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/lit/ - Literature

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19614787 No.19614787 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.19614813

Please tell us the topic of your book and how you got to publish it. Thank you very much.

>> No.19614814

I'm happy for you, Anon. Merry Christmas. How long did it take you to reach this point?

>> No.19614816

based. Congrats anon

>> No.19614822

Based, I'm glad the jewish establishment deemed your fantasy story appropriate enough to throw some shekels your way. Goodest of goyim should live like kings!

>> No.19614871

Congrats op. Merry Christmas

>> No.19614886

cope harder

>> No.19614893

I was hoping to get published at least in one of these meme writing competitions that happen on lit but now I can't even find the motivation to write.

>> No.19614896

Nice work anon!

Can you share with us a short story of your struggle/how you made it? What was the toughest challenge on your road here!

Cheers to your awesome 2022 ahead!

>> No.19614900
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Merry Christmas and congratulations

>> No.19614903

what's the name of the book and the author ?

>> No.19614904

Crab in the bucket.
Work on raising yourself up instead of tearing others down.

>> No.19614966
File: 593 KB, 1422x1340, 609C3531-3650-4DEB-8934-C1543E898DF1_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a priest in a town where children are going missing. Doesn't weigh in on one side or another but does examine how humans deal with faith in times of crisis. There is an eventual confrontation with a serial killer. Think The Power and The Glory crossed with 2666. I have had a number of short stories published all with varying degrees of religious themes, I finished polishing my manuscript and connected with an agent who sold it to a publishing house here in the UK.

Thanks anon. I'm 25, 26 next month. Been writing seriously on and off for 6 or 7 years

Merry Christmas anons

I was always good at English. I was in the 'able, gifted and talented' thing here in the UK for reading. I wrote a short 'novel' (like a short story) with a friend when I was in year 5 (10 years old?) which I sold and got on local news for. In school got top marks for English Literature and got a first class degree in it.

Writing has always been tough because it is closely tied to your ego, I don't care what anyone says. When you really put a lot of yourself into writing - and for it to be good writing you have to - then it's hard not to take technical criticisms as personal criticisms. The first few stories I wrote were utter dogshit. I remember I wrote one about a South African prostitute that got absolutely torn to shreds by a professional editor I hired. That was a few years ago. The most recent short story I wrote is being published in a good literary journal with international presence, I'm being paid like $850 for it, and this was the feedback from that same editor (pic rel).

Happy to answer any specific questions from anyone, I'm genuinely on cloud 9 and after lurking /lit/ for years I don't really have anyone else to share this with

>> No.19614980

When youre rich and famous, remember to come back here with a sharpie in your asshole and a timestamp.

>> No.19614984

How much do you pay the editor? Do you have a working relationship with them now? At what point in the writing process do you involve them?

>> No.19614989

Can you share an excerpt of something that's recently been accepted for publication? Like the story that editor took a look at, if you're not comfortable including novel excerpts?

>> No.19615014

Good work anon. Most here would rather play the victim and never really try or risk failure.

Most authors only have line editing, this is part of why there is a big jump in an authors quality around the third work, they have proven themselves well enough to justify the expense of full editing.

>> No.19615016

This is pretty based. You're giving hope to some of us cave-dwellers.

>> No.19615020

Can you share your winning query letter for the novel? Redact as necessary or temp ghostbin it. How many queries did you send before winning an agent?

>> No.19615022
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Always, anon.

I have a working relationship with the editor but I use them exclusively for short stories. I get a discounted rate because I've worked with them for a few years now and the last 5 stories they've analysed have been published. IMO that should mean I pay him more, not less, since it's obviously useful, but I'll take what I can get. Usually I will write the whole story, leave it for a few days, read it fresh and tweak/polish to help with the flow/rhythm, then send it off to beta readers, and after the beta readers get back to me I'll send it to the editor as a final step. Then I submit to journals.

For this novel, which is my first, the publishing house have stipulated that in-house editors will look over it for me, so it's a different process.

Sure, pic related is from my most recent short story that's been accepted but hasn't been printed yet. I know my writing probably isn't to everyone's taste and someone will complain my sentences are too long but I'm comfortable in my style now.

>> No.19615032

Hats off to you old chap. Bravo.

>> No.19615047

the welsummer egg is a wonderful image

>> No.19615084

Thanks anons.

>> No.19615097

>850 a story
Jesus dude

>> No.19615115

For a short story of 4k words that's great, what do you mean?

>> No.19615116
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That's really good anon, I hope I get the chance to read it when it comes out

>> No.19615118
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Congratulations mate. Proud that one of us is making it

>> No.19615167

Nigga I make more watching anime in the computer lab at a high school

>> No.19615168

>I'll send it to the editor as a final step
That sounds like line editing. I think that anon was referring to the full service where the editing is a back and forth process and deals with content, essentially brings the editor into the rewrite/revision process.

>> No.19615204

Excellent, I like your style. You've figured out how to draw out a sentence without making it cumbersome in the process.

>> No.19615209

looks like you're the one coping tonight buddy boy

>> No.19615210

OP here, $850 is indeed pretty good for a short story. I got paid substantially more for my novel advance but even that was nothing groundbreaking. I have a decently paid full-time career and write in my spare time (under a pen name, too).

Yeah, I don't really collaborate on my work, but then that's usually because I've polished it to such a high degree, and also, without being cocky, because I have read enough and written enough to know when something is awful enough to be removed. Sometimes my editor tells me a scene feels out of place or a motivation doesn't quite ring true.

>> No.19615215

Based as fuck, anon. Congrats!

>> No.19615218

So kind of like the priest's character in Camus' the Plague?

>> No.19615221

How do you get to know all this stuff? Like, just reading this, how tf do you know the thing about that type of egg, or what those classical music tunes are, or who those german writers are, or literally any of that shit? Do you pull it out your ass? Do you have google open to find random intellectual shit each time? am I just a massive brainlet? Like, I'm willing to humble myself, but how can I include that shit in my writing? I don't know where to even start

>> No.19615233

You basically either need to read a shit ton of old British literature or be born into a wealthy "old money" educated family.

>> No.19615238

>Yeah, I don't really collaborate on my work,
It is not collaboration and has nothing to do with how polished it is. The editor will actually sit down with you and discuss you goals with the piece so they can offer suggestions on how to better achieve that goal and help flesh out the authors style, make it more cohesive. Almost all authors use this service once they can afford it or their publisher is willing to pay for it, as I said, this is part of why most authors have a drastic increase in quality around their third book.

>> No.19615239
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Yeah, a bit. My priest shares some of the weaknesses of Greene's priest, but is more akin in outlook to Bernanos' priest of Ambricourt. A big part of the novel is intellectualism in faith vs the mystical.

I was partly inspired by this quote from Chesterton, which I tentatively plan to include as the novel's epigraph:

‘Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity is reason… The poet only desires exaltation and expansion, a world to stretch himself in. The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits.’

>> No.19615274

Well I definitely wasn't born into a wealthy 'old-money' educated family, but I have read quite a lot of books. Honestly the biggest help to my writing has consistently been reading a higher quantity of decent books. People don't like to hear that because they don't want to be 'influenced'. In my experience, you first enter a kind of imitation phase, where everything you write is consciously or unconsciously modelled on whoever you're reading. But then that fades, you take what you need, and leave what you don't, and over time you develop your own voice and style that feels really natural. But to get there you have to read.

>> No.19615276

Who are your top influences?

>> No.19615282

>All that namedropping
Okay, Murakami

>> No.19615291

Virginia Woolf, Evelyn Waugh, Javier Marias, Proust, Dostoevsky, Bernanos, A. C. Bradley

>> No.19615296

Fascinating. What is the title if you don't mind me asking I might actually like to read this

>> No.19615297

Congrats, OP. What was it like getting an agent? How did you write your cover letter?

>> No.19615352

Bumping a based thread.

>> No.19615359

Meant >>19615282 for >>19615022

>> No.19615375

The first one rejected me because they didn't think a religious novel would have much popular appeal. Because of that I amended my first cover letter to point out the focus on religion in Sally Rooney's latest novel and Franzen's 'Corrections'. Through a mixture of that and probably dumb luck I landed the second agent I queried. But I took time picking out agents who I thought would be receptive to my work.

if you email alexanderduggan at hotmail dot co dot uk (my fake email) I will give you a heads up when it's out

>> No.19615378

>Been writing seriously on and off for 6 or 7 years

What does writing seriously mean?

>> No.19615382
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Congrats anon

>> No.19615391


Since OP is always a fag, you've lied.

I will assume the rest is a lie.

>> No.19615406

I mean I always messed around doing the literary equivalent of 'sketches', doing my stint of genre fiction stuff in high school, etc. Studying English for A-Level killed the passion for a few years, but I kept reading, and when I was 20ish I decided I wanted to write as well as I could. So I started reading more critically, noticing what worked in the novels I read, how certain words came together, and on the macro level themes, tension, etc, and thought how I might apply that to my own writing. I wrote a lot of short stories which were mostly trash. Writing a short story is terrific practice, because you learn how to tell a complete story, deal with characterisation, realistic speech, and everything else. Then when you tackle a novel it's just extrapolating that to a bigger word count. Honestly people say short stories are harder to do well than novels, but my novel was an absolutely colossal challenge and I found producing 80k quality words with coherent arcs and everything a lot more challenging than writing a good short story. But that's just me.

Like I said earlier, reading a lot naturally helps, and not just fiction but also non-fiction and essays, poems, occasionally even plays if you like.

>> No.19615418

>no Homer or Aeschylus

>> No.19615420

How do you tolerate lusting for cocks day after day?

>> No.19615450

congrats and everything OP, but DAMN you write very long sentences with a lot of commas. Not hating though, because I do the same thing, and your success gives me a little hope.

>> No.19615479

I really like this. I can get a sense of the characters from the excerpt, but I want more, damn you. Congratulations, Anon.

>> No.19615520

Thanks, OP. Since you brought up comps, how "formulaic" was your cover letter? Did you write in the style of your prose or leave it more neutral? Actually, can you just redact and post it? I can email you for it if you want.

>> No.19615532

Alright, bet. Congrats op

>> No.19615753

>‘Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity is reason… The poet only desires exaltation and expansion, a world to stretch himself in. The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits.’
This reminds me of Nietzsche’s thesis in the Birth of Tragedy. The dialectical reasoning of Socrates and intellectual exposition in the dramas of Euripides represent a departure from the intuitive tradition of art which had previously flourished in Greece.

>> No.19615792

Fucking based, hats off OP. I'm submitting my last MFA applications right now to American schools and I'm feeling good about my sample, personal statement, and letters of rec.

Your writing is genuinely a pleasure to read and while we have very different writing styles (my sentences are generally short), I'm envious of your ability to weave in "high" literary references, and your ability to achieve interiority, exposition, and dialogue all in the same sentence -- not to speak of all your publications!

Thought I'd be the first /lit/izen to launch but you beat us all to the punch. Congrats on being such a great example for the rest of us. Will buy novel when it's published. Keep sharing your work here and you'll have an audience in me.

>> No.19615838

Good job OP, today you weren't a faggot

>> No.19615869

Are you based outside the US? I took a look at some MFA programs but they look super expensive and I don't see any way of getting them covered as an international student. I'm in the UK if that helps

>> No.19615878

The best programs in the US are fully-funded or have tiers where some are fully-funded.

>> No.19615884

Dude same. Best of luck, am happy that I had the gumption to go through with it. to prepare for the assured rejections, have started sending things out to lit mags so I can keep on the flow

>> No.19615886

They fund international students as well, from looking at cohorts at fully-funded schools where there are international students

>> No.19615922

there's no reason to actually take one. you can download a course list for an MFA program and read the listed books on your own.

>> No.19615927

yeah, the only reason to do a whole MFA is to read books on your own.

>> No.19615936

Cloyingly nauseating

>> No.19615948

and yet he's published. Are you? I enjoyed it a lot, and would read more.

>> No.19615952

Let me think. should i read books for free, or should I pay $40,000 a year to do so? tough decision.

>> No.19615958

Seething crab.

>> No.19615962

Well I haven't done anything to further the decay of modern literature lately, so I have that going for me at least.

>> No.19615964

based anon
glad you made it.
now ditch this place and go chase those goals

>> No.19615973

I would argue that the excerpt is reminiscent of an older style of writing, actually, like you see in Sebald. Much better than a lot of the ADHD Hemingway-esque stuff you get posted here a lot. How exactly is it contributing to a decay? Or are you just jealous? Because we're all gonna make it anon and OP's post has just got me even more hyped to join him in getting my own novel published

>> No.19615976

Stagnation is death

>> No.19616053

It only makes sense if you go to a fully-funded program, which is what I was referring to/telling the poster I responded to.

getting paid to read, write, teach, and be in a community of writers sounds pretty good to me

>> No.19616074

Great work, anon! A wonderful Christmas gift from you to you :) Keep us updated.

>> No.19616112

First of all, congrats to OP for his achievement. Second of all, I can't wait to read it!

>> No.19616175

Nah, I'm in the US. Only applied to fully funded programs. Definitely think there's remission like >>19615886 said. Check out all the fully funded programs for language around that.

I applied four years ago and got roundly rejected, so best of luck to both of us my dude. Been rejected for months straight and today had my first bit of good news in a long time. The solstice has changed us for the better. Every day a little brighter. Here's to 2022.

retard, lol this is who we share a board with

>> No.19616332

Impressive, anon. Good luck to you in your future writings! You need to shill them here. I'll definitely be emailing you for notification of when it's out.

>> No.19616689

>One of us actually made it
Holy based, we'll all see you on the other side eventually, OP

>> No.19616727

This feeling... Is it hope?

>> No.19616738
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Congratulations Anon! May your experience and craft flourish all the more and may you prosper

>> No.19616815


>> No.19616820

Do you think it's ever too late to get gud?

>> No.19616849

Thanks for the inspiration OP. Will be reading your work eagerly from here on out.

>> No.19616855

It's obvious that most modern writers just namedrop. Writers who actually read make references to the content of a book without naming it. Think Joyce for example.

>> No.19616928

Congratulations anon, I hope you get all the success and happiness you wish for

>> No.19616979
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Congrats, anon

>> No.19616990
File: 13 KB, 221x300, HAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of talentless hacks get published. Enjoy your ego being crushed when nobody cares about your shitty writing!

>> No.19617053

congratulations anon! asked this question on /wg/ but nobody answered me: I want to start writing a diary, I'd like to pick a topic and write some skizo ramblings about it. Do you have any advices writing essays/non fiction? I know it might not be your cup of tea since you wrote fiction but tips are welcomed.

>> No.19617222

I’m also a uk-anon and I’d like to buy a physical copy asap, where can I do so?

>> No.19617227

I can't do it anon because I'm not a straight white male and they only publish straight white males where I live.

>> No.19617537

I get why some anons don't like it but for me personally this is one of the best things I have ever seen posted on this board. you are clearly a gifted writer and I wish you every success.

>> No.19617559


>> No.19617566

Very nice, anon. Happy for you.

>> No.19617581

Merry Christmas and congratulations! I wish you the brst anon.

>> No.19617584

Joyce literally namedropped Ulysses as his fucking title.

>> No.19617606

the support in this thread is kino and embodies the best of /lit/. We're all gonna fucking make it bros

>> No.19617622

Don’t compare this hack to Sebald.

>> No.19617628

except for this sour crab

>> No.19617629

Yeah, I’m in fact published. What’s your point? The guy is about as good as the YA schlock that gets published regularly.

>> No.19617651

post your shit

>> No.19617673

Why? I’m an attorney at a V20 firm. Not going to potentially expose myself when this field is already a judgmental shitshow. But if you get this butthurt over someone calling OP, who poorly imitates imitates certain writers, a hack, then you’re either a faggot or OP. Either way, write more, stop namedropping, and let me know when you get published in the southern review.

>> No.19617684

LARP and cringe

>> No.19617685


>> No.19617687

Cry more, OP.

>> No.19617689

I was hoping to work on a novel idea I've been ruminating for a while now. Should I practice first with short stories or can I just jump in?
I also lack a network of contacts or the necessary income to hire an editor. Am I screwed?

>> No.19617695

I'm not even OP lmao, you are just sour because you can't stand that someone else is achieving something. you remind me of those creeps at school who would always have something negative to say when someone did well in sports or music or would qualify their success with 'yeah but...' just grow up. also I would buy a novel written entirely in that writing style and clearly others in the thread would too so whether it's good or not by your standards is beside the point, there's clearly a market for it. post an excerpt from your own writing for us to see or go away.

>> No.19617701

imagine being this butthurt over two paragraphs. I'm of the opinion that it's impossible to judge someone's writing from an excerpt that short anyway, but what's there is good dude, come on.

>> No.19617707

If you think two pompous paragraphs is insufficient to justify criticism, then, boy, you are in for a rude awakening once you enter the real world of publishing.

>> No.19617723

post prose

>> No.19617730

But I disagree with your take. I think it reads well and there are clearly many others in this thread who think the same. There are some people who think Joyce and Proust are shit. A lot of it is subjective. So I don't really know what point you're trying to make, since OP has already found a publisher for a novel-length work. Just be happy for other people's success bro. This is why people in your life don't like being around you

>> No.19617737

congratz OP! the excerpt, albeit very name-dropy, is rather beautiful. all the best to you. and make sure to advertise your book here as soon as its out. I'll make sure to get my copy signed by you when I visit my gf in Landan :)

>> No.19617741

>my unimpressive, derivative shit got publish
Absolute state of lit.

>> No.19617742

>am I just a massive brainlet?
ding ding ding

>> No.19617772

Nice anon, merry Christmas and God bless you. I also agree with sharpie in asshole anon

>> No.19617788


Gonna make it


Definitely not gonna make it

>> No.19617859


>> No.19617876

Based. Let's make it a best seller.

>> No.19617882

I care.

>> No.19617894

Awesome thread, anon. Congrats on the publication! I’m glad there are new Christian authors putting their work out there, renews my faith in humanity. Merry Christmas!

>> No.19617981

Massive samefag energy in this thread.

>> No.19617985


>> No.19618158

When Murakami goes off on one about the books a character is reading or the music they're listening to, does that actually add to the story for someone intellectual enough to know what he's talking about?

>> No.19618185

Same can be asked about OP, anon.

>> No.19618210

I would say it's relevant to the extract posted

>> No.19618224
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massive faggot energy in this post.

>> No.19618243

and the relevance is that OP is about as insightful and creative as Murakami when he namedrops

>> No.19618256

I disagree, but i cant be bothered to explain why so we'll leave it there. i would buy OP's book and have emailed him, and it looks like plenty of others would too. if you dont like it move along, you dont have to read it. let the thread die.

>> No.19618637

How do I get in contact with him? I can't be bothered to trawl this thread looking for his details.

>> No.19618726

t. ranny

>> No.19618838

I got some new ideas for my manuscript thanks to this thread. Thanks and congrats OP!

>> No.19618993
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>How do you get to know all this stuff?

and once again

i don´t want to become a novellist but even i know that curiosity + research makes you leaps ahead normies when it comes to artistic prowess

>> No.19619160

How major is this publisher? I’m always surprised when publishers like Random House release books written by random YA fiction writers who have zero positive attributes, is it really hard to get published?

>> No.19619199

Good and whitepilled.

>> No.19619207

People on this board have no fucking idea how easy it is to get published. I mean, yeah, it's comparatively hard, and most of the """""writers""""" here are shit so they won't make it. But if you're half-decent and target your agent and publisher effectively then you should be OK. Just take a look at recent releases this last month across the major publishing houses and dip into them next time you're in a bookstore. Read some of the prose. you'll feel good about yourself.

on /lit/ people think you have to be an LGBTQ disabled immigrant writing exclusively about women's issues and transgender rights with a huge social media following to even have a shot. it's complete bullshit used to excuse their own mediocrity.

>> No.19619420

Can you really get published if you have no online presence?

>> No.19619492

yes. But that's where having a handful of short stories published helps. The guy who won the booker prize last year did so with his debut novel and ZERO social media at the time. It is utterly retarded to assume this and I have no idea where it came from. Maybe the rupi kaur instagram-poetry shit from a while back

>> No.19619505

congrats bro and merry xmas

>> No.19619524

I like your style, OP. Congratulations and I hope you continue to publish in the future.

>> No.19619533

congrats man, Merry Christmas from Eastern Europe

>> No.19619805

absolutely based. proud of u anon

>> No.19619822

this actually sounds based

>> No.19619833

actually kino

>> No.19620100

This is good.

It's about a priest in a town where children are going missing. Doesn't weigh in on one side or another but does examine how humans deal with faith in times of crisis.

Sounds great, I would like to know what it is called so I can pick up a copy.

>> No.19620107

congratulations anon

>> No.19620108

consider transgentrification

>> No.19620136

Enjoy getting blacklisted as soon as a publisher finds out you posted the racism frog on the nazi website

>> No.19620157 [DELETED] 

waaay too try hard, could you name drop more shit in two paragraphs, jesus.

>> No.19620268

congratulations anon, remember this feeling

>> No.19620290

devalues your achievement desu. you're playing life on easy mode

>> No.19620361

you ever read that greentext about the guy who couldn't get published for years until he took a minority woman sounding pseudonym?

>> No.19620802

>believing greentexts

>> No.19620817

the media lies to me more than greentexts ever have

>> No.19620847
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Congrats anon

>> No.19620853

>mostly verifiable and sometimes editorializes vs completely made up
wanna know how I know you're american

>> No.19620872
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This is a well written excerpt and I am super fucking excited for you anon. Nice job desu.

>> No.19620878

>In my experience, you first enter a kind of imitation phase, where everything you write is consciously or unconsciously modelled on whoever you're reading. But then that fades, you take what you need, and leave what you don't, and over time you develop your own voice and style that feels really natural. But to get there you have to read.
Best advice you might get from a /lit/izen

>> No.19620943
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>> No.19621011


bro fuck off you nonce

>> No.19621568

This is pretty good. Congrats anon!

>> No.19621635

Why don't you use semi colons?

>> No.19621806

this actually sounds and reads pretty kino
Congrats you’ve made it. Did you have a second job during all this?

>> No.19621884
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Congrats OP.

>> No.19623361

Last paragraph reads like Ready Player One for literature graduates.

>> No.19624305


except you are young and worked hard for a long time and clearly have natural talent. we are not all going to make it. in fact, almost none of us will.

>> No.19624943
File: 886 KB, 1400x788, stephen-king.by-shane-leonard_wide-f9df986f26c8d66ecb63cf8e49bded6360cbd9d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i am happy for you, but this just sounds like a shitty version of steven king

>> No.19624959

>>19624943<span class="fortune" style="color:#2d53fc">

Your fortune: You're standing under the mistletoe![/spoiler]

>> No.19625007

You had short stories out, you've been published already. What's the big deal with this one?

>> No.19625018

a whole novel being published is a much bigger deal than a short story being published. it's a very different type of work too, and a very different type of achievement. not to mention that most places that publish short stories are just online magazines. to have a whole print dedicated to your work ... very different.

>> No.19625087

>tfw my self esteem is low enough that I'd make a thread like this if I got a story in an online only magazine which nobody reads

>> No.19626068


>> No.19626963

Nice. If this is the level it takes to get published, I should quit right now

>> No.19627235

Congratulations, mate. It's rare to see such positivity in this shithole. Good work.

>> No.19627290

Very proud of you anon, this sounds absolutely fantastic. Oh and never forget that we made you.

>> No.19627292

anon it's sad to hear you are getting punished, hope the best for you!

>> No.19627400

Absolutely and undeniable right.
>This is why people (bla, insert some weird projection)
If you are posting 2 paragraphs on 4chan of all places, trying to 'feel good' from the praise of teenagers or 30yo manchildren, you are already quite garbage level personally.
Good that he is using a pen name, I guess.
And also the fact that it is not a long novel. I don't know what it is this rush of 'happiness' about someone getting published; you really dont know what world you are getting yourself into.
Many academics / professors write really valuable stuff that MAYBE will get 3-4 reviews on amazon, and then ceases to exist because sales simply don't hold up.
Nice little tale to tell to your children though "hey I wrote a book once", but thats it.

>> No.19627407

>write a story about why you should leave snakes in your garden
>they eat rodents and the rodents will chew up your roots
>publisher says that the snakes represent nazis and the rodents represent jews
>tells me my book can't get published

>> No.19627415

Is this larp ? How the fuck this happened to you. Care to elaborate ?

>> No.19627419

I just drew fucking pencil sketches and uploaded it to Amazon

>> No.19627423

Non subversive npc confirmed

>> No.19627424

Merry Christmas to you too Anon! Im happy for you

>> No.19627426

I strongly dislike this. It's impossible for me to read the mention of "oblique references" in a paragraph peppered with them as anything but irony. Maybe I lack context, but it seems to me to be an unaware kind of irony – the worst kind. The descriptions are nice and flow well, but the overly referential content of the section crosses deep across the border into the realm of overt self-reverence. To be clear, I'm talking about authorial self-indulgence here, not on the part of the narrator. It seems like you've decided to write for stuffy, officious fags of the sort whose eyes light up and cocks get hard at the implementation of their favorite fetish: knowledge.

>> No.19627443

Well, at least you uploaded to amazon. You are more successful than op in my eyes.

>> No.19627454

People asked him to post an excerpt moron. And your obsession with sales figures shows you lack the soul of an artist and will never make it in any creative sense

Again, a lot for you to take from two paragraphs, but there are still plenty ITT who like it, and OP already said he knows it won't be to everyone's taste. That's what's great about art, it doesn't really matter whether you like it or not, and OP shouldn't really be concerned if everyone hates it.

If you're reading, OP, just follow your vision regardless of what people say. Joyce couldn't find a publisher for dubliners, people called Ulysses pretentious, people hated Moby Dick and Melville died penniless. Write what you feel you have to, even if only a single person would ever read it. Write because you feel you have something true to say (it sounds already like you do) rather than because you want to 'make bank' or gain popularity. I already hugely respect your desire to use a pen name which shows you're not in it for 'dude fame lmao'.

And FWIW I loved the extract too, and have sent you an email also.

>> No.19627457

I can understand people not liking the extract but if you think self-pub on amazon is in any way more successful than being traditionally published by a decent house you are straight up in denial

>> No.19627478

>the eternal bitterness of /lit/
>ynr the thread a while back where anon had submitted some poems to a journal and got 200 seething replies

>> No.19627484

>And your obsession with sales figures shows you lack the soul of an artist and will never make it in any creative sense
Obsession with sales ? I'm literally just saying that sales are needed for people who write out of stone-cold poverty.
You live in this idealism of hope, but many people writing inside hellish slums from poor countries are already doing more than some random british bloke. Or poor professors, people who only live by writing, etcc
Literally narrowed world-view, can't blame though, it is 4chan after all.

>> No.19627487

>Again, a lot for you to take from two paragraphs
What excerpts would you post from your own work? You'd choose the parts you're most proud of. You'd choose an excerpt you think represents the best of what you can do, especially if you're trying to prove your credibility like OP is. That kind of indulgent quasi-formalism is incredibly trite and a bad look on anyone without a healthy dose of humility.

>> No.19627488
File: 41 KB, 865x452, clark_gable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no skin in this thread OP but the fact these two paragraphs have generated so many replies and such a degree of polarisation, with anons either really loving or really hating it, assures me that your novel will do well regardless. The vast majority of schlock posted here or even published irl is very difficult to feel strongly about one way or another.

I personally love it. Best of luck to you, and Merry Christmas.

>> No.19627494

OP already said they have a well-paying full time job, so I think it's irrelevant here. Most people who wrote anything of note were upper-class and/or wealthy enough that they had creative freedom.

>> No.19627502

Yeah, but everyone from here will either not read or just pirate the stuff and read 10 lines, then throw the pdf file on the paste bin.
Assuming it gets pirated

>> No.19627507

>Most people who wrote anything of note were upper-class and/or wealthy enough that they had creative freedom.

Ooh boy, too much idiocy. Im leaving here, have fun.

>> No.19627520

That said, as a disclaimer, I am jealous. I am acknowledging my jealousy. In its acknowledgement, I'd like to differentiate my criticism from my jealousy in full cognizance of the idea that many might think I'm unable to do so. I am able to do so. I am primed to dislike this passage because I have strong beliefs against the fetishization of knowledge. I hate that other people are—as I see it—susceptible to it. I think these people are fags who couch a hidden, puerile joy at feeling like members of the club of "people who know who Goethe was" in a veneer of erudition ergo membership in the faggy establishment of Academia.

I hope I'm wrong, but my gut says that OP's writing has very little to do with the writers he's referencing. Rather, it likely has much more to do with the lifestyles of people who are aware of the writers he's referencing. It reads to me like crashing the circle-jerk party with a copy of Faust in one hand and your hard cock in the other, fully edged and ready to cum.

I hate writing that stands on pomp and decorum and the semiotics of status and success rather than a successful writing itself. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I really, really fucking hate this kind of writing.

>> No.19627521

Tolstoy, Proust, Nabokov, Pushkin, Cervantes, Montaigne, Dante, Chekhov, Balzac, Stendhal, Austen, Cicero... The list goes on. There are always exceptions of course like Dostoevsky or Joyce but on the whole the free time that comes from independent wealth coupled with first-class education produces the best talent. And if you truly believe that some unschooled guttersnipe from the slums of Delhi has written anything worth reading then you should seriously question who is really naive.

>> No.19627525

It should great self-awareness and strength of character to admit jealousy, and regardless of your personal taste in literature it tells me you have a good chance of making it in whatever path you choose. Merry Christmas.

>> No.19627528

I am defused. Merry Christmas, anon.

>> No.19627534

I think you need to look up some biographies of the names you randomly are choosing to put just to win some half-assed argument on 4chan.

>> No.19627585
File: 3.19 MB, 1574x2000, 1608665340632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, well, well. It's OP here. I haven't posted since the day I made the thread and assumed it had died. I certainly had no idea the extract I posted would be so polarising.

To the many anons who have congratulated me, enjoyed the extract, and sent me emails enquiring after the finished work - I appreciate it. 4chan, and /lit/ in particular, really did contribute to my intellectual development, for better or worse. After a while you feel you get old, and, especially if you've studied literature at a higher level, you start to feel less satisfied with the discussion that takes place. But I will always love it here for those personal reasons.

Anons who hate my extract - I entirely respect your right to do so. One thing I really hate is the compulsion to read a book you find dreadful, stuffy, pretentious, or any combination of the above, purely out of a desire to become more erudite. I confess I have never finished the Aeneid for this reason.

In this sentiment I feel I am actually closely aligned to the view of >>19627520 and of all the criticisms ITT it is this I wish to address. My writing - whether short stories, or my forthcoming novel - is in no way the sort you suppose. I understand exactly the sort of writing you are talking about. On the contrary, a key theme of my novel is the subjection of intellectualism to, not exactly the life of the emotions, but the life of the soul, to that mystical uncertainty termed negative capability by Keats and the cloud of unknowing by the mystic. In the case of the extract I posted - two paragraphs chosen, in all honesty, at random - the references are in character for the narrator (which is all I will share) and also fitting as a manner of characterising her parents, who are together an ex-doctoral student of German literature and a devoted Catholic.

The narrator of the short story is very much caught in an existence of pure intellectualism, and her almost complete divorce from the irrational side of her being ultimately casts the story as tragic.

Once again, thank you all for your support, since I'm still learning my craft and fumbling very much with keys in the dark. I'm only 25. But I am very proud of my acomplishments; and, above all, I felt I had something unique to say, which I had arrived at independently and which I have not seen expressed in any piece of literature I have come across before. I felt a strong need to write it, and couldn't abandon the project even when the difficulties and stresses and my own turbulent self-image led me to abandon it for months. Now it is finished, and for all its flaws I have said what I intended to say. That is what I wanted. I seek neither money nor fame nor any other kind of success as a writer beyond saying what I wanted to say as best I could. But I will, of course, be pleased to see my own creation when I walk into a bookshop.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all, and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families.

>> No.19627597

You did what was right here. Dont know if frogposting on 4chan or using the net for such things is the right way. But a majority of us would do better to quit these places. But, can't do much, you need to look and invest in some kind of social presence if you want to be a writer nowadays. Especially if you want the high brow hollywoodian screenwriter scene (much money on it).

>> No.19627598
File: 10 KB, 199x253, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGMI... Just kidding! Congrats again and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and yours too.

>> No.19627628

850 ?

>> No.19627630

>someone will complain my sentences are too long
I have no problem with long sentences, but I do think the following reads better in part because of the pause it imposes:
>He'd reply that it was alright, sometimes, to feel pain, that sometimes it was a pleasure. Well, not a pleasure, he'd say quickly, he didn't want to sound masochistic, etc.
In speech, there would be an abruptness that ending the sentence helps to emulate, as it is very rare that someone would smoothly revise what they've just said without missing a beat.
One other thing that I think is an improvement: in 'though Demian and Steppenwolf...' 'though' seems awkward to me; I would've ended the sentence at 'sensibilities', cut 'though', and perhaps added a word so it would read
>Demian and Steppenwolf and the rest were pushed aversively to the very end of the shelf, beneath a huge hardback copy of Augustine's City of God.
All in all, fine stuff (and believe me, I'd be merciless if I thought it was warranted).

>> No.19627638

Good advice here.

>> No.19627705

A 25yo frogposter pretentious writer.
This site is something else.

>> No.19627727

I personally wouldn't come at experiential truths—apophatic truths—from the angle of academic learning and knowledge, but maybe that's just my own approach. I much prefer that of Joyce. With Finnegans Wake, I believe he provided the only direct doorway to that place in which you can only exist for a while, and from which you can take nothing back. This is entirely unsubstantiable, but I believe the trajectory of his work is the progressive repudiation of intellectualism and academic thought and analysis and cognition in their entirety. If we're talking about the same concept, the one which largely defies discussion, and maybe the single concept humans can't bring into language—be it God, brahman, nirvana, whatever—then if nothing else, I admire the attempt. I think Joyce's work can be taken as the grandest of all possible literary failures in this scope. If he failed, what can the rest of us do?

Best of luck, anon.

>> No.19627741

I don't know what's with the amount of replies, but I don't think this stuff is special at all. Sounds like you stopped every second to look if your author references were right to sound intelligent
>t. once upon a time publisher/ghostw

>> No.19627745

Personally, every character I've ever written is based on a frog or wojak permutation. Every single character has, at his or her core, the image of a frog or little white man driving their actions.

>> No.19627775

Merry Christmas anon, I hope I will soon join you in the category of published /lit/izens.

I confess I feel the same way about the Aeneid (although I had to read it for school) and also about how /lit/ has helped my intellectual development. I wouldn't understand people nearly so well if I didn't have access to this place with all its extremes of character and intellect.

>> No.19627831

>These people saying that /lit/ contributed to your intellectual development
And you guys are writers ?

You do know it is all trolling, right ? /lit/ is full of isolated weird people trapped on their bedrooms almost 24/7. Might have some majority of lazy workers or pigs who like to indulge in childish trolling. It is not composed by real writers or the 'normal' mass consumption sane adult people; hell, anyone who is making some real money.
Hell, even female thots from twitter must browse this place.
Completely delusional 20-30 4channers.

>> No.19627849

>isolated weird people trapped on their bedrooms almost 24/7
What do you think writers are anon?

>> No.19627855

I personally found the various charts here great springboards for actually exploring the Canon, and the type of discussion around literature, philiosophy, theology and history was a complete breath of fresh air when I came here 5 years ago, aged 19. I think the quality of discussion was better then, too. Or maybe I've just grown older and want more now, like OP said. But I used to work in a place with tons of dudebros who drank every paycheck on a Friday night and didn't care for anything beyond the latest fashions or the next hookup. So to find a place where there was a degree of intellectual enquiry, however attenuated and perverse, was like a liferaft. Hence why I'm still here after 5 years lol

>> No.19627886

>anyone who is making some real money
I'll take the company of weirdos and hermits over CITIZEN IN PURSUIT OF MONETARY COMPENSATION #274636836, thank you very much. Enjoy your money though!

>> No.19627888

Just a big samefag campaign, don't be surprised if he returns like some sort of celebrity for another thread

>> No.19627890

>having a handful of short stories published helps
>Just get short stories published bro, works every time

>> No.19627895
File: 1.37 MB, 940x1005, 62444F08-1558-4285-9DA4-ED24176104E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you come here to post about it? Isn’t that what Twitter and Facebook is for?

>> No.19627924


>> No.19627938

Why do you protect OP so? Surely backlash and crabbing is to be expected from the anime website.

>> No.19627956

They will hate you for talking the truth.

>> No.19627962

>People on this board have no fucking idea how easy it is to get published. I mean, yeah, it's comparatively hard, and most of the """""writers""""" here are shit so they won't make it. But if you're half-decent and target your agent and publisher effectively then you should be OK. Just take a look at recent releases this last month across the major publishing houses and dip into them next time you're in a bookstore. Read some of the prose. you'll feel good about yourself.
>on /lit/ people think you have to be an LGBTQ disabled immigrant writing exclusively about women's issues and transgender rights with a huge social media following to even have a shot. it's complete bullshit used to excuse their own mediocrity.

See >>19627831

>> No.19628162

Congratulations! I hope to get where you're at next year. Or the one after that. Or the one after that...

>> No.19628989

>crashing the circle-jerk party with a copy of Faust in one hand and your hard cock in the other, fully edged and ready to cum

>> No.19629025

Congrarulations, Anon. I am glad for you, even if you are a frogposter.
I'm also getting published in a few weeks, so I genuinely believe that, yes, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.19629194

So in other words you wrote something that a smooth brain female agent can understand. Good job.

>> No.19629197

why are pink niggers such pussies

>> No.19629198

Imagine going to school to learn how to write LOL

>> No.19629200

nice! gratz! sounds like an interesting work, too.

>> No.19629206

Let's be honest, you're probably a faggot and so is your writing since an agent decided to get you published.

>> No.19629261

Cope with your failure. The publishing world isn't this big bad woke Jewish machine like you think, you just tell yourself that to make yourself feel better about the fact you would never be good enough to actually get a novel in a proper bookstore. Self pubs are the ultimate cringe and everyone rolls their eyes at you in sympathy when they hear it

>> No.19629291

No, YOU cope with whatever shit you write. Giving everyone a story about "oh i'm so smart since I was 5 I got published." Nobody cares about your Oprah show. No new talented and self respecting author is getting a major publisher without checking the jew machine boxes. Imagine living in 2021 and believing this. I bet you take your booster shots too. Anyone with any talent is self publishing or they already made it when publishers were better off 10-20 years ago.

>> No.19629313

Holy shit I'm genuinely happy for you anon. Come back here when the book is out and has been for little while and tell us how the whole process went for you.
Also I didn't expect to but really enjoy the writing you posted. You're gonna make it.

>> No.19629325 [DELETED] 

>111 posters
>229 replies

Ok, now this thread reeks of suspicion.
This is all unironic posting right ?

>> No.19629352

wait, anon are you serious? lmfao but also sieg heil hitler was right
>the wicked man runneth when none persues
no way actually not even memeing, the jew perceived that speaking about rodents who eat garden roots was an allegory about jews?

>> No.19629384

I'm not particularly fond of this passage. I'm actually a little surprised it has gotten such high praise here. It does sound like you're trying to pack as much references as you can in as little as space as possible. The metaphors are also a bit weird for me, e.g. "the whites speckled like a welsummer egg". How many people have seen or can imagine a welsummer egg? My heartful request is to focus more on eternal truths rather than what books some chap has in his home.

>> No.19629523

welsummer eggs are very common in the uk, though i doubt very many people know what they are called

>> No.19629573


>> No.19629587

Those are just normal free-range eggs in Britain and Ireland. I had to look up the term welsummer, but it's an image anyone from this part of the world knows. A less self-conscious writer would just have said "speckled like an egg".

>> No.19629588

Yeah, I googled to see what 'welsummer' means and it's apparently a species of chicken from the Netherlands. Did you like the passage yourself and if yes, why?

>> No.19629597

Yeah, i can see that. I didn't know those eggs were called 'welsummer' lol.

>> No.19629649

It's almost always better to use precise terms. We have words for a reason.

The seethe in this thread is absurd.

>> No.19629686

I've eaten thousand of those eggs and have never heard the word welsummer in my life. You'd have to be very self-conscious about eggs to dig up a word like that.

> Americans with their white factory-farmed eggs would never understand this simile; I must clarify the egg varietal.

>> No.19629698

relax bro it's just some light criticism

>> No.19629710

please post your top 5 novels (or just 5 novels you like/recommend)
you too

>> No.19629720

Brainlet take

Delusional, tinfoil, mediocre crab

I'm British and I immediately knew what welsummer eggs were. I bet you shop at fucking sainsburys you prole.

>> No.19629728

i find that op's version conveys 'missing a beat' better with that semicolon followed by an 'or'

>> No.19629748

yes we'd all like to conjure up a big fucking doorstopper out of thin air but you gotta start someplace

>> No.19629749
File: 768 KB, 939x638, 1605573471399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolute kino. The ratio of people who love it vs hate it ITT is roughly 85/15, which is the sweet spot you want. Any more people loving it and it would feel artificial and insincere. More hating it and the controversy detracts from the work.

You are an incredibly fucking talented writer and I'm stoked to read a full-length novel from you. Could you post something else? I emailed you also

>> No.19629750

Can you actually muster up a somewhat more substantial reply to my mildly critical post instead of merely snubbing it with a few buzzwords?

>> No.19629764

I think he means that getting short stories published is as much an unattainable fantasy as getting anything more substantial published

>> No.19629770

Stop bud, you're not fooling anybody

>> No.19629780

Since it's Christmas, sure. I assume you're the first poster. If the whole story had as many references as that I do think it would be trying, but based on the context of OPs other posts I see no reason not to believe that they haven't been included for a reason. A reason relevant both the the narrator and the characters.

In terms of the egg, idk man, it sounds fucking lovely to me. I googled it, sure, and immediately clicked with the image. I don't recognise a lot of words in Joyce or Henry James or any of those other evocative writers but the syllables, the rhythm of it, Idk, it goes together and does things to me in a way that poetry usually does. So in this case I do like it.

>> No.19629785

Seethe. Reply to both me and OP I dare you. You're just too small to recognise talent in someone else. Maybe you will when you're older

>> No.19629805
File: 27 KB, 508x524, 1611587703796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fucker. I know who you are. Are you JH, or just posting his shit and LARPing?

>> No.19629822

This whole thread reeks of suspicion. I don't know, it just smells fucking bad.
I will ask again, it is all ironic post right ?

>113 posters
>250 replies

>> No.19629836

Thank you for taking the time to properly respond to my post.
>If the whole story had as many references as that I do think it would be trying, but based on the context of OPs other posts I see no reason not to believe that they haven't been included for a reason. A reason relevant both the the narrator and the characters.
I don't know the reason for why OP included all those references in the excerpt, so I can't conclude whether or not their inclusion was justified in light of the whole story. I can only go off on what I have before my eyes and my opinion is that the references appear strained and affected given the context.
>In terms of the egg, idk man, it sounds fucking lovely to me. I googled it, sure, and immediately clicked with the image. I don't recognise a lot of words in Joyce or Henry James or any of those other evocative writers but the syllables, the rhythm of it, Idk, it goes together and does things to me in a way that poetry usually does. So in this case I do like it.
I do indeed like the prose and I can see why you would like how OP was able to write an excerpt whose flow never really breaks. I think the reason for the discrepancy in judgement between me and the others is that we seek different things from literature — I primarily seek profound thoughts and well-written analyses of human character whilst others place a very high emphasis on style and technique. That's not to say that they ignore this aspect of literature, it's just that they do not consider it to be the first and foremost criterion of great literature.

>> No.19629837

This excerpt is good shit anon, I’m proud of you. Merry Christmas.

>> No.19629859

Actual good criticism beyond the style. A few people will notice.
Wait what, is this fake ?

>> No.19629868

Yeah I mean it's fine writing but all these replies just to say "congrats" or acting like a 300-word passage is a revelatory work of art, not buying it for a second.

>> No.19629887

You can't truly read a writer by a page of out-of-context prose, and this prose is nothing special. There is no realistic way that this many anons see something in it with relatively little criticism, especially considering how vulnerable it is to being criticized. I don't know what the angle is here (maybe he truly did get published and just wants to keep the thread alive for validation, maybe something worse) but something is up.

>> No.19629895
File: 460 KB, 1080x1324, Screenshot_20211225_112212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is OP again. The thread has been very amusing and I have enjoyed reading your opinions a lot, including the criticisms. I have not samefagged at all during the course of this discussion, either - OP may be a faggot, but this faggot still retains a shred of self-respect. For those of you who have enjoyed my writing, I'm very glad.

As I said in the earlier post, I was not expecting this thread to be so polarising. I also completely understand why all the references in that extract grate. It was a poor choice maybe.

Since the thread is almost at bump limit, here is another taste from an earlier draft of what my writing style might look like without those references. It's from the same short story that is being published in a journal in the spring. I look forward to seeing this absolutely decimated by you wonderful bastards as well.

Well, this is a little worrying. I am JH. Are you from the Y?

>> No.19629897

Are we getting raided?

>> No.19629908

You know how to write in the same way that Richard Powers knows how to write.

It is clear that you are smart and can formulate an effectively meandering sentence, but whoever published you is in the game of mutual masturbation over recognition in the names you've dropped. Post another snippet of this story.

>> No.19629921

Actually I'm JH, ignore that guy

>> No.19629927


I don't know why I have received so many replies, perhaps Christmas goodwill has something to do with it, but not one of them has been from me. There may be a small group who are being persistent for some unknown reason, or maybe for the sake of conflict. I like to think it is because they enjoy my style and want to show support. I am a positive individual and truly do think most determined writers here will make it. We'll all get there bros.

I like this question. Hmm. To the Lighthouse, Middlemarch, Diary of a Country Priest, Brideshead Revisited, and Hamlet.

>> No.19629932

I just did so here anon :-)

Will monitor thread for a while

>> No.19629934

/lit/ wasn't always a women- and jew-hating cesspit full of zoomer tradcaths, unabomber larpers and stormfront astroturfers. you'd know this if you weren't an election tourist, so i see how even the barest possible minimum of good vibes must be completely alien to you

>> No.19629935

This excerpt is more to my liking, especially the first paragraph. Although there are still weird similes like 'he hissed like a mongoose' lol. The second paragraph sounded a bit like something from a YA novel (curse words, family drama, talk of birth control and condoms, etc.). But this was better than the first excerpt

>> No.19629938

It's TD from grandpont house. Never knew you lurked here. Sent you a DM!

>> No.19629940


>> No.19629948

>implying 4chan was le ebin wholesome site :) in the past

>> No.19629951


>> No.19629959

Oops, you said novels. Then Anna Karenina. I prefer it to W&P. Or, if you want something shorter, Darkness at Noon. Or, if you want something more modern, A Heart So White.

>> No.19629965

not at all as a whole, no, but ten years ago you could actually talk about all sorts of different books and writers on here

>> No.19629970

Good writing and attuned vocabulary. Not exactly what I look for in reading something. I dont like the whole premise of father and son, or family problems, i dont know. Felt some disconnection to your work. Kind of weird for me or alien. Hmmm. Somewhat displaced... sheesh

>> No.19629975

There was still a remnant of goodwill. It wasn't all /b/. Well past the whole PUDDI business there was a real camaraderie which has since given into cynicism and irony, like the rest of the world. I miss when being pleased for someone else was seen as a normal human response. Not every reply to OPs excerpt is sucking his dick for technical achievement.

>> No.19629982

you still can, as shown by this thread, it's just that people tend to be more critical than on reddit

>> No.19629984

You people are from Oxford Community ?

>> No.19629986
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I respect that it's not to your taste, anon, and wish you all the best.

>> No.19629994

The amount of cliche' you've gotten away with is concerning.

Am I making my writing less approachable by avoiding cliche?

This reads well. Congrats on getting pubbed.

>> No.19629996

>I miss when being pleased for someone else was seen as a normal human response
don't be so dramatic my dude, 90% of the responses here are positive and are cherished for being so

>> No.19629997

Anon-kun, how critical are agents/editors of work to be published? Will they rake you over the coals on every aspect and make you change a bunch of stuff? is it like defending a phd thesis?

>> No.19630025
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>op is a fucking bootstrappy oxfordfag
bros......we're not gonna make it after all

>> No.19630035

Oh no! Which clichés do you notice, anon?

My agent was quite critical and had me remove an (admittedly self-indulgent) discussion concerning monarchy in Britain. The publisher has made no comments at all but I have yet to meet with their editor. Looks like it will be over zoom thanks to omicron. I understand that, at this stage, I can stand up for different bits if I really want them in there.

>> No.19630050

Not as big a fan of this excerpt. Feels less polished. I'm not really for or against the large amount of name-dropping in the first, I just assumed it pertained to the character(s) in the story. Where the 2nd excerpt ends probably works better for showing randoms and it's still good, just not as good for me.

>> No.19630053

I have spoken to that anon outside of here. I am hesitant to share too many details of my personal life as you can imagine, but I did not go to Oxford University. I completed my degree online while working. I'm not working class, but I'm in no way 'elite' or ivory tower in any sense of the words.

>> No.19630059

>Fucking retarded friend of OP is doxxing him and OP

writers are not that precautious, are they ?

>> No.19630060

It no longer reads like you used the /lit/ catalog page as a writing prompt.

Your writing looks like you did a find and replace on all quotation marks and removed them. It's not a prose style that breaks the boundaries of quotation marks.

>> No.19630066
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thanks anon, i feel a little better now

>> No.19630072

It's just OP trying to make a lolcow out of himself.

>> No.19630081

Tell me about it

Nor did I for the first excerpt, anon. All references are included for a reason, like I said. Also the reason there are few speech marks in the story is because they are the memories and delusions of a very ill woman. Think Bolano's By Night in Chile.

Since the short story has already been accepted, I would be happy to send the full thing to anyone who does like my writing if you simply email me and ask.

>> No.19630092

Me in the back.

>> No.19630094

>I would be happy to send the full thing to anyone who does like my writing if you simply email me and ask.
gibs email pls desu.

>> No.19630101

alexanderduggan at hotmail dot co dot uk

>> No.19630116
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op do you like the stone roses

>> No.19630123

Have sent you le' email.

>> No.19630164

Upon rereading I'm realizing I'm nitpicking out of jealousy. Here's the big one.
>Threatening to overflow

You have a habit of layering abstractions that is distinctly regional. It's obvious you are from the UK. I doubt you'd get away with 'pearl of my loathing' on to the 'ammunition' metaphor with a US publisher.

It's good. Long-winded and meandering, but good.

>> No.19630165
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My music taste is abysmal, anon. Spotify unwrapped placed soundtrack as my most listened genre unironically.

Since I am flattered to have received six emails asking for the story already I have decided to just dump the first part here. I hope some of you enjoy it, and that you do not find the references too egregious. Again, this is an earlier draft, but it's very close to what is being published in the new year.

>> No.19630182
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>> No.19630190
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>> No.19630196
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>> No.19630206
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>> No.19630223
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And that's all I'll post of my writing, anons. The thread will die soon. For those of you who liked my writing, it means more than you know. For those who hated it, thank you for keeping me on my toes, looking for ways to improve. Whoever you are, I wish you a Merry Christmas, and the positivity present in the thread was touching to see regardless.

Again - we're all gonna make it!

>> No.19630231

what software do you use ?

>> No.19630241


>> No.19630274

i remember this from /wg/. i even gave you some crit about not over-using polysyndeton and cutting some unnecessary dialog. seems like you actually look it (afaict). good job on getting published. your story is not my cup of tea (just doesn't have that quality of surprise/suspense to make me keep reading) and i still think it's overwritten in some places but i can see why some people might like it.

>> No.19630276
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I really enjoyed this, anon. The references definitely felt better in context. Thanks for sharing it with us. It definitely makes a change from the usual threads.

>> No.19630283

Very eloquent; just not my thing somehow

>> No.19630389

thanks OP

>> No.19630429

I've been trying to write more seriously for the last few months after years of being exclusively a filmmaker, and this thread is really inspiring me to dedicate myself to it for the long term. Congratulations OP and Merry Christmas.

>> No.19631179


>> No.19631275

>an anon from /wg/ made it
Finally. Ammunition against the publisherfags

>> No.19631312

The story seems pretty anti-religious from the snippets he's posted. Rich/poor white/cuban dichotomy played out. Hints of negativity towards the power dynamic with the father.

This is more ammunition for the publisherfags if you ask me.

>> No.19631390

cry more christcuck

>> No.19632009

So? Who gives a shit in the age of the internet where trannies and mentally ill teens can get published through Wattpad

>> No.19632730

The Fox and the Grapes