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19622388 No.19622388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I went to see the new Spiderman movie with my girlfriend this week. I wasn't expecting anything and I'm not a fan of capeshit but we couldn't find anything else to do on a Saturday night so we said why not, we didn't really expect much of it anyway. But what I certainly didn't expect was for the movie to be so abysmally bad that it almost pulled me out of the simulation for a brief moment. For a moment i felt reborn, like I had just exited my goo pod and witnessed the unmistakable horror of the real. Endless fields of soÿs cheering and hooting for the most asinine and retarded quips/callbacks/cameos. Its one of the rarest feelings of my life. But it made me realize that capitalism or modernity distorts our sense of the real, i don't know what to call it. But I've seen the matrix, and I feel different

>> No.19622393

I fucked Aimee Therese.

>> No.19622402
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>capitalism or modernity distorts our sense of the real,
This is not a new phenomenon. Did it really take you... 8 spiderman movies... to realize we aren't all looking at the same thing?

>> No.19622413

No you don't get it. I generally hate capeshit but thus experience made me derezzed. I literally can't go back to my previous state of consciousness

>> No.19622596


>> No.19622781

after finitude

>> No.19622796

It sounds like you might like "the society of the spectacle".

>> No.19622804

Whats its about?

>> No.19622811

post kantian, great stuff

>> No.19622815


>> No.19622840

Great movie

>> No.19622843
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I know just the book for you.

>> No.19622846

kek pls just let poor jean rest!

>> No.19622916

Just downloaded it. I'mma read it fren

>> No.19622921

It's the one.

>> No.19622922

read system of objects for good measure too

>> No.19623021
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>> No.19623031

this is the right answer OP
it's a short book give it a try

>> No.19623692

>see a bad movie
>ruminate on capitalism
this is hardly a new thing, how do you think liberals felt seeing die hard, which is essentially about how the liberal ideologies are actually lowlife thieves and the American cowboy needs to save the innocent exploitative capitalist.
Have you considered drinking?

>> No.19623702

What's funny is I went to see it last night and I had almost the exact same thoughts, I suddenly felt a hatred for everything and everybody around me and wanted to run out of the theater screaming

>> No.19623721


Is this viral marketing??

>> No.19623722

Matrix is tranny propaganda

>> No.19623726
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New films are especially bad because its now curated for a Chinese audience, which is regulated by Chinese censorship. What you're describing is not even capitalism, this garbage is being manufactured for the communist hivemind of the East.

>> No.19623733

What are some qualities that indicate this?

>> No.19623745

China is the largest market for entertainment and luxury, but you have to kiss the ring or get filtered.

>> No.19624810

Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard seems like the obvious choice.

>> No.19624897
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You have to understand that the simulation works primary through ideological inculcation, and secondarily but ultimately through self-deception. You have to peel back all those layers of ideas you were taught in order to get to the truth. pic rel can be a good start.

>implying that we don't have an hivemind.
I'll leave you with this:
>“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” -Plato

>> No.19624925

>the case against reality by donald d. hoffman

>> No.19625053

I'll leave you with a puddle of diarrheatic shit in your bed for posting fake quotes.

>> No.19625077
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Illusion of the End is good too

>> No.19625125
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“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
From "Plato, The Republic, Simile of the Cave" and "Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity" (how fitting)

>> No.19625140

i like spider-man but why the fuck did they have to do the retarded crossover thing they did?
i guess financially speaking it makes sense and now would be the time to do it considering that it's been nearly twenty years since sam raimi's spider-man but jesus christ wtf marvel

>> No.19625162

you should start firebombing Amazon warehouses

>> No.19625195
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>> No.19625468

You know that actual philosophical texts are to be referenced by the chapter and paragraph number?
> "Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity"
Did you just use a youtube video as a source?

>> No.19625627

And yet they still got your money, this is why capitalism will be the only system to collapse on it's own instead of being toppled by something new, it will be the end of times.>>19622388

>> No.19625658
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>> No.19625890



The terrible truth is that the majority of people are living in an illusion and this is what impels them forward in live. A shared symbol space of moral faith, worthwhile lifestyle habits, and imagined distinctions between men forming a social hierarchy. I would recommend you do not carry over your newfound perspective into daily life, because your lucidness will seem like madness and antipathy to your peers. And you may find yourself now feeling alone in company. You should keep up with life and appearances in spite of that

>> No.19625966

Based and blackpilled.

>> No.19626914


le bump

>> No.19626918

Society of the Spectacles the earlier work no?

>> No.19626964

Half of Debord's book is just him seething about a marxist revolution being the answer to what would otherwise just be metaphysically speaking idealism. If you are even slightly well read in philosophy it should not be your first time encountering skepticism toward empirical reality. Baudrillard is the superior thinker

>> No.19626977

>dude what if like the Gulf War wasn’t
I’d say PKD was the superior AND prior thinker.

>> No.19626988

interesting,i alwasy seem to have this feeling whenever im forced to sit through a movie with a group of people (back when i would do drugs and drink with other)
its unsettling to witness people gobble that shit up

>> No.19627001

The US went from Vietnam, to Apocalypse Now, to the Gulf War. It's something to think about. Hegelian in a way.

>> No.19627019


It makes me feel bluntly superior. I get this psychopathic power trip kind of. And very horny. It's like a big herd of retards altogether blurt out in unison what subhuman shit they are compared to me. I hate America

>> No.19627045

how will situationists ever recover!
RIP in peace Debord the seething really did him in poor guy

>> No.19627050

checked and thankyouPilled

>> No.19627060

The 2015 mad max was when I first realized American-made movies weren’t for Americans anymore. Basically all but the most necessary dialogue had been stripped away. It was nearly a silent film aside from sound effects.

>> No.19627066
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> Society of the Spectacles

>> No.19627069

I'm not sure they ever did recover from 1968.
What is wrong with minimal dialog? Do you need constant chirping in a movie about a post-apocalyptic truck race started over breast milk?

>> No.19627072

Minimal dialogue is fine for a movie with actual depth, but for some retard capeshit movie with nothing but action it was insufferable and clearly just a way to minimize translation issues.

>> No.19627081

>clearly just a way to minimize translation issues.
It's a race between two teams of lunatic truckers. What are they supposed to talk about and how much money would less dubbing really save when it costs like $200M now to make a movie?

>> No.19627875 [DELETED] 


Certain interpersonal situations exasperate this superawareness to the point of nausea; exempli gratia: I am conversating with an individual who has abysmal listening comprehension —which is most probably due to him/her being inoculated with poison multiple times, whether medically, or virtually, hence this post—; in the course of the conversation, he/she proceeds to ask the same question several, up to a dozen, times, lexically reorganizing it each time, without changing the meaning, in response to my successive answers, which remain the same; now, by virtue of my thoroughness alone, I am pulled into his/her pathological chronic horror, and the conversation has turned into a form of perversation.

>> No.19627896


Certain interpersonal situations exasperate this superawareness to the point of nausea; exempli gratia: I am conversating with an individual who has abysmal listening comprehension —which is most probably due to him/her being inoculated with poison multiple times, whether medically, or virtually, hence this post—; in the course of the conversation, he/she proceeds to ask the same question several, up to a dozen, times, lexically reorganizing it each time, without changing the meaning, in response to my successive answers, which also remain the same; now, by virtue of my thoroughness alone, I have to participate in his/her pathological chronic horror, and the conversation has turned into a form of perversation.

>> No.19628139

I didn't pay shit, my gf got free tickets from work

>> No.19628187

All you witnessed was the dregs. Capitalism or not, genetic waste will exist and will outnumber the elves. Merry christmas

>> No.19628190

You voted with your gf's bosses dollars.<span class="fortune" style="color:#01d0aa">

Your fortune: You're on the Elf Watchlist.

>> No.19629692

This. Pretty short, too, and not too hard to grasp, perhaps because the examples it gives and the picture it draws of postmodern life is so easy to see by literally just looking around.

>> No.19629993

Mad Max 2015 is a bad example, the other Mad Max movies made in the 70s and 80s also have minimal dialogue and the new one has more in common with a Buster Keaton silent movie than it does to a dramatic modern Hollywood film. Also a movie that uses purely sound and images to tell a story is already a better film than one that uses dialogue and exposition.
Better examples are Fast and Furious movies or any Ryan Reynolds movie where stories are nonsensical, the characters are just quip machines with barely any substantial dialogue (lest the chinese and non-english speaking countries fail to understand the narrative) and everything is just an excuse to show the next nonsensical explosion and badly shot action scene.

>> No.19631093

It's rated over 90% on rottentomatoes, sweetie

>> No.19631102

This sounds like the /ic/beg/ schizo

>> No.19631140


>> No.19631605

Aristotle Metaphysics

The truth is in the East

>> No.19631628

Doesn't this require Chinese, and westerners really, to have no desire for narrative? No aesthetics sense beyond explosions? It questions their humanity more than Hollywood's actions.

>> No.19632855

When you consider how succesful the new Spider-man movie is, you can’t help but conclude that indeed there is no desire for a well-crafted narrative anymore, only the most simple narratives are needed. The new Spider-man is so poorly written you can tell the screenwriters (if there were even any) cared so little about actually telling a compelling plot, it’s mind numbing, but people like it because of the familiar characters, the poorly filmed action and nostalgia.