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19625160 No.19625160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to make a woman feel this way?

>> No.19625165

Just be Chad

>> No.19625168
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>> No.19625175

The 7 7s:
6 feet and 7 inches or higher
7 inch penis or longer
7 digit net worth
At least 7 years of higher education
700+ horsepower car
7000+ sq ft house
And no younger than 27

>> No.19625178
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>> No.19625181

I've had this effect on like three women recently unintentionally and I want them to leave me alone now

I wish I could gift them to incel anons for Christmas

>> No.19625183
File: 3 KB, 676x74, Screenshot 2021-12-24 at 22-03-16 Ali (u exobiologickitten) - Reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Reddit.

>> No.19625189

>>19625181 is right, and ideally you should be responsible.

>> No.19625191

>I've had this effect on like three women recently unintentionally

>> No.19625192

Holy kek, I pray to God she gets absolutely shattered

>> No.19625198

Just look like a male model and be tall (at least 6'3")

>> No.19625207


>> No.19625220

I scored 1 out of 7

>> No.19625240

I only have the penis from these

>> No.19625243

i have none of these. gonna go kms

>> No.19625250

The Rational Male, or
The Way of The Superior Man

>> No.19625252

I have none of these

>> No.19625261

Reminder that unless you scored 0 out of 7 you'll never amount to anything in literature and philosophy

>> No.19625263

incel books will actually have the opposite effect OP is seeking for

>> No.19625311
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>6 feet and 7 inches or higher

>> No.19625323

This was the rule of 6s last time I checked and didn't include age. The goal keeps moving.

>> No.19625357


>> No.19625359

>a girl will never feel like this about you
Why go on

>> No.19625370

I am not perfect, and therefore I will be taking my life shortly

>> No.19625378

Just use dating apps and set your location to somewhere outside your actual residence so you can practice with women you don't actually want to date, then you'll know how to chat one up when you're ready

>> No.19625380


>> No.19625409

This is untrue, I'm an average 5'10 dude but I've had girls that range from 6'3 sports amazons to 5'2 weeb girls interested in me, all you really need is charisma

>> No.19625420

women are subhuman, don't bother.

>> No.19625432

Try a checkbook.

>> No.19625474
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Bros once there was a girl who looked like a shorter, prettier, more voluptuous version of Zendaya that was obsessed with me and she shared a bunch of my interests but I was too autistic to ask her out, I think it'll stay with me forever

>> No.19625481

I have known a handful of people who went through this, they all eventually realized that the sleeplessness was because they were attempting to believe a lie, when alone with their thoughts at night and nothing to occupy their mind it took great effort to maintain the lie which lead to poor sleep. Love can ruin sleep, but in those early days when it is new and life is good it tends to improve sleep, not hinder it.

>> No.19625503

Art of Love by the Ancient Roman poet Ovid.

>> No.19625514

>girl says he did something cute or funny
>jaded anon still yaps something about money or penis size

>> No.19625522
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>shitposts from her main account

>> No.19625534
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Just let him fuck your brain out a dozen times .that's gonna cure your insomnia.

>> No.19625542

>6 feet and 7 inches or higher
Only if you want a girl to laugh in your face. You have to be at least 6 foot 11. Anything taller is unattractive.

>> No.19625557

Tall girls tend to have few dating options, most men want woman who are shorter than they are and only look tall because of heels. Probably half the single women i know in my age group (40) are ~6' or taller.

>> No.19625571
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Bullshit. I've been like this. Her smile played on loop in my mind, and my heart was racing like a horse with a lit torch up its ass. Love can very much fuck with your sleep.

>> No.19625572

Unfortunately for you, both authors and me are happily married (not to each other fag, I know you're mind went there). Go suck some circumcised israeli dick tranny.

>> No.19625588

I relayed experience, not state an absolute fact.

>> No.19625624

I would date a chick taller than me at lightning speed, tall girls seem much happier to have guys interested in them and even if they're gluttons they won't get fat due to their height. Plus it seems like tall girls have huge tits and ass as a rule of thumb

>> No.19625625

just b urself
I'm talking to two girls now who claim to have "insomnia" just so they can stay up talking with me because I'm a neet with backwards sleep schedule

>didn't get dub 7s
wasted post

>> No.19625637
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>> No.19625641

He thinks real life is what he makes of in his head, don't mind him

>> No.19625646

What are they attracted by?
And what you all talk about?

>> No.19625667

>wishing cloying barren freaks on depressed narcissists
based true crime enthusiast

>> No.19625669

I thought being a NEET was the biggest turnoff possible?

>> No.19625680

Biology. You're either born with it or you aren't. I've had girls throwing themselves at me since kindergarten. I married a very hot and rich girl who has gradually turned into a raging old bitch and I hate all women now. We all lose in the end, don't waste your time being bitter bro.

>> No.19625695

>We all lose in the end
Don't put your bad decisions on everyone

>> No.19625702

Not the one that your replying to, but I'm curious how/why a relationship becomes like this. If two people have an active sex life, I can't see any reason for resentment to build up for each other.

>> No.19625711
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>6'3 sports amazons

>> No.19625744

I have a thing for tall and flat women. Why are they so attractive?

>> No.19625749

Theology core.

>> No.19625754

They have a sort of gratefulness to them, yeah?

>> No.19625759

*Gracefulness damn it

>> No.19625767

Yeah. They just feel so graceful. I especially like the more "different" ones. Very skinny and such. It's something like purity. It makes me imagine her skin would be cold. It's so lovely.
I can't really put it into words, and sound like a weirdo. I'm gonna try to find someone like that some day.

>> No.19625784

May you find her one day, anon.

>> No.19625791

Because they look like men?

>> No.19625796

Thanks anon, you too, if you're after it aswell.

>> No.19625809

That's literally a guy you faggot

>> No.19625811

>look like men
Where do you even get that? Project harder, if i am to go on a hunch.
They feel different. Frail, i think. Makes me want to hold them. I find "flatness" extremely attractive else nonwithstanding, but it suits tall girls well.
If i am to reveal being sick, i think that they might not feel good about themselves, and i'd really want to reassure them. So, a bit of a saviour complex.

>> No.19625830
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>> No.19625839

I just say earn a salary and work from home doing nothing

>> No.19625846

Opinion discarded

>> No.19625850

>700+ horsepower car
700+ whp is too much for the twisties. You’re not a drag fag, right anon?

>> No.19625854

Do you need a government subsidy for that prescription of copium?

>> No.19625863

Wait until you have kids lol.

>> No.19625864

I second the way of the superior man, the best book on it, besides that attracting girls through honesty was decent. All else is bs.

Also, don't fake it, get your life together actually and become such a person. You're not going to fake anyone worthwhile.

I was a chad when i was younger and when i started losing my touch a bit, I read way of the superior men and it was everything i did when i was a chad, so went back to it.


>> No.19625867

This. It's primarily about the looks.

>> No.19625871

You're almost completing the bingo.
Can we stop with the ad hominem slap fight yet?

>> No.19625876
File: 33 KB, 600x600, he-cute-know-your-meme-cute-pepe-600_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be funny and cute

>> No.19625884

No, I'm literally addicted to buzzwords and ad hominems. I can't stop. My psychiatrist prescribed me a cocktail of benzos, antipsychotics and mood stabilisers, but to no avail. Nothing personal. Merry Christmas.

>> No.19625889

Merry Christmas. Excuse me for being rude anon. It was unnecessary and rude.

>> No.19625891

I am into tall and flat or extremely short women. I don't know why but it's what I want.

>> No.19625894

Statistically that's a top 0.001% male

And 6'7 is too tall imo

>> No.19625897

Fun stuff ain't it. Hard to find women that fit that though.

>> No.19625900

probably not love. you were probably just obsessed. you might be an obsessive person.

>> No.19625902

>Be 6'5, 2ft shoulder length
>No 6 FT or taller GF to marry and produce giant offspring with
Where the fuck do you find them?

>> No.19625929

I come across enough which is nice.

>> No.19625932

i'd like to be a fly on the wall for that breakup
shit, he might not even like her kek

>> No.19625938

Anon this thread is about girls. Not men who act like girls.

>> No.19625946

I agree. For me there is something eternally drawing of the willowy, straw-haired woman. The female embodiment of a hearth in late Fall, and of canvas backed with fleece.
To draw traces across her ivory skin and watch the green of her eye expand in joy, to run hands through her hair of pale gold and hold close her graceful shape, that is something I seek in this world

>> No.19625951
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you can read a book on crazy women.

>> No.19625990

Shut up, infatuation is somewhat normal in men.

>> No.19625996

Congratulations on achieving immortality.

>> No.19625997

I prefer brunettes.

>> No.19626008

genuinely sad

>> No.19626012

No, I should apologise. The anonymity honestly encourages to be a worse person. Something I need to work on.

>> No.19626017

Oh anon, it's okay. Hope you can achieve what you're after.

>> No.19626020

>anyone feel "less" valid when they get into a relationship?
holy moly what a red flag. implying everything else isn't tho

>> No.19626025

That will also work. I would wax poetic about the beauty of blue-eyed, raven haired women but I have to get to work.
Merry Christmas, Anon

>> No.19626028

Merry Christmas anon. May we find our muses.

>> No.19626066

You just took the six sixes and made it much more difficult for fellow incels

>> No.19626071

What does that even mean? What are these buzzwords?

>> No.19626109

What's crazy about any of these things, except they less valid thing

>> No.19626200

Anon I had a girl this into me, it's hell they love themselves not you but think there doing you a favour. They want to fix you but are really just thinking about themselves. Those are butterflies/anxiety, she's will feel the constant worry of keeping her partner and will use any craft from seduction to spiteful manipulation (love takes place beyond good and evil blah blah), maybe even get pregnant and refuse abortion locking you in to child support and if your of a guilty conscience marriage. I have honestly had a friend "baby trapped" modern parlence.

Read No Longer Human, Shakespeare, Proust and Book of Disquiet. Give up on romantic love, it's only ever egoism/confused emotions and if the woman becomes obsessed with you it will only license her anxious/paranoid ego to any action in pursuit of your continual devotion.

>> No.19626203

Well as you're on 4chan its impossible. Give up. Accept your fate

>> No.19626216

wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.19626230
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Books to make a woman feel this way?

>> No.19626255

> 5 ft 10 inches
> 5.5 when hard
> 0
> 3 years
> 0
> I have no idea but its small
> I'm 21 and balding
Well. Looks like I'm gonna be eternally single.

>> No.19626312

LMAO.based,nice, quick wit (((????)))
nevertheless merry christmas, anon.

>> No.19626329

Don't listen to that moron. Realistically it's all about the amount of height, and charisma, and face genetics you have in relation to the girl you're trying to score. You'll need to fit that checklist only if you're going for centerfolds. You seem like a slightly above average sort of guy, as long as your face and charisma isn't busted you could get a slightly above average sort of girl

>> No.19626356

I simply adjusted it for inflation

>> No.19626360

What the fuck is a centerfold?

>> No.19626384

Have my zoomer brethren really never picked up a playboy from a dubious source and busted a nut to a big titty broad with voluminous bush splayed out across two magazine pages, like god intended?

>> No.19626403

Incel LOL. Must suck navigating life with a brain your size

>> No.19626421

Do Boomers really?
Fr fr nocap deadass

>> No.19626428

Penis and money that’s it

>> No.19626444

Don't be ugly and don't be retarded

>> No.19626492

>7 years higher ed
>no older than 27

>> No.19626566

I'm sorry but this will only bag you a 6 nowadays

The 8 8s
>18 years old
>8 pack abs
>8" length
>8" girth
>8 figure net worth
>8 felonies
>800 foot yaught

>> No.19626574


>This is what manlets actually believe

If you're shorter than 7 foot 7 you might as well kys

>> No.19626580


It says younger. But even if it was older, that would leave a gap year.

>> No.19626598

>6 feet and 7 inches or higher
bitch do you want to get on your knees just to get through the doorframe

>> No.19626632


>> No.19626637


Nine 9's you mean

>>9+ teeth
>>90 pounds
>>90 dollars
>>9 feet tall
>>9 unsolved murders (girls like a bad boy)
>>9 previous wives
>>9+ children
>>90 years old
>>9 days till you snap

>> No.19626647

Top kek

>> No.19626757

Hahaha wait, this is reddit? Holy shit no wonder we hate it so much looool

>> No.19626886

I don’t think you understand. Why should a woman who just so happened to meet a man deserve to be happy? Is this something that merits happiness? It is not. Happiness comes from suffering and tribulations, and from overcoming those tribulations until you have seen both sides of life, gaining a greater understanding of what it means to be happy in the process. Somebody who thinks their happiness will come in a way as easy as meeting a person they like, not even knowing them for a long time, deserves to suffer. In fact, it is better for them to suffer.

>> No.19626925


>> No.19626939
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>Why should a woman who just so happened to meet a man deserve to be happy? Is this something that merits happiness? It is not.

>> No.19626973

>It is not. Happiness comes from suffering and tribulations, and from overcoming those tribulations
but she has suffered and overcome. she had major concerns over dating and she overcame them by letting her guard down and allowing someone to get close to her heart.
honestly, i think you sound jealous of her happy relationship when there's no need to be. that happiness she has, you can have too.

>> No.19626975

That's be ayse 5'9+ isn't actually manlet territory, despite what /fit/ memes. 90% of the planet lives in countries where most dudes are like 170-178cm. With that height you'll be taller than most women and they cant tell what the magic 6 feet/180cm actually looks like.

>> No.19626983 [SPOILER] 
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Oh god, this is an excellent marketing for a book

>> No.19626985

where my 0s at???

>> No.19627009

>all of these post fretting over how to impress women or get ahead
I laugh at you. I'm a 25 yo virgin, yet I'm still going to an Ivy League school next year. I am content. you sit here reeeeing about being depressed and sad and angry. I am at peace with life in this moment. Have you ever known that? Jesus could achieve such a thing on the cross, Buddha anywhere at will. You have more amenities than either could ever dream of yet you sit here sad and depressed. Pride is your problem. Pride and greed.

>> No.19627017

My female English teacher recommended this to me. What did I miss out on, bros?

>> No.19627176


>> No.19627178


I agree that the normie compulsions to fug and earn a salary come from a bad place but you should really use your education and good lucks to prey on some pussy. You will regret not sowing your oats since it makes relationships harder in the type of culture we're living in. And it comes across in your personality and body language if you didn't know. If I made it into an Ivy League I would definitely be pussy hunting once in a while

>> No.19627189

>You will regret not sowing your oats since it makes relationships harder in the type of culture we're living in
You'll regret not having sex because it makes having sex harder because SOCIETY? What kind of logic is this?