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1962917 No.1962917 [Reply] [Original]

High Tier

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle

Good Tier

Kafka on the Shore

Middle Tier

Dance Dance Dance
A Wild Sheep Chase
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Sputnik Sweetheart
The Elephant Vanishes
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
South of the Border, West of the Sun

Bad Tier

Norwegian Wood

Get The Fuck Out / I'm A Lazy Fucking Writer Tier

after the quake
After Dark

Come at me bro. I'll defend any book in a tier. Most likely complaints will be against Norwegian Wood, I know that's popular. And yeah, I consider most of his books fairly average, BUT enjoyable and worth reading. At a guess, I'd say 1Q84 will be High Tier or Good Tier. Looks pretty sweet. I hope the hardcover has a white cover like his other books.

>> No.1962918

Why Wind-Up Bird Chronicle?

>> No.1962927


Because it rocked, that's why. I suppose it was more a random grouping of short stories than a novel, but almost all of them were good, some great, and the sheer quantity helped it too. I'm surprised this isn't one of his recent novels, he seems to have matured in it. I don't see how any fan could dislike it.

>> No.1962948

There's still another 3 months until 1Q84 comes out in the UK, and it seems really long. I'm also not happy about it being split into Books 1 & 2 / Book 3. They could've put it into one edition, and just charged more.

>> No.1962969


Everything but Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

Faggot tier:


>> No.1962982


Lol @ hating Hardboiled Wonderland. I think it's clear who the real fag here is.

>> No.1963001

I'm reading hardboliled wonderland atm. And it's by far the best book i've read by him so far.

All his books are pretty similar though,

>> No.1963009


hating? I just thought it was "high tier" and not "God Tier"