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/lit/ - Literature

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19617923 No.19617923 [Reply] [Original]

How much of a book will you read before you determine you don't like it and give up?

>> No.19617928

Couple of pages. From the style alone, you can tell if a book is cringe, after a couple sentences.

>> No.19617932

Depends on what's wrong with it. I dropped Neuromancer almost immediately upon looking at the prose, but for other books sometimes I'll get several chapters in before realizing I'm not enjoying it.

>> No.19617937
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 6be81f6da70134f2d4c9c4ded8b39d2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I judge books by their covers

>> No.19617964

until I reach the point I can't stand reading that shit anymore, simple, there are no rules

>> No.19617988

at least twice over

>> No.19618036

God bless

>> No.19618065

if i get continiously annoyed and i start to procrastinate reading the book (unless i already read like 50-70% of the book, then i just try to push through the last part).
i usually dont really care about spoilers at that point so i look up the ending, read some reviews or secondary works, and dip

>> No.19618082
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I judge books by their smell

>> No.19618284
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I judge books by their height.

>> No.19618320
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I judge books by their weight

>> No.19618632

i have never not completed a book in my life.
but if i read half of it and it sucks, i will start skimming

>> No.19618642

I'm a bloodyminded bastard who always reads to the end, even if it's just to make sure it's shit.
The only exception I've made in the last 20 years is Notes from Underground, which I chucked half-way through. Life's too short to read Dostoevsky.

>> No.19618669

im surprised none of you fags said you judge em by their color>>19618320

>> No.19618682

>Life's too short to read Dostoevsky.
yup, shitposting on /lit/ is more productive

>> No.19618686

racism is like soooo 2016, dude

>> No.19618757
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I dont know how to read

>> No.19618804

Until I get bored. Even if I'm 95% finished. First thing I do when a book fails to entertain me all the way, give it a one-star rating on Goodreads. No exceptions.

>> No.19618833

I just read the author's wikipedia article.

>> No.19618973

2016 was all about transphobia and anti feminism

huh now that i think about it did jordan petersons rise to absolutely undeserved fame cause all that?

>> No.19619026
File: 883 KB, 1056x1050, Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP that image looks like shit. Take this.

>> No.19619033

The title.

>> No.19620048

His style is off-putting, it doesn't seem to be translation either

>> No.19620183

>Life's too short to read Dostoevsky
No, it isn't. His dialogues are really good.

>> No.19620399


None, because I have intuition, and read what interests me, similar to how glancing at a post is enough to determine whether I want to further engage with it.