit autistic. Peasants did historically have recourse to various means to combat abuse by their lords. Hobbes is way too obsessed with anarchy, perhaps understandable given his period, when there are alternatives to anarchy and unconditional submission.

>> No.19630690

Can you explain your politics?

>> No.19630696

Demonstrably refuted by the existence of charitable behavior, which is what the actual average person can do to make things better

>> No.19630700

It's not about rich commies but any commie in general that has an iphone, wears nike or allegedly profits from capitalism (in well-guy's pov) in any shape or form, which in most context's is a pretty stupid argument to make, even if that person is behaving hypocritically it doesn't change the argument which shows that the well-guy just doesn't know how to counter communist ideas without knowing what communists do or look like.
Besides that there have been multiple rich "class traitors" throughout history (Engels, Guevara, Tony Benn etc.). If anything it means they're absolutely based for not advocating in favor of their own class interests. Che Guevara could've happily lived his life as a doctor and enjoy the status quo but decided to risk his life to change Cuba. Meanwhile lolbertarians (who usually represent the well-guy) couldn't care less about society at large as long as they can smoke weed, buy guns and scalp ps5/xbox consoles. Most cucked "movement" or ideology if you ask me.

>> No.19630707

I am in a third world shithole and i'm a communist. How do you cope about my existence?

>> No.19630718

Commies were based when they were faggot-killing, nigger-hating macho men. That's also when their revolutions succeeded, which isn't a coincidence. Commies now are literal tranny faggots who believe in the most retarded of things.

>> No.19630720

nah cbf

>> No.19630726

Corpotranny it is, then.

>> No.19630730

seethe incel

>> No.19630739
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It doesn't need a response. A revolutionary's talk is backed by action, not sophistry

>> No.19630752
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confirmed! thataboy.

>> No.19630764

All noble creatures choose death over slavery

>> No.19630768

seethe incel

>> No.19630772


>> No.19630773

seethe incel

>> No.19630779
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Nice. Who said that? All I found was pic rel.

>> No.19630781
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Catholic Integralism is the objectively best political philosophy since the social teaching of the Catholic Church is demonstrably correct.

>> No.19630783

indeed and the less someone has to worry about competition and the security of his position in society the easier it is for him to be charitable. Which is why a society with a competitive oligarchy is the worst thing that can happen (second only to a demon king)

>> No.19630784

That cat is cooler than me

>> No.19630786

Everyone bar me is a fucking moron.

>> No.19630788

I said it

>> No.19630840
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>> No.19630851

why is this thread on /lit/

>> No.19630852

This thread is awful and all 26 posters should feel bad.

>> No.19630867

t. Afraid of trying to say anything themselves

>> No.19630874

>The response is history. Peasant uprisings have occurred quite often and ushered in many a new age when the old one had run its course so to speak.
In China, maybe. In Europe, peasant uprisings were put down quite simply. One knight on a horse could kill 10 or so peasants with relative ease.

>> No.19630902

>what is french revolution

>> No.19630915

Ton of european peasant revolts

>> No.19630917

It's always a dog-eat-dog world. Na matter what you claim.

>> No.19630992

I only post on /lit/ when I'm feeling bad

>> No.19630995

Left guy is forced by his circumstances into the absolute shitter. He takes what he can get.
The argument is directed at people who indulge in the worst aspects of capitalism more than necessary, buying 300$ shoes, drinking 15 dollar coffee, paying extra for premium versions which aren't really necessary.
Guy in the is a strawman of people who are critical of the latter.

You can perfectly critizice a society you partake in, but if you willingly, voluntarily participate in the very aspects you hate, you're being mindlessly indulgent and a hypocrite.

>> No.19631010

It's almost like notions of capitalism and communism are idiotic copes and there's some irreplacable metasystem behind everything. Where did I put my sovereignty?

>> No.19631024
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Would be great if the man bemoaning the system was a working, family man. Instead of the darker minority type that is completely unable to function in any society you place him in.

Few would object to working people wanting more in return tor their labor. Most would rather scum starve and leave more for people they are more sympathetic towards.

>> No.19631149


>> No.19631155


>> No.19631162
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It's literally just cope to deflect from the fact that they're far more materialistic than the "capitalists" they oppose, marxists are pathetic.

>> No.19631163

Have you car bombed police offices yet?

>> No.19631182

So who is the real rebel? I can think of a position almost anyone would abhor but this is just senseless edginess is it not

>> No.19631198

White Nationalists and Islamic terrorists since they're the ones governments are actually scared of.

>> No.19631202
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The one who reads about political and economic alternatives that both Left & Right unite against the return of.

>> No.19631209

well said, anon.

>> No.19631211

You rely on the System to post your barely comprehensible babble. Curious!

>> No.19631216
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>> No.19631218

Are they actually scared of them or do they just use them as a pretext to persecute people? Obviously they are indeed more rebellious than the previous options but Idk how much those in power really care

>> No.19631225
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While there's definitely a fear mongering factor they wouldn't send shills onto /pol/ if they weren't indeed a threat.

>> No.19631295

That’s not always true, but the message is important: we should always be on the lookout for false rebels, many grifters have taken to making money off of dissatisfaction with the system with no intention of actually changing it.

>> No.19631307

Half of these were from China alone and most of them failed, especially the ones in Europe. Peasant revolts usually just result in a bunch of the underclass dying, if not from weapons then from starvation.

>> No.19631333

seethe incel

>> No.19631354

China as an entity is roughly the same size, population, and economy as Europe and always has been(with fluctuations) so this is unsurprising. I mean very roughly obviously, I'm just saying that china and even india are more comparable to Europe as a whole than any European country

>> No.19631373

how many of these revolts were because they hated the king, etc. and were named "peasant revolts" simply because the people participating were peasants?
instead of revolting because they were peasants

>> No.19631378


>> No.19631463

Draw the guy in the well with a jacuzzi on a private island saying the exact same thing

>> No.19631569
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The statement is 100% true, but it's often misinterpreted (and misused) as an attack. It's really a diagnostic tool. Suppose you are a mega-conservative Neo-Nazi who hates Jews, and you're ranting about Jews when someone asks "But if you hate Jews so much, why do you buy products from X brand which is run by Jews?"

The likely response is that it's hard to identify whether the company is run by Jews and/or it would be very hard to live life without purchasing products made by Jewish companies. This is an important thing to identify, because it establishes a bound for self-diagnosis of values. Most (as in ALL) people value material life more than transcendent life. The reason you can tell this is that most people who hate X will be willing to tolerate it to participate in capitalist market society. I hate homosexuality, but I value having food more than I value boycotting companies that change their twitter profile pictures to rainbow versions. But when I complain about those things, I need to be able to acknowledge that that's the case or my input is irrelevant. Especially because if I can't comfortably identify my own shortcomings, how can I trust myself to be an active participant in any movement that requires true sacrifice.

Like most anons have pointed out, this meme is usually invoked by commies who don't want to be judged for consuming. But ask yourself, how can one participate in a revolution while being reliant on consumption? Revolutionary environments are extremely high-tension and high-stress, and have high resource instability. If you are emotionally and physically reliant on capital to feed and clothe you, then you are already compromised if you were to decide to declare war on capital. "Hand over the means of production!" No, also you can't buy anything anymore. "O-Okay, I'll get back to my shift."

This is why Fisher says that capitalism defeats socialism by reframing anti-capitalist critique to be about material access. It places the solution itself in the hands of capital. Modern socialists are sitting there groveling at the feet of Bezos for a handout, and once he gives it they will rely on him totally.

>> No.19631578

>Most (as in ALL) people value material life more than transcendent life.
Annoying pedant here to remind you of martyrs

>> No.19631592

Reasonable and not pedantic.
Most (as in ALL) people in Western cultures today value material life more than transcendent life
Islam's resistance to Western materialism is stunning.

>> No.19631597

Islam's "resistance" is a complete myth, Muslims in Europe fully embrace degeneracy and globohomo is spreading like wildfire among the youth in the middle east.

>> No.19631600

this pic made me anti-fascist

>> No.19631607
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x3500, antifa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Anti Fascists bro

>> No.19631616
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I don't think so. I suspect the idea of "Muslim modernization" has been invented out of whole cloth by Western capitalists to support the End of History mythos. Why would Americans and Europeans dare resist capital if even Muslims, who are almost universally seen as ignorant iconoclastic savages, are converting to Capitalism?
No, it's probably just Al Jazeera focusing in on manipulated polls and occasional pictures of westernized Muslims that have returned home to visit family. I'll believe it when I actually see change that is any more than nominal. Saudi Arabia lets women drive with a male relative as a chauffeur? Wow, stunning and truly liberal.

>> No.19631622

how is it possible that not a single one looks normal

>> No.19631624

It's one thing to survive but this meme is used by retarded commies who thrive from the system they critique.
There's no need to counter it because the comparison is broken from the start.
Commies/socialists are mostly retarded, the only people on "the left" who are right about the things they say are market socialists and socdems, socialism or communism will never and should never be achieved it will only lead to incompetence and even more idiocracy than what we already have.

>> No.19631630

Nah it's definitely true, I know
but I'm friends with an Egyptian woman and she will openly tell you that her generation are degenerates identical to the ones in Europe and America.
They remind me of 80's-2000's America where all the middle aged and elderly were hyper religious while the young generation couldn't give less of a shit.

>> No.19631631

But they literally have market economies, wage labor etc they are capitalist. They just retain some traditional social norms

>> No.19631642

I will also add that this is mostly used by Roach Piker fans to defend him because he's a champagne socialist, so if someone uses this meme I already assume they are subhuman because they get their politics and entertainment from a twitch streamer, and a retarded one at that.

>> No.19631648

The people who post this comic as a reply are not making the choice between participating in society or starving to death; they're making the choice between their 3rd beach house and their yacht.

>> No.19631649

you're both cringe

>> No.19631655

mugshots are almost never flattering

>> No.19631656

In what way do you think people who think Communism would he a better system should disengage in Capitalism? Should they just be monks and live in the forests? Well Capitalists or governments have decided all land is Capital so you can't be there without paying for it.

There is no land that isn't under capitalism, there is no food that isn't under capitalism, there isn't any water that isn't subject to capitalism. What do you suggest we do?

>> No.19631662

Perhaps they should start by not spending $1000 on iPhones.

>> No.19631667

Is there really no hope then? Is it really just civil war or hope it all collapses before we die?

>> No.19631688

>Capitalists or governments
It's the government's land. And we are all it's employees since we pay taxes because we are on it's land, so they have our surplus values. If we had to kill a boss...

>> No.19631696

Move to China, it's not communist or socialist at the moment but supposedly Xi intends it to become socialist in a few decades, if you hate america that much then go to help the country that wants to achieve what you believe in.
Leave the slow progress to a "better" world to the western civilization, go work to one of Xi's concentration camps if you actually want any if Marx's works to materialize into reality.

>> No.19631698

I dont find capitalism that horrifying really. Or liberalism. Or even communism when it's passed the initial "everyone dying" stage and has settled down.

I'm really not a big fan of this covid bullshit but I dont know what to even call this in terms of government.

>> No.19631703
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It will undoubtedly collapse as the people in charge are not all-knowing masterminds, just liberal ideologues who even in their mind will ignore uncomfortable truths. The whole world is just a massive Weimar republic waiting for next Hitler. "Globohomo" is completely antithetical to human nature and requires active maintenance to upkeep, and it's attempting to kill off it's economic teet, White men.

>> No.19631704

/thread. Anything after this is commie cope, seething, and dilation.

>> No.19631708
File: 517 KB, 680x483, OP is a faggot and your mom will die in her sleep if you don't reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of being intellectually dishonest (lol, 4chan), why don't you post the whole comic?

>> No.19631710

When will you retards realize both systems are shit as long as you're not the one calling the shots. It's always going to be a pick your poison scenario for the grunts. Kiss the feet of The Government or kiss the feet of The Corporate. In both positions you are kneeling to others. Can't wait to see what kind of mental gymnastics I get in the replies that denies this truth.

>> No.19631714

No shit, economic system means dick, all that matters is the genetic hygiene of the people running it.

>> No.19631718

It is very unlikely that they would be equally shit in all respects

>> No.19631723

Even if you had your social revolution in the US (Spoilers: it will never happen because people will never give up their commodities) neither socialism or communism would be achieved in your lifetime, so stop screeching and complaining, go to China or shut up about "muh capital".

>> No.19631727

who buys AirPods? lmao

>> No.19631728

>genetic hygiene
You nigger it doesn't matter who you put in place, humans will always fuck things up. Be it whatever -ism you pick. People are the cause of corruption and incompetence of the future generation in charge. Every empire under every system has fallen because of this.

>> No.19631729

Cope >>19630578

>> No.19631730

But you can literally just not buy apple. You can buy an alternative that claims to not use sweatshops. Buying iPhone is not like necessity lmao

>> No.19631736

That's what I said, the only way to improve humanity is to put the people least likely to fuckup in charge, a White man is a far better ruler than an African.

>> No.19631738

Both the people in charge and the system itself matter quite a lot. It is just ridiculous to deny this. Think of the vastly different treatment that slaves got from different owners for example. Think of the existence of the tragic of the commons vs centralized decision making. Think of the difference between centralized tyranny, and distributed injustices. There are tradeoffs all over the place

>> No.19631741

Leftists need to stop making excuses for their overindulgence.

>> No.19631742

Ah yes because that natsoc experiment in the 40's lasted a whole century. Oh and those Rhodesians are still kicking it out and about I see. Oh, how's that Confederacy holding up? Dipshit.

>> No.19631743

Ok, don't buy apple products if you don't want to be called out on benefiting from slavery

>> No.19631747 [DELETED] 

wait, what, the chinese communist party allows sweatshops inside china? i doubt xi jinping would permit that

>> No.19631750

Not exactly their fault though. If communists can say they had outside pressure on them from capitalists that's nothing compared to the pressure fascists had on them from both communists and capitalists. See WW2

Basically they got dabbed on by a stronger force. But that's a separate question from which is better at governing

>> No.19631751
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Nigger Africans will literally admit I'm right.
NatSoc Germany was hyper competent compared to both it's rivals and itself in the Weimar republic, just because it lost to an enemy with superior material resources doesn't change that. Quality > Quantity.
>How's that confederacy holding up
What in the fuck does the confederacy have to do with anything?

>> No.19631754

>t. Tranny that has a phone made by child slave labor, buys expensive gifts made BT slaves for himself or family and friends, and daily he perpetuates the system while complaining about capital online without doing anything substantial about it, letting the time and the system drag them a long without any care in the world, coping and deluding himself that the revolution is coming any day, completely oblivious or purposely ignoring the transitory period, meaning he'll continue to be a wage slave for the rest if his life even if the revolution came tomorrow.
Rent is going up this month tranny.

>> No.19631762

Did I ever say I was against capitalism and in favor of communism, retard? Nice straw man (yet again).

>> No.19631777

Part of good governing means protecting your people from outside forces. Also look into how the Third Reich was propped up with help from international bankers. Yes, the same Judeo-Masonic cartel they claim to loathe so much contributed to their Uncle Adolf's power. Also, let's not forget Pinochet's coup backed by the CIA. Or Franco taking over Spain and curbstomping the anarchists, commies, and the republic.

>> No.19631782

This comic assumes commies actually work. Most people who want to change the system make terrible decisions. Doesn't matter what system they live in they'll fuck it up.

>> No.19631790

>French Revolution happens
>European monarchs collectively shit their pants
>Napoleon roflstomps the rest of europe repeatedly
>European powers eventually defeat him
>This is why Republicanism will never defeat Monarchism

>> No.19631795

I'm not even big on the third Reich. Honestly. But they were just vastly fucking outnumbered. Like they fought very well in kill/death ratio against the Soviets and decently agaisnt the anglos, but there were just too many of them. Obviously they also made many military strategic blunders but everyone does.

So I'm not sure if we can accurately judge the fascist system based in that. I fo judge the nazis for what they did to populations like Jews though, and I dktn even mean the holocaust, I just mean rounding them up and putting them in camps. That is a clear sign something was not right with Natsoc. It might have gone more peacefully than it did, but still.

As for their being controlled by shadowy figures, maybe. But why the devastation of fascism and Natsoc in that case? Wars can be profitable but they didnt just have a war, they tried to totally stamp out those ideologies after winning.

>> No.19631796

what are my principles. you dont even know me.
"communism" are not a set of principles.

>> No.19631804

>NatSoc Germany was hyper competent
Some of the old guard in the wehrmacht were, particularly the more aristocratic elements in the officer corps who generally didn't much care for hitler or his autism though they largely tried to remain apolitical. But all in all they managed to run this country which had a bright future into the ground in record time.
>Quality > Quantity
They consistently underestimated their opponents and overestimated their own abilities, the war against the USSR was supposed to last 6-8 weeks. What quality does this speak to?

>> No.19631805
File: 2.72 MB, 1421x1600, Genghis-Khan-ink-colour-silk-Taipei-Taiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But they were just vastly fucking outnumbered

>> No.19631809

>Pinochet's coup backed by the CIA
this is a meme, the CIA had no part in it but rather it arose organically from the chilean bourgeoisie

>> No.19631813

>But all in all they managed to run this country which had a bright future into the ground in record time.
? They are these days the exact same as their neighbors, if anything better off

>> No.19631817
File: 249 KB, 1783x955, weimar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>country that had a bright future
They were an enslaved people working themselves to death to pay off foreign reparations as children lived as sex slaves in brothels.
The Third Reich had an actual advantage in the early days of the war as the average Wehrmacht soldier was a very fit, athletic "Aryan Superman" compared to the French and Polish. Most of your other criticisms are valid but also apply to every other country on Earth, their failure to rid themselves of those mistakes doesn't negate their very real accomplishments.

>> No.19631822
File: 3.37 MB, 1338x6212, weimar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear everyone would know the truth if they just studied the Weimar Republic.

>> No.19631824

>Like they fought very well in kill/death ratio against the Soviets
Something like 1:2, which actually isn't very remarkable from a historical perspective. They had the wind at their backs at the start of Operation Barbarossa but they had severely underestimated the capabilities of the USSR and the willingness of the populace to resist.
>So I'm not sure if we can accurately judge the fascist system based in that
Arendt would've grouped nazism with other totalitarian ideologies such stalinism, but not Mussolini's Italy. To be sure there were other fascistoid regimes that were considerably more stable, but this doesn't mean they were prosperous or desireable, Spain, Argentina, Japan etc.

>> No.19631832

Nazi Germany was prosperous though. Stable, moral, maybe not. But their financial and economic plans actually did work and people just cope about that because they directly called out a number of practices our governments do that are a hairs breadth from theft or slavery.

>> No.19631846

man you guys are dumb. this thread better be one guy because otherwise we've got a /lit/ forum littered with the most basic ass fox news rhetoric - not a good look. you just got out of a heated family christmas debate or something? "communists should spend $300 on an android instead of a $1000 iphone" - what even is this? you guys reading what you type? take this for instance >>19631809 it's simply not true. the cia very much backed groups before, during, and after allende's government. nothing build up "organically" - not like this word means anything whatsoever on the political context you're applying it to anyway.
>The 1925 constitution did not allow a person to be president for two consecutive terms. The incumbent president, Eduardo Frei Montalva, was therefore ineligible as a candidate. The CIA's "Track I" operation was a plan to influence the Congress to choose Alessandri, who would resign after a short time in office, forcing a second election. Frei would then be eligible to run.[24] Alessandri announced on 9 September that if Congress chose him, he would resign. Allende signed a Statute of Constitutional Guarantees, which stated that he would follow the constitution during his presidency trying to shore up support for his candidacy. Congress then decided on Allende.[25]
>The U.S. feared the example of a "well-functioning socialist experiment" in the region and exerted diplomatic, economic, and covert pressure upon Chile's elected socialist government.[26][27][28] At the end of 1971, the Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro made a four-week state visit to Chile, alarming American observers worried about the "Chilean Way to Socialism".[29]
you guys really just typing any shit out there and passing it as an "argument" by virtue of having syntax. there are better sources, but that's not the point. you're just gonna keep moving the goalpoast like you did with op's image, because you can't read spanish, or because you don't like the editor, or because you're just set on being a dumb motherfucker for life. lord have mercy on you lot.

>> No.19631848

Sure, almost 70 years later. But Germany was one of the more assraped countries in that whole conflict, and then was separated for some 40 years, the effects of which are still felt today.
It wasn't problem free but German workers had some of the highest wages in europe and things were looking on the up and up, certainly abolishing the republic and letting autist hitler run the show didn't improve their lot in life. At least if those millions of dead and displaced Germans mean nothing to you, all that wasted effort.
>the average Wehrmacht soldier was a very fit, athletic "Aryan Superman"
they were probably more well fed than people in some parts of eastern europe, much like american soldiers who stayed in britain mogged the bongs, but otherwise this is your virginity talking
>but also apply to every other country on Earth
the nazis fit into a historical pattern of failed and retarded movements, yes

>> No.19631851

>and people just cope about that because they directly called out a number of practices our governments do that are a hairs breadth from theft or slavery
umm sweetie our governments printing enormous amounts of money to repay endless debt to self-governing banks doesn't count :)

>> No.19631853

War is generally productive. Germany was no exception to that rule. But it was undeniably always headed towards self-extinguishment

>> No.19631858

>Nazi Germany was prosperous though
yes they all of lasted 12 years, 6 of which were in peace time, economically riding of the coattails of previous governments until they started operating as a war economy which was completely unsustainable for obvious reasons

>> No.19631864

>it's simply not true
yes it is

>> No.19631894

>me but backwards
you have the most retarded beliefs possible if thats the case

>> No.19631897

they are scared of actual competent white nationalists and a growing white identity I doubt they give a shit about redneck kkk larpers

>> No.19631906

Manlet, 105 iq, insecure mestizo detected

>> No.19631907

Where is this evil pedophile Jewish cabal at? How come no credible info (with actual evidence) has ever been leaked? Do you think Jews communicate via pheromones like ants? Are they telepaths that how they all organize and push this cartoonishly evil plan? Have you ever taken an IQ test? How has such an evil organized plan, with thousands of people and family involved never had any evidence leaked? Did your father beat you? Are you part of the subhuman working class?

>> No.19631910

So what would have happened if Nazi Germany didnt occur? I mean all the other countries are just the same so what bright future awaited them?

>> No.19631912

They were productive well before the war. War is a boon to people who sell certain things, not in general.

>> No.19631916

They changed a shithole dying economy into one prosperous enough to build a war machine to take on most of europe. Sounds pretty prosperous. Being outnumbered 3 to 1 is why they lost.

>> No.19631919

The actual lit way to respond to this is to accept the modernist liberal in the well as a complete douche nozzle and report the thread for off topic.

But /nu-lit/ will supply sixty some posters to keep this crap going before the janitor finds out.

>> No.19631920

what do you define as credible info? All the epstein shit is very credible and it is clear as fuck epstein and maxwell were mossad agents.

>> No.19631921


>> No.19631927

>Being outnumbered 3 to 1 is why they lost.
They also made many stupid decisions that they couldn't afford. Like declaring war on the US, even though it would've been better to let Japan fight them alone. Or mindlessly invading Russia.

>> No.19631935

America rounded up Japs and put them in camps as well, I don't think that speaks to anything being not right with Natsoc.

>> No.19631936

Sweden is not much more prosperous in pure economic terms than England today, does this mean the impact of WWI was neglible on the British? Hardly. It's not like Germany was the only country affected by the war, dozens of millions of non-germans were killed in Europe alone. It's hard to speculate, there are too many variables, alternate history becomes tricky the further you extrapolate. Certainly Germany wouldn't be as cucked as it is today if they didn't feel they had to make up for the crimes of nazism. What I do know is that the Weimar Republic was preferable to nazi autists by pretty much every measure.

>> No.19631937

It is quite plausible that both Russia and the us would have attacked anyway

But I agree. They acted in a somewhat insane manner. I just dont think it's an indictment of the whole system when they were such and underdog to begin with

>> No.19631943

I'm not a big fan of the us either

>> No.19631953

>They changed a shithole dying economy into one prosperous
no they didn't, germany was already recovering from the depression and they weren't the only ones who were suffering during that time
>to build a war machine
imagine what the Gerrman people could've built instead of a war machine that ultimately got fucked in the ass because of the autistic leaders expansionist ambitions

>> No.19631955

>Certainly Germany wouldn't be as cucked as it is today if they didn't feel they had to make up for the crimes of nazism
Doesnt seem obvious when the UK is even more cucked than them and they fought the nazis. Germany would have just fallen to that side in 1930 instead of 1945. It might even be further along rather than less

I disagree about weimar and nazi Germany also. The early nazi germany years are vastly preferable to weimar, the later ones not so much

>> No.19631963

Not all economies magically recovered just as well. The germans did very well, and I believe as a result of their financial and economic choices.

And they had to build a war machine because war was obviously brewing. They were being assraped by the consequences of losing the last war

>> No.19631965

>bro just literally abandon society and personally build a new world yourself lol its not like the system you're in can be changed

>> No.19631982

There's no evidence and you'd have to construct a plausible scenario, they might try to expand their sphere of influence in the long run but an unprovoked invasion on a western power? History would have been very different. Stalin was genuinely shocked when Hitler chose to attack he thought they were buttbuddies. Communists in other countries, bound by the dictates of the comintern told other European people's like the dutch, belgians, norwegian, danish and so forth to stand down and not resist in the face of german invasion and placed the blame on france/england, which doesn't make sense if the soviets were planning an immediate invasion.
>the us

>> No.19631986
File: 68 KB, 552x510, happy holidays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here lol

>> No.19631989

>Where is this evil pedophile Jewish cabal at?
Where is this evil criminal black cabal at?

>> No.19631992

Do you not get that the same people owned USA and USSR and that's why they never cruelly fought each other while both fought Germany

>> No.19631996


>> No.19632001

No, Germany is worse. Brexit was in no small part because of fears over immigration. Although the legacy of nazism affects many countries in Europe, not just Germany. They wouldn't be able to pull the nazi card if nazis didn't pull an autistic war in effort to depopulate and then resettle large swaths of Eastern Europe and politicize science and make their autistic non-sensical racial theories public policy
>The early nazi germany years
No, even the early years were worse, but then I don't believe in totalitarianism and maybe you do because you're a small soul with a small mind. The ''early years'' are very few because it was unsustainable to let retards like hitler in power.

>> No.19632007

there were de facto independent anarchistic peasant republics in Europe during the middle ages in places that centralized states could not dominate

>> No.19632022

N-n-no but you don't understand!!! How can I contact my friends and family and do work without my iPhone 14???? So I need that!!!!

>> No.19632028

But how is Germany worse than UK?

As for how long Hitler could have lasted idk. I dont even like Hitler at all, I just like him better than communists

I am probably not going to be useful for much more time but Merry Christmas anon, dont care your religion, just have a good one

I will keep replying to the next couple posts though

>> No.19632030

Who said anything about magic?
>The germans did very well, and I believe as a result of their financial and economic choices.
I agree, but the German economy was already on that path before Hitler seized power.
>And they had to build a war machine because war was obviously brewing
This is their justification. I doubt it, and there's not much evidence for it. If they weren't brutally genocidal or occupying/annexing small neighbouring countries who were no real threat like Austria or Czechoslovakia, well before it had developed into a world war, then you'd have some more credence.
>They were being assraped by the consequences of losing the last war
This is an exaggeration, the yoke of reparations was much lighter than you think. This is one part of nazi history writing that many people have accepted rather uncritically. Weimar Germany lobbied for and received many beneficial low-interest loans from the US, pressures were lightened because the western powers didn't want to see a communist revolution in Germany. Certainly the cost of spazzing out like Hitler and his gang of autisitc retards did was was much higher.

>> No.19632031
File: 349 KB, 1450x750, 1612299260559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where is this evil pedophile Jewish cabal at?

>> No.19632038

>the same people owned USA and USSR
why, they were brutal enemies for half a century

>> No.19632039

Everything in this post is correct. It's annoying that it took me many years to learn this

>> No.19632043

>comparing owning the newest iPhone (when there are plenty of alternatives on the market that probably pay their sweatshop workers better) to having to pay taxes and work hard on a farm to provide for your family
Millennial really are on another level...

>> No.19632050

Now this is one very good goyim who had accepted all our revisionist history!

>> No.19632063

Yeah but they never actually went to war whereas both waged war on Germany

>> No.19632066

>But how is Germany worse than UK?
Depends what you mean by cucked, Hitler and his retards of course aren't the only factor, Britain may be cucked in its own ways for its own reasons. But Germany is more aggressively anti-racist, took on a lot more refugees during the ''refugee crisis'' wir schaffen das and so on. To be clear I don't want massive unsustainable immigration of muslims who can't assimilate into Europe, and Hitler made us no favours in that regard. WWI was the ultimate deathblow of western civilization, WWII simply made sure the job was done.
>I just like him better than communists
I hate communists, that's why I would've wished for a western-aligned Germany that was a liberal democracy. WWII gave psycho Stalin ample opportunity to expand his sphere of influence.
>dont care your religion
I'm a non-denominational Christian, have both tradcaths and pentecostalist autists in my family which makes for interesting discussions around the dinner table.

>> No.19632078
File: 1.00 MB, 3722x1330, ashkenazim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had some of the highest wages in europe
How does that mean anything in a country under hyperinflation?
>certainly abolishing the republic and letting autist hitler run the show didn't improve their lot in life.
Interesting that you completely ignore how absolutely awful Germany's social health was, did you know Weimar Germany pioneered transgenderism, spearheaded by Magnus Hirschfeld, I'll let you guess what ethnicity he was.
>they were probably more well fed than people in some parts of eastern europe, much like american soldiers who stayed in britain mogged the bongs, but otherwise this is your virginity talking
You're really telling me a society that was absolutely obsessed with strength and it's necessity for defending itself didn't have that bleed into it's army training?
>the nazis fit into a historical pattern of failed and retarded movements, yes
I'd like to hear what your recommended system is then.
I already responded but I'll answer more comprehensively this time, Most Jews aren't really conscious of their hatred of the Goyim, with a few exceptions, being Orthodox Jews and people like Epstein, the average everyday Jew lives his life and if you ask him if he hates Whites, he'll tell you no, and in his mind, he was being truthful, but when he looks at a White family, or a White person being happy, he FEELS nothing but revulsion.
And BTW Jews are absolutely able to spot their own with simply a glance on the face, and this is hardly specific to them. /pol/ users will remark that they "don't even need to check the early life section anymore" because they've also earned this ability through pattern recognition. Read pic related and it will really educate you on how the Jews are.

>> No.19632082

>Hitler fights against the cancer that is killing Europe
>Cancer wins
>Europe on it's deathbed 80 years later
>"Damn Hitler this wouldn't have happened if he didn't try fighting it!"
This is the absolute worst meme. We know for a fact Weimar Germany was already going through the same thing the modern west is going through now, if Hitler didn't fight the only thing that would change would be you would've been the one receiving your mandatory tranny hormones on birth rather than your children.

>> No.19632088

I've unfortunately reached the end of my rope

You guys might well be right, I can't answer anymore

I wish you happy Christmas or happy anything, I I cant post anymore

>> No.19632090

Same desu, I was a /pol/yp but then I grew up. Most of these people are burgers though, which makes it inherently LARPy to some degree.
what part is revisionist history? point it out for me so I can learn, virgin
In part because of geography, in part because of the looming threat of nuclear holocaust, though they certainly fought a lot of proxy wars. If America was situated in Central Europe and invaded Russia things would have looked different. Who are these people who control both countries though?

>> No.19632092

>what part is revisionist history?
The part where the Germans were already having faggotry and trannies pushed on them and needed to fight back before their country became what the modern UK is today.

>> No.19632095

let me guess, you believe in the holocaust numbers as well? kek

>> No.19632097
File: 2.49 MB, 1200x9968, weimar5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on this, one of the best kept secrets of that time.

>> No.19632101
File: 11 KB, 300x168, erqw4q4234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some German soldiers crossdressed.

>> No.19632108

Pretty much. All the anti-white rhetoric that permeates modern media was already started in pre-war Germany. All this revisionist shit says the Germans should've just laid down and taken it, and that tactic isn't working well for the British who have been almost entirely replaced within their own country, their administrative state co-opted and used against the native population in favor of foreigners and left with a small beaten and spiritually bereft population who actually descend from the native stock of the country, soon to be replaced and relegated to history as the UK becomes Pakistan 2.0.

At least Hitler tried to save his people. What have the British done except entirely surrender and accept their fate?

>> No.19632109

Yeah yeah. And Hitler was gay, had Jewish ancestry, had one testicle, small penis and a fart fetish.

>> No.19632110

You smash the rat kike's face in.

>> No.19632113

The Brits are globohomo incarnate. They are the biggest niggerlovers in all of Europe. Their literal royalty is married to a negress.

>> No.19632115

Nazis didn't fix hyperinflation, and certainly you don't need to buy into the retarded nazi ideology to care about inflation since it's really a very prosaic economic concern.
>Weimar Germany pioneered transgenderism
>tranny boogerman
you people are so insanely fragile it baffles belief, yes let's throw liberal democracy in the trash because some people are free to conduct studies into the phenomenon of transgenderism
>You're really telling me a society that was absolutely obsessed with strength and it's necessity for defending itself didn't have that bleed into it's army training?
There was a longstanding prussian martial tradition, surely at least the officer corps of germany was of higher quality than most comparable countries at the outset of the war. I don't know what this has to do with your misapplication of the term ''aryan'' or how it made a german soldier more athletic than say an american soldier. American soldiers had a pretty good K/D ratio on the western front.

>> No.19632116

You always have to live within the system you dislike to change it. Monarchies fell thanks to the peasants who lived under them.

Also communism doesnt mean there wont be phones like iPhones or Samsungs. Maybe just more affordable versions for more accessibility by the general population. Actually, probably better since economy would not be driven by profit but by progress instead.

All your arguments are retarded.

>> No.19632119

No, just the crossdressing bit.

>> No.19632120

>Also communism doesnt mean there wont be phones like iPhones or Samsungs.
How would a global supply chain work under communism?

>> No.19632123

>We know for a fact Weimar Germany was already going through the same thing the modern west is going through now
no we don't, that is a /pol/ meme
>you would've been the one receiving your mandatory tranny hormones on birth rather than your children
these are your own pornographic fantasies borne out of your virginity

>> No.19632128

trannies caused world war 2? I don't understand what point you're trying to make, you sound pathological
yes, the holocaust is an indisputable fact and only retards genuinely doubt it, some people pretend it's not real for political expediency

>> No.19632131

>no we don't, that is a /pol/ meme
Is it? Should probably tell the left then because they proudly crow about how the first real transgender movement occurred in Weimar Germany


>Films began depicting sympathetic gay characters. Protests were organized against offensive depictions of LGBTQ people in print or on stage. And media entrepreneurs realized there was a middle-class gay and trans readership to whom they could cater.

>Partly driving this new era of tolerance were the doctors and scientists who started looking at homosexuality and “transvestism” (a word of that era that encompassed transgender people) as a natural characteristic with which some were born, and not a “derangement.” The story of Lili Elbe and the first modern sex change, made famous in the recent film “The Danish Girl,” reflected these trends.

>For example, Berlin opened its Institute for Sexual Research in 1919, the place where the word “transsexual” was coined, and where people could receive counseling and other services. Its lead doctor, Magnus Hirschfeld, also consulted on the Lili Elbe sex change.

>> No.19632137
File: 2.45 MB, 6968x1936, hirschfeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he's actually right about that, it turns out when you have an army of millions and they all grew up with the 1920's version of Drag Queen storytime there's going to be a few lingering effects.
>tranny boogieman
Are you a literal el troonidad? He was chopping people's genitals off and encouraging child rape.
>There was a longstanding prussian martial tradition, surely at least the officer corps of germany was of higher quality than most comparable countries at the outset of the war. I don't know what this has to do with your misapplication of the term ''aryan'' or how it made a german soldier more athletic than say an american soldier. American soldiers had a pretty good K/D ratio on the western front.
lol I knew you people would take offense to "Aryan Superman" I was simply trying to paint a picture since it's a well known stereotype. The vast majority of American soldiers fought late in the war against a starving Germany, do the math.
I predict he'll respond with some cope about how actually it was a good thing or atleast there weren't any niggers back then or something.

>> No.19632139

Im not expect communist, but similar to how it works now? Why would it be different?

Scientific development does not depend on capitalism. You all think we need capitalism to invent new stuff.

>> No.19632147

no, ''white'' was a term used in post-colonial mutt societies like america, though the nazis started a war that killed dozens of millions of white people and gave the perfect excuse against even a moderate, healthy nationalism today
>should've just laid down and taken it
taken what? beside your schizo phantoms

>> No.19632150

>yes, the holocaust is an indisputable fact and only retards genuinely doubt it, some people pretend it's not real for political expediency
it's mathematically impossible

>> No.19632151

Your people will be replaced, your daughter will marry a nigger and your grandchildren will worship Mohammad.

>> No.19632152

>taken what?
jew cock

>> No.19632154

>yes, the holocaust is an indisputable fact
If you mean a couple of thousand people died because supply lines were cut and they starved, yeah. If you mean six million people were systematically exterminated then you're insane, such a thing isn't even remotely possible and you're on the level of believing stupid "masturbation machine" torture stories that get fabricated.

>> No.19632155

>your daughter will marry a nigger
>and your grandchildren will worship Mohammad.

>> No.19632157

>Films began depicting sympathetic gay characters
who were the protests organized by? this seems to have been at the periphery of German society at the time, mainly urban, but even so it doesn't bother me because I don't hate gays. Don't tell me you sacrified millions of German lives because of gays in movies? By every post you seem more and more deranged.

>> No.19632161

>I don't hate gays
You really should, they're a huge part of the problem. I think you're just way too bluepilled to understand the core problems of your society.

>> No.19632162
File: 53 KB, 689x960, 243537603_121318943601234_6815493380261902081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.19632163
File: 2.14 MB, 244x386, concentration camp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic related
ironically muslims would kill you for outright saying you "worship" muhammad.

>> No.19632168

>"T-That's just a /pol/ meme!"
>"Ok well it happened but I don't hate gays so who cares"
Like clockwork. Just kick the can down the road. Deny it ever happened then say it was a good thing if it did.

>I predict he'll respond with some cope about how actually it was a good thing or atleast there weren't any niggers back then or something.
Collect your prize

>> No.19632169

Frederick the Great and Ludwig II were homosexual. Were they "part of the problem"? Was Ernst Röhm? The Sacred Band of Thebes?

>> No.19632175

>Individual men in history were homosexual so that means there's no problem with society as a whole accepting sexual fetishism and degeneracy as a norm
Hoo boy. Read your Catholic social doctrine more. The common good is not served by normalizing degenerate behaviors that may be exhibited in individuals.

>> No.19632176

We really need to clarify what is participation in society or the economy and what is indulgence or even an abusive or parasitic relationship to society.

>> No.19632177
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, you're winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek these people are so fucking predictable.

>> No.19632181

>you are le tranny
you people are pathological
>He was chopping people's genitals off and encouraging child rape.
In any society there will be bad people. I've argued at length against ideologues making medical decisions that fly in the face of what we actually know regarding young people doubtful about their identity. I don't think this a good argument for letting the nazis into power, especially considering there were many more people who were much worse who were encouraged by the nazi regime to commit much worse atrocities. Yes it's a boogeyman, even if this particular Jew wouldn't have existed the nazis still wouldn't have come to power. It's a testament to your own autism and lack of real world interaction to think the nazis' hate against trannies animated them nearly to the same degree as it does you.
>lol I knew you people would take offense to "Aryan Superman"
I'm not taking offense, I'm saying it's nonsensical. Germans aren't inherently stronger than other European people's, the whole ''we are the true aryans'' thing was a giant LARP.

>> No.19632184
File: 29 KB, 480x320, last-night-in-soho (typical English movie).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern British movies be like

>> No.19632187

>such a thing isn't even remotely possible
why not? in the rwandan genocide people were killed at a much higher rate, certainly it wasn't beyond their capabilities

>> No.19632189
File: 117 KB, 873x1024, hitler and santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-NatSocs have never been able to explain pic related.

>> No.19632195

I'm a Christian, I try to love everyone even if gay sex is a sin at the end of the day. Nazis were motivated by hate, not love.

>> No.19632200

But anon, the argument only holds if you presuppose that such behaviour is "degenerate". You have done so on the basis of your Catholic worldview (which I used to hold) but your contention is not a universal belief.

Furthermore, aren't there kinds of sympathetic depictions of homosexuals that are palatable to Catholicism? Consider Dante's depiction of the sodomites in Inferno and Purgatorio. The Catechism says:
>The number of men and women who have deep -seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition. (2358)

>> No.19632201

>I'm a christian
honestly that explains just about everything you've said in this thread.

>> No.19632205

Yes it's a meme, Hitler was more motivated by hatred of the jews than hatred of gays, honestly that's a sidenote in the story of it all. But it resonates more with you because in 2021 you're more concerned with trannies/gays than Hitler was.

>> No.19632212

>Nazis were motivated by hate, not love.
They were motivated for a profound love for their nation and people. It's in the name nazi, national socialist.

>> No.19632213

Who do you think is pushing the tranny agenda? Same people both times.

>> No.19632216

>Read your Catholic social doctrine more
The catholic church was one of the greatest obstables of the nazis in germany and the nazis hated them. It was easier to manipulate protestant christianity because they had no central authority. Why did million of innocent catholic poles deserve to be ethnically cleansed because a few germans in berlin were being gay? none of this makes sense.

>> No.19632218

For my next trick I shall predict that actually that's bad because they don't extend their love to niggers.

>> No.19632224

Of course it's predictable, most normal people think it's retarded to justify a world war and the ethnic cleansing of millions of foreign peoples because of a handful of fudge packers in the capital city and some other urban centers. If it wasn't predictable I'd be worried.

>> No.19632232

Nah they were motivated by autism and ressentiment. You sound like a feminist who says you don't actually care about rape if you're not willing to abandon the rule of law and the idea of innocent until proven guilty. Just because you're more extreme and erratic doesn't mean you ''care'' more. Love needs to be tempered by actual reason.

>> No.19632235

>Nazis were motivated by hate, not love.
Tell me you bought into the propaganda without telling me.

>> No.19632238

Deep pockets are funding the crazy train, foolio.
They’re doing it to divide and conquer

>> No.19632240

I don't think transgender people are central to explaining world war 2 and the rise of hitler, no. Call me crazy lol

>> No.19632245

/pol/acks really are embarrassing themselves at every turn, I remember when this board was proud of resisting their influence

>> No.19632248

If you had a beautiful wife and you loved her so much but there was a guy at her work who was slowly poisoning her, and causing her to become sick, and you realized this, would you not hate him? I would. And I would be motivated to destroy him out of my love for my wife.

>> No.19632260

Yes, that's why I would have been motivated to destroy the nazis. They surely made Germany a worse place. Tell me, are you American?

>> No.19632269

this comparison makes no sense because it wasn't necessary to ethnically cleanse millions of jews and slavs to ''save'' germany, they were only worse off after the fact because they lost the war badly

>> No.19632271

That's why the Nazis were motivated to destroy the degenerates and their patrons. The subversives, the reversers of forms, the perverts, the thieves, the criminals. They saw their beautiful Deutschland being poisoned by evil forces. And no, I'm not American.

>> No.19632277

Plenty of ugly bitches, but some of those girrrrrrls are CUTE. Would date a cool punk rock gf.

>> No.19632283
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Nazi Germany by all accounts was rather idyllic compared to modern day Germany.

>> No.19632288

I don't think you've ever been to Germany

>> No.19632290

Well, Jews were poisoning Germany. But the Nazis made a bet with destiny and they lost. Instead of just deporting them all, they decided to slaughter them, thinking they we going to win the war and all will be forgiven and forgotten. Little did they know, this was going to permanently damage the national socialist movements of the future, or just plain nationalist movements in Western Europe. What's worse is that this wasn't even Hitler's idea. He simply wanted to deport them all, thinking that would suffice. But then his collaborators convinced him of the new plan and all hell broke loose.

>> No.19632292

Homosexuals have contributed many good things to Germany! Frederick the Great, Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Stefan George, August von Platen, Thomas Mann, Ludwig Wittgenstein, the list goes on... even Goethe treated of homoerotic themes...

>> No.19632295

yeah, the systemic rape and thievery in the nazi army and the outright devastation and partition of their country was a much smaller evil than having to live with people with big noses in your neighborhood.
that's totally a perfectly reasonable way to think.

>> No.19632297

Berlin if full of niggers just like Paris or London. But it's even worse in that it has 100x the faggot degeneracy of them.

>> No.19632301

Berlin is pretty bad. Dirty, filled with Muslims and degenerates and just your average filth filled center of globohomo. I'm sure there are still pockets of traditional German life out in the country but they're becoming more and more rare as the hostile government funnels immigrants into them because they're "not diverse enough"

>> No.19632303

They were controlling the banks, the media, the arts, the printing press, all in use of destroying traditional Germany just like they are doing now with other countries. It wasn't just having them as neighbors.

>> No.19632304

Yes of course that was the justification they made for themselves, I'm arguing that they were wrong. If you want you could stretch the term ''degenerates' to include all the different slavs, jewish people, handicapped people, wrongthinkers etc. and portray these as an existential threat, but I think the point is that the nazis were much less discriminate in their killing than you're willing to portray them as.

>> No.19632305
File: 127 KB, 834x628, holomeme2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember the 6 gorillion

>> No.19632312

Buying a 3 milion dollar house and a bunch of luxury cars, clothing and electronics is NOT participating in capitalism, it's taking advantage of it. No matter how much commies cope this will always be the case.

>> No.19632314

capitalism and the commodification of culture are not Jewish inventions.

>> No.19632318

Individually they are not a threat and there's nothing wrong with a few of them. But universally accepting their deviant ways without thinking a strong corrupting force. Not just homosexuals but also the whole alphabet soup.

>> No.19632326

What fresh new cope is this?

>> No.19632327

>Jews were poisoning Germany
no they weren't
>this was going to permanently damage the national socialist movements of the future
if national socialism is predicated on indiscriminately massacring innocents of varying faiths and ethnicities who pose no actual threat to you then yeah no shit lol. This isn't even touching on them necessarily dismantling liberal democracy, free speech etc.
>He simply wanted to deport them all, thinking that would suffice
Unfortunately he changed his mind. Maybe the US or Britain would've accepted them all if they knew what the alternative would've been.

>> No.19632329

I'm seeing what they're doing right now, and I saw what they were doing back then. It's not that different and ethnic Germans were completely justified in trying to defend their nation and their people.
>but I think the point is that the nazis were much less discriminate in their killing than you're willing to portray them as.
They let some Jews live, people like Wittgenstein.

>> No.19632333

I love how a whole generation of /pol/ users basically became undergrad biochemists just to deny the holocaust

>> No.19632335

antifa freakazoids are nearly all homeless

>> No.19632341

It's called voluntary simplicity, you stupid freak bitch. Don't be a consumerist retard like your idols

>> No.19632345

>pleas, post again when I'm sober

>> No.19632347

>no they weren't
Yes, they were. But for a leftist homosexual, they would be hailed as heroes, probably.
>if national socialism is predicated on indiscriminately massacring innocents of varying faiths and ethnicities who pose no actual threat to you then yeah no shit lol. This isn't even touching on them necessarily dismantling liberal democracy, free speech etc.
Mmm no. Judaism is an ethnoreligion. Meaning blood matters. It wasn't about faith specifically. And no, this is not what I meant. Any nationalist movement is by default associated with the nazis. Any sort of pride is seen as nazi-like and undesired. Your countrymen must bow and bend to globalizing powers without thinking, without asking questions. If you're against immigration, you're an evil nazi worse than Hitler. All because the nazis decided to slaughter jews so you must be the same or something. Hitler and his cronies fucked up.
>Unfortunately he changed his mind. Maybe the US or Britain would've accepted them all if they knew what the alternative would've been.
Politicians in the US and the UK knew about it but they didn't give a fuck. They were rejecting Jewish immigrants left and right.

>> No.19632351
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moltivation is an inspiring thing

>> No.19632352

Corruption and authoritarianism is an inevitability in a communist nation

>> No.19632384

taking all into account faggots seem the lesser evil by far, our society right now is gayer than germany in the 1920s by leagues and I'd still be much more bothered by nazi leadership

>> No.19632392

In a communist society people call the shots. I dont kiss anybodys boots.

>> No.19632397

>I'd still be much more bothered by nazi leadership
why? you have something to hide?

>> No.19632399

>trying to defend their nation
It wasn't ''Germans'' it was their autistic nazi leaders who sent millions of germans into death who could've spent their energies somewhere else

>> No.19632402

>In a communist society people call the shots.
No, the leaders also call the shots.
>I dont kiss anybodys boots.
Even in some kind of society were people ruled, you would still be kissing the tyrannical majority's boots.

>> No.19632410

>But for a leftist homosexual
neither leftist nor homosexual, like 99% of the people who oppose you these days lol
>Any nationalist movement is by default associated with the nazis
very unfortunate, if only the nazis wouldn't have had their little episode
>Politicians in the US and the UK knew about it but they didn't give a fuck
The higher levels knew some of it a bit into the war because they broke the enygma code.

>> No.19632411

In NO society does the common man ever call the shots.

>> No.19632414

With todays technology (internet) people can make decisions regarding their community and country in matter of hours. This would be a 100% democratic society which can be implemented in a communist society. I hope that, if everyone is fairly educated, the opinion of the majority will align with mine.