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/lit/ - Literature

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1961721 No.1961721 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking of making a list of:
"The great classics you have not read (or heard of"

Pretty much great classics that are interesting to read but are often ignored or unknown to most.

What do you guys think?

>> No.1961728

mite b cool

>> No.1961737

Obvious samefag is obvious.
You changed the linguistic fingerprint as it were, deliberately so as to not appear like the same anon.
You also didn't quite assert it's coolness, and this ostensible indecisiveness is used both to bump the post and to start some sort of discussion on your fail post.

In response, your idea sounds fucking shit.

>> No.1961739

This subject would be good for two threads!

Classic I haven't read: Finnegans Wake.

Classic I think more people should read: Amalgamemnon by Christine Brooke-Rose.

>> No.1961744

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
1984 by Orson Wells
Romeo + Juliet by William Shakespeare
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Richard Yates by Tao Lin

>> No.1961748


>obvious samefag is obvious

is this your first dat out of /b/

mite b cool OP
go for it

>> No.1961754
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>> No.1961757

Here's my list:

The Bible
The Torah
The Qu'ran
Kama Sutra

>> No.1961758

The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

>> No.1961765

I haven't done any serious reading for about six years. I need to get off of here and get back on track.

>> No.1961771
File: 119 KB, 467x700, the-great-ghastly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the fanfic version.

>> No.1961775

The book I'm reading right now probably fits. Only 386 ratings on goodreads. Victor Hugo's Toilers of the Sea.

>> No.1961776

i'd add Ferdydurke by Wiltold Grombowisciz

Polish author, great book

>> No.1961785

Why would I bump after 3 minutes if that as my intention? Wouldn't I wait until it was no longer on page 0?


>> No.1961808

It might be good if we say something about the books we're recommending. Amalgamemnon, which I recommended, is a stream-of-consciousness novel in which classical scholarship, computer programming, and the public discourse of late-night-radio combine in the stream-of-consciousness of an academic about to be put out to pasture by her university. The book is written entirely in the future tense, as the character contemplates the threat, the promise, the amusement and horror of what is to come, what has not been, what is expected, what is imagined.

>> No.1962007

Bump for visibility, this is a good thread.

>> No.1962107
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OP, how can I list classics which I have never heard of?

>> No.1962653


>> No.1962675

good thread, but these are the only relevant posts
i'm going to recommend the six enneads, by plotinus

>> No.1962679


Wow, this seems interesting. Definitely going to take a look on it.

>> No.1962685

Cutting It Short by Bohumil Hrabal