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File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19627984 No.19627984 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody has refuted what he wrote.

>> No.19628081 [DELETED] 
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What he wrote was not his own ideas. Nearly all of his critics were borrowed and copied from others before him.

>> No.19628251
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 1617487296635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what faggot.

>> No.19628272

the first victim of the basilisk

>> No.19628302

>refute these subjective opinions
>can't do it? Hehe looks like they must be correct

>> No.19628308


>> No.19628310

the unibomber's manifesto was so subversive it was published in full in the new york times. that's how you know it's REAL edgy!

>> No.19628354

How does one refute
>oh all your hobbies involving constructs of human society are surrogate activities. They’re worthless because they’re not… le natural!

Okay bruh rationally illuminate the purpose of a human life and it’s relation to human activity. Please show that a certain kind of activity is more meaningful than another on principle.

>> No.19628407

He's not really worth serious thinkers' attention. Even someone much more rigorous and taken seriously by the scholarly community like John Zerzan generally doesn't get a lot of attention because his views are considered so fringe and out there, so of course Kaczynski is straight out.

>> No.19628474

What is a "serious thinker"? Is it like an intellectual equivalent of a blue checkmark on twitter?

>> No.19628484
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>> No.19628520

Who were his major influences?

>> No.19628536

ellul and linkola

>> No.19628538

Yes, anon, any and every heirarchical elite is equivalent to twitter blue marks

>> No.19628562

Can you recommend some certified serious thinkers when in comes to philosophy of technology? Genuinely interested.

>> No.19628571

I don't take opinions on technology from people who don't understand technology seriously

>> No.19628581

The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man

>> No.19628641

Would I get much out of it if I've already read Understanding Media? Also, as far as I know, McLuhan was very much despised by his academic peers aka "serious thinkers".

>> No.19628653

to me yes, as it gets more to the root,
framing television as cyclops

>> No.19628689

there was a reason why he tried to bomb MIT limited hangout chomsky. the presumption of technology you have is a transmogified entity, ted was trying to stop tech before that process.

>> No.19628743

zerzan thinks the primitive man had special telepathy powers, rigorous my ass

>> No.19628855

Case in point. Look at those replies lmao.

He's right about everything, and he's a genius strategist. Unfortunately the anglo world is so devoid of any intellectual rigour that the genius of his works surpasses their abilities. Once again, he's a top strategist and only addresses the technicality of revolution, so that academics don't soil his works arguing the axioms which his works are built upon (doubt they're even capable of extrapolating them). This is why you will only ever see moralistic attacks on his works. Kaczynski is highly regarded by materialists, the autonomous left and post-situationists in Europe and South America.

>> No.19628868

is there a way to abolish technocapital without emancipating reality?

>> No.19628886

Emancipating reality? I don't understand. are you refering to Camatte's analysis of liberation-emancipation?

>> No.19628903

without fanged noumena

>> No.19628926

i have to look into Camatte's analysis TY for rec

>> No.19628960
File: 140 KB, 922x1382, The Age of Em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robin Hanson debunked Ted's retarded collapse theory. Ted has apparently never head of space colonization.


>> No.19628968

I have.

>> No.19628980

space has forces outside of current understanding to civilization and humanity. resolution starts at the stasis.

>> No.19628984

Ah yes, because we are currently colonizing space at a rate outpacing the resurrection of cold-war tension.

>> No.19628985

Cuz there’s plenty of fossil fuels in space!

Or do you believe fusion energy?

>> No.19629234
File: 214 KB, 420x316, things-could-be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19629310

This shit scares me. If fusion energy were to work, it could at least provide energy to keep everyone alive in a dome for when the air becomes toxic and the land turns into a desert. I don’t think it’s going to work, but these are straws that people will grasp at. Especially so if the technology were to work instead of being a technophile fantasy

>> No.19629335

energy is a double edge sword

>> No.19629336

methinks growing up refutes this lad

>> No.19629374


>> No.19629387

he who has no soul also cannot see

>> No.19629393

Agreed. You should stick to your marvel movies and ““““theory”””””

>> No.19629398

not refering to you but to who you commented on

>> No.19629408

>growing up
Sure, if by that you mean giving in to the system's demands and becoming an NPC.

>> No.19629410

He is meme worthy here only because he shits on "the leftists".

>> No.19629415

>log onto /lit/
>see this post

Alright see u in a couple of months, I swear everyone on this board is retarded

>> No.19629426

but beyond that his critique of leftist is a necessary component to understanding the power process, so the meme is not so bad

>> No.19629428

>ctrl f "leftists"
>1 result

>> No.19629430


>> No.19629460

You don't log onto /lit/ fool

>> No.19629467

Why are u replying to me, can't u see im already logged off??

>> No.19629513
File: 21 KB, 400x359, AVT_Encyclopedie-des-nuisances_9608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Rightoids produce memes of kaczynski while radical leftist edit him, translate him, discuss his works, spread his ideas, set up websites to host his publications and correspondences etc..

>> No.19629715

Buying into boomer reality.

Fucking huge yikes. Imagine wanting boomer sloppy seconds, ontologically or otherwise.

>> No.19630326
File: 890 KB, 463x687, 1640440056429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The system has refuted him because it does not need to

>> No.19630691

If you keep repeating that to yourself, it might become true

>> No.19630708

It's actually very easy. Playing videogames for 9 hours a day is a lot more fun and useful then doing literally nothing in the woods but making bombs to kill people. He was a loser and a incel.

>> No.19631501

Because his predictions can’t stop coming true. I think he underestimated the bugman leftist NPC feminization process though. So many “people”, I think, would readily accept slavery if in exchange for their consumption rights they got comfort and safety and 24h round the clock masturbation services. And these “people” don’t need much, just 9h of vidya, some tranny cuck porn with huge cocks and tits and squirting orgasms, a Mountain Dew IV drip and daily rage activation and targeting. Maybe some fried synthetic meat once or twice a week and canned applause at to make them feel part of the “community”.

>> No.19631509

Ill bet you think Plato wasn't original, he got his ideas from Socrates and Pythagoras

>> No.19631891

Linkola wasn't an influence of his you fucking idiot.

>> No.19631899

>and canned applause at to make them feel part of the “community”
kek. come to think of it, that sounds pleasant.

>> No.19631940

pls correct me and show all his influences i would like to know if you do

>> No.19632032


teds assumption isn't original and to be honest it may have already happened, we are forced to exist for all eternity with no free will, there is no escaping it

>> No.19632059

can u show more original thinkers before ted? you are definitely correct but not many tie tech emancipation with the power process and that to me makes tedk more relatable

>> No.19632071

Ted doesn't know what YouTube is or what it means to go "viral".

>> No.19632100

murdering faggots like you is more meaningful than just sitting idly by and letting you continue to type

>> No.19632140

yes lets act like a never ending consumerist species and keep mindlessly consuming.
I honestly think we are being used to summon a techno demon

>> No.19632158

tech-world encapsulation started in the 70s with satellites. from that point on universal consciousness altered in a way that im not sure if there is a way to change w/o destroying the whole system

>> No.19632164

The idea itself is not new but what makes ted famous is that he actually did something about it or at least attempted to do so.

>> No.19632183

and the basilisk got to him because of what he did, but he was still able to become a messenger for humanity by taking on a brute but lateral approach

>> No.19632255

what are your thoughts on kyle odom ?

>> No.19632256


simondon destroy him, yuk hui on technodiversity, eric sadin, even frankfurters as habermas are on an empirical level (even if habermas is a kantian scum) more right than him. Put a feet on technic's litterature and you'll see your idol destroyed


>> No.19632264


>> No.19632267

disclaimer: I have never read him and going purely off memes
Humans are driven by technology and any death of technology would just be rewinding the clock and waiting for technology to develop again.

>> No.19632275

underworld and otherworld are hard to see, and to have such visions can destroy the human capsule.


>> No.19632342

can you tell me a little about how you arrived to that conclusion ? I have gone down the rabbit hole myself and almost lost my mind

>> No.19632389

i wouldn't call it a conclusion as i arrived rhizomatically. Materiality cannot show itself when conditions are correlational/kantian. This is why i try to take a speculative materialist approach, meaning contingency matters more than the correlation between knowing and being.

>> No.19632479

t. doesn't know the difference between descriptive and normative statements. Even if we "should" stop consooming and expanding doesn't mean that we will. People who don't expand will be confined to Earth while those that wish to expand will expand.


>> No.19632533


can the children of stardust maintain universal synecdoche?

>> No.19632545

>McLuhan was very much despised by his academic peers
Is this true?