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19619282 No.19619282 [Reply] [Original]

Every now and then I see posts about Carl Jung.
I had looked at things like archetypes and the shadow-self ideas and they make actual sense.
But then we go to the "Red book" and its batshit crazy.

I was playing roblox and listening to this whole video:

The things he talk about - losing soul. About hell and heaven.
About some dude from centuries ago who embarked finding his own soul. About "special purpose" of life after youth.
Lots of talk about god - essentially talk only about god and evil.
Speakers clearly show that they also believe in god.
Junk writes about some batshit visions of others - and therefore calling everything hell.

And you listen to all these experts in the video, talking about book sales as a big milestone, as some sort of achievement.
Hid doctoral dissertation was: "On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena". An occult science for a doctoral which today would be rejected and you would be placed in a mental institution.

These experts talk about things that you would hear from a homeless meth-head.
I rather believe that I want to fuck my mom by the Freud, than embark on complete impractical delusions. Like what the fuck.

>> No.19619286

filtered big time

>> No.19619295

holy reddit

>> No.19619296

I was mentally ill as well, what's your point?

>> No.19619300


i mean just listen to the video if u dont find it absolutely absurd

>> No.19619358

Every few weeks or so someone makes a thread about Jung being possessed, being demonic, being a conman, being retarded or being a tranny etc.
The answer is always the same, getting filtered and thinking that Jung says things literally. For example, in his essay "Wotan" about Hitler, he describes him as a shaman, as a prophet like Muhammed, whose magic wasnt in physical strenght but in his speech. He obviously doesnt think that Hitler hexed Germany, he obviously doesnt think that Hitler is a D&D Bard class that uses magic
He also doesnt obviously think that the germanic pagan Wotan walks the streets of Germany nor does he obviously think that the german people also wanded with him aimlessly
What he means is mass psychology, propaganda, archetypal images of the messiah king, the germans "wandering" from left wing politics to right wing politics (Luther, Marx, Bismarck, Hitler) etc. He has his own way of talking about things, since at the end of the day the vocabulary used by modern psychology is just as poetic and mystical as Jungs or Freuds
What is intelligence? What is consciousness and selfconsciousness? Whats long and whats short term memory? Psychology advances every time when a new vocabulary is introduced, just like how cognitivism boomed overnight when the personal computer was invented and someone tought "huh maybe humans also have a CPU and RAM in their brains?". Same shit with NN

>> No.19619857

>He obviously doesnt think that Hitler hexed Germany, he obviously doesnt think that Hitler is a D&D Bard class that uses magic
To extend: if you read Jung it is clear that he doesn't mean this literally. He will straight out state "I DO NOT MEAN THIS LITERALLY" and what psychological connections he means to make with comparative metaphors. As always /lit/ faggot OP has not fucking read something but watched half a youtube video and thinks they have insight.

>> No.19619879

>I was playing roblox and listening to this whole video:
^ is literally you need to know about OP

>> No.19619896

>he was mentally ill because my npc brain is only concerned with whats in front of me!

>> No.19620066

i fucking love this board

>> No.19620076


you lack meaning. read more or stop being a pseud

>> No.19620102
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>he obviously doesnt think that Hitler is a D&D Bard class that uses magic


>> No.19620146

he was a schizo but his main goal was to slide the occult and metaphysical esotericism into academia, he's only a "psychologist" because that's what was required of him at the time in society to make his ideas have any relevance whatsoever. It was a smart move but at the end of the day he's just a neoplatonist mystic larping as a psychologist. Freud was more interesting

>> No.19620165

Jung was the antichrist, if we hadn't rejecting Freud we wouldn't be in the shit situation we are now

>> No.19620178

jung only gets occult & schizo when he starts talking about the collective unconscious and archetypes. he has plenty of 'rational' ideas, at least when compared to other psychoanalysts at the time.

>> No.19620330

Does anybody have a "how to start reading jung" infographic???

>> No.19620343

people on give a fuck about jung because of peterson. ugh

>> No.19620397

>I was playing roblox
>akshually sweetie it's JUNG that is mentally ill

>> No.19620401

>I was playing roblox and listening to this whole video
based jung-listening nine year old

>> No.19620422

>if we hadn't rejecting Freud
Hows Uzbekistan?

>> No.19620502

I wish I was Uzbek, no I'm just retarded and I don't read anything I post

>> No.19620523

I wish, the red book would be way more interesting if t was cataloguing and commenting on an experience of schizophrenia

>> No.19620583

try looking here https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Charts

>> No.19620692
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>> No.19620774

>Carl Jung was mentally il
Good. Imagine taking the work of someone considered 'mentally healthy' seriously.

>> No.19620824

How lost would I be if I jumped right into the red book?

>> No.19621504

Another bait thread.

>> No.19621529
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>> No.19622056


OP here.
I get that he did not mean everything literally.
From what was written on this board + already said in the video:

"You can see the world as cold and hard (or opposite) - but it doesn't mean thats the only way OR correct way"
So you can construct alternate ways to express things - use different words, expressions.
You can use this to find motivation to pursue something - whether its trying to achieve your spirituality, develop your feminine or masculine side of character (as talked in the video), EVEN achieve your arbitrary goals.

You can go on another Christian crusade - perceiving all world evil and ruined. (as in video)
But to me it just sounds as some sort of personal entertainment, a manufactured purpose. Especially approaching senile age - where you need a purpose or motivation for life and end is near. (so he quickly finds it - more interesting visual, purposeful world)

You can read his wikipedia where he writes about visions or dreams of when he was a child.
He was interested and motivated to explore them, give reason to them, wrote a doctoral dissertation about such things - essentially trying to put value to dreams.

In the end, you can go on shrooms/dmt and tell everyone how real, different, special, holy everything is - BUT it is all just brain activity, a changed way of thinking that does not equate to the actual science. And that is OK. He tried to find his soul without the intervention of objectification and worldly prejudices. To find motivation, a purpose.

Yet these experts on the video present it as some work of marvel, as some sort of Picasso painting (which looks like any art drop out could paint). It should not have been released until it could be put into terms of reason - it was just the mindmap of rambles, a poetic approach to experience, unique to everyone. Yet we cherish fools gold for the actual gold value as the idiots we are.

>> No.19622059

As someone who basically did this, you wont be too bad. The sonu shamdassani edition has the best annotations I have ever read. They help alot from keeping you getting too lost. If you are really interested I would say to just jump into it, it completely altered my whole view on everything.

>> No.19622079

>I was playing roblox
>a low-functioning autist accusing someone else of being mentally ill

>> No.19622084

>modern psychology is just as poetic and mystical as Jungs or Freuds
>What is intelligence? What is consciousness and selfconsciousness? Whats long and whats short term memory? Psychology advances every time when a new vocabulary is introduced, just like how cognitivism boomed overnight when the personal computer was invented and someone tought "huh maybe humans also have a CPU and RAM in their brains?". Same shit with NN

>> No.19622093

There is no such thing as "mental illness"

>> No.19622100

Anon you might be retarded

>> No.19622111
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>Literally the most accessible philosopher
>Still filtered
Bow down and worship the King of the Hylics

>> No.19622149

Filtered and baitpilled

>> No.19622182

Reasonable post

>> No.19622786
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>He obviously doesnt think that Hitler hexed Germany.
Um bro...

>> No.19623368

I know that Jung was into the occult. It is best to think of it as a metaphor even if he is being fucking serious.

>> No.19623410

You do know that the red book was a therapy device like a journal for him right? He never meant to publish it. It was published after his death because some people thought it would be useful as an example for other people to start their own red books to help them know themselves better and to be an outlet for their psychosis. It is well known that jung was schizophrenic and had manic episodes. He talks about them in his lectures. The important thing about Jung’s story is the fact that he was largely able to overcome his mental illness and continue to make progress in his work.

>> No.19624835

Maybe literacy is not for you, maybe you should give it up.

>> No.19626096


>> No.19626135
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I want this to come to an end

>> No.19626920

>largely able to overcome his mental illness and continue to make progress in his work.
That's pretty incredible desu.

>> No.19627345

he was possesed

>> No.19627380

Why? U ok brudda?

>> No.19627397

No you did not "get it". In fact, you don't "get" anything, and which is why you are playing lego games for children for hours instead of actually reading the very book you are incoherently rambling about

>> No.19627557

Maybe you should just drop the whole “trying to understand Jung” thing and go back to playing Roblox, seems like that’s more your speed.

>> No.19627572

Given the choice between staying "mentally ill" and becoming a normie, I'd choose the former. The problems life presents to me are so much more beautifully complex and nuanced than are those who get caught up in the trivialities of modern life. If being mentally ill means I'm prompted to evaluate in greater detail things which most people never have cause to examine, I'll consider myself to be the lucky one. I wouldn't have it any other way. You normies can keep your naive dreams of neurotypical families populating suburban houses with white pocket fences. I'll live my life as fiercely independent of convention as I possibly can.

>> No.19627968

>I was playing roblox and listening to this whole video

>> No.19627977

>You normies can keep your naive dreams of neurotypical families populating suburban houses with white pocket fences
implying this is the norm
>I'll live my life as fiercely independent of convention as I possibly can.
implying you're not the normie

>> No.19628638

What a fuckomg normie amir unlike myself who am not a normie and therefore superior and not inferior and not deluding myself that I'm superior to cope with my failure to adapt to my environment.

>> No.19628683

It’s even more incredible when you read the red book and realize the kind of delusions and hallucinations he was dealing with. Parsing what was real and what wasn’t must have been very difficult. I believe he also said that he kept a loaded gun in his study in case his manic episodes became destructive and he needed to take his own life in order to protect his family and work.

>> No.19628713

>I’ll live my life as fiercely independent of convention as possible
Avoiding conventions because they are conventions is just the other side of the coin of living your life controlled by those conventions. Not independent of them at all.

>> No.19628737

> I believe he also said that he kept a loaded gun in his study in case his manic episodes became destructive and he needed to take his own life in order to protect his family and work.
Can you find the source on that? I’m interested.

>> No.19628758
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>I was playing roblox

>> No.19629097

I was wrong, it wasn’t in his study. It was on his bedside table in case he fell too deep into psychosis. It seems to be a common anecdote told about his creating the red book. I can’t find a good primary source for it yet but many of the things I read about the red book bring it up.

>> No.19629128

I remember hearing something similar. It’s probably in the intro section of the Red Book but it sounds like it could be in Memories Dreams and Reflections too

>> No.19629563

Based and redpilled

>> No.19629722
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>> No.19629727

You’d make threads like this

>> No.19629729

fpbp<span class="fortune" style="color:#aa01d0">

Your fortune: Happy Festivus![/spoiler]

>> No.19630953

Jungfags seething itt

>> No.19630958

>He obviously doesnt think that Hitler hexed Germany, he obviously doesnt think that Hitler is a D&D Bard class that uses magic
Then Jung was wrong